Monitoring of Local Earthquakes in Haiti Using Low-Cost, Citizen-Hosted Seismometers and Regional Broadband Stations
Sylvert Paul
Tony Monfret
Françoise Courboulex
Jérôme Chèze
Eric Calais
Journal articles
Rupture Segmentation of the 14 August 2021 Mw 7.2 Nippes, Haiti, Earthquake Using Aftershock Relocation from a Local Seismic Deployment
Roby Douilly
Sylvert Paul
Tony Monfret
Anne Deschamps
David Ambrois
Journal articles
Short-Range Recordings of Shallow Underwater Explosions with Short-Period and Broadband Seismometers in the Bay of Hyères, France
Mickaël Bonnin
E. Diego Mercerat
Éric Beucler
Nathalie Favretto-Cristini
Anne Deschamps
Journal articles
Assessment of Risks Induced by Countermining Unexploded Large-Charge Historical Ordnance in a Shallow Water Environment—Part II: Modeling of Seismo-Acoustic Wave Propagation
Nathalie Favretto-Cristini
Fang Wang
Paul Cristini
Thierry Garlan
Olivier Morio
Journal articles
Citizen seismology helps decipher the 2021 Haiti earthquake
E. Calais
S. Symithe
Tony Monfret
B. Delouis
A. Lomax
Journal articles
Assessment of Risks Induced by Countermining Unexploded Large-Charge Historical Ordnance in a Shallow Water Environment—Part I: Real Case Study
Nathalie Favretto-Cristini
Thierry Garlan
Olivier Morio
Xavier Demoulin
M. Arrigoni
Journal articles
An Atypical Shallow Mw 5.3, 2021 Earthquake in the Western Corinth Rift (Greece)
Jiří Zahradník
El Madani Aissaoui
Pascal Bernard
Pierre Briole
Simon Bufféral
Journal articles
Constraining the point source parameters of the 11 November 2019 Mw 4.9 Le Teil earthquake using multiple relocation approaches, first motion and full waveform inversions
Bertrand Delouis
Elif Oral
Marine Menager
Jean-Paul Ampuero
Aurélie Guilhem Trilla
Journal articles
Rapid response to the Mw 4.9 earthquake of November 11, 2019 in Le Teil, Lower Rhône Valley, France
Cécile Cornou
Jean-Paul Ampuero
Coralie Aubert
Laurence Audin
Stéphane Baize
Journal articles
Seismotectonics of southeast France: from the Jura mountains to Corsica
Christophe Larroque
Stéphane Baize
Julie Albaric
Hervé Jomard
Jenny Trévisan
Journal articles
A Socio-Seismology Experiment in Haiti
Eric Calais
Dominique Boisson
Steeve J. Symithe
Claude Prépetit
Bétonus Pierre
Journal articles
Imbricated Aseismic Slip And Fluid Diffusion Drive A Seismic Swarm In The Corinth Gulf, Greece.
Louis De Barros
Frédéric Cappa
Anne Deschamps
Pierre Dublanchet
Journal articles
Strong Site Effect Revealed by a New Broadband Seismometer on the Continental Shelf Offshore Nice Airport (Southeastern France)
Françoise Courboulex
E. Diego Mercerat
Anne Deschamps
Sébastien Migeon
Marion Baques
Journal articles
High resolution ambient noise tomography of the Southwestern Alps and the Ligurian margin
Gauthier Guerin
Diane Rivet
Anne Deschamps
Christophe Larroque
Aurélien Mordret
Journal articles
Monitoring Haiti’s Quakes with Raspberry Shake
Eric Calais
Dominique Boisson
Steeve Symithe
Roberte Momplaisir
Claude Prépetit
Journal articles
Soil-structure interaction analysis using a 1DT-3C wave propagation model
Reine Fares
Maria Paola Santisi D′avila
Anne Deschamps
Journal articles
Imaging the Galápagos mantle plume with an unconventional application of floating seismometers
Guust Nolet
Yann Hello
Suzan van Der Lee
Sébastien Bonnieux
Mario Ruiz
Journal articles
Preparing for InSight: Evaluation of the Blind Test for Martian Seismicity
Martin van Driel
Savas Ceylan
John Francis Clinton
Domenico Giardini
Hector Alemany
Journal articles
Erratum to “Results from the search for dark matter in the Milky Way with 9 years of data of the ANTARES neutrino telescope” [Phys. Lett. B 769 (2017) 249–254]
A. Albert
M. André
M. Anghinolfi
G. Anton
M. Ardid
Journal articles
Ridge subduction and afterslip control aftershock distribution of the 2016 Mw 7.8 Ecuador earthquake
H. Agurto-Detzel
Y. Font
P. Charvis
M. Regnier
A. Rietbrock
Journal articles
Fluid‐Induced Swarms and Coseismic Stress Transfer: A Dual Process Highlighted in the Aftershock Sequence of the 7 April 2014 Earthquake (Ml 4.8, Ubaye, France)
Louis de Barros
Marion Baques
Maxime Godano
Agnès Helmstetter
Anne Deschamps
Journal articles
Circular Sedimentary Figures of Anthropic Origin in a Sediment Stability Context
Thierry Garlan
Xavier Mathias
Emeric Brenon
Nathalie Favretto-Cristini
Anne Deschamps
Journal articles
All-flavor Search for a Diffuse Flux of Cosmic Neutrinos with Nine Years of ANTARES Data
A. Albert
M. André
M. Anghinolfi
G. Anton
M. Ardid
Journal articles
The SUrvey for Pulsars and Extragalactic Radio Bursts – II. New FRB discoveries and their follow-up
S. Bhandari
E.F. Keane
E.D. Barr
A. Jameson
E. Petroff
Journal articles
Numerical and Empirical Simulation of Linear Elastic Seismic Response of a Building: The Case of Nice Prefecture
Guillermo Wenceslao Fernández Lorenzo
Maria Paola Santisi d'Avila
Anne Deschamps
E. Diego Mercerat
Laetitia Foundotos
Journal articles
The cosmic ray shadow of the Moon observed with the ANTARES neutrino telescope
A. Albert
M. André
M. Anghinolfi
G. Anton
M. Ardid
Journal articles
Stacked search for time shifted high energy neutrinos from gamma ray bursts with the Antares neutrino telescope
S. Adrián-Martínez
A. Albert
M. Andre
M. Anghinolfi
G. Anton
Journal articles
Investigating Dynamic Triggering of Seismicity by Regional Earthquakes: The Case of the Corinth Rift (Greece)
Louis de Barros
Anne Deschamps
Anthony Sladen
Hélène Lyon-Caen
Nicholas Voulgaris
Journal articles
Time-dependent search for neutrino emission from x-ray binaries with the ANTARES telescope
A. Albert
M. André
G. Anton
M. Ardid
J. -J. Aubert
Journal articles
Seismic wave attenuation in the lithosphere of the North Tanzanian divergence zone (East African rift system)
A. Dobrynina
J. Albaric
Anne Deschamps
Julie Perrot
R.W. Ferdinand
Journal articles
Ambient noise tomography of the western Corinth Rift, Greece
Dimitrios Giannopoulos
Diane Rivet
Efthimios Sokos
Anne Deschamps
Aurelien Mordret
Journal articles
Search for relativistic magnetic monopoles with five years of the ANTARES detector data
A. Albert
M. André
M. Anghinolfi
G. Anton
M. Ardid
Journal articles
Search for high-energy neutrinos from bright GRBs with ANTARES
A. Albert
M. André
M. Anghinolfi
G. Anton
M. Ardid
Journal articles
Search for Dark Matter Annihilation in the Earth using the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope
A. Albert
M. André
M. Anghinolfi
G. Anton
M. Ardid
Journal articles
Sperm whale long-range echolocation sounds revealed by ANTARES, a deep-sea neutrino telescope
M. André
A. Caballé
M. van Der Schaar
A. Solsona
L. Houégnigan
Journal articles
An algorithm for the reconstruction of high-energy neutrino-induced particle showers and its application to the ANTARES neutrino telescope
A. Albert
M. André
M. Anghinolfi
G. Anton
M. Ardid
Journal articles
Search for High-energy Neutrinos from Gravitational Wave Event GW151226 and Candidate LVT151012 with ANTARES and IceCube
A. Albert
M. André
M. Anghinolfi
G. Anton
M. Ardid
Journal articles
Results from the search for dark matter in the Milky Way with 9 years of data of the ANTARES neutrino telescope
A. Albert
M. André
M. Anghinolfi
G. Anton
M. Ardid
Journal articles
Exploration of remote triggering: A survey of multiple fault structures in Haiti
Ch. Aiken
K. Chao
H. Gonzalez-Huizar
R. Douilly
Z. Peng
Journal articles
3-D velocity structure in southern Haiti from local earthquake tomography
R. Douilly
William L. Ellsworth
E. Kissling
Andrew M. Freed
Anne Deschamps
Journal articles
P‐Delays from Floating Seismometers (MERMAID), Part I: Data Processing,
G. Nolet
C. Joubert
Sébastien Bonnieux
Anne Deschamps
J.X. Dessa
Journal articles
Site Effects in Port‐au‐Prince (Haiti) from the Analysis of Spectral Ratio and Numerical Simulations
F. Courboulex
Anne Deschamps
Mercier de Lépinay B.
S. St Fleur
E. Bertrand
Journal articles
Optimization of small satellite constellation design for continuous mutual regional coverage with multi-objective genetic algorithm,
I. Meziane-Tani
G. Metris
G. Lion
Anne Deschamps
F.T. Bendimerad
Journal articles
A search for Secluded Dark Matter in the Sun with the ANTARES neutrino telescope
S. Adrián-Martínez
A. Albert
M. André
G. Anton
M. Ardid
Journal articles
Time calibration with atmospheric muon tracks in the ANTARES neutrino telescope
S. Adrián-Martínez
A. Albert
M. André
G. Anton
M. Ardid
Journal articles
Constraints on the neutrino emission from the Galactic Ridge with the ANTARES telescope
S. Adrián-Martínez
A. Albert
M. André
M. Anghinolfi
G. Anton
Journal articles
Limits on dark matter annihilation in the sun using the ANTARES neutrino telescope
S. Adrian-Martineza
A. Albert
M. André
G. Anton
M. Ardid
Journal articles
The first combined search for neutrino point-sources in the Southern Hemisphere with the ANTARES and IceCube neutrino telescopes
S. Adrián-Martínez
A. Albert
M. André
G. Anton
M. Ardid
Journal articles
The sequence of moderate-size earthquakes at the junction of the Ligurian basin and the Corsica margin (western Mediterranean): The initiation of an active deformation zone revealed?,
C. Larroque
B. Delouis
F. Courboulex
F. Sage
M. Regnier
Journal articles
Optical and X-ray early follow-up of ANTARES neutrino alerts
S. Adrián-Martínez
M. Ageron
A. Albert
Imen Al Samarai
M. André
Journal articles
Search for muon-neutrino emission from GeV and TeV gamma-ray flaring blazars using five years of data of the ANTARES telescope
S. Adrián-Martínez
A. Albert
M. André
G. Anton
M. Ardid
Journal articles
Search of Dark Matter Annihilation in the Galactic Centre using the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope
S. Adrián-Martínez
A. Albert
M. André
G. Anton
M. Ardid
Journal articles
The 2013 earthquake swarm in Helike, Greece: seismic activity at the root of old normal faults
V. Kapetanidis
Anne Deschamps
P. Papadimitriou
E. Matrullo
A. Karakonstantis
Journal articles
SI-Hex: a new catalogue of instrumental seismicity for metropolitan France
Michel Cara
Yves Cansi
Antoine Schlupp
Pierre Arroucau
Nicole Béthoux
Journal articles
ANTARES constrains a blazar origin of two IceCube PeV neutrino events
S. Adrián-Martínez
A. Albert
M. André
G. Anton
M. Ardid
Journal articles
Focal mechanisms of earthquake multiplets in the western part of the Corinth Rift (Greece): influence of the velocity model and constraints on the geometry of the active faults
M. Godano
Anne Deschamps
Sophie Lambotte
H. Lyon-Caen
Pascal Bernard
Journal articles
New constraints from seismology and geodesy on the Mw = 6.4 2008 Movri (Greece) earthquake: evidence for a growing strike-slip fault system,
Anna Serpetsidaki
P. Elias
M. Llieva
Pascal Bernard
Pierre Briole
Journal articles
A search for time dependent neutrino emission from microquasars with the ANTARES telescope
S. Adrián-Martínez
A. Albert
M. André
M. Anghinolfi
G. Anton
Journal articles
Searches for clustering in the time integrated skymap of the ANTARES neutrino telescope
S. Adrián-Martínez
A. Albert
M. André
G. Anton
M. Ardid
Journal articles
A Search for Neutrino Emission from the Fermi Bubbles with the ANTARES Telescope
S. Adrián-Martínez
A. Albert
Imen Al Samarai
M. André
G. Anton
Journal articles
Reassessment of the rifting process in the Western Corinth Rift from relocated seismicity
Sophie Lambotte
Hélène Lyon-Caen
Geneviève Patau
Alexandre Nercessian
Franchesco Pacchiani
Journal articles
High-frequency internal wave motions at the ANTARES site in the deep Western Mediterranean
H. van Haren
S. Adrián-Martínez
Imen Al Samarai
A. Albert
M. André
Journal articles
Deep crustal earthquakes in North Tanzania, East Africa: Interplay between tectonic and magmatic processes in an incipient rift
Julie Albaric
Jacques Déverchère
Julie Perrot
Andrey Jakovlev
Anne Deschamps
Journal articles
Searches for Point-like and extended neutrino sources close to the Galactic Centre using the ANTARES neutrino Telescope
S. Adrián-Martínez
A. Albert
M. André
M. Anghinolfi
G. Anton
Journal articles
High-Frequency Directivity Effect for an Mw 4.1 Earthquake, Widely Felt by the Population in Southeastern France,
F. Courboulex
A. Dujardin
M. Vallée
B. Delouis
Ch. Sira
Journal articles
Search for muon neutrinos from gamma-ray bursts with the ANTARES neutrino telescope using 2008 to 2011 data
S. Adrián-Martínez
A. Albert
Imen Al Samarai
M. André
M. Anghinolfi
Journal articles
The October–November 2010 earthquake swarm near Sampeyre (Piedmont region, Italy): A complex multicluster sequence,
M. Godano
Ch. Larroque
E. Bertrand
F. Courboulex
Anne Deschamps
Journal articles
Deep-Sea Bioluminescence Blooms after Dense Water Formation at the Ocean Surface
Christian Tamburini
Miquel Canals
Xavier Durrieu de Madron
Loïc Houpert
Dominique Lefèvre
Journal articles
First search for neutrinos in correlation with gamma-ray bursts with the ANTARES neutrino telescope
S. Adrian-Martinez
Imen Al Samarai
A. Albert
M. Andre
M. Anghinolfi
Journal articles
Search for a correlation between ANTARES neutrinos and Pierre Auger Observatory UHECRs arrival directions
S. Adrian-Martinez
Imen Al Samarai
A. Albert
M. André
M. Anghinolfi
Journal articles
First results on dark matter annihilation in the Sun using the ANTARES neutrino telescope
S. Adrián-Martinez
Imen Al Samarai
A. Albert
M. André
M. Anghinolfi
Journal articles
A First Search for coincident Gravitational Waves and High Energy Neutrinos using LIGO, Virgo and ANTARES data from 2007
S. Adrián-Martínez
Imen Al Samarai
A. Albert
M. André
M. Anghinolfi
Journal articles
Crustal Structure and Fault Geometry of the 2010 Haiti Earthquake from Temporary Seismometer Deployments,
R. Douilly
J. Haase
William.L. Ellsworth
M.P. Bouin
E. Calais
Journal articles
Measurement of the atmospheric $\nu_\mu$ energy spectrum from 100 GeV to 200 TeV with the ANTARES telescope
S. Adrián-Martínez
A. Albert
Imen Al Samarai
M. André
M. Anghinolfi
Journal articles
A method for detection of muon induced electromagnetic showers with the ANTARES detector
J. A. Aguilar
Imen Al Samarai
A. Albert
M. André
M. Anghinolfi
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2012, 675, pp.56-62. ⟨10.1016/j.nima.2012.01.060⟩
Journal articles
Search for Neutrino Emission from Gamma-Ray Flaring Blazars with the ANTARES Telescope
S. Adrián-Martínez
Imen Al Samarai
A. Albert
M. André
M. Anghinolfi
Journal articles
Measurement of Atmospheric Neutrino Oscillations with the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope
S. Adrian-Martinez
Imen Al Samarai
A. Albert
M. Andre
M. Anghinolfi
Journal articles
The Positioning System of the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope
S. Adrián-Martínez
J.A. Aguilar
Imen Al Samarai
A. Albert
M. André
Journal articles
Measurement of the Group Velocity of Light in Sea Water at the ANTARES Site
S. Adrián-Martínez
Imen Al Samarai
A. Albert
M. André
M. Anghinolfi
Journal articles
Search for Relativistic Magnetic Monopoles with the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope
S. Adrián-Martínez
J.A. Aguilar
Imen Al Samarai
A. Albert
M. André
Journal articles
Spatial and temporal evolution of a microseismic swarm induced by water injection in the Arkema-Vauvert salt field (southern France)
M. Godano
Th. Bardainne
M. Regnier
Anne Deschamps
M. Valette
Geophysical Journal International, 2012, 188 (1), pp.274-292
Journal articles
The ANTARES Telescope Neutrino Alert System
M. Ageron
J. A. Aguilar
Imen Al Samarai
A. Albert
M. André
Journal articles
Joint multidisciplinary study of the Saint-Sauveur-Donareo fault (lower Var valley, French Riviera): a contribution to seismic hazard assessment in the urban area of Nice
C. Larroque
B. Delouis
J.C. Hippolyte
Anne Deschamps
T. Lebourg
Journal articles
Acoustic and optical variations during rapid downward motion episodes in the deep north-western Mediterranean Sea
H. van Haren
I. Taupier-Letage
J.A. Aguilar
A. Albert
G. Anton
Journal articles
Search for a diffuse flux of high-energy νμ with the ANTARES neutrino telescope
J.A. Aguilar
Imen Al Samarai
A. Albert
M. André
M. Anghinolfi
Journal articles
Moment-Tensor Determination by Nonlinear Inversion of Amplitudes
M. Godano
T. Bardainne
M. Regnier
Anne Deschamps
Journal articles
ANTARES: the first undersea neutrino telescope
M. Ageron
J.A. Aguilar
Imen Al Samarai
A. Albert
F. Ameli
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2011, 656, pp.11-38. ⟨10.1016/j.nima.2011.06.103⟩
Journal articles
A Fast Algorithm for Muon Track Reconstruction and its Application to the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope
J.A. Aguilar
Imen Al Samarai
A. Albert
M. André
M. Anghinolfi
Journal articles
The GROSMarin experiment: three dimensional crustal structure of the North Ligurian margin from refraction tomography and preliminary analysis of microseismic measurements
J.-X. Dessa
S. H. Simon
M. Lelievre
M.-O. Beslier
Anne Deschamps
Journal articles
Time Calibration of the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope
J.A. Aguilar
Imen Al Samarai
A. Albert
M. André
M. Anghinolfi
Journal articles
The 2010 Haiti earthquake: A complex fault pattern constrained by seismologic and tectonic observations
Bernard Mercier de Lépinay
Anne Deschamps
Frauke Klingelhoefer
Yves Mazabraud
Bertrand Delouis
Journal articles
First Search for Point Sources of High Energy Cosmic Neutrinos with the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope
S. Adrián-Martínez
J. A. Aguilar
Imen Al Samarai
A. Albert
M. André
Journal articles
Coseismic velocity variations caused by static stress changes associated with the 2001 Mw=4.3 Agios Ioanis earthquake in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece
L. Cociani
C.J. Bean
H. Lyon-Caen
F. Pacchiani
Anne Deschamps
Journal articles
AMADEUS - The Acoustic Neutrino Detection Test System of the Deep-Sea ANTARES Neutrino Telescope
J.A. Aguilar
Imen Al Samarai
A. Albert
M. Anghinolfi
G. Anton
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2010, 626-627, pp.128-143. ⟨10.1016/j.nima.2010.09.053⟩
Journal articles
Assessment of focal mechanisms of microseismic events computed from two three-component receivers: application to the Arkema-Vauvert field (France)
M. Godano
E. Gaucher
T. Bardainne
M. Regnier
Anne Deschamps
Journal articles
Performance of the Front-End Electronics of the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope
J.A. Aguilar
Imen Al Samarai
A. Albert
M. Anghinolfi
G. Anton
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2010, 622, pp.59-73. ⟨10.1016/j.nima.2010.06.225⟩
Journal articles
Zenith distribution and flux of atmospheric muons measured with the 5-line ANTARES detector
J.A. Aguilar
A. Albert
G. Anton
S. Anvar
M. Ardid
Journal articles
Contrasted seismogenic and rheological behaviours from shallow and deep earthquake sequences in the North Tanzanian divergence, East Africa
J. Albaric
Julie Perrot
Jacques Déverchère
Anne Deschamps
B. Le Gall
Journal articles
Performance of the First ANTARES Detector Line
M. Ageron
J.A. Aguilar
A. Albert
F. Ameli
M. Anghinolfi
Journal articles
Crustal structure of a young margin pair: New results across the Liguro-Provencal Basin from wide-angle seismic tomography
A. Gailler
F. Klingelhoefer
J.-L. Olivet
D. Aslanian
A. Afilhado
Journal articles
Focal Mechanisms from Sparse Observations by Nonlinear Inversion of Amplitudes: Method and Tests on Synthetic and Real Data
Maxime Godano
Anne Deschamps
Marc Regnier
Thomas Bardainne
Emmanuel Gaucher
Journal articles
Interpretation of Broadband Ocean-Bottom Seismometer Horizontal Data Seismic Background Noise
R. Pillet
Anne Deschamps
Denis Legrand
J. Virieux
N. Bethoux
Journal articles
Asthenospheric imprints on the lithosphere in Central Mongolia and Southern Siberia from a joint inversion of gravity and seismology (MOBAL experiment)
C. Tiberi
Anne Deschamps
Jacques Déverchère
C. Petit
Julie Perrot
Journal articles
Strain accommodation by slow slip and dyking in a youthful continental rift, East Africa
Eric Calais
Nicolas d'Oreye
Julie Albaric
Anne Deschamps
Damien Delvaux
Journal articles
Mean magnitude variations of earthquakes as a function of depth: Different crustal stress distribution depending on tectonic setting
M. Wyss
F. Pacchiani
Anne Deschamps
G. Patau
Journal articles
Teleseismic traveltimes, topography and the lithospheric structure across central Mongolia
Carole Petit
Christel Tiberi
Anne Deschamps
Jacques Déverchère
Journal articles
Upper mantle flow beneath and around the Hangay Dome, central Mongolia
Guilhem Barruol
Anne Deschamps
Jacques Déverchère
Valentina V. Mordvinova
Ulziibat Munkhuu
Journal articles
Studies of a full scale mechanical prototype line for the ANTARES neutrino telescope and tests of a prototype instrument for deep-sea acoustic measurements
M. Ageron
J.A. Aguilar
A. Albert
F. Ameli
M. Anghinolfi
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2007, 581, pp.695-708. ⟨10.1016/j.nima.2007.08.148⟩
Journal articles
The data acquisition system for the ANTARES neutrino telescope
J.A. Aguilar
A. Albert
F. Ameli
M. Anghinolfi
G. Anton
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2007, 570, pp.107-116. ⟨10.1016/j.nima.2006.09.098⟩
Journal articles
Seismic hazard on the French Riviera : new data, interpretation and simulations
F. Courboulex
C. Larroque
Anne Deschamps
C. Kohrs-Sansorny
C. Gélis
Journal articles
Contribution of small-angle X-ray scattering to microstructural investigation of newly developed Mg-Rare Earth alloys for structural application.
Caroline Antion
F. Bley
P. Donnadieu
Anne Deschamps
Alexander Pisch
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2007, 40, pp. 126-131
Journal articles
Velocity structure of the lithosphere on the 2003 Mongolian-Baikal transect from SV waves
V. V. Mordvinova
Anne Deschamps
T. Dugarmaa
Jacques Déverchère
M. Ulziibat
Journal articles
On the weak impact of the 26 December Indian Ocean tsunami on the Bangladesh coast
M. Ioualalen
E. Pelinovsky
J. Asavanant
R. Lipikorn
Anne Deschamps
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 2007, 7 (1), pp.141-147
Journal articles
The ANTARES Optical Beacon System
M. Ageron
J.A. Aguilar
A. Albert
F. Ameli
M. Anghinolfi
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2007, 578, pp.498-509. ⟨10.1016/j.nima.2007.05.325⟩
Journal articles
A New Passive Tomography of the Aigion Area (Gulf of Corinth, Greece) from the 2002 Data Set
S. Gautier
D. Latorre
J. Virieux
Anne Deschamps
C. Skarpelos
Journal articles
Seismicity, deformation and seismic hazard in the western rift of Corinth: New insights from the Corinth Rift Laboratory (CRL)
Pascal Bernard
H. Lyon-Caen
Pierre Briole
Anne Deschamps
Frédéric Boudin
Journal articles
First results of the Instrumentation Line for the deep-sea ANTARES neutrino telescope
J.A. Aguilar
A. Albert
F. Ameli
M. Anghinolfi
G. Anton
Journal articles
A Two-Stage Method for Ground-Motion Simulation Using Stochastic Summation of Small Earthquakes
C. Kohrs-Sansorny
F. Courboulex
M. Bour
Anne Deschamps
Journal articles
Study of Large Hemispherical Photomultiplier Tubes for the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope
J.A. Aguilar
A. Albert
F. Ameli
P. Amram
M. Anghinolfi
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2005, 555, pp.132-141. ⟨10.1016/j.nima.2005.09.035⟩
Journal articles
Transmission of light in deep sea water at the site of the ANTARES neutrino telescope
J.A. Aguilar
A. Albert
P. Amram
M. Anghinolfi
G. Anton
Journal articles
Complex normal faulting in the Apennines thrust-and-fold belt: the 1997 seismic sequence in central Italy
L. Chiaraluce
A. Amato
C. Chiarabba
G. Selvaggi
M. Di Bona
Journal articles
First results of the CRLN seismic network in the western Corinth Rift: evidence for old-fault reactivation
H. Lyon-Caen
P. Papadimitriou
Anne Deschamps
P. Bernard
K. Makropoulos
Journal articles
Mapping upper mantle anisotropy beneath SE France by SKS splitting indicates Neogene asthenospheric flow induced by Apenninic slab roll-back and deflected by the deep Alpine roots.
Guilhem Barruol
Anne Deschamps
Olivier Coutant
Journal articles
An Unknown active fault revealed by microseismicity in the South-East of France
F. Courboulex
C. Larroque
Anne Deschamps
C. Gélis
J. Charreau
Journal articles
Seismic source study of the 1989, October 29, Chenoua (Algeria) earthquake from aftershocs, broad-band and strong ground motion records
A. Bounif
M. Bezzeghoud
L. Dorbath
Denis Legrand
Anne Deschamps
Annals of Geophysics, 2003, pp.625-646 [629]
Journal articles
Measuring surface wave phase velocities beneath small broad-band arrays: tests of an improved algorithm and application to the French Alps.
Helle A. Pedersen
Olivier Coutant
Anne Deschamps
Michel Soulage
Nathalie Cotte
Journal articles
Crustal structure deduced from receiver functions via single-scattering migration
E. Bertrand
Anne Deschamps
J. Virieux
Journal articles
Les enseignements du petit séisme de Peille (Alpes-Maritimes, France)
F. Courboulex
A.-M. Duval
Anne Deschamps
A. Lomax
C. Larroque
Journal articles
A site effect study in the Verchiano valley during the 1997 Umbria-Marche (Central Italy) earthquakes
Stéphane Gaffet
G. Cultrera
M. Dietrich
F. Courboulex
G. Marra
Journal articles
Spatio-temporal distribution of seismic activity during the Umbria-Marche crisis, 1997
Anne Deschamps
F. Courboulex
Stéphane Gaffet
A. Lomax
J. Virieux
Journal articles
Active deformation of the Corinth rift, Greece: Results from repeated Global Positioning System surveys between 1990 and 1995
Pierre Briole
Alexis Rigo
H. Lyon-Caen
Jean Claude Ruegg
K. Papazissi
Journal articles
Une expérience multi-antennes à Annot pour l'analyse des effets de site en sismologie: A multi-array experiment in Annot for site effect analysis
Christophe Larroque
Stéphane Gaffet
C. Cornou
E. Schisselé
E. Bertrand
Journal articles
The 1997 Umbria-Marche, Italy, earthquake sequence : a first look at the main shocks and aftershocks
A. Amato
R. Azzara
C. Chiarabba
G.B. Cimini
M. Cocco
Journal articles
The 1997 Umbria-Marche, Italy, earthquake sequence : a first look at the main shocks and aftershocks
Stéphane Gaffet
C. Larroque
Anne Deschamps
F. Tressols
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 1998, 17, pp.475-484
Journal articles
Source study and tectonic implications of the 1995 Ventimiglia (border of Italy and France) earthquake (Ml=4.7)
F. Courboulex
Anne Deschamps
M. Cattaneo
F. Costi
Jacques Déverchère
Journal articles
The Ms = 6.2, June 15, 1995 Aigion earthquake (Greece): evidence for low angle normal faulting in the Corinth rift
Pascal Bernard
Pierre Briole
Bertrand Meyer
H. Lyon-Caen
M. Gomez
Journal articles