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Cristina Elena Popa Tache

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Dr Cristina Elena Popa Tache Associate professor and researcher of public international law, communications and new technologies law and transdisciplinarity. ESIL member ESIL Co-Chair for IG International Business and Human Rights Faculty of Psychology, Behavioral and Legal Sciences of “Andrei Saguna” University of Romania Associate Professor – Specialist associate professor at Law Department of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies EDUCATION Doctor in Public International Law-Specialisation in the Legal Regime of Foreign Investments, with Maximum Qualification Award Institute of Legal Research of The Romanian Academy “Acad. Andrei Rădulescu” PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Active researcher in the Centre International de Recherches et Études Transdisciplinaires - CIRET Paris (from 2022- to date) Co-convenor for ESIL IG International Business and Human Rights. Director of scientific research in the Society of Legal and Administrative Sciences with offices in Bucharest, Canada and Paris. Research Fellow in Public International Law at the Institut de Recherches Europe-Asia, Aix-Marseille Université, Aix-en-Provence, France (2022) International team member, expert in The GDHRNet COST Action - Fundamental and vertical dimension of human rights online Working Group (WG 1)-COST Association (from 2021- to date) Member of the project POSDRU/159/1.5/S/140106 "Orizont 2020 doctoral and postdoctoral studies: promoting national interest through excellence, competitiveness and responsibility in Romanian basic and applied scientific research" (2018–2019) I also have extensive experience in editing, being in the last 5 years editor-in-chief of the International Investment Law Journal by Adjuris, associate editor at Cogent Social Sciences by Taylor & Francis and Routledge, etc. being a member of many international scientific and organizing committees. REPRESENTATIVE PUBLICATIONS: Le dynamisme du droit international public contemporain et la transdisciplinarité, Préface de Florent Pasquier, Ed. L`Harmattan Paris, la collection « Le droit aujourd’hui », septembrie 2023. Curs universitar de dreptul comunicatiilor si al noilor tehnologii/ University course on communications law and new technologies, Ed. Pro Universitaria, 2023. Co-editor of the volum Tempore Mutationis in International and Comparative Law, Contributions to the 3rd Conference on Comparative and International Law, June 23, 2023, Bucharest - International Conference, Publishing House: ADJURIS – International Academic Publisher, Editors: Federica Cristani, Cristina Elena Popa Tache. Co-editor of Looking for New Paths in Comparative and International Law , Contributions to the Conference on Comparative and International Law June 25, 2021, Bucharest - International Conference, ed. ADJURIS - International Academic Publisher, Editors: Dalvinder Singh, Cristina Elena Popa Tache, Cătălin-Silviu Săraru, editing format: pdf Acrobat Reader, date of publication: September 2021. Co-editor of Banking Law in the 21st Century, Contributions to the 14th International Conference Contemporary Approaches in Banking and Financial Law, April 15, 2021, Bucharest Publishing House: ADJURIS - International Academic Publisher, 2021, Editors: Ianfred Silberstein, Thierry Bonneau, Cristina Elena Popa Tache, Lucía Piazza Dobarganes, Katharina Muscheler, Christopher Hunt . Co-editor of Innovation and Development in Business Law, Contributions to the 10th International Conference Perspectives of Business Law in the Third Millennium,, November 13, 2020, ed. ADJURIS - International Academic Publisher, 2021, Editors: Thierry Bonneau, Cristina Elena Popa Tache. Co-editor of Experientiam et Progressionem in Comparative and International Law, Contributions to the 2nd Conference on Comparative and International Law, June 24, 2022, Bucharest - International Conference, Publishing House: ADJURIS - International Academic Publisher, Editors: Banggui Jin, Cristina Elena Popa Tache. Report Chapter, Specific Threats to Human Rights Protection from the Digital Reality. International Responses and Recommendations to Core Threats from the Digitalized World, Tina Pajuste ed., Tallinn University, 2022, pp. 13-17. Between Human Rights and Consumers Protection in the Digital Age or the Rights of Digital Consumers in the European and International Context-The Digital Services Act Example, contribution to Report about the comparative content analysis of instruments adopted by international and European organizations/countries regarding human rights protection online (Deliverable No. 11), published by The Global Digital Human Rights Network (GDHRNet), 2023, available here as scientific publication:, accessed on 01.01.2024. Cristina Elena Popa Tache/Constantin Brânzan, L’évolution de la régulation bancaire et financière sous l’effet des règles de protection de la clientèle, în Banque et Droit NºHS-2023-1, Paris, și O corelare a cripto-activelor cu dreptul internațional al comunicațiilor și al noilor tehnologii/A Correlation of Crypto-assets with International Law of Communications and New Technologies, Revista de Drept Bancar și Financiar, nr. 1/2023 online (ianuarie-iunie), Editura Rosetti. Lawfare, Between its (Un)Limits and Transdisciplinarity, Precedente Revista Jurídica, 23, 37-66, 2023., Web of Science, Scopus. State Immunity, Between Past and Future, „AJEE (Access to Justice in Eastern Europe)”, Issue 1 (18) February 2023, pp. 97-110,

Research domains

Humanities and Social Sciences


legal research


Image document

Adapting to Change Business Law Insights from Today's International Legal Landscape

Cristina Elena Popa Tache , Deskoska Renata Treneska , Boyd Nathaniel , Mladenov Marijana , Oprea Isabelle
Adapting to Change Business Law Insights from Today's International Legal Landscape Contributions to the 13th International Conference Challenges of Business Law in the Third Millennium, November 17, 2023, Bucharest, ADJURIS, 2024, 978-606-95862-3-5 (E-Book)
Proceedings hal-04451562v1
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For an International Transdisciplinary Chair About the Dialogue Between Culture and Technoscience

Cristina Elena Popa Tache , Hubert Landier , Leonardo da S.G. Martins da Costa , Mariana Thieriot
the Online Symposium „For an international transdisciplinary chair” organized by the International Center for Transdisciplinary Research and Studies (CIRET) March 21-25, 2024, Paris, For an International Transdisciplinary Chair About the Dialogue Between Culture and Technoscience, ADJURIS – International Academic Publisher, pp.300, 2024, For an International Transdisciplinary Chair About the Dialogue Between Culture and Technoscience
Proceedings hal-04605869v1
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Tempore Mutationis in International and Comparative Law

Cristina Elena Popa Tache , Cristani Federica
ADJURIS. inPress, 978-606-95351-9-6 (E-Book)
Books hal-04460753v1
Image document


Cristina Elena Popa Tache
ADJURIS Societatea de Stiinte Juridice si Administrative. ADJURIS, 2020, 978-606-94978-2-1 (E-Book)
Books hal-04451531v1