Statistiques hydrologiques en crue : de la Banque HYDRO à l’HydroPortail
Jean-Nicolas Audouy
Stéphanie Pitsch
Benjamin Renard
Carine Chaleon
Journal articles
Climate Driven Trends in Historical Extreme Low Streamflows on Four Continents
Glenn Hodgkins
Benjamin Renard
Paul Whitfield
Gregor Laaha
Kerstin Stahl
Journal articles
Developing tools for quantifying streamflow data uncertainty
Jérôme Le Coz
Benjamin Renard
Michel Lang
Blaise Calmel
Felipe Mendez Rios
Journal articles
Are historical stage records useful to decrease the uncertainty of flood frequency analysis ? A 200-year long case study
Mathieu Lucas
Benjamin Renard
Jérôme Le Coz
Michel Lang
Antoine Bard
Journal articles
Uncertainties in Models Predicting Critical Bed Shear Stress of Cohesionless Particles
Emeline Perret
Benoit Camenen
Céline Berni
Kamal El Kadi Abderrezzak
Benjamin Renard
Journal articles
Floods and Heavy Precipitation at the Global Scale: 100‐Year Analysis and 180‐Year Reconstruction
B. Renard
D. Mcinerney
S. Westra
M. Leonard
D. Kavetski
Journal articles
Prediction of the accumulation behavior of pesticides in PDMS-coated stir bars used as passive samplers in freshwaters
Azziz Assoumani
Christelle Margoum
Céline Guillemain
Benjamin Renard
Marina Coquery
Journal articles
Use of a national flood mark database to estimate flood hazard in the distant past
Benjamin Renard
Journal articles
Uncertainties in models predicting critical bed shear stress of cohesionless particles
Emeline Perret
Benoit Camenen
Céline Berni
Kamal El Kadi Abderrezzak
Benjamin Renard
Journal articles
A Hidden Climate Indices Modeling Framework for Multivariable Space‐Time Data
B. Renard
M. Thyer
D. Mcinerney
D. Kavetski
M. Leonard
Journal articles
Courbes de tarage dynamiques pour la végétation aquatique saisonnière
Emeline Perret
Jérôme Le Coz
Benjamin Renard
Journal articles
Evaluation des incertitudes et de l’homogénéité de longues séries de débits de crue sur le Rhin à Bâle (1225–2017) et Maxau (1815–2018)
Michel Lang
Matteo Darienzo
Jérôme Le Coz
Benjamin Renard
Journal articles
Estimating the uncertainty of video‐based flow velocity and discharge measurements due to the conversion of field to image coordinates
Jérôme Le Coz
Benjamin Renard
Vincent Vansuyt
Magali Jodeau
Alexandre Hauet
Journal articles
A rating curve model accounting for cyclic stage‐discharge shifts due to seasonal aquatic vegetation
Emeline Perret
Benjamin Renard
Jérôme Le Coz
Journal articles
Detection of Stage‐Discharge Rating Shifts Using Gaugings: A Recursive Segmentation Procedure Accounting for Observational and Model Uncertainties
M. Darienzo
Benjamin Renard
Jérôme Le Coz
Michel Lang
Journal articles
Stream solutes and particulates export regimes: A new framework to optimize their monitoring
Florentina Moatar
Mathieu Floury
Arthur J. Gold
Michel Meybeck
Benjamin Renard
Journal articles
Shift happens! Adjusting stage-discharge rating curves to morphological changes at known times
Valentin Mansanarez
Benjamin Renard
Jérôme Le Coz
M. Lang
M. Darienzo
Journal articles
Effects of climate, regulation, and urbanization on historical flood trends in the United States
G. A. Hodgkins
R. W. Dudley
S. A. Archfield
Benjamin Renard
Journal articles
Low streamflow trends at human-impacted and reference basins in the United States
R. W. Dudley
R. M. Hirsch
S. A. Archfield
A. G. Blum
Benjamin Renard
Journal articles
Revealing Hidden Climate Indices from the Occurrence of Hydrologic Extremes
Benjamin Renard
M. Thyer
Journal articles
Decomposition of Uncertainty Sources in Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Streamflow Measurements Using Repeated Measures Experiments
A. Despax
Jérôme Le Coz
A. Hauet
D.S. Mueller
F.L. Engel
Journal articles
A generalised approach for identifying influential data in hydrological modelling
D. Wright
M. Thyer
S. Westra
Benjamin Renard
D. Mcinerney
Journal articles
Future streamflows for the French tributaries of the River Rhine (Mosel, Sarre and Ill)
Guillaume Thirel
Kai Gerlinger
Charles Perrin
Gilles Drogue
Benjamin Renard
Journal articles
TREPS, a tool for coordinate and time transformations in space physics
V. Genot
B. Renard
N. Dufourg
M. Bouchemit
N. Lormant
Journal articles
Impact of stage measurement errors on streamflow uncertainty
I. Horner
Benjamin Renard
Jérôme Le Coz
F. Branger
H.K. Mcmillan
Journal articles
Impact de la sensibilité des contrôles hydrauliques sur les incertitudes hydrométriques
I. Horner
Jérôme Le Coz
Benjamin Renard
F. Branger
Journal articles
A comparison of methods for streamflow uncertainty estimation
J.E. Kiang
C. Gazoorian
Helen Mcmillan
G. Coxon
Jérôme Le Coz
Journal articles
Evaluation of the clinical benefit of an electromagnetic navigation system for CT-guided interventional radiology procedures in the thoraco-abdominal region compared with conventional CT guidance (CTNAV II): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
R. C. Rouchy
A. Moreau-Gaudry
E. Chipon
S. Aubry
L. Pazart
Journal articles
Trends in snowmelt-related streamflow timing in the conterminous United States
R.W. Dudley
G.A. Hodgkins
M.R. Mchale
M.J. Kolian
Benjamin Renard
Journal articles
Groundwater-level trends in the U.S. glacial aquifer system, 1964-2013
G.A. Hodgkins
R.W. Dudley
M.G. Nielsen
Benjamin Renard
S.L. Qi
Journal articles
BaRatin-SFD, analyse bayésienne des courbes de tarage à double échelle et de leurs incertitudes
Valentin Mansanarez
R. Le Boursicaud
J. Le Coz
Benjamin Renard
M. Lang
Journal articles
Bayesian trend analysis in annual rainfall total, duration and maximum in the Kara River basin (West Africa)
H.M. Badjana
Benjamin Renard
J. Helmschrot
K.S. Edjamé
A. Afouda
Journal articles
Flood frequency analysis: combining a systematic record with historical, regional, model and analogue information
G.A. Griffiths
A.I. Mckerchar
Benjamin Renard
Journal of Hydrology (New Zealand), 2017, 56 (1), pp.1-12
Journal articles
Calibrating a hydrological model in stage space to account for rating curve uncertainties: general framework and key challenges
A.E. Sikorska
Benjamin Renard
Journal articles
Climate-driven variability in the occurrence of major floods across North America and Europe
G.A. Hodgkins
P.H. Whitfield
D.H. Burn
J. Hannaford
Benjamin Renard
Journal articles
Bayesian analysis of stage-fall-discharge rating curves and their uncertainties
Valentin Mansanarez
J. Le Coz
Benjamin Renard
M. Lang
G. Pierrefeu
Journal articles
Combining regional estimation and historical floods: a multivariate semi-parametric peaks-over-threshold model with censored data
Anne Sabourin
Benjamin Renard
Journal articles
A global analysis of the asymmetric effect of ENSO on extreme precipitation
X. Sun
Benjamin Renard
M. Thyer
S. Westra
M. Lang
Journal articles
The ENSO-precipitation teleconnection and its modulation by the interdecadal pacific oscillation
S. Westra
Benjamin Renard
M. Thyer
Journal articles
Étude du risque d'inondation d'un site industriel par des crues extrêmes : de l'évaluation des valeurs extrêmes aux incertitudes hydrologiques et hydrauliques
D. Alliau
J. de Saint Seine
M. Lang
Eric Sauquet
Benjamin Renard
Journal articles
Trends in the Hydrologic Regime of Alpine Rivers
Antony Bard
Benjamin Renard
M. Lang
I. Giuntoli
J. Korck
Journal articles
Combining hydraulic knowledge and uncertain gaugings in the estimation of hydrometric rating curves: a Bayesian approach
J. Le Coz
Benjamin Renard
L. Bonnifait
F. Branger
R. Le Boursicaud
Journal articles
Joining the yellow hub: Uses of the Simple Application Messaging Protocol in Space Physics analysis tools
Vincent Génot
N. André
B. Cecconi
M. Bouchemit
E. Budnik
Journal articles
Integrating hydropower and intermittent climate-related renewable energies: a call for hydrology
Baptiste François
Marco Borga
Sandrine Anquetin
Jean‐dominique Creutin
Kolbjorn Engeland
Journal articles
Résultats du projet ExtraFlo (ANR 2009-2013) sur l'estimation des pluies et crues extrêmes
M. Lang
P. Arnaud
Julie Carreau
N. Deaux
L. Dezileau
Journal articles
Résultats du projet Extraflo sur la comparaison des méthodes d’estimation des pluies extrêmes en France
L. Neppel
P. Arnaud
F. Borchi
Julie Carreau
F. Garavaglia
Journal articles
A data-based comparison of flood frequency analysis methods used in France
K. Kochanek
Benjamin Renard
P. Arnaud
Y. Aubert
M. Lang
Journal articles
Multi-scale hydrometeorological observation and modelling for flash-flood understanding
Isabelle Braud
P.A. Ayral
Christophe Bouvier
F. Branger
G. Delrieu
Journal articles
A general regional frequency analysis framework for quantifying local-scale climate effects: A case study of ENSO effects on Southeast Queensland rainfall
X. Sun
M. Thyer
Benjamin Renard
M. Lang
Journal of Hydrology, 2014, 512, p. 53 - p. 68
Journal articles
Regional frequency analysis conditioned on large-scale atmospheric or oceanic fields
Benjamin Renard
U. Lall
Journal articles
Analyse bayésienne des courbes de tarage et de leurs incertitudes : la méthode BaRatin
J. Le Coz
C. Chaléon
L. Bonnifait
R. Le Boursicaud
Benjamin Renard
Journal articles
Low Flows in France and their relationship to large scale climate indices
I. Giuntoli
Benjamin Renard
Jean-Philippe Vidal
A. Bard
Journal articles
Méthode de consolidation des courbes de tarage pour les crues d'occurrence rare sur le bassin versant expérimental du Real Collobrier
M. Tolsa
Y. Aubert
J. Le Coz
Benjamin Renard
P. Arnaud
Journal articles
Data-based comparison of frequency analysis methods: A general framework
Benjamin Renard
K. Kochanek
M. Lang
F. Garavaglia
E. Paquet
Journal articles
Evolutions observées dans les débits des rivières en France
Ignazio Giuntoli
Pascal Maugis
Benjamin Renard
Journal articles
Tendances observées sur les régimes hydrologiques de l’arc Alpin
A. Bard
Benjamin Renard
M. Lang
Journal articles
A Bayesian hierarchical approach to regional frequency analysis
Benjamin Renard
Journal articles
Reliability and robustness of rainfall compound distribution model based on weather pattern sub-sampling
F. Garavaglia
M. Lang
E. Paquet
J. Gailhard
R. Garçon
Journal articles
Towards a reliable decomposition of predictive uncertainty in hydrological modeling: Characterizing rainfall errors using conditional simulation
Benjamin Renard
D. Kavetski
E. Leblois
M. Thyer
G. Kuczera
Journal articles
The open source RFortran library for accessing R from Fortran, with applications in environmental modelling
M. Thyer
M. Leonard
D. Kavetski
S. Need
Benjamin Renard
Journal articles
Flood frequency analysis using historical data
L. Neppel
B. Renard
M. Lang
P.A. Ayral
D. Coeur
Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2010, 55 (2), pp.192-208
Journal articles
A limited-memory acceleration strategy for mcmc sampling in hierarchical bayesian calibration of hydrological models
G. Kuczera
D. Kavetski
Benjamin Renard
M. Thyer
Journal articles
Analyse fréquentielle des débits de crues avec des données historiques en prenant en compte les erreurs aléatoires et systématiques
Luc Neppel
Benjamin Renard
Michel Lang
Pierre Alain Ayral
Denis Coeur
Journal articles
There are no hydrological monsters, just models and observations with large uncertainties!
G. Kuczera
Benjamin Renard
M. Thyer
D. Kavetski
Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2010, 55 (6), p. 980 - p. 991
Journal articles
Evaluation of statistical models for forecast errors from the HBV model
K. Engeland
Benjamin Renard
I. Steinsland
S. Kolberg
Journal articles
Extrapolation of rating curves by hydraulic modelling, with application to flood frequency analysis
M. Lang
K. Pobanz
Benjamin Renard
Eloïse Renouf
Eric Sauquet
Journal articles
Comment on "An integrated hydrologic Bayesian multimodel combination framework: Confronting input, parameter, and model structural uncertainty in hydrologic prediction." by N. K. Ajami, Q. Y. Duan, and S. Sorooshian
Benjamin Renard
D. Kavetski
G. Kuczera
Journal articles
Critical evaluation of parameter consistency and predictive uncertainty in hydrological modeling: A case study using Bayesian total error analysis
M. Thyer
Benjamin Renard
D. Kavetski
G. Kuczera
S. Franks
Journal articles
Understanding predictive uncertainty in hydrologic modeling: The challenge of identifying input and structural errors
Benjamin Renard
D. Kavetski
M. Thyer
G. Kuczera
S. Franks
Journal articles
Regional methods for trend detection: Assessing field significance and regional consistency
Benjamin Renard
M. Lang
P. Bois
A. Dupeyrat
O. Mestre
Journal articles
Changement climatique et événements extrêmes : crues, inondations, sécheresses. Que peut-on dire aujourd'hui ?
J.M. Gresillon
Eric Sauquet
Benjamin Renard
M. Lang
Etienne Leblois
Revue française de Géotechnique, 2007, 120-121, pp.27-34
Journal articles
Use of a Gaussian copula for multivariate extreme value analysis: some case studies in hydrology
Benjamin Renard
M. Lang
Journal articles
Analyse régionale sur les extrêmes hydrométriques en France : détection de changements cohérents et recherche de causalité hydrologique
M. Lang
Benjamin Renard
Journal articles
Statistical analysis of extreme events in a nonstationary context via a Bayesian framework. Case study with peak-over-threshold data
Benjamin Renard
M. Lang
P. Bois
Journal articles
Evolution des extrêmes hydrométriques en France à partir de données observées
Benjamin Renard
M. Lang
P. Bois
A. Dupeyrat
O. Mestre
Journal articles
Catalytic wet air oxidation of oleic acid on ceria-supported platinum catalyst. Effect of pH.(invited paper, special issue in honor of Zoltan Paal)
B. Levasseur
B. Renard
Jacques Barbier Jr
Daniel Duprez
Journal articles
Observations d'événements extrêmes historiques dans le monde, selon les climats et les réseaux de mesure
Eric Sauquet
P. Bois
Benjamin Renard
Journal articles
An application of Bayesian analysis and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods to the estimation of a regional trend in annual maxima
Benjamin Renard
V. Garreta
M. Lang
Journal articles
Catalytic wet air oxidation of stearic acid on cerium oxide-supported noble metal catalysts
B. Renard
Jacques Barbier Jr
Daniel Duprez
S. Durecu
Journal articles
Impact of melon accessions resistant to aphids on the demographic potential of silverleaf whitefly
Nicolas Sauvion
V. Mauriello
Benjamin Renard
Nathalie Boissot
Journal of Economic Entomology, 2005, 98 (2), pp.557-567
Journal articles
Role of ceria-supported metal catalysts (Ru, Pd, Pt) in wet air oxidation of nitrogen and oxygen containing compounds [invited paper]
Jacques Barbier
Laetitia Oliviero
B. Renard
Daniel Duprez
Journal articles
L'impact des prélèvements d'eau pour l'irrigation sur les régimes hydrologiques des sous-bassins du Tescou et de la Séoune (bassin Adour-Garonne, France)
G. Galea
S. Vasquez Paulus
Benjamin Renard
Pascal Breil
Revue des Sciences de l'Eau / Journal of Water Science, 2005, 18 (3), pp.273-305
Journal articles
C. Dauwe
A. Govaert
B. Renard
Journal articles