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Christophe Lohr

Researcher identifiers


Maître de conférences en informatique - [IMT Atlantique]( "IMT Atlantique")
Associate Professor in Computer Science - [IMT Atlantique]( "IMT Atlantique")


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Digital Twins for Supporting Ageing Well: Approaches in Current Research and Innovation in Europe and Japan

Jasmin Lehmann , Lorenz Granrath , Ryan Browne , Toshimi Ogawa , Keisuke Kokubun
Sustainability, 2024, 16 (7), pp.3064. ⟨10.3390/su16073064⟩
Journal articles hal-04565671v1
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Real-Time Human Activity Recognition on Embedded Equipment: A Comparative Study

Houda Najeh , Christophe Lohr , Benoit Leduc
Applied Sciences, 2024, 14, ⟨10.3390/app14062377⟩
Journal articles hal-04591878v1
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Reconnaissance d’activités de la vie quotidienne au moyen de capteurs domotiques et d’apprentissage profond : lorsque syntaxe, sémantique et contexte se rencontrent

Damien Bouchabou , Sao Mai Nguyen , Christophe Lohr , Ioannis Kanellos , Benoit Leduc
Revue Ouverte d'Intelligence Artificielle, 2023, 4 (1), pp.129-156. ⟨10.5802/roia.53⟩
Journal articles hal-04401882v1
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A Smart Home Digital Twin to Support the Recognition of Activities of Daily Living

Damien Bouchabou , Juliette Grosset , Sao Mai Nguyen , Christophe Lohr , Xavier Puig
Sensors, 2023, 23 (17), pp.7586. ⟨10.3390/s23177586⟩
Journal articles hal-04474884v1
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Convolutional Neural Network Bootstrapped by Dynamic Segmentation and Stigmergy-Based Encoding for Real-Time Human Activity Recognition in Smart Homes

Houda Najeh , Christophe Lohr , Benoit Leduc
Sensors, 2023, 23 (4), pp.1969. ⟨10.3390/s23041969⟩
Journal articles hal-03984715v1
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Interaction with a virtual coach for active and healthy ageing

Michael Mctear , Kristiina Jokinen , Mirza Mohtashim Alam , Qasid Saleem , Giulio Napolitano
Sensors, 2023, 23 (5), pp.2748. ⟨10.3390/s23052748⟩
Journal articles hal-04391675v1
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Dynamic Segmentation of Sensor Events for Real-Time Human Activity Recognition in a Smart Home Context

Houda Najeh , Christophe Lohr , Benoit Leduc
Sensors, 2022, 22 (14), pp.5458. ⟨10.3390/s22145458⟩
Journal articles hal-03782526v1
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Using Language Model to Bootstrap Human Activity Recognition Ambient Sensors Based in Smart Homes

Damien Bouchabou , Sao Mai Nguyen , Christophe Lohr , Benoit Leduc , Ioannis Kanellos
Electronics, 2021, 10 (20), pp.2498. ⟨10.3390/electronics10202498⟩
Journal articles hal-03381762v1
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A Survey of Human Activity Recognition in Smart Homes Based on IoT Sensors Algorithms: Taxonomies, Challenges, and Opportunities with Deep Learning

Damien Bouchabou , Sao Mai Nguyen , Christophe Lohr , Benoit Leduc , Ioannis Kanellos
Sensors, 2021, 21, ⟨10.3390/s21186037⟩
Journal articles hal-03343114v1
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Human Skeleton Detection, Modeling and Gesture Imitation Learning for a Social Purpose

Linda Nanan Vallée , Sao Mai Nguyen , Christophe Lohr , Ioannis Kanellos , Olivier Asseu
Engineering, 2020, 12 (02), pp.90-98. ⟨10.4236/eng.2020.122009⟩
Journal articles hal-02894323v1
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Building An Automated Gesture Imitation Game For Teenagers with ASD

Linda Nanan N Vallée , Christophe Lohr , Sao Mai Nguyen , Ioannis Kanellos , O. Asseu
Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications, 2020, 23 (1), pp.1 - 10. ⟨10.17654/EC023010001⟩
Journal articles hal-02894314v2
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Improvements of the xAAL Home Automation System

Christophe Lohr , Jérôme Kerdreux
Future internet, 2020, 12 (6), pp.104. ⟨10.3390/fi12060104⟩
Journal articles hal-02884559v1
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Télé-rééducation fonctionnelle dans le cadre du projet VITAAL

André Thépaut , Sao Mai Nguyen , Christophe Lohr
Actualités en médecine physique et de réadaptation, 2017, 1, pp.18-19
Journal articles hal-01514898v1
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A Transparent home Sensors/Actuators layer for Health &Well-being services

Philippe Tanguy , Mathieu Simonnet , Christophe Lohr , Jérôme Kerdreux
EAI endorsed transactions on pervasive health and technology, 2017, 3 (11), pp.1 - 7. ⟨10.4108/eai.18-7-2017.152900⟩
Journal articles hal-01598666v1
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Plug and play your robot into your smart home: Illustration of a new framework

Sao Mai Nguyen , Christophe Lohr , Philippe Tanguy , Yiqiao Chen
KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, 2017, 31 (3), pp.283 - 289. ⟨10.1007/s13218-017-0494-8⟩
Journal articles hal-01584437v1
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xAAL: A Distributed Infrastructure for Heterogeneous Ambient Devices

Christophe Lohr , Philippe Tanguy , Jérôme Kerdreux
Journal of intelligent systems, 2015, 24 (3), pp.321 - 331. ⟨10.1515/jisys-2014-0144⟩
Journal articles hal-01187869v1

The software option

André Thépaut , Maria-Teresa Segarra , Christophe Lohr
International Innovation, 2014, 157
Journal articles hal-01175473v1
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AMALYS : Services multimedias pour l'Aide au MAintien du Lien Social

André Thépaut , Jérôme Kerdreux , Christophe Lohr , Maria-Teresa Segarra , Guillaume Yclon
La Revue francophone de gériatrie et de gérontologie, 2013, 38 (4), pp.267 - 272
Journal articles hal-00860502v1
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Network management and control framework for hybrid converged environment

Sajjad Ali Mushtaq , Christophe Lohr , Annie Gravey
Cyber Journals: Multidisciplinary Journals in Science and Technology, 2011, pp.45-55
Journal articles hal-00704161v1
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Évolution d'une application orientée services vers les Services Web

André Thépaut , Jérôme Kerdreux , Yvon Kermarrec , Christophe Lohr , Philippe Normand
Génie logiciel : le magazine de l'ingénierie du logiciel et des systèmes, 2006, 76, pp.35 - 41
Journal articles hal-01759101v1

TURTLE: a real‐time UML profile supported by a formal validation toolkit

Ludovic Apvrille , Jean-Pierre Courtiat , Christophe Lohr , Pierre de Saqui-Sannes
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2004, 30 (7), pp.473--487
Journal articles hal-01674634v1

Verifying service continuity in a satellite reconfiguration procedure

Ludovic Apvrille , Pierre de Saqui-Sannes , Patrick Sénac , Christophe Lohr
Automated Software Engineering, 2004, 11, pp.167--192
Journal articles hal-01674637v1

UML and RT‐LOTOS. An integration for real‐time system validation

Pierre de Saqui-Sannes , Ludovic Apvrille , Christophe Lohr , Patrick Sénac , Jean-Pierre Courtiat
Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés (JESA), 2002, 36 (7), pp.1029--1042
Journal articles hal-01674642v1

Expérience with RT‐LOTOS, a temporal extension of the LOTOS formal description technique

Jean-Pierre Courtiat , Celso Santos , Christophe Lohr , Benaceur Outtaj
Computer Communications, 2000, 23 (12), pp.1104--1123
Journal articles hal-01674645v1
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Privacy preserving personal assistant with on-device diarization and spoken dialogue system for home and beyond

Gérard Chollet , Hugues Sansen , Yannis Tevissen , Jérôme Boudy , Mossaab Hariz
The 11th International Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies (IHIET), Apr 2024, Lausanne, Switzerland. pp.270-279, ⟨10.54941/ahfe1004577⟩
Conference papers hal-04378982v1
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Considering the mutual information criterion for sensor configuration selection in human activity recognition in smart homes

Houda Najeh , Christophe Lohr , Benoit Leduc
BS 2023: 18th Conference of IBPSA, Building Simulation, Sep 2023, Shanghai, China. pp.469-476, ⟨10.26868/25222708.2023.1194⟩
Conference papers hal-04208937v1
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A virtual assistant dedicated to the accompaniment of the person informed of his life context thanks to the smartphone

Florian Szczepaniak , Jérôme Boudy , Gérard Chollet , Mossaab Hariz , Christophe Lohr
16th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA '23), University of Texas at Arlington, USA, Jul 2023, Corfou, Greece. pp.662-666, ⟨10.1145/3594806.3596594⟩
Conference papers hal-04181551v1
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Un assistant virtuel dédié à l'accompagnement de la personne, averti de son contexte de vie, grâce au smartphone

Florian Szczepaniak , Jérôme Boudy , Gérard Chollet , Mossaab Hariz , Christophe Lohr
9ème Colloque sur la Télésanté : "Dispositifs biomédicaux et technologies numériques en santé: des besoins aux usages" (JETSAN 2023), Université Paris 8; Sorbonne Université, Jun 2023, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-04181543v1
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Representation of Irregularly Sampled Time Series with Generative Language Models for Classification and Transfer Learning

Damien Bouchabou , Sao Mai Nguyen , Christophe Lohr , Benoit Leduc , Ioannis Kanellos
ML4ITS 2023 - Machine Learning for Irregular Time Series Workshop in ECML PKDD, Sep 2023, Turin (IT), Italy
Conference papers hal-04437409v1
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Towards supervised real-time human activity recognition on embedded equipment

Houda Najeh , Christophe Lohr , Benoit Leduc
MetroLivEn 2022: IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Living Environment, May 2022, Cosenza, Italy. pp.54-59, ⟨10.1109/MetroLivEnv54405.2022.9826937⟩
Conference papers hal-03783217v1
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Real-Time Human Activity Recognition in Smart Home on Embedded Equipment: New Challenges

Houda Najeh , Christophe Lohr , Benoit Leduc
ICOST 2022: 19th International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematics, Jun 2022, Paris, France. pp.125-138, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-09593-1_10⟩
Conference papers hal-03782651v1
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Digital Twin Driven Smart Home: A Feasibility Study

Alireza Asvadi , Andrei Mitriakov , Christophe Lohr , Panagiotis Papadakis
9th International Conference On Smart Living and Public Health (ICOST 2022), 2022, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-03691144v1
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Empowering well-being through conversational coaching for active and healthy ageing

Michael Mctear , Kristiina Jokinen , Gérard Chollet , Christophe Lohr , Jérôme Boudy
International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematics (ICOST), Jun 2022, PARIS, France. ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-09593-1_21⟩
Conference papers hal-03955899v1
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Gestion d'interaction Humain-Cobot pour l'exécution de tâches en cuisine

Samia Benferhat , Florent Frizon de Lamotte , Christophe Lohr , Jean-Luc Philippe
JETSAN 2021 - Colloque en Télésanté et dispositifs biomédicaux - 8ème édition, Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier [UPS], May 2021, Toulouse, Blagnac, France
Conference papers hal-03501202v1
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Fully Convolutional Network Bootstrapped by Word Encoding and Embedding for Activity Recognition in Smart Homes

Damien Bouchabou , Sao Mai Nguyen , Christophe Lohr , Ioannis Kanellos , Benoit Leduc
DL-HAR 2021: 2nd International Workshop on Deep Learning for Human Activity Recognition, Jan 2021, Yokohama, Japan. pp.111-125, ⟨10.1007/978-981-16-0575-8_9⟩
Conference papers hal-03032449v1
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How An Automated Gesture Imitation Game Can Improve Social Interactions With Teenagers With ASD

Linda Nanan Vallée , Sao Mai Nguyen , Christophe Lohr , Ioannis Kanellos , Olivier Asseu
IEEE ICRA Workshop on Social Robotics for Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Jun 2020, Paris, France. ⟨10.13140/RG.2.2.10961.25444⟩
Conference papers hal-02894330v1
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System Design for Coordinated Multi-Robot Assistance Deployment in Smart Spaces

Panagiotis Papadakis , Christophe Lohr , Marin Lujak , Abir B Karami , Ioannis Kanellos
IRC 2018 : Second IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing, Jan 2018, Laguna Hills, United States. ⟨10.1109/IRC.2018.00068⟩
Conference papers hal-01699838v1
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A Transparent home Sensors/Actuators layer for Health & Well-being services

Philippe Tanguy , Christophe Lohr , Jérôme Kerdreux
IoTCare 2016 : EAI (European Alliance for Innovation) International Conference on IoT and Big Data Technologies for HealthCare, Jun 2016, Budapest, Hungary. pp.29 - 35, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-49655-9_5⟩
Conference papers hal-01354817v1
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Choosing security elements for the xAAL home automation system

Christophe Lohr , Philippe Tanguy , Jérôme Kerdreux
ATC 2016 : 13th IEEE International Conference on Advanced and Trusted Computing, Jul 2016, Toulouse, France. pp.534 - 541, ⟨10.1109/uic-atc-scalcom-cbdcom-iop-smartworld.2016.0093⟩
Conference papers hal-01354837v1
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Performance Analysis of NEMO augmented with MPTCP

Pratibha Mitharwal , Christophe Lohr , Annie Gravey
NTMS 2016 : International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security , Nov 2016, Larnaca, Cyprus. pp.1 - 5, ⟨10.1109/NTMS.2016.7792468⟩
Conference papers hal-01510740v1
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MPTCP Solution for Seamless Local SIPTO Mobility

Souheir Eido , Pratibha Mitharwal , Annie Gravey , Christophe Lohr
HPSR 2015 : 16th International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing , Jul 2015, Budapest, Hungary. pp.1 - 6, ⟨10.1109/HPSR.2015.7483099⟩
Conference papers hal-01337291v1
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Boosting NEMO with Multi-Path TCP

Pratibha Mitharwal , Christophe Lohr , Annie Gravey
NoF 2015 : 6th International Conference On Network of the Future, Sep 2015, Montreal, Canada. pp.1 - 7, ⟨10.1109/NOF.2015.7333299⟩
Conference papers hal-01247509v1
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A comparison between Ambient Assisted Living Systems

Molham Darwish , Eric Senn , Christophe Lohr , Yvon Kermarrec
ICOST 2014 : 12th International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematics, Jun 2014, Denver, United States. pp.231 - 237, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-14424-5_26⟩
Conference papers hal-01186325v1
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Survey on Network Interface Selection in Multihomed Mobile Networks

Pratibha Mitharwal , Christophe Lohr , Annie Gravey
20th EUNICE/IFIP EG 6.2, 6.6 International Workshop (EUNICE 2014), Sep 2014, Rennes, France. pp.134-146, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-13488-8_13⟩
Conference papers hal-01167136v1

A Framework for Unified Traffic Dynamic Routing at Private-Public Network Border

Sajjad Ali Mushtaq , Christophe Lohr , Annie Gravey
ICC 2012 : 3rd IEEE International Workshop on SmArt COmmunications in NEtwork Technologies, Jun 2012, Ottawa, Canada
Conference papers hal-01165704v1

Dynamic decision engine for data connections routing

Sajjad Ali Mushtaq , Christophe Lohr , Annie Gravey
INTERNET 2011: Third International Conference on Evolving Internet, Jun 2011, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Conference papers hal-01759105v1

MCDM method and semantics integration for unified communication management and control

Sajjad Ali Mushtaq , Christophe Lohr , Annie Gravey
FIT 2011: Frontiers of Information Technology, Dec 2011, Islamabad, Pakistan. pp.263-269, ⟨10.1109/FIT.2011.56⟩
Conference papers hal-00670377v1
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An integration of semantics in multi criteria decision making for converged multimedia network management

Sajjad Ali Mushtaq , Christophe Lohr , Annie Gravey
IEEE GLOBECOM 2011: Enabling Green Wireless Multimedia Communications, Dec 2011, Houston, Texas, United States. pp.712-717
Conference papers hal-00725498v1

Decision engine for SIP based dynamic call routing

Sajjad Ali Mushtaq , Christophe Lohr , Annie Gravey
5th International Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security, Jun 2011, Nancy France
Conference papers hal-01759104v1

Dynamic decision engine for unified communication

Sajjad Ali Mushtaq , Christophe Lohr , Annie Gravey
14th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems , Oct 2011, Miami Beach, Fl, United States. pp.31 - 40, ⟨10.1145/2069117.2069125⟩
Conference papers hal-01759106v1
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Decision Engine for SIP Based Dynamic Call Routing

Sajjad Ali Musthaq , Christophe Lohr , Annie Gravey
5th Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security (AIMS), Jun 2011, Nancy, France. pp.86-99, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-21484-4_12⟩
Conference papers hal-01585858v1
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From individual communication to social networks: evolution of a technical platform for the elderly

Cécile Bothorel , Christophe Lohr , André Thépaut , Fabrice Bonnaud , Gilbert Cabasse
ICOST 2011: International Conference On Smart homes and health Telematics, Jun 2011, Montréal, Canada. pp.145-152, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-21535-3_19⟩
Conference papers hal-00609517v1
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Adaptation and customization of services for the elderly

André Thépaut , Maria-Teresa Segarra , Christophe Lohr , Pierre-Marie Chapon
7th world conference ISG10: International Society for Gerontechnology , May 2010, Vancouver, Canada
Conference papers hal-01759102v1
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Distributed call admission control in SIP based multimedia communication

Sajjad Ali Mushtaq , Osman Salem , Christophe Lohr , Annie Gravey
NEM Summit 2008 : international congress on Networked Electronic Media, october 13-15, Saint Malo, France, Oct 2008, Saint-Malo, France
Conference papers hal-01809673v1
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Policy-based QoS management for multimedia communication

Sajjad Ali Mushtaq , Osman Salem , Christophe Lohr , Annie Gravey
14th Eunice Open European Summer School, september 8-10 Brest, France, Sep 2008, Brest, France
Conference papers hal-01699774v1
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M@LIS : un cahier de vie pour les enfants souffrant d'IMC

Sylvie Pronost , Jérôme Kerdreux , Christophe Lohr , Maria-Teresa Segarra , André Thépaut
ASSISTH'2007 : 1ère Conférence Internationale sur l'accessibilité et les systèmes de suppléance aux personnes en situation de handicap,, Dec 2007, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-01765358v1

TURTLE : un pont entre UML et RT‐LOTOS

Pierre de Saqui-Sannes , Ludovic Apvrille , Christophe Lohr , Jean-Pierre Courtiat
Conference AFADL'2004. Approches Formelles dans l'Assistance au Développement de Logiciels, 2004, Unknown, Région indéterminée. pp.--4
Conference papers hal-01674636v1

Derniers développements autour du profil UML temps réel TURTLE

Pierre de Saqui-Sannes , Ludovic Apvrille , Christophe Lohr , Jean-Pierre Courtiat
Journées "Formalisation des Activités Concurrentes" (FAC'2004), 2004, Unknown, Région indéterminée. pp.--12
Conference papers hal-01674635v1

New operators for the TURTLE real‐time UML profile

Christophe Lohr , Ludovic Apvrille , Pierre de Saqui-Sannes , Jean-Pierre Courtiat
6th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference on Formal Methods for Open Object‐Based Distributed Systems (FMOODS'2003), 2003, Unknown, Unknown Region
Conference papers hal-01674638v1

From the specification to the scheduling of time‐dependent systems

Christophe Lohr , Jean-Pierre Courtiat
7th International Symposium on Formal Techniques in Real‐Time and Fault‐Tolerant Systems (FTRTFT'2002), 2002, Unknown, Unknown Region
Conference papers hal-01674640v1

De la spécification à l'ordonnancement de systèmes contraints par le temps

Christophe Lohr , Jean-Pierre Courtiat
9ème Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie des Protocoles (CFIP'2002), 2002, Unknown, Région indéterminée. pp.209--222
Conference papers hal-01674641v1

Reconfiguration dynamique de protocoles embarqués à bord de satellites

Ludovic Apvrille , Pierre de Saqui-Sannes , Patrick Sénac , Christophe Lohr
9ème Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie des Protocoles (CFIP'2002), 2002, Unknown, Région indéterminée. pp.441--454
Conference papers hal-01674639v1

UML et RT‐LOTOS. Vers une intégration informel/formel au service de la validation de systèmes temps réel

Pierre de Saqui-Sannes , Ludovic Apvrille , Christophe Lohr , Jean-Pierre Courtiat
Colloque Francophone sur la Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs (MSR'2001), 2001, Unknown, Région indéterminée. pp.513--528
Conference papers hal-01674644v1

A new UML profile for real‐time system formal design and validation

Ludovic Apvrille , Pierre de Saqui-Sannes , Christophe Lohr , Patrick Sénac , Jean-Pierre Courtiat
4th International Conference on the Unified Modeling Language (UML'2001), 2001, Unknown, Unknown Region
Conference papers hal-01674643v1

An integrated environment for the presentation of consistent SMIL 2.0 documents

Paulo Nazareno Maia Sampaio , Christophe Lohr , Jean-Pierre Courtiat
ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng'01), 2001, Unknown, Unknown Region. pp.115--124
Conference papers hal-01674651v1
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Model-driven deployment of Digital Twins for Smart Environments - The HUman at home projecT case study

Alireza Asvadi , Gaëlic Bechu , Antoine Beugnard , Caroline G. L. Cao , Christophe Lohr
Journées nationales du GDR GPL 2022, Jun 2022, Vannes, France. , 13, 2022, Actes des journées du GDR GPL 2022
Conference poster hal-03701748v1
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An implementation of an imitation game with ASD children to learn nursery rhymes

Sao Mai Nguyen , Nathalie Collot-Lavenne , Christophe Lohr , Sébastien Guillon , Patricio Tula
HAI 2019 Workshop on Clinical Use of Technology for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Oct 2019, Kyoto, Japan
Conference poster hal-02499990v1

Early Validation of Deployment and Scheduling Constraints for MSC Specifications

Ferhat Khendek , Christophe Lohr , Li Xin Wang , Xiao Jun Zhang , Tong Zheng
Amyot, Danieland Williams, Alan W. System Analysis and Modeling: 4th International SDL and MSC Workshop, SAM 2004, Ottawa, Canada, June 1‐4, 2004, Revised Selected Papers, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp.106--121, 2005, 978‐3‐540‐31810‐1. ⟨10.1007/978-3-540-31810-1_8⟩
Book sections hal-01674633v1
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Contributions à la conception de systèmes ambiants pour l’aide aux personnes fragiles

Christophe Lohr
Réseaux et télécommunications [cs.NI]. Université de Bretagne Occidentale, 2024
Habilitation à diriger des recherches tel-04616444v1