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Catherine BONAZZI
Researcher identifiers
- catherine-bonazzi
- ResearcherId : A-9086-2012
- 0000-0002-6404-7487
- IdRef : 15116634X
- ResearcherId : http://www.researcherid.com/rid/A-9086-2012
Research director at INRAE (Paris-Saclay Food and Bioproduct Engineering research unit - UMR 0782 SayFood)
Heat of the joint research unit SayFood (Université Paris-Saclay / INRAE / AgroParisTech [umr-sayfood](https://www6.versailles-grignon.inrae.fr/umr-sayfood))
General secretary of the French Association for Process Engineering (SFGP [sfgp](https://www.sfgp.asso.fr/))
French representative at the EFCE drying working party
*Competencies: Food process engineering, reaction engineering, drying, baking, quality of food*
*- Engineer degree from INA-PG (now AgroParisTech) in 1988*
*- Master degree in Rhelogy and heat and mass transfer from Université Paris7 in 1988*
*- PhD in Process engineering from INA-PG en 1992*
*- Academic accreditation to supervise theses (HDR) from Université de Bourgogne in 2013*
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Unravelling food thermal reactivity by an original methodology to analyze and model reactions during baking of a model cakethe 14th edition of the International Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF14) 2023, International Congress on Engineering and Food, Jun 2023, Nantes, France
Conference papers
Perspectives du génie des procédés pour la valorisation alimentaire et non alimentaire des agro-ressourcesSFGP 2022 - 18e congrès de la Société Françiase de Génie des Procédés, SFGP, Nov 2022, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Nouveaux enjeux autour de la transformation de produits locauxColloque Reterritorialisation de l'alimentation, RMT Alimentation locale, Nov 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers
Multiscale evaluation from one bubble to the foam of surface active properties of cellulose derivatives used for a starchy model sponge cake19. Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry Conference: Hydrocolloid functionality for affordable and sustainable global food solutions, Jun 2017, Berlin, Germany. 16 diapos
Conference papers
Kinetic study of furan and furfural generation during baking of cake models1st Food Chemistry Conference on Shaping the Future of Food Quality,, Oct 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands. pp.8, ⟨10.1016/j.foodchem.2017.06.126⟩
Conference papers
Potentials, limits and complementarities of these methods for the eco-assessment of processesWorkshop eco-design of agro-bio-industry processes, Feb 2016, Paris, France
Conference papers
Non-reactive sponge cake formulated with starch and cellulose derivatives : effect of process to design various cellular crumb structures13. International Hydrocolloids Conference, May 2016, Guelph, Canada
Conference papers
Impact of type and concentration of cellulose derivatives on the rheological behavior of the batter of a model sponge cake16. Edition of the Food Colloids Conference : Structuring beyond the colloidal scale, Apr 2016, Wageningen, Netherlands
Conference papers
New frontiers in food quality design: An application of a solid and inert food model to study the chemical reactivity towards furanic compounds generation during processing1. Food Chemistry Conference "Shaping the Future of Food Quality, Health and Safety", Elsevier. USA., Oct 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers
Thermo-desorption (TD-GC-MS) as a tool for following the kinetics of release of volatile compounds during baking: study on a model food imitative a sponge cake1. Food Chemistry Conference, Oct 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers
Vitamin C degradation during thermal treatment: reaction pathways in an aqueous solution and multi-response modeling2. Euro-Mediterranean Symposium on Fruit and Vegetable Processing, Apr 2016, Avignon, France
Conference papers
Prediction of the vitamin C degradation in simple liquid model1. Food Chemistry Conference, Oct 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers
Formulation d’une génoise modèle non réactive à l’aide de dérivés de celluloses17. Journées de Formulation - Polymères dans les formulations, Jun 2015, Rouen, France
Conference papers
Oxygen solubility in oils: Original measurement using a non-invasive optical sensor29. EFFoST International Conference, Nov 2015, Athènes, Greece. 687 p
Conference papers
Cellulose derivatives to tailor non-reactive sponge cakes18. Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry Conference: Hydrocolloid functionality for affordable and sustainable global food solutions, Jun 2015, Wrexham, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Starchy foam tailored with cellulose derivatives and transformed in non-reactive sponge cake after backing7. International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure (ISFRS), Jun 2015, Zürich, Switzerland
Conference papers
An original approach to study ascorbic acid degradation kinetics as a function of temperature (50-90 °C) and O2 concentration (0-30%)12. International Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF12), Jun 2015, Québec, Canada
Conference papers
Tailored model sponge cake for studying reactivity12. International Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF12), Jun 2015, Québec, Canada
Conference papers
CAPE for environmental efficiency : application to biomass drying industrial process19. International Drying Symposium (IDS 2014), Aug 2014, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Controlling sponge cake reactivity through composition and structure managementJournée DIM ASTREA, Mar 2014, Paris, France
Conference papers
Design of reactors to monitor Maillard kinetics in food products11. International Symposium on the Maillard reaction, Sep 2012, Nancy, France
Conference papers
Piloter la texture et la valeur nutritionnelle par le procédé - Application à l’innovation desserts fruitiersForum innovation recherche IPA, 22 octobre, Oct 2012, Villepinte, France
Conference papers
A mechanistic model of heat and mass transfer used as a tool to bring insight into chemical reactivity during baking of sponge-cake products6. International CIGR Technical Symposium - Section VI: "Towards a Sustainable Food Chain. Food Process, Bioprocessing and Food Quality Management", Apr 2011, Nantes, France
Conference papers
Methodology for extracting an observable reaction pathway for the simulation and control of Maillard reaction during baking of sponge-cake like products11th International Congress on Engineering and Food. “Food Process Engineering in a Changing World”, Assoc. Professor Petros Taoukis School of Chemical Engineering National Technical University of Athens, May 2011, Athènes, Greece
Conference papers
Coupling between heat and mass transfer and stoechio-kinetic models to bring insight into Maillard reaction kinetics during baking of sponge-cake products11. International Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF11), May 2011, Athens, Greece
Conference papers
Influence of air drying temperature on kinetics, physicochemical properties, total phenolic content and ascorbic acid of pears1. Euro-Mediterranean Symposium for Fruit and Vegetable Processing, Apr 2011, Avignon, France
Conference papers
Monitoring The Kinetics of Non-enzymatic Browning Reactions In Sponge Cake During Baking6th International Symposium on “Towards a Sustainable Food Chain: Food Process, Bioprocessing and Food Quality Management”, Oliver Schlüter, Apr 2011, Nantes, France
Conference papers
Water desorption of osmotic dehydrated apple and pear at different water activities: desorption isotherms and glass transition temperatureJournée AFSIA, 2011, NA, France
Conference papers
Assessing drying induced breakage and fissures of parboiled rice kernels by image analysis techniques17. International Drying Symposium (IDS), Oct 2010, Magdeburg, Germany
Conference papers
Retention of polyphenols and ascorbic acid in apples: impact of osmotic dehydration and convective drying.17. International Drying Sympoosium, Oct 2010, Magdeburg, Germany
Conference papers
Influence of process variables on colour, bulk density, porosity, shrinkage, total phenols and vitamin C of pear during osmo-convective drying3. Séminaire Maghrébin sur les Sciences et les Technologies de Séchage, Nov 2010, Marrakech, Morocco
Conference papers
Generating kinetic data on the advancement of Maillard reactions during sponge cake baking5th International Technical Symposium on Food Processing, Monitoring Technology in Bioprocesses and Food Quality Management, Aug 2009, Potsdam, Germany
Conference papers
Modélisation du couplage entre transferts et réactions de Maillard lors du traitement thermique de produits céréaliers12. Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés (SFGP 2009), Oct 2009, Marseille, France
Conference papers
Kinetics of polyphenol losses during soaking and drying of cider apples5th International Symposium on Food Processing, Sep 2009, Postdam, Germany. 10 p
Conference papers
Reaction Engineering for Sponge Cake Baking: Development of a Methodology to extract an Apparent Identifiable Reaction SchemeFOODSIM'2008 5th International Conference on Simulation and Modelling in the food and bio-industry, The European Technology Institute, Jun 2008, Dublin, Ireland
Conference papers
Influence of drying on Deglet-Nour date qualityEuropean Drying Conference, May 2007, Biarritz, France
Conference papers
Séchage et fissuration du riz1. Séminaire maghrébin sur les sciences et technologies de séchage (SMTS 2006), Dec 2006, Tozeur, Algérie
Conference papers
Influence de la teneur en matière grasse et de la répartition de la phase lipidique sur la diffusivité de l'eau dans un aliment protéique modèle10. Congrès de la Société Française en Génie des Procédés, Sep 2005, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Modelling of drying kinetics of paddy rice with emphasis on breakage quality for optimizing operating conditions8. International Conference on Engineering and Food (ICEF-8), Apr 2000, Puebla City, Mexico
Conference papers
Measurement of mechanical properties: case of rice grainQuality in drying, May 2000, Paris, France
Conference papers
Measurement of the tensile strength of rice kernels using the diametral compression techniqueQuality in drying, May 2000, Paris, France
Conference papers
Non-intrusive measurement of water content profiles using magnetic resonance imaging equipmentQuality in drying, May 2000, Paris, France
Conference papers
Application of constant-time imaging to the determination of moisture profiles during the drying of paddy rice5. International conference on applications of magnetic resonance in food science, Sep 2000, Aveiro, Portugal
Conference papers
Estimation of the food product quality using fuzzy sets18th International conference of the north american fuzzy information processing society, New-York, USA, 10-12 June 1999, 1999, United States. pp.487-491
Conference papers
Development of an image analysis methodology for following shrinkage and cracking of rice kernels during convective dryingAnnual meeting, Oct 1999, Dallas, United States
Conference papers
Estimation of the food product quality using fuzzy sets18. International conference of the north american fuzzy information processing society - NAFIPS, Jun 1999, New York, United States
Conference papers
Modeling and control of a mixed-flow rice dryer with emphasis on breakage qualityAnnual meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT'99), Jul 1999, Chicago, United States
Conference papers
Séchage des produits alimentaires. Etude par imagerie RMN11. Rencontres Scientifiques et technologiques des industries alimentaires, Mar 1999, Nantes, France
Conference papers
Kinetics of mechanical degradation of paddy rice during drying: influence of process operation conditions and modelling for control design11. International Drying Symposium - IDS '98, Aug 1998, Halkidiki, Greece. pp.1303
Conference papers
Kinetics of mechanical degradation of paddy rice during drying: Influence of process operations conditions and modelling for control design11. International drying symposium IDS'98, Aug 1998, Halkidiki, Greece
Conference papers
Détection et suivi de la fissuration des grains de riz par analyse d'image10. Rencontres scientifiques et technologiques des industries alimentaires AGORAL 98, Apr 1998, Massy, France
Conference papers
Measurement of the tensile strength of rice grains by means of the diametral compression test11. International drying symposium IDS'98, Aug 1998, Halkidiki, Greece
Conference papers
Food quality degradation model based upon fuzzy kinetic approachCOST-915 Copernicus CIPA-CT94--0120 workshop on Food Quality Modelling, Jun 1997, Leuven, Belgium
Conference papers
Modelling with words - A new way in food engineering7. International Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF7), Apr 1997, Brighton, United Kingdom. 600 p
Conference papers
Modelling of the quality of food products during drying. A fuzzy set based approach1. European Congress on Chemical Engineering (ECCE 1), May 1997, Florence, Italy. pp.2691-2694
Conference papers
Application des sous-ensembles flous au génie de la réaction lors du séchage de produits alimentaires à láir chaud6. Congrès français de génie des procédés, Sep 1997, Paris, France. 144 p
Conference papers
Modelling of drying kinetics and processing quality degradation of rough rice for CAD and control design1. European Congress of chemical Engineering (ECCE 1), May 1997, Florence, Italy
Conference papers
Evolution et modélisation de la qualité de produits agro-alimentaires au cours du séchageJournée commune SFT-AFSIA, Jan 1996, Paris, France
Conference papers
Modelling of processing quality of rough rice during drying1. Hungarian drying symposium - Meeting of the EFCE working party on drying, Apr 1995, Godollo, Hungary
Conference papers
Improvement of paddy quality by optimisation of drying conditions9. International Drying Symposium (IDS'94), Aug 1994, Gold Coast, Australia
Conference papers
Experimental study on the quality of rough rice related to drying conditionsIDS'94, Aug 1994, Gold Coast, Australia
Conference papers
Paddy drying: quality improvement by process optimisationInternational agricultural engineering conference, Dec 1994, Bangkok, Thailand
Conference papers
Progrès en séchageConférence à l'académie d'agriculture de France, Dec 1994, Paris, France
Conference papers
Influence of sucrose composition on water sorption isotherms and on glass transition in apricots1. Euro-Mediterranean Symposium for Fruit and Vegetable Processing, 2011, Avignon, France. 2011
Conference poster
Impact of drying on the mechanical properties and cracks formation in riceModern Drying Technology, 3, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 430 p., 2011, 978-3-5273-1558-1. ⟨10.1002/9783527631667.ch2⟩
Book sections
Dryer modellingAdvances in Food Dehydration, CRC Press, 467 p., 2008, Contemporary Food Engineering, 978-1-4200-5252-7
Book sections
L'eau en séchage, stockage et réhydratationL'eau et ses propriétés dans les aliments, 2000
Book sections
Suivi de l'oxydation d'une émulsion lipidique par imagerie dynamique de fluorescence.2012, pp.56-57
Other publications
Impact des procédés de stabilisation et de conservation sur la qualité des solides alimentaires – Pour une conception raisonnée d’aliments.Sciences du Vivant [q-bio]. Université de Bourgogne, 2013
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