Efficient Au/ZnO composite materials for indoor photocatalytic degradation of NO2 pollutant under low UV-A irradiation
Kevin Castelló Lux
Julie Hot
V. Collière
Myrtil L Kahn
Alexandra Bertron
Journal articles
Comparative evaluation of laboratory methods for performance assessment of cementitious materials in wastewater networks: Biological and chemical tests versus field exposure
Alexandra Bertron
Cyrill Grengg
Matthieu Peyre-Lavigne
Holger Wack
Gregor J.G. Gluth
Journal articles
Biogalvanic cathodic protection applied to a large-scale laboratory pilot concrete pier: influence of the bioanodic surface, tidal variations and temperature
Julie Dubuit
Alexandra Bertron
Stéphane Laurens
Luc Etcheverry
Fabien Nougarolles
Journal articles
Short-term interactions of concrete, biofilm, and seawater in the submerged zone of marine environments for sustainable floating offshore wind turbines
Deeksha Margapuram
Marie Salgues
Raphaël Lami
Benjamin Erable
Michel Groc
Journal articles
Chemo-mechanical characterization of a low-pH model cement paste in magnesium bearing environment
Charlotte Dewitte
Laurie Lacarriere
Mejdi Neji
Alexandra Bertron
Alexandre Dauzères
Journal articles
Effect of test related factors on the degradation of cement-based materials on acetic acid exposure
Chinnu Mariam Ninan
Ramaswamy K P
Alexandra Bertron
Sajeeb R
Journal articles
Coexistence of anodic and cathodic reactions at the scale of a single microbial electrode elucidated by coupling experimental, analytical and numerical approaches
Julie Dubuit
Alexandra Bertron
Fabrice Deby
Luc Etcheverry
Stéphane Laurens
Journal articles
New insights into aluminosilicate gel from acetic acid attack of hydrated Portland cement: Experimental and thermodynamic characterization
Cédric Roosz
Marie Giroudon
Laurie Lacarrière
Matthieu Peyre Lavigne
Cédric Patapy
Journal articles
Biogalvanic cathodic protection of reinforced concrete structures in marine environments
Julie Dubuit
S. Laurens
Alexandra Bertron
David Garcia
Luc Etcheverry
Journal articles
Fungal contamination of building materials and the aerosolization of particles and toxins in indoor air and their associated risks to health: a review
Mohamad Al Hallak
Thomas Verdier
Alexandra Bertron
Christine Roques
Jean-Denis Bailly
Journal articles
Biogeochemical interactions between aged cementitious materials and sulfate reducing microbial community with propionate as electron donor in the context of nuclear waste repository
Nadège Durban
Alexandra Bertron
Vanessa Sonois-Mazars
Maud Schiettekatte
Gerald Matar
Journal articles
Comparison of Photocatalytic Biocidal Activity of TiO2, ZnO and Au/ZnO on Escherichia coli and on Aspergillus niger under Light Intensity Close to Real-Life Conditions
Mohamad Al Hallak
Thomas Verdier
Alexandra Bertron
Kevin Castelló Lux
Ons El Atti
Journal articles
Nano-gold decorated ZnO: An alternative photocatalyst promising for NOx degradation
Kevin Castelló Lux
Julie Hot
Pierre Fau
Alexandra Bertron
Myrtil L Kahn
Journal articles
Chemical and Microstructural Properties of Designed Cohesive M-S-H Pastes
Charlotte Dewitte
Alexandra Bertron
Mejdi Neji
Laurie Lacarriere
Alexandre Dauzeres
Journal articles
The fate of tetrathionate during the development of a biofilm in biogenic sulfuric acid attack on different cementitious materials
Amr Aboulela
Matthieu Peyre Lavigne
Tony Pons
Mansour Bounouba
Maud Schiettekatte
Journal articles
Nano-Structuration of WO3 Nanoleaves by Localized Hydrolysis of an Organometallic Zn Precursor: Application to Photocatalytic NO2 Abatement
Kevin Castello Lux
Katia Fajerwerg
Julie Hot
Erick Ringot
Alexandra Bertron
Journal articles
Laboratory assessment of the contribution of aggressive to concrete chemical compounds to the degradation of Portland cement-based materials during anaerobic digestion
Marie Giroudon
Matthieu Peyre Lavigne
Cédric Patapy
Alexandra Bertron
Journal articles
Using glycerol esters to prevent microbial growth on sunflower-based insulation panels
Thomas Verdier
Lesmie Balthazard
Mathilde Montibus
Camille Magniont
Philippe Evon
Journal articles
Laboratory Test to Evaluate the Resistance of Cementitious Materials to Biodeterioration in Sewer Network Conditions
Amr Aboulela
Matthieu Peyre Lavigne
Amaury Buvignier
Marlène Fourré
Maud Schiettekatte
Journal articles
Nitrate and nitrite bacterial reduction at alkaline pH and high nitrate concentrations, comparison of acetate versus dihydrogen as electron donors
Pierre Albina
Nadège Durban
Alexandra Bertron
Achim Albrecht
Jean-Charles Robinet
Journal articles
Blast-furnace slag cement and metakaolin based geopolymer as construction materials for liquid anaerobic digestion structures: Interactions and biodeterioration mechanisms
Marie Giroudon
Matthieu Peyre Lavigne
Cédric Patapy
Alexandra Bertron
Journal articles
Leaching of CEM III paste by demineralised or mineralised water at pH 7 in relation with aluminium release in drinking water network
Mathilde Berthomier
Christine Lors
Denis Damidot
Thomas de Larrard
Cyril Guérandel
Journal articles
Modelling of NO photocatalytic degradation in an experimental chamber
Julie Hot
Erick Ringot
Lounes Koufi
Alexandra Bertron
Journal articles
Characterization of the microbiome associated with in situ earthen materials
Alexis Simons
Alexandra Bertron
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Christophe Roux
Christine Roques
Journal articles
Adaptation of neutrophilic Paracoccus denitrificans to denitrification at highly alkaline pH
Pierre Albina
Nadège Durban
Alexandra Bertron
Maud Schiettekatte
Achim Albrecht
Journal articles
Nitrate and nitrite reduction activity of activated sludge microcosm in a highly alkaline environment with solid cementitious material
Nadège Durban
Vanessa Sonois-Mazars
Pierre Albina
Alexandra Bertron
Achim Albrecht
Journal articles
Cementitious materials in biogas systems: Biodeterioration mechanisms and kinetics in CEM I and CAC based materials
Célestine Voegel
Marie Giroudon
Alexandra Bertron
Cédric Patapy
Matthieu Peyre Lavigne
Journal articles
Recycled bio-sourced glycerol and diglycerol for asphalt release agents (ARA)
Peter Mikhailenko
Alexandra Bertron
Gildas Nyame Mendendy Boussambe
Romain Valentin
Zephirin Z. Mouloungui
Journal articles
Resistance to biodeterioration of aluminium-rich binders in sewer network environment: Study of the possible bacteriostatic effect and role of phase reactivity
Amaury Buvignier
Cédric Patapy
Matthieu Peyre Lavigne
Etienne Paul
Alexandra Bertron
Journal articles
Evaluation of microbial proliferation on cementitious materials exposed to biogas systems
Célestine Voegel
Nadège Durban
Alexandra Bertron
Yann Landon
Benjamin Erable
Journal articles
Influence of Hydrogen Electron Donor, Alkaline pH, and High Nitrate Concentrations on Microbial Denitrification: A Review
Pierre Albina
Nadège Durban
Alexandra Bertron
Achim Albrecht
Jean-Charles Robinet
Journal articles
Influence of dissolved aluminum concentration on sulfur-oxidizing bacterial activity in the biodeterioration of concrete
Amaury Buvignier
Matthieu Peyre-Lavigne
Orlane Robin
Mansour Bounouba
Cédric Patapy
Journal articles
Nitrate and nitrite reduction at high pH in a cementitious environment by a microbial microcosm
Nadège Durban
Yan Rafrafi
Athanasios Rizoulis
Achim Albrecht
Jean-Charles Robinet
Journal articles
Bacterial Biofilm Characterization and Microscopic Evaluation of the Antibacterial Properties of a Photocatalytic Coating Protecting Building Material
Thomas Verdier
Alexandra Bertron
Benjamin Erable
Christine Roques
Journal articles
In situ NO abatement by photocatalysis – study under continuous NO injection in a 10-m3 experimental chamber
Jivko Topalov
Julie Hot
Erick Ringot
Alexandra Bertron
Journal articles
Evaluation of the resistance of CAC and BFSC mortars to biodegradation: laboratory test approach
Amr Aboulela
Matthieu Peyre Lavigne
Cédric Patapy
Alexandra Bertron
Journal articles
Biodeterioration mechanisms and kinetics of SCM and aluminate based cements and AAM in the liquid phase of an anaerobic digestion
Marie Giroudon
Matthieu Peyre Lavigne
Cédric Patapy
Alexandra Bertron
Journal articles
Laboratory test to assess sensitivity of bio-based earth materials to fungal growth
Aurélie Laborel-Préneron
Kouka Amed Jérémy Ouedraogo
Alexis Simons
Matthieu Labat
Alexandra Bertron
Journal articles
Photocatalytic degradation of NO/NO2 gas injected into a 10-m(3) experimental chamber
Julie Hot
T. Martinez
B. Wayser
Erick Ringot
Alexandra Bertron
Journal articles
Use of a continuous-flow bioreactor to evaluate nitrate reduction rate of Halomonas desiderata in cementitious environment relevant to nuclear waste deep repository
Yan Rafrafi
Nadège Durban
Alexandra Bertron
Achim Albrecht
Jean-Charles Robinet
Journal articles
Investigation on Parameters Affecting the Effectiveness of Photocatalytic Functional Coatings to Degrade NO: TiO2 Amount on Surface, Illumination, and Substrate Roughness
Julie Hot
Jivko Topalov
Erick Ringot
Alexandra Bertron
Journal articles
Concrete alteration due to 55 years of exposure to river water: Chemical and mineralogical characterisation
Martin Rosenqvist
Alexandra Bertron
Katja Fridh
Manouchehr Hassanzadeh
Journal articles
Plant aggregates and fibers in earth construction materials: A review
Aurélie Laborel-Préneron
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Camille Magniont
C. Tribout
Alexandra Bertron
Journal articles
Monoglyceride to protect building materials against microbial proliferation
Thomas Verdier
Alexandra Bertron
Romain Valentin
Gildas Nyame Mendendy Boussambe
Zephirin Mouloungui
Journal articles
Innovative approach to simulating the biodeterioration of industrial cementitious products in sewer environment. Part II: Validation on CAC and BFSC linings
Matthieu Peyre Lavigne
Alexandra Bertron
Catherine Botanch
Lucas Auer
Guillermina Hernandez-Raquet
Journal articles
Determination of the performance and damage to asphalt of bio-sourced asphalt release agents (ARAs) part I: developing test methods
Peter Mikhailenko
Erick Ringot
Alexandra Bertron
Gilles Escadeillas
Journal articles
Mechanisms of cementitious material deterioration in biogas digester
Célestine Voegel
Alexandra Bertron
Benjamin Erable
Journal articles
Determination of the performance and damage to asphalt of bio-sourced asphalt release agents (ARAs) Part II: evaluation of biodegradable products for use as ARAs and bitumen removers (BRs)
Peter Mikhailenko
Alexandra Bertron
Erick Ringot
Gilles Escadeillas
Journal articles
Interactions between hydrated cement paste and organic acids: Thermodynamic data and speciation modeling
Laurent de Windt
Alexandra Bertron
Steeves Larreur-Cayol
Gilles Escadeillas
Journal articles
Biodeterioration of cementitious materials in biogas digester
Célestine Voegel
Alexandra Bertron
Benjamin Erable
Journal articles
Microorganisms-building materials interactions
Alexandra Bertron
F. Feugeas
Isabelle Frateur
Journal articles
Development of bio-based earth products for healthy and sustainable buildings: characterization of microbiological, mechanical and hygrothermal properties
Alexis Simons
Aurélie Laborel-Préneron
Alexandra Bertron
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Camille Magniont
Journal articles
Accelerated test design for biodeterioration of cementitious materials and products in sewer environments
M. Peyre Lavigne
Alexandra Bertron
Cédric Patapy
X. Lefebvre
E. Paul
Journal articles
Understanding interactions between cementitious materials and microorganisms: a key to sustainable and safe concrete structures in various contexts (vol 47, pg 1787, 2014)
Alexandra Bertron
Journal articles
Surface and bacterial reduction of nitrate at alkaline pH: Conditions comparable to a nuclear waste repository
Yan Rafrafi
Harifidy Ranaivomanana
Alexandra Bertron
Achim Albrecht
Benjamin Erable
Journal articles
An innovative approach to reproduce the biodeterioration of industrial cementitious products in a sewer environment. Part I: Test design
Matthieu Peyre Lavigne
Alexandra Bertron
Lucas Auer
Guillermina Hernandez-Raquet
Jean-Noel Foussard
Journal articles
A review of indoor microbial growth across building materials and sampling and analysis methods
Thomas Verdier
Marie Coutand
Alexandra Bertron
Christine Rogues
Journal articles
Halomonas desiderata as a bacterial model to predict the possible biological nitrate reduction in concrete cells of nuclear waste disposals
Marjorie Alquier
Caroline Kassim
Alexandra Bertron
Caroline Sablayrolles
Yan Rafrafi
Journal articles
Antibacterial Activity of TiO2 Photocatalyst Alone or in Coatings on E. coli: The Influence of Methodological Aspects
Thomas Verdier
Marie Coutand
Alexandra Bertron
Christine Roques
Journal articles
BTEX abatement by photocatalytic TiO2-bearing coatings applied to cement mortars
Thomas Martinez
Alexandra Bertron
Gilles Escadeillas
Erick Ringot
Valerie Simon
Journal articles
Reactivity of nitrate and organic acids at the concrete-bitumen interface of a nuclear waste repository cell
Alexandra Bertron
Nicolas Jacquemet
Benjamin Erable
Caroline Sablayrolles
Gilles Escadeillas
Journal articles
Understanding interactions between cementitious materials and microorganisms: a key to sustainable and safe concrete structures in various contexts
Alexandra Bertron
Journal articles
Algal growth inhibition on cement mortar: Efficiency of water repellent and photocatalytic treatments under UV/VIS illumination
Thomas Martinez
Alexandra Bertron
Gilles Escadeillas
Erick Ringot
Journal articles
Physico-chemical interactions at the concrete-bitumen interface of nuclear waste repositories
Alexandra Bertron
Harifidy Ranaivomanana
Nicolas Jacquemet
Benjamin Erable
Caroline Sablayrolles
Journal articles
Catalyse biotique et abiotique de la réduction des nitrates en milieu alcalin dans le contexte du stockage profond des déchets radioactifs
Alexandra Bertron
Benjamin Erable
Marjorie Alquier
Nicolas Jacquemet
Caroline Kassim
Journal articles
Nitrate reducing bacterial activity in concrete cells of nuclear waste disposal
Marjorie Alquier
Caroline Kassim
Alexandra Bertron
Yan Rafrafi
Caroline Sablayrolles
Journal articles
Degradation of cement-based materials by various organic acids in agro-industrial waste-waters
S. Larreur-Cayol
Alexandra Bertron
Gilles Escadeillas
Journal articles
Distribution spatiale de la porosité des matériaux cimentaires
Paul Sardini
Alexandra Bertron
Christelle de La Asunciòn-Parreira
Marja Siitari-Kauppi
Dimitri Pret
Journal articles
A new test method to assess the bacterial deterioration of cementitious materials
Camille Magniont
Marie Coutand
Alexandra Bertron
Xavier Cameleyre
Christine Lafforgue
Journal articles
Degradation of NO using photocatalytic coatings applied to different substrates
Thomas Martinez
Alexandra Bertron
Erick Ringot
Gilles Escadeillas
Journal articles
Processing of electron microprobe data from the analysis of altered cementitious materials
Alexandra Bertron
Gilles Escadeillas
P. de Parseval
J. Duchesne
Journal articles
Accelerated testing of biological stain growth on external concrete walls. Part 2: Quantification of growths
Gilles Escadeillas
Alexandra Bertron
Erick Ringot
Philippe Blanc
Arnaud Dubosc
Journal articles
Degradation of cement pastes by organic acids
Alexandra Bertron
J. Duchesne
Gilles Escadeillas
Journal articles
Accelerated testing of biological stain growth on external concrete walls. Part 1: Development of the growth tests
Gilles Escadeillas
Alexandra Bertron
Philippe Blanc
Arnaud Dubosc
Journal articles
Attack of cement pastes exposed to organic acids in manure
Alexandra Bertron
J. Duchesne
Gilles Escadeillas
Journal articles
Accelerated tests of hardened cement pastes alteration by organic acids: analysis of the pH effect
Alexandra Bertron
J. Duchesne
Gilles Escadeillas
Journal articles
Cement pastes alteration by liquid manure organic acids: chemical and mineralogical characterization
Alexandra Bertron
Gilles Escadeillas
J. Duchesne
Journal articles