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dominique valentin

Identifiants chercheurs
  • IdHAL dominique-valentin
  • IdRef : 090168828
  • ORCID 0000-0003-0243-7970
  • Google Scholar :


Dominique Valentin received a Ph.D in applied cognition and neuroscience from the University of Texas at Dallas in 1996. She is currently an associate professor at AgroSup Dijon where she teaches sensory evaluation, cognitive psychology and multivariate statistics to food science engineering students and master students. Her research deals with cognitive processes involved in the perception of food products and beverages. She is particularly interested in understanding the effect of experience and culture on how we perceive, categorize, appreciate and describe chemosensory stimuli. Shis is also a Professor Extraordinary at the Department of Viticulture and Oenology in Stellenbosh (SA) since 2019.



Vin et expertise: le rôle du cépage dans l'organisation des connaissances

Jordi Ballester , Bruno Patris , Dominique Valentin
Les expertises sensorielles: nature et acquisition, 2006, Paris, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-00110928v1

Experts ad novices olfactory categorizations in wine: differences and similitaries

Jordi Ballester , Bruno Patris , Dominique Valentin , Ronan Symoneaux
inconnu., 2006, pp.E104
Communication dans un congrès hal-00135291v1

Typicality of varietal wine aromas: Chardonnays vs. Melon de Bourgogne

Jordi Ballester , Bruno Patris , Ronan Symoneaux , R. Bogdanova , V. Angelova
Bacchus in Bourgogne International Wine Conference, Nov 2005, Dijon, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-00135295v1

Expertise and typicality: what makes a chardonnay wine a chardonnay

Jordi Ballester , Catherine Dacremont , Yves Y. Le Fur , Hervé Ha Abdi , Dominique Valentin
45ème Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, 2004, Minneapolis, United States
Communication dans un congrès hal-00135299v1