An integrative study of new environmental and cultural data from the Hoabinhian of Laang Spean Cave (Cambodia) including modern human remains
Valery Zeitoun
Antonio Pérez Balarezo
Heng Sophady
Yuduan Zhou
Simon Puaud
Journal articles
Further analyses of the structural organization of Homo luzonensis teeth: Evolutionary implications
Clément Zanolli
Yousuke Kaifu
Lei Pan
Song Xing
Armand Mijares
Journal articles
Covariation of proximal finger and toe phalanges in Homo sapiens : A novel approach to assess covariation of serially corresponding structures
Anneke Heteren
Martin Friess
Florent Détroit
Antoine Balzeau
Journal articles
Standardization procedure to provide a unified multi-method elemental compositional dataset, application to ferruginous colouring matters from Namibia
Guilhem Mauran
Benoît Caron
Lucile Beck
Florent Détroit
Camille Noûs
Journal articles
Homo luzonensis : principales caractéristiques et implications pour l’histoire évolutionnaire du genre Homo
Florent Détroit
Armand Salvador Mijares
Julien Corny
Guillaume Daver
Clément Zanolli
Journal articles
Data pretreatment and multivariate analyses for ochre sourcing: Application to Leopard Cave (Erongo, Namibia)
Guilhem Mauran
Benoît Caron
Florent Détroit
Alma Nankela
Jean-Jacques Bahain
Journal articles
Standardization Procedure to Provide a Unified Multi-Method Elemental Compositional Dataset, Application to Ferruginous Colouring Matters from Namibia
Guilhem Mauran
Benoit Caron
Lucile Beck
Florent Détroit
Camille Noûs
Journal articles
Studi kasus patologi gigi : karies pada rangka manusia ST1, Song Terus, Pacitan, Jawa Timur.
D. Tamu Ina A.
H. Prastiningtyas
F. Widianto
F. Detroit
A.-M. Purnomo
Jurnal Papua, inPress
Journal articles
The Middle Pleistocene hominin mandible from Payre (Ardèche, France)
Christine Verna
Florent Détroit
Kornelius Kupczik
Julie Arnaud
Antoine Balzeau
Journal articles
Leopard Cave ochres description and geochemical data
G. Mauran
B. Caron
F. Détroit
A. Nankela
J.-J. Bahain
Zenodo, 2020
Journal articles
Namibian reference ochres description and geochemical data
Guilhem Mauran
Benoît Caron
Florent Détroit
Alma Nankela
Jean-Jacques Bahain
Zenodo, 2020
Journal articles
Palaeoproteomics gives new insight into early southern African pastoralism
Louise Le Meillour
Séverine Zirah
Antoine Zazzo
Sophie Cersoy
Florent Détroit
Journal articles
Archaeological ochres of the rock art site of Leopard Cave (Erongo, Namibia): looking for Later Stone Age socio-cultural behaviours
G. Mauran
M. Lebon
O. Lapauze
F. Detroit
J.-J. Bahain
Journal articles
First in situ pXRF analyses of rock paintings in Erongo, Namibia: results, current limits, and prospects
Guilhem Mauran
Matthieu Lebon
Florent Detroit
Benoît Caron
Alma Nankela
Journal articles
The variability of frontal and occipital features of Homo erectus : a comparative analysis of unpublished fragmentary fossils from Sangiran.
L. Gollette
F. Détroit
T. Rahmawati N.
D. Grimaud-Hervé
The UISPP journal, 2019, 2 (2), pp.21-26
Journal articles
Ancient and recent phenotypic variation in Oceania : 3 Millennia of migrations in South Melanesia documented by linear morphometry.
W. Zinger
F. Détroit
F. Valentin
S. Bedford
M. Spriggs
The UISPP journal, 2019, 2 (2), pp.51-53
Journal articles
A new species of Homo from the Late Pleistocene of the Philippines
Florent Detroit
Armand Salvador Mijares
Julien Corny
Guillaume Daver
Clément Zanolli
Journal articles
Biological Anthropology of the African Continent: From the First Hominins to Extant Populations
François Marchal
I. Crevecoeur
F. Détroit
S. Prat
F. Ramirez Rozzi
Journal articles
Données quantitatives en anthropologie biologique : regards croisés
Aline Thomas
Yann Ardagna
Florent Détroit
A. Fort
Sacha Kacki
Journal articles
Dental phenotypic shape variation supports a multiple dispersal model for anatomically modern humans in Southeast Asia
Julien Corny
Manon Galland
Marta Arzarello
Anne-Marie Bacon
Fabrice Demeter
Journal articles
Paleoanthropological significance and morphological variability of the human bones and teeth from Tabon Cave
Julien Corny
Ame Garong
François Sémah
Eusebio Dizon
Mary Jane Louise A. Bolunia
Journal articles
Position of the posterior skullcap fragment from Sendang Klampok (Sangiran Dome, Java, Indonesia) among the Javanese Homo erectus record
Dominique Grimaud-Hervé
Antoine Balzeau
Harry Widianto
Tony Djubiantono
Florent Detroit
Journal articles
Morphometric Assessment of Convergent Tool Technology and Function during the Early Middle Palaeolithic: The Case of Payre, France
M. Gema Chacón
Florent Detroit
Aude Coudenneau
Marie-Hélène Moncel
Journal articles
Stable isotopes in guano: Potential contributions towards palaeoenvironmental reconstruction in Tabon Cave, Palawan, Philippines
O. Choa
M. Lebon
X. Gallet
E. Dizon
W. Ronquillo
Journal articles
Early Lapita skeletons from Vanuatu show Polynesian craniofacial shape: Implications for Remote Oceanic settlement and Lapita origins
Frederique Valentin
Florent Detroit
Matthew Spriggs
Stuart Bedford
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2016, 113 (2), pp.292 - 297. ⟨10.1073/pnas.1516186113⟩
Journal articles
Genomic and cranial phenotype data support multiple modern human dispersals from Africa and a southern route into Asia
H. Reyes-Centeno
S. Ghirotto
F. Détroit
D. Grimaud-Hervé
G. Barbujani
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2014, 111 (20), pp.7248-7253. ⟨10.1073/pnas.1323666111⟩
Journal articles
Technical Note: Anatomic Identification of Isolated Modern Human Molars: Testing Procrustes Aligned Outlines as a Standardization Procedure for Elliptic Fourier Analysis
Julien Corny
Florent Detroit
Journal articles
Fossil hominins, quadrupedal primates and the origin of human bipedalism: a 3D geometric morphometric analysis of the Primate hamate
Guillaume Daver
F. Détroit
Dominique Grimaud-Hervé
Gilles Berillon
Sandrine Prat
Journal articles
Anatomic identification of isolated modern human molars : Testing Procrustes aligned outlines as a standardization procedure for elliptic fourier analysis.
J. Corny
F. Détroit
American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2014, 153 (2), pp.314-322
Journal articles
L'histoire récente du genre Homo en Asie de l'Est et du Sud-Est : examen des hypothèses d'hybridation et d'endémisme insulaire à la lumière du registre paléoanthropologique.
F. Détroit
A.S.B. Mijares
J. Corny
Thomas Ingicco
D. Grimaud-Hervé
Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'anthropologie de Paris, 2014, 1839ème Journées de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris, Montpellier (France), 28- 31 janvier 2014, 26 : S18
Journal articles
Application en Paléoanthropologie d'une méthode médico-légale de détermination de l'âge et du sexe basée sur la canine.
D. Tardivo
P. Adalian
A. Balzeau
F. Détroit
B. Foti
Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'anthropologie de Paris, 2014, 1839ème Journées de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris, Montpellier (France), 28- 31 janvier 2014, 26 (S38)
Journal articles
An allometric study of Macaca fascicularis from the Late Pleistocene deposits at the Ille site (Philippines): a possible model for Southeast Asian Dwarf Hominins
Thomas Ingicco
N. Amano
J. Ochoa
Florent Détroit
Journal articles
First description of the Cro-Magnon 1 endocast and study of brain variation and evolution in anatomically modern Homo sapiens
Antoine Balzeau
Dominique Grimaud-Hervé
Florent Détroit
Ralph Holloway
Benoît Combès
Journal articles
“Small size” in the Philippine human fossil record : is it meaningful for a better understanding of the evolutionary history of the Negritos ?
F. Detroit
J. Corny
E.Z. Dizon
A.S. Mijares
Journal articles
Une étude de l'allométrie de spécimens de Macaca fascicularis provenant des niveaux Pléistocènes supérieur de Ille Cave (Philippines): un modèle potentiel pour les Homininés de petite taille du Sud-Est asiatique.
Thomas Ingicco
N. Amano Jr
J. Ochoa
F. Detroit
Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'anthropologie de Paris, 2013, 25 (S25)
Journal articles
“Of Sheep and Men”: Earliest Direct Evidence of Caprine Domestication in Southern Africa at Leopard Cave (Erongo, Namibia)
David Pleurdeau
Emma Imalwa
Florent Detroit
Joséphine Lesur
Anzel Veldman
Journal articles
New evidence for a 67,000-year-old human presence at Callao Cave, Luzon, Philippines
Armand Salvador Mijares
Florent Détroit
Philip Piper
Rainer Grün
Peter Bellwood
Journal articles
Solo man in question: Convergent views to split Indonesian Homo erectus in two categories
Valery Zeitoun
Florent Détroit
Dominique Grimaud-Herve
Harry Widianto
Journal articles
Les ossements humains de la grotte de Tabon (Palawan, Philippines): Répartition spatiale et étude d’une collection d’ossements inédite.
Julien Corny
Florent Détroit
Annali dell'Universita di Ferrara, 2010, 6, pp.77-84
Journal articles
Morphométrie géométrique et classification phylogénétique, application à la question de l’origine d’Homo sapiens en Asie
S. Bouee
F. Detroit
Journal articles
Unité et diversité préhistorique entre Java et Sumatra.
Hubert Forestier
Truman Simanjuntak
Florent Détroit
Valéry Zeitoun
Journal articles