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Full Professor of Materials Physics
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Materials and structures in mechanics [physics.class-ph] Condensed Matter [cond-mat]


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Estimation of dislocation densities with non-destructive SEM techniques: application to Gallium Nitride

Arka Mandal , Benoît Beausir , Julien Guyon , Vincent Taupin , Antoine Guitton
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 2025, ⟨10.1093/mam/ozae124⟩
Journal articles hal-04821282v1
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Microstructure Evolution in AM Produced Superalloy Thin Struts at Low Plastic Strain

Laura Delcuse , Slim Bahi , U.F. Gunputh , M. Ben Haj Slama , Antoine Guitton
Materials Today Communications, 2024, 39, pp.108739. ⟨10.1016/j.mtcomm.2024.108739⟩
Journal articles hal-04533611v1
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Improving embrittlement in the Ti-Al-C MAX phase system: a composite approach for surface severe plastic deformation

Adrien Heinzelmeier , Antoine Guitton , Marc Novelli , Wenbo Yu , Thierry Grosdidier
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, pp.169946. ⟨10.1016/j.jallcom.2023.169946⟩
Journal articles hal-03714488v1
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Influence of pre-existing configurations of dislocations on the initial pop-in load during nanoindentation in a CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy

Frederic Habiyaremye , Antoine Guitton , Xiaolei Chen , Thiebaud Richeton , Stéphane Berbenni
Philosophical Magazine, 2023, 104 (3), pp.137-160. ⟨10.1080/14786435.2023.2290541⟩
Journal articles hal-04346310v1
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Experimental evidence of zonal dislocations in the Ti2AlC MAX phase

Alexandre Mussi , Adrien Henzelmeier , Timmo Weidner , Marc Novelli , Yu Wenbo
Materials Characterization, 2023, 200, pp.112882. ⟨10.1016/j.matchar.2023.112882⟩
Journal articles hal-03775865v1
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From electron tomography of dislocations to field dislocation mechanics: application to olivine

Timmo Weidner , Vincent Taupin , Sylvie Demouchy , Karine Gouriet , Antoine Guitton
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2023, 32 (1), pp.015004. ⟨10.1088/1361-651X/ad0a42⟩
Journal articles hal-04276564v1
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Features of a nano-twist phase in the nanolayered Ti3AlC2 MAX phase

Julien Guénolé , Vincent Taupin , Maxime Vallet , Wenbo Yu , Antoine Guitton
Scripta Materialia, 2022, 210, pp.114425. ⟨10.1016/j.scriptamat.2021.114425⟩
Journal articles hal-03207521v3
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Effects of A-site atoms in Ti2AlC and Ti3SiC2 MAX phases reinforced Mg composites: Interfacial structure and mechanical properties

Wenbo Yu , Xufeng Pi , Wantong Chen , Maxime Vallet , Antoine Guitton
Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2021, 826, pp.141961. ⟨10.1016/j.msea.2021.141961⟩
Journal articles hal-03323800v1
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Electron Channeling Contrast Imaging characterization and crystal plasticity modelling of dislocation activity in Ti21S BCC material

Meriem Ben Haj Slama , Vincent Taupin , Nabila Maloufi , Kaustubh Venkatraman , Anthony Rollett
Materialia, 2021, 15, pp.100996. ⟨10.1016/j.mtla.2020.100996⟩
Journal articles hal-03094460v1
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Modelling electron channeling contrast intensity of stacking fault and twin boundary using crystal thickness effect

Hana Kriaa , Antoine Guitton , Nabila Maloufi
Materials, 2021, 14 (7), pp.1696. ⟨10.3390/ma14071696⟩
Journal articles hal-03118996v1
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Frank partial dislocation in Ti2AlC-MAX phase induced by matrix-Cu diffusion

Wenbo Yu , Julien Guénolé , Jaafar Ghanbaja , Maxime Vallet , Antoine Guitton
Scripta Materialia, 2021, 191, pp.34-39. ⟨10.1016/j.scriptamat.2020.09.007⟩
Journal articles hal-02940841v1
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Plasticity induced by nanoindentation in a CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy studied by accurate electron channeling contrast imaging revealing dislocation-low angle grain boundary interactions

Frederic Habiyaremye , Antoine Guitton , Florian Schäfer , Felicitas Scholz , Mike Schneider
Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2021, 817, pp.141364. ⟨10.1016/j.msea.2021.141364⟩
Journal articles hal-03118990v1
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Tuning critical resolved shear stress ratios for BCC-Titanium Ti21S via an automated data analysis approach

Kaustubh Venkatraman , Meriem Ben Haj Slama , Vincent Taupin , Nabila Maloufi , Antoine Guitton
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2021, ⟨10.1088/1361-651X/abfeb0⟩
Journal articles hal-03119000v1
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Processing and Mechanical Properties of Ti2AlC MAX Phase Reinforced AE44 Magnesium Composite

Xufeng Pi , Wenbo Yu , Chaosheng Ma , Xiaojun Wang , Shoumei Xiong
Materials, 2020, ⟨10.3390/ma13040995⟩
Journal articles hal-02495138v1
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Study of Mg–Al–Ca magnesium alloy ameliorated with designed Al8Mn4Gd phase

Chaosheng Ma , Wenbo Yu , Xufeng Pi , Antoine Guitton
Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 2020, 8 (4), pp.1084-1089. ⟨10.1016/j.jma.2020.08.009⟩
Journal articles hal-03039711v1
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In Situ Macroscopic Tensile Testing in SEM and Electron Channeling Contrast Imaging: Pencil Glide Evidenced in a Bulk β-Ti21S Polycrystal

Meriem Ben Haj Slama , Nabila Maloufi , Julien Guyon , Slim Bahi , Laurent Weiss
Materials, 2019, 12 (15), pp.2479. ⟨10.3390/ma12152479⟩
Journal articles hal-02392248v1
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Modeling Dislocation Contrasts Obtained by Accurate-Electron Channeling Contrast Imaging for Characterizing Deformation Mechanisms in Bulk Materials

Hana Kriaa , Antoine Guitton , Nabila Maloufi
Materials, 2019, 12 (10), pp.1587. ⟨10.3390/ma12101587⟩
Journal articles hal-02392249v1
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A Dislocation-Scale Characterization of the Evolution of Deformation Microstructures around Nanoindentation Imprints in a TiAl Alloy

Antoine Guitton , Hana Kriaa , Emmanuel Bouzy , Julien Guyon , Nabila Maloufi
Materials, 2018, 11 (2), pp.305. ⟨10.3390/ma11020305⟩
Journal articles hal-02392252v1
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On-axis TKD for orientation mapping of nanocrystalline materials in SEM

Etienne Brodu , Emmanuel Bouzy , Jean-Jacques Fundenberger , Julien Guyon , Antoine Guitton
Materials Characterization, 2017, 130, pp.92-96. ⟨10.1016/j.matchar.2017.05.036⟩
Journal articles hal-02392258v1
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Fundamental and experimental aspects of diffraction for characterizing dislocations by electron channeling contrast imaging in scanning electron microscope

H. Kriaa , A. Guitton , N. Maloufi
Scientific Reports, 2017, 7 (1), ⟨10.1038/s41598-017-09756-3⟩
Journal articles hal-02392256v1
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A Miniaturized Biaxial Deformation Rig for in Situ Mechanical Testing

S. van Petegem , A. Guitton , M. Dupraz , A. Bollhalder , K. Sofinowski
Experimental Mechanics, 2017, 57 (4), pp.569-580. ⟨10.1007/s11340-016-0244-0⟩
Journal articles hal-02392260v1
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Dislocation modelling in Ti 2 AlN MAX phase based on the Peierls–Nabarro model

Karine Gouriet , Philippe Carrez , Patrick Cordier , Antoine Guitton , Anne Joulain
Philosophical Magazine, 2015, 95 (23), pp.2539 - 2552. ⟨10.1080/14786435.2015.1066938⟩
Journal articles hal-01515323v1
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Picosecond pulsed laser for microscale sample preparation

Antoine Guitton , A. Irastorza-Landa , R. Broennimann , D. Grolimund , S. van Petegem
Materials Letters, 2015, 160, pp.589-591. ⟨10.1016/j.matlet.2015.06.119⟩
Journal articles hal-01514740v1
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Effect of microstructure anisotropy on the deformation of MAX polycrystals studied by in-situ compression combined with neutron diffraction

Antoine Guitton , S. van Petegem , C. Tromas , A. Joulain , H. van Swygenhoven
Applied Physics Letters, 2014, 104 (24), ⟨10.1063/1.4884601⟩
Journal articles hal-01503721v1
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Evidence of dislocation cross-slip in MAX phase deformed at high temperature

Antoine Guitton , Anne Joulain , Ludovic Thilly , Christophe Tromas
Scientific Reports, 2014, 4, ⟨10.1038/srep06358⟩
Journal articles hal-01503720v1
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Pressure-enforced plasticity in MAX phases: from single grain to polycrystal investigation

Guo-Ping Bei , Antoine Guitton , Anne Joulain , Veronique Brunet , Sylvain Dubois
Philosophical Magazine, 2013, 93 (15), pp.1784-1801. ⟨10.1080/14786435.2012.755272⟩
Journal articles hal-01501851v1
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Dislocation analysis of Ti2AlN deformed at room temperature under confining pressure

Antoine Guitton , Anne Joulain , Ludovic Thilly , Christophe Tromas
Philosophical Magazine, 2012, 92 (36), pp.4536-4546. ⟨10.1080/14786435.2012.715250⟩
Journal articles hal-03041046v1
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Development of a pixelated STEM-in-SEM detector for microstructural features characterization

Julien Aubourg , Emmanuel Bouzy , Antoine Guitton , Jean- Jacques Fundenberger , Yudong Zhang
The 17th European Microscopy Congress (EMC 2024), Aug 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark. pp.05014, ⟨10.1051/bioconf/202412905014⟩
Conference papers hal-04805924v1

Microstructural defects in MAX phases

Adrien Heinzelmeier , Timmo Weidner , Thierry Grosdidier , Alexandre Mussi , Julien Guénolé
48th international conference and exposition on advanced ceramics and composites, Jan 2024, Daytona Beach, United States
Conference papers hal-04392821v1

Micro-/nano-structural defects in MAX phases

Adrien Heinzelmeier , Timmo Weidner , Thierry Grosdidier , Alexandre Mussi , Vincent Taupin
IWAC09 International workshop on Advanced Ceramics, Centre Européen de la Céramique, Sep 2023, Limoges, France
Conference papers hal-04392825v1
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Transition énergétique : les matériaux métalliques pour la filière hydrogène. Genèse d'un projet de club étudiants / chercheurs du programme ORION

Thierry Grosdidier , Antoine Guitton , Thomas Gries
CNRIUT 2023 Saint Pierre - La Réunion, IUT de Saint Pierre, Jun 2023, Saint Pierre (La Réunion), La Réunion
Conference papers hal-04326820v1
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Transition énergétique : les matériaux métalliques pour la filière hydrogène. Genèse d’un projet de club étudiants / chercheurs du programme ORION

Thierry Grosdidier , Adrien Heinzelmeier , Antoine Marsigny , Antoine Guitton , Thomas Gries
CNRIUT 2023, Jun 2023, Saint-Pierre, France
Conference papers hal-04168804v1
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The effect of prior ultrasonic shot peening treatment on the low-temperature plasma nitriding of a metastable β-Ti alloy

Renaud Genin , Luc Pichon , Antoine Guitton , Michel Drouet , Thierry Grosdidier
15th World Conference on Titanium (Ti-2023), Jun 2023, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-04079904v1

Microstructural and mechanical characterizations of Mg-based nanocomposites with MAX phases or MXenes after severe plastic deformation treatments

Adrien Heinzelmeier , Antoine Guitton , Marc Novelli , Xavier Sauvage , Stéphane Célérier
International Conference on Strength of Materials (ICSMA19), Jun 2022, Metz, France
Conference papers hal-03696029v1

Feature engineering-based approach for capturing fundamental deformation mechanisms of plasticity in β-Ti21S

Kaustubh Venkatraman , Vincent Taupin , Antoine Guitton
ICSMA, Jun 2022, Metz, France
Conference papers hal-03598440v1

Feature extraction applied to slip trace analysis in β-Ti21S

Kaustubh Venkatraman , Vincent Taupin , Antoine Guitton
Plasticité 2022, Apr 2022, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-03598439v1

Frank partial dislocation in Ti2AlC-MAX phase induced by matrix-Cu diffusion

Wenbo Yu , Julien Guénolé , Jaafar Ghanbaja , Maxime Vallet , Antoine Guitton
45th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC2021), Feb 2021, Virtual, United States
Conference papers hal-03102054v1

Plasticity induced by nanoindentation in a CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy studied by accurate electron channeling contrast imaging revealing dislocation-low angle grain boundary interactions

Frederic Habiyaremye , Antoine Guitton , Florian Schäfer , Felicia Scholz , Mike Schneider
Plasticité 2020, Apr 2021, Virtual, France
Conference papers hal-03184598v1

Microstructural anisotropy and its influence on the internal stress field within grains: experimental confrontation with full-field crystal plasticity models

Kaustubh Venkatraman , Meriem Ben Haj Slama , Vincent Taupin , Nabila Maloufi Maloufi , Stephane Berbenni
TMS2021 Annual Meeting & Exhibition (Keynote), Mar 2021, Virtual, United States
Conference papers hal-03111536v1

Interactions between dislocations and low-angle grain boundary in a single CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy

Frederic Habiyaremye , Antoine Guitton , Florian Schäfer , Felicia Scholz , Mike Schneider
TMS2021 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Mar 2021, Virtual, United States
Conference papers hal-03111539v1

Mechanisms of plastic deformation in the vicinity of a low-angle grain boundary in CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy

Frederic Habiyaremye , Antoine Guitton , Florian Schäfer , Felicia Scholz , Martin Schneider
GDR-HEA, 2020, Virtual, France
Conference papers hal-03046327v1

Statistical confrontation between in-situ Electron Channeling Contrast Imaging and mesoscale polycrystal plasticity models.

Antoine Guitton
4th Schöntal Symposium, 2020, Schöntal, Germany
Conference papers hal-03042882v1

Recent progress on Scanning Electron Microscopy for understanding fundamental deformation mechanisms of materials

Antoine Guitton
16th SFµ conference, 2019, Poitiers, France
Conference papers hal-03042858v1

Towards 3D reconstruction of dislocation networks observed by ECCI

Meriem Ben Haj Slama , Nabila Maloufi , Cécile Hébert , Antoine Guitton
EBSD 2019 Meeting, 2019, Teddington, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-03046306v1

Dislocation-scale characterization of the evolution of deformation microstructures on bulk materials. Case of TiAl alloys

Antoine Guitton , Hana Kriaa , Emmanuel Bouzy , Julien Guyon , Nabila Maloufi
Matériaux, 2018, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers hal-03043122v1

A dislocation-scale characterization of the evolution of deformation microstructures around nanoindentation imprints in a TiAl

Antoine Guitton , Hana Kriaa , Emmanuel Bouzy , Julien Guyon , Nabila Maloufi
Plasticité, 2018, Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-03043111v1

A dislocation-scale characterization of the evolution of deformation microstructures on a bulk TiAl alloy

Antoine Guitton , Hana Kriaa , Emmanuel Bouzy , Julien Guyon , Nabila Maloufi
MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, 2018, Boston, United States
Conference papers hal-03043139v1

Fundamental and experimental aspects of diffraction for characterizing dislocations on bulk materials by electron channeling contrast imaging in scanning electron microscope

Hana Kriaa , Antoine Guitton , Nabila Maloufi
Matériaux, 2018, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers hal-03043130v1
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Electron channelling contrast imaging: influence of diffraction conditions on the dislocation contrast

Hana Kriaa , Antoine Guitton , Nabila Maloufi
SF2M, 2017, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-03039936v1
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Multi-scale approach for analyzing sub-boundaries induced during dislocational creep of uranium dioxide

Meriem Ben Saada , Nathalie Gey , Antoine Guitton , Benoit Beausir , Xavière Iltis
SF2M, 2017, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-03039964v1

Comprehensive characterization of dislocations by Electron Channeling Contrast Imaging in SEM : Practical and fundamental aspects

Hana Kriaa , Antoine Guitton , Nabila Maloufi
EUROMAT, 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece
Conference papers hal-03043035v1

Electron channeling contrast imaging : influence of diffraction conditions on dislocation contrast

Hana Kriaa , Antoine Guitton , Nabila Maloufi
SF2M, 2017, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-03043041v1

Analysis of the dislocation contrasts obtained by electron channeling imaging using theoretical and practical considerations

Hana Kriaa , Antoine Guitton , Nabila Maloufi
Plasticité, 2017, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-03043016v1

Effect of strain path changes on metal plasticity: biaxial tensile tests coupled with in-situ scanning electron microscopy and with in-situ transmission x-ray diffraction.

Antoine Guitton , Alex Bollhalder , Steven van Petegem , Helena van Swygenhoven
ICSMA17, Aug 2015, Brno, Czech Republic
Conference papers hal-03135694v1

Caractérisation de dislocations zonales dans la phase MAX Ti2AlC

Alexandre Mussi , Adrien Heinzelmeier , Timmo Weidner , Marc Novelli , Wenbo Yu
Plasticité 2023, 2023, Lyon, France.
Conference poster hal-04168820v1

Are MAX phases good candidates for doping Mg hydrogen storage?

Adrien Heinzelmeier , Xavier Sauvage , Thierry Grosdidier , Antoine Guitton
2nd journées plénières de la fédération de recherche hydrogène (FRH2), May 2022, Aussois, France.
Conference poster hal-03680770v1

Experimental study of elementary deformation mechanisms around a low-angle grain boundary in a single crystalline CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy.

Frederic Habiyaremye , Antoine Guitton , Florian Schäfer , Guillaume Laplanche , Nabila Maloufi Maloufi
4th Schöntal Symposium, 2020, Schöntal, Germany
Conference poster hal-03165859v1

Characterization of dislocation evolution in bulk Ti21S specimen coupled with in-situ macroscopic tensile testing in SEM.

Meriem Ben Haj Slama , Nabila Maloufi Maloufi , J Guyon , Laurent Weiss , Antoine Guitton
EBSD 2019 Meeting, 2019, Teddington, United Kingdom.
Conference poster hal-03165863v1

Characterization of crystalline defects studied by STEM-in-SEM

Chunyang Zhang , Jean-Claude Ménard , J Guyon , Jean-Jacques Fundenberger , Yudong Zhang
MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, 2018, Boston, United States.
Conference poster hal-03165869v1

Fundamental and experimental aspects of diffraction for characterizing dislocations on bulk materials by electron channeling contrast imaging in scanning electron microscope

Hana Kriaa , Antoine Guitton , Nabila Maloufi
MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, 2018, Boston, United States
Conference poster hal-03165873v1

How to in-situ follow the evolution of dislocation configurations during mechanical testing on bulk specimen

Meriem Ben Haj Slama , Hana Kriaa , J Guyon , Nabila Maloufi Maloufi , Jean-Jacques Fundenberger
MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, 2018, Boston, United States.
Conference poster hal-03165872v1

Multi-scale approach for analyzing sub-boundaries induced during dislocational creep of uranium dioxide.

Meriem Ben Saada , Nathalie Gey , Antoine Guitton , Benoit Beausir , Xavière Iltis
SF2M, 2017, Lyon, France.
Conference poster hal-03165877v1

Electron channelling contrast imaging: influence of diffraction conditions on the dislocation contrast

Hana Kriaa , Antoine Guitton , Nabila Maloufi
SF2M, 2017, Lyon, France.
Conference poster hal-03165881v1

Grain size determination in nanocrystalline materials using the TKD technique

Antoine Guitton , Etienne Brodu , J Guyon , Yudong Zhang , Emmanuel Bouzy
EMC2016, 2016, Lyon, France.
Conference poster hal-03165887v1
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Experimental, mesoscopic and statistical approaches of plasticity in polycrystals

Antoine Guitton
Materials. Université de Lorraine, 2022
Accreditation to supervise research tel-03626573v1