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Erwan Kerrien

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Intracranial aneurysm detection: an object detection perspective

Youssef Assis , Liang Liao , Fabien Pierre , René Anxionnat , Erwan Kerrien
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2024, 19 (9), pp.1667-1675. ⟨10.1007/s11548-024-03132-z⟩
Journal articles hal-04557555v1
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Constrained Stochastic State Estimation of Deformable 1D Objects: Application to Single-view 3D Reconstruction of Catheters with Radio-opaque Markers

Raffaella Trivisonne , Erwan Kerrien , Stéphane Cotin
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 2020, 81, ⟨10.1016/j.compmedimag.2020.101702⟩
Journal articles hal-02469093v1
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ICG-induced NIR fluorescence mapping in patients with head & neck tumors after the previous radiotherapy

Sophie Cortese , Erwan Kerrien , Ilya Yakavets , Rokia Meilender , Romina Mastronicola
Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, 2020, 31, pp.101838. ⟨10.1016/j.pdpdt.2020.101838⟩
Journal articles hal-02888671v1
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Blood vessel modeling for interactive simulation of interventional neuroradiology procedures

Erwan Kerrien , Ahmed Yureidini , Jeremie Dequidt , Christian Duriez , René Anxionnat
Medical Image Analysis, 2017, 35, pp.685 - 698. ⟨10.1016/⟩
Journal articles hal-01390923v1
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Multimodal acquisition of articulatory data: Geometrical and temporal registration

Michaël Aron , Marie-Odile Berger , Erwan Kerrien , Brigitte Wrobel-Dautcourt , Blaise Potard
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2016, 139 (2), pp.13. ⟨10.1121/1.4940666⟩
Journal articles hal-01269578v1
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Impact of Soft Tissue Heterogeneity on Augmented Reality for Liver Surgery

Nazim Haouchine , Stephane Cotin , Igor Peterlik , Jeremie Dequidt , Mario Sanz Lopez
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2015, 21 (5), pp.584 - 597. ⟨10.1109/TVCG.2014.2377772⟩
Journal articles hal-01136728v1

La simulation en radiologie interventionnelle

Stéphane Cotin , Erwan Kerrien
Interstices, 2011
Journal articles hal-01350375v1
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A methodology for validating a 3D imaging modality for brain AVM delineation: Application to 3DRA.

Marie-Odile Berger , René Anxionnat , Erwan Kerrien , Luc Picard , Michael Söderman
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 2008, 32 (7), pp.544-553. ⟨10.1016/j.compmedimag.2008.06.003⟩
Journal articles inria-00321688v1

Intracranial Aneurysms: Clinical Value of 3D Digital Subtraction Angiography in the Therapeutic Decision and Endovascular Treatment

René Anxionnat , Serge Bracard , Xavier Ducrocq , Yves Trousset , Laurent Launay
Radiology, 2001, 218, pp.799-808
Journal articles inria-00100629v1

X-ray angiography in stereotactic conditions: techniques and interest for interventional neuroradiology

L. Picard , Eric Maurincomme , M. Soderman , Jacques Feldmar , René Anxionnat
Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, 1997, 68 (1-4 Pt 1), pp.117-20. ⟨10.1159/000099912⟩
Journal articles inria-00615078v1
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Solving Dynamic Cosserat Rods with Frictional Contact Using the Shooting Method and Implicit Surfaces

Radhouane Jilani , Pierre-Frédéric Villard , Erwan Kerrien
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), IEEE, Oct 2024, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Conference papers hal-04774550v1
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Angular Strain Parameterization for Solving Static Cosserat Rods

Radhouane Jilani , Pierre-Frédéric Villard , Erwan Kerrien
ICRA@40, IEEE, Sep 2024, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-04774573v1
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Aneurysm Pose Estimation with Deep Learning

Youssef Assis , Liang Liao , Fabien Pierre , René Anxionnat , Erwan Kerrien
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Oct 2023, Vancouver, Canada. ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-43895-0_51⟩
Conference papers hal-04207337v1
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An Orthogonal Collocation Method for Static and Dynamic Cosserat Rods

Radhouane Jilani , Pierre-Frédéric Villard , Erwan Kerrien
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), IEEE, Oct 2023, Detroit, United States. ⟨10.1109/IROS55552.2023.10341631⟩
Conference papers hal-04246775v1
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EmboASSIST a new software to help endovascular treatment of brain AVMs

R Anxionnat , Y Djebiret , Erwan Kerrien , Marie-Odile Berger , I Cartier
ABC-WIN Seminar 2022, Apr 2022, Val d'Isère, France
Conference papers hal-03897635v1
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Une stratégie efficace de préparation des données pour la détection des anévrismes cérébraux en IRM 3D-TOF par deep learning

Liang Liao , Youssef Assis , Fabien Pierre , Erwan Kerrien , René Anxionnat
49th Congress of the French Society of Neuroradiology, Mar 2022, Lyon, France. pp.118-119, ⟨10.1016/j.neurad.2022.01.016⟩
Conference papers hal-03897642v1
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An efficient data strategy for the detection of brain aneurysms from MRA with deep learning

Youssef Assis , Liang Liao , Fabien Pierre , René Anxionnat , Erwan Kerrien
DALI 2021 - MICCAI workshop on Data Augmentation, Labeling, and Imperfections, Sep 2021, Strasbourg, France. pp.226-234, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-88210-5_22⟩
Conference papers hal-03391884v1
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Une stratégie de données efficace pour la détection des anévrismes cérébraux avec l'apprentissage profond

Youssef Assis , Liang Liao , Fabien Pierre , René Anxionnat , Erwan Kerrien
ORASIS 2021 - 18èmes journées francophones des jeunes chercheurs en vision par ordinateur, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique [CNRS], Sep 2021, Saint Ferréol, France
Conference papers hal-03339672v2
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Augmented 3D Catheter Navigation using Constrained Shape from Template

Raffaella Trivisonne , Erwan Kerrien , Stéphane Cotin
Hamlyn Symposium, Jun 2017, London, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-01545693v1
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PoLAR: a Portable Library for Augmented Reality

Pierre-Jean Petitprez , Erwan Kerrien , Pierre-Frédéric Villard
15th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), IEEE Sep 2016, Merida, Mexico. pp.4
Conference papers hal-01356012v1
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Intra-operative 3D micro-coil imaging using subsampled tomographic acquisition patterns on a biplane C-arm system

Charlotte Delmas , Cyril Riddell , Yves Trousset , Erwan Kerrien , Marie-Odile Berger
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography (CT meeting'16), Jul 2016, Bamberg, Germany
Conference papers hal-01303153v1
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Three-dimensional curvilinear device reconstruction from two fluoroscopic views

Charlotte Delmas , Marie-Odile Berger , Erwan Kerrien , Cyril Riddell , Yves Trousset
SPIE, Medical Imaging 2015: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling, Feb 2015, San Diego, CA, United States. pp.94150F, ⟨10.1117/12.2081885⟩
Conference papers hal-01139284v1
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Médiation en sciences du numériques : un levier pour comprendre notre quotidien ?

Sylvie Alayrangues , Gilles Dowek , Erwan Kerrien , Jean Mairesse , Thierry Viéville
Science & You, Jun 2015, Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-01211457v2
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Towards an Accurate Tracking of Liver Tumors for Augmented Reality in Robotic Assisted Surgery

Nazim Haouchine , Jérémie Dequidt , Igor Peterlik , Erwan Kerrien , Marie-Odile Berger
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Jun 2014, Hong Kong, China
Conference papers hal-01003262v1
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Réalité augmentée pour la chirurgie minimalement invasive du foie utilisant un modèle biomécanique guidé par l'image

Nazim Haouchine , Stéphane Cotin , Jérémie Dequidt , Erwan Kerrien , Marie-Odile Berger
Reconnaissance de Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA) 2014, Jun 2014, Rouen, France
Conference papers hal-00988767v1
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Testbed for assessing the accuracy of interventional radiology simulations

Mario Sanz Lopez , Jérémie Dequidt , Erwan Kerrien , Christian Duriez , Marie-Odile Berger
ISBMS - 6th International Symposium on Biomedical Simulation, Oct 2014, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers hal-01059892v1
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Preliminary Study of Rib Articulated Model based on Dynamic Fluoroscopy Images

Pierre-Frédéric Villard , Pierre Escamilla , Erwan Kerrien , Sébastien Gorges , Yves Trousset
SPIE Medical Imaging, Feb 2014, San Diego, United Kingdom. pp.90361Y, ⟨10.1117/12.2043003⟩
Conference papers hal-00933638v1
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Image-guided Simulation of Heterogeneous Tissue Deformation For Augmented Reality during Hepatic Surgery

Nazim Haouchine , Jérémie Dequidt , Igor Peterlik , Erwan Kerrien , Marie-Odile Berger
ISMAR - IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality 2013, Oct 2013, Adelaide, Australia
Conference papers hal-00842855v1
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Robust RANSAC-based blood vessel segmentation

Ahmed Yureidini , Erwan Kerrien , Stéphane Cotin
SPIE Medical Imaging, Feb 2012, San Diego, CA, United States. pp.8314M, ⟨10.1117/12.911670⟩
Conference papers hal-00642003v1
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Physics-based Augmented Reality for 3D Deformable Object

Nazim Haouchine , Jérémie Dequidt , Erwan Kerrien , Marie-Odile Berger , Stéphane Cotin
Eurographics Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation, Dec 2012, Darmstadt, Germany
Conference papers hal-00768362v1
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Local implicit modeling of blood vessels for interactive simulation

Ahmed Yureidini , Erwan Kerrien , Jérémie Dequidt , Christian Duriez , Stéphane Cotin
MICCAI - 15th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, Oct 2012, Nice, France. pp.553-560, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-33415-3_68⟩
Conference papers hal-00741307v1

Computer-based simulation for the endovascular treatment of intracranial aneurysms

Ahmed Yureidini , Jérémie Dequidt , Erwan Kerrien , Christian Duriez , Stéphane Cotin
LIVIM Imaging Worshop, Dec 2011, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers hal-00641990v1
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Reconstruction robuste des vaisseaux sanguins par surfaces implicites locales

Ahmed Yureidini , Erwan Kerrien , Stéphane Cotin
Orasis, Jun 2011, Praz-sur-Arly, France
Conference papers inria-00579814v1

Evaluation of the uncertainty of multimodal articulatory data

Michael Aron , Marie-Odile Berger , Erwan Kerrien
Ultrafest V, Doug Whalen, Khalil Iskarous, Aude Noiray, Mar 2010, New Heaven, United States
Conference papers inria-00429330v1
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A shape base framework to segmentation of tongue contours from MRI data

Ting Peng , Erwan Kerrien , Marie-Odile Berger
35th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing - ICASSP 2010, Mar 2010, Dallas, United States. pp.662 - 665, ⟨10.1109/ICASSP.2010.5495123⟩
Conference papers inria-00442138v1
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Towards interactive planning of coil embolization in brain aneurysms

Jérémie Dequidt , Christian Duriez , Stéphane Cotin , Erwan Kerrien
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2009, Sep 2009, London, United Kingdom. pp.377-385, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-04268-3_47⟩
Conference papers inria-00430867v1
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Registration of Multimodal Data for Estimating the Parameters of an Articulatory Model

Michael Aron , Asterios Toutios , Marie-Odile Berger , Erwan Kerrien , Brigitte Wrobel-Dautcourt
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing - ICASSP 2009, Apr 2009, Taipei, Taiwan. pp.4489 - 4492, ⟨10.1109/ICASSP.2009.4960627⟩
Conference papers inria-00350298v1
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Multimodality Acquisition of Articulatory Data and Processing

Michael Aron , Anastasios Roussos , Marie-Odile Berger , Erwan Kerrien , Petros Maragos
16th European Signal Processing Conference - EUSIPCO 2008, EPFL, Aug 2008, Lausanne, Switzerland
Conference papers inria-00316041v1
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Multimodal fusion of electromagnetic, ultrasound and MRI data for building an articulatory model

Michael Aron , Marie-Odile Berger , Erwan Kerrien
8th International Seminar On Speech Production - ISSP'08, Dec 2008, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers inria-00326290v1
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Refining the 3D surface of blood vessels from a reduced set of 2D DSA images

Erwan Kerrien , Marie-Odile Berger , Jérémie Dequidt
AMI-ARCS 2008, PJ "Eddie" Edwards and Kensaku Mori and Tobias Sielhorst, Sep 2008, New York, NY, United States. pp.61-69
Conference papers inria-00321550v1
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Interactive Simulation of Embolization Coils: Modeling and Experimental Validation

Jérémie Dequidt , Maud Marchal , Christian Duriez , Erwan Kerrien , Stéphane Cotin
Medical Imaging Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention -MICCAI'08, Sep 2008, New York City, United States. pp.695-702, ⟨10.1007/978-3-540-85988-8_83⟩
Conference papers inria-00336907v1
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Acquisition and synchronization of multimodal articulatory data

Michael Aron , Nicolas Ferveur , Erwan Kerrien , Marie-Odile Berger , Yves Laprie
8th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association - Interspeech'07, Aug 2007, Antwerpen, Belgium. pp.1398-1401
Conference papers inria-00165869v1
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Fusion de capteurs électromagnétiques et d'échographies pour le suivi de la langue

Michael Aron , Erwan Kerrien , Marie-Odile Berger , Yves Laprie
Onzième congrès francophone des jeunes chercheurs en vision par ordinateur - ORASIS'07, Jun 2007, Obernai, France
Conference papers inria-00142462v1

An effective technique for calibrating the intrinsic parameters of a vascular C-arm from a planar target

Sébastien Gorges , Erwan Kerrien , Marie-Odile Berger , Yves Trousset , Jérémie Pescatore
SPIE International Symposium Medical Imaging 2006, Feb 2006, San Diego, United States. pp.6141-69
Conference papers inria-00000390v1

3D Augmented Fluoroscopy in Interventional Neuroradiology: Precision Assessment and First Evaluation on Clinical Cases

Sébastien Gorges , Erwan Kerrien , Marie-Odile Berger , Yves Trousset , Jérémie Pescatore
Workshop on Augmented environments for Medical Imaging and Computer-aided Surgery - AMI-ARCS 2006 (held in conjunction with MICCAI'06), Wolfgang Birkfellner, Nassir Navab and Stephane Nicolau, Nov 2006, Copenhagen, Denmark
Conference papers inria-00110850v1
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Coupling electromagnetic sensors and ultrasound images for tongue tracking: acquisition setup and preliminary results

Michael Aron , Erwan Kerrien , Marie-Odile Berger , Yves Laprie
7th International Seminar on Speech Production - ISSP'06, Dec 2006, Ubatuba, Brazil
Conference papers inria-00110634v1
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Recalage et segmentation d'images scanographiques 3D : application à la représentation du haut appareil urinaire avant coeliochirurgie

Erwan Kerrien , Marie-Odile Berger , Jacques Hubert , Alain Blum
Journées de recherche en imagerie médicale - JRIM'05, Mar 2005, Nancy, France. pp.26
Conference papers inria-00000500v1
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Radiosurgical planning of brain arteriovenous malformations (AVMS): A user interface for the delineation of 3D target from 2D angiographic projections

René Anxionnat , Erwan Kerrien , Marie-Odile Berger , Serge Bracard , Luc Picard
XXX Congress of the European Society of Neuroradiology, Sep 2005, Barcelona, Spain. pp.S143
Conference papers inria-00000499v1
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Registration and segmentation of multislice 3DCT images: Application to laparoscopic surgery of the upper urinary system

Erwan Kerrien , Jacques Hubert , Marie-Odile Berger , Alain Blum
19th International Conference on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery - CARS'05, Jun 2005, Berlin, Germany. pp.1282
Conference papers inria-00000498v1

Calibration of the intrinsic parameters of a vascular c-arm for 3D enhanced fluoroscopy

Sébastien Gorges , Erwan Kerrien , Marie-Odile Berger , Yves Trousset , Jérémie Pescatore
19th International Congress and Exhibition Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery - CARS'05, Jun 2005, Berlin, Germany. pp.1307
Conference papers inria-00000387v1
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Recalage et segmentation d'images scanographiques 3D : application à la représentation du haut appareil urinaire

Jacques Hubert , Alain Blum , Erwan Kerrien , Marie-Odile Berger
99è Congrès Français d'Urologie, Association Française d'Urologie (AFU), Nov 2005, Paris, France
Conference papers inria-00000505v1
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Model of a Vascular C-Arm for 3D Augmented Fluoroscopy in Interventional Radiology

Sébastien Gorges , Erwan Kerrien , Marie-Odile Berger , Yves Trousset , Jérémie Pescatore
8th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention- MICCAI'05, Oct 2005, Palm Springs, United States. pp.214-222, ⟨10.1007/11566489_27⟩
Conference papers inria-00000386v1
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The Use of 3D Xray angiographic Images for Volume Determination of Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformations

Marie-Odile Berger , René Anxionnat , Erwan Kerrien
SPIE Medical Imaging 2004, 2004, San Diego, pp.634-643
Conference papers inria-00107783v1

A Methodology for Validating a New Imaging Modality with Respect to a Gold Standard Imagery: Example of the Use of 3DRA and MRI for AVM Delineation

Marie-Odile Berger , René Anxionnat , Erwan Kerrien
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2004, 2004, Saint Malo, France, pp.516-524
Conference papers inria-00099969v1
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Intra- and inter-observer variability in the angiographic delineation of brain arterio-venous malformations (AVMs)

René Anxionnat , Marie-Odile Berger , Erwan Kerrien , Serge Bracard , Luc Picard
17th International Congress and Exhibition on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery - CARS'2003, 2003, Londres, Royaume-Uni, pp.1297-1298
Conference papers inria-00107673v1

Radiosurgery of complex shaped brain arteriovenous malformations using multileaf collimator. Interest of 3D X-ray angiography and fusion with MRI for the delineation of the target

René Anxionnat , C. Marchal , A. Cordebar , I. Buchheit , Erwan Kerrien
Symposium Neuroradiologicum, 2002, Paris, France, pp.1S83
Conference papers inria-00100904v1
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Automated registration of 3D x-ray angiography images to magnetic resonance images

Erwan Kerrien , Olivier Levrier , Rene Anxionnat , Sylvain Sauty , Jerome Knoplioch
SPIE Medical Imaging 2001, SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Feb 2001, San Diego, United States. pp.623-632, ⟨10.1117/12.431136⟩
Conference papers hal-01819796v1
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Recalage automatique d'images d'angiographie

Erwan Kerrien , Marie-Odile Berger , Eric Maurincomme , Laurent Launay , Régis Vaillant
Journees ORASIS'99, 1999, Aussois, France, 9 p
Conference papers inria-00098777v1

Fully automatic 3D/2D subtracted angiography registration

Erwan Kerrien , Marie-Odile Berger , Eric Maurincomme , Laurent Launay , Régis Vaillant
International Conference for Medical Image Computing & Computer Assisted Intervention - MICCAI'99, 1999, Cambridge, England, pp.664--671
Conference papers inria-00108049v1
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Machine precision assessment for 3D/2D digital subtracted angiography images registration

Erwan Kerrien , Régis Vaillant , Laurent Launay , Marie-Odile Berger , Eric Maurincomme
SPIE Medical Imaging'98, 1998, San Diego, USA, 11 p
Conference papers inria-00098697v1
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Intracranial Aneurysm Detection using Spherical Representations

Youssef Assis , Liang Liao , Fabien Pierre , René Anxionnat , Erwan Kerrien
Colloque Français d'Intelligence Artificielle en Imagerie Biomédicale, Mar 2023, Paris, France
Conference poster hal-04206825v1
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Evaluation of a computer-based simulation for the endovascular treatment of intracranial aneurysms

René Anxionnat , Federico Rocca , Serge Bracard , Jérémie Dequidt , Erwan Kerrien
10th congress of the World Federation of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology - WFITN 2009, Jun 2009, Montréal, Canada
Conference poster inria-00432289v1
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Time to Go Augmented in Vascular Interventional Neuroradiology?

René Anxionnat , Marie-Odile Berger , Erwan Kerrien
Cristian Linte and Elvis Chen and Marie-Odile Berger and John Moore and David Holmes III. Augmented Environments for Computer-Assisted Interventions, 7815, Springer, pp.3-8, 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-38085-3_2⟩
Book sections hal-00865726v1
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A (Near) Real-Time Simulation Method of Aneurysm Coil Embolization

Yiyi Wei , Stéphane Cotin , Jérémie Dequidt , Christian Duriez , Jérémie Allard
Yasuo Murai. Aneurysm, InTech, pp.223-248, 2012, 978-953-51-0730-9. ⟨10.5772/48635⟩
Book sections hal-00736865v1

Acquisition multimodale de données articulatoires

Michael Aron , Marie-Odile Berger , Erwan Kerrien , Yves Laprie
Alain Marchal et Christian Cavé. L'imagerie médicale pour l'étude de la parole, Hermes Science Publications, pp.175-196, 2009, Traité Cognition et Traitement de l'Information, IC2, 978-2-7462-2235-9
Book sections inria-00429585v1
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Outils d'imagerie multimodalité pour la neuroradiologie interventionnelle

Erwan Kerrien
Informatique [cs]. Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine, 2000. Français. ⟨NNT : 2000INPL003N⟩
Theses tel-01749938v1
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Quelques contributions à l'imagerie médicale multimodale et interventionnelle

Erwan Kerrien
Imagerie médicale. Université de Lorraine, 2018
Accreditation to supervise research tel-01754699v1