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Mireille Bossy
Researcher identifiers
- bossy
- 0000-0002-6972-9022
- IdRef : 057465657
- Arxiv : bossy_m_1
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Sensitivity of droplet dispersion to emission and ambient air propertiesCFA 2021 - 34ème Congrès Français sur les Aérosols, Jan 2021, Paris, France
Conference papers
Sensitivity analysis and uncertainty in CFD simulations of multiphase flowOpenTurns User day 14 (2021), Jun 2021, Paris, France
Conference papers
Local turbulent kinetic energy modelling based on Lagrangian stochastic approach in CFD and application to wind energyEMS Annual Meeting, Sep 2021, Virtual format, Germany. ⟨10.5194/ems2021-399⟩
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Stochastic Model for the Uncertainties in the Long-Term Prediction of Run-of-River Hydropower GenerationPGMO Days 2019 - Programme Gaspard Monge, Dec 2019, Paris, France
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Modeling the climate dependency of the run-of-river based hydro power generation using machine learning techniques: an application to French, Portuguese and Spanish casesEMS 2019 Annual Meeting, Sep 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark
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A Lagrangian stochastic model for rod orientation in turbulent flowsICMF 2019 - 10th International Conference Multiphase Flow, May 2019, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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Towards a first validation of the SDM model for marine flowsSimulation et Optimisation pour les Energies Marines Renouvelables, Jan 2018, Paris, France
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A stochastic approach to colloidal particle collision/agglomerationICMF, May 2016, Firenze, Italy
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Couplage des marchés de l’électricité et de carbone, une approche par la théorie des jeuxMini-symposium OFME - SMAI, May 2013, Seignosse France
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Indifference prices for carbon emission allowances. The European carbon market context7th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics - ICIAM 2011, Jul 2011, Vancouver, Canada
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Carbon Allowances and Electricity Prices: a Game-theory Approach7th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics - ICIAM 2011, Jul 2011, Vancouver, Canada
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Indifference prices for CO2 emission allowancesEURO Conference, Jul 2009, Bonn, Germany
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Discretization of non linear Langevin SDEsMinisymposium at the 5-th European Congress of Mathematics, Jul 2008, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers
"Gridifying" Classification-Monte Carlo algorithm for pricing high-dimensional Bermudan-American optionsWorkshop on high performance computational finance, WHPCF Austin, TX - November 16th, 2008, Nov 2008, Austin, United States. pp.1-8, ⟨10.1109/WHPCF.2008.4745402⟩
Conference papers
Wind Simulation Refinement: some New Challenges for Particle MethodsECMI 2008 - The European Consortium For Mathematics In Industry, Jun 2008, London, United Kingdom. pp.765-770, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-12110-4⟩
Conference papers
Comparison of parallel distributed American option pricing: Through Continuation Values Classification Versus Optimal Exercise Boundary ComputationSixth IMACS Seminar on Monte Carlo Methods, Jun 2007, Reading, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Stochastic Particle Method Applied to Local Wind SimulationICCEP '07 - International Conference for Clean Electrical Power, May 2007, Capri, Italy. pp.526-528, ⟨10.1109/ICCEP.2007.384265⟩
Conference papers
Local wind simulation using a stochastic particle methodSciCADE 2007 - International conference on scientific computation and differential equations, Jul 2007, Saint-Malo, France
Conference papers
Solving the Uniform Density Constraint in a Stochastic Downscaling ModelCEMRACS 2007 - Centre d'Eté Mathématique de Recherche Avancée en Calcul Scientifique, Aug 2007, Marseille, France. pp.97-110, ⟨10.1051/proc:2008032⟩
Conference papers
A Fault Tolerant and Multi-Paradigm Grid Architecture for Time Constrained Problems. Application to Financial Option Pricing2nd IEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing - e-science'06, S. Kawata, Dec 2006, Amsterdam, Netherlands. pp.49, ⟨10.1109/E-SCIENCE.2006.261133⟩
Conference papers
Particle tracking methodology for Lagrangian numerical simulationsWave and Tidal - 3rd International Workshop, Nov 2018, Valdivia, Chile
Conference poster
Synchronization of stochastic mean field networks of Hodgkin-Huxley neurons with noisy channelsInternational Conference on Mathematical NeuroScience 2018, Jun 2018, Juan-les-Pins, France
Conference poster
On the wellposedness of some McKean models with moderated or singular diffusion coefficientSamuel N. Cohen; István Gyöngy; Gonҫalo dos Reis; David Siska; Łukasz Szpruch. Frontiers in Stochastic Analysis–BSDEs, SPDEs and their Applications, 2019, 978-3-030-22285-7
Book sections
Numerical Modelling of Hydrokinetic Turbines Immersed in Complex Topography using Non-Rotative Actuator DiscsThree Years Promoting the Development of Marine Renewable Energy in Chile 2015 - 2018, MERIC-Marine Energy and Innovation Center, 2019, 978-956-09327-0-9
Book sections
Stochastic Lagrangian approach for wind farm simulationForecasting and Risk Management of Renewable Energy, pp.45--71, 2018, 978-3-319-99051-4. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-99052-1_3⟩
Book sections
Game theory analysis for carbon auction market through electricity market couplingLudkovski, Michael; Sircar, Ronnie; Aid, Rene. Commodities, Energy and Environmental Finance, 74, Springer, pp. 335-370, 2015, Fields Institute Communications, 978-1-4939-2732-6. ⟨10.1007/978-1-4939-2733-3_13⟩
Book sections
Combien pour ma tonne de CO2 ?Martin Andler; Liliane Bel; Sylvie Benzoni; Thierry Goudon; Cyril Imbert; Antoine Rousseau. Breves de maths, Nouveau Monde Éditions, 2014
Book sections
Markov processes and parabolic partial differential equationsCont Rama. Encyclopedia of Quantitative Finance, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Chichester, UK, pp.1142-1159, 2010
Book sections
Electricity Prices in a Game Theory ContextAlain Haurie, Georges Zaccour. Dynamic Games ; Theory and Applications, Springer, p. 135-159 - ISBN 978-0-387-24601-7, 2005, GERAD 25th anniversary series ; 10, ⟨10.1007/0-387-24602-9_7⟩
Book sections