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Alain Mollier
Current affiliations
Researcher identifiers
- amollier
- ResearcherId : C-6333-2008
- 0000-0002-6261-5284
- IdRef : 14668527X
- ResearcherId : http://www.researcherid.com/rid/C-6333-2008
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Gestion des sols et de leur fertilité en agriculture de conservation des solsStéphane Cordeau; Pierre-Alain Maron; Jean-Pierre Sarthou; Bruno Chauvel. L'agriculture de conservation des sols, Editions Quae, pp.117-134, 2024, 978-2-7592-3566-7
Book sections
Chapter 5. Root growthNicolas Beaudoin; Patrice Lecharpentier; Dominique Ripoche-Wachter; Loïc Strullu; Bruno Mary; Joël Léonard; Marie Launay; Eric Justes. Stics Soil Crop Model. Conceptual framework, equations and uses, éditions QUAE, pp.93-117, 2023
Book sections
Cycle biogéochimique du phosphore dans les agroécosystèmesGuide de la fertilisation raisonnée, 2.ed., Editions France Agricole, 2018, 9782855574127
Book sections
Intérêts écologiques et agronomiques des compostsCompostage et Composts Avancées scientifiques et techniques, EditionsTec & Doc Lavoisier, 664 p., 2018, 9782743023591
Book sections
Intérêts agronomiques des compostsCompostage et composts - Avancées scientifiques et techniques, Lavoisier Tec&Doc, 2018
Book sections
La modélisation des relations sol-plante : l'exemple du phosphoreFertilisation et Environnement : Quelles pistes pour l'aide à la décision ?, Editions Quae ACTA;Paris, 288 p., 2014, Matière à Débattre et Décider, 9782759220557
Book sections
Modelling phosphorus dynamics in the soil–plant systemPhosphorus in action, 26, , 2011, Soil Biology, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-15271-9_5⟩
Book sections
Sol et nutrition des plantes : nouvelles recherches sur la biodisponibilité des éléments minérauxLe sol, Editions Quae, 2009, 978-2-7592-0301-7
Book sections
Elements in soils: total and extractable contents, solid phase speciationHandbook of Methods Used in Rhizosphere Research, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, 536 p., 2006, 3-905621-35-5
Book sections
Rhizosphere modelsHandbook of Methods Used in Rhizosphere Research, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, 536 p., 2006, 3-905621-35-5
Book sections
Dynamic of the diffusive soil (ortho)phosphateHandbook of methods used in Rhizosphere Research, Swiss Federal Research Institute, 2006, 3-905621-35-5
Book sections
Description of rooting patterns as generated by a diffusion processHandbook of Methods Used in Rhizosphere Research, Swiss Federal Research Institute, 2006, 3-905621-35-5
Book sections
Modélisation du prélèvement minéral par les plantes fondée sur le fonctionnement bio-physico-chimique de la rhizosphèreFonctionnement des peuplements végétaux sous contraintes environnementales, INRA Editions, 2000, 2-7380-0911-5
Book sections
Modélisation de la compétition pour l'eau dans une association culturale : influence de la distribution des racines, des propriétés physiques du sol et de la répartition de la demande climatiqueFonctionnement des peuplements végétaux sous contraintes environnementales, 93, INRA Editions, 2000, Colloques de l'INRA, 2-7380-0911-5
Book sections
Plant P and soil P diagnosis for integrated crop fertilization management“New paradigms and new tools for crop yield improvement with reduced environment impacts”, Jun 2024, Château de Saint-Loup sur Thouet, Saint-Loup Lamairé, Deux Sèvres, France
Conference papers
To what extent can ecoclimatic indicators assist crop performance predictions in oilseed rape upon repeated heat waves?17. European Society for Agronomy, Aug 2022, Postdam, Germany
Conference papers
Dynamic of organic phosphorus in the plough soil layer of three contrasting long-term field experimentsCanadian Society of Soil Science – Alberta Soil Science Workshop, May 2022, Edmonton, Canada
Conference papers
Impacts of heat stress on yield and seed quality in oilseed rape: analysis of the dynamic development of seed storage compounds31. International Horticultural Congress (IHC2022), Aug 2022, Angers, France. pp.203-210, ⟨10.17660/ActaHortic.2022.1353.25⟩
Conference papers
Conceptual basis, formalisations and parameterization of the STICS crop model, second editioniCROPM2020 Symposium - Crop Modelling for The Future, Feb 2020, Montpellier, France. 73 p
Conference papers
Simulating soil organic carbon dynamics in long-term bare fallow and arable experiments with STICS modeliCROPM2020 Symposium - Crop Modelling for The Future, Feb 2020, Montpellier, France. pp.70-71
Conference papers
Evaluation of portable LIBS and portable XRF in the frame of multi-elemental analysis of agricultural soils and plants46. Annual North American Meeting of the Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies / SciX 2019 Conference (formerly FACSS): Annual National Meeting of Society for Applied Spectroscopy (SAS), Oct 2019, Palm Springs, United States
Conference papers
Phosphorus partitioning and accumulation in durum wheat plants as affected by post-anthesis phosphorus supplyInternational Phosphorus Workshops, Jul 2019, Zurich, Switzerland
Conference papers
A sensitivity analysis study for improving Sulphur management strategies in Winter Oilseed Rape15. International Rapeseed Congress, Jun 2019, Berlin, Germany
Conference papers
Comment adapter la viticulture de demain?Festival Pint of Science 2018, May 2018, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
Le métier de chercheur à l'INRA: Table ronde "après thèse"Journée des Doctorants de l'Ecole Doctorale 304 "Sciences et Environnements", May 2018, Talence, France
Conference papers
Modélisation, simulation et prévision de la dynamique à long terme du P phytodisponible du sol en fonction des pratiques agricoles. Contribution des essais P longue durée à la compréhension du fonctionnement biogéochimique du cycle du P dans les agrosystèmes« Enjeux sur le sol : les dispositifs de longue durée pour répondre aux questions d’aujourd’hui et de demain », Nov 2018, Versailles, France. ⟨10.13140/RG.2.2.21705.19047⟩
Conference papers
Using a P-K long-term field trial to define an environmental-friendly P fertilization rate and analyse K's roles in water deficit resistanceRothamsted Research Work shop: “The Future of Long-Term Experiments in agricultural science”, May 2018, Rothamsted, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Do agricultural practices impact carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry in plants and soils on the long-term?20th Nitrogen Workshop, Jun 2018, Rennes, France. 472 p
Conference papers
L'apport des essais PK aux pratiques agricoles et aux connaissances : de la gestion des engrais à la biogéochimie des systèmes agricoles …et après ? Les dispositifs de longue durée pour répondre aux questions d’aujourd’hui et de demainSeminaire INRA, Nov 2018, Versailles, France
Conference papers
Dynamique à long terme du phosphore organique du sol suite à des apports répétés de produits résiduaires organiquesJournée sur la fertilité des sols en agriculture biologique: rencontre ISPA-ARVALIS, Oct 2018, Villenave d'Ornon, France
Conference papers
Eléments de réflexion sur l'introduction d'un module phosphore dans STICSSéminaire des Utilisateurs et Concepteurs STICSSTICS, Oct 2018, La Rochelle, France
Conference papers
Efficience d’utilisation du phosphore par les cultures et effets sur la composition des grains récoltésJournées de réflexion du réseau Qualité EA-AlimH-CEPIA, Oct 2018, Avignon, France
Conference papers
Simulation analysis for optimizing S fertilization in rapseed in a context of increased spring temperatures with SuMoToRI model2017 EFITA WCCA Congress. European conference dedicated to the future use of ICT in the agri - food sector, bioresource and biomass sector, Jul 2017, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Les modèles de culture et fonctionnelsSéminaire du réseau scientifique EA "Modélisation du fonctionnement des peuplements cultivés", Nov 2017, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Global sensitivity analysis with SuMoToRI model under contrasting sulfur fertilization strategies in oilseed rape2017 EFITA WCCA Congress. European conference dedicated to the future use of ICT in the agri - food sector, bioresource and biomass sector, Jul 2017, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Eléments de réflexion sur l’introduction d’un module P dans le modèle STICS11. Séminaire STICS, Oct 2017, La Rochelle, France
Conference papers
Spatial 2D distribution of the proportion of soil phosphorus uptake by maize and soybean caused by tillage and fertilizationEGU 2017, European Geophysical Union General Assembly 2017, Apr 2017, Vienna, Austria
Conference papers
Rootstock adaptations to low phosphorus availability in grapevineLabEx COTE day, Nov 2017, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
Simulating the impact of forestry practices on a leguminous understory shrub and associated N fixationAnnual meeting of the CAQSIS network, Mar 2017, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
Simplified measurement-based simulation model of soil-plant phosphorus cycles in long-term agro-systemsMeeting of working Group Medicago sativa, American Society of Agronomy (ASA). USA., Nov 2016, Phoenix, United States
Conference papers
Rootstock effect on processes involved in phosphorus nutrition in grapevineVintage’s conferences, 2016, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
Soil tillage and P fertilization effects on root distribution and morphology of corn (Zea mays, L.) and soybean (Glycin max, L.)ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings, Nov 2016, Phoenix, United States
Conference papers
How much phosphorus do our agrosystems really needs?8. International Phosphorus Workshop (IPW8), Sep 2016, Rostock, Germany. 282 p., ⟨10.12754/procs-2016-ipw8⟩
Conference papers
Soil tillage and phosphorus fertilization effects on root distribution and morphology Soybean (Glycin max, L.)2016 Canadian Society of Soil Science and Pacific Rim Society of Soil Science (CSSS-PSSS) Annual Meeting, Canadian Society of Soil Science (CSSS). CAN., May 2016, Kamloops, Canada
Conference papers
Soil tillage and P fertilization efects on root distribution and morphology of corn (Zea mays, L.) and soybean (Glycin max, L.)Meeting of working Group Medicago sativa, Nov 2016, Phoenix, United States
Conference papers
Management of nutrient impacts in various ecosystemsJoint Workshop on Water Research; LABEX COTE, Oct 2016, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
Phosphorus origins of seedling phosphorus and its distribution within growing organs during early growth stagesNewfoundland & Labrador's Green Economy Conference, Oct 2015, St John's, Canada
Conference papers
Impact de l'épandage de composts urbains sur le cycle du P dans QualiAgroAssemblée Générale du SOERE PRO, Nov 2015, Colmar, France. 19 p
Conference papers
Tillage practice and phosphorus fertilization effects on the distribution and morphology of corn rootsSoil Interfaces for Sustainable Development, International Union of Soil Science., Jul 2015, Montréal, Canada
Conference papers
The “Vsoil Platform”: a tool to integrate the various physical, chemical and biological processes contributing to the soil functioning at the local scaleEGU, European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2014, Apr 2014, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers
On the need to establish an international soil modelling consortiumASA, CSSA & SSSA International Annual Meeting " Grand challenges, great solutions", Nov 2014, LongBeach, United States
Conference papers
SuMoToRI: a crop model to predict the effect of Sulfur nutrition on plant growth during the vegetative phase in Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus L.)9. International Workshop Sulfur Metabolism in Plants: Molecular Physiology and Ecophysiology of Sulfur, Apr 2014, Freiburg, Germany
Conference papers
Relationships between change in total P stock of the plough layer and P balance after 15 years of composts applications5th Phosphorus in Soils and Plants International Symposium, Aug 2014, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Approche systémique des flux et bilans de phosphore (P) en France: les enjeux du recyclageSéminaire Phosph'Or, Institut National de Recherche en Sciences et Technologies pour l'Environnement et l'Agriculture (IRSTEA). FRA., Jan 2014, Rennes, France. 33 p
Conference papers
How long seed P reserve can support maximal growth rate of maize seedling?JIRCAS workshop: Improving phosphorus efficiency in Rice: novel traits and underlying genes, Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS). JPN., Nov 2013, Tsukuba, Japan
Conference papers
The Soil Virtuel modeling platformSino-French training course AIR ECO SOLS. Interdisciplinary approach of soil ecological restoration, Oct 2013, Nancy, France
Conference papers
Dynamique à long terme du phosphore organique dans un sol sableux cultivé sous une monoculture de maïs. Effet de la fertilisation minérale phosphatéeSéminaire Prospectif : Vers de nouveaux concepts autour des matières organiques, Réseau Matières Organiques., Jan 2013, Biarritz, France
Conference papers
Virtual Soil Plateform ProjectComité Stratégique, Feb 2013, Paris, France
Conference papers
Phosphorus flows along the food chain in France: An indicator for food losses at the country scaleFirst International Conference on Global Food Security, Sep 2013, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands
Conference papers
Evolution du statut phosphaté de la couche labourée du sol à Qualiagro 1998-2011Comité de Pilotage Qualiagro, Nov 2013, Grignon, France
Conference papers
Modélisation et quantification des flux et des stocks de phosphore à l'échelle de la FranceSéance Académie d'Agriculture de France, Oct 2012, Paris, France
Conference papers
Phosphorus flows, mineral fertiliser use and agricultural production systems: a regional perspective for France12. Congress of the European Society for Agronomy, Aug 2012, Helsinki, Finland. pp.148-149
Conference papers
Phosphorus budgeting at national and regional scale. A case study from France20.International Fertiliser Society Annual Conference, Dec 2012, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Change for 16 years of P status along soil proi le in a French podzol in relation with diferent P fertilization under irrigated maize production12. Congress of the European Society for Agronomy, Aug 2012, Helsinki, Finland
Conference papers
Accounting P flows and stocks at country scale : the case of France3. Sustainable Phosphorus Summit, Feb 2012, Sidney, Australia
Conference papers
Sink strength for S as a major parameter to model vegetative growth in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) under contrasting sulfur (S) supplies12. Congress of the European Society for Agronomy, Aug 2012, Helsinki, France
Conference papers
Is seed phosphorus remobilization a major limiting factor for maize phosphorus nutrition during germination and early growth period ?National Science Conference. Roadmap of cutting edge technologies, Jan 2012, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. 2 p
Conference papers
La modélisation des relations sol-planteSéminaire du RMT : 5. journée prospective du RMT Fertilisation et Environnement, Jan 2011, Paris, France
Conference papers
Conceptual design and quantification of phosphorus flows and balances at the country scale : the case of FranceEuropean Scientific Workshop on Designing phosphorus cycle at country scale, Saisissez le nom du laboratoire, du service ou du département., Ville service., Jul 2011, Bordeaux, France. 35 p
Conference papers
Le phosphore et la fertilisation phosphate: enjeux et avancées scientifiquesJournée restitution projet CasDAR RIP, Ecole Nationale des Ingenieurs des Travaux Agricoles de Bordeaux (ENITAB). GRADIGNAN, FRA., Jun 2011, Gradignan, France
Conference papers
Adaptation of tall wheatgrass to low-P soil conditions is associated to phenotypic plasticityInternational Workshop, Saisissez le nom du laboratoire, du service ou du département., Ville service., Jun 2010, Tandil, Argentina
Conference papers
Analysis of the response of tall fescue cultivars of different origin to P deficiencyInternational Workshop, Jun 2010, Tandil, Argentina
Conference papers
A modeling approach to estimate P flows and balance at country scale: a case study for France6. International Phosphorus Workshop, Sep 2010, Séville, Spain. 1 p
Conference papers
Maize leaf elongation under phosphorus deficiency: relationship with P and C metabolismInternational seminar on Soil and Nutrient cycling in grassland ecosystems: implications for sustainable management, Jun 2009, Poitiers, France
Conference papers
Maize leaf elongation under phosphorus deficiencyECOS Program: International seminar on grassland hydromineral nutrition, Dec 2009, INTA Balcarce, Argentina
Conference papers
Mineral nutrition and soil fertility management: New challengesECOS Program: International seminar on grassland hydromineral nutrition, Dec 2009, INTA Balcarce, Argentina
Conference papers
A two-dimensional simulation model of phosphorus uptake by a maize cropSwiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH Institute of Plant Science, Jun 2007, Zurich, Switzerland
Conference papers
Fundamentals of routines of uptake of water and nutrients, and growth of root systems37. Biological systems simulation conference: moving models forward: knowledge gaps and new approaches, Apr 2007, Belstville, United States
Conference papers
Particion de carbono en dos cultivares de festuca alta bajo diferentes disponibilidades de fosforo edafico22. Reunion Argentina de Ecologia, Aug 2006, Codoba, Argentina
Conference papers
Are leaf and root expansion rates under P deficiency controlled by P or C content in meristematic zones ?3. International Symposium on Phosphorus Dynamics in the Soil-Plant Continuum, May 2006, Uberlandia, Brazil
Conference papers
Effets de la co-limitation en phosphore et en carbone sur la croissance et la morphologie du pin maritime (Pinus pinaster Aït.)2. Rencontres d'Ecophysiologie de l'Arbre (REA), Dec 2003, La Rochelle, France
Conference papers
Modelling net and gross fluxes of phosphate ions between liquid and solid phases of soil suspension: Application to soil samples taken up from 27 years of a long term P fertilisation trialPAI van Gogh Workshop, Dec 2002, Wageningen, Netherlands
Conference papers
Prediction of the phosphate concentration in the soil-solution systemPAI van Gogh Workshop, Dec 2002, Wageningen, Netherlands
Conference papers
Lessons learned from modelling plant uptake of P and other nutrientsInternational Workshop on Rhizophere, preferential flow and bio-availability: a holistic view of soil-to-plant transfer, Sep 2002, Ascona, Switzerland
Conference papers
Modelling net and gross fluxes of phosphate ions between liquid and solid phases of soil suspension. Application to a non-calcareous sandy soil in varying stages of P depletionPAI van Gogh Workshop, Dec 2002, Wageningen, Netherlands
Conference papers
How to include mineral nutrition in crop growth models? The example of phosphorus on maize14. International plant nutrition colloquium, Jul 2001, Hannover, Germany
Conference papers
Transfert sol-plante des éléments minéraux: avancées des connaissances et perspectives d'application5. Rencontres, Nov 2001, Blois, France
Conference papers
Does phoshorus deficiency reduce plant growth through an effect on sink or sources?1. International symposium, Sep 2000, Beijing, China
Conference papers
A two dimensional simulation model of P uptake including plant responseWorkshop franco-hollandais: Modelling P uptake, a link between soil chemistry and plant growth, Nov 1999, Wageningen, Netherlands
Conference papers
Maize shoot and root growth under phosphorus deficiency. What prospects for modelling ?Workshop franco-hollandais, Nov 1999, Wageningen, Netherlands
Conference papers
Maize root system morphogenesis as affected by phosphorus deprivation5. Congress of the European Society for Agronomy, Jun 1998, Nitra, El Salvador
Conference papers
Croissances aérienne et racinaire des cultures de maïs sous déficience en phosphoreColloque, Jan 1998, Paris, France
Conference papers
Leaf area index, par absorption and radiation use efficiency of a maize crop under phosphorus deficiency5. Congress of European Society for Agronomy, Jun 1998, Nitra, Sierra Leone
Conference papers