The Role of Defects Created by Implanted Ions on the Electrochemical Behavior of Pseudocapacitive Thin Film Electrodes
Thierry Brousse
Etienne Le Calvez
A. Lebreton
Bukola Jolayemi
J. Barbe
2023 Materials Research Society Spring Meeting (MRS2023), Apr 2023, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers
Vers une compréhension des interfaces métal / isolant / électrolyte aqueux dans les micro-condensateurs électrolytiques à haute tension
Cedric Teyssedou
Christophe Lethien
Pascal Roussel
Journées Nord-Ouest Européennes des Jeunes Chercheurs (JNOEJC2023), May 2023, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Conference papers
Sputtered ternary transition metal oxide-based electrodes for micro-supercapacitors applications: approach, challenges and prospects
Bukola Jolayemi
Gaetan Buvat
Thierry Brousse
Pascal Roussel
Christophe Lethien
EMRS Spring Meeting 2023, May 2023, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers
Influence des conditions de dépôt par pulvérisation cathodique sur des films minces de nitrure de métaux de transition (MoN; VN)
Aiman Jrondi
Kevin Robert
Christophe Lethien
Pascal Roussel
Réunion annuelle du Groupe Français d’Etude des Composés d’Insertion (GFECI-2023), Mar 2023, Biarritz, France
Conference papers
Ternary vanadium tungsten nitride film for micro-supercapacitor electrode
Khac-Huy Dinh
Kevin Robert
Clement Leviel
Joelle Thuriot
Marielle Huvé
74th Annual ISE Congress, Sep 2023, Lyon, France
Conference papers
[Invited] Quand la chimie du solide rencontre la micro-électronique: les micro-batteries 3D
Pascal Roussel
C. Lethien
RX&Mat2023 - 15ème colloque Rayons X et Matière, Nov 2023, Bordeaux (Gironde), France
Conference papers
[Invited] Micro-supercapacitors and micro-batteries: complementary microdevices for powering IoT
Pascal Roussel
C. Lethien
3rd Summer School Sciences for a Changing Planet, Sep 2023, Lille, France
Conference papers
[Invited] Latest advances in sputtered nitride films as high performance pseudocapacitive electrodes for solid-state micro-supercapacitors
C. Lethien
Thierry Brousse
Bruce Dunn
Pascal Roussel
2023 Materials Research Society Spring Meeting (MRS2023), Apr 2023, San francisco, USA, United States
Conference papers
High Throughput Characterization Methods at the Wafer Scale for Sputtered Films Used in Micro-Supercapacitors and Li-Ion Micro-Batteries
Pascal Roussel
Aiman Jrondi
Khac Huy Dinh
Bukola Jolayemi
Clément Leviel
MRS Spring Meeting 2023, Apr 2023, San Francisco, California, United States
Conference papers
Influence des conditions de dépôt par pulvérisation cathodique sur des films minces de nitrure de métaux de transition (MoN; VN)
Aiman Jrondi
Christophe Lethien
Pascal Roussel
Journées Nord-Ouest Européennes des Jeunes Chercheurs (JNOEJC2023), May 2023, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Conference papers
Towards an understanding of the metal / insulator / aqueous electrolyte interfaces in high voltage electrolytic micro-capacitors
Cedric Teyssedou
Christophe Lethien
Pascal Roussel
Congrès 2023 de la Société Chimique de France (SCF2023), Jun 2023, Nantes, France
Conference papers
[Invited] Miniaturisation du stockage électrochimique de l’énergie pour l’Internet des Objets : rêve ou réalité ?
Christophe Lethien
Pascal Roussel
Frédéric Favier
Jean Le Bideau
Patrice Simon
Plénieres du GdR OxyFun, Apr 2022, Visioconférence, France
Conference papers
Sputtered vanadium nitride films as efficient pseudocapacitive electrodes with high cycle stability
Aiman Jrondi
Christophe Lethien
Pascal Roussel
11th National Days on Energy Harvesting and Storage, Jul 2022, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
[Invited] Last advances in sputtered nitride films as high performance pseudocapacitive electrodes for solid-state micro-supercapacitors
Christophe Lethien
Pascal Roussel
Thierry Brousse
Bruce Dunn
International Symposium on Enhanced Electrochemical Capacitors (ISE ECap 2022), Jul 2022, Bologne, Italy
Conference papers
[Invited] Quand la chimie du solide rencontre la micro-électronique: les micro-batteries 3D
Pascal Roussel
Christophe Lethien
2ème journées recherche de l'Université de Lille, 2022, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
Conference papers
Structural evolution and charge storage mechanism of sputtered LiMn15Ni1;5O4 thin films by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy
Ankush Bhatia
Clement Leviel
Maxime Hallot
Jean Pierre Pereira-Ramos
Christophe Lethien
European Materials Research Society Spring meeting (EMRS 2022), May 2022, Visioconférence, France
Conference papers
High-performance asymmetric micro-supercapacitors based on VN and RuN sputtered films
Khac Huy Dinh
Kevin Robert
Florent Blanchard
Marielle Huvé
Pascal Roussel
CChESMate 1st meeting - Climate Change and Energy Solutions through Materials Science, Apr 2022, Lille, France
Conference papers
When Solid State Chemistry meets Micro-electronics: New 3D micro-batteries
Pascal Roussel
Thierry Brousse
Christophe Lethien
Séminaire au laboratoire CRISMAT, 2022, Caen, France
Conference papers
Vers une compréhension des interfaces métal / isolant et isolant / électrolyte aqueux au sein de micro-condensateurs électrolytiques pour application haute tension
Cédric Teyssedou
G. Buvat
F. Marlec
Pascal Roussel
Christophe Lethien
Matériaux 2022, Fédération Française des Matériaux, Oct 2022, Lille, France
Conference papers
Asymmetric VN // RuN micro-supercapacitors based on sputtered metal nitride films
Khac-Huy Dinh
Kevin Robert
Florent Blanchard
Marielle Huvé
Pascal Roussel
European Materials Research Society Spring meeting (EMRS 2022), May 2022, Visioconférence, France
Conference papers
Pulvérisation réactive pour le dépôt de nitrure de vanadium comme électrodes de micro-supercondensateurs performants et stables en cyclage
A. Jrondi
Christophe Lethien
Pascal Roussel
F. Blanchard
D. Deresmes
Matériaux 2022, Fédération Française des Matériaux, Oct 2022, Lille, France
Conference papers
In Situ tem Cycling of Semi-Solid State Micro-Battery in Liquid Electrolyte
Ankush Bhatia
Maxime Hallot
Sorina Cretu
Maxime Berthe
David Troadec
239th ElectroChemical Society Meeting, ElectroChemical Society, May 2021, Online & Chicago, Ill., United States. pp.181-181, ⟨10.1149/MA2021-012181mtgabs⟩
Conference papers
[Invited] Micro-batteries Li-ion et micro-supercondensateurs au service de l'Internet des Objets miniaturisé
Christophe Lethien
Pascal Roussel
Frédéric Favier
Jean Le Bideau
Patrice Simon
Journées du Groupe Français d’Etude des Composés d’Insertion - GFECI 2021, Mar 2021, en ligne, France
Conference papers
Structural evolution and charge storage mechanism of sputtered LiMn15Ni1,5O4 thin films by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy
Ankush Bhatia
Clément Leviel
Maxime Hallot
Jean Pierre Pereira-Ramos
C. Lethien
European Materials Research Society Spring meeting (EMRS 2021), May 2021, Virtual - Online, France
Conference papers
Implantation de défauts et l’étude de leurs influences sur les propriétés électrochimiques du Nitrure de Vanadium
Etienne Le Calvez
Kevin Robert
Olivier Crosnier
Christophe Lethien
Thierry Brousse
Journées du Groupe Français d’Etude des Composés d’Insertion - GFECI 2021, Mar 2021, en ligne, France
Conference papers
Micro-diffraction study of sputtered LiMn1.5Ni0.5O4 thin films for Li-ion micro-batteries
Clement Leviel
Ankush Bhatia
Maxime Hallot
Florent Blanchard
Jean Pierre Pereira-Ramos
Journées de la Division Chimie du Solide de la Société Chimique de France (SCF), Nov 2021, Visioconférence, France
Conference papers
In Situ liquid electrochemical TEM investigation of Semi-Solid State LMNO Micro-Battery
Ankush Bhatia
Maxime Hallot
Sorina Creţu
Maxime Berthe
Nicolas Folastre
Microscopy and Microanalysis (M&M2021), Aug 2021, Virtual conference, France
Conference papers
Sputtered multi-cationic oxides thin-films, a new approach for micro-supercapacitors electrodes
Gaëtan Buvat
Bukola Jolayemi
Antonella Iadecola
Florent Blanchard
Thierry Brousse
SCF2021 Congress, May 2021, Nantes, France
Conference papers
X-ray microdiffraction study of LiMn1.5 Ni0.5O4 thin films deposited by sputtering for Li-ion micro-batteries application
Clément Leviel
Ankush Bhatia
Maxime Hallot
Florent Blanchard
Jean-Pierre Peireira Ramos
Journées 2021 de la Division Chimie du Solide de la SCF, Nov 2021, En ligne, France. 2 p
Conference papers
Étude par micro-diffraction X de couches minces de LiMn1.5Ni0.5O4 déposées par pulvérisation cathodique pour application micro-batteries Li-ion
Clément Leviel
Ankush Bhatia
Maxime Hallot
Florent Blanchard
Jean Pierre Pereira-Ramos
14ème colloque Rayons X et Matière, Nov 2021, Aix en Provence, France
Conference papers
Micro-supercondensateurs asymétriques à base de nitrure de métal de transition polycationiques
Christophe Lethien
Pascal Roussel
Journées du Défi Nouveau Matériaux de la MITI – CNRS, Mar 2021, Visioconférence, France
Conference papers
[Invited] Micro-dispositifs de stockage haute puissance tout solide: rêve ou réalité ?
Christophe Lethien
P.L. Taberna
Pascal Roussel
F. Favier
J. Le Bideau
Bi-Annuelle du RS2E, Oct 2021, Amiens, France
Conference papers
[Invited] Miniaturisation du stockage électrochimique de l'énergie : vers la fabrication de micro-batteries performantes tout solide
Christophe Lethien
Workshop « Microénergie pour l'Internet des Objets », Feb 2020, Paris, France
Conference papers
Powering the Internet of Things with planar and 3D micro-supercapacitors: dream or reality?
Kevin Robert
Bouchra Asbani
Botayna Bounor
Gaetan Buvat
Didier Stiévenard
PRiME 2020 (Pacific Rim Meeting, ECS, ECSJ, KECS Joint Meeting), Oct 2020, Visioconférence, Japan
Conference papers
[Invited] Vers la fabrication de micro-dispositifs de stockage électrochimique en technologie couche mince pour l'IoT
Christophe Lethien
Journées Annuelles du GDR OXYFUN, Nov 2020, Guéthary, France
Conference papers
Structure and electronic properties of pseudocapacitive vanadium nitride films
Maya Marinova
Marielle Huvé
Kevin Robert
Christophe Lethien
David Troadec
The European Microscopy Congress 2020 (EMC2020), Aug 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark
Conference papers
[Invited] Challenges and prospects of 3D micro-supercapacitors for powering the internet of things
Christophe Lethien
15th International Ceramics Congress, CIMTEC 2020, Symposium CJ - Materials Demands Towards Next Generation Electrochemical Energy Storage Systems, Sep 2020, Montecatini Terme, Italy
Conference papers
Wafer-Scale Fabrication of Solid-State on-Chip Microsupercapacitors Based on Silicon-Processing Techniques
Christopher Choi
Pierre-Louis Taberna
Christophe Lethien
Patrice Simon
Bruce Dunn
237th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, 237th ECS Meeting, Session A01 - Supercapacitor 1, May 2020, Montreal, Canada. pp.4-4, ⟨10.1149/MA2020-0114mtgabs⟩
Conference papers
In-situ cycling in liquid electrochemical TEM of FIB prepared semi all solid state 2-D micro-battery
Ankush Bhatia
Maxime Hallot
Kirill Cherednichenko
Maxime Berthe
David Troadec
237th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, 237th ECS Meeting, Session A01 - LIB Cathode/Solid Electrolyte, May 2020, Montréal, Canada. pp.74-74, ⟨10.1149/MA2020-01174mtgabs⟩
Conference papers
Evidencing the Influence of Defects on the Charge Storage Mechanism of Sputtered Vanadium Nitride Pseudocapacitive Electrode
Thierry Brousse
Etienne Le Calvez
Kevin Robert
Marielle Huvé
Maya Marinova
PRiME 2020 (Pacific Rim Meeting, ECS, ECSJ, KECS Joint Meeting), Oct 2020, Visioconférence, Japan
Conference papers
New insights in sputtered transition metal nitride films for on chip micro-supercapacitors
Kevin Robert
Didier Stiévenard
Saliha Ouendi
Camille Douard
Pascal Roussel
236th Electrochemical Society Meeting (ECS236), Oct 2019, Atlanta, United States
Conference papers
Élaboration de couches minces Nb2O5 par pulvérisation cathodique pour des applications à forte densité d’énergie
Cassandra Arico
Florent Blanchard
Pierre-Louis Taberna
Pascal Roussel
Pardis Simon
Réunion annuelle du Groupe Français d’Etude des Composés d’Insertion (GFECI-2018), Mar 2018, Le Touquet, France
Conference papers
Further insight in LiMn1.5Ni0.5O4 thin film from planar to 3D all solid state Lithium-ion microbattery
Maxime Hallot
Pascal Roussel
Christophe Lethien
Réunion annuelle du Groupe Français d’Etude des Composés d’Insertion (GFECI-2018), Mar 2018, Le Touquet, France
Conference papers
Sputtered Nb2O5 thin films for hybrid miniaturized electrochemical energy storage systems
Cassandra Arico
Saliha Ouendi
Florent Blanchard
Pascal Roussel
Pierre-Louis Taberna
69th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Sep 2018, Bologna, Italy
Conference papers
Nanometer-thick ALD coating on micrometer-thick sputtered LiMn1.5Ni0.5O4 films: a strategy to stabilize the solid/liquid interface?
Maxime Hallot
Christophe Lethien
Pascal Roussel
Matériaux 2018, Nov 2018, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers
[Invited] New 3D design for mobile microbatteries
Pascal Roussel
Thierry Brousse
Christophe Lethien
Advanced Energy Materials World Congress 2018 (AEMWC2018), Nov 2018, Stockholm, Sweden
Conference papers
[Invited] Vanadium and tungsten nitride thin film electrodes for micro-supercapacitor
Kevin Robert
Saliha Ouendi
Camille Douard
A. Iadecolla
Pardis Simon
233rd ECS Meeting, May 2018, Seattle, United States
Conference papers
Thin film electrodes for fast electrochemical microdevices based on redox or intercalation pseudocapacitance
Cassandra Arico
Kevin Robert
Kevin Brousse
Saliha Ouendi
Camille Douard
232th Electrochemical Society Meeting (ECS232), Oct 2017, Washington, United States
Conference papers
Elaboration de films minces de Nb2O5 par pulvérisation cathodique pour micro-supercondensateurs à haute densité d’énergie
Cassandra Arico
Saliha Ouendi
Kevin Brousse
Florent Blanchard
Pierre-Louis Taberna
RX2017 - 12ème colloque Rayons X et Matière, Nov 2017, Lille, France
Conference papers
Further insight in sputtered LiMn1.5Ni0.504 thin film for solid state Li-ion microbattery
Maxime Hallot
Pascal Roussel
Thierry Brousse
Christophe Lethien
8th Lithium Battery Discussions (LiBd8), Jun 2017, Arcachon, France
Conference papers
Step conformal solid electrolyte deposited by ALD on robust 3D silicon scaffold for on chip Li-ion microbattery
Manon Létiche
Étienne Eustache
Jeremy Freixas
Laurence Morgenroth
Pascal Tilmant
Material Research Society Spring Meeting (MRS Spring 2016), Mar 2016, Phoenix, United States
Conference papers
Sputtered LiMn1.5Ni0.5O4 thin for Li-ion microbattery
Manon Létiche
Étienne Eustache
Pascal Roussel
Thierry Brousse
Christophe Lethien
Material Research Society Spring Meeting (MRS Spring 2016), Mar 2016, Phoenix, United States
Conference papers
Devices and micro-devices using ionic liquids and ionogel electrolytes
Mylène Brachet
Etienne Eustache
Dorian Gaboriau
Camille Douard
Gérard Bidan
5th International Conference on Advanced Capacitors 2016, May 2016, Otsu, Japan
Conference papers
Sputtered LiMn1.5Ni0.5O4 thin film for Li-ion microbattery
Manon Létiche
Étienne Eustache
Thierry Brousse
Marielle Huvé
Christophe Lethien
Journées Nord-Ouest Européennes des Jeunes Chercheurs (JNOEJC2016), Jun 2016, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Conference papers
Atomic Layer deposition of thin films materials for 3D solid state Li-ion microbattery
Manon Létiche
Jeremy Freixas
Étienne Eustache
Arnaud Demortière
Pascal Roussel
11th Japan-France joint seminar on Batteries, Sep 2016, Nantes, France
Conference papers
On-chip carbide derived carbon films for high performance micro-supercapacitors
K. Brousse
P. Huang
Sébastien Pinaud
Marc Respaud
Bruno Chaudret
2016 IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC), Oct 2016, Toulouse, France. pp.1-3
Conference papers
Sputtered LiMn1.5Ni0.5O4 thin film for Li-ion microbattery
Manon Létiche
Étienne Eustache
Thierry Brousse
Pascal Roussel
Christophe Lethien
Congrès 2015 de la Société Chimique de France (SCF2015), Jul 2015, Lille, France
Conference papers
Evidence of PtSi phase formation during the annealing of LiMn1.5Ni0.5O4 thin films
Manon Létiche
Étienne Eustache
Thierry Brousse
Christophe Lethien
Pascal Roussel
Journées Nord-Ouest Européennes des Jeunes Chercheurs (JNOEJC2015), May 2015, Rouen, France
Conference papers
3D micro-supercapacitor based on MnO2 electrodes on silicon substrate
Etienne Eustache
Camille Douard
Pascal Tilmant
Dmitri Yarekha
Laurence Morgenroth
226th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society and XXIX Congreso de la Sociedad Mexicana de Electroquímica, 2014 ECS and SMEQ Joint International Meeting, 2014, Cancun, Mexico
Conference papers
Step-conformal deposition of TiO2 and MnO2 electrodes on advanced silicon microstructures for 3D Li-ion microbatteries and micro-supercapacitors
Étienne Eustache
Camille Douard
Pascal Tilmant
Laurence Morgenroth
Pascal Roussel
European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, E-MRS Spring 2014, 2014, Lille, France
Conference papers
Matériaux lithiés obtenus par dépôt physique et chimique en phase vapeur pour microbatterie Li-ion
Manon Letiche
Etienne Eustache
Pascal Roussel
Christophe Lethien
Journées Nord-Ouest Européennes des Jeunes Chercheurs, JNOEJC 2014, 2014, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Conference papers
Sputtered thin films for lithium ion microbatteries: recent results on TiN lithium barrier diffusion layer, Au negative and C-LiFePO4 positive electrodes
Etienne Eustache
Jeremy Freixas
Olivier Crosnier
Pascal Tilmant
Dmitri Yarekha
226th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society and XXIX Congreso de la Sociedad Mexicana de Electroquímica, 2014 ECS and SMEQ Joint International Meeting, 2014, Cancun, Mexico
Conference papers
[Invited] 3D substrates for improved performance of Li-ion microbatteries
Etienne Eustache
Olivier Crosnier
Pascal Tilmant
Laurence Morgenroth
Pascal Roussel
10th Japan-France Joint Seminar on Battery, 2014, Hakone, Japan
Conference papers
Characterization of InxGa1-xN/GaN heterostructures for x~0.30 and x~0.55 by XRD and TEM methods
I. Dogmus
A. Addad
C. Lethien
P. Roussel
El Hadj Dogheche
3èmes Journées Nationales sur la Récupération et le Stockage d'Energie pour l'Alimentation des Microsystèmes Autonomes, JNRSE 2013, 2013, Toulouse, France. 2 p
Conference papers
Recent developments in amorphous sputterred ITO thin films acting as transparent front contact layer of CIGS solar cells for energy autonomous wireless microsystems
Thomas Aviles
C. Lethien
Malek Zegaoui
Jean-Pierre Vilcot
Floriane Leroy
37th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference, PVSC 2011, Jun 2011, Seattle, WA, United States. pp.1235-1237, ⟨10.1109/PVSC.2011.6186180⟩
Conference papers
Sol-gel synthesis and thin films development of CuIn(Ga)S2 : an energy solar scavenging device used for wireless autonomous systems
Y. Bourlier
C. Lethien
R. Bernard
P. Roussel
D. Deresmes
International Photovoltaic Technical Conference, PVTC 2011, " Thin Film & Advanced Solutions 2011 ", 2011, Aix-en-Provence, France
Conference papers
Nanofils et énergie : un domaine en forte expansion
Pere Roca I Cabarrocas
C. Lethien
Thierry Brousse
N. Guillet
A. Gruss
Séminaire Annuel de l'Observatoire des Micro et Nanotechnologies, 2011, Paris, France
Conference papers
Low damage sputterred ITO front contact layer for CIGS solar microcells
Thomas Aviles
C. Lethien
Malek Zegaoui
Jean-Pierre Vilcot
Floriane Leroy
International Photovoltaic Technical Conference, PVTC 2011, " Thin Film & Advanced Solutions 2011 ", 2011, Aix-en-Provence, France
Conference papers
Sputtering of amorphous ITO thin films used for chalcopyrite solar cells
Thomas Aviles
C. Lethien
Malek Zegaoui
Jean-Pierre Vilcot
Floriane Leroy
Conference papers
A multifunctional 60-GHz system for automotive applications with communication and positioning abilities based on time reversal
Michael Bocquet
Christophe Loyez
C. Lethien
N. Deparis
M. Heddebaut
7th European Radar Conference, EuRAD 2010, 2010, France. pp.61-64
Conference papers
Synthèse de CuInGaS2 par voie sol-gel : application à la récupération de l'énergie photovoltaïque ambiante pour micro-systèmes autonomes
Y. Bourlier
C. Lethien
R. Bernard
Malek Zegaoui
M. Bouazoui
1ères Journées Nationales sur la Récupération et le Stockage d'Energie pour l'alimentation des microsystèmes autonomes, JNRSE 2010, Oct 2010, Paris, France. pp.51-53
Conference papers
A multi-hop UWB radio over polymer fibre system for 60-GHz hybrid networks
C. Lethien
Christophe Loyez
Jean-Pierre Vilcot
N. Rolland
European Workshop on Photonic Solutions for Wireless, Access and in-house Networks, 2009, Duisburg, Germany
Conference papers
An overview of impulse and self-heterodyne 60-GHz systems for hybrid networks based on polymer multimode fibres
Christophe Loyez
C. Lethien
Michael Bocquet
N. Deparis
Laurent Clavier
Conference papers
Radio over fiber systems : towards low-cost multi-standard and high data rate wireless applications
Jean-Pierre Vilcot
C. Lethien
Christophe Loyez
C. Sion
Conference papers
Les systèmes radio sur fibre : vers le multi-protocoles et la mobilité à haut-débit
Jean-Pierre Vilcot
C. Lethien
Christophe Loyez
C. Sion
TELECOM'2009 & 6èmes Journées Franco-Maghrébines des Micro-ondes et leurs Applications, 2009, Agadir, Maroc
Conference papers
Relay characteristic impact on energy consumption for heterogeneous networks in a LOS channel
Jie Chen
A. Massouri
Laurent Clavier
Christophe Loyez
C. Lethien
2nd European Wireless Technology Conference, EuWiT 2009, 2009, Italy. pp.57-60
Conference papers
Time reversal : impact on the performance of an UWB location system
Michael Bocquet
M. Heddebaut
Fouzia Boukour
Christophe Loyez
C. Lethien
2nd European Wireless Technology Conference, EuWiT 2009, 2009, Italy. pp.120-123
Conference papers
High modal bandwidth glass multimode fibers used for the simultaneous transmission of 10GbE and band group 5 MB-OFDM ultra-wide band signals
C. Lethien
Christophe Loyez
Jean-Pierre Vilcot
P.A. Rolland
European Workshop on Photonic Solutions for Wireless, Access and in-house Networks, 2009, Duisburg, Germany
Conference papers
Comparison between 60-GHz UWB frequency modulation and UWB impulse-radio location systems
Michael Bocquet
N. Obeid
Christophe Loyez
C. Lethien
Fouzia Boukour
5th European Radar Conference, EuRAD 2008, 2008, Netherlands. pp.41-43
Conference papers
An optically powered radio over fiber remote unit using wavelength division multiplexing
D. Wake
C. Lethien
C. Sion
Jean-Pierre Vilcot
N.J. Gomes
IEEE Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics joint with Asia-Pacific Microwave Photonics Conference, IEEE MWP2008/APMP2008, 2008, Australia. pp.197-200, ⟨10.1109/MWP.2008.4666670⟩
Conference papers
Recent results on characterisation of PF GIPOF designed for high-speed LAN
A. Goffin
P. Mégret
C. Lethien
M. Dossou
S. Bette
13th Annual Symposium of the IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter, 2008, Netherlands. pp.103-106
Conference papers
A new management approach for finding an optimal path in an ad-hoc network
Iyad Dayoub
Abdelouahib Zaouche
Jean-Michel Rouvaen
Christophe Lethien
Jean-Pierre Vilcot
2007 International Conference on Networking and Services, Jun 2007, Athens, Greece. pp.65-65, ⟨10.1109/ICNS.2007.13⟩
Conference papers
Transmission simultanée d'un signal bande étroite radio UMTS à 2GHz et d'un signal numérique à 1,25Gbit/s en bande de base sur fibre multimode pour des applications multiservices par multiplexage optique faible distance
C. Sion
Christophe Loyez
Jean-Pierre Vilcot
C. Lethien
A. Goffin
TELECOM'2007 & 5èmes Journées Franco-Maghrébines des Micro-ondes et leurs Applications, 2007, Fès, Maroc
Conference papers
Blind equalization applied to radio over fiber system for 60 GHz high data rate WLAN
A. Zaouche
Christophe Loyez
C. Lethien
N. Rolland
P.A. Rolland
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Sciences of Electronics, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications, SETIT 2007, 2007, Hammamet, Tunisia
Conference papers
Système mixte fibre-radio à impulsions pour communications large bande multi-sauts en bande V
Christophe Loyez
N. Deparis
C. Lethien
R. Kassi
A. Goffin
15èmes Journées Nationales Microondes, JNM 2007, 2007, Unknown, France. pp.6B2-1-4
Conference papers
Modal bandwidth behaviour under various launch conditions and coupling efficiency of PF GIPOF with fibre connections offsets
A. Goffin
C. Lethien
C. Sion
Christophe Loyez
Jean-Pierre Vilcot
International Conference on Organic Photonics and Electronics 2006 and 9th International Conference on Organic Nonlinear Optics, ICONO 9 - ICOPE 2006, 2006, Brugge, Belgium
Conference papers
Simultaneous transmission over perfluorinated graded index polymer optical fibre and glass optical fibre of 1.25 gigabit ethernet signal and narrow band cellular signal using the coarse wavelength division multiplexing technique
C. Lethien
A. Goffin
C. Sion
Christophe Loyez
Jean-Pierre Vilcot
International Conference on Organic Photonics and Electronics 2006 and 9th International Conference on Organic Nonlinear Optics, ICONO 9 - ICOPE 2006, 2006, Brugge, Belgium
Conference papers
Downlink low-cost radio-optic demonstrator for distributed antenna system : pico-cellular applications
Iyad Dayoub
A. Zaouche
Jean-Michel Rouvaen
C. Lethien
Jean-Pierre Vilcot
2006, pp.2618-2622
Conference papers
Downlink Low-cost Radio-Optic Demonstrator for Distributed Antenna System: Pico-Cellular Applications
Iyad Dayoub
A. Zaouche
Jean-Michel Rouvaen
C. Lethien
Jean-Pierre Vilcot
2006 2nd International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies, Apr 2006, Damascus, Syria. pp.2618-2622, ⟨10.1109/ICTTA.2006.1684822⟩
Conference papers
Perfluorinated graded index polymer optical fiber used for the enhancement of the in-buildings coverage of radiocellular signals
C. Lethien
A. Goffin
Jean-Pierre Vilcot
Christophe Loyez
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Plastic Optical Fiber, 2005, Hong Kong, China
Conference papers
Comparative study of polymer and silica multimode fibre system operating at 850 nm for local area networks
C. Lethien
A. Goffin
Jean-Pierre Vilcot
Christophe Loyez
9th and 10th NERFITITI Workshop MWPI, 2005, Brussels, Belgium
Conference papers
A radio over multimode fibre system based on a LO phase-noise cancellation for 60 GHz WLAN
Christophe Loyez
C. Lethien
N. Deparis
Jean-Pierre Vilcot
Didier Decoster
2005, 3 pp
Conference papers
Perfluorinated polymer based graded index fiber in LAN operating at 850 nm
A. Goffin
C. Lethien
C. Vloeberghs
Jean-Pierre Vilcot
Christophe Loyez
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Plastic Optical Fiber, 2005, Hong Kong, China
Conference papers
Perfluorinated graded index polymer optical fibre used for the enhancement of the in buildings coverage of radiocellular signals
C. Lethien
A. Goffin
Jean-Pierre Vilcot
Christophe Loyez
2005, pp.357-360
Conference papers
Potentials of perfluorinated polymer optical fibre operating at 850 nm in local area networks
A. Goffin
C. Lethien
C. Vloeberghs
Jean-Pierre Vilcot
Christophe Loyez
Proceedings of the XXVIIIth General Assembly of URSI, 2005, New Delhi, India
Conference papers
Comparative study for LAN using POF and silica fibre
C. Lethien
A. Goffin
Jean-Pierre Vilcot
Christophe Loyez
NEFERTITI Workshop on Millimetre Wave Photonic Devices and Technologies for Wireless and Imaging Applications, 2005, Bruxelles, Belgium
Conference papers
Dual-wavelength multimode fibre transmission of digital and RF signals
C. Sion
A. Roche
A. da Costa
C. Lethien
Christophe Loyez
12th European NEFERTITI Workshop on Photonics and Wireless Communications - Cost Effective and Future Applications, 2005, Göteborg, Sweden
Conference papers
Potentials of perfluorinated polymer optical fibre operating at 850 nm in local area networks
A. Goffin
C. Lethien
C. Vloeberghs
Jean-Pierre Vilcot
Christophe Loyez
XXVIIIth General Assembly of International Union of Radio Science, URSI 2005, 2005, New Delhi, India
Conference papers
Dual-wavelength multimode fibre transmission of digital and RF signals
C. Sion
A. Roche
A. da Costa de Matos
Christophe Loyez
C. Lethien
12th NEFERTITI Workshop PWCom, 2005, Sähörus, Sweden
Conference papers
Perfluorinated polymer based graded index fibre in LAN operating at 850 nm
A. Goffin
C. Lethien
C. Vloeberghs
Jean-Pierre Vilcot
Christophe Loyez
2005, pp.203-206
Conference papers
850 nm transmission type electroabsorption modulator on SiO2 substrate
Jean-Pierre Vilcot
C. Lethien
Didier Decoster
2004, pp.123-126
Conference papers
Optimization and conception of a resonant microcavity electroabsorption modulator for the transmission of RF signals through multimode fibre
C. Lethien
Jean-Pierre Vilcot
Didier Decoster
2nd European NEFERTITI Winterschool, 2004, York, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Transmission of RF and microwave signals by optical fibers
Jean-Pierre Vilcot
C. Lethien
2004, pp.169-170
Conference papers
Optimisation et conception d'un modulateur/détecteur à électroabsorption en microactivité résonnante - Transmission de signaux RF sur fibre optique multimode
C. Lethien
Jean-Pierre Vilcot
Didier Decoster
Club optique microonde, 2003, Villeneuve d Ascq, France
Conference papers
Transmission de signaux RF sur fibre optique multimode
C. Lethien
Jean-Pierre Vilcot
Didier Decoster
Actes de TELECOM 03 et 3èmes Journées Franco-Maghrébines des Microondes et leurs Applications, JFMMA 2003, 2003, Marrakech, Maroc
Conference papers
Indoor transmission of RF signals on multimode fiber
C. Lethien
Jean-Pierre Vilcot
Didier Decoster
NEFERTITI Workshop on Recent advances in all-optical processing of microwave and RF signals & Fiber radio systems, 2003, Valence, France
Conference papers