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Associate Professor IAE Nancy School of Management Université de Lorraine
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Quantitative Finance [q-fin]


Timing inconsistencies in the calculation in Funds of Funds net asset value in: Computational Finance and its applications

Christine Louargant
Computational Finance and its applications, ed. M. Constantino and C.A. Brebbia editors, WIT Press,, 2006
Book sections hal-04295154v1

Disentengling the genuine effect of CRAs’ rating announcements from investigator bias on stock markets:a meta-analysis

Jean-Noël Ory , Patrice Laroche , Christine Louargant , Jerome Hubler
Vietnam Symposium in Banking and Finance, Oct 2023, Hanoï/Vietnam, Vietnam
Conference papers hal-04295193v1

Disentangling the Genuine Effect of CRAs’ Rating Announcements from Investigator Bias on Stock Markets: A Meta-analysis

Christine Louargant , Patrice Laroche , Jean-Noël Ory , Jerome Hubler
World Finance Meeting, Dec 2023, Vilnius, Lithuania
Conference papers hal-04295225v1

The impact of Credit Rating Agencies in an emerging market: A comparison between National Chinese and International Agencies in China

Jerome Hubler , Christine Louargant
ICEBM 10th, Dec 2019, Tokyo, Japan
Conference papers hal-04295242v1

The impacts of CRA on Chinese markets

Christine Louargant , Jerome Hubler
APSSC, 7th Asia-Pacific Social Science Conference, 17-19/12 December, Kyoto, 30 p., Dec 2019, Kyoto, Japan
Conference papers hal-04295281v1

How rating agencies’decisions impact stock markets? A meta analysis

Jerome Hubler , Patrice Laroche , Christine Louargant , Jean-Noël Ory
12h Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets (CAFM), Dec 2017, Seoul, South Korea
Conference papers hal-02512759v1

How do Rating Agencies’ Decisions impact Stock Markets ? A Meta-Analysis

Jérôme Hubler , Patrice Laroche , Christine Louargant , Jean-Noël Ory
30th Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, Dec 2017, Sidney, Australia
Conference papers hal-02537567v1

How rating agencies’decisions impact stock markets? A meta analysis

Jerome Hubler , Patrice Laroche , Christine Louargant , Jean-Noël Ory
47th International Business Research Conference, Dec 2017, Osaka, Japan
Conference papers hal-02512757v1

How rating agencies’ decisions impact stock markets? A meta analysis

Jerome Hubler , Patrice Laroche , Christine Louargant , Jean-Noël Ory
8th Global Business and Finance Research Conference, Oct 2017, Taipei, Taiwan
Conference papers hal-02512763v1

Will UCITS Funds Dominate Non UCITS Funds?

Christine Louargant , Hooi Hooi Lean
IJAS conference Freiburg, International Journal of Arts and Sciences, 2013, Freiburg (Fribourg), Germany. pp.19-31
Conference papers hal-01376131v1

La notation d’un fonds d’investissement est-elle un indicateur de sa performance future? La Notation Financière : Une Histoire de Confiance?

Vincent Fromentin , Christine Louargant , L. Neuberg , F. Chauvet
Colloque international, Mar 2013, Mons, Belgique
Conference papers hal-01375674v1

UCITS vs. Non-UCITS funds: Stochastic dominance approach

Hooi Hooi Lean , Christine Louargant
Sixth International Conference of the Thailand Econometric Society, Thailand Econometric Society, Jan 2013, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Conference papers hal-01376125v1