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###### **Maître de Conférences** *Laboratoire de Cristallographie, Résonance Magnétique et Modélisation (**[CRM2](**) de l'Université de Lorraine (**[UL](**).* #### **Activités Pédagogiques** * Enseignements à la [**Faculté des Sciences et Technologies (FST)**]( (du L1 au M2): Optique et Imagerie; Electrostatique; Cristallographie; diffraction et diffusion des rayons X. * Enseignements à la (**[Faculté de Médecine](**, de **[Pharmacie](** et à **[Polytech Nancy](**): Radoactivité; Electrostatique & Magnétostatique; Ondes Acoustiques & psychoacoustique; Mécanique des fluides. * **2017-Présent** : Formation des jeunes chercheurs Africains à travers l’action Internationale intitulée [« ***International IUCr-UNESCO OpenLabs*** »]( #### **Activités de Recherche** o Mes activités de recherche sont réalisées au Laboratoire **[CRM2](** du Pôle Scientifique **[CPM ](**(Chimie et Physique Moléculaire). o **Thématiques de recherche**: Caractérisation structurale multi-échelles de Matériaux et nanomatériaux Moléculaires Fonctionnels. * **Approches & Méthodologies**: Photo-Cristallographie & Nanocristallographie. * **Applications**: Matériaux et nanomatériaux photo-actifs; biomatériaux pour la santé. #### **Responsabilités en Recherche et Rayonnement Scientifique** o **2023-Présent** : : Membre du Comité **Europe-Africa** dans le cadre du **[Consortium LEAPS](** (*League of European Accelerator-based Photon Sources*). o **2023-Présent** : Membre du comité Européen [**ReMade@ARI**]( (***Analytical Research Infrastructure in Europe : Expert in X-ray diffraction and scattering***) o **2022- Présent** : Membre du comité de programme [**PRC3** ]( synchrotron SOLEIL (***Matter & Material Properties: Structure, Organisation Characterisation, Elaboration***) . o **2022-Présent** : Co-responsable avec Pr. C. Lecomte du projet [**AFRAMED**]( : "*Appui à la Formation et la Recherche en Afrique par des Mesures à Distance*". o **2017-Présent** : Membre du comité « [**IUCr-UNESCO Africa Initiative**]( » . o **Encadrement Scientifique** : (co)-direction de : **8 doctorants**, **3 stages M2**, **5 stages M1** , **1 stage BTS**. o **Projets financés** : (co)-porteur et partenaire de **10 projets** (EIC-Pathfinder, ANR, IRN, CPER, FEDER, CNRS, LUE). #### **Réseaux de recherche et Sociétés Savantes** o **2020-Présent** : Membre du réseau **[RECIPROCS](**. o **2011-Présent** : Membre de la Société Française de Physique (**[SFP](**). o **2010-Présent** : Membre de l'Association Européenne de Cristallographie (**[ECA](**) o **2009-Présent** : Membre du réseau international des matériaux multifonctionnels à base de molécules (GDRI-MCM). o **2008-Présent** : Membre de l'Association Française de Cristallographie (**[AFC](**). o **Membre fondateur de l'Association Algérienne de Cristallographie (ACA).** #### **Responsabilités Collectives** o **2020-Présent** : Référent réseau C'Nano EST au CRM2. o **2020-Présent** : Référent réseau UL-Connect au CRM2. o **2018-Présent** : Responsable et Directeur Scientifique de la Plateforme de Mesures de Diffraction et de Diffusion des rayons X (**[PMD²X](**) o **2018-Présent** : Membre du Conseil de laboratoire CRM2. o **2017-Présent** : Coordinateur du GDR SolvATE au laboratoire CRM2. #### **Parcours Académique** **Septembre 2009-Présent** : Maître de Conférences au Laboratoire **[CRM2](** (Cristallographie, Résonance Magnétique et Modélisation) (UMR-CNRS 7036) de l’[Université de Lorraine]( (UL) à Nancy. **2007-2009** : Chercheur Post-Doctoral sur la ligne **[CRISTAL](** au **[Synchrotron SOLEIL](** : Contribution active à la construction et aux développements de la ligne CRISTAL. **2006-2007** : Chercheur Post-Doctoral au sein de l'Equipe Modélisation Quantique et Cristallographique (EMQC) du laboratoire LCM3B: développement du **[logiciel MoPro](**. **2004-2006** : Thèse de doctorat en physique au laboratoire de Cristallographie LCM3B (actuellement [CRM2]( à Nancy. Le sujet portait sur l’**analyse de la densité électronique** et des **propriétés topologiques** pour l’étude des **systèmes moléculaires** avec des **applications dans le domaine pharmaceutique**. **2002-2004**: Maître Assistant à l’[Université Abderrahmane Mira de Béjaia]( (Algérie). **1999-2001** Enseignant vacataire à l’[Université Mentouri de Constantine]( (Algérie). **1999-2001** Thèse de Magister en Sciences des Matériaux à l’[Université Mentouri de Constantine]( (Algérie).

Research domains

Cristallography Material chemistry Condensed Matter [cond-mat] Materials Science [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]


Photo-cristallographie Nanocristallographie Diffraction et diffusion totale des rayons X Analyse de la Fonction de Distribution de Paires (PDF) Nanomatériaux Moléculaires Fonctionnels


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Multiscale investigation on the formation path of the apatite phase in bioactive glasses

Amira Ghneim , Lea Abou Samra , Dominik Schaniel , Samantha Soule , Cédric Carteret
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2024, 639, pp.123095. ⟨10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2024.123095⟩
Journal articles hal-04634451v1
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Synthesis, structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis of 2-oxo-2 H -chromen-6-yl 4- tert -butylbenzoate: work carried out as part of the AFRAMED project

Patrice Kenfack Tsobnang , Eric Ziki , Soso Siaka , Jules Yoda , Seham Kamal
Acta crystallographica Section E : Crystallographic communications [2015-..], 2024, 80 (2), pp.106-109. ⟨10.1107/S2056989023011052⟩
Journal articles hal-04460408v1

Investigation of the Binary System of Proxyphylline Enantiomers: Structural Resolution and Phase Diagram Determination

Clément Pinetre , Lina C Harfouche , Clément Brandel , El-Eulmi Bendeif , Morgane Sanselme
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2023, ⟨10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.3c00922⟩
Journal articles hal-04369083v1
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Structural Properties of Metal–Organic Frameworks at Elevated Thermal Conditions via a Combined Density Functional Tight Binding Molecular Dynamics (DFTB MD) Approach

Felix R S Purtscher , Leo Christanell , Moritz Schulte , Stefan Seiwald , Markus Rödl
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2023, 127 (3), pp.1560-1575. ⟨10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c05103⟩
Journal articles hal-04390906v1
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Crystal engineering of a new pharmaceutical polymorph of Gallic acid monohydrate: A structural comparative study and chemical computational quantum investigations

Nasreddine Ghouari , Rim Benali-Cherif , Radhwane Takouachet , Wahiba Falek , Djallila Missaoui
CrystEngComm, 2023, 25 (45), pp.6279-6290. ⟨10.1039/d3ce00766a⟩
Journal articles hal-04383384v2
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Molecular Structure, Computational Studies and Nonlinear Optical properties of a New Organic Chalcone Crystal

Hadjer Belahlou , Sihem Abed , Mehdi Bouchouit , Said Taboukhat , Lyamine Messaadia
Journal of Molecular Structure, 2023, 1294 (2), pp.136488. ⟨10.1016/j.molstruc.2023.136488⟩
Journal articles hal-04383392v1
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Role and Effect of Meso-Structuring Surfactants on Properties and Formation Mechanism of Microfluidic-Enabled Mesoporous Silica Microspheres

Nizar Bchellaoui , Qisheng Xu , Xuming Zhang , El-Eulmi Bendeif , Rachid Bennacer
Micromachines, 2023, 14 (5), pp.936. ⟨10.3390/mi14050936⟩
Journal articles hal-04274300v1
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Synthesis, catalytic activity, magnetic study and anticorrosive activity of mild steel in HCl 1 M medium of (H3dien)[Cu(NO3)(C2O4)2].2H2O. A redetermination at 100 K

Mohamed Akouibaa , Mariya Kadiri , Majid Driouch , Karim Tanji , Rachid Ouarsal
Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2023, 307, pp.128130. ⟨10.1016/j.matchemphys.2023.128130⟩
Journal articles hal-04393347v1
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Crystal Structure, Hirhfeld Surface Analysis and IR Analysis of 2-Amino-1,9-Dihydro-6H-Purin-6-One-Selenate-Water

S. Baaziz , E. Poyraz , R. Benali-Cherif , W. Falek , B. Hannachi
Journal of Structural Chemistry, 2023, 64 (7), pp.1350-1359. ⟨10.1134/S0022476623070181⟩
Journal articles hal-04421741v1
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Synthesis, characterization and structural study of new nickel(II) and mercury (II) complexes with imidazole oxime ligand

Mehdi Bouchouit , Hadjer Belahlou , Mounia Guergouri , Rafik Bensegueni , Sofiane Bouacida
Journal of Molecular Structure, 2023, 1287, pp.135674. ⟨10.1016/j.molstruc.2023.135674⟩
Journal articles hal-04383398v1
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Synthesis of novel hybrid decavanadate material (NH4)2(H2en)2{V10O28}.4H2O: Characterization, anticorrosion and biological activities

M. Idboumlik , M. Kadiri , N. Hamdi , M. Driouch , A.F.I. Ngopoh
Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2022, 287, pp.126211. ⟨10.1016/j.matchemphys.2022.126211⟩
Journal articles hal-04393343v1
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Structural and comparative study of water confined in a mesoporous bioglass by X-ray total scattering

A. Rjiba , J. Jelassi , N. Letaief , A. Lucas-Girot , Sébastien Pillet
Physics and Chemistry of Liquids, 2021, 59 (4), pp.564-574. ⟨10.1080/00319104.2020.1757094⟩
Journal articles hal-02886576v1
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The supramolecular behavior and molecular recognition of adeninium cations on anionic hydrogen selenite/diselenite frameworks: A structural and theoretical analysis

Radhwane Takouachet , Rim Benali-Cherif , El-Eulmi Bendeif , Christian Jelsch , Fatima Yahia Cherif
Journal of Molecular Structure, 2021, 1229, pp.129836. ⟨10.1016/j.molstruc.2020.129836⟩
Journal articles hal-03127405v1
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Synthesis, structural elucidation, spectroscopic, Hirshfeld surface analysis and theoretical simulation of a new adeninium orthoperiodate (1−) bis(hydrate) organic–inorganic hybrid crystals

Rim Benali-Cherif , Radhwane Takouachet , Wahiba Falek , Nourredine Benali-Cherif , Christian Jelsch
Journal of Molecular Structure, 2021, 1224, pp.129034. ⟨10.1016/j.molstruc.2020.129034⟩
Journal articles hal-02916064v1
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Differential scanning calorimetry and NMR study of water confined in a mesoporous bioactive glass

Abdelkarim Rjiba , Hassan Khoder , Jawhar Jelassi , Sabine Bouguet-Bonnet , Carole Gardiennet
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2021, 316, pp.110922. ⟨10.1016/j.micromeso.2021.110922⟩
Journal articles hal-03209728v1

Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, crystal structure, DFT studies and biological activities of new hydrazone derivative: 1-(2,5-bis((E)-4-isopropylbenzylidene)cyclopentylidene)-2-(2,4-dinitrophenyl) hydrazine

Saliha Saouli , Ilhem Selatnia , Bachir Zouchoune , Assia Sid , Saber Mustapha Zendaoui
Journal of Molecular Structure, 2020, 1213, pp.128203. ⟨10.1016/j.molstruc.2020.128203⟩
Journal articles hal-02974967v1
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X-ray scattering study of water confined in bioactive glasses: experimental and simulated pair distribution function

Hassan Khoder , Dominik Schaniel , Sébastien Pillet , El-Eulmi Bendeif
Acta Crystallographica Section A : Foundations and Advances [2014-..], 2020, 76 (5), pp.589-599. ⟨10.1107/S2053273320007834⟩
Journal articles hal-04445615v1
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Crystal structure of a new phenyl(morpholino)methanethione derivative: 4-[(morpholin-4-yl)carbothioyl]benzoic acid

Finagnon Hyacinthe Agnimonhan , El-Eulmi Bendeif , Léon Ahoussi Akanni , Ahokannou Fernand Gbaguidi , Eddy Martin
Acta crystallographica Section E : Crystallographic communications [2015-..], 2020, 76 (4), pp.581-584. ⟨10.1107/S2056989020003977⟩
Journal articles hal-02974958v1
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Photoinduced Mo-CN bond breakage in octacyanomolybdate leading to spin triplet trapping

Xinghui Qi , Sébastien Pillet , Coen de Graaf , Michał Magott , El-Eulmi Bendeif
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2020, 59 (8), pp.3117-3121. ⟨10.1002/anie.201914527⟩
Journal articles hal-02499555v1
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Imprinting isolated single iron atoms onto mesoporous silica by templating with metallosurfactants

Y. Berro , S. Gueddida , Y. Bouizi , C. Bellouard , El-E. Bendeif
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2020, 573, pp.193-203. ⟨10.1016/j.jcis.2020.03.095⟩
Journal articles hal-02560219v1
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Synthesis, structural investigation and NLO properties of three 1,2,4-triazole Schiff bases

Soumeya Maza , Christian Kijatkin , Zakaria Bouhidel , Sébastien Pillet , Dominik Schaniel
Journal of Molecular Structure, 2020, 1219, pp.128492. ⟨10.1016/j.molstruc.2020.128492⟩
Journal articles hal-02974975v1
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New architecture of organo electronic chalcones derivatives: Synthesis, crystal structures and optical properties

H. Belahlou , K. Waszkowska , A. Bouraiou , El-Eulmi Bendeif , S. Taboukhat
Optical Materials, 2020, 108, pp.110188. ⟨10.1016/j.optmat.2020.110188⟩
Journal articles hal-02974978v1
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Unprecedented reverse volume expansion in spin‐transition crystals

Wenbin Guo , Nathalie Daro , Sébastien Pillet , Mathieu Marchivie , El-Eulmi Bendeif
Chemistry - A European Journal, 2020, 26 (57), pp.12927-12930. ⟨10.1002/chem.202001821⟩
Journal articles hal-02945219v1
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Pure, Size Tunable ZnO Nanocrystals Assembled into Large Area PMMA Layer as Efficient Catalyst

Issraa Shahine , Nour Beydoun , Jean‐jacques Gaumet , El-Eulmi Bendeif , Hervé Rinnert
Catalysts, 2019, 9 (2), pp.162. ⟨10.3390/catal9020162⟩
Journal articles hal-02443660v1
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Nonlinear optical organic–inorganic crystals: synthesis, structural analysis and verification of harmonic generation in tri-( o -chloroanilinium nitrate)

Hamza Athmani , Christian Kijatkin , Rim Benali-Cherif , Sébastien Pillet , Dominik Schaniel
Acta Crystallographica Section A : Foundations and Advances [2014-..], 2019, 75 (1), pp.107-114. ⟨10.1107/S2053273318014122⟩
Journal articles hal-02319758v1

A structural comparative study of charge transfer compounds: Synthesis, crystal structure, IR, Raman-spectroscopy, DFT computation and hirshfeld surface analysis

Wahiba Falek , Rim Benali-Cherif , Lynda Golea , Salima Samai , Nourredine Benali-Cherif
Journal of Molecular Structure, 2019, 1192, pp.132-144. ⟨10.1016/j.molstruc.2019.04.084⟩
Journal articles hal-02974953v1
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Evidence for a photoinduced isonitrosyl isomer in ruthenium dinitrosyl compounds

Dominik Schaniel , Nicolas Casaretto , El-Eulmi Bendeif , Theo Woike , Anna Gallien
CrystEngComm, 2019, 21 (38), pp.5804-5810. ⟨10.1039/C9CE01119F⟩
Journal articles hal-02382478v1
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Conducting Anilate-Based Mixed-Valence Fe(II)Fe(III) Coordination Polymer: Small-Polaron Hopping Model for Oxalate-Type Fe(II)Fe(III) 2D Networks

Suchithra Ashoka Sahadevan , Alexandre Abhervé , Noemi Monni , Cristina Sáenz de Pipaón , José Ramón Galán-Mascarós
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018, 140 (39), pp.12611-12621. ⟨10.1021/jacs.8b08032⟩
Journal articles hal-02356983v1
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Direct Evidence of a Photoinduced Electron Transfer in Diluted “Molybdenum-Copper” Molecular Compounds

Nathalie Bridonneau , Pierre Quatremare , Hans Jürgen von Bardeleben , Jean-Louis Cantin , Sébastien Pillet
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2018, 2018 (3-4), pp.370-377. ⟨10.1002/ejic.201700983⟩
Journal articles hal-01709670v1
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Very Long-Lived Photogenerated High-Spin Phase of a Multistable Spin-Crossover Molecular Material

Teresa Delgado , Antoine Tissot , Laure Guénée , Andreas Hauser , Francisco Javier Valverde-Muñoz
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018, 140 (40), pp.12870-12876. ⟨10.1021/jacs.8b06042⟩
Journal articles hal-02314062v1

Broadband Emission in a New Two-Dimensional Cd-Based Hybrid Perovskite

Aymen Yangui , Sébastien Pillet , El-Eulmi Bendeif , Alain Lusson , Smail Triki
ACS photonics, 2018, 5 (4), pp.1599-1611. ⟨10.1021/acsphotonics.8b00052⟩
Journal articles hal-01731273v1
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Wavelength-selective photoisomerisation of nitric oxide and nitrite in a rhodium complex

D. Schaniel , E.-E. Bendeif , T. Woike , H.-C. Böttcher , S. Pillet
CrystEngComm, 2018, 20 (44), pp.7100 - 7108. ⟨10.1039/C8CE01345D⟩
Journal articles hal-01926697v1
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In-house time-resolved photocrystallography on the millisecond timescale using a gated X-ray hybrid pixel area detector

Nicolas Casaretto , Dominik Schaniel , Paul Alle , Emmanuel Wenger , Pascal Parois
Acta Crystallographica Section B : Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials [2014-..], 2017, 73 (4), pp.696 - 707. ⟨10.1107/S2052520617009234⟩
Journal articles hal-01709681v2
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Hidden hysteretic behavior of a paramagnetic iron(II) network revealed by light irradiation

Mame Mguenar Ndiaye , Sébastien Pillet , El-Eulmi Bendeif , Mathieu Marchivie , Guillaume Chastanet
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2017, 3-4, pp.305-313. ⟨10.1002/ejic.201701098⟩
Journal articles hal-01629238v1

Control of the white-light emission in the mixed two-dimensional hybrid perovskites (C6H11NH3)2[PbBr4−xIx]

Aymen Yangui , Sebastien Pillet , Alain Lusson , El-Eulmi Bendeif , Smail Triki
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 699, pp.1122-1133. ⟨10.1016/j.jallcom.2017.01.032⟩
Journal articles hal-01533346v1

Structural analysis and IR-spectroscopy of a new anilinium hydrogenselenite hybrid compound: A subtle structural phase transition

Radhwane Takouachet , Rim Benali-Cherif , El-Eulmi Bendeif , Nourredine Benali-Cherif , Sébastien Pillet
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2016, 446, pp.6-12. ⟨10.1016/j.ica.2016.02.047⟩
Journal articles hal-01532136v1
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Elastic frustration triggering photoinduced hidden hysteresis and multistability in a two-dimensional photoswitchable Hofmann-like spin-Crossover metal–organic framework

Eric Milin , Véronique Patinec , Smail Triki , El-Eulmi Bendeif , Sébastien Pillet
Inorganic Chemistry, 2016, 55 (22), pp.11652-11661. ⟨10.1021/acs.inorgchem.6b01081⟩
Journal articles hal-01407977v1
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Characterization of multifunctional β-NaEuF4/NaGdF4 core–shell nanoparticles with narrow size distribution

Lilli Schneider , Thorben Rinkel , Benjamin Voss , Artur Chrobak , Johann P. Klare
Nanoscale, 2016, 8, pp.2832-2843. ⟨10.1039/C5NR06915G⟩
Journal articles hal-01531876v1

Photo-induced linkage NO isomers in the dinitrosyl complex [Ru(NO)(2)(PCy3)(2)Cl](BF4) identified by photocrystallography and IR-spectroscopy

Nicolas Casaretto , B. Fournier , S. Pillet , El-Eulmi Bendeif , Dominik Schaniel
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18 (38), pp.7260-7268. ⟨10.1039/c6ce00735j⟩
Journal articles hal-01533283v1
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Multiple light-induced NO linkage isomers in the dinitrosyl complex [RuCl(NO)(2)(PPh3)(2)]BF4 nravelled by photocrystallographic and IR analysis

Nicolas Casaretto , Sébastien Pillet , El-Eulmi Bendeif , Dominik Schaniel , Anna K. E. Gallien
International Union of Crystallography journal, 2015, 2 (1), pp.35-44. ⟨10.1107/S2052252514023598⟩
Journal articles hal-01521900v1

Photocrystallography and IR spectroscopy of light-induced linkage NO isomers in [RuBr(NO)(2)(PCyp(3))(2)]BF4

Nicolas Casaretto , Sébastien Pillet , El-Eulmi Bendeif , Dominik Schaniel , Anna K. E. Gallien
Acta Crystallographica Section B : Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials [2014-..], 2015, 71 (6, SI), pp.788-797. ⟨10.1107/S2052520615018132⟩
Journal articles hal-01521795v1

First evidence of a light-induced spin transition in a Molybdenum (IV)

Nathalie Bridonneau , Jérôme Long , Jean-Louis Cantin , Jürgen von Bardeleben , Sébastien Pillet
Chemical Communications, 2015, 51, pp.8229. ⟨10.1039/C5CC01714A⟩
Journal articles hal-01150666v1

Structure determination of molecular nanocomposites by combining pair distribution function analysis and solid-state NMR

E.E. Bendeif , A. Gansmuller , K.-Y. Hsieh , S. Pillet , Th. Woike
RSC Advances, 2015, 5, pp.8895. ⟨10.1039/C4RA11470A⟩
Journal articles hal-01122927v1

Optical Investigation of Broadband White-Light Emission in Self-Assembled Organic-Inorganic Perovskite (C6H11NH3)(2)PbBr4

A. Yangui , Damein Garrot , J.-S Lauret , A. Lusson , G. Bouchez
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2015, 119 (41), pp.23638-23647. ⟨10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b06211⟩
Journal articles hal-01521801v1

A comparative study of two polymorphs of L-aspartic acid hydrochloride

Rim Benali-Cherif , Radhwane Takouachet , El-Eulmi Bendeif , Nourredine Benali-Cherif
Acta Crystallographica Section C : Crystal Structure Communications [1968-2013], 2014, 70 (7), pp.689+. ⟨10.1107/S2053229614013163⟩
Journal articles hal-01521183v1

The structural properties of a noncentrosymmetric polymorph of 4-aminobenzoic acid

Rim Benali-Cherif , Radhwane Takouachet , El-Eulmi Bendeif , Nourredine Benali-Cherif
Acta Crystallographica Section C : Crystal Structure Communications [1968-2013], 2014, 70 (3), pp.323-U279. ⟨10.1107/S2053229614002447⟩
Journal articles hal-01521320v1

Structure and dynamics of guest molecules confined in a mesoporous silica matrix: Complementary NMR and PDF characterisation

Kuan-Ying Hsieh , El-Eulmi Bendeif , Axel Gansmuller , Sébastien Pillet , Theo Woike
RSC Advances, 2013, 3 (48), pp.26132-26141. ⟨10.1039/c3ra45347b⟩
Journal articles hal-01520989v1

Giant Ising-type Magnetic Anisotropy in Trigonal Bipyramidal Ni(II) Complexes : Experiment and Theory.

Renaud Ruamps , Rémi Maurice , L.J. Batchelor , Martial Boggio-Pasqua , Régis Guillot
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135 (8), pp.3017-3026. ⟨10.1021/ja308146e⟩
Journal articles hal-00795681v1

Structural reinvestigation of the photoluminescent complex [NdCl2(H2O)(6)]Cl

Kuan-Ying Hsieh , El-Eulmi Bendeif , Sébastien Pillet , Abdelatif Doudouh , Dominik Schaniel
Acta Crystallographica Section C : Crystal Structure Communications [1968-2013], 2013, 69 (9, SI), pp.1002+. ⟨10.1107/S0108270113021367⟩
Journal articles hal-01520996v1

Light-Induced Bistability in the 2D Coordination Network \[Fe(bbtr)(3)][BF4](2)\(infinity): Wavelength-Selective Addressing of Molecular Spin States

Pradip Chakraborty , Sébastien Pillet , El-Eulmi Bendeif , Cristian Enachescu , Robert Bronisz
Chemistry - A European Journal, 2013, 19 (34), pp.11418-11428. ⟨10.1002/chem.201301257⟩
Journal articles hal-01520890v1

Room temperature bistability with wide thermal hysteresis in a spin crossover silica nanocomposite

Pierrick Durand , Sébastien Pillet , El-Eulmi Bendeif , Cédric Carteret , Mohamed Bouazaoui
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2013, 1, pp.1933. ⟨10.1039/c3tc00546a⟩
Journal articles hal-00880310v1
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Properties of metastable linkage NO isomers in Na2[Fe(CN)5NO]·2H2O incorporated in mesopores of silica xerogels

Zakaria Tahri , Robert Lepski , Kuan-Ying Hsieh , El-Eulmi Bendeif , Sebastien Pillet
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2012, 14 (11), pp.3775-3781. ⟨10.1039/c2cp23607a⟩
Journal articles hal-04398349v1
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Multimetastability, phototrapping, and thermal trapping of a metastable commensurate superstructure in a FeII spin-crossover compound

Sébastien Pillet , El-Eulmi Bendeif , Sylvestre Bonnet , Helena Shepherd , Philippe Guionneau
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2012, 86 (6), pp.064106. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.86.064106⟩
Journal articles hal-00731243v1
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Can a Formally Zwitterionic Rhodium(I) Complex Emulate the Charge Density of a Cationic Rhodium(I) Complex? A Combined Synchrotron X-ray and Theoretical Charge-Density Study

El-Eulmi Bendeif , Chérif F Matta , Mark Stradiotto , Pierre Fertey , Claude Lecomte
Inorganic Chemistry, 2012, 51 (6), pp.3754-3769. ⟨10.1021/ic2026347⟩
Journal articles hal-04398334v1
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Diffraction X haute résolution : les secrets de la liaison chimique révélés

Claude Lecomte , El-Eulmi Bendeif , Sébastien Pillet
L'Actualité Chimique, 2011, Le rayonnement synchrotron, une lumière pour comprendre la chimie, 356-357, pp.118-122
Journal articles hal-04398386v1

Cyanocarbanion-based spin-crossover materials: photocrystallographic and photomagnetic studies of a new iron(II) neutral chain

Gaelle Dupouy , Smail Triki , Mathieu Marchivie , Nathalie Cosquer , Carlos J. Gómez-García
Inorganic Chemistry, 2010, 49 (20), pp.9358-68. ⟨10.1021/ic101038z⟩
Journal articles hal-00545079v1
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Charge Density and Electrostatic Interactions of Fidarestat, an Inhibitor of Human Aldose Reductase

Bertrand Fournier , El-Eulmi Bendeif , Benoît Guillot , Alberto Podjarny , Claude Lecomte
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009, 131 (31), pp.10929-10941. ⟨10.1021/ja8095015⟩
Journal articles hal-01720074v1
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Following an isosymmetric phase transition by changes in bond lengths and anisotropic displacement parameters: the case of meta -carboxyphenylammonium phosphite

El-Eulmi Bendeif , Claude Lecomte , Slimane Dahaoui
Acta Crystallographica Section B : Structural Science [1968-2013], 2009, 65 (1), pp.59-67. ⟨10.1107/S0108768108042298⟩
Journal articles hal-04398362v1

The experimental library multipolar atom model refinement of L-aspartic acid

E.E. Bendeif , C. Jelsch
Acta Crystallographica Section C : Crystal Structure Communications [1968-2013], 2007, 63, pp.o361-o364. ⟨10.1107/s0108270107021671⟩
Journal articles hal-00207553v1
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The experimental library multipolar atom model refinement of L-aspartic acid

El-Eulmi Bendeif , Christian Jelsch
Acta Crystallographica Section C : Crystal Structure Communications [1968-2013], 2007, 63 (6), pp.o361-o364. ⟨10.1107/S0108270107021671⟩
Journal articles hal-01713025v1

Tautomerism and hydrogen bonding in guaninium phosphite and guaninium phosphate salts

E.E. Bendeif , S. Dahaoui , N. Benali-Cherif , C. Lecomte
Acta crystallographica Section B: Structural crystallography and crystal chemistry, 2007, 63, pp.448-458. ⟨10.1107/s0108768107005332⟩
Journal articles hal-00207066v1

Isostructural phase transition in m-carboxyphenylammonium monohydrogenphosphite

E.E. Bendeif , S. Dahaoui , M. Francois , N.E. Benali-Cherif , C. Lecomte
Acta Crystallographica Section B : Structural Science [1968-2013], 2005, 61, pp.700-709. ⟨10.1107/s0108768105026686⟩
Journal articles hal-00022088v1

Cytosinium oxalate monohydrate

K. Bouchouit , N. Benali-Cherif , S. Dahaoui , E.E. Bendeif , C. Lecomte
Acta Crystallographica Section E : Structure Reports Online [2001-2014], 2005, 61, pp.2755-2757. ⟨10.1107/S1600536805023494⟩
Journal articles hal-00022888v1

Phase transition and charge density study of the m-carboxyphenyl ammonium phosphite

E.E. Bendeif , S. Dahaoui , C. Lecomte , M. Francois , N.E. Benali-Cherif
Acta Crystallographica Section A : Foundations of Crystallography [1968-2013], 2005, 61, pp.C425
Journal articles hal-00022883v1

Synthesis, IR, NMR AND X-ray studies of two hybrid compounds: (NH 3C6H4COOH)+(H2PO 4)- and (NH3C6H4COOH) +(H2PO3)-

Nourredine Benali-Cherif , El-Eulmi Bendeif , Karim Bouchouit , Aouatef Cherouana
Annales de Chimie - Science des Matériaux, 2003, 29 (2), pp.11-24
Journal articles hal-04413406v1

ZnO-Au heterojunction enhanced the photoluminescence of ZnO nanocrystals

Issraa Shahine , Jean-Jacques Gaumet , Aotmane En Naciri , Patrice Miska , El-Eulmi Bendeif
The 9th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META 2018), Jun 2018, Marseille, France
Conference papers hal-02647982v1

Isostructural phase transition in the m-carboxy phenyl ammonium monohydrogenphosphite

E.E. Bendeif , S. Dahaoui , N. Benali-Cherif , C. Lecomte
2nd Algerian Congress of Crystallography, 2005, Constantine, Algeria
Conference papers hal-00089647v1