Alexandra Magro
Current affiliations
- 1185086
- 301788
- 443875
Researcher identifiers
- ResearcherId : G-8328-2011
- IdRef : 088052885
- ResearcherId :
My main research interests lie in the area of the evolutionary ecology of predators. Within this field, I mainly work on the evolution of life-history strategies, in particular reproductive strategies, and chemical ecology. The organisms I’m interested in are ladybirds (Coccinellidae: Coleoptera), mainly those predating on aphids (Aphididae) and coccids (Coccoidea). In this context, I have acquired a large experience on the natural history of Coccinellidae, both in the field and the lab, and good knowledge on their systematics and phylogeny. I have currently two main research projects: the evolution of asexuality, and the evolution of colour. Subsidiarily, I have applied projects in the field of biological control of agricultural pests.
In the first years of my associate professor career (2000-2006) I was faced with a new field – teachers training in ecology (French agricultural secondary school system). The objective of the ecology national curriculum, following European regulations favouring sustainable agriculture, was to give pupils (future agricultural professionals) a better understanding of the environmental framework within which they would be working and a better appreciation of environmental questions. Although well intentioned, the curriculum was difficult to teach: teachers felted unable to link ecology concepts to the applied agricultural matters pupils were interested in and to motivate them. Therefore, I developed research projects on ecological education. Today, although my research activities are focused on ecology, I still devote time to a partnership with secondary school teachers to produce teaching resources for ecology education, often based on my own research projects in ecology. I believe this collaboration between research in ecology and ecology education, is essential to foster the adoption of agroecology practices by farmers, teachers and pupils
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Consequences of hybridization between invasive and biocontrol individuals of the harlequin ladybird Harmonia axyridis in FranceMeeting IOBC / WPRS “Harmonia axyridis and other ladybirds”, Sep 2009, Engelberg, Switzerland
Conference papers
Flower strips increase natural enemy abundances: experimental evidence across French agricultural fieldsColloque de la Société Française d’Écologie, Oct 2018, Rennes, France
Conference poster
Chemical ecology of an invasive speciesIOBC/WPRS. Harmonia Meeting, Sep 2009, Engelberg, Switzerland
Conference poster
Communications chimiques chez les coccinelles : étude de phylogénieMIEC-JIREC, May 2007, La Rochelle, France
Conference poster
5 séquences pédagogiques pour un apprentissage actif de l'EcologieEducagri éditions, 2022, Approches, 9791027503643
ENSEIGNER L'ÉCOLOGIE Une autre approche didactiqueEducagri éditions. 2011, Approches, 978-2-84444-839-2
Les pratiques de l'aménagement: de l'observation aux projetsEducagri Editions, 200 p., 2008, 978-2-84444-698-5
Les coccinellesDelachaux et Niestlé, 2005, 9782603013281
Quelle est la place des travaux pratiques dans l’enseignement de l’écologie?Travaux pratiques d’écologie: du terrain au laboratoire, experimenter pour comprendre l’écologie scientifique, Educagri éditions, 2015, 979-10-275-0019-2
Book sections
Decoding ladybird’s colours: structural mechanisms of colour production and pigment modulation2025
Preprints, Working Papers, ...