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Bertrand PAIN

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Genome editing in animal models… overview…

Bertrand Pain
Journée de réflexion transdisciplinaire sur l’édition des génomes chez les animaux et les plantes, Université Paris-Saclay - Graduate School BioSphera, Jan 2024, Campus Agro Paris-Saclay, France
Conference papers hal-04506125v1

Cerebral organoids: why shouldn't horses benefit from these models? Application to equine herpesviruses (EHVs) studies.

Bertrand Pain , Theo Larosa , Catherine Poinsignon , Christine Fortier , Noémie Aurine
12th International Equine Infectious Diseases Conference, Sep 2024, Deauville, France. pp.68 (n°105), ⟨10.1111/evj.14215⟩
Conference papers hal-04723738v1
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Gene networks controlling functional cell interactions in the pig embryo revealed by omics studies

Adrien Dufour , Cyril Kurylo , Jan B Stöckl , Yoann Bailly , Patrick Manceau
EAAP Annual Meeting, EAAP, Aug 2023, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-04424850v1

Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus-infected human neuronal/glial cells identify antiviral drugs

Noémie Berry , Gaëlle Gonzalez , Anne Huard de Verneuil , Valentine Chaillot , Marielle Cochet-Bernoin
XXVèmes Journées Francophones de Virologie, Société Française de Virologie, Apr 2023, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-04481153v1

Avian pluripotent stem cells and their susceptibility to influenza virus

Sylvie Rival-Gervier , Pablo Borredat-Diaz , Guillaume Montillet , Charlotte Lucas-Forêt , Sylvie Fiorini
The 24th Kon Kaen Veterinary Annual International Conference (KVAC 2023), Jul 2023, Kon Kaen, Thailand
Conference papers hal-04228253v1

Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus-infected human neuronal/glial cells identify antiviral drugs

Noémie Berry , Gaëlle Gonzalez , Anne Huard de Verneuil , Valentine Chaillot , Mazigh Fares
10th European Meeting of Viral Zoonoses, Sep 2023, Saint-Raphaël, France
Conference papers hal-04509311v1

Duck pluripotent stem cells replicate efficiently influenza viruses

Sylvie Rival-Gervier , Pablo Borredat-Diaz , Guillaume Montillet , Charlotte Lucas-Foret , Sylvie Fiorini
8th European Congress of Virology 2023, May 2023, Gdansk, Poland, Poland
Conference papers hal-04228246v1

Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus-infected human neuronal/glial cells identify antiviral drugs

Noémie Berry , Gaëlle Gonzalez , Anne Huard de Verneuil , Valentine Chaillot , Marielle Cochet-Bernoin
36th International Conference on Antiviral Research, International Society for Antiviral Research (ISAR), Mar 2023, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-04481101v1

Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus-infected human neuronal/glial cells identify antiviral drugs

Noémie Berry , Gaëlle Gonzalez , Anne Huard de Verneuil , Valentine Chaillot , Marielle Cochet-Bernoin
Journées d’Animation Scientifiques du Département de Santé Animale, INRAE (Département de Santé Animale), Oct 2022, Aglet, France
Conference papers hal-04481147v1
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French avian cryobank: development of reproductive biotechnologies based on primordial germ cells (PGCs) and investigation of the impact of in vitro steps on PGCs integrity and reproductive capacity

Marina Govoroun , Sabine Alves , Laura Soler-Vasco , Sophie Fouchécourt , Nadine Gérard
26è World's Poultry Congress,, May 2022, Webinar, France
Conference papers hal-04276115v1

Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus-infected human neuronal/glial cells identify antiviral drugs

Noémie Berry , Gaëlle Gonzalez , Anne Huard de Verneuil , Valentine Chaillot , Marielle Cochet-Bernoin
Journées Scientifiques et Doctorales de l'ANSES (JSDA), ANSES, Oct 2022, Maisons-Alfort, France
Conference papers hal-04481141v1
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Cellules germinales primordiales aviaires au cœur des avancées de la conservation des ressources génétiques et de l’édition des génomes. L’exemple français

Amélie Juanchich , Sabine Alves , Jacky Ezagal , Maria Bernard , Christophe Klopp
14. Journées de la Recherche Avicole et Palmipèdes à Foie Gras, Mar 2022, Tours, France. pp.115-123
Conference papers hal-04275281v1
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Les cellules souches germinales et leur épigénétique chez l'embryon de poulet

Clémence Kress , Bertrand Pain , Luc Jouneau
Journée d'animation scientifique Stem PHASE 2022, Jun 2022, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-03808130v1

Duck pluripotent stem cells and their susceptibility to influenza virus

Sylvie Rival-Gervier , Guillaume Montillet , Charlotte Lucas-Forêt , Sylvie Fiorini , Christian Jean
StemPhase, Jun 2022, Rennes (FR), France
Conference papers hal-04228199v1

Caractérisation de cellules souches trophoblastiques et embryonnaires bovines en vue de créer des blastoïdes

Alice Jouneau , Estelle Robert , Bertrand Pain
STEMPHASE 2022, Jun 2022, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-03714685v1

Two- and three-dimensional in vitro models for investigating TBEV-induced neuropathogenesis and discovering therapeutic drugs

Noémie Berry , Mazigh Fares , Gaëlle Gonzalez , Anne Huard de Verneuil , Noemie Aurine
Journées "Tiques et Maladies à Tiques", Groupe "Tiques et Maladies à Tiques" (TMT), Mar 2022, Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-04481097v1

Development and use of new chicken cellular models from embryonic stem cells and primary cells to study avian virus infections

Sascha Trapp , Evelyne Esnault , Pascale Quéré , Bertrand Pain , Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet
10. Avian Model Systems Conference, Jun 2018, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02734404v1

Deciphering the role of key epigenetic actors in chicken ESC and PGC physiology

Clémence Kress , Bertrand Pain , Guillaume Montillet , Aurélie Fuet , Christian Jean
International forum on avian germplasm and genome editing 2017, Oct 2017, Jeju, South Korea
Conference papers hal-02927025v1

Discriminer les états alternatifs de pluripotence au moyen d'éléments rétroviraux endogènes

Sylvie Rival-Gervier , Guillaume Montillet , Christian Jean , Mélanie Dhayer , Charlène Prier
3. Journée de Séminaires du Département Phase sur l'Epigénétique EpiPhase, May 2017, Jouy-en-Josas, France
Conference papers hal-01603100v1

ESCDL-1 cell-line derived from chicken ES cells is fully permissive to Mardiviruses

Jean-François Vautherot , Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet , Christian Jean , Aurélie Fuet , Guillaume Montillet
11. International Symposium on Marek’s Disease and Avian Herpesviruses, Jul 2016, Tours, France. 114 p
Conference papers hal-02739729v1

Quelques résultats issus du programme EpiBird, "Analyses Epigénétiques chez les Oiseaux"

Frederique Pitel , Mireille Morisson , Sophie S. Leroux , Alexis Cornuez , Marie-Dominique M.-D. Bernadet
2. Réunion d'Animation épiPHASE, Institut National de Recherche Agronomique (INRA). UAR Département Physiologie Animale et Systèmes d'Elevage (0558)., Mar 2016, Saint-Pée-sur-Nivelle, France
Conference papers hal-02794792v1

Epigenetic landscape of avian stem cells

Clémence Kress , Bertrand Pain , Guillaume Montillet , Aurélie Fuet , Christian Jean
Genetic stability of germ cell and stem cell. Korea-France joint mini-symposium 2016, Sep 2016, Seoul, South Korea
Conference papers hal-02926990v1

Transcriptomic analysis of MDV permissive chicken embryonic stem (ES)- derived cells

Christian Jean , Guillaume Montillet , Aurélie Fuet , Julie Franca , Clément Mazoyer
11. International Symposium on Marek’s Disease and Avian Herpesviruses, Jul 2016, Tours, France. 114 p
Conference papers hal-02743476v1

Isolement et caractérisation de cellules germinales souches adultes à partir de lignées de poissons zèbre transgéniques

Edouard Curran , Aude Gautier , Taiju Saito , Bertrand Pain , Frédéric Chalmel
2. Réunion d'Animation épiPHASE, Institut National de Recherche Agronomique (INRA). UAR Département Physiologie Animale et Systèmes d'Elevage (0558)., Mar 2016, Saint-Pée-sur-Nivelle, France
Conference papers hal-02797681v1

Epigénétique et variabilitlé des caractères : quelle importance en aviculture ?

Laure Fresard , Mireille Morisson , Jean- Michel Brun , Anne Collin , Bertrand Pain
11. Journées de la Recherche Avicole et Palmipèdes à Foie Gras, Mar 2015, Tours, France
Conference papers hal-01194124v1
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Epigenetics and phenotypic variability: some interesting insights from birds

Laure Fresard , Mireille Morisson , Jean- Michel Brun , Anne Collin , Bertrand Pain
9. European Symposium on Poultry Genetics, Jun 2015, Tuusula, Finland
Conference papers hal-01580726v1
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Reprogrammation de cellules somatiques chez les animaux d'élevage

Marielle Afanassieff , Bertrand Pain
3. Comité Scientifique de l'Infrastructure CRB-Anim, Centres de Ressources Biologiques pour les Animaux Domestiques (CRB-Anim). FRA., Nov 2015, Paris, France. 27 diapos
Conference papers hal-02792523v1

Marques épigénétiques des cellules pluripotentes de poulet

Clémence Kress , Bertrand Pain , Guillaume Montillet , Aurélie Fuet , Christian Jean
1. Journée de Séminaires du Département Phase sur l'Epigénétique EpiPhase, Institut National de Recherche Agronomique (INRA). UAR Département Physiologie Animale et Systèmes d'Elevage (0558)., Jun 2015, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02801365v1

Susceptibility of Keratinocytes Derived from Chicken embryonic Stem Cell to Marek’s Disease Virus infection

Mathilde Couteaudier , Nicolas Auger , Katia Courvoisier-Guyader , Bertrand Pain , Caroline Denesvre
10. International Symposium on Marek's Disease and Avian Herpesviruses, Jul 2014, East Lansing, United States
Conference papers hal-02738759v1

Epigenetic marks in chicken pluripotent cells and embryo

Clémence Kress , Bertrand Pain , Guillaume Montillet , Aurélie Fuet , Christian Jean
Chick Meeting du GDR 3604 "Modèle Aviaire", Oct 2014, Aigues-Mortes, France
Conference papers hal-02794097v1

Permissivité des kératinocytes dérivés de cellules souches embryonnaires de poule à l’infection par le Virus de la Maladie de Marek

Mathilde Couteaudier , Nicolas Auger , Bertrand Pain , Caroline Denesvre , Jean-François Vautherot
3. Journée Herpès virus et pathologies associées (HerPAs), Association Herpesvirus et Pathologies Associées (HerPAs). FRA., Mar 2014, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02800883v1

Susceptibility of chicken embryonic stem cell-derived keratinocytes to marek's disease virus infection

Mathilde Couteaudier , Katia Courvoisier-Guyader , Bertrand Pain , Caroline Denesvre , Jean-François Vautherot
Journées d'Animation Scientifique du Département Santé Animale, Institut National de Recherche Agronomique (INRA). UAR Département Santé Animale (0564)., Oct 2013, Cap d'Agde, France. 104 p
Conference papers hal-02745580v1

French national platform for management of avian genetic biodiversity. Development of tools through cryopreservation of blastodermal and primordial germ cells

Marina Govoroun , Bertrand Pain , Francois Seigneurin , Elisabeth Blesbois
International Forum on Avian Germplasm 2013, Avian Germplasm. KOR., 2013, Seoul, South Korea
Conference papers hal-02745214v1

Susceptibility of Chicken Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Keratinocytes to Marek's Disease Virus infection

Mathilde Couteaudier , Katia Courvoisier-Guyader , Bertrand Pain , Caroline Denesvre , Jean-François Vautherot
18. World Veterinary Poultry Association (WVPA), World Veterinary Poultry Association (WVPA). INT., Aug 2013, Nantes, France. 724 p
Conference papers hal-02744754v1
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Reprogramming somatic cells into rabbit and avian iPSC

Marielle Afanassieff , Bertrand Pain
Kick-off meeting of CRB-Anim Infrastruture, Centres de Ressources Biologiques pour les Animaux Domestiques (CRB-Anim). FRA., Nov 2012, Paris, France. 54 diapos
Conference papers hal-02803890v1

Development of avian reproductive biotechnologies for the management of genetic diversity: CRYOBIRDS

Elisabeth Blesbois , Marina Govoroun , A. Hidas , K. Liptoi , Bertrand Pain
24. World's Poultry Congress, World's Poultry Science Association (WPSA). INT., Aug 2012, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
Conference papers hal-02744868v1

Carte épigénétique de l’embryon de poulet

Cécile Aube , Tiphaine Aguirre-Lavin , Nathalie Beaujean , Bertrand Pain
Journées d’Animation des Crédits Incitatifs du Département de Physiologie Animale et Systèmes d’Elevage (JACI Phase), Oct 2010, Tours, France. 1 p
Conference papers hal-02819483v1

Strategy of avian germplasm cryobanking in France

Elisabeth Blesbois , Francois Seigneurin , Michèle Tixier-Boichard , Bertrand Pain
13. European Poultry Conference (EPC 2010), Aug 2010, Tours, France
Conference papers hal-02755797v1

Molecular control of pluripotency and germ line competency in chicken embryonic stem cells

Fabrice Lavial , Hervé Acloque , Eliane Bachelard , Guillaume Montillet , a . Nieto
Shanghai International Symposium on Stem Cell Research, Nov 2007, Shanghai, China. ⟨10.1038/cr.2008.196⟩
Conference papers hal-02756866v1

Reduction of ammonia emissions from livestock farming in France: an assessment of methods and elements for devising policy

José Martinez , Claire Oudot , S. Portejoie , Bertrand Pain
II Simposio internacional produccion animal sustensable, Acapulco, MEX, 19-20 Febrero 2004, 2004, Acapulco, Mexico. pp.153-177
Conference papers hal-02584257v1
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Analysis of the role of viral glycoprotein D in Marek's Disease resistance by somatic and germinal transgenesis

Marielle Afanassieff , Denis Soubieux , Sophie Olayat , Bertrand Pain , Norman Ross
French-Japanese Workshop : Genes and Early Development, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). FRA., Jun 1998, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-02768817v1
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Reinforcement of repressive marks in the chicken primordial germ cell epigenetic signature: divergence from basal state resetting in mammals

Clémence Kress , Luc Jouneau , Bertrand Pain
Epigenetics & Chromatin, 2024, 17 (1), pp.11. ⟨10.1186/s13072-024-00537-7⟩
Journal articles hal-04566077v1

Brain organoids as models for studying neuropathologies in domestic animals

Bertrand Pain , Noémie Aurine , Théo La Rosa , Camille Baquerre , Muriel Coulpier
INRAE Productions Animales, 2023, 36 (2), ⟨10.20870/productions-animales.2023.36.2.7637⟩
Journal articles hal-04540803v1
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Enhanced cultivation of chicken primordial germ cells

Nima Dehdilani , Sara Yousefi Taemeh , Sylvie Rival-Gervier , Guillaume Montillet , Clémence Kress
Scientific Reports, 2023, 13 (1), pp.12323. ⟨10.1038/s41598-023-39536-1⟩
Journal articles hal-04186419v1
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Avant-propos du dossier « Cellules souches et Organoïdes : réalités et perspectives »

Françoise Médale , Alain Boissy , Irène Gabriel , Bertrand Pain , Catherine Taragnat
INRAE Productions Animales, 2023, 36 (2), pp.7695. ⟨10.20870/productions-animales.2023.36.2.7695⟩
Journal articles hal-04224095v1

Integrating Omics and CRISPR Technology for Identification and Verification of Genomic Safe Harbor Loci in the Chicken Genome

Nima Dehdilani , Lena Goshayeshi , Sara Yousefi Taemeh , Ahmad Reza Bahrami , Sylvie Rival-Gervier
Biological Procedures Online, 2023, 25 (1), pp.18. ⟨10.1186/s12575-023-00210-5⟩
Journal articles hal-04167400v1
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STLV-1 Commonly Targets Neurons in the Brain of Asymptomatic Non-Human Primates

Brenda Rocamonde , Sandrine Alais , Rodolphe Pelissier , Valerie Moulin , Brigitte Rimbaud
mBio, 2023, 14 (2), ⟨10.1128/mbio.03526-22⟩
Journal articles hal-04298562v1
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Pituitary organoids: tools to characterize pituitary development, plasticity and pathologies?

Catherine Taragnat , Xavier Cayla , Bertrand Pain
INRAE Productions Animales, 2023, 36 (2), pp.7661. ⟨10.20870/productions-animales.2023.36.2.7661⟩
Journal articles hal-04228528v1

Study of the regulatory elements of the Ovalbumin gene promoter using CRISPR technology in chicken cells

Sara Yousefi Taemeh , Nima Dehdilani , Lena Goshayeshi , Sylvie Rival-Gervier , Jalil Mehrzad
Journal of Biological Engineering, 2023, 17 (1), pp.46. ⟨10.1186/s13036-023-00367-3⟩
Journal articles hal-04167391v1
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Species-Specific Molecular Barriers to SARS-CoV-2 Replication in Bat Cells

Sophie-Marie Aicher , Felix Streicher , Maxime Chazal , Delphine Planas , Dongsheng Luo
Journal of Virology, 2022, 96 (14), ⟨10.1128/jvi.00608-22⟩
Journal articles hal-03746441v2

Effect of miR-302b MicroRNA Inhibition on Chicken Primordial Germ Cell Proliferation and Apoptosis Rate

Bence Lázár , Nikolett Tokodyné Szabadi , Mahek Anand , Roland Tóth , András Ecker
Genes, 2022, 13 (1), pp.82. ⟨10.3390/genes13010082⟩
Journal articles hal-03627186v1

Differential transcriptional regulation of the NANOG gene in chicken primordial germ cells and embryonic stem cells

Hee Jung Choi , So Dam Jin , Deivendran Rengaraj , Jin Hwa Kim , Bertrand Pain
Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology , 2021, 12 (1), ⟨10.1186/s40104-021-00563-5⟩
Journal articles hal-03341249v1
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Liver organoids in domestic animals: an expected promise for metabolic studies

Camille Baquerre , Guillaume Montillet , Bertrand Pain
Veterinary Research, 2021, 52 (1), ⟨10.1186/s13567-021-00916-y⟩
Journal articles hal-03175952v1
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Organoids in domestic animals: with which stem cells?

Bertrand Pain
Veterinary Research, 2021, 52 (1), pp.38. ⟨10.1186/s13567-021-00911-3⟩
Journal articles hal-03161703v1
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Effect of Post-Hatch Heat-Treatment in Heat-Stressed Transylvanian Naked Neck Chicken

Roland Tóth , Nikolett Tokodyné Szabadi , Bence Lázár , Kitti Buda , Barbara Végi
Animals, 2021, 11 (6), pp.1-13. ⟨10.3390/ani11061575⟩
Journal articles hal-03519674v1
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Cerebral organoids and their potential for studies of brain diseases in domestic animals

Bertrand Pain , Camille Baquerre , Muriel Coulpier
Veterinary Research, 2021, 52 (1), pp.65. ⟨10.1186/s13567-021-00931-z⟩
Journal articles hal-03252154v1
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Modifications ciblées des génomes : Apports et impacts potentiels des nouvelles technologies pour les espèces aviaires

Alain Ducos , Bertrand B. Bed'Hom , Hervé Acloque , Bertrand Pain
Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France, 2020, 173 (1), pp.140-150. ⟨10.3406/bavf.2020.70900⟩
Journal articles hal-02912741v2

In vitro culture and characterization of duck primordial germ cells

Yi-Chen Chen , Shau-Ping Lin , Yi-Ying Chang , Wei-Peng Chang , Liang-Yuan Wei
Poultry Science, 2019, 98 (4), pp.1820-1832. ⟨10.3382/ps/pey515⟩
Journal articles hal-02979525v1
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Chicken Embryonic-Stem Cells Are Permissive to Poxvirus Recombinant Vaccine Vectors

Efstathios S. Giotis , Guillaume Montillet , Bertrand Pain , Michael A. Skinner
Genes, 2019, 10 (3), pp.237. ⟨10.3390/genes10030237⟩
Journal articles hal-02620787v1
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Stage-dependent piRNAs in chicken implicated roles in modulating male germ cell development (vol 19, 425, 2018)

Kai-Wei Chang , Yen-Tzu Tseng , Yi Chen Chen , Chih-Yun Yu , Hung-Fu Liao
BMC Genomics, 2018, 19, 1p. ⟨10.1186/s12864-018-4863-y⟩
Journal articles hal-02620755v1
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Molecular signatures of epithelial oviduct cells of a laying hen (Gallus gallus domesticus) and quail (Coturnix japonica)

Katarzyna Stadnicka , Anna Sławińska , Aleksandra Dunisławska , Bertrand Pain , Marek Bednarczyk
BMC Developmental Biology, 2018, 18 (1), pp.1-14. ⟨10.1186/s12861-018-0168-2⟩
Journal articles hal-01908157v1
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Three-dimensional culture of chicken primordial germ cells (cPGCs) in defined media containing the functional polymer FP003

Yi-Chen Chen , Wei-Che Chang , Shau-Ping Lin , Masataka Minami , Christian Jean
PLoS ONE, 2018, 13 (9), pp.1-17. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0200515⟩
Journal articles hal-01906546v1

Pluripotency in avian species

Bertrand Pain , Clémence Kress , Sylvie Rival-Gervier
International Journal of Developmental Biology, 2018, 62 (1-2-3), pp.245-255. ⟨10.1387/ijdb.170322bp⟩
Journal articles hal-02517429v1
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NANOG Is Required for the Long-Term Establishment of Avian Somatic Reprogrammed Cells

Aurélie Fuet , Guillaume Montillet , Christian Jean , Pauline Aubel , Clémence Kress
Current Stem Cell Reports, 2018, 11 (5), pp.1272-1286. ⟨10.1016/j.stemcr.2018.09.005⟩
Journal articles hal-02517395v1

Network Features and Dynamical Landscape of Naive and Primed Pluripotency

Benjamin Pfeuty , Clémence Kress , Bertrand Pain
Biophysical Journal, 2018, 114 (1), pp.237-248. ⟨10.1016/j.bpj.2017.10.033⟩
Journal articles hal-02334724v1
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Stage-dependent piRNAs in chicken implicated roles in modulating male germ cell development

Kai-Wei Chang , Yen-Tzu Tseng , Yi-Chen Chen , Chih-Yun Yu , Hung-Fu Liao
BMC Genomics, 2018, 19 (1), pp.1-16. ⟨10.1186/s12864-018-4820-9⟩
Journal articles hal-02349793v1

Successful chimera production in the Hungarian goose (Anser anser domestica) by intracardiac injection of blastodermal cells in 3-day-old embryos

Nikoletta Sztan , Bence Lazar , Nara Bodzsar , Barbara Vagi , Krisztina Liptai
Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 2017, 29 (11), pp.2206-2216. ⟨10.1071/RD16289⟩
Journal articles hal-02627142v1
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Modifications ciblées des génomes : Apports et impacts pour les espèces d’élevage

Alain Ducos , Bertrand Bed'Hom , Hervé Acloque , Bertrand Pain
INRA Productions Animales, 2017, 30 (1), pp.3-18
Journal articles hal-01608724v1

Recurrent DCC gene losses during bird evolution

François Friocourt , Anne-Gaëlle Lafont , Clémence Kress , Bertrand Pain , Marie Manceau
Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, ⟨10.1038/srep37569⟩
Journal articles hal-02623975v1
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ESCDL-1, a new cell line derived from chicken embryonic stem cells, supports efficient replication of Mardiviruses

Jean-François Vautherot , Christian Jean , Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet , Sylvie Rémy-Delaunay , Danièle Vautherot
PLoS ONE, 2017, 12 (4), 30 p. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0175259⟩
Journal articles hal-01608415v1

The insulin sensitiser metformin regulates chicken Sertoli and germ cell populations

Mélanie Faure , Edith Guibert , Sabine Alves , Bertrand Pain , Christelle Rame
Reproduction [Cambridge], 2016, 151 (5), pp.527-538. ⟨10.1530/REP-15-0565⟩
Journal articles hal-01594472v1
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Chicken embryonic stem cells and primordial germ cells display different heterochromatic histone marks than their mammalian counterparts

Clémence Kress , Guillaume Montillet , Christian Jean , Aurélie Fuet , Bertrand Pain
Epigenetics & Chromatin, 2016, 9 (1), pp.5. ⟨10.1186/s13072-016-0056-6⟩
Journal articles inserm-01322500v1

In vitro generation and characterization of chicken long-term germ cells from different embryonic origins

Franca Raucci , Aurélie Fuet , Bertrand Pain
Theriogenology, 2015, 84 (5), pp.732 - 742. ⟨10.1016/j.theriogenology2015.04.032⟩
Journal articles hal-02629967v1
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Reinforcement of STAT3 activity reprogrammes human embryonic stem cells to naive-like pluripotency

Hongwei Chen , Irène Aksoy , Fabrice Gonnot , Pierre Osteil , Maxime Aubry
Nature Communications, 2015, 6 (1), ⟨10.1038/ncomms8095⟩
Journal articles hal-01997120v1

Identification of side population cells in chicken embryonic gonads

Eliane Bachelard , Franca Raucci , Guillaume Montillet , Bertrand Pain
Theriogenology, 2015, 83 (3), pp.377-384. ⟨10.1016/j.theriogenology.2014.09.029⟩
Journal articles hal-02632526v1
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Transcriptome analysis of chicken ES, blastodermal and germ cells reveals that chick ES cells are equivalent to mouse ES cells rather than EpiSC

Christian Jean , Nidia M.M. Oliveira , Sittipon Intarapat , Aurélie Fuet , Clément Mazoyer
Stem Cell Research, 2015, 14 (1), pp.54-67. ⟨10.1016/j.scr.2014.11.005⟩
Journal articles hal-02372014v1
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Derivation of keratinocytes from chicken embryonic stem cells: Establishment and characterization of differentiated proliferative cell populations

Mathilde Couteaudier , Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet , Nicolas Auger , Katia Guyader , Bertrand Pain
Stem Cell Research, 2015, 14 (2), pp.224-237. ⟨10.1016/j.scr.2015.01.002⟩
Journal articles hal-01190151v1

Effects of mono-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (MEHP) on chicken germ cells cultured in vitro

Edith Guibert , Bérénice Prieur , Ronan Cariou , Frédérique Courant , Jean-Philippe Antignac
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2013, 20 (5), pp.2771-83. ⟨10.1007/s11356-013-1487-2⟩
Journal articles hal-01129730v1

Does uncontrolled cardiac death for organ donation raise ethical questions? An opinion survey.

Véronique Goudet , Marion Albouy-Llaty , Virginie Migeot , Bertrand Pain , Claire Dahyot Fizelier
Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 2013, 57 (10), pp.1230-6. ⟨10.1111/aas.12179⟩
Journal articles hal-01284233v1
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Epigenetics and phenotypic variability: some interesting insights from birds

Laure Frésard , Mireille Morisson , Jean-Michel Brun , Anne Collin , Bertrand Pain
Genetics Selection Evolution, 2013, 45 (1), pp.16. ⟨10.1186/1297-9686-45-16⟩
Journal articles inserm-00838907v1

Pluripotent genes in avian stem cells

Christian Jean , Pauline Aubel , Clement Soleihavoup , Frantz Bouhallier , Sophie Voisin
Development, Growth and Differentiation, 2013, 55 (1), pp.41 - 51. ⟨10.1111/dgd.12021⟩
Journal articles hal-02650336v1

Astacin-like metallo-endopeptidase is dynamically expressed in embryonic stem cells and embryonic epithelium during morphogenesis

Hervé Acloque , Fabrice Lavial , Bertrand Pain
Developmental Dynamics, 2012, 241 (3), pp.574-582. ⟨10.1002/dvdy.23737⟩
Journal articles hal-02651120v1
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Reprogramming capacity of Nanog is functionally conserved in vertebrates and resides in a unique homeodomain

Thorold W. Theunissen , Yael Costa , Aliaksandra Radzisheuskaya, A. , Anouk L. van Oosten , Fabrice Lavial
Development (Cambridge, England), 2011, 138 (22), pp.4853-4865. ⟨10.1242/dev.068775⟩
Journal articles hal-02644461v1
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Chicken embryonic stem cells as a non-mammalian embryonic stem cell model

Fabrice Lavial , Bertrand Pain
Development, Growth and Differentiation, 2010, 52 (1), pp.101-114. ⟨10.1111/j.1440-169X.2009.01152.x⟩
Journal articles hal-02663844v1

Role of miR-34c microRNA in the late steps of spermatogenesis.

Frantz Bouhallier , Nathalie Allioli , Fabrice Lavial , Frédéric Chalmel , Marie-Hélène Perrard
RNA, 2010, 16 (4), pp.720-31. ⟨10.1261/rna.1963810⟩
Journal articles inserm-00518414v1

Ectopic expression of Cvh (Chicken Vasa homologue) mediates the reprogramming of chicken embryonic stem cells to a germ cell fate

Fabrice Lavial , Hervé Acloque , Elodie Bachelard , M. Angela Nieto , Jacques Samarut
Developmental Biology, 2009, 330 (1), pp.73-82. ⟨10.1016/j.ydbio.2009.03.012⟩
Journal articles hal-02667167v1

The Oct4 homologue PouV and Nanog regulate pluripotency in chicken embryonic stem cells

Fabrice Lavial , Hervé Acloque , Federica Bertocchini , David Macleod , Sharon Boast
Development (Cambridge, England), 2007, 134 (19), pp.3549-3563. ⟨10.1242/dev.006569⟩
Journal articles hal-02664396v1
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Transcription factor cCP2 controls gene expression in chicken embryonic stem cells

Hervé Acloque , Anne Mey , A.M. Birot , H. Gruffat , Bertrand Pain
Nucleic Acids Research, 2004, 32 (7), pp.2259-2271. ⟨10.1093/nar/gkh545⟩
Journal articles hal-02678518v1

Identification of a new gene family specifically expressed in chicken embryonic stem cells and early embryo

Hervé Acloque , V. Risson , M.A. Birot , R. Kutina , Bertrand Pain
Mechanisms of Development, 2001, 103, pp.79-91
Journal articles hal-02673602v1

Identification of a new gene family specifically expressed in chicken embryonic stem cells and early embryo.

Hervé Acloque , Valérie Risson , Anne Marie Birot , Bertrand Pain , Jacques Samarut
Mechanisms of Development, 2001, 103, pp.79-91
Journal articles hal-00023833v1

Chicken embryonic stem cells and transgenic strategies

Bertrand Pain , P. Chenevier , Jacques Samarut
Cells Tissues Organs, 1999, 165, pp.212-219
Journal articles hal-02686579v1

Long-term in vitro culture and characterisation of avian embryonic stem cells with multiple morphogenetic potentialities

Bertrand Pain , M.E. Clark , M. Shen , H. Nakazawa , M. Sakurai
Development (Cambridge, England), 1996, 122, pp.2339-2348
Journal articles hal-02695273v1

Identification of BTG2, an antiproliferative p53–dependent component of the DNA damage cellular response pathway

Jean-Pierre Rouault , Nicole Falette , Fabienne Guéhenneux , Céline Guillot , Ruth Rimokh
Nature Genetics, 1996, 14 (4), pp.482-486. ⟨10.1038/ng1296-482⟩
Journal articles hal-02998620v1

Identification of BTG2, an antiproliferative p53-dependent component of the DNA damage cellular response pathway

J.P. Rouault , N. Falette , F. Guehenneux , C. Guillot , R. Rimokh
Nature Genetics, 1996, 14, pp.482-486
Journal articles hal-02697677v1

The various domains of v-myb and v-ets oncogenes of E26 retrovirus contribute differently, but cooperatively, in transformation of hematopoietic lineages

Chantal Domenget , Dominique Leprince , Bertrand Pain , S. Peyrol , R.P. Li
Oncogene, 1992, 7, pp.2231-2241
Journal articles hal-02708462v1

L'oncogene v-erbA : un inhibiteur d'inhibiteur

Cindy Desbois , Denise Aubert , C. Legrand , Bertrand Pain , Jacques Samarut
Médecine/Sciences, 1992, 8, pp.156-159
Journal articles hal-02707587v1

v-myb and v-ets cooperate for the mitogenic stimulation of primary fibroblasts by avian E26 retrovirus

Patrick Ravel-Chapuis , Dominique Leprince , Bertrand Pain , R. Li , Chantal Domenget
Journal of Virology, 1991, 65 (7), pp.3928-3931
Journal articles hal-02700129v1

EGF-R as a hemopoietic growth factor receptor : the c-erbB product is present in chicken erythrocytic progenitors and controls their self-renewal

Bertrand Pain , C.M. Woods , J. Saez , T. Flickinger , M. Raines
Cell, 1991, 65, pp.37-46
Journal articles hal-02706038v1

v-erbA oncogene abrogates growth inhibition of chicken embryo fibroblasts induced by retinoic acid

Cindy Desbois , Bertrand Pain , C. Guilhot , M. Benchaibi , M. French
Oncogene, 1991, 6, pp.2129-2135
Journal articles hal-02706555v1
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A novel mechanism of action for v-ErbA: abrogation of the inactivation of transcription factor AP-1 by retinoic acid and thyroid hormone receptors

Christelle Desbois , Denise Aubert , Claude Legrand , Bertrand Pain , Jacques Samarut
Cell, 1991, 67 (4), pp.731-740. ⟨10.1016/0092-8674(91)90068-a⟩
Journal articles hal-02700696v1

The carbonic anhydrase II gene, a gene regulated by thyroid hormone and erythropoietin, is repressed by the v-erbA oncogene in erythrocytic cells

Bertrand Pain , F. Melet , Pierre Jurdic , Jacques Samarut
New Biologist, 1990, 2 (3), pp.284-294
Journal articles hal-02704048v1
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Bertrand Pain , P. Jurdic , O. Gandrillon , J. Samarut
Reproduction Nutrition Development, 1989, 29 (Suppl), pp.33-33
Journal articles hal-00899160v1

The reversion of mESCs into naïve ground state does not follow a linear path.

Sylvie Rival-Gervier , Guillaume Montillet , Christian Jean , Nathalie Beaujean , Bertrand Pain
Annual meeting of French Society for Stem Cell Research (FSSCR), Jan 2024, Paris, France
Conference poster hal-04651240v1


Sylvie Rival-Gervier , Guillaume Montillet , Nathalie Beaujean , Christian Jean , Bertrand Pain
Annual meeting of ISSCR 2024, Jul 2024, Hambourg (Germany), Germany
Conference poster hal-04651222v1

Développement de modèles cellulaires 2D et 3D représentatifs de l’infection du système nerveux central humain et équin par le virus West Nile

Valentine Chaillot , Noémie Berry , Théo La Rosa , Gaïzka Le Goff , François Piumi
Journal officiel de la Société Française de Virologie. XXVIes Journées Francophones de Virologies, Apr 2024, Bruxelles, Belgium. Virologie, 28 (2), P143, page 154
Conference poster hal-04622311v1

Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus-infected human neuronal/glial cells identify antiviral drugs

Noémie Berry , Gaëlle Gonzalez , Anne Huard de Verneuil , Valentine Chaillot , Marielle Cochet-Bernoin
36th International Conference on Antiviral Research, Mar 2023, Lyon, France
Conference poster hal-04480802v1

The reversion of mESCs into naïve ground state does not follow a linear path

Sylvie Rival-Gervier , Guillaume Montillet , Christian Jean , Nathalie Beaujean , Bertrand Pain
State Conversion, Oct 2023, Cold Spring Harbor (NY), United States
Conference poster hal-04228334v1

Equine brain organoids: tools to better understand West Nile virus infection of the equine central nervous system and to identify antiviral molecules

Valentine Chaillot , Noémie Berry , Théo La Rosa , Hélène Huet , Marielle Cochet-Bernoin
EPIZONE Annual Meeting 2023, Apr 2023, Novi Sad, Serbia
Conference poster hal-04479204v1

Development of physiologically relevant 2D and 3D cellular models of infection of the human and equine central nervous systems by Flaviviruses.​

Valentine Chaillot , Noémie Berry , Théo La Rosa , Kamila Gorna , Aïcha Dembélé
Journées Scientifiques et Doctorales de l'Anses, Oct 2023, Maisons-Alfort, France
Conference poster hal-04480744v1

Duck pluripotent stem cells and their susceptibility to influenza virus

Sylvie Rival-Gervier , Pablo Borredat-Diaz , Guillaume Montillet , Charlotte Foret -Lucas , Sylvie Fiorini
New Frontiers in Developmental Biology | Celebrating the Diversity of Life (SFBD and JSDB), Nov 2022, Strasbourg, France
Conference poster hal-03853636v1

Epigénétique de cellules reprogrammées issues de clones

Clémence Kress , Camille Baquerre , Guillaume Montillet , Bertrand Pain , Hélène Kiefer
Journées d’animation scientifiques du Département Physiologie Animale et Systèmes d’Elevage 2022, May 2022, Poitiers, France
Conference poster hal-03808163v1

TBEV-infected human neuronal/glial cells identify antiviral drugs

Noémie Berry , Valentine Chaillot , Marielle Cochet-Bernoin , François Piumi , Kamila Gorna
28th international symposium on hepatitis C virus, flaviviruses and related viruses., Jul 2022, Ghent, Belgium
Conference poster hal-04480746v1

Duck pluripotent stem cells and their susceptibility to influenza virus

Sylvie Rival-Gervier , Pablo Borredat-Diaz , Guillaume Montillet , Sylvie Fiorini , Christian Jean
Annual meeting of French Society for Stem Cell Research (FSSCR), Nov 2021, Montpellier, France
Conference poster hal-04228315v1

Discriminate alternative pluripotency states by means of Endogenous Retroviral Elements

Sylvie Rival-Gervier , Tarjimanov Roman , Alexis Roberge , Mélanie Dhayer , Guillaume Montillet
Chromatin & Epigenetics: Inheritance and Design, Apr 2018, Munich, Germany
Conference poster hal-02958518v1

Modifications ciblées des génomes: apports et impacts potentiels des nouvelles technologies pour les espèces aviaires

Alain Ducos , Bertrand Bed'Hom , Hervé Acloque , Bertrand Pain
12. Journées de la Recherche Avicole et des Palmipèdes à Foie Gras, Apr 2017, Tours, France. ITAVI - Institut Technique de l'Aviculture, Journées de la Recherche Avicole et des Palmipèdes à Foie Gras, 12, 2017, Journées de la Recherche Avicole et des Palmipèdes à Foie Gras
Conference poster hal-01608254v1

Eléments rétroviraux endogènes, de nouveaux marqueurs de la pluripotence ?

Sylvie Rival , Guillaume Montillet , Nathalie N. Daniel , Nathalie N. Peynot , Bertrand Pain
Journées d’Animation des Crédits Incitatifs du Département de Physiologie Animale et Systèmes d’Elevage (JACI Phase 2016), Apr 2016, Tours, France. , 115 p., 2016, Crédits Incitatifs financés entre 2011 et 2014
Conference poster hal-02742280v1

Isolement et caractérisation de cellules germinales souches adultes à partir de lignées de poissons zèbre transgéniques

Edouard Curran , Aude Gautier , Taiju Saito , Amélie Patinote , Alexandra Depince
Journées d’Animation des Crédits Incitatifs du Département de Physiologie Animale et Systèmes d’Elevage (JACI Phase 2016), Apr 2016, Tours, France. , 115 p., 2016, Crédits incitatifs financés entre 2011 et 2014
Conference poster hal-02740984v1

Strategy of avian germ plasm cryobanking in France and scientific advances in reproductive phenotype

Elisabeth Blesbois , Marina Govoroun , Francois Seigneurin , Bertrand Pain , Michèle Tixier-Boichard
14. European Poultry conference, Jun 2014, Stavanger, Norway. WPSA, Branche Norvégienne, 2014, XIVth European Poultry Conference
Conference poster hal-01123045v1
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Epigenetics and phenotypic variability: some interesting insights from birds

Laure Fresard , Mireille Morisson , Jean- Michel Brun , Anne Collin , Bertrand Pain
10. World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Aug 2014, Vancouver, Canada. American Society of Animal Science, 2014, 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production
Conference poster hal-01194041v1
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Derivation of induced pluripotent stem cells from an infertile boar carrying a reciprocal translocation

Annabelle Congras , Harmonie Barasc , Florence F. Vignoles , Alain Pinton , Marielle Afanassieff
Conference 2014 Epiconcept "Epigenetics and Periconception Environment", Oct 2014, Vilamoura, Portugal. COST Office European Cooperation in Science and Technology (Portugal), 2014, Proceedings of the EPICONCEPT Conference 2014 - COST Action FA1201
Conference poster hal-02739129v1

Long-term cultures of chicken embryonic primordial and gonadal germ cells.

Aurélie Fuet , Franca Raucci , Bertrand Pain
5. Journées d'Animation Scientifique du département Phase (JAS Phase 2013), Oct 2013, Paris, France. 2013
Conference poster hal-02810691v1

Strategy of avian germ plasmcryobanking in France and example of scientific advances in proteomic sperm studies

Elisabeth Blesbois , Marina Govoroun , Bertrand Pain , Francois Seigneurin , Michèle Tixier-Boichard
International Forum on Avian Germplasm 2013, 2013, Seoul, South Korea. 2013, International Forum on Avian Germplasm 2013
Conference poster hal-01189894v1

Susceptibility of chicken embryonic stem cell derived keratinocytes to Marek's disease virus infection

Mathilde Couteaudier , Katia Courvoisier-Guyader , Bertrand Pain , Caroline Denesvre , Jean-François Vautherot
5. European Congress of Virology, Sep 2013, Lyon, France. Virologie, 17 (Suppl.2), 305 p., 2013
Conference poster hal-02745184v1

Chicken induced pluripotent stem cells: Establishment and characterization

Aurélie Fuet , Bertrand Pain
Avian and Reptilian Developmental Biology, Chapter 14, Humana Press Inc., 2017, Methods in Molecular Biology, 978-1-4939-7215-9. ⟨10.1007/978-1-4939-7216-6_14⟩
Book sections hal-02790751v1