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Céline Sabiron

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Compte-rendu: Traduction et Violence de Tiphaine Samoyault (Seuil, 2020)

Céline Sabiron
Translation and Literature, inPress, pp.265-271. ⟨10.3366/tal.2021.0473⟩
Journal articles hal-03132599v1
Image document

“Pichot and Scott’s Parrot: A Fabulous Tale of Parroting and Pirating”. Reworking Walter Scott

Céline Sabiron
Studies in Scottish Literature, 2019, pp.119-130
Journal articles hal-02313512v1

“Walter Scott’s Portable Borderland: The Example of Anne of Geierstein (1829)”. Borders and Spaces in the English-Speaking World,

Céline Sabiron
Recherches Anglaises et Nord Americaines, 2019
Journal articles hal-02313526v1

Compte-rendu du livre Revenir/Devenir : Gulliver ou l'autre voyage de Jean Vivies

Céline Sabiron
SELVA, 2017
Journal articles hal-03132653v1

Book Review: Elisabeth Jay. British Writers and Paris 1830-1875

Céline Sabiron
Review of English Studies, 2017, pp.186-188. ⟨10.1093/res/hgw104⟩
Journal articles hal-03132660v1

Handing Over Walter Scott?

Céline Sabiron
The Yearbook of English Studies, 2017, 47, pp.58. ⟨10.5699/yearenglstud.47.2017.0058⟩
Journal articles hal-02313551v1

L’engagement paradoxal scottien, ou comment réconcilier l’irréconciliable

Celine Sabiron
XVII-XVIII Revue de la Société d'études anglo-américaines des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles , 2016, Aurea mediocritas, 72, pp.249 - 268. ⟨10.4000/1718.375⟩
Journal articles hal-01526606v1

Book Review: Subversion and Sympathy: Gender, Law, and the British Novel by Martha C. Nussbaum and Alison L. Lacroix (2013)

Céline Sabiron
The BARS Review, 2016
Journal articles hal-03132632v1

Book Review: ‘Curious about France’: visions littéraires victoriennes

Céline Sabiron
French Studies, 2016, 70 (2), pp.274. ⟨10.1093/fs/knw010⟩
Journal articles hal-03132669v1

Book Review: Daniel Grader's The Life of Sir Walter Scott by John Macrone

Céline Sabiron
The BARS Review, 2016
Journal articles hal-03132624v1
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Exhuming the Vestigial Antique Body in Walter Scott's Caledonia

Celine Sabiron
Miranda : Revue pluridisciplinaire sur le monde anglophone. Multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal on the English-speaking world , 2015, 11, ⟨10.4000/miranda.6694⟩
Journal articles hal-02313540v1

Places in Translation in Walter Scott’s The Heart of Midlothian

Céline Sabiron
Etudes Anglaises, 2010
Journal articles hal-02936278v1
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Homecoming and Liminality in Walter Scott’s Guy Mannering

Céline Sabiron
Études écossaises, 2010, 13, pp.103 - 117. ⟨10.4000/etudesecossaises.224⟩
Journal articles hal-02936284v1

Le rôle de l’intertexte et du palimpseste dans la création d’une Écosse mythique dans Waverley et Rob Roy de Walter Scott

Céline Sabiron
E-rea - Revue électronique d’études sur le monde anglophone, 2010, ⟨10.4000/erea.1213⟩
Journal articles hal-02936292v1

Crossing and Transgressing in Walter Scott’s The Heart of Midlothian

Céline Sabiron
Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net, 2009, 56, ⟨10.7202/1001096ar⟩
Journal articles hal-02936307v1

Fictional Detail and Metafiction

Céline Sabiron
Fictional Detail and Metafiction: Text-Making and the Act of Translation, Sébastien Scarpa, Feb 2020, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-02935673v1

"Scott-land" ou la fabrication de l'Ecosse par Walter Scott

Céline Sabiron
"Scott-land" ou la fabrication de l'Ecosse par Walter Scott, Université de Picardie-Jules Verne, Feb 2019, Amiens, France
Conference papers hal-02935683v1

Comparative Perspectives on Interdisciplinary Methodology in Cultural Mediation and Critical Race Theory

Marilyne Brun , Céline Sabiron
Quelle interdisciplinarité pour/dans nos recherches ? IDEA One-Day Workshop, Université de Lorraine, Jul 2019, Metz, France
Conference papers hal-02893872v1

“Translating the Border in Walter Scott’s Anne of Geierstein”

Céline Sabiron
“Translating the Border in Walter Scott’s Anne of Geierstein”, Université de Strasbourg, Jan 2019, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers hal-02935687v1

Round table discussion dedicated to the issue of Border Dynamics: Mediation and Hybridity across the British Isles, Italy and France

Antonella Laplace Braida , Céline Sabiron
14th ESSE conference. The European Society for the Study of English, Aug 2018, Brno, Czech Republic
Conference papers hal-03115769v1

Performing Translatorship

Céline Sabiron
Performing Translatorship: Embedded Metatextual Discourses in Amédée Pichot’s work, Séminaire “les mercredis de la traduction”, Université Paris Ouest-Nanterre, Dec 2017, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02936337v1

Table ronde "Nouvelles Traductions, nouvelles fictions? / New Translations, New Fictions?" (CERC-OCCT)

Anne Isabelle François , Yen-Mai Tran-Gervat , Celine Sabiron , Matthew Reynolds , Claudine Le Blanc
40e Congrès de la SFLGC, SFLGC; Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Nov 2015, Amiens, France
Conference papers hal-01427000v1
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Translating the French in the French Translations of Jane Eyre

Céline Sabiron
Matthew Reynolds. Prismatic Jane Eyre : close-reading a world novel across languages, OpenBook Publishers, pp.244-267, 2023, 978-1-80064-842-5. ⟨10.11647/obp.0319.07⟩
Book sections hal-02935843v1

The Times of Romanticism

Sophie Laniel-Musitelli , Céline Sabiron
Sophie Laniel-Musitelli; Céline Sabiron. Romanticism and Time : literary temporalities, OpenBook Publishers, pp.ix-xxii, 2021, 978-1-80064-071-9. ⟨10.11647/OBP.0232.12⟩
Book sections hal-03955592v1

Cross-Channel Literary Crossings and The Borders of Translatability

Céline Sabiron
Nicola Gardini; Adriana X. Jacobs; Ben Morgan; Mohamed Salah Omri; Matthew Reynolds. Minding Borders: Resilient Divisions in Literature, the Body and the Academy, Legenda, 2016, 978-1909662636
Book sections hal-01524398v1

Walter Scott and the Geographical Novel

Céline Sabiron
Emmanuelle Peraldo. Literature and Geography: The Writing of Space Throughout History, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016, 978-1-4438-8548-5
Book sections hal-01524429v1

Mapping out the Vestigial Body of the Roman Limes in Walter Scott’s Caledonia

Céline Sabiron
Caroline Bertonèche; Charlotte Ribeyrol. Antique Bodies in 19th–Century British Literature and Culture, Brill - Rodopi, 2014
Book sections hal-01523902v1

Laura Fusco

Céline Sabiron , Barbara Schmidt , Giorgia Bongiorno , Élise Montel-Hurlin , Laura Toppan
Presses universitaires de Nancy - Éditions universitaires de Lorraine, pp.258, 2021, Collection ARIEL, 978-2-8143-0605-9
Books hal-02980671v1

Romanticism and Time

Sophie Laniel-Musitelli , Céline Sabiron
OpenBook Publishers, 2021, 978-1-80064-071-9. ⟨10.11647/OBP.0232⟩
Books hal-02935838v1

Textuality and Translation

Nathalie Collé , Monica Latham , Catherine Chauvin , Céline Sabiron
Presses Universitaires de Nancy - Editions Universitaires de Lorraine. Book Practices & Textual Itineraries (6), 255 pp., 2020, Nathalie Collé et Monica Latham, 978-2-8143-0335-5
Books hal-02934709v1

‘Stories for Healing’

Céline Sabiron , Barbara Schmidt , Monica Latham , Claire Mckeown , Marilyne Brun
Presses Universitaires de Nancy - Éditions Universitaires de Lorraine, pp.319, 2020, Collection ARIEL, 978-2-8143-0612-7
Books hal-03475164v1

Suicide, de Mark Sa Franko

Barbara Schmidt , Catherine Delesse , Pierre-Yves Coudert , Dominique Hascoët , Michel Weber
Books hal-02767436v1

Inconstances romantiques : visions et révisions dans la littérature britannique du long XIXe siècle

Antonella Braida , Céline Sabiron , Sophie Laniel-Musitelli
Antonella Braida-Laplace Sophie Laniel-Musitelli, Céline Sabiron. PUN - Éditions Universitaires de Lorraine, 2019, 978-2-8143-0548-9
Books hal-02319986v1

Écrire la Frontière: Walter Scott, ou les chemins de l'errance

Céline Sabiron
Presses Universitaires de Provence; Presses universitaires de Provence, pp.218, 2016, Textuelles. Écritures du voyage, 979-10-320-0036-6. ⟨10.4000/books.pup.10373⟩
Books hal-01523341v1


Céline Sabiron
Presses universitaires de Paris Ouest, 2015, Intercalaires : Agrégation d’anglais, Pédagogie, 978-2-84016-219-3
Books hal-02313556v1