Reactive Transport Modeling in Porous Fractured Media: Application to Weathering Processes
Sylvain Favier
Yoram Teitler
Fabrice Golfier
Michel Cathelineau
Journal articles
Peridotite Weathering and Ni Redistribution in New Caledonian Laterite Profiles: Influence of Climate, Hydrology, and Structure
Michel Cathelineau
Yoram Teitler
Jean-Louis Grimaud
Sylvain Favier
Fabrice Golfier
Journal articles
Drying in nanoporous media with Kelvin effect: Capillary imbibition against evaporation by smoothed particle hydrodynamics method
Nathan Amrofel
Magdalena Dymitrowska
Amaël Obliger
Anne-Julie Tinet
Fabrice Golfier
Journal articles
Pseudo-Karst Silicification Related to Late Ni Reworking in New Caledonia
Michel Cathelineau
Marie-Christine Boiron
Jean-Louis Grimaud
Sylvain Favier
Yoram Teitler
Journal articles
3-D hydromechanical simulation of intersecting faults: Influences on fluid circulation and formation of oriented-orebodies
Khalifa Eldursi
Luc Scholtes
Marianne Conin
Fabrice Golfier
Patrick Ledru
Journal articles
Hydromechanical modelling of salt caverns subjected to cyclic hydrogen injection and withdrawal
Ever-Dennys Coarita-Tintaya
Fabrice Golfier
Dragan Grgic
Mountaka Souley
Long Cheng
Journal articles
On the use of a mass lumping technique compatible with a fully‐coupled hydromechanical model for the case of strong discontinuities with the extended finite element method
Maxime Faivre
Alexandre Martin
Patrick Massin
Richard Giot
Fabrice Golfier
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2023, 124 (24), pp.5405-5445. ⟨10.1002/nme.7351⟩
Journal articles
Pore-scale hydro-mechanical modeling of gas transport in coal matrix
Ahmad Mostafa
Luc Scholtes
Fabrice Golfier
Journal articles
Evaluation of Sc concentrations in Ni-Co laterites using Al as a geochemical proxy
Yoram Teitler
Sylvain Favier
Jean-Paul Ambrosi
Brice Sevin
Fabrice Golfier
Journal articles
Multiscale physical-chemical analysis of the impact of fracture networks on weathering: Application to Nickel redistribution in the formation of Ni-laterite ores, New Caledonia
Sylvain Favier
Yoram Teitler
Fabrice Golfier
Michel Cathelineau
Journal articles
A critical review of the influence of groundwater level fluctuations and temperature on LNAPL contaminations in the context of climate change
Amélie Cavelan
Fabrice Golfier
Stéfan Colombano
Hossein Davarzani
Jacques Deparis
Journal articles
Comparison of various 3D pore space reconstruction methods and implications on transport properties of nanoporous rocks
Anne-Julie Tinet
Quentin Corlay
Pauline Collon
Fabrice Golfier
Kassem Kalo
Journal articles
Anisotropic hydro-viscoplastic modelling of a drift at the Meuse/Haute-Marne URL
Ever-Dennys Coarita-Tintaya
Fabrice Golfier
Mountaka Souley
Minh-Ngoc Vu
Journal articles
Experimental insights into the interplay between buoyancy, convection and dissolution reaction
A. Ahoulou
A.-J. Tinet
C. Oltéan
F. Golfier
Journal articles
Interplay of biofilm growth, NAPL biodegradation and micro-scale heterogeneity in natural attenuation of aquifers delineated by pore-network modelling
Morteza Aminnaji
Fabrice Golfier
Vahid Niasar
Masoud Babaei
Journal articles
Impact of surfactant addition on non-Newtonian fluid behavior during viscous fingering in Hele-Shaw cell
Seyedarash Ahmadikhamsi
Fabrice Golfier
Constantin Oltean
Eric Lefèvre
S. Amir Bahrani
Journal articles
Micro- and macro-scale water retention properties of granular soils: contribution of the X-Ray CT-based voxel percolation method
Erika Shiota
Toshifumi Mukunoki
Laurent Oxarango
Anne-Julie Tinet
Fabrice Golfier
Journal articles
Interaction between biofilm growth and NAPL remediation: A pore-scale study
M. Benioug
Fabrice Golfier
P. Fischer
C. Oltean
M. Buès
Journal articles
A domain decomposition approach to finite-epsilon homogenization of scalar transport in porous media
Yohan Davit
Fabrice Golfier
Jean-Claude Latché
Michel Quintard
Journal articles
Reactive Transport Modeling Applied to Ni Laterite Ore Deposits in New Caledonia: Role of Hydrodynamic Factors and Geological Structures in Ni Mineralization
Andrey Myagkiy
Fabrice Golfier
Laurent Truche
Michel Cathelineau
Journal articles
Numerical modelling of column experiments to investigate in-situ bioleaching as an alternative mining technology
Gautier Laurent
Caroline Izart
Bénédicte Lechenard
Fabrice Golfier
Philippe Marion
Journal articles
Comparison of theory and experiment for NAPL dissolution in porous media
T. Bahar
Fabrice Golfier
C. Oltean
E. Lefevre
C. Lorgeoux
Journal articles
A study of uranium-ore agglomeration parameters and their implications during heap leaching
Emerence Hoummady
Fabrice Golfier
Michel Cathelineau
Laurent Truche
Nicolas Durupt
Journal articles
3D coupled HM-XFEM modeling with cohesive zone model and applications to non planar hydraulic fracture propagation and multiple hydraulic fractures interference
Bertrand Paul
Maxime Faivre
P. Massin
Richard Giot
Daniele Colombo
Journal articles
Numerical efficiency assessment of the lattice Boltzmann model for digital nano-porous rock applications
Aliaksei Pazdniakou
Anne-Julie Tinet
Fabrice Golfier
Kassem Kalo
Stéphane Gaboreau
Journal articles
An integrated multiscale approach to heap leaching of uranium-ore agglomerates
Emerence Hoummady
Fabrice Golfier
Michel Cathelineau
Laurent Truche
Nicolas Durupt
Journal articles
Revealing the conditions of Ni mineralization in the laterite profiles of New Caledonia: Insights from reactive geochemical transport modelling
Andrey Myagkiy
Laurent Truche
Michel Cathelineau
Fabrice Golfier
Journal articles
Multistage crack seal vein and hydrothermal Ni enrichment in serpentinized ultramafic rocks (Koniambo massif, New Caledonia)
Michel Cathelineau
Andrey Myagkiy
Benoît Quesnel
Marie-Christine Boiron
Pierre Gautier
Journal articles
A multi-analytical approach to the study of uranium-ore agglomerate structure and porosity during heap leaching
Emerence Hoummady
Fabrice Golfier
Michel Cathelineau
Laurent Truche
Nicolas Durupt
Journal articles
An immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann model for biofilm growth in porous media
M. Benioug
F. Golfier
C. Oltéan
M.A. Buès
T. Bahar
Journal articles
An Upscaled Model for Bio-Enhanced NAPL Dissolution in Porous Media
T. Bahar
F. Golfier
C. Oltéan
M. Benioug
Journal articles
2D coupled HM-XFEM modeling with cohesive zone model and applications to fluid-driven fracture network
M Faivre
Bertrand Paul
Fabrice Golfier
Richard Giot
Patrick Massin
Journal articles
Investigation of the effective permeability of vuggy or fractured porous media from a Darcy-Brinkman approach
F. Golfier
D. Lasseux
Michel Quintard
Journal articles
Numerical Efficiency Assessment of IB-LB Method for 3D Pore-Scale Modeling of Flow and Transport
Marbe Benioug
Fabrice Golfier
Anne-Julie Tinet
M. A. Bues
Constantin Oltean
Journal articles
Impact of biofilm-induced heterogeneities on solute transport in porous media
T. Kone
F. Golfier
L. Orgogozo
C. Oltean
E. Lefèvre
Journal articles
A dual-porosity theory for solute transport in biofilm-coated porous media
L. Orgogozo
F. Golfier
M. A. Bues
Michel Quintard
T. Kone
Journal articles
Numerical and experimental investigation of buoyancy-driven dissolution in vertical fracture
C. Oltean
F. Golfier
M. A. Bues
Journal articles
A coupled, pore-scale model for methanogenic microbial activity in underground hydrogen storage.
Anozie Ebigbo
F. Golfier
Michel Quintard
Journal articles
Upscaling of transport processes in porous media with biofilms in non-equilibrium conditions
Laurent Orgogozo
Fabrice Golfier
Michel Bues
Michel Quintard
Journal articles
Impact of peripheral fragmentation on the steam gasification of an isolated wood charcoal particle in a diffusion-controlled regime
Fabrice Golfier
Laurent van de Steene
Sylvain Salvador
Floriane Mermoud
Constantin Oltean
Journal articles
Comparison of theory and experiment for solute transport in highly heterogeneous porous medium
Fabrice Golfier
Michel Quintard
Fabien Cherblanc
Brendan Zinn
Brian Wood
Journal articles
Experimental and numerical study of steam gasification of a single charcoal particle
Floriane Mermoud
F Golfier
Sylvain Salvador
Laurent van De Steene
Jean-Louis Dirion
Journal articles
Influence of the pyrolysis heating rate on the steam gasification rate of large wood char particles
Floriane Mermoud
Sylvain Salvador
Laurent van de Steene
Fabrice Golfier
Journal articles
On the ability of a Darcy-scale model to capture wormhole formation during the dissolution of a porous medium
Fabrice Golfier
Cesar Zarcone
Brigitte Bazin
Ronald Lenormand
Didier Lasseux
Journal articles