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Anne Tromelin

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**Anne TROMELIN** tel : 03-80-69-35-12 e-mail : <> Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l’Alimentation, AgroSup Dijon, CNRS, INRAE, Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté, F-21000 Dijon. **SITUATION ACTUELLE** **CRHCEX** dans l’équipe FFOPP du CSGA « Flaveur, Food Oral Processing et Perception » (T. Thomas-Danguin et Ch. Salles) **Etude des relations structure-activité et structure-propriété des molécules odorantes dans le but de comprendre les processus régissant la perception des odorants, et en particulier de la perception homogène des mélanges d’odorants** **Application de la chémoinformatique à cette thématique :** *Logiciels Discovery Studio®, Catalyst® Cerius2®, Dragon, Cytoscape, XLStat, PHASE* **Coordinatrice du projet MULTIMIX *(AAP ANR 2018, Nov 2018- Oct 2023)*** ***Participation à l’AIC TransformON et au projet PO2 sur la hiérarchisation des termes concernant les propriétés sensorielles des aliments* *(2020-2022)*** Articles scientifiques et communications : 36 publications dans des revues à comité de lecture international, 8 chapitres d’ouvrages, 9 articles de Proceedings, 7 communications orales, 55 posters. ***Encadrements depuis 2005*** Co-direction avec K. Audouze (Université de Paris) de la thèse de Marylène Rugard (01/11/2019-31/10/2022) soutenue le 4 octobre 2022 Florian Koensgen, M2 de Chémoinformatique de Strasbourg (26/01/2015-12/06/2015) Charfedinne Ayed, post-doctorant (01/09/2011-31/08/2012) Direction de thèse de Yacine Merabtine (2007-2010) ***Autres activités*** Participation aux Groupements de Recherche « Odorant-Odeur-Olfaction » (GdR O3, []( et Chémoinformatique (GdR Chémoinformatique, <>) ; membre de la Société Française de Chémoinformatique ([]( Referee pour ACS Chemical Neuroscience, Applied Sciences-Basel, Chemical Senses, Cosmetics, Dairy Science &amp; Technology, Flavour and Fragrance Journal, Food Chemistry, Food Research International, Gigascience, Journal of Food Science, Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, Nucleic Acids Research, RCS Advances, Trends in Analytical Chemistry. **CHRONOLOGIE PROFESSIONNELLE** **septembre 1993 – septembre 2000** **Travaux de recherche** effectués dans le Groupe Technologie des Poudres à Usage Pharmaceutique, UFR Pharmacie de Dijon, Pr. Y. Pourcelot : *Etude de l’aptitude à la dissolution de composés solides d’intérêt pharmaceutique et de la morphologie des surfaces en utilisant le concept de géométrie fractale.* Tromelin *et al.**Drug Dev. Ind. Pharm.* **1996** ; Tromelin *et al.* *J. Pharm. Sci.* **1996 ;** Tromelin *et al.**Int. J. Pharm.*, **2001**. **Enseignement** en Chimie Générale et Minérale à l’UFR Pharmacie de Dijon. ***Encadrement*** Trois étudiants inscrits au DEA de Sciences de l’Alimentation, option Science des Aliment, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Biologie Appliquée à la Nutrition et à l’Alimentation, Dijon : Gérald Hautbout, juillet 1999, « *Etude de la cinétique de dissolution d’un excipient de type édulcorant en relation avec la morphologie des particules* » ; Jean-Claude Gnanou, DEA mention B, juillet 1995, « *Etat particulaire et dissolution : influence des paramètres taille et forme particulaire sur la dissolution. Etude sur des comprimés et différentes classes granulométriques d’acide orthoborique* » ; Sylvie Habillon, DEA mention AB, juillet 1994, « *Relation entre état particulaire et aptitude à la dissolution aqueuse de deux qualités commerciales d’acide borique* ». **octobre 1992 - septembre 1993** Attachée Temporaire d'Enseignement et de Recherche, Faculté de Pharmacie de Lille. **Enseignement** en Chimie Générale, Travaux Pratiques de deuxième année (75 h). **Travaux de recherche** effectués à l’Institut Pasteur de Lille. *Synthèse de pseudo-peptides inhibiteurs non réductible de la trypanothione réductase.* Tromelin *et al.**Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.*, **1993**. **juin 1990 - décembre 1991** Ingénieur au Département d'Ingénierie et d'Etudes des Protéines, Centre d'Etudes de Saclay. *Conception et synthèse de peptides formulés sur la base des séquences de petites protéines d'origine animale impliquant des constructions moléculaires sur écran graphique.* Tromelin *et al.**Tetrahedron Lett.*, **1992**. ***Stages à l’étranger*** **mai 1989 - mai 1990** Stage post-doctoral dans le département de Recherches Précliniques, SANDOZ, Bâle. *Synthèse de peptides cycliques dérivés de la cyclosporine A.* Wenger *et al. Chimia*, **1992**. **juillet 1988 - avril 1989** Stage post-doctoral à l'Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Zürich*. Synthèse d'antagonistes cycliques de neuropeptides.* ***Formation par la recherche*** **octobre 1984 - juin 1988** Préparation d'une thèse de Doctorat dans le Service de Chimie de la Section de Biologie de l'Institut Curie, financée par une bourse de la Ligue Nationale Française contre le Cancer. *Synthèse de dérivés du 2-nitrofurane portant un ou plusieurs cycles aromatiques accolés et diversement substitués. Etude, en collaboration avec des équipes de biologistes, des corrélations entre structures et activités de ces composés.* Tromelin *et al.* *Synthesis*, **1985** ; Tromelin *et al.* *Eur. J. Med. Chem.* **1986** ; Ronto *et al. Mutagenesis*, **1989 ;** Castelain *et al. Mutation Research*, **1992**. **septembre 1982 - mars 1984** Préparation d'une thèse de Docteur-Ingénieur au Laboratoire des Organoéléments, financée par une bourse DGRST de Chimie Analytique, Université P. et M. Curie Paris VI. *Synthèse de divers composés organiques phosphorés dans le but d'obtenir des hydroxy-alkylidènes diphosphonates. Etude de spectres RMN du phosphore.* Tromelin *et al.* *Phosphorus Sulfur,* **1986** ; Burgada *et al. Phosphorus Sulfur*, **1987**. **Diplômes et formation** **Qualification pour les fonctions de Professeur des Universités** en sections CNU 39 (2004-2007) et 32 (2005-2008). **Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches**, Université de Bourgogne, soutenue le 13 octobre 1998. **Doctorat de l'Université P. et M. Curie Paris VI** (1988). Thèse soutenue le 14 mars 1988. **Diplôme de Docteur-Ingénieur**, Université P. et M. Curie Paris VI ; Thèse soutenue le 4 mars 1984. **DEA** de Spectrochimie et Structure (AB), Université P. et M. Curie Paris VI 1981. **Diplôme d'Ingénieur** de l'Ecole Supérieure de Chimie Organique et Minérale (ESCOM), Paris 1980.

Research domains



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Pred-O3, a web server to predict molecules, olfactory receptors and odor relationships

Guillaume Ollitrault , Rayane Achebouche , Antoine Dreux , Samuel Murail , Karine Audouze
Nucleic Acids Research, 2024, 52 (W1), pp.W507-W512. ⟨10.1093/nar/gkae305⟩
Journal articles hal-04665721v1

Multidisciplinary approach to explore interactions in odor mixture perception

Thierry Thomas-Danguin , Anne-Marie Le Bon , Olivier Taboureau , David D. Jarriault , Frédérique Datiche
Chemical Senses, 2023, 48, pp.bjad029.16
Journal articles hal-04473367v1
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Combining the Classification and Pharmacophore Approaches to Understand Homogeneous Olfactory Perceptions at Peripheral Level: Focus on Two Aroma Mixtures

Marylène Rugard , Karine Audouze , Anne Tromelin
Molecules, 2023, 28 (10), pp.4028. ⟨10.3390/molecules28104028⟩
Journal articles hal-04101339v1

Bitter Odorants and Odorous Bitters: Toxicity and Human TAS2R Targets

Eitan Margulis , Tatjana Lang , Anne Tromelin , Evgenii Ziaikin , Maik Behrens
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2023, 71 (23), pp.9051-9061. ⟨10.1021/acs.jafc.3c00592⟩
Journal articles hal-04146080v1
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Application of artificial intelligence to decode the relationships between smell, olfactory receptors and small molecules

Rayane Achebouche , Anne Tromelin , Karine Audouze , Olivier Taboureau
Scientific Reports, 2022, 12 (1), pp.18817. ⟨10.1038/s41598-022-23176-y⟩
Journal articles hal-03845677v1
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Smell compounds classification using UMAP to increase knowledge of odors and molecular structures linkages

Marylène Rugard , Thomas Jaylet , Olivier Taboureau , Anne Tromelin , Karine Audouze
PLoS ONE, 2021, 16 (5), pp.e0252486. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0252486⟩
Journal articles hal-03266298v1
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Recent smell loss is the best predictor of COVID-19 among individuals with recent respiratory symptoms

Richard C. Gerkin , Kathrin Ohla , Maria G. Veldhuizen , Paule V. Joseph , Christine E. Kelly
Chemical Senses, 2021, 46, pp.bjaa081. ⟨10.1093/chemse/bjaa081⟩
Journal articles hal-03367315v1
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Multivariate statistical analysis and odour-taste network to reveal odour-taste associations

Elisabeth Guichard , Carmen Barba , Thierry Thomas-Danguin , Anne Tromelin
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2020, 68 (38), pp.10318-10328. ⟨10.1021/acs.jafc.9b05462⟩
Journal articles hal-02617715v1
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Exploring the Characteristics of an Aroma-Blending Mixture by Investigating the Network of Shared Odors and the Molecular Features of Their Related Odorants

Anne Tromelin , Florian Koensgen , Karine Audouze , Elisabeth E. Guichard , Thierry Thomas-Danguin
Molecules, 2020, 25 (13), ⟨10.3390/molecules25133032⟩
Journal articles hal-02904635v1
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Multivariate statistical analysis of a large odorants database aimed at revealing similarities and links between odorants and odors

Anne Tromelin , Claire Chabanet , Karine Audouze , Florian Koensgen , Elisabeth Guichard
Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 2018, 33 (1), pp.106-126. ⟨10.1002/ffj.3430⟩
Journal articles hal-02621602v1
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New determinants of olfactory habituation

Charlotte Sinding , François Valadier , Viviana Al-Hassani , Gilles Feron , Anne Tromelin
Scientific Reports, 2017, 7 (41047), pp.41047. ⟨10.1038/srep41047⟩
Journal articles hal-01477439v1

Odour perception: A review of an intricate signalling pathway

Anne Tromelin
Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 2016, 31 (2), pp.107-119. ⟨10.1002/ffj.3295⟩
Journal articles hal-01283072v1
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Identification of odorant-receptor interactions by global mapping of the human odorome

Karine Audouze , Anne Tromelin , Anne-Marie Le Bon , Christine Belloir , Rasmus Koefoed Petersen
PLoS ONE, 2014, 9 (4), ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0093037⟩
Journal articles hal-01185026v1

Impact of structural features of odorant molecules on their retention/release behaviours in dairy and pectin gels

Charfedinne Ayed , Samuel Lubbers , Isabelle Andriot , Yacine Merabtine , Elisabeth Guichard
Food Research International, 2014, 62, pp.846-859. ⟨10.1016/j.foodres.2014.04.050⟩
Journal articles hal-02566830v1

Proposed alternative phase ratio variation method for the calculation of liquid-vapour partition coefficients of volatiles

Anne Tromelin , Charfedinne Ayed , Samuel Lubbers , Sandy Pagès-Hélary Pagès-Hélary , Isabelle Andriot
Journal of Chromatography A, 2012, 1263, pp.158-165. ⟨10.1016/j.chroma.2012.09.039⟩
Journal articles hal-02645690v1

Thermodynamic and structure property study of liquid-vapor equilibrium for aroma compounds

Anne Tromelin , Isabelle Andriot , Mirela Kopjar , Elisabeth Guichard
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010, 58 (7), pp.4372-4387. ⟨10.1021/jf904146c⟩
Journal articles hal-01278219v1

Retention-release equilibrium of aroma compounds in polysaccharide gels: study by Quantitative Structure-Activity/Property Relationships approach

Anne Tromelin , Yacine Merabtine , Isabelle Andriot , Samuel Lubbers , Elisabeth Guichard
Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 2010, 25 (6), pp.431-442. ⟨10.1002/ffj.2000⟩
Journal articles hal-02666191v1

Retention/release equilibrium of aroma compounds in fat-free dairy gels

Yacine Merabtine , Samuel Lubbers , Isabelle Andriot , Anne Tromelin , Elisabeth Guichard
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2010, 90 (9), pp.1403-1409. ⟨10.1002/jsfa.3949⟩
Journal articles hal-02661104v1
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Odorant molecules and human olfactory receptor

Guenhaël Sanz , Thierry Thomas-Danguin , El Hassan Hamdani , Claire Le Poupon , Loïc Briand
Parfums Cosmétiques Actualités, 2009, 205 (1), pp.1-5
Journal articles hal-02655865v1

Relationships between molecular structure and perceived odor quality of ligands for a human olfactory receptor

Guenhaël Sanz , Thierry Thomas-Danguin , El Hassan Hamdani , Claire Le Poupon , Loïc Briand
Chemical Senses, 2008, 33 (7), pp.639-653. ⟨10.1093/chemse/bjn032⟩
Journal articles hal-02668044v1

Les récepteurs olfactifs et le codage des odeurs

Anne-Marie Le Bon , Anne Tromelin , Thierry Thomas-Danguin , Loïc Briand
Cahiers de Nutrition et de Diététique, 2008, 43 (6), pp.282-288
Journal articles hal-02667234v1

Effect of thickeners on aroma compound behavior in a model dairy gel

Samuel Lubbers , Nicolas Decourcelle , Daniel Martinez , Elisabeth Guichard , Anne Tromelin
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2007, 55 (12), pp.4835-4841. ⟨10.1021/jf0628375⟩
Journal articles hal-02668488v1

Interaction between flavour compounds and beta-lactoglobulin: approach by NMR and 2D/3D-QSAR studies of ligands

Anne Tromelin , Elisabeth Guichard
Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 2006, 21 (1), pp.13-24. ⟨10.1002/ffj.1696⟩
Journal articles hal-02661414v1

Flavor Release from i-Carrageenan Matrix: A Quantitative Structure-Property Relationships Approach

Antonio Chana , Anne Tromelin , Isabelle Andriot , Elisabeth Guichard
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2006, 54 (10), pp.3679-3685
Journal articles hal-02657029v1

2D- and 3D-QSAR models of interaction between flavor compounds and beta-lactoglobulin using catalyst and cerius

Anne Tromelin , E. Guichard
QSAR and Combinatorial Science, 2004, 23, pp.214-233
Journal articles hal-02671699v1

Use of Catalyst in a 3D-QSAR study of the interactions between flavour compounds and beta-lactoglobulin

Anne Tromelin , E. Guichard
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2003, 51, pp.1977-1983
Journal articles hal-02671692v1

Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic study of beta-lactoglobulin interactions with two flavor compounds, gamma-decalactone and beta-ionone

M. Lübke , E. Guichard , Anne Tromelin , Jean-Luc Le Quéré
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2002, 50, pp.7094-7099
Journal articles hal-02676966v1

Application of fractal geometry to dissolution kinetic study of a sweetener excipient

Anne Tromelin , G. Hautbout , Y. Pourcelot
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2001, 224, pp.131-140
Journal articles hal-02678066v1

Relationship between particle size and dissolution rate of bulk powders and sieving characterized fractions of two qualities of orthoboric acid

Anne Tromelin , S. Habillon , C. Andrés , Y. Pourcelot , B. Chaillot
Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, 1996, 22 (9-10), pp.977-986. ⟨10.3109/03639049609065928⟩
Journal articles hal-02696577v1

Study of morphology of reactive dissolution interface using fractal geometry

Anne Tromelin , J.C. Gnanou , C. Andrés , Y. Pourcelot , B. Chaillot
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1996, 85 (9), pp.924-928. ⟨10.1021/js9690059x⟩
Journal articles hal-02699181v1

Influence of the parameters molecular structure and granularity on the compactibility of a powder

C. Andrés , A. Ndiaye , C. Thomas , Anne Tromelin , B. Chaillot
Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, 1995, 21 (16), pp.1875 -1885. ⟨10.3109/03639049509070863⟩
Journal articles hal-02713548v1

Synthesis of non reducible inhibitors for trypanothione reductase from Trypanosoma cruzi

Anne Tromelin , M. Moutiez , D. Meziane-Cherif , M. Aumercier , A. Tartar
Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 1993, 3 (10), pp.1971-1976. ⟨10.1016/s0960-894x(01)80997-5⟩
Journal articles hal-02716050v1

Mutagenic activity of dichloroethylamino derivatives of nitronaphtofuran and some nitrobenzofurans in the Salmonella/microsome assay

P. Castelain , B. Hendrickx , Anne Tromelin , P. Demerseman , W. Moens
Mutation Research/Mutation Research Genomics, 1992, 280 (1), pp.9-15. ⟨10.1016/0165-1218(92)90013-p⟩
Journal articles hal-02716067v1

Structure of cyclosporine and its metabolites: total synthesis of cyclosporine metabolites formed by oxidation at positions 4 and 9 of cyclosporine. Preparation of leucine-4-cyclosporine, (g-hydroxy)-N-methyl-leucine-9-cyclosporine and leucine-4-(g-hydroxy)-N-methyl-leucine-9-cyclosporine

R. M. Wenger , K. Martin , C. Timbers , Anne Tromelin
CHIMIA, 1992, 46 (7-8), pp.314-322
Journal articles hal-01812826v1

Solid phase synthesis of a cyclic peptide derived from a curaremimetic toxin

Anne Tromelin , M.H. Fulachier , G. Mourier , A. Menez
Tetrahedron Letters, 1992, 33 (36), pp.5197-5200. ⟨10.1016/s0040-4039(00)79131-3⟩
Journal articles hal-02713545v1

Genotoxicity testing: phage T7 inactivation test of various furan and arenofuran derivatives

G. Ronto , A. Fekete , P. Grof , C. Bilger , J-P. Buisson
Mutagenesis, 1989, 4 (6), pp.471-475. ⟨10.1093/mutage/4.6.471⟩
Journal articles hal-02728792v1

Synthèse et réactivité d'un ester cyclique d'alpha-aminodiphosphonate. II

R. Burgada , D. El Manouni , Anne Tromelin , H. Fauduet
Phosphorus and Sulfur and the Related Elements, 1987, 29 (2-4), pp.275-282. ⟨10.1080/03086648708080513⟩
Journal articles hal-02727808v1

Synthèse et étude biologique préliminaire de dérivés dichloroéthylaminés sur l'homocycle de nitro-2 benzofurannes

Anne Tromelin , P. Demerseman , R. Royer
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1986, 21 (5), pp.397-402
Journal articles hal-02726076v1

Alpha-cétophosphonates et esters cycliques d'hydroxyméthylènes diphosphonates : Synthèses, structures et hydrolyse

Anne Tromelin , D. El Manouni , R. Burgada
Phosphorus and Sulfur and the Related Elements, 1986, 27 (3), pp.301-312. ⟨10.1080/03086648608072784⟩
Journal articles hal-02728444v1

Réexamen de la transposition de Fries des acétates et propionates de créosol

R. Märtin , J-P. Gavard , M. Defly , P. Demerseman , Anne Tromelin
Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1986, 4, pp.659-662
Journal articles hal-02727803v1

An improved synthesis of 2-nitrobenzo(b)furans

Anne Tromelin , P. Demerseman , R. Royer
Synthesis: Journal of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, 1985, 11, pp.1074-1076. ⟨10.1055/s-1985-31435⟩
Journal articles hal-02727805v1

Pharmacophore study of a blending six-component odor mixture

Florian Koensgen , Thierry Thomas-Danguin , Charlotte Sinding , Elisabeth Guichard , Anne Tromelin
Strasbourg summer school on chemoinformatics, Jun 2016, Strasbourg, France. 1 p
Conference papers hal-01512002v1

Exploring of odor blending in odorant mixtures by a pharmacophore approach

Florian Koensgen , Elisabeth Guichard , Anne Tromelin
SFCI2015 - 7e journées de la Société Française de Chemoinformatique, Oct 2015, Nice, France. 1 p
Conference papers hal-01512064v1

Développement d’une méthode d’analyse de la désorption de composés d’arôme par PTR-MS sur un modèle in vitro de muqueuse orale

Sarah Ployon , Etienne Semon , Jean-Luc Le Quéré , Christine Belloir , Anne Tromelin
Congrès français de Spectrométrie de Masse et d'Analyse Protéomique (SMAP 2015), Sep 2015, Ajaccio, Corse, France. 1 p
Conference papers hal-01515661v1
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Système endocannoïde et molécules odorantes : une nouvelle piste pour réguler la prise alimentaire ?

Anne-Marie Le Bon , Kathryn Burton , Christine Belloir , Catherine Desmetz , Elisabeth Guichard
30. réunion de l’association française d’étude et de recherche sur l’Obésite (AFERO), Jan 2014, Dijon, France. 1 p
Conference papers hal-01543493v1

In silico study of correspondences between odors descriptions linked to common features of aromas compounds

Anne Tromelin , Claire Chabanet , Karine Audouze , Thierry Thomas-Danguin , Charlotte Sinding
4. Strasbourg summer school on chemoinformatics, Jun 2014, Strasbourg, France. 1 p
Conference papers hal-01512063v1

Identification of various retention/release behaviours of odorant molecules in dairy and pectin gels: the role of structural features

Charfedinne Ayed , Samuel Lubbers , Isabelle Andriot , Yacine Merabtine , Elisabeth Guichard
14. Weurman Flavour Research Symposium, Sep 2014, Cambridge, United Kingdom. 1 p
Conference papers hal-01512141v1
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Identification of odorant molecules as novel CB1 receptor ligands through in silico approach

Karine Audouze , Olivier Taboureau , Søren Brunak , Kathryn Burton , Christine Belloir
SFCI2013 - 6e journées de la Société Française de Chemoinformatique, Oct 2013, Nancy, France. 1 p
Conference papers hal-01578867v1

Evidence for interactions between aroma compounds and the CB1 receptor: a way to regulate food intake?

Anne-Marie Le Bon , Kathryn Burton , Christine Belloir , Catherine Desmetz , Elisabeth Guichard
7. Congrès de Physiologie, de Pharmacologie et de Thérapeutique, Apr 2012, Dijon, France. 1 p
Conference papers hal-02748971v1

Molécules odorantes : olfaction, prise alimentaire, activité biologique

Anne Tromelin
Présentation orale des travaux de Tromelin Anne, Laboratoires Fournier (Abbott). Daix, FRA., Nov 2011, Daix, France. 33 diapositives
Conference papers hal-02804346v1

Improvement of partition coefficients determination of aroma compounds in food matrices by the phase ratio variation method

Anne Tromelin , Samuel Lubbers , Isabelle Andriot , Elisabeth Guichard
13. Weurman Flavour Research Symposium,Special Issue Part I, University of Zaragoza - Universidad de Zaragoza (Zaragoza). ESP., Sep 2011, Zaragoza, Spain. 697 p
Conference papers hal-02746776v1

Towards an understanding of odor blending in odorant mixtures: a pharmacophore approach

Anne Tromelin , Thierry Thomas-Danguin , Charlotte C. Sinding , Gérard Coureaud , Elisabeth Guichard
20. Congress of the European Chemoreception Research Organisation (ECRO), Sep 2010, Avignon, France. 1 p
Conference papers hal-02747507v1

3d ligandbased virtual screening for deorphanisation of a human olfactory receptor

Anne Tromelin , Thierry Thomas-Danguin , Guenhaël Sanz , Loïc Briand , J Claude Pernollet
XVIIIth Congress of European Chemoreception Research Organization, ECRO-2008, Sep 2008, Portoroz, Slovenia
Conference papers hal-02754852v1

Perceptual interactions in mixtures of odorants

Thierry Thomas-Danguin , Noëlle Béno , Akiko Ishii , Elodie Le Berre , Anne Tromelin
15. International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste (ISOT), Jul 2008, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers hal-02754476v1

A human olfactory receptor for waxy, fatty and rose odors

Guenhaël Sanz , Thierry Thomas-Danguin , El Hassan Hamdani , Claire Le Poupon , Loïc Briand
15. International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste (ISOT), Jul 2008, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers hal-02753703v1
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QSAR/QSPR approach of aroma compounds behaviour in polysaccharide gels

Anne Tromelin , Yacine Merabtine , Isabelle Andriot , Samuel Lubbers , Elisabeth Guichard
12. Weurman Flavour Research Symposium, Jul 2008, Interlaken, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-02757887v1

An olfactory receptor detects waxy, fatty and rose odors

Guenhaël Sanz , Thierry Thomas-Danguin , El Hassan Hamdani , Claire Le Poupon , J Claude Pernollet
Salon Européen de la Recherche et de l’Innovation, Ministère de lʼEnseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de lʼInnovation., Jun 2008, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02165422v1

3D-QSAR study of ligands for two human olfactory receptors

Anne Tromelin , Guenhaël Sanz , Loïc Briand , J Claude Pernollet , Elisabeth Guichard
12. Weurman Flavour Research Symposium, Jul 2008, Interlaken, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-02755122v1

3D-QSAR study of ligands for two human olfactory receptors

Anne Tromelin , Guenhaël Sanz , Loïc Briand , J Claude Pernollet , Elisabeth Guichard
Aromagri 2007, Oct 2007, Jouy-en-Josas, France. 1 p
Conference papers hal-02821194v1

Ligand binding study revealing a human olfactory receptor involved in waxy-floral odor perception

Thierry Thomas-Danguin , Guenhaël Sanz , El-Hassan Hamdani , J Claude Pernollet , Loïc Briand
17. Annual Meeting of the European Chemoreception Research Organization (ECRO), Sep 2006, Granada, Spain
Conference papers hal-02753733v1

Récepteurs olfactifs, modélisation et psychophysique... vers la compréhension du codage qualitatif des odeurs

Thierry Thomas-Danguin , Anne Tromelin , Guenhaël Sanz
Aromagri Ile-de-France et Bourgogne, Feb 2006, Versailles, France. n.p
Conference papers hal-02822851v1

Exemples de QSAR sur des coefficients de partage

Anne Tromelin , Antonio Chana
Journées du réseau ITF (Interactions Texture-Flaveur), Apr 2005, Dijon, France. pp.19 slides
Conference papers hal-02833606v1

3D-QSAR study of ligands for a human olfactory receptor

Anne Tromelin , Guenhaël Sanz , Loïc Briand , J Claude Pernollet , Elisabeth Guichard
11. Weurman Flavour Research Symposium, Jun 2005, Roskilde, Denmark
Conference papers hal-02757362v1

Interaction between flavour compounds and beta-lactoglobulin: approach by NMR and 2D/3D-QSAR studies of ligands

Anne Tromelin , Elisabeth E. Guichard
COST Action 921on Food Marrices - Stuctural Organization from Nano- to Marcro Scale and Impact on Flavour Release and Perception, Apr 2004, Bruxelles, Belgium
Conference papers hal-00939762v1

Physical and chemical interactions involved in several flavour compounds/food matrix systems

Elisabeth Guichard , Anne Tromelin , Alexandre Juteau , Barbara Rega , N. Roudnitzky
10. Weurman Flavour Research Symposium, Jun 2002, Beaune, France. 780 p
Conference papers hal-02764520v1
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Understanding odour thresholds: A Quantitative Structure-Property Relationship study of the role of the molecular structure

José Antonio Piornos Martinez , Anne Tromelin
13. Wartburg symposium on flavour chemistry and biology, Oct 2023, Eisenach, Germany
Conference poster hal-04228193v1

Effect of calculation methods and presence of false positives on perception thresholds

José Antonio Piornos Martinez , Alexia Delgado , Rémi de la Burgade , Lisa Methven , Dimitrios Balagiannis
45. annual meeting - association for chemoreception sciences (AChemS), Apr 2023, Bonita Springs, Florida, United States.
Conference poster hal-04095297v1

A multidisciplinary approach to highlight the mechanisms supporting perceptual interactions in odor mixture

Thierry Thomas-Danguin , Anne-Marie Le Bon , Olivier Taboureau , David D. Jarriault , Frédérique Datiche
13. Wartburg symposium on flavour chemistry and biology, Oct 2023, Eisenach, Germany
Conference poster hal-04234447v1

Multidisciplinary approach to explore interactions in odor mixture perception

Thierry Thomas-Danguin , Anne-Marie Le Bon , Olivier Taboureau , Florian Koensgen , David D. Jarriault
45. annual meeting - association for chemoreception sciences (AChemS), Apr 2023, Bonita Springs, Florida, United States.
Conference poster hal-04101265v1

[P27] Chemo-Biological Analysis Applied to the Olfaction Field

Marylène Rugard , Anne Tromelin , Karine Audouze
8. Strasbourg Summer School in Chemoinformatics, Jun 2022, Strasbourg, France. 2022
Conference poster hal-03810731v1

[P32] Study of Odorants Sharing the Odor Notes of an Aroma Blending Mixture by a Pharmacophore Approach

Anne Tromelin , Florian Koensgen , Marylène Rugard , Karine Audouze , Thierry Thomas-Danguin
8. Strasbourg Summer School in Chemoinformatics, Jun 2022, Strasbourg, France. 2022
Conference poster hal-03810998v1

Increasing knowledge of odors and molecular structures linkages of smell compounds by comparing UMAP method to other classification approaches

Marylène Rugard , Thomas Jaylet , Anne Tromelin , Olivier Taboureau , Karine Audouze
SFCi2021, Lille (France), Sep 2021, Virtual meeting, France
Conference poster hal-03442859v1
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Exploring the odorant and molecular characteristics of molecules sharing the odour notes of an aroma blending mixture

Anne Tromelin , Florian Koensgen , Karine Audouze , Thierry Thomas-Danguin , Elisabeth Guichard
The 16. Weurman Flavour Research Symposium, May 2021, Virtual meeting (Dijon), France. , ⟨10.5281/zenodo.5948755⟩
Conference poster hal-03253812v1
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Explaining taste association of odorants by multivariate statistical analysis

Elisabeth Guichard , Carmen Barba , Thierry Thomas-Danguin , Anne Tromelin
12. Wartburg symposium on flavour chemistry and biology, May 2019, Eisenach, Germany. 1 p., 2019
Conference poster hal-02786016v1

Exploring the network of odours shared by an aroma blending mixture

Anne Tromelin , Florian Koensgen , Karine Audouze , Elisabeth Guichard , Thierry Thomas-Danguin
12. Wartburg symposium on flavour chemistry and biology, May 2019, Eisenach, Germany. 1 p., 2019
Conference poster hal-02785784v1

In vivo high-throughput identification of olfactory receptor repertoire coding for a blending mixture

Vanessa Soubeyre , Olivier Taboureau , Karine Audouze , Olivier Bouchez , Christophe Klopp
12. Wartburg symposium on flavour chemistry and biology, May 2019, Eisenach, Germany. 2019
Conference poster hal-02936619v1

Chemo-biological analysis applied to the olfaction field

Marylène Rugard , Dyane Zaarour , Anne Tromelin , Olivier Taboureau , Karine Audouze
9. journées de la Société Française de Chémoinformatique (SFCI), Oct 2019, Paris, France
Conference poster hal-03800876v1
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Identifying specific binding modes for the ligands of a multi-site GPCR by a 3D-QSAR pharmacophore approach

Anne Tromelin , Elisabeth Guichard
6. Strasbourg Summer School in Chemoinformatics, Jun 2018, Strasbourg, France. , 2018
Conference poster hal-01837858v1
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Tri des ligands d'un récepteur multi-site à l'aide d'une approche pharmacophore 3D-QSAR

Anne Tromelin , Elisabeth Guichard
SFCI2017 - 8e journées de la Société française de chemoinformatique, Oct 2017, Orléans, France. 1 p., 2017
Conference poster hal-02790333v1

Evidence of interactions between aroma compounds and the CB1 receptor opens new routes for regulation of food intake

Anne-Marie Le Bon , Karine Audouze , Olivier Taboureau , Kathryn Burton , Christine Belloir
24. Annual Meeting of the European-Chemoreception-Research-Organization (ECRO), Sep 2014, Dijon, France. Oxford University Press, Chemical Senses, 40 (3), 1 p., 2015, Chemical Senses
Conference poster hal-01234393v1

In silico approach to identify odor metric using odor descriptions

Anne Tromelin , Claire Chabanet , Karine Audouze , Elisabeth Guichard
16. International symposium on olfaction and taste (ISOT), Jun 2012, Stockholm, Sweden. , 1 p., 2012
Conference poster hal-02808164v1

Exploring subtle molecular interactions involved between aroma compounds and food matrices/mediums using QSPR approach

Charfedinne Ayed , Elisabeth Guichard , Anne Tromelin
3. Strasbourg summer school on chemoinformatics, Jun 2012, Strasbourg, France. , 1 p., 2012
Conference poster hal-02807816v1

Evidence for interactions between aroma compounds and the CB1 receptor: a way to regulate food intake?

Anne-Marie Le Bon , Kathryn Burton , Christine Belloir , Catherine Desmetz , Elisabeth Guichard
2. International conference on food oral processing (FOP), Jul 2012, Beaune, France. , 1 p., 2012
Conference poster hal-02807564v1

Disease sytems chemical biology of flavors

Karine Audouze , Anne Tromelin , Anne-Marie Le Bon , Christine Belloir , Rasmus K. Petersen
16 International symposium on olfaction and taste, Jun 2012, Stockholm, Sweden. 1 p., 2012
Conference poster hal-02806044v1

Identification of aroma compounds as novel CB1 receptor ligands via in silico approaches

Karine Audouze , Olivier Taboureau , Soren Brunak , Kathryn Burton , Christine Belloir
48. International conference on medicinal chemistry (RICT), Jul 2012, Poitiers, France. 1 p., 2012
Conference poster hal-02806047v1

Exploring subtle molecular interactions involved between aroma compounds and food mediums using QSPR approach

Charfedinne Ayed , Elisabeth Guichard , Anne Tromelin
19. Euroqsar, Aug 2012, Vienne, Austria. 1 p., 2012
Conference poster hal-02805006v1

Does saliva modify the volatility of aroma compounds?

Sandy Pagès-Hélary Pagès-Hélary , Francis Canon , Isabelle Andriot , Anne Tromelin , Charfedinne Ayed
2. International conference on food oral processing (FOP), Jul 2012, Beaune, France. , 1 p., 2012
Conference poster hal-02808025v1

How properties of aroma compounds could be explained by molecular properties?

Anne Tromelin , Charfedinne Ayed , Elisabeth Guichard
Journées nationales de chemoinformatique, Oct 2011, Cabourg, France. 1 p., 2011
Conference poster hal-02804247v1

Could aroma compounds interact with the endocannabinoid system?

Anne Tromelin , Kathryn Burton , Christine Belloir , Anne-Marie Le Bon , Elisabeth Guichard
Rencontres internationales de chimie thérapeutique. Drug discovery and selection, Jul 2011, Lyon, France. , 1 p., 2011
Conference poster hal-02808074v1

Aroma release in fat free dairy gels added or not added with pectin

Yacine Merabtine , Samuel Lubbers , Isabelle Andriot , Anne Tromelin , Elisabeth Guichard
 Euro Food Chem 15., Jul 2009, Copenhague, Denmark. 1 p., 2009
Conference poster hal-02816107v1

Application de l'approche QSAR/QSPR à la perception des arômes

Anne Tromelin , Elisabeth Guichard
Journées de Chémoinformatique, Jun 2009, Montpellier, France. 1 p., 2009
Conference poster hal-02824468v1

Cannabinoid ligands sorting out by a 3D-QSAR approach using catalyst/hypogen

Anne Tromelin , Elisabeth Guichard
Rencontres Internationales de Chimie Thérapeutique. Drug Discovery and Selection, Jul 2009, Orléans, France. 1 p., 2009
Conference poster hal-02818979v1
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QSAR/QSPR approach of aroma compounds behaviour in food products

Anne Tromelin , Samuel Lubbers , Daniel Martinez , Elisabeth Guichard
14. European Conference on Food Chemistry (Euro Food Chem XIV), Aug 2007, Paris, France. 2007
Conference poster hal-02821418v1
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Characterization of protein-aroma interactions at a molecular scale

Laurette Tavel , Isabelle Andriot , Anne Tromelin , Céline Moreau , Elisabeth Guichard
13. World Congress of Food Science and Technology (IUFOST): "Food is Life", Sep 2006, Nantes, France. 2006
Conference poster hal-02815218v1
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Application of Quantitative Structure-Property Relationships (QSPR) approach to aroma release study

Anne Tromelin , A. Chana-Lopez , Samuel Lubbers , Isabelle Andriot , Elisabeth Guichard
13. World Congress of Food Science and Technology (IUFOST): "Food is Life", Sep 2006, Nantes, France. 2006
Conference poster hal-02824150v1

Use of fractal geometry to dissolution study of a sweetener excipient

Anne Tromelin , G. Haubout , Y. Pourcelot
Annual Congress of the Association for Pharmaceutical Technology (APV), 3th World meeting on pharmaceutics biopharmaceutics pharmaceutical technology, Apr 2002, Berlin, Germany. , 1 p., 2002
Conference poster hal-02830268v1

Etude de la morphologie de l'interface reactive de dissolution en utilisant le concept de géométrie fractale

Anne Tromelin , J.C. Gnanou , Y. Pourcelot , B. Chaillot
3. journée Jeunes chercheurs de la Société de chimie thérapeutique, Jan 1995, Paris, France. 1995
Conference poster hal-02848919v1

Aptitude à la comprimabilité : structure moléculaire - état particulaire

C Andres , A. Ndiaye , P. Tavares , C. Thomas , Anne Tromelin
Rencontres galéniques de Rabat, Mar 1994, Rabat, Maroc. 1994
Conference poster hal-02848230v1

Formation des agrégats à partir d'une phase cristalline d'acide orthoborique. Intérêt pour la technologie des poudres pharmaceutiques

S. Delahaye , C. Andrés , Anne Tromelin , Y. Pourcelot , B. Chaillot
20. congrès de Bordeaux : Journées des équilibres entre phases, Mar 1994, Bordeaux, France. 1994
Conference poster hal-02849756v1

Prediction of perception using structure–activity models

Anne Tromelin
Flavor: From Food to Behaviors, Wellbeing and Health, 299, Elsevier Ltd, 460 p., 2016, Woodhead Publishing in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition, 978-0-08-100300-8. ⟨10.1016/B978-0-08-100295-7.00009-8⟩
Book sections hal-01578242v1

Mammalian olfactory receptors: Molecular mechanisms of odorant detection, 3D-modeling, and structure–activity relationships

Marie-Annick Persuy , Guenhaël Sanz , Anne Tromelin , Thierry Thomas-Danguin , Jean-Francois Gibrat
Molecular basis of olfaction, 130, Chapter 1 - Molecular Basis of Olfaction, Academic Press, 131 p., 2015, Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science, 978-0-12-802912-1. ⟨10.1016/bs.pmbts.2014.11.001⟩
Book sections hal-01249030v1

Retention and release behaviours of aroma compounds in dairy and pectin gels: the role of structural features

Charfedinne Ayed , Samuel Lubbers , Isabelle Andriot , Yacine Merabtine , Elisabeth Guichard
Flavour Science: Proceedings of the XIV Weurman Flavour Research Symposium, Context Products Ltd., 593 p., 2015, 978-1-899043-70-5
Book sections hal-01183014v1
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Improvement of partition coefficients determination of aroma compounds in food matrices by the phase ratio variation method

Anne Tromelin , Samuel Lubbers , Isabelle Andriot , Elisabeth Guichard
Flavour Science: Proceedings from XIII Weurman Flavour Research Symposium, Academic Press, 742 p., 2014, 978-0-12-398549-1. ⟨10.1016/B978-0-12-398549-1.00075-1⟩
Book sections hal-01298407v1

Les molécules odorantes, sapides et trigéminales

Thierry Thomas-Danguin , Elodie Maitrepierre , Maud M. Sigoillot , Loïc Briand , Anne Tromelin
Odorat et goût. De la neurobiologie des sens chimiques aux applications, Editions Quae, 2012, Synthèses (Quae), ISBN-13 : 978-2-7592-1770-0
Book sections hal-02805994v1

Quantitative structure-property relationships approach of aroma compounds behaviour in polysaccharide gels

Anne Tromelin , Yacine Merabtine , Isabelle Andriot , Samuel Lubbers , Elisabeth Guichard
Expression of multidisciplinary flavour science. Proceedings of the 12. Weurman Symposium Interlaken, Switzerland, 2008, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, 2010, 978-3-905745-19-1
Book sections hal-02822513v1

3D-quantitative structure-activity relationships study of ligands for two human olfactory receptors

Anne Tromelin , Guenhaël Sanz , Loïc Briand , J Claude Pernollet , Elisabeth Guichard
Expression of Multidisciplinary Flavour Science. Proceedings of the 12. Weurman Symposium. Interlaken, Switzerland, 2008, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, 2010, 978-3-905745-19-1. ⟨10.1021/jf902402s⟩
Book sections hal-02817629v1

Protein-flavour interactions

Anne Tromelin , Isabelle Andriot , Elisabeth Guichard
Flavour in Food, 1ère éd., Woodhead Publishing Limited, 320 p., 2006, 1-85573-960-7. ⟨10.1533/9781845691400.2.172⟩
Book sections hal-01840972v1

Fonctionnalisation et génotoxicité dans la série des nitro-2 arénofurannes

Anne Tromelin
Chimie organique. Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6, 1988. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩
Theses tel-02857089v1

Synthèse de quelques alpha-cétophosphonates et hydroxydiphosphonates

Anne Tromelin
Chimie organique. Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6, 1984. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩
Theses tel-02857901v1