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Mireille Bossy

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Lagrangian stochastic model for the orientation of inertialess non spherical particles in turbulent flows: an efficient numerical method for CFD approach

Lorenzo Campana , Mireille Bossy , Christophe Henry
Computers and Fluids, 2023, 257, pp.105870. ⟨10.1016/j.compfluid.2023.105870⟩
Journal articles hal-03862286v1
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Influence of engineered roughness microstructures on adhesion and turbulent resuspension of microparticles

Amir Banari , Klaus Graebe , Martin Rudolph , Ehsan Mohseni , Pierre Lorenz
Journal of Aerosol Science, 2023, 174, pp.106258. ⟨10.1016/j.jaerosci.2023.106258⟩
Journal articles hal-04232948v1

Stochastic model for the alignment and tumbling of rigid fibres in two-dimensional turbulent shear flow

Lorenzo Campana , Mireille Bossy , Jérémie Bec
Physical Review Fluids, 2022, 7 (12), pp.124605
Journal articles hal-03718232v1
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Particle agglomeration in flows: fast data-driven spatial decomposition algorithm for CFD simulations

Kerlyns Martínez Rodríguez , Mireille Bossy , Christophe Henry
International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2022, 149, pp.103962. ⟨10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2021.103962⟩
Journal articles hal-03180740v2
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Instantaneous turbulent kinetic energy modelling based on Lagrangian stochastic approach in CFD and application to wind energy

Mireille Bossy , Jean-Francois Jabir , Kerlyns Martinez Rodriguez
Journal of Computational Physics, 2022, ⟨10.1016/⟩
Journal articles hal-03108031v1
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Social Distancing: The Sensitivity of Numerical Simulations

Christophe Henry , Kerlyns Martinez-Rodriguez , Mireille Bossy , Hervé Guillard , Nicolas Rutard
ERCIM News, 2021, Special theme: Pandemic Modelling and Simulation, 2021 (124)
Journal articles hal-03041624v1

Analyzing the Applicability of Random Forest-Based Models for the Forecast of Run-of-River Hydropower Generation

Valentina Sessa , Edi Assoumou , Mireille Bossy , Sofia Simões
Clean Technologies, 2021, 3 (4), pp.858-880. ⟨10.3390/cleantechnol3040050⟩
Journal articles hal-03499725v1
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New spatial decomposition method for accurate, mesh-independent agglomeration predictions in particle-laden flows

Kerlyns Martínez Rodríguez , Mireille Bossy , Radu Maftei , Seyedafshin Shekarforush , Christophe Henry
Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2021, 90, pp.582-614. ⟨10.1016/j.apm.2020.08.064⟩
Journal articles hal-02497721v3

On the weak convergence rate of an exponential Euler scheme for SDEs governed by coefficients with superlinear growth

Mireille Bossy , Jean Francois Jabir , Kerlyns Martínez Rodríguez
Bernoulli, 2021, 27 (1), pp.312-347. ⟨10.3150/20-BEJ1241⟩
Journal articles hal-02282168v1

New particle representations for ergodic McKean-Vlasov SDEs

Houssam Alrachid , Mireille Bossy , Cristiano Ricci , Lukasz Szpruch
ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys, 2019, CEMRACS 2017 - Numerical methods for stochastic models: control, uncertainty quantification, mean-field, 65, pp.68-83. ⟨10.1051/proc/201965068⟩
Journal articles hal-02059785v1
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Synchronization of stochastic mean field networks of Hodgkin-Huxley neurons with noisy channels

Mireille Bossy , Joaquin Fontbona , Héctor Olivero Quinteros
Journal of Mathematical Biology, 2019, ⟨10.1007/s00285-019-01326-7⟩
Journal articles hal-01678710v3
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Strong convergence of the symmetrized Milstein scheme for some CEV-like SDEs

Mireille Bossy , Héctor Olivero Quinteros
Bernoulli, 2018, 24 (3), pp.1995-2042. ⟨10.3150/16-BEJ918⟩
Journal articles hal-01185353v1

Particle approximation for Lagrangian Stochastic Models with specular boundary condition

Mireille Bossy , Jean-Francois Jabir
Electronic Communications in Probability, inPress, ⟨10.1214/18-ECP108⟩
Journal articles hal-01147441v1

Modeling the wind circulation around mills with a Lagrangian stochastic approach

Mireille Bossy , Jose Espina , Jacques Morice , Cristian Paris , Antoine Rousseau
SMAI Journal of Computational Mathematics, 2016, 2, pp.177-214. ⟨10.5802/smai-jcm.13⟩
Journal articles hal-01401140v2
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Clarification and Complement to " Mean-Field Description and Propagation of Chaos in Networks of Hodgkin–Huxley and FitzHugh–Nagumo Neurons "

Mireille Bossy , Olivier Faugeras , Denis Talay
Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience, 2015, 5 (1), pp.19. ⟨10.1186/s13408-015-0031-8⟩
Journal articles hal-01098582v1

Lagrangian stochastic models with specular boundary condition

Mireille Bossy , Jean-Francois Jabir
Journal of Functional Analysis, 2015, 268 (6), pp.1309-1381. ⟨10.1016/j.jfa.2014.11.016⟩
Journal articles hal-00875040v1

Monte Carlo methods for linear and non-linear Poisson-Boltzmann equation

Mireille Bossy , Nicolas Champagnat , Helene Leman , Sylvain Maire , Laurent Violeau
ESAIM: Proceedings, 2015, CEMRACS 2013, 48, pp.420-446. ⟨10.1051/proc/201448020⟩
Journal articles hal-01088930v1

Nash equilibrium for coupling of CO2 allowances and electricity markets

Mireille Bossy , Nadia Maïzi , Odile Pourtallier
ESAIM: Proceedings, 2014, Congrès SMAI 2013, 45, September 2014, pp.98 - 107
Journal articles hal-00913320v1
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Local existence of analytical solutions to an incompressible Lagrangian stochastic model in a periodic domain

Mireille Bossy , Joaquin Fontbona , Pierre-Emmanuel Jabin , Jean-Francois Jabir
Communications in Partial Differential Equations, 2013, 38 (7), pp.1141-1182. ⟨10.1080/03605302.2013.786727⟩
Journal articles hal-00691712v2
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On confined McKean Langevin processes satisfying the mean no-permeability boundary condition

Mireille Bossy , Jean-François Jabir
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 2011, 121 (12), pp.2751-2775. ⟨10.1016/⟩
Journal articles inria-00559072v2

Le carbone, un nouveau marché pour les mathématiques financières

Mireille Bossy , Joanna Jongwane
Interstices, 2011
Journal articles hal-01350381v1
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On conditional McKean Lagrangian stochastic models

Mireille Bossy , Jean-Francois Jabir , Denis Talay
Probability Theory and Related Fields, 2011, 151, 1-2, pp.319-351. ⟨10.1007/s00440-010-0301-z⟩
Journal articles inria-00345524v4
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Stochastic representations of derivatives of solutions of one-dimensional parabolic variational inequalities with Neumann boundary conditions

Mireille Bossy , Mamadou Cissé , Denis Talay
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré (B) Probabilités et Statistiques, 2011, 47 (2), pp.395-424. ⟨10.1214/10-AIHP357⟩
Journal articles inria-00579341v1
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Stochastic Lagrangian Method for Downscaling Problems in Computational Fluid Dynamics

Frédéric Bernardin , Mireille Bossy , Claire Chauvin , Jean-Francois Jabir , Antoine Rousseau
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 2010, Special Issue on Probabilistic methods and their applications, 44 (5), pp.885-920. ⟨10.1051/m2an/2010050⟩
Journal articles inria-00410932v4
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Probabilistic interpretation and random walk on spheres algorithms for the Poisson-Boltzmann equation in molecular dynamics

Mireille Bossy , Nicolas Champagnat , Sylvain Maire , Denis Talay
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 2010, 44 (5), pp.997-1048. ⟨10.1051/m2an/2010050⟩
Journal articles inria-00459411v1
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Parallel Pricing Algorithms for Multi--Dimensional Bermudan/American Options using Monte Carlo methods

Viet Dung Doan , Abhijeet Gaikwad , Mireille Bossy , Françoise Baude , Ian Stokes-Rees
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2010, 81 (3), pp.568--577. ⟨10.1016/j.matcom.2010.08.005⟩
Journal articles inria-00278514v2

Valuing CO2 Emission Allowances with Stochastic Control

Olivier Davidau , Bossy Mireille , Nadia Maïzi , Odile Pourtallier
ERCIM News, 2009, 78, pp.24-25
Journal articles inria-00605455v1
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Stochastic Downscaling Method: Application to Wind Refinement

Frédéric Bernardin , Mireille Bossy , Claire Chauvin , Philippe Drobinski , Antoine Rousseau
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2009, 23 (6), pp.851-859. ⟨10.1007/s00477-008-0276-9⟩
Journal articles inria-00337526v1
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On mean discounted numbers of passage times in small balls of Ito processes observed at discrete times

Frédéric Bernardin , Mireille Bossy , Miguel Martinez , Denis Talay
Electronic Communications in Probability, 2009, 14, pp.19
Journal articles inria-00347610v3
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On mean numbers of passage times in small balls of discretized Itô processes

Frédéric Bernardin , Mireille Bossy , Miguel Martinez , Denis Talay
Electronic Communications in Probability, 2009, 14, pp.302-316. ⟨10.1214/ecp.v14-1479⟩
Journal articles hal-00602053v1
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Euler scheme for SDEs with non-Lipschitz diffusion coefficient: strong convergence

Abdel Berkaoui , Mireille Bossy , Awa Diop
ESAIM: Probability and Statistics, 2008, 12, pp.15
Journal articles inria-00000176v2

Comparison of a stochastic particle method and a finite volume deterministic method applied to Burgers equation

Serge Piperno , Mireille Bossy , Loula Fatima Fezoui
Monte Carlo Methods and Applications, 1997, 3, pp.113-140
Journal articles hal-00607773v1
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Sensitivity of droplet dispersion to emission and ambient air properties

Christophe Henry , Kerlyns Martinez-Rodriguez , Angelo Murrone , Nicolas Rutard , Hervé Guillard
CFA 2021 - 34ème Congrès Français sur les Aérosols, Jan 2021, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-03469351v1

Sensitivity analysis and uncertainty in CFD simulations of multiphase flow

Christophe Henry , Aurore Dupré , Mireille Bossy
OpenTurns User day 14 (2021), Jun 2021, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-03469388v1

Local turbulent kinetic energy modelling based on Lagrangian stochastic approach in CFD and application to wind energy

Kerlyns Martínez Rodríguez , Mireille Bossy , Jean-François Jabir
EMS Annual Meeting, Sep 2021, Virtual format, Germany. ⟨10.5194/ems2021-399⟩
Conference papers hal-03352876v1

Stochastic Model for the Uncertainties in the Long-Term Prediction of Run-of-River Hydropower Generation

Margot Thuilliez , Valentina Sessa , Mireille Bossy , Edi Assoumou , Sofia Simoes
PGMO Days 2019 - Programme Gaspard Monge, Dec 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02390355v1
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Modeling the climate dependency of the run-of-river based hydro power generation using machine learning techniques: an application to French, Portuguese and Spanish cases

Valentina Sessa , Edi Assoumou , Mireille Bossy
EMS 2019 Annual Meeting, Sep 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark
Conference papers hal-02302376v1
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A Lagrangian stochastic model for rod orientation in turbulent flows

Lorenzo Campana , Mireille Bossy , Jean Pierre Minier
ICMF 2019 - 10th International Conference Multiphase Flow, May 2019, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Conference papers hal-02369274v1

Towards a first validation of the SDM model for marine flows

Cyril Mokrani , Mireille Bossy , Antoine Rousseau
Simulation et Optimisation pour les Energies Marines Renouvelables, Jan 2018, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01697596v1

A stochastic approach to colloidal particle collision/agglomeration

Radu Maftei , Mireille Bossy , Jean-Pierre Minier , Christophe Profeta
ICMF, May 2016, Firenze, Italy
Conference papers hal-01400678v1

Couplage des marchés de l’électricité et de carbone, une approche par la théorie des jeux

Mireille Bossy , Nadia Maïzi , Odile Pourtallier
Mini-symposium OFME - SMAI, May 2013, Seignosse France
Conference papers hal-01550316v1

Indifference prices for carbon emission allowances. The European carbon market context

Mireille Bossy , Dia El Hadj Ali , Nadia Maïzi , Odile Pourtallier
7th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics - ICIAM 2011, Jul 2011, Vancouver, Canada
Conference papers hal-00645033v1

Carbon Allowances and Electricity Prices: a Game-theory Approach

Mireille Bossy , René Carmona , Nadia Maïzi , Odile Pourtallier
7th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics - ICIAM 2011, Jul 2011, Vancouver, Canada
Conference papers hal-00645038v1

Indifference prices for CO2 emission allowances

Davidau Olivier , Bossy Mireille , Nadia Maïzi , Odile Pourtallier
EURO Conference, Jul 2009, Bonn, Germany
Conference papers hal-00593816v1

Discretization of non linear Langevin SDEs

Mireille Bossy
Minisymposium at the 5-th European Congress of Mathematics, Jul 2008, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-00605716v1

"Gridifying" Classification-Monte Carlo algorithm for pricing high-dimensional Bermudan-American options

Viet Dung Doan , Abhijeet Gaikwad , Françoise Baude , Mireille Bossy
Workshop on high performance computational finance, WHPCF Austin, TX - November 16th, 2008, Nov 2008, Austin, United States. pp.1-8, ⟨10.1109/WHPCF.2008.4745402⟩
Conference papers hal-00605774v1
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Wind Simulation Refinement: some New Challenges for Particle Methods

Claire Chauvin , Frédéric Bernardin , Mireille Bossy , Antoine Rousseau
ECMI 2008 - The European Consortium For Mathematics In Industry, Jun 2008, London, United Kingdom. pp.765-770, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-12110-4⟩
Conference papers hal-00644924v1

Comparison of parallel distributed American option pricing: Through Continuation Values Classification Versus Optimal Exercise Boundary Computation

Viet Dung Doan , Mireille Bossy , Françoise Baude , Ian Stokes-Rees
Sixth IMACS Seminar on Monte Carlo Methods, Jun 2007, Reading, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-00605712v1
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Stochastic Particle Method Applied to Local Wind Simulation

Antoine Rousseau , Frédéric Bernardin , Mireille Bossy , Tamara Salameh , Philippe Drobinski
ICCEP '07 - International Conference for Clean Electrical Power, May 2007, Capri, Italy. pp.526-528, ⟨10.1109/ICCEP.2007.384265⟩
Conference papers inria-00172503v1

Local wind simulation using a stochastic particle method

Frédéric Bernardin , Mireille Bossy , Antoine Rousseau , Tamara Salameh , Philippe Drobinski
SciCADE 2007 - International conference on scientific computation and differential equations, Jul 2007, Saint-Malo, France
Conference papers inria-00393030v1
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Solving the Uniform Density Constraint in a Stochastic Downscaling Model

Claire Chauvin , Sever Adrian Hirstoaga , Pavla Kabelikova , Antoine Rousseau , Frédéric Bernardin
CEMRACS 2007 - Centre d'Eté Mathématique de Recherche Avancée en Calcul Scientifique, Aug 2007, Marseille, France. pp.97-110, ⟨10.1051/proc:2008032⟩
Conference papers inria-00326931v1
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A Fault Tolerant and Multi-Paradigm Grid Architecture for Time Constrained Problems. Application to Financial Option Pricing

Sébastien Bezinne , Virginie Galtier , Stéphane Vialle , Françoise Baude , Mireille Bossy
2nd IEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing - e-science'06, S. Kawata, Dec 2006, Amsterdam, Netherlands. pp.49, ⟨10.1109/E-SCIENCE.2006.261133⟩
Conference papers inria-00121828v1
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Particle tracking methodology for Lagrangian numerical simulations

Marcos Di Iorio , Mireille Bossy , Cyril Mokrani , Antoine Rousseau
Wave and Tidal - 3rd International Workshop, Nov 2018, Valdivia, Chile
Conference poster hal-01931714v1
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Synchronization of stochastic mean field networks of Hodgkin-Huxley neurons with noisy channels

Mireille Bossy , Joaquin Fontbona , Héctor Olivero Quinteros
International Conference on Mathematical NeuroScience 2018, Jun 2018, Juan-les-Pins, France
Conference poster hal-01883679v1

On the wellposedness of some McKean models with moderated or singular diffusion coefficient

Mireille Bossy , Jean-Francois Jabir
Samuel N. Cohen; István Gyöngy; Gonҫalo dos Reis; David Siska; Łukasz Szpruch. Frontiers in Stochastic Analysis–BSDEs, SPDEs and their Applications, 2019, 978-3-030-22285-7
Book sections hal-02283803v1
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Numerical Modelling of Hydrokinetic Turbines Immersed in Complex Topography using Non-Rotative Actuator Discs

Cyril Mokrani , Mireille Bossy , Marcos Di Iorio , Antoine Rousseau
Three Years Promoting the Development of Marine Renewable Energy in Chile 2015 - 2018, MERIC-Marine Energy and Innovation Center, 2019, 978-956-09327-0-9
Book sections hal-01966351v1
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Stochastic Lagrangian approach for wind farm simulation

Mireille Bossy , Aurore Dupré , Philippe Drobinski , Laurent Violeau , Christian Briard
Forecasting and Risk Management of Renewable Energy, pp.45--71, 2018, 978-3-319-99051-4. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-99052-1_3⟩
Book sections hal-01697815v3
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Game theory analysis for carbon auction market through electricity market coupling

Mireille Bossy , Odile Pourtallier , Nadia Maïzi
Ludkovski, Michael; Sircar, Ronnie; Aid, Rene. Commodities, Energy and Environmental Finance, 74, Springer, pp. 335-370, 2015, Fields Institute Communications, 978-1-4939-2732-6. ⟨10.1007/978-1-4939-2733-3_13⟩
Book sections hal-00954377v1

Combien pour ma tonne de CO2 ?

Mireille Bossy , Nadia Maïzi , Odile Pourtallier
Martin Andler; Liliane Bel; Sylvie Benzoni; Thierry Goudon; Cyril Imbert; Antoine Rousseau. Breves de maths, Nouveau Monde Éditions, 2014
Book sections hal-01097600v1
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Markov processes and parabolic partial differential equations

Mireille Bossy , Nicolas Champagnat
Cont Rama. Encyclopedia of Quantitative Finance, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Chichester, UK, pp.1142-1159, 2010
Book sections inria-00193883v2

Electricity Prices in a Game Theory Context

Mireille Bossy , Nadia Maïzi , Geert Jan Olsder , Odile Pourtallier , Etienne Tanré
Alain Haurie, Georges Zaccour. Dynamic Games ; Theory and Applications, Springer, p. 135-159 - ISBN 978-0-387-24601-7, 2005, GERAD 25th anniversary series ; 10, ⟨10.1007/0-387-24602-9_7⟩
Book sections hal-00504620v1

Strong convergence of the exponential Euler scheme for SDEs with superlinear growth coefficients and one-sided Lipschitz drift

Mireille Bossy , Kerlyns Martínez Rodríguez
Preprints, Working Papers, ... hal-04692634v1

Particle resuspension from complex multilayer deposits by laminar flows: statistical analysis and modeling

Hao Liu , Mireille Bossy , Bernhard Vowinckel , Christophe Henry
Preprints, Working Papers, ... hal-04692641v1

On the $\varepsilon$-Euler-Maruyama scheme for time inhomogeneous jump-driven SDEs

Mireille Bossy , Paul Maurer
Preprints, Working Papers, ... hal-04404438v1
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Modeling the climate dependency of the run-of-river based hydro power generation using machine learning techniques: an application to French, Portuguese and Spanish cases

Valentina Sessa , Edi Assoumou , Mireille Bossy
Preprints, Working Papers, ... hal-02520128v1
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Machine learning for assessing variability of the long-term projections of the hydropower generation on a European scale

Valentina Sessa , Edi Assoumou , Mireille Bossy , Sílvia Carvalho , Sofia Simoes
Preprints, Working Papers, ... hal-02507400v1

On the wellposedness of some McKean models with moderated or singular diffusion coefficient

Mireille Bossy , Jean Francois Jabir
Preprints, Working Papers, ... hal-01869951v1

Portfolio Management with Drawdown Constraint: An Analysis of Optimal Investment

Maxime Bonelli , Mireille Bossy
Preprints, Working Papers, ... hal-02282162v1
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Convergence rate analysis of time discretization scheme for confined Lagrangian processes

Mireille Bossy , Jean-François Jabir , Radu Maftei
Preprints, Working Papers, ... hal-01656716v1
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Multi-cluster parallel job submission: Experiences with Monte Carlo simulations for computational finance on Grid5000

Ian Stokes-Rees , Françoise Baude , Viet Dung Doan , Mireille Bossy
Preprints, Working Papers, ... inria-00173360v1

Projet POPART : Modélisation du transport et du dépôt de particules non-sphériques par des écoulements turbulents Livrable n°4

J Bec , Mireille Bossy , Christophe Henry , Lorenzo Campana , Sofia Allende
[Research Report] UCA, Inria; UCA CNRS. 2020
Reports hal-03161688v1

Projet POPART : Modélisation du transport et du dépôt de particules non-sphériques par des écoulements turbulents Livrable n°3

J Bec , Mireille Bossy , Christophe Henry , Lorenzo Campana , Sofia Allende
[Research Report] UCA, Inria; UCA CNRS. 2019
Reports hal-02375912v1

Projet POPART : Modélisation du transport et du dépôt de particules non-sphériques par des écoulements turbulents Livrable n°2

J Bec , Mireille Bossy , Christophe Henry , Lorenzo Campana , Sofia Allende
[Research Report] UCA, Inria; UCA CNRS. 2018
Reports hal-02375902v1

Projet POPART : Modélisation du transport et du dépôt de particules non-sphériques par des écoulements turbulents Livrable n°1 : Proposition d’un modèle pour la description de fibres flexibles

J Bec , Mireille Bossy , Christophe Henry
[Research Report] UCA, Inria; UCA CNRS. 2017
Reports hal-02375877v1

Modélisation de la valeur carbone

Mireille Bossy , Nadia Maïzi , Odile Pourtallier
[Contrat] ADEME. 2012, pp.70
Reports hal-00763433v1

Modélisation à fine échelle du vent. Rapport Final de la convention ADEME No 07 05 C 0038.

Philippe Drobinski , Mireille Bossy , Jacques Morice , Antoine Rousseau , Frédéric Bernardin
[Contrat] 2011
Reports hal-00646422v1
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A financial engineering benchmark for performance analysis of grid middlewares

Viet Dung Doan , Abhijeet Gaikwad , Mireille Bossy , Françoise Baude , Frédéric Abergel
[Technical Report] RT-365, INRIA. 2009
Reports inria-00387324v2
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Stochastic representations of derivatives of solutions of one dimensional parabolic variational inequalities with Neumann boundary conditions

Mireille Bossy , Mamadou Cissé , Denis Talay
[Research Report] RR-6921, INRIA. 2009, pp.45
Reports inria-00381854v4
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The Statistics Of Spikes Trains For Some Simple Types Of Neuron Models

Olivier Faugeras , Théodore Papadopoulo , Jonathan Touboul , Denis Talay , Etienne Tanré
[Research Report] RR-5950, INRIA. 2007, pp.15
Reports inria-00084905v4
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An efficient discretisation scheme for one dimensional SDEs with a diffusion coefficient function of the form |x|^a, a in [1/2,1)

Mireille Bossy , Awa Diop
[Research Report] RR-5396, INRIA. 2007, pp.44
Reports inria-00000177v4
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Using game theory for the electricity market

Mireille Bossy , Nadia Maïzi , Geert Jan Olsder , Odile Pourtallier , Etienne Tanré
[Research Report] RR-5274, INRIA. 2006
Reports inria-00071255v1
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Optimal Rate of Convergence of a Stochastic Particle Method to Solutions of 1D Viscous Scalar Conservation Law Equations

Mireille Bossy
[Research Report] RR-3924, INRIA. 2000, pp.33
Reports inria-00072728v1
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Comparaison d'une méthode stochastique et d'une méthode déterministe appliquées à l'équation de Burgers

Mireille Bossy , Loula Fatima Fezoui , Serge Piperno
[Rapport de recherche] RR-3093, INRIA. 1997, pp.28
Reports inria-00073598v1
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Convergence Rate for the Approximation of the Limit Law of Weakly Interacting Particles 2: Application to the Burgers Equation

Mireille Bossy , Denis Talay
[Research Report] RR-2410, INRIA. 1994, pp.49
Reports inria-00074265v1
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Convergence rate for the approximation of the limit law of weakly interacting particles 1: smooth interacting kernels

Mireille Bossy , Denis Talay
[Research Report] RR-2180, INRIA. 1994
Reports inria-00074492v1