Antoine Pécoud
Professor of sociology
Current affiliations
- 581146
- 56663
- 1071705
Researcher identifiers
- ISNI : 0000000114912674
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Antoine Pécoud is Professor of sociology at the University of Sorbonne Paris Nord, membre of the Institut Universitaire de France, and director of the POLICY department et the Institut des Migrations.
Antoine Pécoud est Professeur de sociologie à l'Université de Sorbonne Paris Nord, membre de l'Institut Universitaire de France et directeur du département POLICY de l'Institut des Migrations.
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Regional Migration GovernancePhilippe De Lombaerde. Handbook of Regional Cooperation and Integration, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.22-37, 2024, 978 1 80037 373 0. ⟨10.4337/9781800373747.00009⟩
Book sections
International organizations in the age of migrationRoutledge Handbook of International Organization, 2, Routledge, pp.606-617, 2024, ⟨10.4324/9781003428138-49⟩
Book sections
Introduction: the institutions of global migration governanceAntoine Pécoud, Hélène Thiollet (eds). Research Handbook on the Institutions of Global Migration Governance, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.1-18, 2023, Elgar Handbooks in Migration, 9781789908060
Book sections
Multilatéralisme, droit international et migrations de travail : la convention des Nations Unies sur les droits des travailleurs migrantsNicolas CLINCHAMPS et Jean-Jacques MENURET. Asile et immigration. Quelles solidarités ? Quelles responsabilités ?, Mare & Martin, 2022
Book sections
Pitfalls, ambivalences and contestations of « migration management »Emma CARMEL, Katharina LENNER et Regine PAUL. Handbook on the Governance and Politics of Migration, Edward Elgar, pp.206-217, 2021
Book sections
Quand la diversité devient entrepreneuriale : comprendre la création de commerces au sein des populations d’origine immigréeCéline RUET. Appréhender la Diversité. Regards pluridisciplinaires sur l’appréhension de la diversité, LGDJ/Institut Francophone pour la Justice et la Démocratie, pp.167-184, 2020
Book sections
Introduction: The International Organization for Migration as the New ‘UN Migration Agency’’Martin GEIGER et Antoine PECOUD. The International Organization for Migration. The New ‘UN Migration Agency’ in Critical Perspective, Palgrave, pp.1-27, 2020, 978-3-030-32975-4. ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-32976-1⟩
Book sections
Compter et gouverner la violence des frontièresFrank LAFFAILLE. La Violence, Editions mare & martin, pp.309-325, 2020
Book sections
Que faire de l’argent des migrants ? Développement, politiques migratoires et transferts de fondsFrank LAFFAILLE. L’Argent, Editions mare & martin, pp.235-259, 2020
Book sections
United Nations Migrant Workers ConventionThe Palgrave Handbook of Ethnicity, Springer Singapore, pp.1813-1827, 2019, ⟨10.1007/978-981-13-2898-5_142⟩
Book sections
Compter les morts aux frontières, contrôler les migrantsFrançois Dubet. Politiques des frontières, La Découverte, pp.129-144, 2018, ⟨10.3917/dec.dubet.2018.01.0129⟩
Book sections
International organisations and the multilevel governance of migrationAnna TRIANDAFYLLIDOU. Handbook of Migration and Globalisation, Edward Elgar, pp.38-53, 2018
Book sections
International Organizations and the Multi-Level Governance of Migration. Handbook of Migration and GlobalizationEdward Elgar Publishing. Handbook of Migration and Globalization, pp.38-53, 2018
Book sections
The Politics of the UN Convention on Migrant Workers’ RightsAlan DESMOND. Shining New Light on the UN Migrant Workers Convention, Pretoria University Law Press, pp.24-44, 2017
Book sections
Migration, Free Movement and Regional Integration: IntroductionSonja Nita, Antoine Pécoud, Philippe De Lombaerde, Paul de Guchteneire, Kate Neyts and Joshua Gartland. Migration, Free Movement and Regional Integration, UNESCO/United Nations University, pp.xi-xxvii, 2017, 978-92-3-100258-8
Book sections
Migration, Free Movement and Regional Integration: concluding remarksSonja Nita, Antoine Pécoud, Philippe De Lombaerde, Paul de Guchteneire, Kate Neyts and Joshua Gartland. Migration, Free Movement and Regional Integration, UNESCO/United Nations University, pp.427-436, 2017, Migration, Free Movement and Regional Integration: concluding remarks’
Book sections
Immigrant Entrepreneurs and Mixed Cultural Competencies: Ethnographic Perspectives from Turkish Business people in GermanyMariella ESPINOZA HEROLD et Rina Manuela CONTINI. Living in Two Worlds.Integration, Identity and Education of Transnational Migrants in a Globalized World, Emerald Publishers, pp.33-59, 2017
Book sections
International organisations and the securitisation of migrationPhilippe BOURBEAU. Handbook on Migration and Security, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.339-362, 2017, ⟨10.4337/9781785360497.00028⟩
Book sections
L’utopie de la libre circulation des personnesFrank LAFFAILLE. Utopies, Editions mare & martin, pp.177-194, 2017
Book sections
La figure du migrant dans le discours international sur les migrationsThomas RIBEMONT. Figures des bénéficiaires dans l’action humanitaire. A la croisée des regards et des disciplines, Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, pp.81-94, 2016
Book sections
Informing Migrants to Manage Migration? An Analysis of IOM’s Information CampaignsMartin GEIGER et Antoine PÉCOUD. The Politics of International Migration Management, Palgrave, pp.184-201, 2010
Book sections
Le cosmopolitisme des entrepreneurs turcs à BerlinCorinne MAITTE, Issiaka MANDE, Manuela MARTINI et Didier TERRIER. Entreprises en mouvement. Migrants, pratiques entrepreneuriales et diversités culturelles dans le monde (XVe-XXe siècle), Presses Universitaire de Valenciennes, pp.351-366, 2009
Book sections
Nommer les immigrés. Construction et déconstruction d’une économie turque à BerlinSuzanne CHAPPAZ-WIRTHNER, Alessandro MONSUTTI et Olivier SCHINZ. Entre ordre et subversion : logiques plurielles, alternatives, écarts, paradoxes, Karthala, pp.37-47, 2007
Book sections
Peut-on convaincre les migrants de ne pas partir ? Les campagnes d’information dans la lutte contre la traite des êtres humains et l’immigration irrégulièreCédric AUDEBERT et Emmanuel MA MUNG. Les migrations internationales : enjeux contemporains et questions nouvelles, Université de Deusto, pp.21-33, 2007
Book sections
Culture, ethnicité et politique dans les économies immigréesMarie-Claude BLANC-CHALEARD, Stéphane DUFOIX et Patrick WEIL. L’Etranger en questions du Moyen Age à l’an 2000, Editions Le Manuscrit, pp.379-400, 2005
Book sections
Self-employment and immigrants’ incorporation: The case of Turks in GermanyAhmed AL-SHAHI et Richard LAWLESS. Middle East and North African Immigrants in Europe, Routledge, pp.149-163, 2005
Book sections
German-Turkish entrepreneurship and the economic dimension of multiculturalismHan ENTZINGER, Marco MARTINIELLO et Catherine WIHTOL DE WENDEN. Migration between States and Markets, Ashgate, pp.119-129, 2004
Book sections
Mapping Global Migration Governance2024
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
How does the UN talk about human mobility? A textual analysis of narratives by IOM and UNHCR on migrants and refugees2022
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
Gouverner les frontières comme politique de vie ?2021
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
Migration as crisis. Framework paper2020
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
Migration as crisis. Framework paper2020
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
Counting migrants’ deaths at the border: from civil society counter-statistics to (inter)governmental recuperation2018
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
International Organization for Migration (IOM)Elgar Encyclopedia of Human Rights, 2022
Dictionary entry
Freedom of movementThe Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration, 2013, ⟨10.1002/9781444351071.wbeghm241⟩
Dictionary entry
Débat : Peut-on en finir avec la « crise » des migrants dans les médias ?2021
Scientific blog post
Envisaging the future of migration governance2021
Scientific blog post
What will migration look like after the pandemic?2021
Scientific blog post
The IOM and “voluntary returns” programmes in Africa2020
Scientific blog post
Agriculture: les migrants saisonniers récoltent ce que le Covid-19 a semé2020
Scientific blog post
A NGOs’ dilemma: rescuing migrants at sea or keeping them in their place?2020
Scientific blog post
New Insights on the “Deaths at the Border” debate2020
Scientific blog post
«Suddenly, Migration Was Everywhere»: The Conception and Future Prospects of the Global Migration Group2013
Scientific blog post