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Bénédicte LEBRET

Deputy Head of UMR PEGASE INRAE - Institut Agro Rennes-Angers
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Qualités des viandes porcines : élaboration de la ferme à la table, effets des facteurs et systèmes d'élevage
Qualities of pork: development from farm to fork, effects of pig rearing conditions and livestock systems

Research domains


Sciences des productions animales Qualités des produits animaux (viande) Systèmes d'élevage Filière porcine


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Organic rearing of non-castrated male pigs: welfare indicators, carcass traits, pork quality and boar taint in Duroc and Pietrain crossbreds

Bénédicte Lebret , Stéphane Ferchaud , A. Poissonnet , Armelle Prunier
Animal, 2024, 18 (10), pp.101316. ⟨10.1016/j.animal.2024.101316⟩
Journal articles hal-04677211v1
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Quels défis au développement de la production porcine en agriculture biologique en France ?

Lucile Montagne , Laurent Alibert , Cécile Bonnefont , Jean-Philippe Choisis , Amandine Durpoix
INRAE Productions Animales, 2024, 37 (2), pp.7398. ⟨10.20870/productions-animales.2024.37.2.7398⟩
Journal articles hal-04653317v1
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Feeding strategy in organic pig farming as a lever to improve various quality dimensions of pork

Chloé Van Baelen , Lucile Montagne , Stéphane Ferchaud , Armelle Prunier , Bénédicte Lebret
Animal, 2024, 18 (7), pp.101190. ⟨10.1016/j.animal.2024.101190⟩
Journal articles hal-04582528v2
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Challenges and future perspectives for the European grading of pig carcasses – A quality view

Marjeta Čandek-Potokar , Bénédicte Lebret , Marina Gispert , Maria Font-I-Furnols
Meat Science, 2024, 208, pp.109390. ⟨10.1016/j.meatsci.2023.109390⟩
Journal articles hal-04299155v1
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Qualité et authentification des produits animaux issus de l’agriculture biologique vs conventionnelle

Sophie Prache , Bénédicte Lebret , Elisabeth Baéza , Bruno Martin , Joël Gautron
INRAE Productions Animales, 2024, 37 (2), pp.8264. ⟨10.20870/productions-animales.2024.37.2.8264⟩
Journal articles hal-04741493v1
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Pork quality traits and associated muscle metabolic changes in pigs under chronic prenatal and postnatal heat stress

Bénédicte Lebret , Aira Maye Serviento , David Renaudeau
Journal of Animal Science, 2023, 101, pp.skad305. ⟨10.1093/jas/skad305⟩
Journal articles hal-04210183v1
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Combining pig genetic and feeding strategies improves the sensory, nutritional and technological quality of pork in the context of relocation of feed resources

Bénédicte Lebret , Sihem Lhuisset , Etienne Labussière , Isabelle Louveau
Meat Science, 2023, 197, pp.109074. ⟨10.1016/j.meatsci.2022.109074⟩
Journal articles hal-03920179v1
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The color of fresh pork: Consumers expectations, underlying farm-to-fork factors, myoglobin chemistry and contribution of proteomics to decipher the biochemical mechanisms

Mohammed Gagaoua , Surendranath Suman , Peter Purslow , Bénédicte Lebret
Meat Science, 2023, 206, pp.109340. ⟨10.1016/j.meatsci.2023.109340⟩
Journal articles hal-04199873v1
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Quality of animal-source foods: lessons from a collective scientific expertise

Sophie Prache , Camille Adamiec , Thierry Astruc , Elisabeth Baéza , Pierre-Étienne Bouillot
INRAE Productions Animales, 2023, 36, pp.7480. ⟨10.20870/productions-animales.2023.36.1.7480⟩
Journal articles hal-04178183v1
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Prediction of fatty acid composition in intact and minced fat of European autochthonous pigs breeds by near infrared spectroscopy

Silvia Parrini , Francesco Sirtori , Marjeta Čandek-Potokar , Rui Charneca , Alessandro Crovetti
Scientific Reports, 2023, 13 (1), pp.7874. ⟨10.1038/s41598-023-34996-x⟩
Journal articles hal-04101365v1
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Review: Pork quality attributes from farm to fork. Part II. Processed pork products

Bénédicte Lebret , M Čandek-Potokar
Animal, 2022, 16 (1), pp.100383. ⟨10.1016/j.animal.2021.100383⟩
Journal articles hal-03445558v1
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Marketing strategies to self-sustainability of autochthonous swine breeds from different EU regions: a mixed approach using the World Café technique and the Analytical Hierarchy Process

Evelyn Rivera-Toapanta , Zein Kallas , Meta Čandek-Potokar , Joel Gonzalez , Marta Gil
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 2022, 37 (1), pp.92-102. ⟨10.1017/s1742170521000363⟩
Journal articles hal-03336987v1
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Review: Quality of animal-source foods

Sophie Prache , Camille Adamiec , Thierry Astruc , Elisabeth Baéza , Pierre-Etienne E Bouillot
Animal, 2022, 16 (Suppl. 1), pp.100376. ⟨10.1016/j.animal.2021.100376⟩
Journal articles hal-03445602v1
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HYPER-SCAN - Développer des technologies innovantes de tri des pièces de découpe de porc

Gérard Daumas , Antoine Vautier , Ronan Le Page , Mathieu Monziols , Thierry Lhommeau
Innovations Agronomiques, 2022, 85, pp.185-197. ⟨10.17180/ciag-2022-vol85-art14⟩
Journal articles hal-03592219v1
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Poor hygiene of housing conditions influences energy metabolism in a muscle type-dependent manner in growing pigs differing in feed efficiency

Annie Vincent , Frédéric Dessauge , Florence Gondret , Nathalie Le Floc'H , Bénédicte Lebret
Scientific Reports, 2022, 12 (1), pp.7991. ⟨10.1038/s41598-022-12050-6⟩
Journal articles hal-03676265v1
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Review: Quality and authentication of organic animal products in Europe

Sophie Prache , Bénédicte Lebret , Elisabeth Baéza , Bruno Martin , Joël Gautron
Animal, 2022, 16 (1), pp.100405. ⟨10.1016/j.animal.2021.100405⟩
Journal articles hal-03452661v1
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Review: Pork quality attributes from farm to fork. Part I. Carcass and fresh meat

Bénédicte Lebret , M Čandek-Potokar
Animal, 2022, 16 (1), pp.100402. ⟨10.1016/j.animal.2021.100402⟩
Journal articles hal-03445550v1
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Understanding the determination of meat quality using biochemical characteristics of the muscle: stress at slaughter and other missing keys

Claudia Terlouw , Mohammed Gagaoua , Brigitte Picard , Véronique Deiss , Cécile Berri
Foods, 2021, 10 (1), pp.1-24. ⟨10.3390/foods10010084⟩
Journal articles hal-03109876v1
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Flash dietary methionine supply over growth requirements in pigs: Multi-facetted effects on skeletal muscle metabolism

Florence Gondret , Nathalie Le Floc'H , D.I. I Batonon-Alavo , Marie-Hélène Perruchot , Yves Mercier
Animal, 2021, 15 (7), pp.100268. ⟨10.1016/j.animal.2021.100268⟩
Journal articles hal-03245785v1
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Finishing season and feeding resources influence the quality of products from extensive-system Gascon pigs. Part 1: Carcass traits and quality of fresh loin

Bénédicte Lebret , H. Lenoir , Sophie Daré , A. Fonseca , Katia Fève
Animal, 2021, 15 (8), pp.100240. ⟨10.1016/j.animal.2021.100240⟩
Journal articles hal-03267333v1
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Finishing season and feeding resources influence the quality of products from extensive-system Gascon pigs. Part 2: muscle traits and sensory quality of dry-cured ham

Bénédicte Lebret , H. Lenoir , A. Fonseca , Juliette Riquet , M.J. J Mercat
Animal, 2021, 15 (8), pp.100305. ⟨10.1016/j.animal.2021.100305⟩
Journal articles hal-03294113v1
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Santé et bien-être de la truie gestante et du porc en croissance

Nathalie Le Floc'H , Anne Boudon , Lucile Montagne , Hélène Gilbert , Florence Gondret
INRAE Productions Animales, 2021, 34 (3), pp.211-226. ⟨10.20870/productions-animales.2021.34.3.4879⟩
Journal articles hal-03474119v1
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Potential use of near-infrared spectroscopy to predict fatty acid profile of meat from different european autochthonous pig breeds

Alberto Ortiz , Silvia Parrini , David Tejerina , José Pedro Pinto de Araújo , Marjeta Čandek-Potokar
Applied Sciences, 2020, 10 (17), pp.5801. ⟨10.3390/app10175801⟩
Journal articles hal-02934315v1
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Chronic prenatal heat stress alters growth, carcass composition, and physiological response of growing pigs subjected to postnatal heat stress

Aira Maye Serviento , Bénédicte Lebret , David Renaudeau
Journal of Animal Science, 2020, 98 (5), pp.skaa161. ⟨10.1093/jas/skaa161⟩
Journal articles hal-02881026v1

Consumers' expectations and liking of traditional and innovative pork products from European autochthonous pig breeds

Mauro Vitale , Zein Kallas , Evelyn Rivera-Toapanta , Daniel Karolyi , Marija Cerjak
Meat Science, 2020, 168, pp.108179. ⟨10.1016/j.meatsci.2020.108179⟩
Journal articles hal-02567090v1
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Adiposité et génétique chez le porc : état des lieux et nouveaux enjeux pour la qualité des produits

Sandrine Schwob , Bénédicte Lebret , Isabelle Louveau
INRAE Productions Animales, 2020, 33 (1), pp.17-29. ⟨10.20870/productions-animales.2020.33.1.3112⟩
Journal articles hal-02627655v1
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The rearing system modulates biochemical and histological differences in loin and ham muscles between basque and large white pigs

Louis Lefaucheur , Bénédicte Lebret
Animal, 2020, 14 (9), pp.1976-1986. ⟨10.1017/S175173112000066X⟩
Journal articles hal-02625150v1
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Sélectionner sur l'adiposité pour améliorer la qualité

Sandrine Schwob , Bénédicte Lebret , Isabelle Louveau
Réussir Porcs, 2019, 268, pp.44-46
Journal articles hal-02284522v1
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Predicting the quality of meat: Myth or reality?

Cécile Berri , Brigitte Picard , Bénédicte Lebret , Donato Andueza , Florence Lefèvre
Foods, 2019, 8 (436), pp.1-22. ⟨10.3390/foods8100436⟩
Journal articles hal-02306127v1
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Effect of natural antioxidants from grape seed and chestnut in combination with hydroxytyrosol, as sodium nitrite substitutes in Cinta Senese dry-fermented sausages

Chiara Aquilani , Francesco Sirtori , Mónica Flores , Riccardo Bozzi , Bénédicte Lebret
Meat Science, 2018, 145, pp.389-398. ⟨10.1016/j.meatsci.2018.07.019⟩
Journal articles hal-02629320v1
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Développement de nouveaux outils haut débit pour l’évaluation précoce de la qualité de la viande de porc (QualiPorc)

Sandrine Schwob , Antoine Vautier , Bénédicte Lebret , Benoit Blanchet , Marie-José Mercat
Innovations Agronomiques, 2018, 63, pp.407-419. ⟨10.15454/1.5191196642666567E12⟩
Journal articles hal-01811444v1
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Survey of demographic and phenotypic data of local pig breeds of Treasure project

Riccardo Bozzi , Martin Skrlep , Herveline Lenoir , Bénédicte Lebret , J.M. Garcia-Casco
Archivos de Zootecnia : Revista Trimestral, 2018, Supplement 1
Journal articles hal-02629346v1
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Improving pork quality traits by a short-term dietary methionine supplementation at levels above growth requirements in finisher pigs

Bénédicte Lebret , Dolores I. Batonon-Alavo , Marie-Hélène Perruchot , Yves Mercier , Florence Gondret
Meat Science, 2018, 145, pp.230-237. ⟨10.1016/j.meatsci.2018.06.040⟩
Journal articles hal-01827949v1
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Diversité des productions porcines en France

Jean-Yves Dourmad , Y. Salaün , Bénédicte Lebret , Juliette Riquet
Innovations Agronomiques, 2018, 68, pp.151-170. ⟨10.15454/VUZNNY⟩
Journal articles hal-01905534v1
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Measurable biomarkers linked to meat quality from different pig production systems

Marinus F. W. Te Pas , Bénédicte Lebret , Niels Oksbjerg
Archiv für Tierzucht, 2017, 60 (3), pp.271-283. ⟨10.5194/aab-60-271-2017⟩
Journal articles hal-01594880v1
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Review. Divergent selection for residual feed intake in the growing pig

Hélène Gilbert , Yvon Billon , Ludovic Brossard , Justine Faure , Philippe Gatellier
Animal, 2017, 11 (9), pp.1427-1439. ⟨10.1017/S175173111600286X⟩
Journal articles hal-01547532v1
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Sélection pour la consommation alimentaire moyenne journalière résiduelle chez le porc : impacts sur les caractères et défis pour la filière

Hélène Gilbert , Yvon Billon , Ludovic Brossard , Justine Faure , Philippe Gatellier
INRA Productions Animales, 2017, 30 (5), pp.439-453. ⟨10.20870/productions-animales.2017.30.5.2274⟩
Journal articles hal-02629240v1
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Accuracy of near infrared spectroscopy to predict quality of pork and pork products including samples of Krškopolje and Turopolje pigs

Maja Prevolnik Povse , Danijel Karolyi , Urška Tomažin , Martin Skrlep , Carolina Pugliese
Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus (ACS), 2017, 82 (3), pp.205-209
Journal articles hal-02618034v1
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Molecular biomarkers, Near Infra-Red Spectroscopy and computed tomography as new methodologies applied in TREASURE project to predict the quality of pork and pork products from local pig breeds

Bénédicte Lebret , Carolina Pugliese , Riccardo Bozzi , Maria Font-I-Furnols , Maja Prevolnik Povse
Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus (ACS), 2017, 82 (2), pp.133-136
Journal articles hal-02622840v1
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Prédire la qualité des viandes : mythe ou réalité ? Etat des lieux des avancées récentes réalisées dans le domaine de la prédiction des qualités des viandes ; réflexion sur les perspectives d’application

Cécile Berri , Brigitte Picard , Bénédicte Lebret , Donato Andueza , Antoine Vautier
La revue française de la recherche en viandes et produits carnés, 2016, Hors série (4ème trimestre), pp.1-14
Journal articles hal-01608716v1
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How muscle structure and composition influence meat and flesh quality

Anne Listrat , Bénédicte Lebret , Isabelle Louveau , Thierry Astruc , Muriel Bonnet
The Scientific World Journal, 2016, 2016 (3182746), pp.1-14. ⟨10.1155/2016/3182746⟩
Journal articles hal-01285897v1

Recent advances in omic technologies for meat quality management

Brigitte Picard , Bénédicte Lebret , Isabelle Cassar-Malek , Laurence Liaubet , Cécile Berri
Meat Science, 2015, 109, pp.28-26. ⟨10.1016/j.meatsci.2015.05.003⟩
Journal articles hal-01594439v1
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Des marqueurs génomiques au service de la qualité de la viande

Brigitte Picard , Bénédicte Lebret , Isabelle Cassar-Malek , Laurence Liaubet , Cécile Berri
INRA Productions Animales, 2015, 28 (2), pp.183-195. ⟨10.20870/productions-animales.2015.28.2.3024⟩
Journal articles hal-01194126v1
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La viande et les produits du porc : comment satisfaire des attentes qualitatives variées ?

Bénédicte Lebret , Justine Faure
INRA Productions Animales, 2015, 28 (2), pp.111-114. ⟨10.20870/productions-animales.2015.28.2.3017⟩
Journal articles hal-01211005v1
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Adaptation du métabolisme énergétique du porc au cours de la croissance et production de viande porcine de qualité

Justine Faure , Louis L. Lefaucheur , Bénédicte Lebret
INRA Productions Animales, 2015, 28 (5), pp.369-382. ⟨10.20870/productions-animales.2015.28.5.3040⟩
Journal articles hal-02630724v1
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Estimation des pertes alimentaires dans la filière porcine entre la sortie de l’élevage et la commercialisation des produits

Jean-Yves Dourmad , Gilles Nassy , Y. Salaun , Juliette Riquet , Bénédicte Lebret
Innovations Agronomiques, 2015, 48, pp.115-125. ⟨10.15454/1.4622710500090479E12⟩
Journal articles hal-02630037v1

Influence of production system in local and conventional pig breeds on stress indicators at slaughter, muscle and meat traits and pork eating quality

Bénédicte Lebret , Patrick Ecolan , Nathalie Bonhomme , Karine Meteau , Armelle Prunier
Animal, 2015, 9 (8), pp.1404-1413. ⟨10.1017/S1751731115000609⟩
Journal articles hal-01455872v1
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Les principales composantes de la qualité des carcasses et des viandes dans les différentes espèces animales

Bénédicte Lebret , Brigitte Picard
INRA Productions Animales, 2015, 28 (2), pp.93-98. ⟨10.20870/productions-animales.2015.28.2.3013⟩
Journal articles hal-01211003v1
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Qualités des viandes : influences des caractéristiques des animaux et de leurs conditions d'élevage

Bénédicte Lebret , Sophie Prache , Cécile Berri , Florence Lefèvre , Dominique Bauchart
INRA Productions Animales, 2015, 28 (2), pp.151-168. ⟨10.20870/productions-animales.2015.28.2.3022⟩
Journal articles hal-01211006v1
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Comment la structure et la composition du muscle déterminent la qualité des viandes ou chairs ?

Anne Listrat , Bénédicte Lebret , Isabelle Louveau , Thierry Astruc , Muriel Bonnet
INRA Productions Animales, 2015, 28 (2), pp.125-136. ⟨10.20870/productions-animales.2015.28.2.3020⟩
Journal articles hal-01211001v2
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Stress en élevage et à l’abattage : impacts sur les qualités des viandes

Claudia Terlouw , Isabelle Cassar-Malek , Brigitte Picard , C. Bourguet , Véronique Deiss
INRA Productions Animales, 2015, 28 (2), pp.169-182. ⟨10.20870/productions-animales.2015.28.2.3023⟩
Journal articles hal-01211033v2
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Production performance, carcass composition, and adipose tissue traits of heavy pigs. Influence of breed and production system

Bénédicte Lebret , Jean-Yves Dourmad , Jacques Mourot , Pierre-Yves Pollet , Florence Gondret
Journal of Animal Science, 2014, 92 (8), pp.3543-3556. ⟨10.2527/jas2014-7398⟩
Journal articles hal-01210604v1

Metabolic adaptation of two pig muscles to cold rearing conditions

Justine Faure , Bénédicte Lebret , Nathalie Bonhomme , Patrick Ecolan , Maryline Kouba
Journal of Animal Science, 2013, 91 (4), pp.1893-906. ⟨10.2527/jas.2012-5828⟩
Journal articles hal-01210407v1

Associations between muscle gene expression pattern and technological and sensory meat traits highlight new biomarkers for pork quality assessment

Marie Damon , Katy Denieul , Annie Vincent , Nathalie Bonhomme , Joanna Wyszynska-Koko
Meat Science, 2013, 95 (3), pp.744-754. ⟨10.1016/j.meatsci.2013.01.016⟩
Journal articles hal-01210386v1

Qualité de la viande : effets de la race et du système d’élevage

Bénédicte Lebret
Tech Porc, 2013, 9, pp.11-13
Journal articles hal-01210397v1

Consequences of divergent selection for residual feed intake in pigs on muscle energy metabolism and meat quality

Justine Faure , Louis Lefaucheur , Nathalie Bonhomme , Patrick Ecolan , Karine Meteau
Meat Science, 2013, 93 (1), pp.37-45. ⟨10.1016/j.meatsci.2012.07.006⟩
Journal articles hal-01210320v1
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Quality of fresh pork and dry-cured hams

Bénédicte Lebret , Patrick Ecolan , Nathalie Bonhomme , Pierre - Yves Pollet , Jean-Yves Dourmad
Acta Agriculturae Slovenica, 2013, Supplement 4, pp.77-80
Journal articles hal-01210980v1
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Q-Porkchains, un programme de recherche européen pour des filières de production porcines durables

Michel Bonneau , Frédéric Penanmen , Jean-Yves Dourmad , Bénédicte Lebret
La revue française de la recherche en viandes et produits carnés, 2013, 2013, pp.VPC‐2013‐29‐6‐4
Journal articles hal-01210957v1

A comparison of subcutaneous adipose tissue proteomes in juvenile piglets with a contrasted adiposity underscored similarities with human obesity.

Florence Gondret , Blandine Guével , Emmanuelle Com , Annie Vincent , Bénédicte Lebret
Journal of Proteomics, 2012, 75 (3), pp.949-61. ⟨10.1016/j.jprot.2011.10.012⟩
Journal articles hal-01122161v1
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Predicting meat quality with biomarkers

Marinus Te Pas , Bénédicte Lebret , Marie Damon , Bo Thomsen , Mariusz Pierzchala
Fleischwirtschaft International, 2012, 27 (4), pp.18-22
Journal articles hal-01210383v1
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Mitochondrial function, fatty acid metabolism, and immune system are relevant features of pig adipose tissue development

Annie Vincent , Isabelle Louveau , Florence Gondret , Bénédicte Lebret , Marie Damon
Physiological Genomics, 2012, 44 (22), pp.1116-1124. ⟨10.1152/physiolgenomics.00098.2012⟩
Journal articles hal-01210331v1
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Comparison of Muscle Transcriptome between Pigs with Divergent Meat Quality Phenotypes Identifies Genes Related to Muscle Metabolism and Structure

Marie Damon , Joanna Wyszynska-Koko , Annie Vincent , Frédéric Herault , Bénédicte Lebret
PLoS ONE, 2012, 7, online (3), Non paginé. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0033763⟩
Journal articles hal-01207747v1
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Meat and fish flesh quality improvement with proteomic applications

Brigitte Picard , Florence Lefèvre , Bénédicte Lebret
Animal Frontiers, 2012, 2 (4), pp.18-25. ⟨10.2527/af.2012-0058⟩
Journal articles hal-01210384v1

Early post-mortem sarcoplasmic proteome of porcine muscle related to lipid oxidation in aged and cooked meat

Thierry Sayd , Christophe Chambon , Elisabeth Laville , Bénédicte Lebret , Hélène Gilbert
Food Chemistry, 2012, 135 (4), pp.2238-2244. ⟨10.1016/j.foodchem.2012.07.079⟩
Journal articles hal-01267820v1

Health and immune traits of Basque and Large White pigs housed in a conventional or enriched environment

Elodie Merlot , Annie Vincent , Francoise Thomas , Marie-Christine Meunier-Salaün , Marie Damon
Animal, 2012, 6 (8), pp.1290-1299. ⟨10.1017/S1751731112000080⟩
Journal articles hal-01210321v1
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Muscle characteristics and meat quality traits are affected by divergent selection on residual feed intake in pigs

Louis L. Lefaucheur , Bénédicte Lebret , Patrick P. Ecolan , Isabelle Louveau , Marie M. Damon
Journal of Animal Science, 2011, 89 (4), pp.996-1010. ⟨10.2527/jas.2010-3493⟩
Journal articles hal-01000532v1