Cedric Pradalier
Cédric Pradalier - Associate Professor - GeorgiaTech Lorraine
Researcher identifiers
- cedric-pradalier
- 0000-0002-1746-2733
- IdRef : 084632097
I. Earned Degrees
- 2015: HDR in Robotics (French diploma required to supervise PhD students, roughly translates as “Authorization to Supervise Research”): “Autonomous Mobile Systems for Long-Term Operations in Spatio-Temporal Environments”, HDR de l'Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, 2015, tel-01435879.
- 2001-2004: PhD in Computer Science, specialization in Graphics, Computer Vision and Robotics. Title: “Intentional Navigation for a Mobile Robot”. Supervisor: Prof. Christian Laugier. Institution: National Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble / INRIA (France).
- 2000-2001: Master of Science in Computer Science, specialization in Graphics, Computer Vision and Robotics. Institution: National Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble / INRIA (France).
- 1998-2001: French Ingénieur Degree (very selective degree in the French educative system, usually considered equivalent to a master degree) at ENSIMAG, National School of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics in Grenoble, France. Specialization in compilers and languages.
II. Employment
- 2012-present: Associate Professor at GeorgiaTech Lorraine, Metz, France. Head of the DREAM lab: Data-driven Robotics for Environment Assessment and Monitoring. Permanent member of the UMI 2958 GT-CNRS, a joint research lab between the CNRS and the Georgia Institute of Technology.
- 2007-2012: Deputy Director of the Autonomous Systems Lab (ASL, Director: Prof. R. Siegwart), department of Mechanical Engineering, ETH Zürich (Federal Polytechnic Institute of Zürich), Switzerland. Responsibilities: daily operation of the ASL (approx. 40 people), supervision of the third party grant and budget, research project development and supervision.
- 2009-present: Funding member of Skybotix AG, ETH spin-off specialized on the development of micro-air-vehicle for education and industrial application. Responsibilities: initially software development but purely advisorial role at this stage.
- 2004-2007: Post-doctoral fellow at the Autonomous Systems Lab (ASL), ICT Center, CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation), Brisbane, Australia. Responsibilities: software development for robotics and automation of industrial vehicles, submarines, etc...
III. Grants and Contracts (selection)
A. European funding (FP7/H2020):
- BugWright2: IA/H2020, 2020-2024, Coordinator, Robotics for Ship Hull Inspection
- Flourish: RIA/H2020, 2015-2018, PI, Robotics for Agriculture.
- Noptilus: IP/FP7, 2010-2014, PI, Autonomous Underwater Vehicles.
- V-Charge: IP/FP7, 2010-2014, Co-PI, Vision-based autonomous car navigation.
B. Funding from the European Spacial Agency (ESA):
- ExoMars, 2007-2011: PI, Proposals, development of various prototypes and tools for the ExoMars program. Prime contractor: RUAG Space (Switzerland).
- Eurobot Rover Prototype, 2009: PI, proposal, design and development of a space rover for mobile manipulation experiments. Prime contractor: GMV (Spain). Heavy Duty Planetary Chassis, 2011: PI, proposal, design and development of a scalable space rover. Supervision of 1 engineer. Prime contractor: RUAG Space (Switzerland).
C. Funding from national agencies:
• French National Research Agency: “WoodSeer” project, 2020-2024: PI, Machine Learning for the prediction of the interior structure of trees.
• Swiss National Fund: “Limnobotics” project, 2010-2013: Co-PI, Study of algae populations using an autonomous surface vessel.
• Swiss Commission for Technology and Innovation: “Autonomous Robotic Inspection using High-Precision Localisation”, 2011-2012, PI,
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The International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR) - Special issue on ``Field and Service Robotics ''Christian Laugier and Agostino Martinelli and Cédric Pradalier and Roland Siegwart. SAGE, 28 - No. 2, pp.95, 2009
Journal of Field Robotics - Special Issue on Field and Service RoboticsWiley, 25 Issue 6-7, pp.118, 2008
The Bayesian Occupation FilterBessière, P. and Laugier, C. and Siegwart, R. Probabilistic Reasoning and Decision Making in Sensory-Motor Systems, 46, Springer, 2008, Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics Series
Book sections
The CyCab : Bayesian Navigation on Sensory–Motor TrajectoriesProbabilistic Reasoning and Decision Making in Sensory-Motor Systems, springer, pp.51-75, 2008
Book sections
A task scheduler for ROS[Research Report] UMI 2958 GeorgiaTech-CNRS. 2017
IPipeline: a development framework for image processing pipelines[Technical Report] UMI 2958 GeorgiaTech-CNRS. 2017
Evaluation of Off-The-Shelf CNNs for the Representation of Natural Scenes with Large Seasonal Variations[Research Report] UMI 2958 GeorgiaTech-CNRS; CentraleSupélec UMI GT-CNRS 2958 Université Paris-Saclay. 2017
Hadoop for Roboticists[Research Report] UMI 2958 GeorgiaTech-CNRS. 2016
CS8903 Special Problem : Mesh Networks for robotic teleoperation -State of the Art and Implementation for Robotics[Research Report] UMI 2958 GeorgiaTech-CNRS. 2016
"Localization Space" : a framework for localization and planning, for systems using a Sensor/Landmarks module[Research Report] RR-4385, INRIA. 2002
Navigation intentionnelle d'un robot mobileAutre [cs.OH]. Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble - INPG, 2004. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩
Autonomous Mobile Systems for Long-Term Operations in Spatio-Temporal EnvironmentsRobotics [cs.RO]. INP DE TOULOUSE, 2015
Habilitation à diriger des recherches