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Bruno Bêche

Professor at Université de Rennes Institut d'Electronique et des Technologies du numéRiques IETR CNRS 6164 -- --
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• **Bruno Bêche est professeur de Physique à l'Université de Rennes (Faculté des Sciences, ESIR, CentraleSuelec / IETR du CNRS)**. Il est membre honoraire de l’Institut Universitaire de France - IUF Paris. Ses activités en enseignements ont eu lieu au sein de plusieurs Universités (Besançon, Le Mans, Angers, Nantes et Rennes), ainsi qu’en écoles d'ingénieurs en France (ENSIM, Polytech'Nantes, INSA, puis ESIR et Centrale/Sup-Elec sur Rennes), dans diverses disciplines relevant de la physique fondamentale, physique appliquée et ingénierie, physique des matériaux, puis photonique à tous les niveaux à savoir les cinq années du supérieur. Ses travaux en recherche ont commencé tout d’abord sur le développement de composants photoniques à base de niobate de lithium en tant que dispositifs optiques non linéaires pour la génération du second harmonique ; il a travaillé ensuite au développement de structures nanométriques de semi-conducteurs III-V (multicouches épitaxiées par jet moléculaire) pour la réalisation de composants de télécommunications dédiés au (dé)-multiplexage en longueur d'onde puis à la réalisation de lasers intégrés (FEMTO-ST et LAAS CNRS en France et NTT Corporation au Japon). **À l'Université de Rennes (IETR CNRS 6164 en collaboration **IPR CNRS 6251 et IRMAR 6625**),** il a commencé un nouveau champ de recherche, et travaille depuis quelques années dans le développement de micro-résonateurs basés sur des technologies hybrides qui peuvent combiner l'utilisation de polymères et les traitements plasma, la matière molle avec des concepts issus de la fluidique et des gouttes. Ses travaux de recherche couvrent à la fois la description théorique des aspects physiques de ces dispositifs photoniques (en électromagnétisme) ainsi que les technologies, la caractérisation et leurs applications en tant que capteurs intégrés en métrologie fine. Les applications ont porté sur les mesures de processus en matière molle comme les mesures de vitesse de sédimentation, de crémage, de floculation, les mesures de transitions de phases en biologie et produits agroalimentaires. Corroboré par des mesures de potentiel Zéta sur ces même colloïdes et substances, cet ensemble de résultats ouvre la voie de la réalisation d'un appareil "stabilomètre optoélectronique résonant" complet avec son IHM et traitement des signaux en temps réel... **--** • **Expériences professionnelles:** **1994-1999:** Recherche: **LOPMD CNRS 6603** devenu Institut **FEMTO-ST CNRS 6174 - Dpt d'Optique**, Besançon, France (collaboration LAAS CNRS, Toulouse). Enseignement: Université de Besançon. **1998:** Recherche et Développement : Ingénieur **NTT Corporation** (Industrie), **Basics Research Labs - Dpt de Physique**, Tokyo, Japan. **1999-2004:** Recherche: **LAUM CNRS 6613 - Dpt Acoustique et Thermique** , Maine, France (collaboration LPQM CNRS, ENS Cachan). Enseignement: ENSIM, Universités du Maine et d'Angers. **2004-2006:** Recherche: **IMN CNRS 6502 - Dpt Physique des Plasma, Matériaux**, Nantes, France (collaboration LAUM CNRS 6613, Le Mans et LPQM CNRS 8537, ENS Cachan). Enseignement: Université de Nantes et Polytech'Nantes. **2006-2020:** Recherche: **PALMS CNRS 6627** devenu **IPR CNRS 6251 - Dpt Matière Molle et Photonique**, Rennes, France ; **2018** : **Mutualisation** transverse avec **IETR CNRS 6164, Dpt Microélectronique et Microcapteurs**, Rennes, France. Enseignement: Université de Rennes et Centrale/SupElec Rennes **+ Création du consortium transverse.** **2020-en cours:** Recherche: **IETR CNRS 6164, Dpt Microélectronique et Microcapteurs** devenu **OASIS 'Organic And Silicon Systems'**, Rennes, France (collaboration IPR CNRS 6251, ISCR CNRS 6226, IRMAR CNRS 6625 et STLO INRA AgroCampus). Enseignement: Université de Rennes, ESIR et Centrale/SupElec Rennes. \--
**•Bruno Bêche is professor of Physics at the University of Rennes, Faculty Sciences and Properties of Matter and IETR of the CNRS.** He is an honorary member of the Institut Universitaire de France - IUF Paris. His teaching activities took place in several Universities (Besançon, Le Mans, Angers, Nantes and Rennes), as well as in engineering schools in France (ENSIM, Polytech'Nantes, INSA, Centrale / Sup-Elec and ESIR) , in various disciplines relating to fundamental physics, applied physics and engineering, materials physics, then photonics at all levels, namely the five years of higher education. [See recent and current teachings in the student zone Teachings & Responsibilities UEs in Collegium Science UFR SPM]. His research work began first on the development of lithium niobate-based photonic components as non-linear optical devices for second harmonic generation; he then worked on the development of nanometric structures of III-V semiconductors (multilayers epitaxied by molecular jet) for the production of telecommunications components dedicated to wavelength (de) -multiplexing and then to the production of integrated lasers ( FEMTO-ST and LAAS CNRS in France and NTT Corporation in Japan). At the University of Rennes (transverse IETR CNRS 6164 in collaboration with IPR CNRS 6251), he started a new field of research, and has been working for a few years in the development of micro-resonators based on hybrid technologies that can combine use of polymers and plasma treatments, soft matter with concepts from fluidics and drops. His research work covers both the theoretical description of the physical aspects of these photonic devices (in electromagnetism) as well as the technologies, characterization and their applications as integrated sensors in fine metrology. Applications include measurements of processes in soft matter, such as sedimentation, creaming and flocculation rates, and measurements of phase transitions in biology and agri-food products. Corroborated by Zeta potential measurements on these same colloids and substances, this set of results opens the way to the realization of a complete "resonant optoelectronic stabilometer" with its HMI and real-time signal processing... Since 2017, he has been Head of the Communication Department at the UFR (Faculty of Sciences of Rennes) in connection with the services relating to the dissemination of scientific culture such as SOIE, Dir Com’Univ Rennes (UR) and Suptice. Through this mission, he acts as the spokesperson for the portal science training offer at Univ Rennes : management of numerous communication operations, first on the Campus in terms of organizations, then dissemination to establishments in the West (secondary high school / university link or bac -3 / + 3), not to mention the holding of annual Student Fairs in the regions (installation, logistics, participation in conferences, etc.), laboratory visits and open day at the University ... This involves journalistic work in events, writing articles, letters, then directing / filming videos and interview capsules. This pole also ensures the internal relays between the UFR Sciences and the support services relating to the dissemination and promotion of scientific culture such as the SOIE, the Dir Com'Univ Rennes and the Suptice so as to be able to carry out all the Communication activities. He is currently Head of the program "Rope of Success" PASS "For a Scientific School Ambition"; the purpose of this state / SOIE-Univ Rennes system is to introduce greater social equity in access to higher education training and in particular to selective courses. This program [2020-2022] is woven with seven partner establishments, colleges and high schools in Center Bretagne. The scientific theme revolves around the question: "Can light 'weigh' matter?" **Professional experiences :** 1994-1999: Research: LOPMD CNRS 6603 now Institut FEMTO-ST CNRS 6174 - Dpt d´Optique, Besançon, France (collaboration LAAS CNRS, Toulouse). Education: University of Besançon. 1998: Research and Development: Engineer NTT Corporation (Industry), Basics Research Labs - Dpt de Physique, Tokyo, Japan. 1999-2004: Research: LAUM CNRS 6613 - Dpt Acoustique et Thermique, Maine, France (collaboration LPQM CNRS, ENS Cachan). Education: ENSIM, Universities of Maine and Angers. 2004-2006: Research: IMN CNRS 6502 - Dpt Physique des Plasma et Matériaux, Nantes, France (collaboration LAUM CNRS 6613, Le Mans and LPQM CNRS 8537, ENS Cachan). Education: University of Nantes and Polytech’Nantes. 2006-2020: Research: PALMS CNRS 6627 now IPR CNRS 6251 - Photonic Matter and Soft Matter Dpts, Rennes, France; 2018: Cross-functional pooling with IETR CNRS 6164, Microelectronics and Microsensors Dpt, Rennes, France. Teaching: University of Rennes and Centrale / SupElec Rennes + Creation of the transverse consortium (within IETR-IPR-IRMAR-ISCR of the CNRS in collaboration with Centrale / Supélect Rennes). 2020-ongoing: Research: IETR CNRS 6164, Microelectronics and Microsensors Dpt now OASIS 'Organic And Silicon Systems', Rennes, France (collaboration IPR CNRS 6251, ISCR CNRS 6226, IRMAR CNRS 6625 and STLO INRA AgroCampus). Education: University of Rennes 1 and Centrale / SupElec Rennes. Maturation Manager (2020-2022) “SOLUTION-3M” Maturation project or integrated resonant electromagnetic waves for the dynamic diagnosis in fine metrology of soft matter processes. Publications

Research domains

Micro and nanotechnologies/Microelectronics Materials Optics / Photonic General Physics [physics.gen-ph] Electromagnetism Biotechnology Education


Développement de composants et systèmes optoélectroniques pour des applications capteurs en métrologie fine ou pour les télécommunications.


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Exploring colloidal stability and migration dynamics through integrated photonic into aqueous black carbon dispersion

Jordan Gastebois , Anthony Szymczyk , Gilles Paboeuf , Florian Scholkopf , Véronique Vié
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 2024, Sensors + Imaging : Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology, 13191, pp.319112.1-9. ⟨10.1117/12.3030910⟩
Journal articles hal-04647267v1
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Low temperature PECVD processes for the fabrication of integrated symmetrical resonant UV210 Organic/Semiconductor structures

Jordan Gastebois , Nathalie Coulon , Hervé Cormerais , Christophe Levallois , Eric Bêche
Materials Today Communications, 2024, 39 (109173), pp.1-13. ⟨10.1016/j.mtcomm.2024.109173⟩
Journal articles hal-04573857v1
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Shaping and characterization of an integrated optic on polymer by simple 3D printing

Eros Gavini , Sylvain Pernon , Jordan Gastebois , Nathalie Coulon , Christophe Levallois
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 2023, Optical Metrology, 12622-65, pp.1-7. ⟨10.1117/12.2672419⟩
Journal articles hal-04156231v1
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On the detection of nanoparticle cloud migration by a resonant photonic surface signal towards sedimentation velocity measurements

L. Garnier , J. Gastebois , H. Lhermite , V. Vié , Arnaud Saint-Jalmes
Results in Optics, 2023, 12, pp.100430.1-13. ⟨10.1016/⟩
Journal articles hal-04064027v1
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An inovative optical viscometer using a resonant surface signal

Jordan Gastebois , Hervé Lhermite , Hervé Cormerais , Arnaud Saint-Jalmes , Véronique Vié
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 2023, Optical Metrology, 12622-47, pp.1-9. ⟨10.1117/12.2672418⟩
Journal articles hal-04156228v1
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On the dynamic monitoring of the variations in blood viscosity by resonant optical signal

Lucas Garnier , Hervé Lhermite , Timothée Labouret , Arnaud Saint-Jalmes , Hervé Cormerais
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 2022, Optical Sensing and Detection, 12139, pp.121390A.1-121390A.8. ⟨10.1117/12.2617996⟩
Journal articles hal-03667488v1
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Integrated symmetrical organic/semiconductor structures produced by hybrid processes: photonic micro-resonators cavities

Rémi Sevestre , Nathalie Coulon , Lucas Garnier , Alain Moréac , Hervé Cormerais
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 2022, Organic Electronics and Photonics: Fundamentals and Devices, 12149, pp.1214907.1-1214907.7. ⟨10.1117/12.2617999⟩
Journal articles hal-03667408v1

Determination of Stokes velocitie and sedimentation rate by a photonic resonant surface signal

Lucas Garnier , Hervé Lhermite , V. Vié , Hervé Cormerais , Bruno Bêche
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 2021, Optical Sensors, SPIE 11772 (117720L), pp.1-7. ⟨10.1117/12.2588839⟩
Journal articles hal-03249139v1

Determination of a statistical lack of volume matter by resonance principle: experiential approach and modeling

Arthur Doliveira , Lucas Garnier , Fabrice Mahé , Hervé Lhermite , Etienne Gaviot
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 2021, Integrated Optics: Design, Devices, Systems and Applications VI,, SPIE 11775 (1177513), pp.1-8. ⟨10.1117/12.2588840⟩
Journal articles hal-03249118v1
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Monitoring the loss of mass or the volume recessed into a waveguide by resonant signal principle: Nano-inscribed slots in DUV210 micro-resonators

Arthur Doliveira , Lucas Garnier , Fabrice Mahé , Hervé Lhermite , Etienne Gaviot
International Journal of Physical Sciences, 2021, 16 (4), pp.158-169. ⟨10.5897/IJPS2021.4966⟩
Journal articles hal-03438687v1

Analysis of giant waveguide tapers with funnel geometry: multi-mode Interference regime to single mode

Fabrice Mahé , Lucas Garnier , Bruno Bêche
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 2021, Integrated Optics: Design, Devices, Systems and Applications VI, SPIE 11775 (1177514), pp.1-6. ⟨10.1117/12.2588841⟩
Journal articles hal-03249112v1

Monitoring the evaporation of a sessile water droplet by means of integrated photonic resonator

Lucas Garnier , Hervé Lhermite , Véronique Vié , Octave Pin , Quentin Liddell
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2020, 53 (12), pp.125107.1-10. ⟨10.1088/1361-6463/ab651d⟩
Journal articles hal-02421800v1
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Microphotonics for monitoring the supramolecular thermoresponsive behavior of fatty acid surfactant solutions

R. Castro-Beltrán , Lucas Garnier , A. Saint-Jalmes , Hervé Lhermite , H. Cormerais
Optics Communications, 2020, 468, pp.125773. ⟨10.1016/j.optcom.2020.125773⟩
Journal articles hal-02512815v1
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About monitoring the dynamics of phase transition in food and biology by microphotonics: detecting soft-matter process

Lucas Garnier , Rigoberto Castro-Beltran , A. Saint-Jalmes , H. Lhermite , Anne-Laure Fameau
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 2020, Integrated Photonics Platforms: Fundamental Research, Manufacturing and Applications, V11364, pp.113641T.1-8. ⟨10.1117/12.2564645⟩
Journal articles hal-02405538v1
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Temporal derivation operator applied on the historic and school case of slab waveguides families eigenvalue equations: another method for computation of variational expressions

Lucas Garnier , Arthur Doliveira , Fabrice Mahé , Etienne Gaviot , Bruno Bêche
European Physical Journal: Applied Physics, 2019, 87 (1), pp.10501.1-10501-9. ⟨10.1051/epjap/2019190092⟩
Journal articles hal-02183526v2
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Enthalpy-Sensing Microsystem Effective inContinuous Flow

Taoufik Mhammedi , Lionel Camberlein , Frédéric Polet , Bruno Bêche , Etienne Gaviot
Sensors, 2019, 19 (3), pp.566-576. ⟨10.3390/s19030566⟩
Journal articles hal-01998046v1

Radial-based tail methods for Monte Carlo simulations of cylindrical interfaces

F. Goujon , Bruno Bêche , P. Malfreyt , Aziz Ghoufi
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2018, 148 (9), pp.094702. ⟨10.1063/1.5020529⟩
Journal articles hal-01739982v1

About detecting steam condensation by means of polymer racetrack micro-resonators: highlighting the dynamics of such a soft-matter process

Lucas Garnier , Hervé Lhermite , Véronique Vié , Qingyue Li , Mathieu Berges
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 2018, SPIE Photonics : Optical Micro- and Nanometrology, V10678, pp.10678.11-1/6. ⟨10.1117/12.2311486⟩
Journal articles hal-01652850v1
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Sphingolipid Gel/Fluid Phase Transition Measurement by Integrated Resonance Probe Light

Qingyue Li , Lucas Garnier , V. Vié , Hervé Lhermite , Alain Moréac
Sensors & Transducers., 2018, 225, pp.41 - 48
Journal articles hal-01888242v1
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Photonic micro-resonators for steam evaporation dynamic sensing

Lucas Garnier , Hervé Lhermite , Véronique Vié , Qingyue Li , Mathieu Berges
European Physical Journal: Applied Physics, 2018, 84 (1), pp.10502.1-10502.7. ⟨10.1051/epjap/2018180170⟩
Journal articles hal-01919070v1
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Hybrid composed method associating conformal transformation with matrix formulation for computing eigenvalues and eigenvectors in bended optical waveguides

Lucas Garnier , C Saavedra , Rigoberto Castro -Beltran , José Luis Lucio , Etienne Gaviot
Optik, 2017, 142, pp.536-540. ⟨10.1016/j.ijleo.2017.06.035⟩
Journal articles hal-01538177v1
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Polymer resonators sensors for detection of sphingolipid gel/fluid phase transition and melting temperature measurement

Qingyue Li , Véronique Vié , Hervé Lhermite , Etienne Gaviot , Claire Bourlieu-Lacanal
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical , 2017, 263, pp.707-717. ⟨10.1016/j.sna.2017.07.037⟩
Journal articles hal-01572203v1
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About the Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and the determination of effective optical indices in integrated photonics at high sub-wavelength regime

Bruno Bêche , Etienne Gaviot
Optik, 2016, 127 (7), pp.3643-3645. ⟨10.1016/j.ijleo.2015.12.168⟩
Journal articles hal-01226484v4

Facile design of red-emitting waveguides using hybrid nanocomposites made of inorganic clusters dispersed in SU8 photoresist host

Nolwenn Huby , John Bigeon , Quentin Lagneaux , Maria Amela-Cortes , Alexandre Garreau
Optical Materials, 2016, 52, pp.196-202. ⟨10.1016/j.optmat.2015.12.034⟩
Journal articles hal-01253411v1
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Nanosources and waveguiding in polymer-based nanowires and nanotubes

Jean-Luc Duvail , Alexandre Garreau , John Bigeon , Nolwenn Huby , Bruno Bêche
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 2016, Proc. SPIE 9884, Nanophotonics VI, SPIE 9884, pp.9884-28. ⟨10.1117/12.2224440⟩
Journal articles hal-01304517v1
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Simulation and fabrication of silicon nitride microring resonator by DUV lithography

Giuseppe A Cirino , Luis A Barea , Antonio A von Zuben , Hervé Lhermite , Bruno Bêche
IEEE conference publications, 2016, pp.1 - 4. ⟨10.1109/SBMicro.2016.7731346⟩
Journal articles hal-01398394v1

Efficient active waveguiding properties of Mo6 nano-cluster-doped polymer nanotubes

John Bigeon , Nolwenn Huby , Maria Amela-Cortes , Yann Molard , Alexandre Garreau
Nanotechnology, 2016, 27 (25), pp.255201
Journal articles hal-01316219v1
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A laterally coupled UV210 polymer racetrack micro-resonator for thermal tunability and glucose sensing capability

R Castro-Beltrán , Nolwenn Huby , V. Vié , H Lhermite , Lionel Camberlein
Advanced Device Materials, 2015, 1 (3), pp.80-87. ⟨10.1080/20550308.2015.1133100⟩
Journal articles hal-01249190v1
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Fabrication and optical characterization of pedestal micro-structures on DUV210 polymer: waveguides structures towards micro-resonators

Marion Specht , Nolwenn Huby , H Lhermite , R Castro-Beltran , Goulc'Hen Loas
European Physical Journal: Applied Physics, 2015, 71 (1), pp.10501.1-10501-6. ⟨10.1051/epjap/2015150207⟩
Journal articles hal-01166476v1
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Transferable Integrated Optical SU8 Devices: From Micronic Waveguides to 1D-Nanostructures

Nolwenn Huby , John Bigeon , Gwennaël Danion , Jean-Luc Duvail , Françis Gouttefangeas
Micromachines, 2015, Micromachines 2015, 6 (5), pp.544-553. ⟨10.3390/mi6050544⟩
Journal articles hal-01145484v2

Advantages of UV210 polymer for integrated optics applications: comparison of ridge and photoinscripted strip waveguide performances

Céline Gouldieff , Nolwenn Huby , Bruno Bêche
Journal of Optics, 2015, 17 (12), pp.125803. ⟨10.1088/2040-8978/17/12/125803⟩
Journal articles hal-01220559v1
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Direct injection in organic SU8 nanowires and nanotubes for waveguiding properties investigation

John Bigeon , Nolwenn Huby , Jean-Luc Duvail , Bruno Bêche
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 2014, Proc. SPIE 9126, Nanophotonics V, pp.6. ⟨10.1117/12.2052517⟩
Journal articles hal-00981482v1
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Versatile Analytical Approach for Assessing Harmonic Distortion in Current-Driven Electrodynamic Loudspeakers

Etienne Gaviot , Mehran Erza , Frédéric Polet , Lionel Camberlein , Bruno Bêche
J. Audio Eng. Soc., 2014, 62 (3), pp.127-144. ⟨10.17743/jaes.2014.0011⟩
Journal articles hal-00967321v1

Injection and waveguiding properties in SU8 nanotubes for sub-wavelength regime propagation and nanophotonics integration

John Bigeon , Nolwenn Huby , Jean-Luc Duvail , Bruno Bêche
Nanoscale, 2014, 6 (10), pp.5309 - 5314. ⟨10.1039/c3nr06716e⟩
Journal articles hal-00978599v1
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Improvement of efficient coupling and optical resonances by using taper-waveguides coupled to cascade of UV210 polymer micro-resonators

Rigoberto Castro-Beltran , Nolwenn Huby , Goulc'Hen Loas , Hervé Lhermite , David Pluchon
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2014, 24, pp.125006. ⟨10.1088/0960-1317/24/12/125006⟩
Journal articles hal-01082273v2

Flexible beam-waist technique for whispering gallery modes excitation in polymeric 3D micro-resonators

David Pluchon , Nolwenn Huby , Ludovic Frein , Alain Moréac , Pascal Panizza
Optik, 2013, 124, pp.2085-2088. ⟨10.1016/J.IJLEO.2012.06.058⟩
Journal articles hal-00854609v1
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AFM Analysis on Polymer Optical Micro-Resonators: Investigation on Quality Factor Origin

David Pluchon , Nolwenn Huby , Véronique Vié , Pascal Panizza , Bruno Bêche
Optics and Photonics Journal, 2013, 3 (4), pp.291-295. ⟨10.4236/opj.2013.34044⟩
Journal articles hal-00854024v1
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Native spider silk as a biological optical fiber.

Nolwenn Huby , Véronique Vié , Anne Renault , Sylvie Beaufils , Thierry Lefèvre
Applied Physics Letters, 2013, 102 (12), pp.123702. ⟨10.1063/1.4798552⟩
Journal articles hal-00820827v1

Straight and Curved Silica Nano-Ridges Connections Based on Fluidic Approach for Hybrid Integrated Photonics

François Doré , Lionel Camberlein , Daphné Duval , Nolwenn Huby , Etienne Gaviot
Nonlinear optics, quantum optics , 2012, 43 (1-4), pp.319-326
Journal articles hal-00909657v1

Theoretical investigations on optical caustics of spherical microresonators: Analytical expressions of caustics and their asymptotic behaviors, computational simulations

David Pluchon , Bruno Bêche , Nolwenn Huby , Etienne Gaviot
Optics Communications, 2012, 285 (9), pp.2247-2254. ⟨10.1016/J.OPTCOM.2011.12.060⟩
Journal articles hal-00909682v1

Investigation on 2D disks and stadiums micro-resonators structures based on UV210 polymer

David Pluchon , Nolwenn Huby , Hervé Lhermite , Daphné Duval , Bruno Bêche
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 2012, 8428, pp.8428-71. ⟨10.1117/12.922232⟩
Journal articles hal-00680496v1

Investigation of fabrication and resonant optical coupling in various 2D micro-resonator structures in a UV210 polymer

David Pluchon , Nolwenn Huby , Hervé Lhermite , Daphné Duval , Bruno Bêche
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2012, 22, 085016 (8pp). ⟨10.1088/0960-1317/22/8/085016⟩
Journal articles hal-00715738v1

From Fabrication to Characterization of 3D Organic Micro-Resonators: a Complementary Alliance of Microfluidics and Optics

David Pluchon , Nolwenn Huby , Alain Moréac , Pascal Panizza , Bruno Bêche
Advances in Optical Technologies, 2012, 2012, pp.767836. ⟨10.1155/2012/767836⟩
Journal articles hal-00861726v1

Silica nano-waveguides and networks as stretches on segmented organics preformed for sub-wavelength photonics

Bruno Bêche , François Doré , Lionel Camberlein , Daphné Duval , Nolwenn Huby
CLEO Laser Science to Photonic Applications, 2011, Laser Science to Photonic Applications, ⟨10.1364/CLEO_AT.2011.JTuI50⟩
Journal articles hal-01552416v1

Silica nano-networks as stretches on segmented SU8 rods for sub-wavelength photonics

François Doré , Bruno Bêche , Nolwenn Huby , Franck Artzner , Lionel Camberlein
Optics and Photonics Journal, 2011, 1, pp.11-14. ⟨10.4236/opj.2011.11003⟩
Journal articles hal-00711771v1

Light propagation in single mode polymer nanotubes integrated on photonic circuits

Nolwenn Huby , Jean-Luc Duvail , Daphné Duval , David Pluchon , Bruno Bêche
Applied Physics Letters, 2011, 99 (11), pp.3302. ⟨10.1063/1.3637043⟩
Journal articles hal-00714097v1

Nano-photonics devices on organics and silica materials obtained with various thin layer processes

Bruno Bêche , Daphné Duval
physica status solidi (c), 2011, 8 (9), pp.2923-2926. ⟨10.1002/PSSC.201084033⟩
Journal articles hal-00711606v1

Design of Organic 3D microresonators with Microfluidics Coupled to Thin-Film Processes for Photonic Applications

Nolwenn Huby , David Pluchon , Malika Belloul , Nathalie . Coulon , Alain Moréac
Optics Communications, 2010, 283 (11), pp.2451-2456. ⟨10.1016/j.optcom.2010.01.065⟩
Journal articles hal-00506603v1

Resonant coupling into hybrid 3D micro-resonator devices on organic/biomolecular film/glass photonic structures

Bruno Bêche , Arnaud Potel , Jérémy Barbé , Véronique Vié , Joseph Zyss
Optics Communications, 2010, 283 (1), pp.164-168. ⟨10.1016/j.optcom.2009.09.049⟩
Journal articles hal-00651996v1

Another way to shape comprehensive analytical approach describing electromagnetic energy distribution through four-slab-layer structures

Bruno Bêche , Etienne Gaviot , Anne Renault , Joseph Zyss , Franck Artzner
Optik, 2010, 121 (2), pp.188-194. ⟨10.1016/j.ijleo.2008.06.006⟩
Journal articles hal-00651976v1

Silica nano-ridges connections based on a fluidic approach for hybrid integrated photonics

Bruno Bêche , Laurent Courbin , Lionel Camberlein , François Doré , Daphné Duval
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 2010, Nanophotonic III, 7712, pp.7712.1-7. ⟨10.1117/12.849177⟩
Journal articles hal-00652363v1

Metrological prospects for the assessment of transition plateaus

Etienne Gaviot , Guillaume Failleau , Ronan Morice , Lionel Camberlein , Frédéric Polet
Metrologia, 2010, 47 (4), pp.349-356. ⟨10.1088/0026-1394/47/4/001⟩
Journal articles hal-00659145v1
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Heat flow metric policy for dynamic monitoring of fixed-point cells

Guillaume Failleau , Etienne Gaviot , Lionel Camberlein , N. Fleurence , Frédéric Polet
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2010, 238, pp.012012/1-5. ⟨10.1088/1742-6596/238/1/012012⟩
Journal articles hal-00661655v1

Review : Integrated photonics devices on SU8 organic materials

Bruno Bêche
International Journal of Physical Sciences, 2010, 5 (6), pp.612-618
Journal articles hal-00915628v1

Functional silica nano-connections based on fluidic approach for integrated photonics

Bruno Bêche , A. Jimenez , Laurent Courbin , Lionel Camberlein , Franck Artzner
Electronics Letters, 2010, 46, pp.356 - 358. ⟨10.1049/el.2010.2569 ⟩
Journal articles hal-00651949v1

Fabrication and optical characterization of sub-micronic waveguide structures on UV210 polymer

Daphné Duval , Hervé Lhermite , Christian Godet , Nolwenn Huby , Bruno Bêche
Journal of Optics, 2010, 12 (5), pp.055501-055507. ⟨10.1088/2040-8978/12/5/055501⟩
Journal articles hal-00481647v1

Microfluidics and thin film process: a recipe for organic integrated photonics based on 3D microresonators

Nolwenn Huby , David Pluchon , Malika Belloul , Alain Moréac , Nathalie . Coulon
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 2010, Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XIV, 7604, pp.7604.1-8
Journal articles hal-00619762v1

Theoretical formulation to shape versatile propagation characteristics of three-layer-tubular waveguides: sub-wavelength and asymptotic study

Daphné Duval , Bruno Bêche
Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 2010, 12 (7), pp.5501. ⟨10.1088/2040-8978/12/7/075501⟩
Journal articles hal-00659097v1

Réalisation de micro-résonateurs organiques par procédés hybrides : Nouvelles perspectives en photonique intégrée

David Pluchon , Nolwenn Huby , Nathalie . Coulon , Etienne Gaviot , Bruno Bêche
Revue Méditerranéenne des Télécommunications=Mediterranean Telecommunication Journal, 2010, 1 (1), pp.42-49
Journal articles hal-00659309v1

Towards a thermodynamic assessment of transition plateaus

Etienne Gaviot , Guillaume Failleau , Ronan Morice , Lionel Camberlein , Frédéric Polet
Metrologia, 2010, 47 (4), pp.357-362. ⟨10.1088/0026-1394/47/4/002⟩
Journal articles hal-00659161v1

Influence of Ion Bombardment and Annealing on the Structural and Optical Properties of TiOx Thin Films Deposited in Inductively Coupled TTIP/O-2 Plasma

Agnès A. Granier , T. Begou , K. Makaoui , A. Soussou , B. Beche
Plasma Processes and Polymers, 2009, 6 (51), pp.S741. ⟨10.1002/ppap.200931804⟩
Journal articles hal-00476040v1

Development of an optical ammonia sensor based on polyaniline/epoxy resin (SU-8) composite.

Aissam Airoudj , Dominique Debarnot , Bruno Bêche , Fabienne Poncin-Epaillard
Talanta, 2009, 77 (5), pp.1590-6. ⟨10.1016/j.talanta.2008.09.054⟩
Journal articles hal-00665220v1

Integrated SU-8 photonic gas sensors based on PANI polymer devices: Comparison between metrological parameters

Aissam Airoudj , Bruno Bêche , Dominique Debarnot , Etienne Gaviot , Fabienne Poncin-Epaillard
Optics Communications, 2009, 282 (19), pp.3839-3845. ⟨10.1016/J.OPTCOM.2009.06.040⟩
Journal articles hal-00665051v1

Development of a new practical approach of integrated photonics based on biomimetic molecular selfassembled nanotubes

Daphné Duval , Christophe Tarabout , Franck Artzner , Etienne Gaviot , Anne Renault
Electronics Letters, 2008, 44 (19), pp.1134 - 1135. ⟨10.1049/el:20081672⟩
Journal articles hal-00652203v1

A new evanescent wave ammonia sensor based on polyaniline composite.

Aissam Airoudj , Dominique Debarnot , Bruno Bêche , Fabienne Poncin-Epaillard
Talanta, 2008, 76 (2), pp.314-9. ⟨10.1016/j.talanta.2008.02.045⟩
Journal articles hal-00675131v1

New sensitive layer based on pulsed plasma-polymerized aniline for integrated optical ammonia sensor.

Aissam Airoudj , Dominique Debarnot , Bruno Bêche , Fabienne Poncin-Epaillard
Analytica Chimica Acta, 2008, 626 (1), pp.44-52. ⟨10.1016/j.aca.2008.07.045⟩
Journal articles hal-00675119v1

Spin coating and plasma process for 2.5D integrated photonics on multilayer polymers

Abdelkader Zebda , Lionel Camberlein , Bruno Bêche , Etienne Gaviot , Eric Bêche
Thin Solid Films, 2008, 516 (23), pp.8668-8674. ⟨10.1016/j.tsf.2008.04.095⟩
Journal articles hal-00652233v1

Marcatili's extended approach: comparison to semi-vectorial methods applied to pedestal waveguide design

T. Begou , B. Beche , N. Grossard , J. Zyss , Antoine Goullet
Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 2008, 10 (5), pp.055310. ⟨10.1088/1464-4258/10/5/055310⟩
Journal articles hal-00396528v1

Integrated optics based on plasma processed dielectric materials

Thomas Begou , Bruno Bêche , J.P. Landesman , Etienne Gaviot , A. Soussou
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 2008, Proc. SPIE 7067, Advances in Thin-Film Coatings for Optical Applications V, 7067, pp.6705. ⟨10.1117/12.793690⟩
Journal articles hal-00430046v1

Improvement of the optical transmission of polymer planar waveguides by plasma treatment

Aissam Airoudj , Dominique Debarnot , Bruno Bêche , Brigitte Boulard , Fabienne Poncin-Epaillard
Plasma Processes and Polymers, 2008, 5 (3), pp.275-288. ⟨10.1002/ppap.200700123⟩
Journal articles hal-00675185v1

Design and sensing properties of an integrated optical gas sensor based on a multilayer structure.

Aissam Airoudj , Dominique Debarnot , Bruno Bêche , Fabienne Poncin-Epaillard
Analytical Chemistry, 2008, 80 (23), pp.9188-94. ⟨10.1021/ac801320g⟩
Journal articles hal-00674509v1

First developments for photonics integrated on plasma-polymer-HMDSO: Single-mode TE00-TM00 straight waveguides

T. Begou , Bruno Bêche , Antoine Goullet , J.P. Landesman , Agnès A. Granier
Optical Materials, 2007, 30 (4), pp.657-661. ⟨10.1016/j.optmat.2007.02.049⟩
Journal articles hal-00389771v1

Photonics integrated circuits on plasma-polymer-HMDSO

T. Begou , Bruno Bêche , Antoine Goulet , Agnès A. Granier , Christophe Cardinaud
Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2007, ⟨10.1109/IECON.2006.347474⟩
Journal articles hal-00133997v1

SU-8 waveguiding interferometric micro-sensor for gage pressure measurement

Nicolas Pelletier , Bruno Bêche , Najat Tahani , Joseph Zyss , Lionel Camberlein
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical , 2007, 135 (1), pp.179-184. ⟨10.1016/j.sna.2006.07.012⟩
Journal articles hal-01552417v1

Fast Psychrometers as New SU-8 Based Microsystems

Nicolas Giordani , Lionel Camberlein , Etienne Gaviot , Frédéric Polet , Nicolas Pelletier
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2007, 56 (1), pp.102 - 106. ⟨10.1109/TIM.2006.887332⟩
Journal articles hal-00134000v1

Single-mode rib optical waveguides on SOG/SU-8 polymer and integrated Mach-Zehnder for designing thermal sensors

Nicolas Pelletier , Bruno Bêche , Etienne Gaviot , Lionel Camberlein , Nicolas Grossard
IEEE Sensors Journal, 2006, 6 (3), pp.565-570. ⟨10.1109/JSEN.2006.874489⟩
Journal articles hal-01552414v1

Conception of optical integrated circuits on polymers

Bruno Bêche , Nicolas Pelletier , Etienne Gaviot , Rolland Hierle , Antoine Goulet
Microelectronics Journal, 2006, 37 (5), pp.421-427. ⟨10.1016/j.mejo.2005.07.003⟩
Journal articles hal-00079107v1

Photonics integrated circuits on plasma-polymer-HDMSO/Single-mode TEOO-TMOO straight waveguides, S-Bends, Y-Junctions and Mach-Zehnder Intererometers.

Thomas Begou , Bruno Bêche , Antoine Goulet , Agnés Granier , Christophe Cardinaud
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2006, IECON 2006, pp.4918-4922. ⟨10.1109/IECON.2006.347474⟩
Journal articles hal-00134327v1

Integrated Mach-Zehnder interferometer on SU-8 polymer for designing pressure sensors

Nicolas Pelletier , Bruno Bêche , Najat Tahani , Lionel Camberlein , Etienne Gaviot
IEEE Sensors Journal, 2005, 4, pp.640-643. ⟨10.1109/ICSENS.2005.1597780⟩
Journal articles hal-01552268v1

A new formulation to shape the concept of bounds in effective dielectric tensors for two directions periodicity

Bruno Bêche , Etienne Gaviot
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General (1975 - 2006), 2005, 47, pp.10057-10067. ⟨10.1088/0305-4470/38/47/001⟩
Journal articles hal-01552271v1

Fluorine plasma treatment on SU-8 polymer for integrated optics

Bruno Bêche , Pierre Papet , Dominique Debarnot , Etienne Gaviot , Joseph Zyss
Optics Communications, 2005, 246 (1-3), pp.25-28. ⟨10.1016/j.optcom.2004.10.081⟩
Journal articles hal-01552266v1

Design and Experimental Validation of A SU-8 Based Micro-Psychrometer

Nicolas Giordani , Lionel Camberlein , Etienne Gaviot , Frédéric Polet , Nicolas Pelletier
IEEE conference publications, 2005, ⟨10.1109/IMTC.2005.1604492⟩
Journal articles hal-01552401v1

Versatile SOG/SU-8/fluorinated SU-8 rib optical waveguides as microsystems: single-mode TE00-TM00 straight waveguides, S-bends, Y-junctions, Mach-Zehnder interferometers

Bruno Bêche , Nicolas Pelletier , Etienne Gaviot , Rolland Hierle , Pierre Papet
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 2005, Integrated Optics: Theory and Applications, 5956, pp.5956V.1 - 5956V.10. ⟨10.1117/12.614103⟩
Journal articles hal-01552274v1

A matrix formulation to shape the concept of effective thermoelectric tensors in superlattices

Bruno Bêche , Eric Bêche , Lionel Camberlein , Frédéric Polet , Etienne Gaviot
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical , 2005, 122 (2), pp.209-214. ⟨10.1016/j.sna.2005.05.002⟩
Journal articles hal-01552269v1

PC software for analysis of versatile integrated optical waveguides by polarized Semi-Vectorial Finite Difference Method

Bruno Bêche , Jean-François Jouin , Nicolas Grossard , Etienne Gaviot , Eric Toussaere
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical , 2004, vol 114 (1), pp.59-64. ⟨10.1016/j.sna.2004.03.005⟩
Journal articles hal-01552265v1

Integrated optical Mach-Zehnder on SU-8 polymer for designing thermal sensors

Nicolas Pelletier , Bruno Bêche , Lionel Camberlein , Etienne Gaviot , Nicolas Giordani
IEEE Sensors Journal, 2004, 2, pp.868-871. ⟨10.1109/ICSENS.2004.1426308⟩
Journal articles hal-01552276v1

Single mode optical waveguides on SU-8 polymer

Bruno Bêche , Nicolas Pelletier , Etienne Gaviot , Joseph Zyss
Optics Communications, 2004, 230 (1-3), pp.91-94. ⟨10.1016/j.optcom.2003.11.016⟩
Journal articles hal-01552279v1

Theoretical investigations on the effective electro-optic tensors of superlattices

Bruno Bêche , Etienne Gaviot
Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 2003, 5, pp.L19-L22. ⟨10.1088/1464-4258/5/5/101⟩
Journal articles hal-01553700v1

Matrix formalism to enhance the concept of effective dielectric constant

Bruno Bêche , Etienne Gaviot
Optics Communications, 2003, 219 (1-6), pp.15-19. ⟨10.1016/S0030-4018(03)01291-4⟩
Journal articles hal-01553674v1
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Effective electro-optic constants of free-standing superlattices of any symmetry

Bruno Bêche , Etienne Gaviot
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2002, 65 (3), pp.033303. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.65.033303⟩
Journal articles hal-01554081v1

AlGaAs-GaAs polarization converter with electrooptic phase mismatch control

Nicolas Grossard , Henri Porte , Jean-Pierre Vilcot , Bruno Bêche , J.P. Goedgebuer
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2001, 13, pp.830-832. ⟨10.1109/68.935818⟩
Journal articles hal-00152488v1

A tunable filter with electrooptical TE–TM mode conversion in a GaAs/AlAs multiquantum-well waveguide

Bruno Bêche , Etienne Gaviot , Nicolas Grossard , Henri Porte
Optics Communications, 2000, 185 (4-6), pp.325-329. ⟨10.1016/S0030-4018(00)01023-3⟩
Journal articles hal-01554289v1

A GaAlAs-GaAs integrated coherence modulator

Sabry Khalfallah , Pascal Dubreuil , Laurent Escotte , René Legros , Chantal Fontaine
Journal of Lightwave Technology, 1999, 17 (1), pp.103-107. ⟨10.1109/50.737428⟩
Journal articles hal-01556253v1

A tunable filter with collinear acoustooptical TE-TM mode conversion in GaAs/AlAs multilayer

Bruno Bêche , Henri Porte , Jean-Pierre Goedgebuer , Chantal Fontaine
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 1999, 35 (5), pp.820-826. ⟨10.1109/3.760331⟩
Journal articles hal-01556255v1

Highly unbalanced GaAlAs–GaAs integrated Mach–Zehnder interferometer for coherence modulation at 1.3 μm

Sabry Khalfallah , Pascal Dubreuil , René Legros , Chantal Fontaine , A. Muñoz-Yagüe
Optics Communications, 1999, 167 (1-6), pp.67-76. ⟨10.1016/S0030-4018(99)00284-9⟩
Journal articles hal-01556258v1

Evaluation of the effective electro-optic constants of free standing multi-quantum-well structures

Bruno Bêche , Henri Porte , Jean-Pierre Goedgebuer
Optics Communications, 1998, 148 (1-3), pp.41-44. ⟨10.1016/S0030-4018(97)00581-6⟩
Journal articles hal-01557029v1

Strong birefringence at 1.55 µm of single-mode TE00 and TM00 rib optical waveguides composed multi-quantum-well structures

Bruno Bêche , Henri Porte , Jean-Pierre Goedgebuer , Chantal Fontaine , Sabry Khalfallah
Electronics Letters, 1998, 34 (14), pp.1414 - 1416. ⟨10.1049/el:19980999⟩
Journal articles hal-01557024v1

Micro-resonators for dynamic investigation of soft matter: From particle sedimentation to product stability

Jordan Gastebois , Anthony Szymczyk , Gilles Paboeuf , Véronique Vié , Arnaud Saint-Jalmes
Journées scientifiques d’URSI (Union Radio-Scientifique Internationnale) – JS25, URSI-France, Jun 2025, Paris Sorbonne, France
Conference papers hal-04902429v1

Les femmes en sciences : quelques exemples historiques. Hommage, salles et amphithéâtres du campus Beaulieu portant leurs noms, suivi des formations scientifiques de l'Université de Rennes.

Bruno Bêche
Journée du Lycée François-René de Chateaubriand, Feb 2024, Combourg, France
Conference papers hal-04408331v1

La lumière dans tous ses états (partie I) : rayons optiques, ondes, leurs propriétés : Expériences de réflexions, Laser et injection/propagation dans les fibres optiques, mesures de puissances optiques transmises

Bruno Bêche , Cyrille Laulier , Goulc'Hen Loas , Laurence Fontaine
Journée défi scientifique Maison pour la Science UnivRennes / Collège les Fontaines La Guerche de Bretagne, Université de Rennes, Nov 2024, La Guerche de Bretagne, France
Conference papers hal-04752681v1

Conférence : Défi science et société Maison pour la Science [2024-26] : Fabrication additive de fibres optiques à base de matériaux biosourcés réalisation de micro-résonateurs optiques 3D

Bruno Bêche , Sylvain Pernon , Antoine Le Gall , Johann Troles , Jordan Gastebois
Journée Lancement défi scientifique, visites et conférences/discussions, accueil des collé, Maison pour la Science - Université de Rennes, Sep 2024, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-04698174v1

Science : Initiation à la Symétrie et aux Groupes

Bruno Bêche
Journée Immersion - programme BRIO, Bretagne Réussite Information Orientation - SOIE, May 2024, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-04521870v1

La lumière dans tous ses états (Partie II) : résonance optique, chant et champ/mode de chuchotement, micro-résonateurs et optoélectronique. Expériences de spectrométrie, mesures de spectres optiques, spectroscopie et signature.

Bruno Bêche , Jordan Gastebois , Cyrille Laulier , Laurence Fontaine
Journée défi scientifique Maison pour la Science UnivRennes / Collège les Fontaines, UnivRennes, Dec 2024, La Guerche de Bretagne, France
Conference papers hal-04778074v1

L'offre de formation en Science sur l'Université de Rennes : Les quatre portails scientifiques dont leurs parcours sélectifs, les prépas intégrées et les écoles, les Bachelors Universitaires de Technologies en sciences

Bruno Bêche
Journée Lycée Simone Veil, Lycée Simone Veil, Jan 2024, Liffré, France
Conference papers hal-04391048v1

On micro-resonators used for dynamic monitoring of stability and phase transitions intrinsic to colloids and gels

Bruno Bêche , Jordan Gastebois , Hervé Lhermite , Nathalie Coulon , Christophe Lebreton
Collexism, Jul 2024, Trebeurden-Lannion, France
Conference papers hal-04570652v1
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La cordée de la réussite « Pour une Ambition Scolaire Scientifique » de l'Université de Rennes avec le centre Bretagne : témoignage d'une pratique collective réussie, du collège et lycée jusqu'aux établissements du supérieur, institut de recherche et société d'accélération du transfert de technologies

Bruno Bêche , Cyril Le-Corre , Valérie Mesnet , Angelique Simoneau-Le-Sager , Ronan Sauleau
Colloque BRIO, Bretagne Réussite Information Orientation, May 2024, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-04370232v1

Integrated photonic devices for sensing application

Jordan Gastebois , Hervé Lhermite , Hervé Cormerais , Arnaud Saint-Jalmes , Véronique Vié
Journée Scientifique SFP – SCF, May 2023, Rennes (FRA), France
Conference papers hal-04068083v1

Leçon sur l’Optique pour le suivi dynamique de la Matière Molle dans le cadre et l’expérience d'une cordée de la réussite en centre Bretagne : Pour une Ambition Scolaire Scientifique (PASS)

Bruno Bêche , Valérie Guillaume , Cecile Lecomte
Journée Amphi Lycéens - Université de Rennes, Dec 2023, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-04330554v1

La lumière peut-elle peser la matière ou l'expérience d'une cordée de la réussite en centre Bretagne : Pour une Ambition Scolaire Scientifique (PASS)

Bruno Bêche , Cyril Le-Corre , Valérie Mesnet , Angelique Simoneau-Le-Sager , Cecile Lecomte
Fête de la Science, Oct 2023, La Mézière, France
Conference papers hal-04229618v1

Recherche et développement d'une optoélectronique résonante pour le suivi dynamique en temps réel de substances biochimiques : réalisation de microstructures résonateurs sur organiques et silicium, applications aux mesures de viscosités

Jordan Gastebois , Hervé Lhermite , Nathalie Coulon , Hervé Cormerais , Arnaud Saint-Jalmes
Journée printemps nationale du Club MicroCapteurs Chimiques - CMC2, ISCR CNRS Rennes, Apr 2023, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-04040192v1
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"Présentation du portail Physique-Chimie, Sciences de la Terre et Mécanique, de ses parcours sélectifs défi et L.AS au sein de l'Université de Rennes, sur le campus Beaulieu et parmi les quatre portails scientifiques (non santé) existants"

Bruno Bêche
Journée Porte Ouverte, Université de Rennes, Feb 2023, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-03981887v1

Cordée de la Réussite "PASS" de l'UR1 : L'électromagnétisme résonant par technologies de surface au service de la métrologie fine pour les mesures des vitesses de sédimentation dites de Stokes

Bruno Bêche , Valérie Mesnet , Cyril Le-Corre , Angelique Simoneau-Le-Sager , Cecile Lecomte
Cordée de la Réussite PASS : "Pour une ambition Scolaire Scientifique" (programme étatique), Jun 2022, Lycée Fulgence Bienvenüe, Loudéac, France
Conference papers hal-03668933v1

L’Université de Rennes / Etablissement Public Expérimental 1ère partie : « Vers un projet d’études en Sciences : Présentation des études scientifiques (non santé) de l'Université de Rennes 1 » 2d partie : Un exemple de Recherche et Développement en « Nanosciences et Systèmes à base de Lumière »

Bruno Bêche
Fête de la Science, Oct 2022, La Mézière, France
Conference papers hal-03794549v1

Transformation and processes from thin filmto complex structures semiconductor/insulator/organic/semiconductor/insulator by PECVD interactions

Jordan Gastebois , Nathalie Coulon , Hervé Lhermite , Christophe Levallois , Alain Moréac
Journée Ecole Doctoral 3M, Jun 2022, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-03667538v1
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Mise en forme et caractérisation d'une photonique intégrée organique par impression 3D : motifs micronique 2.5D de type guides d'ondes

Eros Gavini , Sylvain Pernon , Christophe Levallois , Arnaud Saint-Jalmes , Nathalie Coulon
Journée Mécatronique de l'ENS de Bruz, Sep 2022, Rennes - Bruz, France
Conference papers hal-03762509v2

Nanotechnologies associating surface resonant light to probe the displacement of interfaces and the sedimentation of fragmented matter: towards blood viscosity measurements by resonant photonics

Jordan Gastebois , Lucas Garnier , Hervé Lhermite , Nathalie Coulon , Hervé Cormerais
SFP - Journées de la Matière Condensée, Aug 2022, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-03667522v1
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Sondes Photoniques Résonantes pour le Diagnostic et le suivi Dynamiques de transitions de phases en physique : Processus de la matière molle en Agroalimentaire, cosmétique et Biologie

Bruno Bêche , Hervé Lhermite , Lucas Garnier , Hervé Cormerais , Fabrice Mahé
Optique 2021 (JNOG), SFO, Jul 2021, Dijon, France. pp.1-3
Conference papers hal-03249143v1

Nano-sondes électromagnétiques résonantes pour le diagnostic et le suivi de la dynamique de transition de phase en physique: détection de processus de la matière molle et applications en agroalimentaire et en biologie

Bruno Bêche , Lucas Garnier , Hervé Lhermite , Hervé Cormerais , Arnaud Saint-Jalmes
les Journées de la Matière Condensée (JMC - 17ème), Aug 2021, Rennes (en ligne), France
Conference papers hal-03274092v1
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« Sur la possibilité de détecter un différentiel ou perte de matière (ou masse) par un signal électromagnétique de surface résonant : vers le concept de balance photonique? »

Bruno Bêche , Cyril Le-Corre , Valérie Mesnet
Cordée de la Réussite PASS : "Pour une ambition Scolaire Scientifique", Lycée Fulgence Bienvenüe (programme étatique), May 2021, Loudéac, France
Conference papers hal-03247124v1
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Sur l'utilisation de la résine UV210 se flashant en UV profond pour les circuits de photonique intégrée / optoélectroniques : processus de nanolithographie, propriétés physiques et structures réalisées

Hervé Lhermite , Alain Moréac , Bruno Bêche
Journée Nationale sur les procédés de lithographie par nano-impression, Nov 2021, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-03393429v1
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Plataformas Micro-Fotonicas Monitoreando Transiciones de Fase en Sistemas Biologicosy Alimentarios

Rigoberto Castro -Beltran , Lucas Garnier , Arnaud Saint-Jalmes , Hervé Lhermite , Anne-Laure Fameau
XVII encuentro Participacion de la Mujer en la Cienca, May 2020, Guanajuato, México. pp.1-7
Conference papers hal-02492533v1
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Plateforme de tests et caractérisations de nano-sondes électromagnétiques résonantes pour le diagnostic dynamique en métrologie fine de processus de la matière molle

Bruno Bêche , Lucas Garnier , Véronique Vié , Hervé Lhermite , Hervé Cormerais
Journée Scientifique Nanomatériaux 2020, Jan 2020, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-02790804v1

Polymer Resonators for Thermodynamics Fatty Acids Changing State Detection

Lucas Garnier , Rigoberto Castro -Beltran , Arnaud Saint-Jalmes , Hervé Lhermite , Eric Gicquel
PIERS PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Jun 2019, Rome, Italy
Conference papers hal-01979422v1

Structures photoniques résonantes pour des applications senseurs

Lucas Garnier , Hervé Lhermite , V. Vié , Hervé Cormerais , Arnaud Saint-Jalmes
Journées IPR PhDay, Apr 2019, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-02115705v1
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Following the mechanisms of a single water droplet drying by means of photonic resonant structure

Lucas Garnier , Hervé Lhermite , Véronique Vié , Hervé Cormerais , Octave Pin
CLEO Europe - EQEC, Jun 2019, Munich, Germany
Conference papers hal-01993145v2

Variational Method to Shape Analytical Expressions of Time Dependent Eigenvalue Equations: Slab Waveguides Families

Lucas Garnier , Etienne Gaviot , Bruno Bêche
PIERS PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Jun 2019, Rome, Italy
Conference papers hal-02011269v1

Resonant probe light for various applications in soft matter and processes for biology, cosmetics, galenic pharmacology

Bruno Bêche , Lucas Garnier , Hervé Lhermite , Véronique Vié , Hervé Cormerais
(Invitation) - International Symposium : 20 years of LPQM-IFR Alembert, ENS - Paris/Orsay, Apr 2019, Orsay-Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01993147v1

Sur les possibles détections et analyses de transitions de phases par sondes de lumière résonantes de substances actives en biologie, pharmacologie, agroalimentaire

Bruno Bêche , Lucas Garnier , V. Vié , Hervé Lhermite , Denis Morineau
Journée scientifique : Science des aliments et valorisation des bioproduits, Apr 2019, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-02107967v1

Sondes optiques résonantes pour des applications en agroalimentaires, biologie et cosmétique

Lucas Garnier , Hervé Lhermite , Véronique Vié , Hervé Cormerais , Eric Gicquel
JNano (Journées Nanosciences), Feb 2019, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-01990008v1

Traitement Optoélectronique de Signaux de Résonance : Nano-sondes de Lumière

Octave Pin , Quentin Liddell , Hervé Cormerais , Lucas Garnier , Herve Lhermite
Journée Projets Centrale/SupElec France, May 2019, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-02137248v1
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Fast enthalpy-sensing microsystem operating in continuous flow

Taoufik Mhammedi , Lionel Camberlein , Frédéric Polet , Bruno Bêche , Etienne Gaviot
Eurosensors 2018, Sep 2018, Graz, Austria. pp.771, ⟨10.3390/proceedings2130771⟩
Conference papers hal-01837225v1

Détection de transition de phase de lipides membranaires par l'utilisation de microrésonateurs

Véronique Vié , Qingyue Li , Lucas Garnier , Denis Morineau , Hervé Lhermite
Congrès des microscopies à sonde locale, Mar 2018, La Rochelle, France
Conference papers hal-01714360v1

Transitions de phase lipidique fluide/gel : l'apport des microrésonateurs optiques

Véronique Vié , Qingyue Li , Lucas Garnier , Hervé Lhermite , Bruno Bêche
8èmes Rencontres Biologie-Physique du Grand-Ouest, Sep 2018, Vannes, France
Conference papers hal-01875602v1
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Investigating the Detection of Lipids gel/fluid Phase Transition by Change of Scattering Light and Coupling Factor into Optical Microresonators

Bruno Bêche , Qingyue Li , Véronique Vié , Lucas Garnier , Hervé Lhermite
OPAL' 2018 - First International Conference on Optics, Photonics and Lasers proceeding, pp. 10-12,, May 2018, Barcelone, Spain
Conference papers hal-01645849v3

Integrated Sensors and NanoPhotonics for Soft-matter Processes

Lucas Garnier , Hervé Lhermite , Véronique Vié , Alain Moréac , R Castro-Beltrán
Molecular Electronic and Photonics Symposium, MEP 2018, Jul 2018, Rennes, France. pp.58-59
Conference papers hal-01817555v1

Conception de nanofils pour explorer les comportements plasmoniques et photoniques à une échelle sub-longueur d'onde

Jean-Luc Duvail , Daniel Funes , John Bigeon , Alexandre Garreau , Florian Massuyeau
Matériaux 2018, Nov 2018, Strasbourg, France. pp.1081
Conference papers hal-01879020v1

Microresonadores ópticos: dispositivos pequeños con aplicaciones biomédicas enormes

Rigoberto Castro-Beltran , Bruno Bêche
Journée scientifique de l'University of Guanajuato ; Sciences and engineering division, May 2017, Guanajuato, México
Conference papers hal-01527946v1

Détection de la transition de phase gel / fluide de Sphingolipides par sonde de lumière résonante intégrée

Qingyue Li , Véronique Vié , Hervé Lhermite , Lucas Garnier , Claire Bourlieu-Lacanal
1ère Journée Scientifique du Département Matériaux Molécules de l'UBL (santé et environnement), Nov 2017, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-01644092v1
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Hybrid numerical method associating a conformal transformation of the complex plane with a matrix formulation for the calculation of the eigenvalues andeigenvectors in bended waveguides

Lucas Garnier , C. Saavedra , Rigoberto Castro-Beltran , Giuseppe A Cirino , José Luis Lucio
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium - PIERS 2017, May 2017, St Petersbourg, Russia. pp.435
Conference papers hal-01527937v1

Conception de nanostructures unidimensionnelles pour l’émission et le guidage de la lumière à une échelle sub-lambda

Jean-Luc Duvail , Daniel Funes , Alexandre Garreau , John Bigeon , Anthony Désert
24ème Congrès Général de la Société Française de Physique - SFP, Jul 2017, Orsay - Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01567681v1

Design of hybrid 1D nanostructures for sub-wavelength wave-guiding, emission and sensing

J L Duvail , D Funes , A. Garreau , John Bigeon , A Désert
C'NANO 2017, Dec 2017, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-01644104v1
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Polymer resonators for glucose sensing and milk sphingomyelin gel/fluid phase transition detection

Qingyue Li , Véronique Vie , Rigoberto Castro-Beltran , Hervé Lhermite , Etienne Gaviot
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium - PIERS 2017, May 2017, St Petersbourg, Russia. pp.156
Conference papers hal-01527933v1

Open Ceremony : Hustle new technologies in photonics

Bruno Bêche
Photonics & Laser Technology, Jul 2016, Berlin, Germany
Conference papers hal-01350118v1

Transition Metal Cluster Compounds: Luminescence and Design of (nano)Composites

Anthony Désert , Alexandre Garreau , F Massuyeau , J.-L Duvail , E Faulques
CLUSPOM-1 Metal atom cluster and polyoxometallates (POM) chemistries, Jun 2016, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-01341133v1
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A novel deep-UV polymer for nanophotonics: structures towards cascade of serial micro-resonators for ultra-sensitive detections of glucose

Bruno Bêche , Rigoberto Castro-Beltran , Marion Specht , Qingyue Li , David Pluchon
EMN 2016 Energy Materials Nanotechnology, Jun 2016, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers hal-01337285v1

Soft Matter for Integrated Photonics and Resonances: various hybrid approaches and adaptive technologies

Bruno Bêche , Véronique Vié , Pascal Panizza , Hervé Lhermite , Franck Artzner
Photonics & Laser Technology, Jul 2016, Berlin, Germany. pp.33, ⟨10.4172/2469-410X.C1.005⟩
Conference papers hal-01350110v1
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Sub-wavelength optical propagation in passive and active 1D-nanostructures

John Bigeon , Nolwenn Huby , Jean-Luc Duvail , Bruno Bêche
3d International Conference and Exhibition on Lasers, Optics & Photonics, Sep 2015, Valence, Spain
Conference papers hal-01197337v1
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Sondes intégrées résonantes de lumière : Micro-résonateurs sur polymères couplés aux technologies et procédés issus de la chimie, des plasmas, de la micro-fluidique et de la biophysique

Bruno Bêche , Nolwenn Huby , Alain Moréac , Véronique Vié , Pascal Panizza
Optique 2015, Jul 2015, Rennes, France. pp.62-63
Conference papers hal-01140612v2
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Nanocomposite polymère-clusters inorganiques pour la photonique intégrée : guides rubans et nanostructures-1D

Nolwenn Huby , John Bigeon , Céline Gouldieff , Maria Amela-Cortes , Y. Molard
Journées Nationales de l'Optique Guidée - JNOG, Jul 2015, Rennes, France. pp. 195-197
Conference papers hal-01175240v1
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Polymer-Based Nanowires and Nanotubes: nanosources, wave-guiding

Jean-Luc Duvail , Alexandre Garreau , John Bigeon , Nolwenn Huby , Bruno Bêche
Nanotech France 2015, Jun 2015, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01175672v1
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A novel deep-UV polymer for integrated photonics: from waveguides structures to taper-waveguides coupled to cascade of multistage resonators used as thermal sensors

Rigoberto Castro-Beltran , David Pluchon , Daphné Duval , Marion Specht , N. Huby
Latin America Optics and Photonics Conference (LAOP 2014), 2014, Cancun, Mexico. ⟨10.1364/LAOP.2014.LM4A.44⟩
Conference papers hal-01452368v1
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A novel deep-UV polymer for integrated photonics: waveguides structures towards cascade of multiple micro-resonators

Bruno Bêche , Rigoberto Castro-Beltran , David Pluchon , Daphné Duval , Marion Specht
European Optical Society EOS Conference TOM 1 - Guided-Wave Optics, Sep 2014, Berlin, Germany. pp.1-2
Conference papers hal-01025711v2

Characterization of cascade of multiple resonators developed on UV210 positive photoresist by DUV lithography

Roberto Castro-Beltran , Nolwenn Huby , Hervé Lhermite , Goulc'Hen Loas , David Pluchon
Latin America Optics and Photonics Conference, Jul 2014, Cancun, Mexico
Conference papers hal-01020848v1

Pristine spider silk fibers as waveguiding microstructure in free space and in an integrated photonic chip

Nolwenn Huby , Anne Renault , Sylvie Beaufils , Véronique Vié , T. Lefevre
CLEO/Europe-IQEC, May 2013, Munich, France. ⟨10.1109/CLEOE-IQEC.2013.6800954⟩
Conference papers hal-00906181v1

Photonique intégrée sur organiques couplée aux technologies et procédés issues des plasmas, de la biophysique et de la microfluidique : du micronique au nanométrique.

Bruno Bêche
Optique Paris 2013 /JNOG, Jul 2013, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-00876981v1

Injection et propagation photonique sub-longueur d'onde dans des nanotubes polymères SU8.

John Bigeon , Nolwenn Huby , Jean-Luc Duvail , Bruno Bêche
Journées Nanosciences et Nanotechnologies du Nord Ouest, Nov 2013, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-00906246v1

Thermopiles planaires appliquées à la mesure des transferts thermiques.

Etienne Gaviot , Lionel Camberlein , Frédéric Polet , Bruno Bêche
Matériaux et Applications aux Dispositifs et Capteurs - MADICA, journées Maghreb-Europe, Nov 2012, Sousse, Tunisie
Conference papers hal-00936040v1
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Opportunities for polymer-based nanowires in optoelectronics and nanophotonics

Jean-Luc Duvail , Alexandre Garreau , J.M. Lorcy , F. Massuyeau , Stéphane Cordier
Frontier 2012 : Opportunities for polymer-based nanowires in optoelectronics and nanophotonics, Dec 2012, Rennes, France. pp.2012-9
Conference papers hal-01073473v1

Optical propagation and integration of pristine silkworm fibers

Nolwenn Huby , Anne Renault , Sylvie Beaufils , Véronique Vié , M. Pezolet
Frontiers In Optics - FIO, Oct 2012, Rochester (N.Y.), United States
Conference papers hal-00935623v1

Polymer nanotubes and nanowires for integrated photonics

Nolwenn Huby , John Bigeon , Jean-Luc Duvail , Daphné Duval , Bruno Bêche
16th European Conference on Integrated Optics, ECIO, Apr 2012, Barcelone, Spain
Conference papers hal-00937255v1

Polymer nanotubes for integrated photonics

John Bigeon , Nolwenn Huby , Daphné Duval , Jean-Luc Duvail , Bruno Bêche
Frontiers In Optics - FIO, Oct 2012, Rochester (N.Y.), United States
Conference papers hal-00935618v1

SU8 photo-resist nanowires and nanotubes for full organic integrated photonics chip

Nolwenn Huby , D. Duval , David Pluchon , Bruno Bêche , Jean-Luc Duvail
SPIE Microtechnologies, Apr 2011, Prague, Czech Republic. pp.6
Conference papers hal-00703220v1

Intégration et caractérisation de micro-résonateurs 2D et 3D en micro-optique

David Pluchon , Nolwenn Huby , H. Lhermite , Alain Moréac , Etienne Gaviot
Journée du Club Optique et Microonde - JCOM, Jun 2011, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-00703630v1

Silica nano-waveguides and networks connections based on a fluidic approach and stretches on segmented organics preformed for sub-wavelength photonics

F. Doré , Nolwenn Huby , D. Duval , David Pluchon , Lionel Camberlein
Journées Nationales Nanosciences et Nanotechnologies - J3N, Nov 2011, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers hal-00704404v1

Micro-fluidique et photo-lithographie : réalisation de micro-résonateurs 2D et 3D organiques en photonique intégrée

David Pluchon , Nolwenn Huby , Hervé Lhermite , Alain Moréac , Etienne Gaviot
JNOG 2011, Jul 2011, Marseille, France. pp.100
Conference papers hal-00655483v1

Etude des caustiques associées aux modes de galerie dans les micro-résonateurs sphériques

David Pluchon , Nolwenn Huby , Bruno Bêche
Journées Nationales de l'Optique Guidée - JNOG, Jul 2011, Marseille, France. pp.2
Conference papers hal-00703614v1

Silica nano-waveguides and networks as stretches on segmented organics preformed for sub-wavelength photonics

Bruno Bêche , François Doré , Lionel Camberlein , D. Duval , Nolwenn Huby
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - CLEO, May 2011, Baltimore, United States. pp.1-2
Conference papers hal-00703172v1

Extended analytical formulation based on Marcatili's approach coupled to effective index method for pedestal waveguides: convergence with numerical methods

Bruno Bêche , Thomas Begou , N. Grossard , J. Zyss , Antoine Goullet
29th PIERS - Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Mar 2011, Marrakesh, Morocco
Conference papers hal-00706713v1

Tensorial mathematic formulation for the generalization of effective dielectric concept in electromagnetism: superlattices of any symmetry with one and two directions of periodicity

Bruno Bêche , Etienne Gaviot
29th PIERS - Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (20-23 mars), (Marrakesh), Maroc (2011), Mar 2011, Marrakesh, Morocco. pp.654
Conference papers hal-00706706v1

Propagation monomode dans des nanotubes et nanofils organiques couplés à des microstructures sur puce de potonique intégrée

Nolwenn Huby , Jean-Luc Duvail , D. Duval , David Pluchon , Bruno Bêche
Journées Nationales de l'Optique Guidée - JNOG, Jul 2011, Marseille, France. pp.2
Conference papers hal-00703233v1

Nano-photonics devices on organics and silica materials obtained with various thin layer processes

Bruno Bêche , Daphné Duval
4th Conference on Optical, Optoelectronic and Photonic Materials and Applications - ICOOPMA, Aug 2010, Budapest, Hungary
Conference papers hal-00916439v1

New prospects for nano-connections in photonics

François Doré , Etienne Gaviot , Lionel Camberlein , Bruno Bêche
Advances in Molecular Nonlinear Optics - Information Technology and Life Sciences - AMARIS, May 2010, Cachan, France
Conference papers hal-00662080v1

First developments of sub-micronic waveguide structures on UV210 polymer

Daphné Duval , Hervé Lhermite , Christian Godet , Nolwenn Huby , Bruno Bêche
ECIO 2010 15th European Conference on Integrated Optics, Apr 2010, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-00474174v1

First development of submicronic waveguide structures on UV210 polymer

Daphné Duval , Hervé Lhermite , Christian Godet , Nolwenn Huby , Bruno Bêche
IEEE 15th European Conference on Integrated Optics - ECIO, 2010, Cambridge, United Kingdom. pp.4
Conference papers hal-00919220v1

Integrated photonics on SU8 material: a targeted review

Bruno Bêche
International Conference on Engineering and Meta-Engineering (ICEME 2010) : Optical Engineering and Photonics, Apr 2010, Orlando, United States
Conference papers hal-00662114v1

Réalisation de micro-résonateurs 3D organiques par procédés micro-fluidiques et couches minces pour des applications en photonique intégrées

David Pluchon , Nolwenn Huby , Nathalie . Coulon , Malika Belloul , Alain Moréac
Congrès Méditerranéen des Télécommunications - CMT 2010, Mar 2010, Casablanca, Maroc
Conference papers hal-00620844v1

Conception de micro-résonateurs 3D par procédés hybrides

David Pluchon , Nolwenn Huby , Véronique Vié , Nathalie . Coulon , Goulc'Hen Loas
Journées Nationales de l'Optique Guidée, Oct 2010, Besançon, France
Conference papers hal-00623525v1

Réalisation de nanostructures organiques par AFM pour la photonique intégrée

Nolwenn Huby , Véronique Vié , Bruno Bêche
Journées de la Microscopie Champ Proche, Jun 2010, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-00652353v1

A targeted review of hybrid integrated photonics

Bruno Bêche , Nolwenn Huby , Daphné Duval , David Pluchon , Goulc'Hen Loas
European Optic Society - EOS Annual Meeting, Oct 2010, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-00474186v1

Nouvelles perspectives pour la réalisation de micro-résonateurs organiques en photonique intégrée

David Pluchon , Nolwenn Huby , Bruno Bêche
Journées Club Optique et Micro-ondes, 2010, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-00661577v1

Micro-optical devices on organic materials : an overview

Bruno Bêche
International Conference on Polymer Processing and Characterization - ICPPC, Jan 2010, Kottayam, India
Conference papers hal-00662154v1

New prospects for the realization of 2D and 3D organic micro-optical-resonators

David Pluchon , Nolwenn Huby , Daphné Duval , Bruno Bêche
Phobia Annual Nanophotonics International Conference - PANIC, Apr 2010, Wroclaw, Poland
Conference papers hal-00662043v1

Micro- and nano-photonics devices on organics materials coupled with various thin layer processes and treatments

Bruno Bêche , Daphné Duval , Hervé Lhermite , Nolwenn Huby , David Pluchon
Workshop on Organic Electronics and Nanophotonics, Jan 2010, Swieradow Zdroj, Poland
Conference papers hal-00460302v1