Research domains
Rediscovering of vernacular adaptative construction strategies for sustainable modern building : application to cob and rammed earthConstruction durable. Université de Lyon, 2017. English. ⟨NNT : 2017LYSET011⟩
Environmental Potential of Earth-Based Building Materials: Key Facts and Issues from a Life Cycle Assessment PerspectiveEnvironmental Potential of Earth-Based Building Materials: Key Facts and Issues from a Life Cycle Assessment Perspective. In : Antonin Fabbri, Jean-Claude Morel, Jean-Emmanuel Aubert, Quoc-Bao Bui, Domenico Gallipoli, and B.V. Venkatarama Reddy, Testing and Characterisation of Earth-based Building Materials and Elements: State-of-the-Art Report of the RILEM TC 274-TCE, Springer International Publishing, pp. 261-296, 2022, RILEM State-of-the-Art Reports, 978-3-030-83297-1. ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-83297-1_8⟩
Book sections
General IntroductionTesting and Characterisation of Earth-based Building Materials and Elements, 35, Springer International Publishing, pp.1-15, 2022, RILEM State-of-the-Art Reports, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-83297-1_1⟩
Book sections
Rediscovering raw earth heritage of Champagne area (France) : Cartography and typology of a specific adobe vernacular architectureRSC-CMSS23 - “Appropriate choice of eco-friendly processes and materials for expected environmental building performance", Mar 2023, Rabat, Morocco
Conference papers
Rediscovered earth heritage becomes motor for local change - The Guérande Peninsula (France)HERITAGE2022 International Conference on Vernacular Heritage: Culture, People and Sustainability, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Sep 2022, Valencia, Spain. pp.149-156, ⟨10.4995/HERITAGE2022.2022.15287⟩
Conference papers
On the influence of narrative in the perception of raw earth construction15th Biennial International Conference of the European Architectural Envisioning Association: Envisioning Architectural Narratives, Sep 2021, Huddersfield, United Kingdom. pp.105-115
Conference papers
Echangeur de chaleur conçu à partir d’un matériau en terre crue : application au refroidissement des data centresCongrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés, Oct 2019, Nantes, France
Conference papers
Light earth performances for thermal insulation: application to Earth-Hemp2nd International Conference on Bio-based Building Materials and 1st Conference on ECOlogical valorisation of GRAnular and FIbrous materials, Jun 2017, CLERMONT-FERRAND, France. pp. 1-7
Conference papers