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Anne-Marie Barrault-Méthy
English senior lecturer,
U. Bordeaux, France,
Law Faculty/Languages Department
Research teams: UR15076 FoReLLIS U. Poitiers, EA4600 CERFAPS U. Bordeaux
Researcher identifiers
- IdRef : 052548481
- VIAF : 14938845
- ISNI : 0000000001650794
Rattachement principal: UR15076 FoReLLIS équipe A, Université de Poitiers
Rattachement secondaire: EA4600 CERFAPS, Université de Bordeaux
Thématiques de recherche: didactique, langue de spécialité, LANSAD, numérique, politique linguistique
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Transferring university language policyLes Cahiers FoReLLIS – Formes et Représentations en Linguistique, Littérature et dans les arts de l'Image et de la Scène, 2024
Special issue
Language variation in action: the Ludibrilang action-research projectLanguage Education and Research Conference (LERC 2023) : Language Variation and Educational Challenges: Didactics, Mathetics and Language, Oct 2023, Heraklion (CR), Greece
Conference papers
Defining the gaming profile of students of English for Legal PurposesSustainable Multilingualism, Institute of Foreign Languages of Vytautas Magnus University; Language Teachers' Association of Lithuania, Jun 2021, Kaunas, Lithuania
Conference papers
Defining the gaming profile of students of English for Legal Purposes. Sustainable MultilingualismSustainable Multilingualism, Institute of Foreign Languages of Vytautas Magnus University ; Language Teachers' Association of Lithuania, Jun 2021, Kaunas (Lithuania), Lithuania
Conference papers
English for Legal Purposes across languages, cultures and societies: a language policy approach9th LKPA and 3rd VMU IFL international conference “Sustainable Multilingualism: Language, Culture and Society”, Vytautas Magnus University, May 2015, Kaunas, Lithuania
Conference papers
What language policy for European universities? Debates and controversies between the European Union, the Council of Europe and universitiesDiscours d’Europe, discours sur l’Europe Quand polémiques et controverses s’en(m)mêlent… Discourses of and on Europe Debates and controversies…, Université libre de Bruxelles, Dec 2015, Brussels, Belgium
Conference papers
Multilingualism in UK and American university language policies(Se) construire dans l'interlangue : perspectives transatlantiques sur le plurilinguisme - Programme, Mar 2013, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
Electronic European Language Portfolios and IdentityePortfolio and Identity Conference, eife-l, Jul 2011, Londres, United Kingdom
Conference papers
The central role of the learner in the 117.2010 eELP modelCercleS Seminar: Ten years of the CEFR and the ELP. The central role of the learner in using the CEFR and the ELP, Nov 2011, Gröningen, Netherlands
Conference papers
The Implementation of Multilingualism at French universitiesNew Challenges for Multilingualism in Europe, DYLAN / LINEE, 2010, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Conference papers
Council of Europe and EU university language policy recommendationsEuropéanisation et mondialisation / Europeanization and Globalization, UMR 5222 Europe, Européanité, Européanisation, Université Bordeaux-Montaigne, Dec 2010, Talence, France
Conference papers
Language planning as a means to foster employability in higher education: the LILAMA project“Employability and Entrepreneurship” – 2nd Edition, UCP/CRP and FS-BIOTECH Consortium, Sep 2010, Porto, Portugal
Conference papers
Regional Languages Network: a Language Management Model?IVth international LKPA conference, University of Kaunas, May 2009, Kaunas, Lithuania
Conference papers
An online European Language Portfolio: Implementation and data analysisEUROCALL, 2008, Székesfehérvár, Hungary
Conference papers
L’insertion d’un ePortfolio des langues dans un dispositif d’enseignement et d’apprentissage à l’université1er Colloque international francophone ePortfolio, 2006, Québec, Canada
Conference papers
L'anglais des concours administratifsOphrys, 199 p., 2000, 2-7080-0929-X
Décadence : les métamorphoses d’un conceptMarita Gilli. Les limites de siècles : lieux de ruptures novatrices depuis les temps modernes, 54, Presses Universitaires Franc-Comtoises, pp.85-95, 1999, Annales littéraires. Laboratoire littérature et histoire des pays de langues européennes, 2-913322-10-7
Book sections
Le Chaos du sens dans ‘Vos Deos Laudamus’ d’Algernon Charles SwinburneAnnales littéraires de l’université de Franche-Comté, Les Belles Lettres, pp.277-285, 1998
Book sections
Les jeux sérieux, ludification et pédagogie: l'exemple de MP for a Week2021
Other publications
Compréhension des arrêts de la Cour Européenne des Droits de l'Homme2020
Other publications
Les Politiques linguistiques d'entreprises et l'Union européenne : quel positionnement pour les universités?2013, pp.137-156. ⟨10.7220/2335-2027.3.11⟩
Other publications
117.2010 PEL électronique / electronic ELP2011
Other publications