Biotic and Abiotic Control Over Diurnal CH4 Fluxes in a Temperate Transitional Poor Fen Ecosystem
Alexandre Lhosmot
Adrien Jacotot
Marc Steinmann
Philippe Binet
Marie-Laure Toussaint
Journal articles
Ericoid shrub encroachment shifts aboveground–belowground linkages in three peatlands across Europe and Western Siberia
Alexandre Buttler
Luca Bragazza
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Sébastien Gogo
Marie‐laure Toussaint
Journal articles
Food web structure and energy flux dynamics, but not taxonomic richness, influence microbial ecosystem functions in a Sphagnum-dominated peatland
Vincent Jassey
Owen Petchey
Philippe Binet
Alexandre Buttler
Geneviève Chiapusio
Journal articles
Assessing methane emissions for northern peatlands in ORCHIDEE-PEAT revision 7020
Elodie Salmon
Fabrice Jégou
Bertrand Guenet
Line Jourdain
Chunjing Qiu
Journal articles
The information system of the French Peatland Observation Service: Service National d’Observation Tourbières – a valuable tool to assess the impact of global changes on the hydrology and biogeochemistry of temperate peatlands through long term monitoring
Sébastien Gogo
Jean‐baptiste Paroissien
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Jean-Marc Antoine
Léonard Bernard‐jannin
Journal articles
Carbon balance and spatial variability of CO2 and CH4 fluxes in a Sphagnum-dominated peatland in temperate climate
Benoît D’angelo
Fabien Leroy
Christophe Guimbaud
Adrien Jacotot
Renata Zocatelli
Journal articles
Determinism of nonadditive litter mixture effect on decomposition: Role of the moisture content of litters
Sébastien Gogo
Fabien Leroy
Renata Zocatelli
Adrien Jacotot
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Journal articles
Spatial distribution of Pharmaceuticals within the particulate phases of a peri-urban stream
Lauriane Ledieu
Anaëlle Simonneau
Thomas Thiebault
Laëtitia Fougère
Emilie Destandau
Journal articles
Response of Peatland CO2 and CH4 Fluxes to Experimental Warming and the Carbon Balance
Qian Li
Sébastien Gogo
Fabien Leroy
Christophe Guimbaud
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Journal articles
Abiotic and biotic drivers of microbial respiration in peat and its sensitivity to temperature change
Qian Li
Fabien Leroy
Renata Zocatelli
Sébastien Gogo
Adrien Jacotot
Journal articles
Statistical hydrology for evaluating peatland water table sensitivity to simple environmental variables and climate changes application to the mid-latitude/altitude Frasne peatland (Jura Mountains, France)
Guillaume Bertrand
Alex Ponçot
Benjamin Pohl
Alexandre Lhosmot
Marc Steinmann
Journal articles
Impact of thermal maturity on the concomitant evolution of the ultrafine structure and porosity of marine mudstones organic matter; contributions of electronic imaging and new spectroscopic investigations
Amélie Cavelan
Mohammed Boussafir
Nathalie Mathieu
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Journal articles
Influence of experimental temperature and duration of laboratory confined thermal maturation experiments on the evolution of the porosity of organic-rich source rocks
Amélie Cavelan
Mohammed Boussafir
Claude Le Milbeau
Sandrine Delpeux
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Journal articles
Geochemical insights into spatial and temporal evolution of sediment at catchment scale (Egoutier stream, France)
Lauriane Ledieu
Anaëlle Simonneau
Olivier Cerdan
Philippe Négrel
Valérie Laperche
Journal articles
Role of microorganisms in the carbon cycling of peatlands
Juanita Mora Gomez
Qian Li
Fabien Leroy
Sébastien Gogo
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Journal articles
Impact of Oil-Prone Sedimentary Organic Matter Quality and Hydrocarbon Generation on Source Rock Porosity: Artificial Thermal Maturation Approach
Amélie Cavelan
Mohammed Boussafir
Claude Le Milbeau
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Journal articles
Effect of organic matter composition on source rock porosity during confined anhydrous thermal maturation: Example of Kimmeridge-clay mudstones
Amélie Cavelan
Mohammed Boussafir
Claude Le Milbeau
Olivier Rozenbaum
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Journal articles
Organic petrography and pore structure characterization of low-mature and gas-mature marine organic-rich mudstones: Insights into porosity controls in gas shale systems
Amélie Cavelan
Mohammed Boussafir
Olivier Rozenbaum
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Journal articles
From Climatic to Anthropogenic Drivers: A Multi-Proxy Reconstruction of Vegetation and Peatland Development in the French Jura Mountains
Emilie Gauthier
Vincent Jassey
Edward A.D. Mitchell
Mariusz Lamentowicz
Richard Payne
Journal articles
Response of C and N cycles to N fertilization in Sphagnum and Molinia-dominated peat mesocosms
Fabien Leroy
Sébastien Gogo
Christophe Guimbaud
Andre-Jean Francez
Renata Zocatelli
Journal articles
CO 2 and CH 4 budgets and global warming potential modifications in Sphagnum -dominated peat mesocosms invaded by Molinia caerulea
Fabien Leroy
Sébastien Gogo
Christophe Guimbaud
Léonard Bernard-Jannin
Xiaole Yin
Journal articles
Impact of climate change on the ecology of the Kyambangunguru crater marsh in southwestern Tanzania during the Late Holocene
Sarah Coffinet
Arnaud Huguet
Laurent Bergonzini
Nikolai Pedentchouk
David Williamson
Journal articles
ORCHIDEE-PEAT (revision 4596), a model for northern peatland CO$_2$ water, and energy fluxes on daily to annual scales
Chunjing Qiu
Dan Zhu
Philippe Ciais
Bertrand Guenet
Gerhard Krinner
Journal articles
Nitrogen-rich organic soils under warm well-drained conditions are global nitrous oxide emission hotspots
Jaan Parn
Jos T A Verhoeven
Klaus Butterbach-Bahl
Nancy B Dise
Sami Ullah
Journal articles
Hydrological control of dissolved organic carbon dynamics in a rehabilitated <i>Sphagnum</i>-dominated peatland: a water-table based modelling approach
Léonard Bernard-Jannin
Stéphane Binet
Sébastien Gogo
Fabien Leroy
Christian Défarge
Journal articles
Litter decomposition in peatlands is promoted by mixed plants
Fabien Leroy
Sébastien Gogo
Alexandre Buttler
Luca Bragazza
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Journal articles
Hydrological control of dissolved organic carbon dynamics in a rehabilitated Sphagnum-dominated peatland: a water-table based modelling approach
Léonard Bernard-Jannin
Stéphane Binet
Sébastien Gogo
Fabien Leroy
Christian Défarge
Journal articles
OZCAR : The French Network of Critical Zone Observatories
Jérôme Gaillardet
Isabelle Braud
Fatim Hankard
Sandrine Anquetin
Olivier Bour
Journal articles
CO2 and CH4 budgets and global warming potential modifications in Sphagnum-dominated peat mesocosms invaded by Molinia caerulea
Fabien Leroy
Sébastien Gogo
Christophe Guimbaud
Léonard Bernard-Jannin
Xiaole Yin
Journal articles
Production rates of bacterial tetraether lipids and fatty acids in peatland under varying oxygen concentrations
Arnaud Huguet
Travis B Meador
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Martin Könneke
Weichao Wu
Journal articles
Vegetation composition controls temperature sensitivity of CO2 and CH4 emissions and DOC concentration in peatlands
Fabien Leroy
Sébastien Gogo
Christophe Guimbaud
Léonard Bernard-Jannin
Zhen Hu
Journal articles
Introducing global peat-specific temperature and pH calibrations based on brGDGT bacterial lipids
A. Naafs
G.N. Inglis
Y. Zheng
J. Amesbury
H. Biester
Journal articles
Soil temperature synchronisation improves representation of diel variability of ecosystem respiration in Sphagnum peatlands
Benoît D’angelo
Sébastien Gogo
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Franck Le Moing
Fabrice Jégou
Journal articles
In situ and laboratory non-additive litter mixture effect on C dynamics of Sphagnum rubellum and Molinia caerulea litters
Sébastien Gogo
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Fatima Merzouki
Stéphane Mounier
Audrey Guirimand-Dufour
Journal articles
Anthropogenic- and natural sources of dust in peatland during the Anthropocene
B. Fiałkiewicz-Kozieł
B. Smieja-Król
M. Frontasyeva
M. Słowiński
K. Marcisz
Journal articles
An unexpected role for mixotrophs in the response of peatland carbon cycling to climate warming
Vincent E.J. Jassey
Constant Signarbieux
Stephan Hättenschwiler
Luca Bragazza
Alexandre Buttler
Journal articles
Experimental warming interacts with soil moisture to discriminate plant responses in an ombrotrophic peatland
Alexandre Buttler
B.J.M. Robroek
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Vincent E. J. Jassey
Cédric Pochelon
Journal articles
Experimental warming differentially affects microbial structure and activity in two contrasted moisture sites in a Sphagnum-dominated peatland
Frédéric Delarue
Alexandre Buttler
Luca Bragazza
Laurent Grasset
Vincent E. J. Jassey
Journal articles
Hydrological dynamics and fire history of the last 1300years in western Siberia reconstructed from a high-resolution, ombrotrophic peat archive
Mariusz Lamentowicz
Michał Słowiński
Katarzyna Marcisz
Małgorzata Zielińska
Karolina Kaliszan
Journal articles
Indirect effects of experimental warming on dissolved organic carbon content in subsurface peat
Frédéric Delarue
Sébastien Gogo
Alexandre Buttler
Luca Bragazza
Vincent E.J. Jassey
Journal articles
Simultaneous estimation of actual litter enzymatic catalysis and respiration rates with a simple model of C dynamics in Sphagnum-dominated peatlands.
Sébastien Gogo
Andre-Jean Francez
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Nicolas Gouélibo
Frédéric Delarue
Journal articles
Spatial variability of soil lipids reflects vegetation cover in a French peatland
Renata Zocatelli
Jérémy Jacob
Sébastien Gogo
Claude Le Milbeau
Julien Rousseau
Journal articles
Above- and belowground linkages in Sphagnum peatland: climate warming affects plant-microbial interactions
Vincent Jassey
Geneviève Chiapuso
Philippe Binet
Alexandre Buttler
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Journal articles
Can Rock-Eval pyrolysis assess the biogeochemical composition of organic matter during peatification?
Frédéric Delarue
Jean-Robert Disnar
Yoann Copard
Sébastien Gogo
Jérémy Jacob
Journal articles
Effects of a short-term experimental microclimate warming on the abundance and distribution of branched GDGTs in a French peatland
Arnaud Huguet
Céline Fosse
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Frédéric Delarue
Sylvie Derenne
Journal articles
A water-table dependent reservoir model to investigate the effect of drought and vascular plant invasion on peatland hydrology.
Stéphane Binet
Sébastien Gogo
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Journal articles
Spatial and temporal variations of dissolved organic carbon and inorganic carbon concentrations and δ13C in a peatland-stream continuum: implications of peatland invasion by vascular plants
Sébastien Gogo
Patrick Albéric
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Stéphane Binet
Axel Aurouet
Journal articles
Thermal maturity of the Upper Triassic-Middle Jurassic Shemshak Group (Alborz Range, Northern Iran) based on organic petrography, geochemistry and basin modelling: implications for source rock evaluation and petroleum exploration.
Ali Shekarifard
François Baudin
Kazem Seyed-Emami
Johann Schnyder
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Journal articles
A new oil-window indicator? The magnetic assemblage of claystones from the Baffin Bay volcanic margin (Greenland)
Mohamed Mansour Abdelmalak
Charles Aubourg
Laurent Geoffroy
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Journal articles
Effects of short-term ecosystem experimental warming on water-extractable organic matter in an ombrotrophic Sphagnum peatland (Le Forbonnet, France)
Frédéric Delarue
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Alexandre Buttler
Sébastien Gogo
Vincent Jassey
Journal articles
Aliphatic and aromatic biomarkers from Carboniferous coal deposits at Dunbar (East Lothian, Scotland): Palaeobotanical and palaeoenvironmental significance
Maria-Fernanda Romero-Sarmiento
Armelle Riboulleau
Marco Vecoli
G. Versteegh
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Journal articles
Occurrence of fossil organic matter in modern environments: optical, geochemical and isotopic evidence
Y. Graz
Christian Di Giovanni
Yoann Copard
M. Elie
P. Faure
Journal articles
Organic matter sources and decay assessment in a Sphagnum-dominated peatland (Le Forbonnet, Jura Mountains, France). Impact of moisture conditions.
Frédéric Delarue
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Jean-Robert Disnar
Nathalie Lottier
Sébastien Gogo
Journal articles
Tetramethylammonium hydroxide thermochemolysis for the analysis of cellulose and free carbohydrates in a peatbog
Céline Estournel-Pelardy
Frédéric Delarue
Laurent Grasset
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
André Amblès
Journal articles
Invasion of a Sphagnum-peatland by Betula spp and Molinia caerulea impacts organic matter biochemistry. Implication for carbon and nutrient cycling.
Sébastien Gogo
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Frédéric Delarue
Nathalie Lottier
Journal articles
A portable infrared laser spectrometer for flux measurements of trace gases at the geosphere-atmosphere interface
Christophe Guimbaud
Valéry Catoire
Sébastien Gogo
Cédric Robert Robert
M. Chartier
Journal articles
In situ quantification of CH4 bubbling events from a peat soil using a new infrared laser spectrometer
Sébastien Gogo
Christophe Guimbaud
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Valéry Catoire
C Robert
Journal articles
Occurrence and distribution of glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers in a French peat bog
Arnaud Huguet
Céline Fosse
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Marie-Laure Toussaint
Sylvie Derenne
Journal articles
Quantitative palynofacies analysis as a new tool to study transfers of fossil organic matter in recent terrestrial environments
Yann Graz
Christian Di Giovanni
Yoann Copard
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Mohammed Boussafir
Journal articles
Coalbed methane producibility from the Mannville coals in Alberta, Canada: A comparison of two areas
T. Gentzis
F. Goodarzi
F.K. Cheung
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Journal articles
Les tourbières et leur rôle de stockage de carbone face aux changements climatiques
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Francis Muller
Zones Humides Info, 2008, 59-60, pp.22-24
Journal articles
Cut-over peatland regeneration assessment using organic matter and microbial indicators (bacteria and testate amoebae).
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Edward P. Mitchell
Daniel Gilbert
Jean-Robert Disnar
Laure Comont
Journal articles
FTIR spectroscopy can predict organic matter quality in regenerating cutover peatlands.
Rebekka R.E. Artz
Stephen J. Chapman
A.H. Jean Robertson
Jacqueline M. Potts
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2008, 40 (2), pp.515-527
Journal articles
Response of littoral chironomid community and organic matter to late glacial lake level and environmental changes at Lago dell'Accesa (Tuscany, Italy).
Laurent Millet
Boris Vannière
Michel Magny
Jacques-Louis de Beaulieu
Jean-Robert Disnar
Journal articles
Molecular fossils and other organic markers as palaeoenvironmental indicators of the Messinian Calcare di Base Formation: normal versus stressed marine deposition (Rossano Basin, northern Calabria, Italy)
Adriano Guido
Jérémy Jacob
Pascale Gautret
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Adelaide Mastandrea
Journal articles
Dansgaard-Oeschger climatic variability revealed by fire emissions in southwestern Iberia
A.L. Daniau
M.F. Sanchez Goni
D. Beaufort
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
M.F. Loutre
Journal articles