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Data Scientist - Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche
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Eric Jeangirard is a data scientist at the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. He began his career developing quantitative tools and machine-learning algorithms in major private sector industries (investment banking, airline, classified ad marketplace). His work now focuses on building data-driven tools (from algorithm development to cloud deployment) to support and steer public policies of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research and French research institutions. Together with his colleagues, Eric developed alternative bibliometric tools completely independent of any proprietary database. The French Open Science Monitor is one the use-case they developed. Their focus is not only on scholarly publications but also on Ph.D. thesis, clinical trials, research data, and research software. Another use-case is the national research portal, scanR where machine learning techniques are applied to link together institutions, authors, productions and grants.


scanR - Explore public data on French research and innovation

Eric Jeangirard
euroCRIS SMM 2024, euroCRIS, Nov 2024, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-04813230v1
Image document

Monitoring Open Access at a national level: French case study

Eric Jeangirard
ELPUB 2019 23rd edition of the International Conference on Electronic Publishing, Jun 2019, Marseille, France. ⟨10.4000/proceedings.elpub.2019.20⟩
Conference papers hal-02141819v1
Image document

Scholarly Infrastructures for Research Software

Roberto Di Cosmo , Jose Benito Gonzalez Lopez , Jean-François Abramatic , Kay Graf , Miguel Colom
European Comission. 2020,
Reports hal-04134056v1