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  • IdHAL bruno-meriaux
  • ORCID 0000-0002-0533-032X
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**Short bio** I studied Applied Physics & Electrical and Information Engineering at the [Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay]( (Cachan, France), where I graduated a four-year education program in 2017. In the 3rd year (in 2016), I obtained a Master's degree in Applied Physics for Education from Paris-Saclay University. In 2017, I received a Master Research degree in Signal and Image Processing from Paris-Saclay University. I am currently a PhD Student in Signal Processing at SONDRA laboratory/CentraleSupélec. **Education** - PhD degree (2017-2020), *CentraleSupélec/University Paris-Saclay, France* - Master's degree in Automation and Signal Processing (2017), *ENS Paris-Saclay/University Paris-Saclay, France* - Master's degree in Applied Physics for Education (2016), *ENS Paris-Saclay, France* - Bachelor's degree in Applied Physics and Engineering (2014), *ENS Paris-Saclay, France* **Thesis title**: #### Robust Adaptive Signal Processing in Multisensor Systems : On the way to abandon secondary data Started in September 2017 Directed by [Philippe FORSTER]( Supervised by [Chengfang REN](, [Mohammed Nabil EL KORSO]( and [Arnaud BRELOY]( Supported by [ANR ASTRID MARGARITA]( Keywords: Robust estimation, Complex Elliptically Symmetric distributions, Multisensors processing My research interests and activities include estimation theory in statistical signal processing and applications in radar (localization, target detection), with a particular focus on robust estimation and performance analysis.


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Matched and Mismatched Estimation of Kronecker Product of Linearly Structured Scatter Matrices under Elliptical Distributions

Bruno Meriaux , Chengfang Ren , Arnaud Breloy , Mohammed Nabil El Korso , Philippe Forster
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2021, 69, pp.603-616. ⟨10.1109/TSP.2020.3042946⟩
Journal articles hal-03039552v1
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Iterative Marginal Maximum Likelihood DOD and DOA Estimation for MIMO Radar in the Presence of SIRP Clutter

Bruno Meriaux , Xin Zhang , Mohammed Nabil El Korso , Marius Pesavento
Signal Processing, 2019, 155, pp.384-390. ⟨10.1016/j.sigpro.2018.09.034⟩
Journal articles hal-01888650v2
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Asymptotic Performance of Complex M-estimators for Multivariate Location and Scatter Estimation

Bruno Meriaux , Chengfang Ren , Mohammed Nabil El Korso , Arnaud Breloy , Philippe Forster
IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2019, 26 (2), pp.367-371. ⟨10.1109/lsp.2019.2891201⟩
Journal articles hal-01968961v1
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Asymptotic Performance of Complex $M$ -Estimators for Multivariate Location and Scatter Estimation

Bruno Mériaux , Chengfang Ren , Mohammed Nabil El Korso , Arnaud Breloy , Philippe Forster
IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2019, 26 (2), pp.367-371. ⟨10.1109/LSP.2019.2891201⟩
Journal articles hal-04472361v1
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Robust estimation of structured scatter matrices in (mis)matched models

Bruno Mériaux , Chengfang Ren , Mohammed Nabil El Korso , Arnaud Breloy , Philippe Forster
Signal Processing, 2019, 165, pp.163-174. ⟨10.1016/j.sigpro.2019.06.030⟩
Journal articles hal-04472842v2
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Efficient Estimation of Kronecker Product of Linear Structured Scatter Matrices under t-distribution

Bruno Meriaux , Chengfang Ren , Arnaud Breloy , Mohammed Nabil El Korso , Philippe Forster
28th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2020), Jan 2021, Amsterdam, Netherlands. pp.2418-2422, ⟨10.23919/eusipco47968.2020.9287415⟩
Conference papers hal-02873816v1
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Une version récursive de RCOMET pour l'estimation robuste de matrices de forme à structure convexe

Bruno Meriaux , Chengfang Ren , Arnaud Breloy , Mohammed Nabil El Korso , P Forster
28eme Colloque francophone de traitement du signal et des images (GRETSI 2019), Aug 2019, Lille, France
Conference papers hal-02155900v1
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Estimation robuste de matrices de dispersion structurées pour des modèles bien/mal spécifiés

Bruno Meriaux , Chengfang Ren , Mohammed Nabil El Korso , Arnaud Breloy , Philippe Forster
28eme Colloque francophone de traitement du signal et des images (GRETSI 2019), Aug 2019, Lille, France
Conference papers hal-02155887v1
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On the Recursions of Robust COMET Algorithm for Convexly Structured Shape Matrix

Bruno Meriaux , Chengfang Ren , Arnaud Breloy , Mohammed Nabil El Korso , P Forster
27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2019), Sep 2019, A Coruña, Spain. ⟨10.23919/eusipco.2019.8903167⟩
Conference papers hal-02155905v1
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Efficient Estimation of Scatter Matrix with Convex Structure under t-Distribution

Bruno Meriaux , Chengfang Ren , Mohammed Nabil El Korso , Arnaud Breloy , Philippe Forster
2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2018), Apr 2018, Calgary, Canada. pp.4474-4478, ⟨10.1109/icassp.2018.8462449⟩
Conference papers hal-01784707v1
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Robust-COMET for Covariance Estimation in Convex Structures: Algorithm and Statistical Properties

Bruno Meriaux , Chengfang Ren , Mohammed Nabil El Korso , Arnaud Breloy , Philippe Forster
2017 IEEE 7th International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP 2017), Dec 2017, Curaçao, Netherlands. pp.1-5, ⟨10.1109/CAMSAP.2017.8313081⟩
Conference papers hal-01651772v1