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Antoine Lucas

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  • IdHAL dralucas
  • ResearcherId : A-9752-2009
  • ORCID 0000-0003-2192-4416
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  • IdRef : 165183675
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Antoine Lucas [Planetary and Space Sciences]( [External envelopes geochemistry]( +33 1 83 95 74 68 /1 57 27 53 07 <> Bât. Lamarck - 7e étage - Bureau 713 - 35 rue Hélène Brion 75205 Paris CEDEX 13 **Research scientist** (CRCN) **CNRS** [ORCID]( | [ResearchID]( | [ResearchGate]( | [Google Scholar]( More details at []( Research interests: - Landslides and granular flows on Earth and Beyond - Aeolian transport and climate inference in Niger, China, Mars &amp; Titan - Remote-Sensing of silicates and icy surfaces - Landscape modelling I am involved in: - [ESA GEP Sentinel Program]( - Cassini mission as part of the Radar Science Team - [InSight]([ mission]( as part of the Science Team on SEIS and on IDC/IDA instruments as well as on [InSight Geospatial Service]( - [Prosper Platform]( - [Drone Service](


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A rockslide-generated tsunami in a Greenland fjord rang Earth for 9 days

Kristian Svennevig , Stephen P. Hicks , Thomas Forbriger , Thomas Lecocq , Rudolf Widmer-Schnidrig
Science, 2024, 385, pp.1196-1205. ⟨10.1126/science.adm9247⟩
Journal articles insu-04725704v1
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Possibly seismically triggered avalanches after the S1222a Marsquake and S1000a impact event

A. Lucas , I.J. Daubar , M. Le Teuff , Clement Perrin , T. Kawamura
Icarus, 2024, 411, pp.115942. ⟨10.1016/j.icarus.2023.115942⟩
Journal articles hal-04386179v1
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The 1965 Mahavel Landslide (Réunion Island, Indian Ocean): Morphology, Volumes, Flow Dynamics, and Causes of a Rock Avalanche in Tropical Setting

Laurent Michon , Eric Gayer , Antoine Lucas , Franziska Bellin , Matthieu Gougeon
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 2023, 128, pp.e2022JF006944. ⟨10.1029/2022jf006944⟩
Journal articles hal-04124121v1
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Phenomenological model of suspended sediment transport in a small catchment

Amande Roque-Bernard , Antoine Lucas , Eric Gayer , Pascal Allemand , Céline Dessert
Earth Surface Dynamics, 2023, 11 (3), pp.363-381. ⟨10.5194/esurf-11-363-2023⟩
Journal articles hal-04089800v1
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A Tectonic Origin for the Largest Marsquake Observed by InSight

Benjamin Fernando , Ingrid Daubar , Constantinos Charalambous , Peter Grindrod , Alexander Stott
Geophysical Research Letters, 2023, 50 (20), ⟨10.1029/2023GL103619⟩
Journal articles hal-04247218v1
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Geometry and Segmentation of Cerberus Fossae, Mars: Implications for Marsquake Properties

Clement Perrin , A Jacob , A Lucas , R Myhill , E Hauber
Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, 2022, 127, ⟨10.1029/2021je007118⟩
Journal articles hal-03540691v1
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Composition, Roughness, and Topography from Radar Backscatter at Selk Crater, the Dragonfly Landing Site

Léa E. Bonnefoy , Antoine Lucas , Alexander G. Hayes , Sébastien Rodriguez , Valerio Poggiali
The Planetary Science Journal, 2022, 3, 201 (19pp). ⟨10.3847/psj/ac8428⟩
Journal articles hal-03765696v1
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Seismic sources of InSight marsquakes and seismotectonic context of Elysium Planitia, Mars

A Jacob , M Plasman , Clement Perrin , N Fuji , P Lognonné
Tectonophysics, 2022, 837, pp.229434. ⟨10.1016/j.tecto.2022.229434⟩
Journal articles hal-03694923v1
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Decennial geomorphic transport from archived time series digital elevation models: a cookbook for tropical and alpine environments

Antoine Lucas , Eric Gayer
IEEE geoscience and remote sensing magazine, 2022, 10 (2), pp.120 - 134. ⟨10.1109/MGRS.2021.3121370⟩
Journal articles hal-03381861v1
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Science goals and new mission concepts for futureexploration of Titan’s atmosphere, geologyand habitability: titan POlar scout/orbitEr and in situ lakelander and DrONe explorer (POSEIDON)

Sébastien Rodriguez , Sandrine Vinatier , Daniel Cordier , G. Tobie , Richard K. Achterberg
Experimental Astronomy, 2022, 54, pp.911-973. ⟨10.1007/s10686-021-09815-8⟩
Journal articles hal-03395339v3
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Seasonal seismic activity on Mars

M. Knapmeyer , S.C. Stähler , I. Daubar , F. Forget , A. Spiga
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2021, 576, pp.117171. ⟨10.1016/j.epsl.2021.117171⟩
Journal articles hal-03362753v1
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The thermal emission of Saturn's icy moons Effects of topography and regolith properties

C. Ferrari , A. Lucas , S. Jacquemoud
Astronomy & Astrophysics - A&A, 2021, 655, pp.A8. ⟨10.1051/0004-6361/202141223⟩
Journal articles hal-03357255v1
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Vortex‐Dominated Aeolian Activity at InSight's Landing Site, Part 1: Multi‐Instrument Observations, Analysis, and Implications

C Charalambous , J Mcclean , M Baker , W Pike , M Golombek
Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, 2021, 126 (6), ⟨10.1029/2020je006757⟩
Journal articles hal-03657987v1
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Topography curvature effects in thin-layer models for gravity-driven flows without bed erosion

Marc Peruzzetto , Anne Mangeney , François Bouchut , Gilles Grandjean , Clara Lévy
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 2021, 126 (4), pp.e2020JF005657. ⟨10.1029/2020JF005657⟩
Journal articles hal-03039631v1
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Dynamics of recent landslides (<20 My) on Mars: Insights from high-resolution topography on Earth and Mars and numerical modelling

A. Guimpier , Susan J. Conway , A. Mangeney , A. Lucas , N. Mangold
Planetary and Space Science, 2021, 206, pp.105303. ⟨10.1016/j.pss.2021.105303⟩
Journal articles hal-03287039v2
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A New Digital Terrain Model of the Huygens Landing Site on Saturn's Largest Moon, Titan

C Daudon , A Lucas , S Rodriguez , S Jacquemoud , A Escalante lópez
Earth and Space Science, 2020, 7 (12), pp.e2020EA001127. ⟨10.1029/2020ea001127⟩
Journal articles hal-03657939v1
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The seismicity of Mars

D. Giardini , P. Lognonné , W. Banerdt , W. Pike , U. Christensen
Nature Geoscience, 2020, 13 (3), pp.205-212. ⟨10.1038/s41561-020-0539-8⟩
Journal articles hal-02526752v1
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Crust stratigraphy and heterogeneities of the first kilometers at the dichotomy boundary in western Elysium Planitia and implications for InSight lander

L. Pan , C. Quantin-Nataf , B. Tauzin , C. Michaut , M. Golombek
Icarus, 2020, 338, pp.113511. ⟨10.1016/j.icarus.2019.113511⟩
Journal articles hal-02346218v1
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Operational Estimation of Landslide Runout: Comparison of Empirical and Numerical Methods

Marc Peruzzetto , Anne Mangeney , Gilles Grandjean , Clara Levy , Yannick Thiery
Geosciences, 2020, 10 (11), pp.424. ⟨10.3390/geosciences10110424⟩
Journal articles hal-02993278v1
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A New Crater Near InSight: Implications for Seismic Impact Detectability on Mars

I. Daubar , P. Lognonné , N. Teanby , G. Collins , J. Clinton
Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, 2020, 125 (8), pp.e2020JE006382. ⟨10.1029/2020JE006382⟩
Journal articles hal-02933048v2
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The atmosphere of Mars as observed by InSight

Don Banfield , Aymeric Spiga , Claire Newman , François Forget , Mark Lemmon
Nature Geoscience, 2020, 13 (3), pp.190-198. ⟨10.1038/s41561-020-0534-0⟩
Journal articles hal-02641370v2
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Monitoring of Dust Devil Tracks Around the InSight Landing Site, Mars, and Comparison With In Situ Atmospheric Data

C Perrin , S Rodriguez , A Jacob , A Lucas , A Spiga
Geophysical Research Letters, 2020, 47 (10), pp.e2020GL087234. ⟨10.1029/2020gl087234⟩
Journal articles hal-03657926v1
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Deep-seated gravitational slope deformation scaling on Mars and Earth: same fate for different initial conditions and structural evolutions

Olga Kromuszczyńska , Daniel Mège , Krzysztof Dębniak , Joanna Gurgurewicz , Magdalena Makowska
Earth Surface Dynamics, 2019, 7 (2), pp.361-376. ⟨10.5194/esurf-7-361-2019⟩
Journal articles hal-02125429v1
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The case for seasonal surface changes at Titan’s lake district

Shannon Mackenzie , Jason Barnes , Jason Hofgartner , Samuel Birch , Matthew Hedman
Nature Astronomy, 2019, 3 (6), pp.506-510. ⟨10.1038/s41550-018-0687-6⟩
Journal articles hal-02330630v1
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Deep-seated gravitational slope deformation scaling on Mars and Earth: same fate for different initial conditions and structural evolutions

Olga Kromuszczyńska , Daniel Mège , Krzysztof Dębniak , Joanna Gurgurewicz , Magdalena Makowska
Earth Surface Dynamics, 2019, 7 (2), pp.361-376. ⟨10.5194/esurf-7-361-2019⟩
Journal articles hal-02330633v1
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Empirical investigation of friction weakening of terrestrial and Martian landslides using discrete element models

Timur Borykov , Daniel Mège , Anne Mangeney , Patrick Richard , Joanna Gurgurewicz
Landslides, 2019, 16 (6), pp.11-21-1140. ⟨10.1007/s10346-019-01140-8⟩
Journal articles insu-02116501v1
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Persistence of intense, climate-driven runoff late in Mars history

Edwin Kite , David Mayer , Sharon Wilson , Joel M Davis , Antoine Lucas
Science Advances , 2019, 5 (3), pp.eaav7710. ⟨10.1126/sciadv.aav7710⟩
Journal articles hal-02331863v1
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Texture and composition of Titan's equatorial sand seas inferred from Cassini SAR data: Implications for aeolian transport and dune morphodynamics

Antoine Lucas , Sébastien Rodriguez , Florentin Lemonnier , Alice Le Gall , Shannon Mackenzie
Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, 2019, 124 (11), pp.3140-3163. ⟨10.1029/2019JE005965⟩
Journal articles insu-02320751v1
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Titan as Revealed by the Cassini Radar

R. M. C. Lopes , S.D. Wall , C. Elachi , Samuel P. D. Birch , P. Corlies
Space Science Reviews, 2019, 215 (4), 33. ⟨10.1007/s11214-019-0598-6⟩
Journal articles insu-02136345v1
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The case for seasonal surface changes at Titan’s lake district

Shannon Mackenzie , Jason Barnes , Jason Hofgartner , Samuel Birch , Matthew Hedman
Nature Astronomy, 2019, 3, pp.506 - 510. ⟨10.1038/s41550-018-0687-6⟩
Journal articles hal-03657904v1
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Observational evidence for active dust storms on Titan at equinox

S. Rodriguez , Stéphane Le Mouélic , J. Barnes , J. Kok , S. Rafkin
Nature Geoscience, 2018, 11 (10), pp.727-732. ⟨10.1038/s41561-018-0233-2⟩
Journal articles hal-02373155v1
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Impact-Seismic Investigations of the InSight Mission

Ingrid Daubar , Philippe Lognonné , Nicholas A. Teanby , Katarina Miljkovic , Jennifer Stevanović
Space Science Reviews, 2018, 214 (132), pp.1-68. ⟨10.1007/s11214-018-0562-x⟩
Journal articles hal-01990992v1

First quantification of relationship between dune orientation and sediment availability, Olympia Undae, Mars

Laura Fernandez-Cascales , Antoine Lucas , Sébastien Rodriguez , Xin Gao , Aymeric Spiga
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2018, 489, pp.241-250. ⟨10.1016/j.epsl.2018.03.001⟩
Journal articles hal-02331757v1
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Atmospheric Science with InSight

Aymeric Spiga , Don Banfield , Nicholas A. Teanby , François Forget , Antoine Lucas
Space Science Reviews, 2018, 214 (7), pp.1-64. ⟨10.1007/s11214-018-0543-0⟩
Journal articles hal-01902145v1
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Geological Evolution of Titan's Equatorial Regions: Possible Nature and Origin of the Dune Material

Jeremy Brossier , Sébastien Rodriguez , Thomas Cornet , Antoine Lucas , Jani Radebaugh
Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, 2018, 123 (5), pp.1089-1112. ⟨10.1029/2017JE005399⟩
Journal articles hal-02331759v1
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OZCAR : The French Network of Critical Zone Observatories

Jérôme Gaillardet , Isabelle Braud , Fatim Hankard , Sandrine Anquetin , Olivier Bour
Vadose Zone Journal, 2018, 17 (1), pp.1-24. ⟨10.2136/vzj2018.04.0067⟩
Journal articles insu-01944414v1
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Geology and Physical Properties Investigations by the InSight Lander

M. Golombek , M. Grott , G. Kargl , J. Andrade , J. Marshall
Space Science Reviews, 2018, 214 (5), pp.84. ⟨10.1007/s11214-018-0512-7⟩
Journal articles hal-01895616v1

Thermally anomalous features in the subsurface of Enceladus’s south polar terrain

Alice Le Gall , Cédric Leyrat , Michael A. Janssen , Gael Choblet , G. Tobie
Nature Astronomy, 2017, 1, pp.0063. ⟨10.1038/s41550-017-0063⟩
Journal articles insu-01499557v1

Compositional and spatial variations in Titan dune and interdune regions from Cassini VIMS and RADAR

Léa Bonnefoy , Alexander G. Hayes , Paul O. Hayne , Michael J. Malaska , Alice Le Gall
Icarus, 2016, 270, pp.222-237. ⟨10.1016/j.icarus.2015.09.014⟩
Journal articles insu-01205511v1
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Low thermal inertias of icy planetary surfaces

C. Ferrari , A. Lucas
Astronomy & Astrophysics - A&A, 2016, 588, pp.A133. ⟨10.1051/0004-6361/201527625⟩
Journal articles hal-02125411v1

Methane storms as a driver of Titan's dune orientation

Benjamin Charnay , Erika Barth , Scott Rafkin , Clément Narteau , Sébastien Lebonnois
Nature Geoscience, 2015, 8, pp.362-366. ⟨10.1038/ngeo2406⟩
Journal articles hal-01223167v1

Sand dune patterns on Titan controlled by long-term climate cycles

Ryan Ewing , Alex Hayes , Antoine Lucas
Nature Geoscience, 2015, 8 (1), pp.15-19. ⟨10.1038/ngeo2323⟩
Journal articles hal-02125402v1

Sediment flux from the morphodynamics of elongating linear dunes

Antoine Lucas , Clement Narteau , Sébastien Rodriguez , Olivier Rozier , Yann Callot
Geology, 2015, 43 (11), pp.1027. ⟨10.1130/G37101.1⟩
Journal articles hal-01233073v1
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Insights into Titan's geology and hydrology based on enhanced image processing of Cassini RADAR data

Antoine Lucas , Oded Aharonson , Charles-Alban Deledalle , Alexander G. Hayes , Randolph Kirk
Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, 2014, version. ⟨10.1002/2013JE004584⟩
Journal articles hal-01072249v1
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Frictional velocity-weakening in landslides on Earth and on other planetary bodies

Antoine Lucas , Anne Mangeney , Jean-Paul Ampuero
Nature Communications, 2014, 5, pp.3417. ⟨10.1038/ncomms4417⟩
Journal articles hal-01207415v1
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Threshold for sand mobility on Mars calibrated from seasonal variations of sand flux

F. Ayoub , Jean-Philippe Avouac , C.E. Newman , M.I. Richardson , A. Lucas
Nature Communications, 2014, 5 (1), ⟨10.1038/ncomms6096⟩
Journal articles hal-02125375v1

Slippery sliding on icy Iapetus

Antoine Lucas
Nature Geoscience, 2012, 5 (8), pp.524-525. ⟨10.1038/ngeo1532⟩
Journal articles hal-02125408v1

Morphological and mechanical characterization of gullies in a periglacial environment: The case of the Russell crater dune (Mars)

Gwenaël Jouannic , Julien Gargani , F. Costard , Gian Gabriele Ori , Chiara Marmo
Planetary and Space Science, 2012, 71 (1), pp.38-54. ⟨10.1016/j.pss.2012.07.005⟩
Journal articles hal-02194019v1
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Influence of the scar geometry on landslide dynamics and deposits: Application to Martian landslides

Antoine Lucas , Anne Mangeney , Daniel Mège , François Bouchut
Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, 2011, 116 (E10), pp.E10001. ⟨10.1029/2011JE003803⟩
Journal articles hal-00730536v1

Stratigraphy, mineralogy, and origin of layered deposits inside Terby crater, Mars

V. Ansan , D. Loizeau , N. Mangold , S. Le Mouélic , J. Carter
Icarus, 2011, 211 ((1)), pp.273-304 (if 3,340). ⟨10.1016/j.icarus.2010.09.011⟩
Journal articles hal-00570625v1

On the run-out distance of geophysical gravitational flows: Insight from fluidized granular collapse experiments

Olivier Roche , M. Attali , Anne Mangeney , A. Lucas
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2011, 311, pp.375-385. ⟨10.1016/j.epsl.2011.09.023⟩
Journal articles hal-00682312v1
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Erosion and mobility in granular collapse over sloping beds

A. Mangeney , Olivier Roche , O. Hungr , N. Mangold , Gloria Faccanoni
Journal of Geophysical Research : Solid Earth, 2010, 115 (F3), pp.F03040. ⟨10.1029/2009JF001462⟩
Journal articles hal-00521671v1
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Numerical modeling of landquakes

P. Favreau , Anne Mangeney , A. Lucas , G. Crosta , François Bouchut
Geophysical Research Letters, 2010, 37 (15), pp.L15305. ⟨10.1029/2010GL043512⟩
Journal articles hal-00693018v1
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Sinuous gullies on Mars: frequency, distribution, and implications for flow properties

Nicolas Mangold , Anne Mangeney , V. Migeon , V. Ansan , Antoine Lucas
Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, 2010, 115 (E11), pp.E11001. ⟨10.1029/2009JE003540⟩
Journal articles hal-00730525v1

Nouvel aperçu sur les liens génétiques entre des vallées issues de débâcle et des chasmata sur le plateau de Valles Marineris, Mars

Antoine Lucas , V. Ansan , Nicolas Mangold
Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement, 2009, 15 (1), pp.33-46. ⟨10.4000/geomorphologie.7485⟩
Journal articles hal-02125406v1
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Mobility and topographic effects for large Valles Marineris landslides on Mars

Antoine Lucas , Anne Mangeney
Geophysical Research Letters, 2007, 34 (10), ⟨10.1029/2007GL029835⟩
Journal articles insu-01285794v1

LiDAR assessment of sediment transport in a small, highly erosive alpine catchment

Yassine Boukhari , Caroline Le Bouteiller , Antoine Lucas , Stéphane Jacquemoud , Sébastien Klotz
EGU General Assembly 2024, 2024, Vienna, Austria. ⟨10.5194/egusphere-egu24-17766⟩
Conference papers hal-04703066v1
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InSight for seismically detectability and seismically triggered avalanches on Mars

Antoine Lucas , Lucas Bourdon , Anne Mangeney , Grégory Sainton , Mamadou Adama Bah
Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Sep 2022, Granada, Spain. pp.EPSC2022-366, ⟨10.5194/epsc2022-366⟩
Conference papers hal-03797707v1

Molards — A New Landform Revealing Ice-Ejecta Interactions on Mars

Susan J. Conway , Costanza Morino , Coralie Peignaux , Antoine Lucas , Kristian Svennig
52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Mar 2021, held virtually, United States
Conference papers hal-03452440v1

Molards on Mars - Signs of a disrupted cryosphere?

Costanza Morino , Susan J. Conway , Coralie Peignaux , Antoine Lucas , Kristian Svennevig
CryoMars, Mar 2021, Sheffield (virtual), United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-03173944v1

Primary Landslide Type Associated with Rapid Landscape Evolution of Volcanic Islands as Exemplified by the Mahavel Case of Réunion Island (Indian Ocean)

Pichon Laurent , Franziska Bellin , Eric Gayer , Antoine Lucas
AGU Fall Meeting 2019, Dec 2019, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers hal-02348041v1

Geomorphic transport from historical shape from motion: Implications for tropical and alpine environments

Antoine Lucas , Eric Gayer
AGU Fall Meeting 2019, Dec 2019, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers hal-02354772v1

Geomorphic transport from historical shape from motion: Implications for tropical and alpine environments

Antoine Lucas , Eric Gayer
AGU Fall Meeting 2019, Dec 2019, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers hal-02348445v1

High resolution topographic analysis and numerical simulations of landslides on Mars

Anthony Guimpier , Susan J. Conway , Antoine Lucas , Anne Mangeney , Nicolas Mangold
20th EGU General Assembly, Apr 2018, Vienna, Austria
Conference papers hal-02407466v1

Development of labyrinths on Titan: A numerical model based on surface dissolution

Thomas Cornet , Benoît Seignovert , Cyril Fleurant , Daniel Cordier , Olivier Bourgeois
European Geosciences Union (EGU 2018), 2018, Vienna, Austria
Conference papers hal-01715697v1
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Enhancing Geological and Structural Elements Through PCA of SAR, Integrated High-Resolution Radiometry and VIMS Data on Titan

F. Paganelli , R. Kirk , Alice Le Gall , B. Styles , S. Rodriguez
48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Mar 2017, The Woodlands, Texas, United States. pp.LPI Contribution No. 1964
Conference papers insu-01665860v1

Dissolution on Saturn's Moon Titan: A 3D Karst Landscape Evolution Model

Thomas Cornet , Cyril Fleurant , Benoit Seignovert , Daniel Cordier , Olivier Bourgeois
European Geosciences Union (EGU) 2017, 2017, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers hal-01449634v1

Titan's Sand Seas properties from the modelling of microwave-backscattered signal of Cassini/SAR

Antoine Lucas , Sébastien Rodriguez , Florentin Lommonier , Cécile Ferrari , Philippe Paillou
EGU General Assembly 2016, Apr 2016, Vienna, Austria. pp.14093
Conference papers hal-01358225v1
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Global mapping and characterization of Titan's dune fields with Cassini: correlation between RADAR and VIMS observations

S. Rodriguez , Alice Le Gall , S. Courrech Du Pont , C. Narteau , S. Le Mouélic
44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Aug 2013, The Woodlands, United States. pp.1978
Conference papers hal-01074010v1

Titan's Plains: Global Distribution and Possible Origin

R. M. Lopes , Alice Le Gall , R. L. Kirk , J. S. Kargel , E. R. Stofan
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2012, Dec 2012, San Francisco, United States. pp.abstract #P21E-1883
Conference papers hal-01077305v1

Gravitational spreading of high wallslopes on Mars: evidence of past tropical glaciations on Mars

D. Mège , Le Deit L. , A. Lucas , Olivier Bourgeois
IAG/AIG Regional Conference, Feb 2011, Addid Ababa, Ethiopia
Conference papers hal-00647095v1
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Processes of formation of debris flows on the Russell dune under a periglacial environment (Mars)

G. Jouannic , J. Gargani , F. Costard , C. Marmo , Frédéric Schmidt
EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011, Oct 2011, Nantes, France
Conference papers hal-01713636v1

Interpreting Titan's surface geology from Cassini RADAR observations

R. M. Lopes , Alice Le Gall , O. Aharonson , A. G. Hayes , K. L. Mitchell
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2011, Dec 2011, San Francisco, United States. pp.abstract #P13G-01
Conference papers hal-01088832v1

Terby Impact crater: Evidence for a Noachian sedimentary filling by subaqueous fan deltas

V. Ansan , D. Loizeau , N. Mangold , Stéphane Le Mouélic , J. Carter
European Planetary Science Congress, Sep 2010, Rome, Italy
Conference papers hal-00588833v1

Les dépôts stratifiés dans le cratère d'impact Terby (Mars): stratigraphie, minéralogie et origine

V. Ansan , D. Loizeau , N. Mangold , Stéphane Le Mouélic , J. Carter
Colloque du Programme National de Planétologie, Sep 2010, Brest, France
Conference papers hal-00588837v1

Terby impact crater: an evidence for a noachian sedimentary filling by subaqueous fan deltas,

V. Ansan , D. Loizeau , N. Mangold , Stéphane Le Mouélic , J. Carter
First International Conference on Mars Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, Apr 2010, El Paso, Texas, United States. #6011.pdf
Conference papers hal-00502044v1

New Insights into the Dynamics of Martian Gullies

A. Lucas , Anne Mangeney , N. Mangold , D. Mège , François Bouchut
40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Mar 2009, Houston, United States
Conference papers hal-00405492v1

Landslide scar geometry effect on flow spreading: Application to Martian landslides

A. Lucas , Anne Mangeney , D. Mège , François Bouchut
Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXIX, Mar 2009, Houston, United States
Conference papers hal-00406009v1

New Methodology for Initial Volume Estimation of Martian Landslides from DTM and Imagery

A. Lucas , Anne Mangeney , D. Mège , K. Kelfoun
Martian Gullies: Theories and Tests, Workshop, Feb 2008, Houston, United States. pp.A-8023
Conference papers hal-00324330v1

On the mobility of large Martian landslides.

A. Lucas , Anne Mangeney , D. Mège , François Bouchut
Martian Gullies: Theories and Tests, Workshop, Feb 2008, Houston, United States. pp.A-8036
Conference papers hal-00324321v1

On the simulation of large Martian landslides

A. Lucas , Anne Mangeney , D. Mège , François Bouchut
Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXVIII, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Mar 2008, Houston, United States. pp.A-1818
Conference papers hal-00324315v1

A new insight on the dynamics of Martian granular flows in Valles Marineris

A. Lucas , Anne Mangeney , D. Mège
Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXVIII, Mar 2007, Houston, United States. pp.1699
Conference papers hal-00199656v1

The Omega Team, Analysis of Layred deposits in terby Crater (Hellas region, mars) Using multiple Datasets MOC

V. Ansan , N. Mangold , A. Lucas , A. Gendrin , Stéphane Le Mouélic
Mar 2005, pp.Abstract 1378
Conference papers hal-00120220v1

Analysis of Layered Deposits in Terby Crater (Hellas Region, Mars) Using Multiple Datasets MOC, THEMIS and OMEGA/MEX Data

V. Ansan , N. Mangold , A. Lucas , A. Gendrin , S. Le Mouelic
36th Lunar & Planetary Science conference (LPSC), 2005, Houston, United States
Conference papers hal-00412138v1
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Evolution of Titan's labyrinths through chemical erosion and hillslope transport

Thomas Cornet , Benoît Seignovert , Cyril Fleurant , Daniel Cordier , Olivier Bourgeois
Europlanet Science Congress 2024, Sep 2024, Berlin, Germany
Conference poster hal-04676556v1
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Synthetic topography, roughness, albedo, and thermal inertia maps for mesoscale modeling on Titan

Lea E Bonnefoy , Maxence Lefevre , Audrey Chatain , Aymeric Spiga , Alexander G Hayes
Europlanet Science Congress 2024, Sep 2024, Berlin, Germany. EPSC Abstracts, 17, pp.EPSC2024-907, 2024, ⟨10.5194/epsc2024-907⟩
Conference poster insu-04676968v1

Backscatter modelling and inversion from Cassini/SAR data: Implications for Titan’s sand seas properties and climatic conditions

Antoine Lucas , Sebastien Rodriguez , Florentin Lemonnier , Philippe Paillou , Alice Le Gall
AGU Fall Meeting 2015, Dec 2015, San Francisco, United States. pp.P13B-2130
Conference poster insu-01249169v1

Titan's 'blandlands': Are they massive sand sheets?

R. M. Lopes , M. J. Malaska , Alice Le Gall , A. Hayes , S. P. Birch
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2013, Dec 2013, San Francisco, United States. pp.P53D-1896
Conference poster hal-01070834v1

Global characterization of Titan's dune fields by RADAR and VIMS observations

A. Garcia , Sébastien Rodriguez , Antoine Lucas , T. Appéré , Alice Le Gall
AGU, 2013 Fall Meeting, Dec 2013, San Francisco, United States. pp.P53D-1895
Conference poster hal-01072501v1

How much liquid water was there on Martian dunes?

Julien Gargani , Gwenaël Jouannic , F. Costard , Gian Gabriele Ori , Chiara Marmo
EGU General Assembly 2012, Apr 2012, Vienna, Austria. 14, pp.11720-1, 2012
Conference poster hal-01713623v1