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  • IdHAL bertrand-bannwarth


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FEM-BEM modeling of nonlinear magnetoelectric effects in heterogeneous composite structures

A. Urdaneta-Calzadilla , N. Galopin , I. Niyonzima , Olivier Chadebec , G. Meunier
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2024, 60 (3), ⟨10.1109/TMAG.2023.3339088⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04328266v1
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Transient Modelling of Corrosion Protection Systems with BEM-Electrical Circuit Hybrid Model

Michaël Nale , Olivier Chadebec , Jean-Michel Guichon , Olivier Pinaud , Brahim Ramdane
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2023, 59 (5), ⟨10.1109/TMAG.2023.3255979⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04026218v1
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Modeling of Magnetoelectric Effects in Composite structures by FEM-BEM coupling

Alberto Urdaneta-Calzadilla , Olivier Chadebec , Nicolas Galopin , Innocent Niyonzima , Gerard Meunier
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2023, 59 (5), ⟨10.1109/TMAG.2023.3235211⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03933752v1
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A FEM-BEM coupling strategy for the modeling of magnetoelectric effects in composite structures

A Urdaneta-Calzadilla , N Galopin , Innocent Niyonzima , Olivier Chadebec , B Bannwarth
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2023, 151, pp.41-55. ⟨10.1016/j.enganabound.2023.02.034⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03798171v2
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3D BEM Formulations for Eddy Current Problems with Multiply Connected Domains and Circuit Coupling

Quang-Anh Phan , Gérard Meunier , Jean-Michel Guichon , Bertrand Bannwarth , Olivier Chadebec
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2022, 58 (4), ⟨10.1109/TMAG.2019.2954323⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03013841v1
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A New Strategy for Automatic Coupling Between the Inductive PEEC Method and an Integral Electrostatic Formulation

Quang-Anh Phan , Gerard Meunier , Olivier Chadebec , Jean-Michel Guichon , Bertrand Bannwarth
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2022, 4 (2), pp.506-515. ⟨10.1109/TEMC.2021.3114511⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03381319v1
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Error estimation and adaptive mesh refinement for the unstructured inductive PEEC formulation

Kouceila Alkama , Gerard Meunier , Olivier Chadebec , Jean-Michel Guichon , Bertrand Bannwarth
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2022, 58 (3), ⟨10.1109/TMAG.2021.3137657⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03502851v1
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A Flux-based Inverse Integral Formulation for Steel Shell Magnetization Identification

G. Chavin-Collin , B. Bannwarth , D. Cavallera , O. Chadebec , N. Galopin
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2021, 538, pp.168275. ⟨10.1016/j.jmmm.2021.168275⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03294453v1
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Unstructured PEEC Method with the use of Surface Impedance Boundary Condition

Gérard Meunier , Q.-A Phan , Olivier Chadebec , J M Guichon , B Bannwarth
COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2020, 39 (5), pp.1017-1030. ⟨10.1108/COMPEL-01-2020-0023⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02991208v1
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Unstructured–PEEC Method for Thin Electromagnetic Media

Gérard Meunier , Jean-Michel Guichon , Olivier Chadebec , Bertrand Bannwarth , Laurent Krähenbühl
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2020, 56 (1), ⟨10.1109/TMAG.2019.2951016⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02338778v1
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Fault Identification on a Fuel Cell by 3-D Current Density Reconstruction From External Magnetic Field Measurements

Lyes Ifrek , Olivier Chadebec , Sebastien Rosini , Gilles Cauffet , Yann Bultel
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2019, 55 (6), pp.6200705. ⟨10.1109/TMAG.2019.2895755⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02350903v1
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An Integral Face Formulation for Thin Non-Conductive Magnetic Regions

G. Chavin-Collin , B. Bannwarth , D. Cavallera , Olivier Chadebec , N. Galopin
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2019, 55 (6), ⟨10.1109/TMAG.2019.2895959⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02350902v1
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3D eddy currents computation by BEM using the modified magnetic vector potential and the reduced magnetic scalar potential

Quang-Anh Phan , Gérard Meunier , Olivier Chadebec , Jean‐michel Guichon , Bertrand Bannwarth
International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, 2019, 33 (5), ⟨10.1002/jnm.2642⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02364312v2
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A-T Volume Integral Formulations for Solving Electromagnetic Problems in the Frequency Domain

Gérard Meunier , Olivier Chadebec , Jean-Michel Guichon , Vinh Le-Van , Jonathan Siau
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2016, 52 (3), ⟨10.1109/TMAG.2015.2496243⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02277766v1
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Generalized PEEC Analysis of Inductive Coupling Phenomena in a Transmission Line Right-of-Way

L. Blattner Martinho , J. Siau , B. Bannwarth , J. -M. Guichon , Olivier Chadebec
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2016, 52 (3), ⟨10.1109/TMAG.2015.2470249⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02277769v1
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The Adaptive Cross Approximation Technique for a Volume Integral Equation Method Applied to Nonlinear Magnetostatic Problems

Vinh Le-Van , Bertrand Bannwarth , Anthony Carpentier , Olivier Chadebec , Jean-Michel Guichon
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2014, 50 (2), pp.445-448. ⟨10.1109/TMAG.2013.2281568⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02277362v1
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Resolution of Nonlinear Magnetostatic Problems With a Volume Integral Method Using the Magnetic Scalar Potential

Anthony Carpentier , Olivier Chadebec , Nicolas Galopin , Gérard Meunier , Bertrand Bannwarth
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2013, pp.1685-1688. ⟨10.1109/TMAG.2013.2241750⟩
Article dans une revue hal-00822687v1
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Compression tensorielle d'opérateurs intégraux en électromagnétisme basse fréquence : Premiers essais numériques

Anthony Torosyan , Olivier Chadebec , Jean-Michel Guichon , Jean-René Poirier , Gérard Meunier
10ème Conférence Européenne sur les Méthodes Numériques en Electromagnétisme (NUMELEC 2024), Jul 2024, Toulouse, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-04644041v1
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Un couplage FEM-BEM multiphysique pour la modélisation de structures composites à effets magnétoélectriques

A Urdaneta-Calzadilla , Nicolas Galopin , Innocent Niyonzima , Olivier Chadebec , Gérard Meunier
10ème Conférence Européenne sur les Méthodes Numériques en Electromagnétisme (NUMELEC 2024), Jul 2024, Toulouse, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-04644003v1
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FEM-BEM modeling of nonlinear magnetoelectric effects in heterogeneous composite structures

A Urdaneta-Calzadilla , Nicolas Galopin , Innocent Niyonzima , Olivier Chadebec , Gérard Meunier
24th International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (Compumag'2023), Jun 2023, Kyoto (Japan), Japan
Communication dans un congrès hal-04114177v1
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Hybrid snapshots-Steklov BEM basis to identify hull corrosion states from nearby electric field measurements

François Tavernier , Olivier Chadebec , Olivier Pinaud , Bertrand Bannwarth , Arnaud Guibert
17th International Workshop on Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism (OIPE'2023), Sep 2023, Graz, Austria
Communication dans un congrès hal-04214688v1
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Modeling of magnetoelectric effects in composite structures by FEM-BEM coupling

A Urdaneta-Calzadilla , Olivier Chadebec , Nicolas Galopin , Innocent Niyonzima , Gerard Meunier
20th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (IEEE-CEFC'2022), Oct 2022, Denver, United States
Communication dans un congrès hal-03808722v1
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Adaptive mesh procedure for the unstructured inductive PEEC formulation

Kouceila Alkama , Gérard Meunier , Olivier Chadebec , Jean-Michel Guichon , Bertrand Bannwarth
23rd Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields COMPUMAG 2021, Jan 2022, Cancun (Online), Mexico
Communication dans un congrès hal-03553885v1

Transient Modelling of Corrosion Protection Systems with a Coupled BEM-Electrical Circuit Approach

Michaël Nale , Olivier Chadebec , Jean-Michel Guichon , Olivier Pinaud , Brahim Ramdane
EMF'2021 - The 12th International Symposium on Electric and Magnetic Fields, Jul 2021, Online, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-03264844v1
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Computational Strategies Improvement for the Generalized PEEC Method

Jean Michel Guichon , Kouceila Alkama , Gérard Meunier , Olivier Chadebec , Jean-Michel Guichon
The 2020 19thBiennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC'2020), Nov 2020, Pisa, Italy. ⟨10.1109/CEFC46938.2020.9451292⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-03052278v1
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BEM-FEM formulation based on magnetic vector and scalar potentials for eddy current problems

Quang-Anh Phan , Gérard Meunier , Olivier Chadebec , Jean-Michel Guichon , Bertrand Bannwarth
2019 19th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ISEF), Aug 2019, Nancy, France. ⟨10.1109/ISEF45929.2019.9096899⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-03823350v1
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An Inverse Integral Formulation for Steel Shell Magnetization Identification

Gireg Chavin-Collin , Bertrand Bannwarth , Didier Cavallera , Olivier Chadebec , Nicolas Galopin
Compumag 2019, Jul 2019, Paris, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-02278819v1
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Unstructured–PEEC Method for Thin Electromagnetic Media

Gérard Meunier , Jean-Michel Guichon , Olivier Chadebec , Bertrand Bannwarth , Laurent Krähenbühl
Compumag 2019, Jul 2019, Paris, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-02064483v1
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3D BEM Formulations for Eddy Current Problems with Multiply Connected Domains and Circuit Coupling

Quang Anh Phan , Olivier Chadebec , Gérard Meunier , Jean-Michel Guichon , Bertrand Bannwarth
Compumag 2019 : 22nd International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Field, Jul 2019, Paris, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-02279373v1
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Numerical Approach Including the Winding Impact for Electrical Machine Vibration Analysis

Liming Huang , Nicolas Galopin , Olivier Chadebec , Gérard Meunier , Bertrand Bannwarth
Compumag 2019, Jul 2019, Paris, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-02279699v1

Unstructured - PEEC Method with the use of Surface Impedance Condition

Gérard Meunier , Quang Anh Phan , Olivier Chadebec , Jean Michel Guichon , Bertrand Bannwarth
19th edition of International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ISEF 2019), 2019, Nancy, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-03032105v1
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A New Inverse Integral Formulation for Thin Regions Magnetization Identification

Gireg Chavin-Collin , Bertrand Bannwarth , Didier Cavallera , Olivier Chadebec , Nicolas Galopin
15th International Workshop on Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism (OIPE'2018), 2018, Hall in Tirol, Austria
Communication dans un congrès hal-02331200v1

Boundary Element Method for 3D Eddy Current Problems With a Conductive Thin Layer

Mohammad Issa , B. Bannwarth , O. Chadebec , G. Meunier , Jean-René Poirier
9th European Conference on Numerical Methods in Electromagnetics (NUMELEC 2017), Nov. 15-17, 2017, Paris (FRANCE), 2017, Paris, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-03937805v1

Formulations intégrales de volume en électromagnétisme basées sur une approche circuit

Gérard Meunier , Olivier Chadebec , Jean-Michel Guichon , Vinh Le Van , Thanh Trung Nguyen
NUMELEC 2015, Jun 2015, Saint-Nazaire, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-01163587v1

Formulation intégrale de volume en potentiel vecteur magnétique pour les problèmes magnétostatiques non linéaires en présence d'aimant permanent

Vinh Le Van , Gérard Meunier , Olivier Chadebec , Jean-Michel Guichon , Bertrand Bannwarth
NUMELEC 2015, Jun 2015, Saint-Nazaire, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-01163192v1
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A generalized PEEC Analysis of Inductive Coupling Phenomena in a Transmission Line Right-of-Way

L. Blattner Martinho , Jonathan Siau , Bertrand Bannwarth , Jean-Michel Guichon , Olivier Chadebec
20th Compumag Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, 2015, Jun 2015, Montréal, Canada
Communication dans un congrès hal-01173990v1

Formulation intégrale de volume en potentiel vecteur magnétique pour les problèmes magnétostatiques non linéaires en présence d'aimant permanent

Vinh Le Van , Gérard Meunier , Olivier Chadebec , Jean-Michel Guichon , Bertrand Bannwarth
NUMELEC 2015, Jun 2015, Saint-Nazaire, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-01167401v1

Parallelization on GPU of Mesh Generation Using Dynamic Bubble System

van Quang Dinh , Bertrand Bannwarth , Yves Maréchal
The 16thBiennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC 2014), May 2014, Annecy, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-01001825v1

The Adaptive Cross Approximation Technique for the Integral Method in Magnetostatic

Vinh Le Van , Olivier Chadebec , Bertrand Bannwarth , Anthony Carpentier , Jean-Michel Guichon
EMF'2013, Apr 2013, Bruges, Belgium
Communication dans un congrès hal-00819864v1
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The Adaptive Cross Approximation Technique for Volume Integral Method Applied to Nonlinear Magnetostatic Problems

Bertrand Bannwarth , Anthony Carpentier , Vinh Le Van , Olivier Chadebec , Gérard Meunier
Compumag 2013, Jun 2013, Budapest, Hungary
Communication dans un congrès hal-00842517v1

Wavelet and block matrices compression of an integral method problem on General Purpose GPU (GPGPU) architecture

Christophe Rubeck , Bertrand Bannwarth , Olivier Chadebec , Jean-Michel Guichon , Benoît Delinchant
CEFC 2012, Nov 2012, Oita, Japan
Communication dans un congrès hal-00819307v1

Compression par ondelettes de formulations intégrales sur architecture GPGPU

Christophe Rubeck , Bertrand Bannwarth , Olivier Chadebec , Jean-Michel Guichon , Benoît Delinchant
Conférence Européenne sur les Méthodes Numériques en Electromagnétisme (NUMELEC 2012), Jul 2012, Marseille, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-00716441v1

Compression matricielle ACA de formulations intégrales en potentiels

Bertrand Bannwarth , Anthony Carpentier , Olivier Chadebec , Jean-Michel Guichon , Vinh Le Van
NUMELEC 2012 : 7ème Conférence Européenne sur les Méthodes Numériques en Electromagnétisme, Jul 2012, Marseille, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-00716938v1
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JCuda vectorized and parallelized computation strategy for solving integral equations in electromagnetism on a standard personal computer

Christophe Rubeck , Bertrand Bannwarth , Olivier Chadebec , Benoît Delinchant , Jean-Paul Yonnet
COMPUMAG 2011, Jul 2011, Sydney, Australia
Communication dans un congrès hal-00610893v1