Towards formal models of inhibitory mechanisms involved in motor imagery
Ladislas Nalborczyk
Marieke Longcamp
Thibault Gajdos
Mathieu Servant
F.-Xavier Alario
Journal articles
Studying memory processes at different levels with simultaneous depth and surface EEG recordings
Andrei Barborica
Ioana Mindruta
Víctor López-Madrona
F-Xavier Alario
Agnès Trébuchon
Journal articles
Distinct neural mechanisms support inner speaking and inner hearing
Ladislas Nalborczyk
Marieke Longcamp
Mireille Bonnard
Victor Serveau
Laure Spieser
Journal articles
Typing expertise in a large student population
Svetlana Pinet
Christelle Zielinski
F.-Xavier Alario
Marieke Longcamp
Journal articles
Avoiding gender ambiguous pronouns in French
Kumiko Fukumura
Céline Pozniak
F.-Xavier Alario
Journal articles
The Role of Motor Inhibition During Covert Speech Production
Ladislas Nalborczyk
Ursula Debarnot
Marieke Longcamp
Aymeric Guillot
F.-Xavier Alario
Journal articles
Magnetoencephalography can reveal deep brain network activities linked to memory processes
Víctor López-Madrona
Samuel Medina Villalon
Jean‐michel Badier
Agnès Trébuchon
Velmurugan Jayabal
Journal articles
An open-source toolbox for Multi-patient Intracranial EEG Analysis (MIA)
A.-Sophie Dubarry
Catherine Liégeois-Chauvel
Agnès Trébuchon
Christian Bénar
F-Xavier Alario
Journal articles
Inter‐individual variability in dorsal stream dynamics during word production
Catherine Liégeois-Chauvel
Anne-Sophie Dubarry
Irene Wang
Patrick Chauvel
Jorge Gonzalez-Martinez
Journal articles
When words collide: Bayesian meta-analyses of distractor and target properties in the picture-word interference paradigm
Audrey Bürki
F.-Xavier Alario
Shravan Vasishth
Journal articles
Fiche technique: Logiciel d’analyse de données intracrâniennes (MIA)
Anne-Sophie Dubarry
Francois Xavier Alario
Travaux Interdisciplinaires sur la Parole et le Langage, 2022, Panorama des recherches au Laboratoire Parole et Langage, 38, ⟨10.4000/tipa.5749⟩
Journal articles
Functional Topography of Auditory Areas Derived From the Combination of Electrophysiological Recordings and Cortical Electrical Stimulation
Agnès Trébuchon
F.-Xavier Alario
Catherine Liégeois-Chauvel
Journal articles
Assessing model-based inferences in decision making with single-trial response time decomposition
Gabriel Weindel
Royce Anders
F.-Xavier Alario
Boris Burle
Journal articles
A psycholinguist who spoke his mouth: Introduction to the special issue on bilingualism in honour of Albert Costa
F.-Xavier Alario
Boaz Keysar
Alfonso Caramazza
Nuria Sebastián-Gallés
Journal articles
Cerebellar and Cortical Correlates of Internal and External Speech Error Monitoring
Elin Runnqvist
Valérie Chanoine
Kristof Strijkers
Chotiga Pattamadilok
Mireille Bonnard
Journal articles
A description of verbal and gestural communication during postictal aphasia
Alexia Fasola
F.-Xavier Alario
Marion Tellier
Bernard Giusiano
Carlo Alberto Tassinari
Journal articles
Contributions of Electrophysiology for Identifying Cortical Language Systems in Patients with Epilepsy
Agnès Trébuchon
Catherine Liegeois-Chauvel
Jorge Gonzalez Martinez
F.-Xavier Alario
Journal articles
On the Boundaries Between Decision and Action: Effector-Selective Lateralization of Beta-Frequency Power Is Modulated by the Lexical Frequency of Printed Words
Michele Scaltritti
Remo Job
F.-Xavier Alario
Simone Sulpizio
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, In press
Journal articles
Representation and selection of determiners with phonological variants
Audrey Bürki
Tea Besana
Gaëlle Degiorgi
Romane Gilbert
F.-Xavier Alario
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, In press, 45 (7), pp.1287-1315. ⟨10.1037/xlm0000643⟩
Journal articles
Tracking Keystroke Sequences at the Cortical Level Reveals the Dynamics of Serial Order Production
Svetlana C Pinet
Gary Dell
François-Xavier Alario
Journal articles
Grammatical class modulates the (left) inferior frontal gyrus within 100 milliseconds when syntactic context is predictive
Kristof Strijkers
Valérie C Chanoine
Dashiel Munding
Anne-Sophie Dubarry
Agnès Trébuchon
Journal articles
Challenges to developing time-based signal detection models for word production
Royce Anders
Alario F.-X.
Journal articles
Multi-factor analysis in language production: Sequential sampling models mimic and extend regression results
Royce Anders
Leendert van Maanen
F.-Xavier Alario
Journal articles
Cortical Dynamics of Semantic Priming and Interference during Word Production: An Intracerebral Study
Royce Anders
Anaïs Llorens
Anne-Sophie Dubarry
Agnes Trébuchon
Catherine Liegeois-Chauvel
Journal articles
An Intracerebral Exploration of Functional Connectivity during Word Production
Amandine Grappe
Sridevi V. Sarma
Pierre Sacré
Jorge Gonzalez-Martinez
Catherine Liegeois-Chauvel
Journal articles
The Scope of Planning Serial Actions during Typing
Michele Scaltritti
Marieke Longcamp
F.-Xavier Alario
Journal articles
Plural dominance and the production of determiner-noun phrases in French
Elisabeth C Beyersmann
Britta Biedermann
F.-Xavier Alario
Niels Schiller
Solène Hameau
Journal articles
Consensus Analysis for Populations With Latent Subgroups: Applying Multicultural Consensus Theory and Model-Based Clustering With CCTpack
Royce Anders
F.-Xavier Alario
William Batchelder
Journal articles
Improved information pooling for hierarchical cognitive models through multiple and covaried regression
R. Anders
Z. Oravecz
F.-X. Alario
Journal articles
Word onset phonetic properties and motor artifacts in speech production EEG recordings
Raphael Fargier
Audrey Buerki
Svetlana Pinet
F. -Xavier Alario
Marina Laganaro
Journal articles
The Serial Order of Response Units in Word Production: The Case of Typing.
Michele Scaltritti
Marieke Longcamp
F.-Xavier Alario
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 2018, 30 (11), pp.1620-1629. ⟨10.1037/xlm0000494⟩
Journal articles
Measuring sequences of keystrokes with jsPsych: Reliability of response times and interkeystroke intervals
Svetlana Pinet
Christelle Zielinski
Sebastiaan Mathôt
Stéphane Dufau
Alario F.-X.
Journal articles
On the functional relationship between language and motor processing in typewriting: an EEG study
Michele Scaltritti
Svetlana Pinet
Marieke Longcamp
F-Xavier Alario
Journal articles
Lesions to the left lateral prefrontal cortex impair decision threshold adjustment for lexical selection
Royce Anders
Stéphanie Riès
Leendert van Maanen
F-Xavier Alario
Journal articles
Estimating Parallel Processing in a Language Task Using Single-Trial Intracerebral Electroencephalography
Anne-Sophie Dubarry
Anaïs Llorens
Agnès Trébuchon
Romain Carron
Catherine Liégeois-Chauvel
Journal articles
Measuring sequences of keystrokes with jsPsych: Reliability of response times and interkeystroke intervals
S Pinet
C Zielinski
S M Mathôt
Stéphane Dufau
Alario F.-X.
Journal articles
On the functional relationship between language and motor processing in typewriting: an EEG study
Michele Scaltritti
Svetlana Pinet
Marieke Longcamp
F.-Xavier Alario
Journal articles
Breaking Down the Bilingual Cost in Speech Production
Jasmin Sadat
Clara D. Martin
James S. Magnuson
François-Xavier Alario
Albert Costa
Journal articles
Contextual modulation of hippocampal activity during picture naming
A. Llorens
Anne-Sophie Dubarry
A. Trébuchon
Patrick Chauvel
F. -X. Alario
Journal articles
Sequential processing during noun phrase production
Audrey Buerki
Jasmin Sadat
Anne-Sophie Dubarry
F. -Xavier Alario
Journal articles
Typing is writing: Linguistic properties modulate typing execution
Svetlana C Pinet
Johannes Ziegler
Alario F.-X.
Journal articles
Motor expertise for typing impacts lexical decision performance
Tania Cerni
Jean-Luc Velay
F.-Xavier Alario
Marianne Vaugoyeau
Marieke Longcamp
Journal articles
MEG studies of word production: What next?
Dashiel Munding
Anne-Sophie Dubarry
F. -Xavier Alario
Journal articles
Response retrieval and motor planning during typing
Svetlana Pinet
Anne-Sophie Dubarry
F. -Xavier Alario
Journal articles
On the cortical dynamics of word production: a review of the MEG evidence
Dashiel Munding
Anne-Sophie Dubarry
F. -Xavier Alario
Journal articles
Unconscious semantic processing of polysemous words is not automatic
Benjamin Rohaut
F. -Xavier Alario
Jacqueline Meadow
Laurent Cohen
Lionel Naccache
Journal articles
"When'' Does Picture Naming Take Longer Than Word Reading?
Andrea Valente
Svetlana Pinet
F. -Xavier Alario
Marina Laganaro
Journal articles
The time course of visual influences in letter recognition
Sylvain Madec
Kevin Le Goff
Stéphanie K. Riès
Thierry Legou
Guillaume A. Rousselet
Journal articles
Traces of An Early Learned Second Language in Discontinued Bilingualism
Jasmin Sadat
Rita Pureza
F. -Xavier Alario
Journal articles
The Shifted Wald Distribution for Response Time Data Analysis
Royce Anders
F. -Xavier Alario
Leendert van Maanen
Journal articles
Internal modeling of upcoming speech: A causal role of the right posterior cerebellum in non-motor aspects of language production
Elin Runnqvist
Mireille Bonnard
Hanna S. Gauvin
Shahram Attarian
Agnès Trébuchon
Journal articles
Grammatical planning scope in sentence production: Further evidence for the functional phrase hypothesis
Li-Ming Zhao
F. -Xavier Alario
Yu-Fang Yang
Journal articles
Corrigendum to “Why does picture naming take longer than word naming? The contribution of articulatory processes”
Stéphanie Riès
Thierry Legou
Boris Burle
F.-Xavier Alario
Nicole Malfait
Journal articles
Response planning in word typing: Evidence for inhibition
Svetlana Pinet
Carlos M. Hamame
Marieke Longcamp
Franck Vidal
F-Xavier Alario
Journal articles
Evidence accumulation as a model for lexical selection
Royce Anders
Stéphanie Riès
L. Van Maanen
F. -X. Alario
Journal articles
Why does picture naming take longer than word naming? The contribution of articulatory processes (vol 100, pg 253, 1999)
Stéphanie Riès
Thierry Legou
Boris Burle
F. -Xavier Alario
Nicole Malfait
Journal articles
On the resolution of phonological constraints in spoken production: Acoustic and response time evidence
Audrey Buerki
Ulrich H. Frauenfelder
F-Xavier Alario
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2015, 138 (4), pp.EL429-EL434. ⟨10.1121/1.4934179⟩
Journal articles
The selection of closed-class elements during language production: a reassessment of the evidence and a new look on new data
Niels Janssen
Niels Schiller
F.-Xavier Alario
Journal articles
High frequency gamma activity in the left hippocampus predicts visual object naming performance
Carlos M. Hamame
F. -Xavier Alario
Anaïs Llorens
Catherine Liégeois-Chauvel
Agnès Trebuchon-da Fonseca
Journal articles
How familiarization and repetition modulate the picture naming network
Anaïs Llorens
Agnès Trébuchon
Stéphanie Riès
Catherine Liégeois-Chauvel
F.-Xavier Alario
Journal articles
A comparison of two procedures for verbal response time fractionation
Lotje van Der Linden
Stéphanie K. Riès
Thierry Legou
Boris Burle
Nicole Malfait
Journal articles
Psychologie cognitive du langage
François-Xavier Alario
Sophie Dufour
Chotiga Pattamadilok
Lettre des Neurosciences, 2014, 46, pp.9-10
Journal articles
Simultaneous recording of MEG, EEG and intracerebral EEG during visual stimulation: From feasibility to single-trial analysis
Anne-Sophie Dubarry
Jean Badier
Agnès Trébuchon-da Fonseca
Martine Gavaret
Romain Carron
Journal articles
Functional Specificity in the Motor System: Evidence From Coupled fMRI and Kinematic Recordings During Letter and Digit Writing
Marieke Longcamp
Aurelie Lagarrigue
Bruno Nazarian
Muriel Roth
Jean-Luc Anton
Journal articles
Reconciling phonological neighborhood effects in speech production through single trial analysis
Jasmin Sadat
Clara Martin
Albert Costa
F.-Xavier Alario
Journal articles
Phonologically Driven Variability: The Case of Determiners
Audrey Buerki
Marina Laganaro
F. -Xavier Alario
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 2014, 40 (5), pp.1348-1362. ⟨10.1037/a0036351⟩
Journal articles
A-S Dubarry
J-M Badier
A. Trebuchon-da Fonseca
M. Gavaret
Fabrice Bartolomei
Epilepsia, 2013, 54 (3, SI), pp.270
Journal articles
Evidence for, and predictions from, forward modeling in language production
F. -Xavier Alario
Carlos M. Hamame
Journal articles
Response-Locked Brain Dynamics of Word Production
Stéphanie Riès
Niels Janssen
Boris Burle
F.-Xavier Alario
PLoS ONE, 2013, 8 (3)
Journal articles
Cumulative semantic interference is blind to language: Implications for models of bilingual speech production
Elin Runnqvist
Kristof Strijkers
F-Xavier Alario
Albert Costa
Journal articles
Probing the link between cognitive control and lexical selection in monolingual speakers
F. -Xavier Alario
Johannes C. Ziegler
Stéphanie Massol
Bruno De Cara
L'Année psychologique, 2012, 112 (4), pp.545-559
Journal articles
Characterizing the Bilingual Disadvantage in Noun Phrase Production
Jasmin Sadat
Clara Martin
F.-Xavier Alario
Albert Costa
Journal articles
Lexical representation of phonological variants: Evidence from pseudohomophone effects in different regiolects
Audrey Buerki
F. Xavier Alario
Ulrich H. Frauenfelder
Journal articles
Intra-cranial recordings of brain activity during language production
Anaïs Llorens
Agnès Trébuchon
Catherine Liégeois-Chauvel
F-Xavier Alario
Journal articles
General-Purpose Monitoring during Speech Production
Stéphanie Riès
Niels Janssen
Stéphane Dufau
F.-Xavier Alario
Borís Burle
Journal articles
What phonological facilitation tells about semantic interference: a dual-task study
Pauline Ayora
Francesca Peressotti
F. -Xavier Alario
Claudio Mulatti
Patrick Pluchino
Journal articles
Smart phone, smart science: how the use of smartphones can revolutionize research in cognitive science
Stéphane Dufau
Jon Andoni Dunabeitia
Carmen Moret-Tatay
Aileen Mcgonigal
David Peeters
Journal articles
Smart Phone, Smart Science: How the Use of Smartphones Can Revolutionize Research in Cognitive Science
Stéphane Dufau
Jon Andoni Duñabeitia
Carmen Moret-Tatay
Aileen Mcgonigal
David Peeters
Journal articles
Gender congruency goes Europe: A cross-linguistic study of the gender congruency effect in Romance and Germanic languages
Chiara Finocchiaro
F.-Xavier Alario
Niels O Schiller
Albert Costa
Michele Miozzo
Italian Journal of Linguistics / Rivista di linguistica, 2011, 23 (2), pp.161-198
Journal articles
The Functional Origin of the Foreign Accent: Evidence From the Syllable-Frequency Effect in Bilingual Speakers
F. -Xavier Alario
Jeremy Goslin
Violaine Michel
Marina Laganaro
Journal articles
Frequency effects in noun phrase production: Implications for models of lexical access
F.-Xavier Alario
Albert Costa
Alfonso Caramazza
Journal articles
Distinct representations of phonemes, syllables, and supra-syllabic sequences in the speech production network
Maya G. Peeva
Frank H. Guenther
Jason A. Tourville
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon
Jean-Luc Anton
Journal articles
Removal of Muscle Artifacts from EEG Recordings of Spoken Language Production
de Maarten Vos
Stéphanie Riès
Katrien Vanderperren
Bart Vanrumste
François-Xavier Alario
Journal articles
The role of visual form in lexical access: Evidence from Chinese classifier production
Yanchao Bi
Xi Yu
Jingyi Geng
F.-Xavier Alario
Journal articles
Removal of Muscle Artifacts from EEG Recordings of Spoken Language Production (vol 8, pg 135, 2010)
Maarten de Vos
Stéphanie Riès
Katrien Vanderperren
Bart Vanrumste
François-Xavier Alario
Journal articles
Attentional Requirements for the Selection of Words From Different Grammatical Categories
Pauline Ayora
Niels Janssen
Roberto Dell'Acqua
F. -Xavier Alario
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 2009, 35 (5), pp.1344-1351. ⟨10.1037/a0016373⟩
Journal articles
On the origin of the "cumulative semantic inhibition" effect
F.-Xavier Alario
Fermin Moscoso del Prado Martin
Journal articles
Brain regions underlying word finding difficulties in temporal lobe epilepsy
Agnès Trebuchon-da Fonseca
Eric Guedj
F-Xavier Alario
Virginie Laguitton
Olivier Mundler
Journal articles
Motor and language deficits before and after surgical resection of mesial frontal tumor.
Hanna Chainay
François-Xavier Alario
Alexandre Krainik
Hugues Duffau
Laurent Cappelle
Journal articles
Motor and language deficits before and after surgical resection of mesial frontal tumour.
Hanna Chainay
Alario Francois-Xaxier
Krainik Alexandre
Duffau Hugues
Laurent Capelle
Journal articles
Grammatical and nongrammatical contributions to closed-class word selection
F. -Xavier Alario
Pauline Ayora
Albert Costa
Alissa Melinger
Journal articles
Developmental dyslexia and the dual route model of reading: Simulating individual differences and subtypes
Johannes C. Ziegler
Caroline Castel
Catherine Pech-Georgel
Florence George
F-Xavier Alario
Journal articles
A Word-Order Constraint on Phonological Activation
Niels Janssen
F.-Xavier Alario
Alfonso Caramazza
Journal articles
Automatic activation of phonology in silent reading is parallel: Evidence from beginning and skilled readers
F.-Xavier Alario
Bruno de Cara
Johannes C Ziegler
Journal articles
The role of orthography in speech production revisited
F.-Xavier Alario
Laetitia Perre
Caroline Castel
Johannes C Ziegler
Journal articles
Words, pauses, and gestures: New directions in language production research
Niels Schiller
Victor Ferreira
F.-Xavier Alario
Journal articles
Accessing object names when producing complex noun phrases: Implications for models of lexical access
A. Costa
E. Navarette
Alario F.-X.
Cognitiva, 2006, 18 (1), pp.3-23
Journal articles
On the locus of the syllable frequency effect in speech production
Marina Laganaro
F. -Xavier Alario
Journal articles
Architectures, representations and processes of language production
F.-Xavier Alario
Albert Costa
Victor Ferreira
Martin Pickering
Journal articles
Does word frequency affect lexical selection in speech production?
Eduardo Navarrete
Benedetta Basagni
F.-Xavier Alario
Albert Costa
Journal articles
The role of the supplementary motor area (SMA) in word production
Fx Alario
Hanna Chainay
Stéphane Lehéricy
Laurent Cohen
Journal articles
Syntax production in bilinguals.
Narly Golestani
F-Xavier Alario
Sébastien Meriaux
Denis Le Bihan
Stanislas Dehaene
Journal articles
On the categorical nature of the semantic interference effect in the picture-word interference paradigm
Albert Costa
F.-Xavier Alario
Alfonso Caramazza
Journal articles
Deficits in speech perception predict language learning impairment
Johannes C Ziegler
Catherine Pech-Georgel
Florence George
F.-Xavier Alario
Christian Lorenzi
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2005, 102 (39), pp.14110-14115. ⟨10.1073/pnas.0504446102⟩
Journal articles
Gender congruency effects in picture naming
Fx Alario
Re Matos
J Segui
Journal articles
Predictors of picture naming speed
F. -Xavier Alario
Ludovic Ferrand
Marina Laganaro
Boris New
Uli Frauenfelder
Journal articles
Predictors of picture naming speed
Fx Alario
L Ferrand
M Laganaro
B New
Uh Frauenfelder
Journal articles
Closed-class words in sentence production: Evidence from a modality-specific dissociation
Fx Alario
L Cohen
Journal articles
The role of phonological and orthographic information in lexical selection
F.-Xavier Alario
Niels Schiller
Kimiko Domoto-Reilly
Alfonso Caramazza
Journal articles
Gender Context Effects on Homophone Words
Elsa Spinelli
François-Xavier Alario
Journal articles
The production of determiners: evidence from French
F.-Xavier Alario
Alfonso Caramazza
Journal articles
Hedging one's bets too much? A reply to Levelt (2002)
F.-Xavier Alario
Albert Costa
Alfonso Caramazza
Journal articles
Semantic and Associative Priming in Picture Naming
F.-Xavier Alario
Juan Segui
Ludovic Ferrand
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology: Section A, 2000, 53 (3), pp.741-764. ⟨10.1080/713755907⟩
Journal articles
A set of 400 pictures standardized for French: Norms for name agreement, image agreement, familiarity, visual complexity, image variability, and age of acquisition
F.-Xavier Alario
Ludovic Ferrand
Journal articles
Normes d'associations verbales pour 366 noms d'objets concrets
Ludovic Ferrand
F.-Xavier Alario
Journal articles