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Fatima Laggoun

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  • IdHAL fatima-laggoun
  • ResearcherId : A-7036-2012
  • IdRef : 032785917
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Biotic and Abiotic Control Over Diurnal CH4 Fluxes in a Temperate Transitional Poor Fen Ecosystem

Alexandre Lhosmot , Adrien Jacotot , Marc Steinmann , Philippe Binet , Marie-Laure Toussaint
Ecosystems, 2023, 26 (2), pp.951-968. ⟨10.1007/s10021-022-00809-x⟩
Journal articles hal-03881763v1
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Ericoid shrub encroachment shifts aboveground–belowground linkages in three peatlands across Europe and Western Siberia

Alexandre Buttler , Luca Bragazza , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge , Sébastien Gogo , Marie‐laure Toussaint
Global Change Biology, 2023, 29 (23), pp.6772-6793. ⟨10.1111/gcb.16904⟩
Journal articles insu-04182720v1
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Food web structure and energy flux dynamics, but not taxonomic richness, influence microbial ecosystem functions in a Sphagnum-dominated peatland

Vincent Jassey , Owen Petchey , Philippe Binet , Alexandre Buttler , Geneviève Chiapusio
European Journal of Soil Biology, 2023, 118, pp.103532. ⟨10.1016/j.ejsobi.2023.103532⟩
Journal articles insu-04182721v1
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Assessing methane emissions for northern peatlands in ORCHIDEE-PEAT revision 7020

Elodie Salmon , Fabrice Jégou , Bertrand Guenet , Line Jourdain , Chunjing Qiu
Geoscientific Model Development, 2022, 15 (7), pp.2813-2838. ⟨10.5194/gmd-15-2813-2022⟩
Journal articles insu-03656303v1
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The information system of the French Peatland Observation Service: Service National d’Observation Tourbières – a valuable tool to assess the impact of global changes on the hydrology and biogeochemistry of temperate peatlands through long term monitoring

Sébastien Gogo , Jean‐baptiste Paroissien , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge , Jean-Marc Antoine , Léonard Bernard‐jannin
Hydrological Processes, 2021, 35 (6), e14244, 8p. ⟨10.1002/hyp.14244⟩
Journal articles hal-03253867v1
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Carbon balance and spatial variability of CO2 and CH4 fluxes in a Sphagnum-dominated peatland in temperate climate

Benoît D’angelo , Fabien Leroy , Christophe Guimbaud , Adrien Jacotot , Renata Zocatelli
Wetlands, 2021, 41 (5), ⟨10.1007/s13157-021-01411-y⟩
Journal articles insu-03098261v1
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Determinism of nonadditive litter mixture effect on decomposition: Role of the moisture content of litters

Sébastien Gogo , Fabien Leroy , Renata Zocatelli , Adrien Jacotot , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Ecology and Evolution, 2021, 11 (14), pp.9530-9542. ⟨10.1002/ece3.7771⟩
Journal articles insu-03319262v2
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Spatial distribution of Pharmaceuticals within the particulate phases of a peri-urban stream

Lauriane Ledieu , Anaëlle Simonneau , Thomas Thiebault , Laëtitia Fougère , Emilie Destandau
Chemosphere, 2021, 279, pp.130385. ⟨10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.130385⟩
Journal articles insu-03183855v1
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Response of Peatland CO2 and CH4 Fluxes to Experimental Warming and the Carbon Balance

Qian Li , Sébastien Gogo , Fabien Leroy , Christophe Guimbaud , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Frontiers in Earth Science, 2021, 9, ⟨10.3389/feart.2021.631368⟩
Journal articles insu-03319779v1
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Abiotic and biotic drivers of microbial respiration in peat and its sensitivity to temperature change

Qian Li , Fabien Leroy , Renata Zocatelli , Sébastien Gogo , Adrien Jacotot
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2021, 153, pp.108077. ⟨10.1016/j.soilbio.2020.108077⟩
Journal articles insu-03013568v1
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Statistical hydrology for evaluating peatland water table sensitivity to simple environmental variables and climate changes application to the mid-latitude/altitude Frasne peatland (Jura Mountains, France)

Guillaume Bertrand , Alex Ponçot , Benjamin Pohl , Alexandre Lhosmot , Marc Steinmann
Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 754, 141931 (55 p.). ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.141931⟩
Journal articles insu-02921354v1
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Impact of thermal maturity on the concomitant evolution of the ultrafine structure and porosity of marine mudstones organic matter; contributions of electronic imaging and new spectroscopic investigations

Amélie Cavelan , Mohammed Boussafir , Nathalie Mathieu , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
International Journal of Coal Geology, 2020, 231, pp.103622. ⟨10.1016/j.coal.2020.103622⟩
Journal articles insu-02977988v1
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Influence of experimental temperature and duration of laboratory confined thermal maturation experiments on the evolution of the porosity of organic-rich source rocks

Amélie Cavelan , Mohammed Boussafir , Claude Le Milbeau , Sandrine Delpeux , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2020, 122, pp.104667. ⟨10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2020.104667⟩
Journal articles insu-02918247v1
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Geochemical insights into spatial and temporal evolution of sediment at catchment scale (Egoutier stream, France)

Lauriane Ledieu , Anaëlle Simonneau , Olivier Cerdan , Philippe Négrel , Valérie Laperche
Applied Geochemistry, 2020, 122, pp.104743. ⟨10.1016/j.apgeochem.2020.104743⟩
Journal articles insu-02925859v1
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Role of microorganisms in the carbon cycling of peatlands

Juanita Mora Gomez , Qian Li , Fabien Leroy , Sébastien Gogo , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
LE STUDIUM Multidisciplinary Journal, 2020, ⟨10.34846/⟩
Journal articles hal-03543830v1
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Impact of Oil-Prone Sedimentary Organic Matter Quality and Hydrocarbon Generation on Source Rock Porosity: Artificial Thermal Maturation Approach

Amélie Cavelan , Mohammed Boussafir , Claude Le Milbeau , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
ACS Omega, 2020, 5 (23), pp.14013-14029. ⟨10.1021/acsomega.0c01432⟩
Journal articles insu-02792793v1
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Effect of organic matter composition on source rock porosity during confined anhydrous thermal maturation: Example of Kimmeridge-clay mudstones

Amélie Cavelan , Mohammed Boussafir , Claude Le Milbeau , Olivier Rozenbaum , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
International Journal of Coal Geology, 2019, 212, pp.103236. ⟨10.1016/j.coal.2019.103236⟩
Journal articles insu-02265254v1
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Organic petrography and pore structure characterization of low-mature and gas-mature marine organic-rich mudstones: Insights into porosity controls in gas shale systems

Amélie Cavelan , Mohammed Boussafir , Olivier Rozenbaum , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2019, 103, pp.331-350. ⟨10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2019.02.027⟩
Journal articles insu-02057277v1
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From Climatic to Anthropogenic Drivers: A Multi-Proxy Reconstruction of Vegetation and Peatland Development in the French Jura Mountains

Emilie Gauthier , Vincent Jassey , Edward A.D. Mitchell , Mariusz Lamentowicz , Richard Payne
Quaternary, 2019, 2 (4), 13 p. ⟨10.3390/quat2040038⟩
Journal articles insu-02415346v1
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Response of C and N cycles to N fertilization in Sphagnum and Molinia-dominated peat mesocosms

Fabien Leroy , Sébastien Gogo , Christophe Guimbaud , Andre-Jean Francez , Renata Zocatelli
Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2019, 77, pp.264-272. ⟨10.1016/j.jes.2018.08.003⟩
Journal articles insu-01864513v2
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CO 2 and CH 4 budgets and global warming potential modifications in Sphagnum -dominated peat mesocosms invaded by Molinia caerulea

Fabien Leroy , Sébastien Gogo , Christophe Guimbaud , Léonard Bernard-Jannin , Xiaole Yin
Biogeosciences, 2019, 16 (20), pp.4085-4095. ⟨10.5194/bg-16-4085-2019⟩
Journal articles insu-02345020v1
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Impact of climate change on the ecology of the Kyambangunguru crater marsh in southwestern Tanzania during the Late Holocene

Sarah Coffinet , Arnaud Huguet , Laurent Bergonzini , Nikolai Pedentchouk , David Williamson
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2018, 196, pp.100 - 117. ⟨10.1016/j.quascirev.2018.07.038⟩
Journal articles hal-01854054v1
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ORCHIDEE-PEAT (revision 4596), a model for northern peatland CO$_2$ water, and energy fluxes on daily to annual scales

Chunjing Qiu , Dan Zhu , Philippe Ciais , Bertrand Guenet , Gerhard Krinner
Geoscientific Model Development, 2018, 11, pp.497 - 519. ⟨10.5194/gmd-11-497-2018⟩
Journal articles insu-01719357v1
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Nitrogen-rich organic soils under warm well-drained conditions are global nitrous oxide emission hotspots

Jaan Parn , Jos T A Verhoeven , Klaus Butterbach-Bahl , Nancy B Dise , Sami Ullah
Nature Communications, 2018, 9 (1), 8 p. ⟨10.1038/s41467-018-03540-1⟩
Journal articles insu-01759495v1
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Hydrological control of dissolved organic carbon dynamics in a rehabilitated <i>Sphagnum</i>-dominated peatland: a water-table based modelling approach

Léonard Bernard-Jannin , Stéphane Binet , Sébastien Gogo , Fabien Leroy , Christian Défarge
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2018, 22 (9), pp.4907-4920. ⟨10.5194/hess-22-4907-2018⟩
Journal articles insu-04913773v1
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Litter decomposition in peatlands is promoted by mixed plants

Fabien Leroy , Sébastien Gogo , Alexandre Buttler , Luca Bragazza , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2018, 18, pp.739-749. ⟨10.1007/s11368-017-1820-3⟩
Journal articles insu-01598365v1
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Hydrological control of dissolved organic carbon dynamics in a rehabilitated Sphagnum-dominated peatland: a water-table based modelling approach

Léonard Bernard-Jannin , Stéphane Binet , Sébastien Gogo , Fabien Leroy , Christian Défarge
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2018, 22, pp.4907-4920. ⟨10.5194/hess-2017-578⟩
Journal articles insu-01778100v1
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OZCAR : The French Network of Critical Zone Observatories

Jérôme Gaillardet , Isabelle Braud , Fatim Hankard , Sandrine Anquetin , Olivier Bour
Vadose Zone Journal, 2018, 17 (1), pp.1-24. ⟨10.2136/vzj2018.04.0067⟩
Journal articles insu-01944414v1
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CO2 and CH4 budgets and global warming potential modifications in Sphagnum-dominated peat mesocosms invaded by Molinia caerulea

Fabien Leroy , Sébastien Gogo , Christophe Guimbaud , Léonard Bernard-Jannin , Xiaole Yin
Biogeosciences Discussions, 2017, pp.1 - 19. ⟨10.5194/bg-2017-423⟩
Journal articles insu-01778123v1
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Production rates of bacterial tetraether lipids and fatty acids in peatland under varying oxygen concentrations

Arnaud Huguet , Travis B Meador , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge , Martin Könneke , Weichao Wu
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2017, 203, pp.103-116. ⟨10.1016/j.gca.2017.01.012⟩
Journal articles insu-01438807v1
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Vegetation composition controls temperature sensitivity of CO2 and CH4 emissions and DOC concentration in peatlands

Fabien Leroy , Sébastien Gogo , Christophe Guimbaud , Léonard Bernard-Jannin , Zhen Hu
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2017, 107, pp.164-167. ⟨10.1016/j.soilbio.2017.01.005⟩
Journal articles insu-01440176v1
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Introducing global peat-specific temperature and pH calibrations based on brGDGT bacterial lipids

A. Naafs , G.N. Inglis , Y. Zheng , J. Amesbury , H. Biester
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2017, 208, pp.285-301. ⟨10.1016/j.gca.2017.01.038⟩
Journal articles insu-01474123v1
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Soil temperature synchronisation improves representation of diel variability of ecosystem respiration in Sphagnum peatlands

Benoît D’angelo , Sébastien Gogo , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge , Franck Le Moing , Fabrice Jégou
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2016, 223, pp.95-102. ⟨10.1016/j.agrformet.2016.03.021⟩
Journal articles insu-01303659v1
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In situ and laboratory non-additive litter mixture effect on C dynamics of Sphagnum rubellum and Molinia caerulea litters

Sébastien Gogo , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge , Fatima Merzouki , Stéphane Mounier , Audrey Guirimand-Dufour
Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2016, 16 (1), pp.13-27. ⟨10.1007/s11368-015-1178-3⟩
Journal articles insu-01164205v1
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Anthropogenic- and natural sources of dust in peatland during the Anthropocene

B. Fiałkiewicz-Kozieł , B. Smieja-Król , M. Frontasyeva , M. Słowiński , K. Marcisz
Scientific Reports, 2016, 6 (38731), 8 p. ⟨10.1038/srep38731⟩
Journal articles insu-01424277v1
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An unexpected role for mixotrophs in the response of peatland carbon cycling to climate warming

Vincent E.J. Jassey , Constant Signarbieux , Stephan Hättenschwiler , Luca Bragazza , Alexandre Buttler
Scientific Reports, 2015, 5 (Article number: 16931), pp.1-10. ⟨10.1038/srep16931⟩
Journal articles insu-01240013v1
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Experimental warming interacts with soil moisture to discriminate plant responses in an ombrotrophic peatland

Alexandre Buttler , B.J.M. Robroek , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge , Vincent E. J. Jassey , Cédric Pochelon
Journal of Vegetation Science, 2015, 26 (5), pp.964-974. ⟨10.1111/jvs.12296⟩
Journal articles insu-01163362v1
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Experimental warming differentially affects microbial structure and activity in two contrasted moisture sites in a Sphagnum-dominated peatland

Frédéric Delarue , Alexandre Buttler , Luca Bragazza , Laurent Grasset , Vincent E. J. Jassey
Science of the Total Environment, 2015, 511, pp.576 - 583. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.12.095⟩
Journal articles insu-01105287v1
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Hydrological dynamics and fire history of the last 1300years in western Siberia reconstructed from a high-resolution, ombrotrophic peat archive

Mariusz Lamentowicz , Michał Słowiński , Katarzyna Marcisz , Małgorzata Zielińska , Karolina Kaliszan
Quaternary Research, 2015, 84, pp.312-325. ⟨10.1016/j.yqres.2015.09.002⟩
Journal articles insu-01240109v1
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Indirect effects of experimental warming on dissolved organic carbon content in subsurface peat

Frédéric Delarue , Sébastien Gogo , Alexandre Buttler , Luca Bragazza , Vincent E.J. Jassey
Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2014, 14, pp.1800-1805. ⟨10.1007/s11368-014-0945-x⟩
Journal articles insu-01056747v1
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Simultaneous estimation of actual litter enzymatic catalysis and respiration rates with a simple model of C dynamics in Sphagnum-dominated peatlands.

Sébastien Gogo , Andre-Jean Francez , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge , Nicolas Gouélibo , Frédéric Delarue
Ecosystems, 2014, 17 (2), pp.302-316. ⟨10.1007/s10021-013-9724-6⟩
Journal articles insu-00852055v1
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Spatial variability of soil lipids reflects vegetation cover in a French peatland

Renata Zocatelli , Jérémy Jacob , Sébastien Gogo , Claude Le Milbeau , Julien Rousseau
Organic Geochemistry, 2014, 76, pp.173-183. ⟨10.1016/j.orggeochem.2014.07.016⟩
Journal articles insu-01057366v1
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Above- and belowground linkages in Sphagnum peatland: climate warming affects plant-microbial interactions

Vincent Jassey , Geneviève Chiapuso , Philippe Binet , Alexandre Buttler , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Global Change Biology, 2013, 19 (3), pp.811-823. ⟨10.1111/gcb.12075⟩
Journal articles insu-00766326v1
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Can Rock-Eval pyrolysis assess the biogeochemical composition of organic matter during peatification?

Frédéric Delarue , Jean-Robert Disnar , Yoann Copard , Sébastien Gogo , Jérémy Jacob
Organic Geochemistry, 2013, 61, pp.66-72. ⟨10.1016/j.orggeochem.2013.06.004⟩
Journal articles insu-00837683v1
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Effects of a short-term experimental microclimate warming on the abundance and distribution of branched GDGTs in a French peatland

Arnaud Huguet , Céline Fosse , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge , Frédéric Delarue , Sylvie Derenne
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2013, 105, pp.294-315. ⟨10.1016/j.gca.2012.11.037⟩
Journal articles insu-00802331v1
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A water-table dependent reservoir model to investigate the effect of drought and vascular plant invasion on peatland hydrology.

Stéphane Binet , Sébastien Gogo , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Journal of Hydrology, 2013, 499, pp.132-139. ⟨10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.06.035⟩
Journal articles insu-00812402v1
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Spatial and temporal variations of dissolved organic carbon and inorganic carbon concentrations and δ13C in a peatland-stream continuum: implications of peatland invasion by vascular plants

Sébastien Gogo , Patrick Albéric , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge , Stéphane Binet , Axel Aurouet
Biogeosciences Discussions, 2012, 9, pp.3515-3544. ⟨10.5194/bgd-9-3515-2012⟩
Journal articles insu-00681971v1
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Thermal maturity of the Upper Triassic-Middle Jurassic Shemshak Group (Alborz Range, Northern Iran) based on organic petrography, geochemistry and basin modelling: implications for source rock evaluation and petroleum exploration.

Ali Shekarifard , François Baudin , Kazem Seyed-Emami , Johann Schnyder , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Geological Magazine, 2012, 149, pp.19-38. ⟨10.1017/S0016756811000161⟩
Journal articles insu-00420242v1

A new oil-window indicator? The magnetic assemblage of claystones from the Baffin Bay volcanic margin (Greenland)

Mohamed Mansour Abdelmalak , Charles Aubourg , Laurent Geoffroy , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
AAPG Bulletin, 2012, 96 (2), pp.205-215. ⟨10.1306/07121111008⟩
Journal articles insu-00687471v1
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Effects of short-term ecosystem experimental warming on water-extractable organic matter in an ombrotrophic Sphagnum peatland (Le Forbonnet, France)

Frédéric Delarue , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge , Alexandre Buttler , Sébastien Gogo , Vincent Jassey
Organic Geochemistry, 2011, 42 (9), pp.1016-1024. ⟨10.1016/j.orggeochem.2011.07.005⟩
Journal articles insu-00615432v1
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Aliphatic and aromatic biomarkers from Carboniferous coal deposits at Dunbar (East Lothian, Scotland): Palaeobotanical and palaeoenvironmental significance

Maria-Fernanda Romero-Sarmiento , Armelle Riboulleau , Marco Vecoli , G. Versteegh , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2011, 309, pp.309-326. ⟨10.1016/j.palaeo.2011.06.015⟩
Journal articles insu-00602822v1
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Occurrence of fossil organic matter in modern environments: optical, geochemical and isotopic evidence

Y. Graz , Christian Di Giovanni , Yoann Copard , M. Elie , P. Faure
Applied Geochemistry, 2011, 26 (8), pp.1302-1314. ⟨10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.05.004⟩
Journal articles insu-00592510v1
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Organic matter sources and decay assessment in a Sphagnum-dominated peatland (Le Forbonnet, Jura Mountains, France). Impact of moisture conditions.

Frédéric Delarue , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge , Jean-Robert Disnar , Nathalie Lottier , Sébastien Gogo
Biogeochemistry, 2011, 106 (1), pp.39-52. ⟨10.1007/s10533-010-9410-0⟩
Journal articles insu-00457818v1
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Tetramethylammonium hydroxide thermochemolysis for the analysis of cellulose and free carbohydrates in a peatbog

Céline Estournel-Pelardy , Frédéric Delarue , Laurent Grasset , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge , André Amblès
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2011, 92 (2), pp.401-406. ⟨10.1016/j.jaap.2011.08.004⟩
Journal articles insu-00615435v1
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Invasion of a Sphagnum-peatland by Betula spp and Molinia caerulea impacts organic matter biochemistry. Implication for carbon and nutrient cycling.

Sébastien Gogo , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge , Frédéric Delarue , Nathalie Lottier
Biogeochemistry, 2011, 106 (1), pp.53-69. ⟨10.1007/s10533-010-9433-6⟩
Journal articles insu-00419696v1
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A portable infrared laser spectrometer for flux measurements of trace gases at the geosphere-atmosphere interface

Christophe Guimbaud , Valéry Catoire , Sébastien Gogo , Cédric Robert Robert , M. Chartier
Measurement Science and Technology, 2011, 22 (7), pp.1-17. ⟨10.1088/0957-0233/22/7/075601⟩
Journal articles insu-00595203v1
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In situ quantification of CH4 bubbling events from a peat soil using a new infrared laser spectrometer

Sébastien Gogo , Christophe Guimbaud , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge , Valéry Catoire , C Robert
Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2011, 11 (4), pp.545-551. ⟨10.1007/s11368-011-0338-3⟩
Journal articles insu-00521762v1
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Occurrence and distribution of glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers in a French peat bog

Arnaud Huguet , Céline Fosse , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge , Marie-Laure Toussaint , Sylvie Derenne
Organic Geochemistry, 2010, 41 (6), pp.559-572. ⟨10.1016/j.orggeochem.2010.02.015⟩
Journal articles insu-00460433v1
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Quantitative palynofacies analysis as a new tool to study transfers of fossil organic matter in recent terrestrial environments

Yann Graz , Christian Di Giovanni , Yoann Copard , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge , Mohammed Boussafir
International Journal of Coal Geology, 2010, 84, pp.49-62. ⟨10.1016/j.coal.2010.08.006⟩
Journal articles insu-00514909v1
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Coalbed methane producibility from the Mannville coals in Alberta, Canada: A comparison of two areas

T. Gentzis , F. Goodarzi , F.K. Cheung , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
International Journal of Coal Geology, 2008, 74 (3-4), pp.237-249. ⟨10.1016/j.coal.2008.01.004⟩
Journal articles insu-00258786v1
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Les tourbières et leur rôle de stockage de carbone face aux changements climatiques

Fatima Laggoun-Défarge , Francis Muller
Zones Humides Info, 2008, 59-60, pp.22-24
Journal articles insu-00321655v1
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Cut-over peatland regeneration assessment using organic matter and microbial indicators (bacteria and testate amoebae).

Fatima Laggoun-Défarge , Edward P. Mitchell , Daniel Gilbert , Jean-Robert Disnar , Laure Comont
Journal of Applied Ecology, 2008, 45 (2), pp.716-727. ⟨10.1111/j.1365-2664.2007.01436.x⟩
Journal articles hal-00142062v1
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FTIR spectroscopy can predict organic matter quality in regenerating cutover peatlands.

Rebekka R.E. Artz , Stephen J. Chapman , A.H. Jean Robertson , Jacqueline M. Potts , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2008, 40 (2), pp.515-527
Journal articles insu-00173352v1
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Response of littoral chironomid community and organic matter to late glacial lake level and environmental changes at Lago dell'Accesa (Tuscany, Italy).

Laurent Millet , Boris Vannière , Michel Magny , Jacques-Louis de Beaulieu , Jean-Robert Disnar
Journal of Paleolimnology, 2007, 38, pp.525-539. ⟨10.1007/s10933-007-9088-z⟩
Journal articles hal-00085520v1
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Molecular fossils and other organic markers as palaeoenvironmental indicators of the Messinian Calcare di Base Formation: normal versus stressed marine deposition (Rossano Basin, northern Calabria, Italy)

Adriano Guido , Jérémy Jacob , Pascale Gautret , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge , Adelaide Mastandrea
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2007, 255 (3-4), pp.265-283. ⟨10.1016/j.palaeo.2007.07.015⟩
Journal articles insu-00170377v1
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Dansgaard-Oeschger climatic variability revealed by fire emissions in southwestern Iberia

A.L. Daniau , M.F. Sanchez Goni , D. Beaufort , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge , M.F. Loutre
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2007, 26, pp.1369-1383. ⟨10.1016/j.quascirev.2007.02.005⟩
Journal articles hal-00137780v1