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Félicie Theron

Associate Professor, IMT Atlantique, GEPEA
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Félicie Theron is Associate Professor in Process Engineering at IMT Atlantique, GEPEA Laboratory since 2011. Her research activitiy is conducted at [GEPEA laboratory](, a joint research unit merging CNRS, Nantes University, ONIRIS and IMT Atlantique. Her fields of investigation are: - Airflow and aerosols: interactions between airflow and microparticle resuspension or aerosol capture by fibrous filters - application to air treatment in ventilated ducts - Porous media: experimental characterization and modeling of porous media structural properties She is co-author of 16 publications in international peer-review journals and 36 communications in international congress.

Research domains

Environmental Engineering Chemical and Process Engineering Reactive fluid environment



Prediction of the temporal evolution of microparticle resuspension in ventilated duct during a fan start by a Monte Carlo model

Jesica Benito , Félicie Theron , Laurence Le Coq , Rodolfo Uñac , Ana Vidales
Aerosol Science and Technology, 2024, 58 (3), pp.244-263. ⟨10.1080/02786826.2024.2313094⟩
Journal articles hal-04807377v1
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Image analysis for the time-resolved description of microparticle resuspension under transient airflow

Corentin Cazes , Lionel Fiabane , Félicie Theron , Dominique Heitz , Laurence Le Coq
Journal of Aerosol Science, 2023, 173, pp.106198. ⟨10.1016/j.jaerosci.2023.106198⟩
Journal articles hal-04109582v1
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Influence of the transient airflow pattern on the temporal evolution of microparticle resuspension: Application to ventilated duct during fan acceleration

Félicie Theron , Djihad Debba , Laurence Le Coq
Aerosol Science and Technology, 2022, 56 (11), pp.1033-1046. ⟨10.1080/02786826.2022.2120793⟩
Journal articles hal-04104593v1

Predicting the permeability and specific surface area of compressed and uncompressed fibrous media including the Klinkenberg effect

S. Woudberg , E. Maré , M.C. van Heyningen , Félicie Theron , Laurence Le Coq
Powder Technology, 2021, 377, pp.488-505. ⟨10.1016/j.powtec.2020.08.081⟩
Journal articles hal-02955873v1

Corrigendum to “Local experimental methodology for the study of microparticles resuspension in ventilated duct during fan acceleration” [Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol 140, 2020, 105477]

Félicie Theron , Djihad Debba , Laurence Le Coq
Journal of Aerosol Science, 2021, 156, pp.105832. ⟨10.1016/j.jaerosci.2021.105832⟩
Journal articles hal-03278868v1
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Turbidity reduction induced by Floating Treatment Wetlands (FTW): Aflume experiment to assess the impact of flow velocity

Karine E. Borne , Yves Andres , Félicie Theron
Ecological Engineering, 2021, 168, pp.106275. ⟨10.1016/j.ecoleng.2021.106275⟩
Journal articles hal-03254706v1
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Local variations of air velocity in the vicinity of filter pleats in transitional airflow regime – Experimental and numerical approaches

Walid Mrad , Félicie Theron , Aurélie Joubert , Nancy Zgheib , Laurence Le Coq
Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 268, pp.118658. ⟨10.1016/j.seppur.2021.118658⟩
Journal articles hal-03195715v1
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Local experimental methodology for the study of microparticles resuspension in ventilated duct during fan acceleration

Félicie Theron , Djihad Debba , Laurence Le Coq
Journal of Aerosol Science, 2020, 140, pp.105477. ⟨10.1016/j.jaerosci.2019.105477⟩
Journal articles hal-02342963v1
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Investigating the influence of local porosity variations and anisotropy effects on the permeability of fibrous media for air filtration

Sonia Woudberg , Félicie Theron , Elisabeth Lys , Laurence Le Coq
Chemical Engineering Science, 2018, 180, pp.70 - 78. ⟨10.1016/J.CES.2018.01.035⟩
Journal articles hal-01700159v1
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Numerical and experimental investigations of the influence of the pleat geometry on the pressure drop and velocity field of a pleated fibrous filter

Félicie Theron , Aurélie Joubert , Laurence Le Coq
Separation and Purification Technology, 2017, 182, pp.69-77. ⟨10.1016/j.seppur.2017.02.034⟩
Journal articles hal-01487561v1
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Characterization of the porous structure of a non-woven fibrous medium for air filtration at local and global scales using porosimetry and X-ray micro-tomography

Félicie Theron , Elisabeth Lys , Aurélie Joubert , François Bertrand , Laurence Le Coq
Powder Technology, 2017, 320, pp.295-303. ⟨10.1016/j.powtec.2017.07.020⟩
Journal articles hal-01700199v1
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Implementation of ‘chaotic’ advection for viscous fluids in heat exchanger/reactors

Zoé Anxionnaz-Minvielle , Patrice Tochon , Raphael Couturier , Clément Magallon , Félicie Theron
Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 2016, 113, pp.118-127. ⟨10.1016/j.cep.2016.07.010⟩
Journal articles hal-01506812v1
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Characterization of the performances of an innovative heat-exchanger/reactor

Félicie Theron , Zoé Anxionnaz-Minvielle , Michel Cabassud , Christophe Gourdon , Patrice Tochon
Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 2014, vol. 82, pp. 30-41. ⟨10.1016/j.cep.2014.04.005⟩
Journal articles hal-01346088v1
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Transposition from a batch to a continuous process for microencapsulation by interfacial polycondensation

Félicie Theron , Zoé Anxionnaz-Minvielle , Nathalie Le Sauze , Michel Cabassud
Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 2012, vol. 54, pp. 42-54. ⟨10.1016/j.cep.2012.01.001⟩
Journal articles hal-00878628v1
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Comparison between three static mixers for emulsification in turbulent flow

Félicie Theron , Nathalie Le Sauze
International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2011, vol. 37 (n° 5), pp. 488-500. ⟨10.1016/J.IJMULTIPHASEFLOW.2011.01.004⟩
Journal articles hal-03538985v1
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Turbulent liquid–liquid dispersion in SMV static mixer at high dispersed phase concentration

Emeline Lobry , Félicie Theron , Christophe Gourdon , Nathalie Le Sauze , Catherine Xuereb
Chemical Engineering Science, 2011, vol. 66, pp. 5762-5774. ⟨10.1016/J.CES.2011.06.073⟩
Journal articles hal-00782653v1
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Turbulent Liquid-Liquid Dispersion in Sulzer SMX Mixer

Félicie Theron , Nathalie Le Sauze , Alain Ricard
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Product Research and Development, 2010, 49 (2), pp.623-632. ⟨10.1021/IE900090D⟩
Journal articles hal-03474260v1
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Analyse PIV d'un écoulement de canal en phase d'accélération

Mélanie Baptiste , Lionel Fiabane , Félicie Theron , Philippe Georgeault , Laurence Le Coq
18e Congrès Francophone de Techniques Laser, Association Française de Vélocimétrie Laser, Sep 2024, Lyon, France. pp.248-256
Conference papers hal-04704852v1
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Study of the resuspension phenomenon during airflow acceleration using Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches

Corentin Cazes , Félicie Theron , Lionel Fiabane , Dominique Heitz , Laurence Le Coq
European Aerosol Conference, EAC2023, Sep 2023, Malaga, Spain
Conference papers hal-04385714v1

Remise en suspension de microparticules pour des accélérations d'air: analyse dimensionnelle des propriétés de l'écoulement

Corentin Cazes , Félicie Theron , Lionel Fiabane , Dominique Heitz , Laurence Le Coq
CFA2023 : 36ème Congrès Français sur les Aérosols, ASFERA, Mar 2023, Paris, France. p. 29, ⟨10.25576/ASFERA-CFA2023-32910⟩
Conference papers hal-04043159v1
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Microparticle resuspension under accelerated airflow: dimensional analysis to account for the airflow pattern properties

Corentin Cazes , Félicie Theron , Lionel Fiabane , Dominique Heitz , Laurence Le Coq
11th International Aerosol Conference (IAC), Sep 2022, Athens, Greece. 1 p
Conference papers hal-03862988v1
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Analyse d'images pour l'étude de la remise en suspension de particules

Corentin Cazes , Lionel Fiabane , Félicie Theron , Dominique Heitz , Laurence Le Coq
CFA2022 - 35ème Congrès Français sur les Aérosols, ASFERA, May 2022, Paris, France. 4 p., ⟨10.25576/ASFERA-CFA2022-27959⟩
Conference papers hal-03861599v1
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Etude des variations locales de vitesse de l'air à proximité de filtres plissés par mesures anémométriques et simulations numériques

Walid Mrad , Félicie Theron , Aurélie Joubert , Nadine Allam , Nancy Zgheib²
CFA 2020 : 33ème Congrès Français sur les Aérosols, Jan 2020, Paris (visioconférence), France. ⟨10.25576/ASFERA-CFA2020-19770⟩
Conference papers hal-03245335v1

Development of an analytical model to account for local porosity variations and anisotropy effects on the permeability of fibrous media

Félicie Theron , Sonia Fidder-Woudberg , Elisabeth Lys , Laurence Le Coq
Filtech 2018, Mar 2018, Cologne, Germany
Conference papers hal-01830096v1

Filtration performance of a liquid DEHS aerosol by an innovative bi-layered filtering media

Aurélie Joubert , Walid Mrad , Estefania Ziadé , Félicie Theron
Fluid Particle Separation, Oct 2018, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-01936875v1

Influence of wall air flow properties on the resuspension kinetics of microparticles in ventilated duct under accelerated flow

Félicie Theron , Djihad Debba , Laurence Le Coq
Aerosol Technology 2018, Jun 2018, Bilabo, Spain
Conference papers hal-01830108v1

Caractérisation de la structure poreuse d’un media fibreux pour la filtration d’air par porosimétrie et micro-tomographie X

Félicie Theron , Elisabeth Lys , Bertrand Francois , Laurence Le Coq
FRANCOFILT 2017, Aug 2017, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers hal-01830054v1
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Development of an analytical model to predict the permeability of fibrous media for air filtration

Félicie Theron , Sonia Woudberg , Laurence Le Coq
13èmes Journéess d'études des Milieux Poreux 2016, Oct 2016, Anglet, France
Conference papers hal-01394561v1

Influence of pleats geometry on fibrous filter performances

Félicie Theron , Aurélie Joubert , Laurence Le Coq
World Filtration Congress 12, WFC12, Apr 2016, Taipei, Taiwan
Conference papers hal-01383787v1

Structural characterization of a high performance air filtration composite media at local and global scales

Félicie Theron , Elisabeth Lys , Laurence Le Coq
World Filtration Congress 12, WFC12, Apr 2016, Taipei, Taiwan
Conference papers hal-01383804v1

Local experimental study of microparticles resuspension mechanisms in ventilated duct under accelerated flow

Djihad Debba , Félicie Theron , Laurence Le Coq , Camille Solliec
European Aerosol Conference 2016, EAC2016, Sep 2016, Tours, France
Conference papers hal-01383812v1

Experimental characterization of the air flow in a ventilated duct in contribution to particle resuspension mechanism study at micro scale

Félicie Theron , Laurence Le Coq , Djihad Debba , Camille Solliec
Aerosol Technology, Jun 2015, Tampere, Finland
Conference papers hal-02351731v1
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A continuous microencapsulation process by interfacial polycondensation.

Félicie Theron , Nathalie Le Sauze , Alain Ricard
2nd International Congress on Green Process Engineering,2nd European Process Intensification Conference, Jun 2009, Venise, Italy. pp.0
Conference papers hal-04107232v1