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Bruno Peuportier

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Enhancing life cycle assessment for reversible ground-coupled heat pump systems through dynamic analysis

Caipeng Liang , Patrick Schalbart , Charlotte Roux , Bruno Peuportier
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024, 472, pp.143498. ⟨10.1016/j.jclepro.2024.143498⟩
Journal articles hal-04814742v1
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Integrating effects of overheating on human health into buildings’ life cycle assessment

Robin Monnier , Patrick Schalbart , Charlotte Roux , Bruno Peuportier
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 2024, 29 (11), pp.2137-2150. ⟨10.1007/s11367-024-02353-3⟩
Journal articles hal-04814485v1
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Quantitative Evaluation of the Effects of Heat Island on Building Energy Simulation: A Case Study in Wuhan, China

Long Pei , Patrick Schalbart , Bruno Peuportier
Energies, inPress, 16, ⟨10.3390/en16073032⟩
Journal articles hal-03380003v2
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Computationally efficient sensitivity analysis for building ecodesign with many-level categorical input factors

Marie-Lise Pannier , Patrick Schalbart , Bruno Peuportier
International Journal of Metrology and Quality Engineering, 2023, 14, pp.15. ⟨10.1051/ijmqe/2023016⟩
Journal articles hal-04324021v1

Carbon footprint assessment of a wood multi-residential building considering biogenic carbon

Claudiane Ouellet-Plamondon , Livia Ramseier , Maria Balouktsi , Laetitia Delem , Greg Foliente
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 404, pp.136834. ⟨10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.136834⟩
Journal articles hal-04382492v1
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Achieving net zero carbon performance in a French apartment building?

Alpha Hamid Dicko , Charlotte Roux , Bruno Peuportier
Energies, 2023, ⟨10.3390/en16227608⟩
Journal articles hal-04289317v1
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Achieving Net Zero Carbon Performance in a French Apartment Building?

Alpha Hamid Dicko , Charlotte Roux , Bruno Peuportier
Energies, 2023, 16 (22), pp.7608. ⟨10.3390/en16227608⟩
Journal articles hal-04299381v1
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Face aux canicules : évaluer et améliorer la résilience des bâtiments

Bruno Peuportier
Transitions. Les nouvelles Annales des Ponts et Chaussées, 2023, décembre 2022, pp. 118-123
Journal articles hal-03978092v1
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Dealing with uncertainties in comparative building life cycle assessment

Marie-Lise Pannier , Patrick Schalbart , Bruno Peuportier
Building and Environment, 2023, pp.110543. ⟨10.1016/j.buildenv.2023.110543⟩
Journal articles hal-04140645v1

Quantitative Evaluation of the Effects of Heat Island on Building Energy Simulation: A Case Study in Wuhan, China

Long Pei , Patrick Schalbart , Bruno Peuportier
Energies, 2023, 16 (7), pp.3032. ⟨10.3390/en16073032⟩
Journal articles hal-04382509v1
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Life cycle assessment of a residential building in China accounting for spatial and temporal variations of electricity production

Long Pei , Patrick Schalbart , Bruno Peuportier
Journal of Building Engineering, 2022
Journal articles hal-03678766v1
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L'analyse de cycle de vie appliquée à l'écoconception des bâtiments et des quartiers

Bruno Peuportier , Patrick Schalbart
Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, 2022, 38 (1)
Journal articles hal-03801028v1
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L'apport des technologies en matière de simulation numérique

Bruno Peuportier , Patrick Schalbart
Réalités industrielles. Annales des mines, 2022, ⟨10.3917/rindu1.222.0062⟩
Journal articles hal-03801483v1
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A global model for fast calculation of the thermal response factor of large-scale boreholes heat exchangers combining the FLS model, the 2D heat equation and a threepoints method

Long Pei , Patrick Schalbart , Bruno Peuportier
Energy and Buildings, 2022, 276, ⟨10.1016/j.enbuild.2022.112536⟩
Journal articles hal-03801609v1
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Federica Appendino , Charlotte Roux , Myriam Saadé , Bruno Peuportier
Transactions of AESOP, 2021, ⟨10.24306/TrAESOP.2021.01.006⟩
Journal articles hal-03402042v1
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Identifying optimal renovation schedules for building portfolios: Application in a social housing context under multi-year funding constraints

Marie-Lise Pannier , Thomas Recht , Maxime Robillart , Patrick Schalbart , Bruno Peuportier
Energy and Buildings, 2021, 250, pp.111290. ⟨10.1016/j.enbuild.2021.111290⟩
Journal articles hal-03318965v1
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Modelling long-term and short-term temporal variation and uncertainty of electricity production in the life cycle assessment of Buildings

Marie Frapin , Charlotte Roux , Edi Assoumou , Bruno Peuportier
Journal articles hal-03442141v1

Modelling of a Large Vertical Ground Heat Exchanger Integrated with a Heat Pump for Building Energy Simulation in China

L Pei , P Schalbart , B Peuportier
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020, 588, pp.022050. ⟨10.1088/1755-1315/588/2/022050⟩
Journal articles hal-03123429v1

Implications of using systematic decomposition structures to organize building LCA information: A comparative analysis of national standards and guidelines- IEA EBC ANNEX 72

B Soust-Verdaguer , A García Martínez , C Llatas , J.C. Gómez de Cózar , K Allacker
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020, 588, pp.022008. ⟨10.1088/1755-1315/588/2/022008⟩
Journal articles hal-03123427v1

Comparison of the greenhouse gas emissions of a high-rise residential building assessed with different national LCA approaches – IEA EBC Annex 72

R Frischknecht , L Ramseier , W Yang , H Birgisdottir , Ch Chae
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020, 588, pp.022029. ⟨10.1088/1755-1315/588/2/022029⟩
Journal articles hal-03123426v1
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Sustainability assessment of refurbishment vs. new constructions by means of LCA and durability-based estimations of buildings lifespans: A new approach

Beatriz Palacios-Munoz , Bruno Peuportier , Luis Gracia-Villa , Belinda López-Mesa
Building and Environment, 2019, 160, pp.106203. ⟨10.1016/j.buildenv.2019.106203⟩
Journal articles hal-02173841v1

Environmental benchmarks for buildings: needs, challenges and solutions—71st LCA forum, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich, 18 June 2019

Rolf Frischknecht , Maria Balouktsi , Thomas Lützkendorf , Annette Aumann , Harpa Birgisdottir
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 2019, ⟨10.1007/s11367-019-01690-y⟩
Journal articles hal-02351109v1
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Environmental benchmarks for buildings: needs, challenges and solutions—71st LCA forum, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich, 18 June 2019

Rolf Frischknecht , Maria Balouktsi , Thomas Lützkendorf , Annette Aumann , Harpa Birgisdottir
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 2019, 24 (12), pp.2272-2280. ⟨10.1007/s11367-019-01690-y⟩
Journal articles hal-03318986v1
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Model reduction and model predictive control of energy-efficient buildings for electrical heating load shifting

M. Robillart , P. Schalbart , B. Peuportier , François Chaplais
Journal of Process Control, 2018, ⟨10.1016/j.jprocont.2018.03.007⟩
Journal articles hal-01965265v1

Comprehensive assessment of sensitivity analysis methods for the identification of influential factors in building life cycle assessment

Marie-Lise Pannier , Patrick Schalbart , Bruno Peuportier
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 199, pp.466 - 480. ⟨10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.07.070⟩
Journal articles hal-01861815v1

Development of an electricity system model allowing dynamic and marginal approaches in LCA—tested in the French context of space heating in buildings

Charlotte Roux , Patrick Schalbart , Bruno Peuportier
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 2017, 22 (8), pp.1177 - 1190. ⟨10.1007/s11367-016-1229-z⟩
Journal articles hal-01684105v1

Empirical validation of different internal superficial heat transfer models on a full-scale passive house

Fabio Munaretto , Thomas Recht , Patrick Schalbart , Bruno Peuportier
Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 2017, ⟨10.1080/19401493.2017.1331376⟩
Journal articles hal-01536713v1
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Derivation of simplified control rules from an optimal strategy for electrical heating in a residential building

M. Robillart , P. Schalbart , Bruno Peuportier
Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 2017, 11 (3), pp.294-308. ⟨10.1080/19401493.2017.1349835⟩
Journal articles hal-01982624v1

Integrating climate change and energy mix scenarios in LCA of buildings and districts

Charlotte Roux , Patrick Schalbart , Edi Assoumou , Bruno Peuportier
Applied Energy, 2016, 184, pp. 619-629. ⟨10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.10.043⟩
Journal articles hal-01450183v1

Accounting for temporal variation of electricity production and consumption in the LCA of an energy-efficient house

Charlotte Roux , Patrick Schalbart , Bruno Peuportier
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 113, pp.532-540. ⟨10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.11.052⟩
Journal articles hal-01461707v1

Correlations in Life Cycle Impact Assessment methods (LCIA) and indicators for construction materials: What matters?

Sébastien Lasvaux , Fanny Achim , Philippe Garat , B. Peuportier , Jérome Chevalier
Ecological Indicators, 2016, 67, pp.174-182. ⟨10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.01.056⟩
Journal articles hal-01461724v1

Eco-conception des bâtiments et des quartiers

Bruno Peuportier
Techniques de l'Ingénieur, 2014, ag6790
Journal articles hal-01299307v1

Evaluation of Thermal Effect of PCM Wallboards by Coupling Simplified Phase Change Model with Design Tool

Alain Guiavarch , Denis Bruneau , Bruno Peuportier
Journal of Building Construction and Planning Research, 2014, 2, pp.12-29. ⟨10.4236/jbcpr.2014.21002⟩
Journal articles hal-01299358v1

Application of dynamic programming to study load shifting in buildings

Bérenger Favre , Bruno Peuportier
Energy and Buildings, 2014, 82, pp.57-64. ⟨10.1016/j.enbuild.2014.07.018⟩
Journal articles hal-01299719v1

Life cycle assessment model applied to housing in Chile

Oyarzo Juan , Bruno Peuportier
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2014, 69, pp.109-116. ⟨10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.01.090⟩
Journal articles hal-01299402v1

Influence of simplification of life cycle inventories on the accuracy of impact assessment: application to construction products

Sébastien Lasvaux , Nicoleta Schiopu , Guillaume Habert , Jacques Chevalier , Bruno Peuportier
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2014, 79, pp.142-151. ⟨10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.06.003⟩
Journal articles hal-01299447v1

Eco-design of buildings using thermal simulation and life cycle assessment

Bruno Peuportier , Stéphane Thiers , Alain Guiavarch
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2013, 39, pp.73-78. ⟨10.1016/j.jclepro.2012.08.041⟩
Journal articles hal-00769797v1

Energy and environmental assessment of two high energy performance residential buildings

Stéphane Thiers , Bruno Peuportier
Building and Environment, 2012, 51, pp.276-284. ⟨10.1016/j.buildenv.2011.11.018⟩
Journal articles hal-00769794v1

Eco-design tools for the construction sector

Bruno Peuportier , Fabien Leurent , Jean Roger-Estrade , Maxime Trocmé
ParisTech Review, 2012, pp.en ligne
Journal articles hal-00852067v1

Analyse du cycle de vie d'un bâtiment

Maxime Trocmé , Bruno Peuportier
Technologies et Formations, 2011, mai-juin (155), pp.25-31
Journal articles hal-00769858v1
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Analyse de cycle de vie à l'échelle du quartier : un outil d'aide à la décision?

Morgane Colombert , Cédissia de Chastenet , Youssef Yd Diab , Christophe Gobin , Grégory Herfray
Environnement Urbain / Urban Environment, 2011
Journal articles hal-02357684v1
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Analyse du cycle de vie à l'échelle du quartier: un outil d'aide à la décision ? Le cas de la ZAC Claude Bernard à Paris (France)

Morgane Colombert , Cédissia de Chastenet , Youssef Diab , Christophe Gobin , Grégory Herfray
Environnement Urbain / Urban Environment, 2011, 5, pp.c1-c21
Journal articles hal-00877122v1

Experimental characterization, modeling and simulation of a wood pellet micro-combined heat and power unit used as a heat source for a residential building

Stéphane Thiers , Bernard Aoun , Bruno Peuportier
Energy and Buildings, 2010, 42 (6), pp.896-903. ⟨10.1016/j.enbuild.2009.12.011⟩
Journal articles hal-00509397v1

Comment prendre en compte les émissions de CO2 provenant de la biomasse dans une analyse de cycle de vie ?

Ari Rabl , Anthony Benoist , Dominique Dron , Bruno Peuportier , Joseph Spadaro
Pollution Atmosphérique : climat, santé, société, 2009, mars, pp.221-222
Journal articles hal-00574541v1

Les maisons passives sont-elles confortables ? écologiques ?

Bruno Peuportier , Stéphane Thiers
CVC - La Revue des Climaticiens, 2009, Jan/Fév (857), pp.22-25
Journal articles hal-00574535v1
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Vers un habitat à énergie positive : éclairage sur notre futur commun

Bruno Peuportier , Stéphane Thiers , Franck Aggeri
Éclairages, 2009, 2, pp.1-4
Journal articles hal-00574548v1

Thermal and environmental assessment of a passive building equipped with an earth-to-air heat exchanger in France

Stéphane Thiers , Bruno Peuportier
Solar Energy, 2008, 82 (9), pp.820-831. ⟨10.1016/j.solener.2008.02.014⟩
Journal articles hal-00877106v1

Life Cycle Assessment applications in the building sector

Bruno Peuportier
International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management, 2008, 9 (4), pp.334-347. ⟨10.1504/IJETM.2008.019455⟩
Journal articles hal-00877091v1

Les éco-technologies dans la construction

Bruno Peuportier
Réalités industrielles. Annales des mines, 2008, pp.15-21
Journal articles hal-00797784v1

How to account for CO2 emissions from Biomass in an LCA. Editorials.

Ari Rabl , Anthony Benoist , Dominique Dron , Bruno Peuportier , V. Joseph Spadaro
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 2007, 12 (5), pp.281
Journal articles hal-00199202v1

Photovoltaic collectors efficiency according to their integration in buildings.

Alain Guiavarch , Bruno Peuportier
Solar Energy, 2006, Vol. 80 n° 1, pp.P. 65-77
Journal articles hal-00100314v1

Evaluation of the environmental quality of buildings towards a more environmentally conscious design

Bernd Polster , Bruno Peuportier , Isabelle Blanc , Pierre Diaz Pedregal , Christophe Gobin
Solar Energy, 1996, 57 (3), pp.219-230. ⟨10.1016/S0038-092X(96)00071-0⟩
Journal articles hal-00519943v1

Simulation tool with its expert interface for the thermal design of multizone buildings

Bruno Peuportier , Isabelle Blanc
International Journal of Solar Energy, 1990, 8 (2), p. 109 - 120. ⟨10.1080/01425919008909714⟩
Journal articles hal-00520077v1
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Intégration des limites planétaires dans l'ACV des bâtiments et des quartiers

Khaled Khazaal , Charlotte Roux , Bruno Peuportier , Patrick Schalbart
Conférence IBPSA France 2024, IBPSA France, May 2024, La Rochelle / Oléron, France
Conference papers hal-04772194v1
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Comparison of 16 national methods in the life cycle assessment of carbon storage in wood products in a reference building

C M Ouellet-Plamondon , M Balouktsi , L Delem , G Foliente , N Francart
World Sustainable Built Environment 2024, Jun 2024, Virtual conference, Australia. pp.012059, ⟨10.1088/1755-1315/1363/1/012059⟩
Conference papers hal-04869501v1
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Life cycle assessment of building reversible ground-coupled heat pump systems supported by dynamic electricity mix data

Caipeng Liang , Patrick Schalbart , Charlotte Roux , Bruno Peuportier
Building simulation 2023, IBPSA, Sep 2023, Shangaï, China
Conference papers hal-04140668v1
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Distributed model predictive control using a trigger time search for optimal heating of multizone buildings

Fatima Zohra Benali , Patrick Schalbart , Bruno Peuportier
Building simulation 2023, IBPSA, Sep 2023, Shangaï, China
Conference papers hal-04140658v1
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Couplage entre conception paramétrique et analyse de cycle de vie pour l'écoconception des quartiers

Bruno Peuportier , Aurore Wurtz , Patrick Schalbart
Conférence Francophone de l'International Building Performance (IBPSA) France 2022, May 2022, Châlons en Champagne, France
Conference papers hal-03801054v1
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Prise en compte de la qualité de l'air dans l'analyse de cycle de vie des bâtiments

Rachna Bhoonah , Alice Micolier , Patrick Schalbart , Bruno Peuportier , Olivier Jolliet
Conférence Francophone de l'International Building Performance Simulation Association ( IBPSA ) France 2022, May 2022, Chalons en Champagne, France
Conference papers hal-03801175v1
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Etude prospective sur la résilience des bâtiments face aux canicules

Robin Monnier , Delphine Leroux , Aude Lemonsu , Ophelie Ouvrier Bonnaz , Eric Francois
Conférence IBPSA France 2022, Laboratoire Matériaux et Ingénierie Mécanique (MATIM), May 2022, Chalons en Champagne, France
Conference papers hal-03801428v1
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Assessment of multiple advanced Bayesian calibration algorithms in building energy models

Samih Akkari , Patrick Schalbart , Bruno Peuportier
ConférenceConférence Francophone de l'International Building Performance Simulation Association ( IBPSA )France 2022, May 2022, Châlons en Champagne, France
Conference papers hal-03801058v1
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Optimal Control Strategies for Energy Production Systems using Buildings Thermal Mass

Charbel Salameh , Patrick Schalbart , Bruno Peuportier
Building Simulation 2021 Conference, Sep 2021, Bruges, Belgium
Conference papers hal-03379993v1
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Application of optimisation, building energy simulation and life cycle assessment to the design of an urban project

Aurore Wurtz , Patrick Schalbart , Bruno Peuportier
Building Simulation 2021 Conference, Sep 2021, Bruges, Belgium
Conference papers hal-03379987v1

Application of the life cycle assessment to a building sample for in order to helping in projects evaluation

Aurore Wurtz , Bruno Peuportier
Climamed, May 2021, Lisbonne mais Distanciel, Portugal
Conference papers hal-03194021v1
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Application of life cycle assessment to a building sample in order to help in projects evaluation

Bruno Peuportier , Aurore Wurtz
Climamed, REHVA, May 2021, Lisbon (Online Event), Portugal
Conference papers hal-04193942v1

Écoconception d’un projet urbain

Bruno Peuportier , Cyrille François , Jean Roger-Estrade
Science, Innovation et Société, ANRT, ELSA-PACTE, Cité de l'Économie et des Métiers de Demain, Dec 2020, Internet, France
Conference papers hal-04453548v1

Dynamic and consequential LCA aspects in multi-objective optimisation for NZEB design

Mija Frossard , P Schalbart , B Peuportier
WSBE 20 - World Sustainable Built Environment - Beyond2020, Nov 2020, Gothenburg, Sweden. pp.032031, ⟨10.1088/1755-1315/588/3/032031⟩
Conference papers hal-03064022v1
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Optimisation multicritère robuste de bâtiment zéro-énergie

Mija Frossard , Patrick Schalbart , Bruno Peuportier
Conférence IBPSA France 2020, Nov 2020, Reims, France
Conference papers hal-03087189v1

Construction et usages des indicateurs d'économie circulaire : le cas de la Ville de Paris

Myriam Saadé , Charlotte Roux , Federica Appendino , Bruno Peuportier
Congrès [avniR] 2019, 2019, Lille, France
Conference papers hal-03402179v1
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Overview Of A Large Scale Monitoring Project Of Energy Positive Houses: Complementarity Between Simulations And Measurements

Jeanne Goffart , Monika Woloszyn , Xavier Faure , Frédéric Wurtz , Léa Gondian
Building Simulation 2019, Sep 2019, Rome, Italy
Conference papers hal-02173856v1
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Comparison of the environmental assessment of an identical office building with national methods

R Frischknecht , H Birgisdottir , Ch U Chae , T Lützkendorf , A Passer
Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2019, Sep 2019, Graz, Austria
Conference papers hal-02173848v1
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Circular economy in urban projects: a case studies analysis of current practices and tools

Federica Appendino , Charlotte Roux , Myriam Saadé , Bruno Peuportier
2019 AESOP, Jul 2019, Venise, Italy
Conference papers hal-02182283v1

Circular economy in urban projects: the contribution of life cycle assessment tools

Federica Appendino , Charlotte Roux , Myriam Saadé , Bruno Peuportier
AESOP 2019 Planning for Transition, 2019, Venise, Italy
Conference papers hal-03402152v1
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Towards holistic building optimization using a computing environment that enable interoperability between numerical tools

G. Fraisse , B. Souyri , F. Wurtz , X. Brunotte , P Enciu
International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, Jun 2018, Guimarães, Portugal
Conference papers hal-01982647v1
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Développement d'une méthodologie pour la garantie de performance énergétique en réhabilitation basée sur la régression quantile

Simon Ligier , Patrick Schalbart , Bruno Peuportier
IBPSA France, May 2018, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers hal-01982635v1
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Building life cycle assessment tools developed in France

Bruno Peuportier , Patrick Schalbart
IALCCE 2018 The Sixth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering., Oct 2018, Ghent, Belgium
Conference papers hal-01982627v1

Ecoconception des projets urbains et lien avec la Stratégie économie circulaire de Paris : le projet PULSE-PARIS

Federica Appendino , Charlotte Roux , Bruno Peuportier
Congrès [avniR], 2018, Lille, France
Conference papers hal-03402146v1
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Vers une optimisation intégrée des bâtiments basée sur un environnement permettant l'interopérabilité des outils numériques

G. Fraisse , L A Serafim Guardini , F. Wurtz , X. Brunotte , P Enciu
IBPSA France :Conférence Francophone de l'International Building Performance Simulation Association, May 2018, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers hal-01982641v1
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Optimal control of heating in a two-zone building using price decomposition-coordination method

Marie Frapin , François Chaplais , Patrick Schalbart , Bruno Peuportier
Conference papers hal-01887265v1
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Le projet européen A-ZEB, Affordable zero energy buildings (bâtiments zéro énergie à coût abordable)

Bruno Peuportier , Mija Frossard
PASSIBAT 2018, Mar 2018, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01978869v1
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Optimisation multicritère et analyse de cycle de vie de bâtiments zéro-énergie

Mija Frossard , Bruno Peuportier , Patrick Schalbart
IBPSA France: Conférence Francophone de l'International Building Performance, May 2018, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers hal-01982633v1
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Energy Performance Contracting Methodology Based upon Simulation and Measurement

Simon Ligier , Maxime Robillart , Patrick Schalbart , Bruno Peuportier
Building Simulation 2017, IBPSA, Aug 2017, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers hal-01556848v1

Building Life Cycle Assessment: Investigation of Influential Parameters in a Helpful Decision Tool

Marie-Lise Pannier , Patrick Schalbart , Bruno Peuportier
World Sustainable Built Environment Conference (WSBE17 Hong Kong), Jun 2017, Hong Kong, China
Conference papers hal-01564926v1

Building life cycle assessment: investigation of influential parameters in a helpful decision tool

Marie-Lise Pannier , Patrick Schalbart , Bruno Peuportier
International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (SBE 2016), Mar 2016, Hamburg, Germany
Conference papers hal-01464186v1
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LCA applicability at district scale demonstrated throughout a case study: shortcomings and perspectives for future improvements

Adélaïde Mailhac , Grégory Herfray , Nicoleta Schiopu , Natalia Kotelnikova-Weiler , Alexis Poulhès
Sustainable Built Environment (SBE) regional conference, Jun 2016, Zurich, Switzerland. ⟨10.3218/3774-6_43⟩
Conference papers hal-01463753v1

Sensitivity analysis and uncertainty propagation to investigate the results’ robustness of building life cycle assessment

Marie-Lise Pannier , Patrick Schalbart , Bruno Peuportier
SETAC Europe 22nd LCA Case Study Symposium, Sep 2016, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-01714096v1

Identification de paramètres incertains influents en analyse de cycle de vie des bâtiments

M.-L. Pannier , P. Schalbart , B. Peuportier
Conférence IBPSA 2016, France, May 2016, Champs-sur-Marne, France
Conference papers hal-01464427v1
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LCA enhancement perspectives to facilitate scaling up from building to territory

G. Sibiude , A. Mailhac , G. Herfray , N. Schiopu , A. Lebert
Sustainable Built Environment (SBE) Regional Conference Zurich, Jun 2016, Zurich, France., ⟨10.3218/3774-6_42⟩
Conference papers hal-01464219v1
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Identification of influential parameters in building energy simulation and life cycle assessment

Marie-Lise Pannier , Patrick Schalbart , Bruno Peuportier
Eighth International Conference on Sensitivity Analysis of Model Output, Nov 2016, Le Tampon, Reunion Island, France
Conference papers hal-01713004v1
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Éco-conception de maisons à énergie positive assistée par optimisation multicritère

T. Recht , M. Robillart , Charles Garnier , P. Schalbart , B. Peuportier
Conférence IBPSA France (Conférence Francophone de l'International Building Performance Simulation Association), May 2016, Champs-sur-Marne, France
Conference papers hal-01464415v1


B. Peuportier , Clément Roux , P. Schalbart
Energy and environment knowledge week, Oct 2016, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01464317v1


Clément Roux , G. Herfray , P. Schalbart , B. Peuportier
Sustainable Built Environment (SBE 2016) regional conference, Jun 2016, Zurich, Germany. ⟨10.3218/3774-6_89⟩
Conference papers hal-01464206v1

Étude d’un processus de garantie de performance énergétique : application à des logements collectifs

S. Ligier , M. Robillart , P. Schalbart , B. Peuportier
Conférence IBPSA 2016, France, May 2016, Champs-sur-Marne, France
Conference papers hal-01464414v1
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Ecodesign of a 'plus-energy' house using stochastic occupancy model, life-cycle assessment and multi-objective optimisation

T. Recht , P. Schalbart , B. Peuportier
Hamza N AND Underwood C. (Ed) Building simulation and optimisation, third international building performance simulation association IBPSA-England, Sep 2016, Newcastle, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-01464310v1

Analyse de cycle de vie conséquentielle appliquée à l’étude d’une maison individuelle

Clément Roux , P. Schalbart , B. Peuportier
Conférence IBPSA 2016, May 2016, Champs-sur-Marne, France
Conference papers hal-01464418v1

Application of life cycle assessment in urban projects

Bruno Peuportier , Charlotte Roux
7th International Conference on Life Cycle Management – Life Cycle Management for product sustainability value creation, Aug 2015, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers hal-01462142v1
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Elaboration de lois heuristiques à partir de la programmation dynamique : application à l'effacement de la consommation électrique de pointe dans les bâtiments performants

Maxime Robillart , Patrick Schalbart , Bruno Peuportier
Conférence Francophone de l'International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA 2014), May 2014, Arras, France
Conference papers hal-01461441v1
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Analyse de la fiabilité de COMFIE par comparaison à des mesures. Application à un bâtiment passif

Thomas Recht , Fabio Munaretto , Patrick Schalbart , Bruno Peuportier
IBPSA 2014, May 2014, Arras, France
Conference papers hal-01461407v1
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Evaluation of ventilative cooling in a single family house -Characterization and modelling of natural ventilation

Nicolas Dupin , Bruno Peuportier , Karsten Duer , Michael Cohen , Berenger Favre
SB 14 Barcelona, Oct 2014, Barcelone, Spain
Conference papers hal-01459888v1
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Illustration of methodological challenges in energy and environmental assessment of buildings

M. Fouquet , A. Lebert , S. Lasvaux , B. Peuportier , Clément Roux
SB 14 Barcelona, Oct 2014, Barcelone, Spain
Conference papers hal-01460049v1
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Considering temporal variation in the life cycle assessment of buildings, application to electricity consumption and production

Charlotte Roux , Bruno Peuportier
SB 14 Barcelona, Oct 2014, Barcelone, Spain
Conference papers hal-01459975v1
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Integration of a Comprehensive Stochastic Model of Occupancy in Building Simulation to Study how Inhabitants Influence Energy Performance

Eric Vorger , Patrick Schalbart , Bruno Peuportier
30th international plea 2014 conference, Dec 2014, Ahmedabad, India
Conference papers hal-01460068v1
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Survey on LCA results analysis, interpretation and reporting in the construction sector

G Sibiude , Sébastien Lasvaux , A Lebert , S Nibel , Bruno Peuportier
SB 14 Barcelona, Oct 2014, Barcelone, France
Conference papers hal-01459906v1
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Extraction of heating control rules from the dynamic programming method for load shifting in energy-efficient building

M Robillart , P Schalbart , B Peuportier
9th International Conference on System Simulation in Buildings, Dec 2014, Liège, Belgium
Conference papers hal-01460071v1
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Etude de l'influence des occupants sur la performance énergétique des logements par le biais d'une modélisation stochastique globale

Eric Vorger , Patrick Schalbart , Bruno Peuportier
Conférence Francophone de l'International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA 2014), May 2014, Arras, France
Conference papers hal-01461444v1

Comparison of different methods for estimationg the buildings enveloppe thermal characteristics

Olfa Mejri , Bruno Peuportier , Alain Guiavarch
Building Simulation 2013, Aug 2013, Chambéry, France
Conference papers hal-01524993v1

Accounting for thermal mass in thermal simulation tools: comparison of several assumptions

Fabio Munaretto , Bruno Peuportier
Building Simulation 2013, Aug 2013, Chambéry, France
Conference papers hal-01524940v1

Dynamic LCA applied to buildings and urban districts

Clément Roux , B. Peuportier , G. Herfray
sb13 Munich: Implementing Sustainability – Barriers and Chances, session 4.6, Life Cycle Analysis, Apr 2013, Munich, Germany
Conference papers hal-01463687v1


Hachem Ben Nejma , Alain Guiavarch , Ismaël Lokhat , Eric Auzenet , Fabrice Claudon
Building Simulation 2013, Aug 2013, Chambéry, France
Conference papers hal-01463759v1

Optimization of builiding control strategies using dynamic programming

Berenger Favre , Bruno Peuportier
Builing Simulation 2013, Aug 2013, Chambéry, France
Conference papers hal-01524934v1

Eco-design of urban settlements using LCA

Bruno Peuportier , Charlotte Roux
Congrès ACV 2013, Nov 2013, Lille, France
Conference papers hal-01524485v1

Evaluation of the environmental performance of buildings using dynamic life cycle simulation

Charlotte Roux , Bruno Peuportier
Building Simulation 2013, Aug 2013, Chambéry, France
Conference papers hal-01524938v1


Bruno Peuportier , Karsten Duer , Christoffer Plesner , Nicolas Dupin
34th AICV Conference: Energy conservation technologies for mitigation and adaptation in the built environment: the role of ventilation strategies and smart materials, Sep 2013, Athens, Greece
Conference papers hal-01463722v1

Towards a Reduced Set of Indicators in Buildings LCA Applications: A Statistical Based Method

Sébastien Lasvaux , Philippe Garat , Jacques Chevalier , Bruno Peuportier
International Symposium on Life Cycle Assessment and Construction 2012, Jul 2012, Nantes, France. 65-72 (+ 4 p. of appendixes)
Conference papers hal-00951918v1

Evaluation of electricity related impacts using a dynamic LCA model

Grégory Herfray , Bruno Peuportier
International Symposium on Life Cycle Assessment and Construction, Jul 2012, Nantes, France
Conference papers hal-01463364v1

L’analyse de cycle de vie dans la construction

Bruno Peuportier
XXXe Rencontres AUGC-IBPSA , Jun 2012, Chambéry, France
Conference papers hal-01463190v1

Étude d’une stratégie d’effacement de la consommation électrique de pointe dans le bâtiment par l’application de la programmation dynamique

Bérenger Favre , Bruno Peuportier
XXXe Rencontres AUGC-IBPSA , Jun 2012, Chambéry, France
Conference papers hal-01463293v1


Bruno Peuportier , Berenger Favre , Eric Vorger , Olfa Mejri , Michael Cohen
33th AIVC conference-2nd TightVent conference, Oct 2012, Copenhague, Denmark
Conference papers hal-01463420v1

Genetic multi criteria optimization for existing buildings holistic retrofit

Mathieu Rivallain , Olivier Baverel , Bruno Peuportier
International Symposium on Life Cycle Assessment and Construction, Decision & management session, Jul 2012, Nantes, France
Conference papers hal-01463392v1

Using Dynamic Programming Optimization to Maintain Comfort in Building during Summer Periods

Berenger Favre , Bruno Peuportier
Sustainability in Energy and Buildings (SBE'12), Sep 2012, Stockholm, Sweden. pp.137-146, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-36645-1_13⟩
Conference papers hal-01463675v1

LCA application in urban design

Bruno Peuportier , Eric Vorger , Grégory Herfray
International Symposium on Life Cycle Assessment and Construction - Dynamic LCA session, Jul 2012, Nantes, France
Conference papers hal-01463341v1

Relevance of a French simplified LCI database using building products industry data

S. Lasvaux , N. Schiopu , B. Peuportier , Jérome Chevalier
International Symposium on Life Cycle Assessment and Construction, session LCI data, validation, aggregation, uncertainties,, Jul 2012, Nantes, France
Conference papers hal-01463415v1

Decision aiding & multi criteria optimization for existing buildings holistic retrofit

Mathieu Rivallain , P. E. Leger , Olivier Baverel , Bruno Peuportier
3rd International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, IALCCE 2012, Oct 2012, Vienne, Austria. pp.1084-1092
Conference papers hal-00769827v1
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Investigating the ability of various building in handling load shiftings

Paul Malisani , Bérenger Favre , Stéphane Thiers , Bruno Peuportier , François Chaplais
2011 IEEE Power Engineering and Automation Conference (PEAM), Sep 2011, Wuhan, China. pp.393 - 397, ⟨10.1109/PEAM.2011.6134968⟩
Conference papers hal-00664882v2
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Couplage d'un modèle thermique issu de COMFIE avec un chauffage régulé électriquement pour une simulation temporelle hybride à pas variable

Sana Gaaloul , Benoît Delinchant , Frédéric Wurtz , Stéphane Thiers , Bruno Peuportier
IBPSA, Nov 2011, Moret-sur-Loing, France
Conference papers hal-00540361v1
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Strong coupling of a building thermal model with a controlled electical heater for an hybrid energy simulation

Sana Gaaloul , Benoît Delinchant , Frédéric Wurtz , Stéphane Thiers , Bruno Peuportier
Electrimacs 2011, Jun 2011, Cergy-Pontoise, France. 6 p
Conference papers hal-00600332v1
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Conception d'un système de chauffage adapté aux logements à très faibles besoins énergétiques : micro- cogénération et ventilation double-flux

Stéphane Thiers , Françoise Thellier , Damien Labaume , Bernard Aoun , Frédéry Lavoye
IBPSA, 2010, Moret-sur Loing, France
Conference papers hal-02175494v1

A statistical screening technique to derive simplified characterization models between life cycle inventory (LCI) flows and life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) indicators: An application for the ADP indicator of construction materials and products

Sébastien Lasvaux , Bruno Peuportier , Jacques Chevalier , Philippe Garat
LCA X - Bridging Science, Policy, and the Public, Nov 2010, Portland, Oregon, United States
Conference papers hal-00952137v1
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Studying innovative concepts by coupling simplified: Simulation and multizone airflow model

Maxime Trocme , Bruno Peuportier
CISBAT 2009 - Renewables in a changing climate : from nano to urban scale, Sep 2009, Lausanne, Switzerland. pp.149-154
Conference papers hal-00574742v1
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Performance evaluation of an air-to-air heat pump coupled with temperate air-sources integrated into a dwelling

Bruno Filliard , Alain Guiavarch , Bruno Peuportier
Performance Simulation Association conference, Jul 2009, Glasgow, United Kingdom. pp.2266-2273
Conference papers hal-00574663v1
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Life cycle assessment of a positive energy house in France

Stéphane Thiers , Bruno Peuportier
CISBAT 2009 - Renewables in a changing climate : from nano to urban scale, Sep 2009, Lausanne, Switzerland. pp.501-506
Conference papers hal-00574736v1
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Towards the development of a simplified LCA-based model for buildings: recycling aspects

Sébastien Lasvaux , Bruno Peuportier , Jérome Chevalier
CISBAT 2009 - Renewables in a changing climate : from nano to urban scale, Sep 2009, Lausanne, Switzerland. pp.107-112
Conference papers hal-00574725v1

Bilans énergétique et environnemental simulés d'un bâtiment passif équipé d'un échangeur air-sol, en Picardie

Stéphane Thiers , Bruno Peuportier
IBPSA (International Building Performance Simulation Association) 2008, Nov 2008, Lyon, France. pp
Conference papers hal-00817305v1
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Eco-design of buildings and comparison of materials

Isabelle Blanc , Bruno Peuportier
1st International Seminar on Society and Materials, Mar 2007, Séville, Spain. 8 p
Conference papers hal-00519422v1

Training for renovated energy efficient social housing.

Bruno Peuportier , Uli Neumann , Jan-Olof Dalenback , Arne Nesje , Tamas Csoknyai
CESB 07 Central Europe towards sustainable building, session W1A Education and information 1, Sep 2007, Prague, Czech Republic. pp.276-282
Conference papers hal-00216078v1
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Modélisation thermique d'un échangeur air-sol pour le rafraîchissement de bâtiment

Stéphane Thiers , Bruno Peuportier
Journée thématique SFT-IBPSA : froid solaire et confort d'été, Apr 2007, Aix-les-Bains, France. pp.96-103
Conference papers hal-00216068v1

Analyse de cycle de vie à l'échelle du quartier.

Bruno Peuportier , Emil Popovici , Maxime Trocme
Aménagement durable des quartiers, Oct 2006, Chambéry, France
Conference papers hal-00121177v1
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Des éco-techniques à l'éco-conception des bâtiments

Bruno Peuportier , Stéphane Thiers
Journée thématique SFT-IBPSA, Mar 2006, Le Bourget du Lac, France
Conference papers hal-00102301v1

Les outils d'assistance à la maîtrise d'ouvrage.

Bruno Peuportier
Colloque cm3e. La qualité environnementale des constructions. Où en est-on ?, Mar 2005, La Rochelle, France. pp.9
Conference papers hal-00077400v1

Bancs d'essais de logiciels de simulation thermique.

Bruno Peuportier
Journée thématique IBPSA France - SFT 2005, outil de simulation thermo-aéraulique du bâtiment, Mar 2005, La Rochelle, France
Conference papers hal-00077420v1

Outil de simulation du bâtiment, COMFIE.

Thierry Salomon , Renaud Mikolasek , Bruno Peuportier
Journée thématique IBPSA France - SFT 2005, outil de simulation thermo-aéraulique du bâtiment,, Mar 2005, La Rochelle, France
Conference papers hal-00077433v1

Towards sustainable neighbourhoods, the eco-housing guidlines.

Sander de Jonge , Christophe Gobin , Karin Hoyland , Markus Peter , Eli Stoa
climate change energy awareness energy efficiency Solanova and eco housing section,, Jun 2005, Visegrad, Hungary. pp.218-225
Conference papers hal-00077382v1

Towards sustainable neigghbourhoods, the eco-housign project.

Bruno Peuportier
Climate change, energy awareness, energy efficiency, Solanova and eco housing section., Jun 2005, Visegrad, Hungary. pp.194-201
Conference papers hal-00077426v1

Les outils d'aide à la conception.

Bruno Peuportier
Colloque cm3e, La qualité environnementale des constructions. Où en est-on ?, Mar 2005, La Rochelle, France. pp.9
Conference papers hal-00077410v1

Development of an object oriented model for the assessment of the environment quality of buildings

Bruno Peuportier , Bernd Polster , Isabelle Blanc
1st International Conference, Buildings and the Environment, May 1994, Garston, United Kingdom. p. 1-8
Conference papers hal-00520703v1

A bioclimatic design aid based upon multizone simulation

Isabelle Blanc , Bruno Peuportier
ISES Solar World Congress, Aug 1991, Denver, Colorado, United States. p. 3503-3508 - ISBN 008041690X
Conference papers hal-00520736v1
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COMFIE: a software for passive solar design

Bruno Peuportier , Isabelle Blanc
2nd International Conference, International Building Performance Simulation Association, IBPSA'91, Aug 1991, Sophia Antipolis, France. pp.521-527
Conference papers hal-00520421v1

Simulation tool with its expert interface for passive solar design

Bruno Peuportier , Isabelle Blanc
12th Annual ASME International Solar Energy Conference, Apr 1990, Miami, United States. pp.263-269, ⟨10.1080/01425919008909714⟩
Conference papers hal-00520742v1

Life cycle assessment applied to the eco-design of urban projects in France

Bruno Peuportier , Patrick Schalbart
Routledge. The Routledge handbook of embodied carbon, Taylor and Francis,, 2023, 9781003277927
Book sections hal-04869439v1
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Multicriteria-Oriented Optimization of Building Energy Performances: The Annex 72 IEA-EBC Experience

Francesco Montana , Sonia Longo , Harpa Birgisdottir , Maurizio Cellura , Rolf Frischknecht
Energy systems evaluation (volume 2), pp.239 - 260, 2021, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-67376-5_10⟩
Book sections hal-03379951v1

Impacts environnementaux et démarche d’écoconception

Bruno Peuportier , Nicolas Coulombel , Cyrille François , Jean Roger-Estrade
Eyrolles. Construire plus vite la ville durable, 2021, 978-2-416-00257-1
Book sections hal-04453395v1

Towards circular economy implementation in urban projects: practices and assessment tools

Federica Appendino , Charlotte Roux , Myriam Saadé , Bruno Peuportier
Dialogues in Urban and Regional Planning 7 Transformative Planning Smarter, Greener and More Inclusive Practices, inPress
Book sections hal-03193990v1

Study of the Quantification of Uncertainties in Building Life Cycle Assessment

Marie-Lise Pannier , Patrick Schalbart , Bruno Peuportier
Eco-Design of Buildings and Infrastructure, 1, CRC Press, pp.29-60, 2020, ⟨10.1201/9781003095071-3⟩
Book sections hal-03116433v1
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Vers une approche globale de l'éco-conception du cadre bâti

Bruno Peuportier
Economie circulaire, territoire et génie urbain, 2019
Book sections hal-02201463v1

Etude de la quantification des incertitudes en analyse de cycle de vie des bâtiments

Marie-Lise Pannier , Patrick Schalbart , Bruno Peuportier
Eco-conception des ensembles bâtis et des infrastructures Tome 2, Presses Des Mines, 2019, Developpement Durable, 2356715371
Book sections hal-04592688v1

Moving towards CLCA to model electricity consumption in buildings

Bruno Peuportier , Charlotte Roux
EcoSD Annual Workshop - Consequential LCA 2013, Presses des Mines, pp.49-56, 2015, 9782356711496
Book sections hal-01461361v1

Technical Improvement of Housing Envelopes in France.

Dominique Groleau , Francis Allard , Gérard Guarracino , Bruno Peuportier
COST C16 Improving the Quality of Existing Urban Bulding Envelopes - Facades and Roofs., Research in Architectural Engineering Series, pp.31-40, 2007, vol. 5, ISBN 978-1-58603-737-6 Delf University Press
Book sections hal-00199047v1