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Didier Renard

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**PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE** ------------------------------ - Sept 1978 - June 1979: Research Engineer at the Centre d'Informatique Géologique - July 1979 - Jan 1982: Research Engineer at the Centre de Géostatistique. - Feb 1982 - Feb 1983: Engineer in charge of Computing, at Geomath - Denver (Colorado) (French National Service). - Since March 1983: Research Engineer at the Centre de Géostatistique. - Since 1993: Engineer in charge of the Computing Group in the Geostatistics Team of the Centre de Géosciences. - Since 2005: Main developper of the package RGeostats. **RESEARCH ACTIVITIES** ----------------------- After completing my engineering degree at Ecole des Mines, I wanted to perform research. The year that I spent in the Centre d'Informatique Géologique of Paris School of Mines, gave me the opportunity to learn about hydrogeology and put me in charge of developing an industrial version of **BLUEPACK**, the first geostatistical software specifically designed for the oil industry (initially developed for Shell). This experience encouraged me to pursue a research career in geostatistics. I continued the inception and the development of BLUEPACK during a one year military duty that I spent at Geomath in Denver, a joint venture between the Ecole des Mines de Paris and the French Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (BRGM). Then I returned to the Centre de Géostatistique in Fontainebleau where I have been actively involved in the development of both the algorithms and the computer code for successive versions of the Centre's geostatistical softwares. Let us mention in praticular: - ***MAGMA*** which was the first general purpose geostatistical software developed by the Centre. - ***ISATIS*** which has become the benchmark for scientific software in the geostatistical domain. In 1995 its commercialisation was transferred to Geovariances, a company that specialised in this field. - ***ISATOIL*** which was designed to calculate hydrocarbon volumes in places and was developed within the framework of a oil industry contract with Statoil. All these specialized packages were finally regrouped into the first commercial package spacialized in Geostatisticscalled **ISATIS**. Initially conceived in the Centre de Geostatistics of the Ecole des Mines de Paris, it was entrusted to Geovariances company. My task is now to provide some help in terms of consultancy for the enhancement of this software, which is now upgraded into Isatis Neo platform. Over the past 20 years I have also carried out many research contracts for companies and governmental agencies (Agip or ENI, Total, Statoil or Equinor, Charbonnages de France, Ifremer). I have been active in teaching, particularly short courses for industry, and in directing theses. More recently, I initiated the development of the package **RGeostats** which is considered as the software development and testing plateform of the Geostatistical Team of the Center of Geosciences of Mines ParisTech. In the last years, I have been involved in the development of **SPDE** (and its code within RGeostats) which stands as the new avenue for geostatistical applications.


Plurigaussian conditional simulation (PGS) of the Budenovskoe uranium roll-front deposit, central Kazakhstan: 3D model of the host sedimentary sequence

M. Abzalov , Didier Renard
Applied Earth Science, 2023, pp.1-9. ⟨10.1080/25726838.2023.2253399⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04204488v1
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Empirical Orthogonal Maps (EOM) and Principal Spatial Patterns: Illustration for Octopus Distribution Off Mauritania Over the Period 1987–2017

Nicolas Bez , Didier Renard , Dedah Ahmed-Babou
Mathematical Geosciences, 2023, 55 (1), pp.113-128. ⟨10.1007/s11004-022-10018-w⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03892478v1
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Geostatistical filtering to map a 3D anthropogenic pedo-geochemical background for excavated soil reuse

Baptiste Sauvaget , Chantal de Fouquet , Cécile Le Guern , Didier Renard , Hélène Roussel
Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2022, pp.107031. ⟨10.1016/j.gexplo.2022.107031⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03687076v1

Analysing Temporal Variability in Spatial Distributions Using Min–Max Autocorrelation Factors: Sardine Eggs in the Bay of Biscay

Pierre Petitgas , Didier Renard , Nicolas Desassis , Martin Huret , Jean-Baptiste Romagnan
Mathematical Geosciences, 2020, ⟨10.1007/s11004-019-09845-1⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02429543v1

Modelling of bauxite seam attributes and quantifying in-situ ore volume uncertainty in the presence of geophysical information

Oktay Erten , Didier Renard , Lachlan Mcandrew
Applied Earth Science, 2020, 129 (1), pp.41-51. ⟨10.1080/25726838.2019.1708666⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02491613v1

Spectral Simulation of Isotropic Gaussian Random Fields on a Sphere

Christian Lantuéjoul , Xavier Freulon , Didier Renard
Mathematical Geosciences, 2019, 51 (8), pp.999-1020. ⟨10.1007/s11004-019-09799-4⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02736248v1
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Coupling image analysis and thermo-mechanical simulation results to produce a model of the fracture network in a nuclear glass canister

Maria Repina , Didier Renard , Frédéric Bouyer , Vincent Lagneau
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2019, 522, pp.265-285. ⟨10.1016/j.jnucmat.2019.05.013⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02271322v1
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Technical note: Water table mapping accounting for river-aquifer connectivity and human pressure

Mathias Maillot , Nicolas Flipo , Agnès Rivière , Nicolas Desassis , Didier Renard
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 2019, pp.1-21. ⟨10.5194/hess-2019-101⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02283806v1

A non-homogeneous model for kriging dosimetric data

Christian Lajaunie , Didier Renard , Alexis Quentin , Vincent Le Guen , Yvan Caffari
Mathematical Geosciences, 2019, 52 (7), pp.847-863. ⟨10.1007/s11004-019-09823-7⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03041125v1
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Technical note: Water table mapping accounting for river-aquifer connectivity and human pressure

Mathias Maillot , Nicolas Flipo , Agnès Rivière , Nicolas Desassis , Didier Renard
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2019, 23 (11), pp.4835-4849. ⟨10.5194/hess-23-4835-2019⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02404152v1

Truncated Gaussian and derived methods

Hélène Beucher , Didier Renard
Comptes Rendus Géoscience, 2016, CRAS2A3293, ⟨10.1016/j.crte.2015.10.004⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01302355v1

A Specific Volume to Measure the Spatial Sampling of Deposits

Jacques Rivoirard , Didier Renard
Mathematical Geosciences, 2016, 48 (7), pp.791-809. ⟨10.1007/s11004-016-9647-9⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01410131v1

Choice of a methodological approach for the estimation of recoverable resources with uranium deposits in central Jordan

Didier Renard , Christophe Bessin , Jacques Deraisme
Applied Earth Science, 2015, 124 (2), pp.95-103. ⟨10.1179/1743275815Y.0000000002⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01540062v1
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Resource estimation of in situ leach uranium projects

M Z Abzalov , S R Drobov , O Gorbatenko , A F Vershkov , Olivier Bertoli
Applied Earth Science, 2014, 123 (2), pp.71-85. ⟨10.1179/1743275814Y.0000000055⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01081861v1

Automatic Variogram Modeling by Iterative Least Squares: Univariate and Multivariate Cases

Nicolas Desassis , Didier Renard
Mathematical Geology, 2013, 45 (4), pp 453-470 DOI 10.1007/s11004-012-9434-1. ⟨10.1007/s11004-012-9434-1⟩
Article dans une revue hal-00959647v1

Formes cavitaires de sclérose en plaques : étude multicentrique sur vingt patients [Cavitary lesions in multiple sclerosis: multicenter study on twenty patients].

A. Corlobé , Didier Renard , C Goizet , Eric Berger , L Rumbach
Revue Neurologique, 2013, 169 (12), pp.965-9. ⟨10.1016/j.neurol.2013.02.010⟩
Article dans une revue inserm-01576397v1
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3D representations of a uranium roll-front deposit

Didier Renard , Hélène Beucher
Applied Earth Science, 2012, 121 (2), pp.84-88. ⟨10.1179/1743275812Y.0000000011⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01082223v1

The effect of methodology on volumetric Uncertainty estimation in static reservoir models

Hélène Beucher , Didier Renard , Brigitte Doligez , Marco Pontiggia , Giuseppe Bellentani
AAPG Bulletin, 2008, 92 (10), pp.1359 - 1371
Article dans une revue hal-00584894v1

Application of SPDE method to a continental-fluvial uranium ore body and comparison with classical methods

Marie-Cécile Febvey , Nicolas Desassis , Didier Renard
21th IAMG Conference (Nancy 2022), Sep 2022, Nancy, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-03925784v1
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Adjustment of alluvial fill geometry to regressive erosion and bedrock lithology in the Oise valley, Seine River catchment (France)

Diana Chourio-Camacho , Jean-Louis Grimaud , Nicolas Desassis , Didier Renard , Hélène Tissoux
Quaternaire 13, Mar 2022, Strasboug, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-04620920v1

Time-Depth Conversion with Uncertain and/or Incomplete Data

Didier Renard , J.M. Chautru , Pedram Masoudi , Hélène Binet
82nd EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2020, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Dec 2020, Online, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-03108770v1

Modeling Complex Tectonic Structures in Any Kind of Grid without Space Deformation

Didier Renard , Jean-Marc Chautru , Hélène Binet , Pedram Masoudi , François Geffroy
82nd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Dec 2020, online, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-03108777v1
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Integrating field interpretations to geological modeling with the potential field method

Laure Pizzella , Christian Lajaunie , Gabriel Courrioux , Simon Lopez , X. Freulon
IAMG 2019, International Association of Mathematical Geosciences, Aug 2019, State College, PA, United States
Communication dans un congrès hal-02428841v2

Prise en compte d'une anisotropie variable dans la modélisation géologique à l'aide de la méthode du potentiel

Laure Pizzella , Christian Lajaunie , Gabriel Courrioux , Simon Lopez , Xavier Freulon
Les Journées de Géostatistique 2019, Sep 2019, Fontainebleau, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-02447272v1
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Nuclear glass alteration bridging the gap from surface reactivity description to reactive transport at the scale of the fractured block

M. Repina , F. Bouyer , Vincent Lagneau , Didier Renard
Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR ), Jun 2018, Saint Malo, France
Communication dans un congrès cea-02339284v1

Some Geostatistical methods through the Stochastic Partial Differential Equation Approach

Didier Renard , Nicolas Desassis , Xavier Freulon
18th IAMG Conference, Perth, Sep 2017, Perth, Australia
Communication dans un congrès hal-01718948v1

Combining geostatistical hiercharchical clustering (GHC) and potential field method for fast and flexible domaining with updating capabilities : a case study with grade shell modelling in iron ore

Laurent Wagner , Didier Renard , Thomas Romary , Gustavo Pilger , Colin Carey
Geostats 2016, Sep 2016, Valencia, Spain
Communication dans un congrès hal-01408586v1

From the spatial sampling of a deposit to mineral resources classification

Jacques Rivoirard , Didier Renard , Felipe Celhay , David Benado , Queiroz Celeste
10th International Geostatistics Congress, Sep 2016, Valencia, Spain. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-46819-8⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-01410183v1

A Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm for Cloud Platform Reconfiguration

François Legillon , Nouredine Melab , Didier Renard , El-Ghazali Talbi
IEEE NIDISC/IPDPS, May 2015, Hyderabad, India. ⟨10.1109/IPDPSW.2015.138⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-01248574v1

Experimental Variograms Of The Underlying Gaussian Random Functions In The Truncated Pluri- Gaussian Models

Nicolas Desassis , Didier Renard , Hélène Beucher , Stéphanie Hamilton , Joan Esterle
GeoEnv, 2014, Paris, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-01550707v1

Methodology for simulating fractures in a fault zone: Analysis of the data from "cirque de Navacelles"

Hélène Beucher , Jean-Paul Chilès , Caroline Mehl , Didier Renard , Cécile Allanic
Geoenv2014 ( 10th Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications), Jun 2014, Paris, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-01112189v1

Assessment of the resources of a Gold Deposit by Transitive Kriging

Didier Renard , Jean-Paul Chilès , Jacques Rivoirard , Marco Alfaro
APCOM 36th, Nov 2013, Porto Allegre, Brazil. Assessment of the resources of a Gold Deposit by Transitive Kriging
Communication dans un congrès hal-00797608v1

Modeling the geometry of a mineral deposit domain with a Potential Field

Didier Renard , Laurent Wagner , Jean-Paul Chilès , John Vann , Jacques Deraisme
36th APCOM, Nov 2013, Porto Allegre, Brazil. Modeling the geometry of a mineral deposit domain with a Potential Field
Communication dans un congrès hal-00797482v1

Geostatistical filtering of 4D seismic data: methods and benefits

Didier Renard , Renaud Meunier , Matthieu Bourges , Hélène Binet , Nicolas Jeannée
13th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society & EXPOGEF, Brazilian Geophysical Society & EXPOGEF, Aug 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. pp.1432-1434
Communication dans un congrès hal-00821814v1
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Operational monitoring of radioelectric exposure in an urban environment

Hans Wackernagel , Fabien Ors , Didier Renard
Ninth Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications (geoENV2012), Sep 2012, Valencia, Spain. pp.327-334
Communication dans un congrès hal-00740958v1

New Method for an Easy Use of Stochastic Process-Based Models Such as Flumy to Reproduce a Fluvial Meandering Reservoir

Isabelle Cojan , Jacques Rivoirard , Fabien Ors , Didier Renard
73rd EAGE Conference, May 2011, Vienne, Austria. pp.WSP-10
Communication dans un congrès hal-00599180v1

From outcrop to process-based reservoir modelling of fluvial meandering systems. The key issue of parameter choice

Isabelle Cojan , Jacques Rivoirard , Didier Renard
From River to Rock Record, Jan 2009, Aberdeen, United Kingdom. pp.21
Communication dans un congrès hal-00573240v1

Kriging of the latent probability of a binomial variable: application to fish statistics

Emily Walker , Pascal Monestiez , Didier Renard , Nicolas Bez
VIII International Geostatistics Congress, GEOSTATS 2008, Dec 2008, Santiago, Chile. pp.981-990
Communication dans un congrès hal-00579391v1

Advances in quantification of process-based models for meandering channelized reservoirs.

Jacques Rivoirard , Isabelle Cojan , Didier Renard , François Geffroy
VIII International Geostatistics Congress, Geostats 2008, Santiago Chile, Dec 2008, Santiago, Chile. pp.607-616
Communication dans un congrès hal-00586451v1

Heterotopic bi-categorical variables in Plurigaussian truncated simulation

Didier Renard , Hélène Beucher , Brigitte Doligez
VIII International Geostatistics Congress, GEOSTATS 2008, Dec 2008, Santiago, Chile. pp.289-298
Communication dans un congrès hal-00579384v1

In the shade of the truncated gaussian simulation

Valérie Langlais , Hélène Beucher , Didier Renard
VIII International Geostatistics Congress, GEOSTATS 2008, Dec 2008, Santiago, Chile. pp.799-808
Communication dans un congrès hal-00579375v1

Process-Based and Stochastic Modelling of a Fluvial Meandering System: Example of the Loranca Miocene Succession (Spain)

Isabelle Cojan , Cedric Beaudelot , François Geffroy , Sébastien Laratte , Didier Renard
2008 AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition, 2008, San Antonio, United States. pp.10
Communication dans un congrès hal-00586448v1

Evaluation of key parameters for reproducing a fluvial meandering reservoir using FLUMY, a stochastic process-based model

Isabelle Cojan , Jacques Rivoirard , Fabien Ors , Didier Renard
18th International Sedimentological Congress - Mendoza, Argentina, 2010, Sep 2006, Mendosa, Argentina. pp.252
Communication dans un congrès hal-00586576v1
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New constraints on the age and geometry of alluvial fills in the valley bottoms of the Seine River catchment (France)

Diana Chourio-Camacho , Jean-Louis Grimaud , Fabien Ors , Nicolas Desassis , Didier Renard
Poster de conférence hal-04620913v1

The data extension issue: geological constraints applied in geostatistical process

Hélène Beucher , Didier Renard , Matthieu Bourges
Perrin M. & Rainaud JF. Shared Earth Modeling: Knowledge based solutions for building and managing subsurface structural models, Technip, pp.17, 2012
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-00777199v1

Characterization of pesticide concentrations in the Craie du nord aquifer system

Didier Renard , Chantal de Fouquet
L. Chery, G. de Marsily. Aquifer systems management : Darcy's legacy in a world of impending water shortage, International Association of Hydrogeologists, chap.38 - p. 511-524, 2007
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-00599192v1

Corrélations dans ISATOIL

Didier Renard
Autre publication scientifique hal-01488571v1

MAF characteristics

Didier Renard
Autre publication scientifique hal-01488561v1

Cholesky Incomplet

Didier Renard
Autre publication scientifique hal-01488568v1
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INTAROS D5.6 - Geostatistical library for iAOS - v1

Renard Didier , Fabien Ors , Hervé Caumont
[Research Report] MINES ParisTech - PSL Research University; MINES ParisTech, PSL University, Centre de géosciences. 2020
Rapport hal-03071535v1
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Didier Renard , Fabien Ors
[Research Report] MINES ParisTech - PSL Research University. 2018
Rapport hal-01820877v1

Bayesian framework for Multilayers

Didier Renard
[Research Report] Mines ParisTech - Ecole des mines de Paris. 2017
Rapport hal-01558076v1

MAF characteristics

Didier Renard
[Research Report] Mines ParisTech. 2015
Rapport hal-01219875v1

Diagnostic Bayésien

Didier Renard
[Rapport de recherche] Mines ParisTech; Centre de Géosciences / Equipe de Géostatistique. 2015
Rapport hal-01153335v1

External Drift on Potential

Didier Renard
[Research Report] Mines ParisTech. 2015
Rapport hal-01219867v1

Diagnostic sur cas d'étude bayésien

Didier Renard
[Rapport de recherche] Mines ParisTech. 2015
Rapport hal-01219863v1

MultiLayers estimation with colocation

Didier Renard
[Research Report] Mines ParisTech. 2014
Rapport hal-01219880v1

Instabilités dans ISATOIL

Didier Renard
[Rapport de recherche] Mines ParisTech. 2014
Rapport hal-01219881v1

Bayesian Kriging & Simulations

Didier Renard , Hélène Beucher
Rapport hal-00957761v1

Simulation under constraints

Didier Renard
Rapport hal-00957756v1

Geostatistical consulting, tutoring, development and implementation contract report of year 2 (2013, VALE Brazil)

Jacques Rivoirard , Serge Antoine Séguret , Didier Renard
[Research Report] Mines ParisTech. 2014
Rapport hal-01093501v1

Experimental variogram in presence of measurement errors

Didier Renard , Nicolas Desassis
Rapport hal-00957759v1

Multi-collocated Cokriging in Unique Neighborhood

Didier Renard
Rapport hal-00962488v1

Le modèle pour MAAFK

Didier Renard
Rapport hal-00818957v1

Automatic Fitting of an intrinsic model

Didier Renard , Nicolas Desassis
Rapport hal-00957760v1

EO4REDD Sous-traitance ARMINES

Chantal de Fouquet , Christian Lajaunie , Didier Renard
Rapport hal-00793509v1

Geostatistical consulting, tutoring, development and implementation contract report of year 1 (2012, VALE Brazil)

Jacques Rivoirard , Serge Antoine Séguret , Didier Renard
[Research Report] MINES ParisTech. 2013
Rapport hal-01093498v1

Geostatistical Study of Jerónimo Gold Deposit (Atacama Region, Chile)

Didier Renard , Jean-Paul Chilès , Marco Alfaro
Rapport hal-00797605v1

Effets de bords

Didier Renard
Rapport hal-00766376v1

Angle Interpolation

Didier Renard , Nicolas Desassis
Rapport hal-00766401v1

Multiple Acquisition Factorial Kriging

Didier Renard
Rapport hal-00766407v1

Fluid Propagation

Didier Renard
Rapport hal-00584862v1

Automatic Variogram Fitting

Didier Renard
Rapport hal-00584858v1

Random Number Generator

Fabien Ors , Didier Renard
[Technical Report] No. R090519DRFO, MINES ParisTech; ARMINES. 2009
Rapport hal-01408494v1

Implementation of Finite Differences in ISATIS

Didier Renard
Rapport hal-00584847v1

Tests on Factorial Kriging Analysis

Didier Renard
Rapport hal-00584859v1

Velocity analysis through geostatistical methods

Didier Renard , Serge Antoine Séguret
Rapport hal-00777237v1