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Chloé Froissart

Publications de Chloé Froissart
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Political science Humanities and Social Sciences



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A Long-Term Perspective on the Chinese Communist Party

Jérôme Doyon , Chloé Froissart
Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 2022, 51 (3), pp.353 - 363. ⟨10.1177/18681026221141448⟩
Journal articles hal-03946846v1
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A Long-Term Perspective on the Chinese Communist Party

Jérôme Doyon , Chloé Froissart
Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 2022, 51 (3), pp.186810262211414. ⟨10.1177/18681026221141448⟩
Journal articles hal-03909067v1

From outsiders to insiders: the rise of China ENGOs as new experts in the law-making process and the building of a technocratic representation

Chloé Froissart
Journal of Chinese Governance, 2019, 4 (3), pp.207-232. ⟨10.1080/23812346.2019.1638686⟩
Journal articles hal-03122022v1
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Trouver un compromis entre organisations d’Etat et organisations ouvrières.

Chloé Froissart , Yan Liu , Quan Meng
Perspectives chinoises, 2019
Journal articles hal-03168619v1
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Enjeux du débat sur les sciences sociales dans la Chine de Xi Jinping

Chloé Froissart
Perspectives chinoises, 2019
Journal articles hal-03122159v1

Negotiating authoritarianism and its limits: Worker-led collective bargaining in Guangdong Province

Chloé Froissart
China Information, 2018, 32 (1), pp.23-45. ⟨10.1177/0920203X17743126⟩
Journal articles hal-03122161v1
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Han Dongfang (in collaboration with Michaël Sztanke), Mon combat pour les ouvriers chinois (My struggle for Chinese workers)

Chloé Froissart
China perspectives, 2015, ⟨10.4000/chinaperspectives.6738⟩
Journal articles hal-03541399v1
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L’émergence de négociations collectives autonomes en Chine

Chloé Froissart
Critique Internationale, 2014, pp.43-63
Journal articles hal-03119518v1
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The Ambiguities between Contention and Political Participation: A Study of Civil Society Development in Authoritarian Regimes

Chloé Froissart
Journal of Civil Society, 2014, 10, pp.219 - 222. ⟨10.1080/17448689.2014.944758⟩
Journal articles hal-03168618v1
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Using the Law as a ‘Harmonious Weapon’: The Ambiguities of Legal Activism in Favour of Migrant Workers in China

Chloé Froissart
Journal of Civil Society, 2014, 10, pp.255 - 272. ⟨10.1080/17448689.2014.941086⟩
Journal articles hal-03168621v1
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Hong Kong et le delta de la rivière des Perles : liens économiques et activisme social

Chloé Froissart , Yi Xu
Critique : revue générale des publications françaises et étrangères, 2014
Journal articles hal-03168622v1
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Réforme du droit et contestation sociale sans État de droit : le laboratoire chinois

Leïla Choukroune , Chloé Froissart
Le Mouvement social, 2013, 244, pp.47-65. ⟨10.3917/lms.244.0047⟩
Journal articles hal-03168623v1
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Quelles avancées pour les négociations collectives et la réforme des syndicats en Chine ?

Chloé Froissart
Chronique internationale de l'IRES, 2012
Journal articles hal-03168626v1
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Isabelle Thireau and Huan Lianshan, Les ruses de la démocratie. Protester en Chine

Chloé Froissart
China perspectives, 2012
Journal articles hal-03541360v1

Migrations de travail et droits sociaux de l’Europe de 1900 à la Chine d’aujourd’hui

Chloe Froissart , Ivan Jablonka , Nicolas Delalande , Paul-Andre Rosental
La vie des idées, 2012
Journal articles hal-03569135v1
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"NGOs" defending migrant workers' rights.

Chloé Froissart
China perspectives, 2011, The Changing World of Chinese Labour, 2011 (2), pp.18-25. ⟨10.4000/chinaperspectives.5549⟩
Journal articles hal-03541338v1
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La radicalisation des actions collectives en Chine et ses conséquences politiques

Chloé Froissart
Chronique internationale de l'IRES, 2011
Journal articles hal-03168627v1
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Les “ONG” de défense des droits des travailleurs migrants : des organisations proto-syndicales qui contribuent à la stabilité du régime

Chloé Froissart
Perspectives chinoises, 2011
Journal articles hal-03168624v1
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Les entreprises françaises en Chine

José Allouche , Jean-Luc Domenach , Chloe Froissart , Patrick Gilbert , Martine Le Boulaire
Les Études du CERI, 2008, 145-146, pp.1 - 71
Journal articles hal-03393511v1
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Kevin J. O'Brien and Lianjiang Li, Rightful resistance in rural China

Chloé Froissart
China perspectives, 2007, ⟨10.4000/chinaperspectives.2723⟩
Journal articles hal-03541348v1
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Fei-Ling Wang, Organizing Through Division and Exclusion: China's Hukou System

Chloé Froissart
China perspectives, 2006
Journal articles hal-03541367v1
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The rise of social movements among migrant workers. Uncertain strivings for autonomy

Chloé Froissart
China perspectives, 2005
Journal articles hal-03541330v1
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Chen Yan, L'Eveil de la Chine, l'Aube 2002, and Zhang Lun, La vie intellectuelle en Chine depuis la mort de Mao, Paris, Fayard

Chloé Froissart
China perspectives, 2003
Journal articles hal-03541386v1
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The hazards of the right to an education. The study of the schooling of migrant workers children in Chengdu.

Chloé Froissart
China perspectives, 2003, 48
Journal articles hal-03541320v1
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Introduction - The Chinese Communist Party: A 100-Year Trajectory

Jérôme Doyon , Chloé Froissart
Jérôme Doyon; Chloé Froissart. The Chinese Communist Party: A 100-Year Trajectory, ANU Press, pp.1-14, 2024, 9781760466237. ⟨10.22459/CCP.2024⟩
Book sections hal-04428176v1
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Labour NGOs under assault

Chloé Froissart
Verso Books. Ivan Franceschini and Christian Sorace eds, Proletarian China. A century of Chinese labour., 2022
Book sections hal-04097998v1
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The Sun Zhigang case

Chloé Froissart
Verso books. Proletarian China. A century of Chinese labour, 2022
Book sections hal-04097990v1
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Changing Patterns of Chinese Civil Society: Comparing the Hu-Wen and the Xi Jinping Eras

Chloé Froissart
Book sections hal-03541104v1
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“L’évolution de la dynamique des grèves en Chine et leur impact sur la démocratisation au sein des entreprises”

Chloé Froissart
Clément Séhier and Richard Sobel (dir.),. Travail, luttes sociales et régulation du capitalisme dans la Chine contemporaine,, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, p. 103-121., 2015
Book sections hal-03119516v1

The Rise of Migrant Workers' Collective Action : Toward a New Social Contract in China

Chloé Froissart
Gilles Guiheux and Khun Eng Kuah-Pearce. Social Movement in China and Hong Kong : The Expansion of Protest Space, Amsterdam UNiversity Press, pp.155-178, 2009
Book sections halshs-00632939v1

Les migrations intérieures en Chine

Chloé Froissart
L'Enjeu Mondial. Le phénomène migratoire (Global challenge: the migration phenomenon), Institute of Political Science Press, pp.65-72, 2009
Book sections halshs-00632993v1

The Rise of Migrant Workers' Collective Action : Toward a New Social Contract in China

Chloé Froissart
Gilles Guiheux and Khun Eng Kuah-Pearce. Social Movement in China and Hong Kong : The Expansion of Protest Space, Amsterdam UNiversity Press, pp.155-178, 2009
Book sections halshs-00633485v1

Pressions démocratiques et intégration d'un groupe vulnérable : l'exemple des ONG au service des travailleurs migrants en Chine

Chloé Froissart
séminaire du groupe de recherche ESOPP, May 2010, Rennes, France
Conference papers halshs-00633494v1

Helping the CCP to find its own way toward modernity? the case of NGOs providing support to migrant workers in China

Chloé Froissart
colloque international China in Search of Sustainable Development, Social Harmony and Soft Power, Jul 2010, Beverly, United States
Conference papers halshs-00633492v1

Is there an NGO model ? Comparing NGOs supporting migrant workers in Beijing and in the Pearl River Delta

Chloé Froissart
China State of the Art Conference, Dec 2009, Liège, Belgique
Conference papers halshs-00633496v1

Civic Engagement: a Recreation of the Democratic Ideal? The Example of NGOs Supporting Migrant Workers

Chloé Froissart
colloque international The Impact of the 1989 pro-Democracy Movement and its Repression on the Evolution of the Politics, Economy, and International Relations of the PRC, Jun 2009, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR China
Conference papers halshs-00633503v1

Democratic pressure and integration of a marginalized social group : the example of NGOs supporting migrant workers

Chloé Froissart
British Inter-University China Center Annual Conference, Nov 2009, Manchester, United Kingdom
Conference papers halshs-00633499v1