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François Bermond

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Lauréat du concours 1990 de Chargé de Recherche, spécialité mécanique, j'ai intégré le 28 janvier 1991 le Laboratoire des Chocs et de Biomécanique (LCB) à Bron et rejoint l’équipe de biomécanique des chocs de l’Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur Sécurité (Inrets), devenu l'Institut français des sciences et technologies des transports, de l'aménagement et des réseaux (Ifsttar) en 2011, puis l'Université Gustave Eiffel en 2020. Ayant pris soin d’adapter mes problématiques de recherche aux évolutions de celles du Laboratoire, mes activités actuelles en biomécanique lésionnelle et traumatologie, sont principalement dans le thème faciliter les déplacements et secondairement dans le thème maintenir le corps en bonne santé au sein du Laboratoire de Biomécanique et Mécanique des Chocs (LBMC). Mes travaux de recherche portent essentiellement sur la biomécanique des chocs appliquée à la sécurité passive pour améliorer la protection des usagers des transports routiers. J’ai continué à enrichir les connaissances en biomécanique, essentielles pour la modélisation mathématique, grâce à des expérimentations sur des échantillons et sur des corps entiers légués à la science (ex vivo). Ces expérimentations m’ont permis l’utilisation des résultats les plus avancés en tolérance humaine au choc. J’ai complété ces expérimentations sur corps légués à la science par la biomécanique d’observation sur des sujets volontaires in vivo à des niveaux de sollicitations infra lésionnelles, après approbation par les comités d’éthique et de protection des personnes. Cet accroissement des connaissances du comportement biomécanique du corps humain aux chocs est ensuite transféré à l’amélioration des mannequins d’essai de choc, des critères de blessures et des courbes de risques. En 2020 dans les communautés scientifiques et notamment au sein d’un groupe thématique de la Société de Biomécanique le périmètre de la biomécanique des chocs a évolué vers la biomécanique lésionnelle et traumatologie. Méthodologie **METHODOLOGIE** Approfondissement des connaissances relatives au comportement du corps humain et de ses différents constituants (sollicitation en quasi - statique et en dynamique par l'expérimentation sur corps légués à la science ou sur sujets volontaires in vivo), Définition des lois de comportement et des niveaux de tolérance acceptables. Ces éléments sont obtenus par l'analyse des résultats d'essais en associant les mesures physiques enregistrées lors des chocs et les données relatives aux sujets : anthropométrie et résultats d'autopsie, Transfert des caractéristiques acquises pour créer des modèles mécaniques (mannequins de chocs) et numériques, ou pour améliorer certains segments les constituant, Définition, élaboration et validation de critères de blessures transposables sur les modèles mécaniques ou numériques afin d'évaluer le risque lésionnel lors d'un choc direct ou indirect d'un de ces modèles. Ces critères sont indispensables dans les tests d'homologation en dynamique des véhicules et de certains équipements **FORMATION** Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 - Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, 2015 - Doctorat, mécanique, 1990 École Centrale de Lyon - Diplôme d’Études Approfondies, mécanique, 1987
I joined the "Laboratoire des Chocs et de Biomécanique" (LCB) in Bron on January 28, 1991 of the "Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur Sécurité" (Inrets), which became the "Institut français des sciences et technologies des transports, de l'aménagement et des réseaux " (Ifsttar) in 2011, then the Gustave Eiffel University in 2020. My current activities in lesional biomechanics and traumatology, are mainly in the theme of facilitating movement and secondarily in the theme of maintaining the body in good health within the Laboratory of biomechanics and impact mechanics (LBMC). **EDUCATION** Claude Bernard University, Lyon, France - Research supervision enablement - HDR, Engineering Mechanics, 2015 - Doctor of Philosophy - PhD, Engineering Mechanics, 1990


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Finite element models with automatic computed tomography bone segmentation for failure load computation

Emile Saillard , Marc Gardegaront , Aurélie Levillain , François Bermond , David Mitton
Scientific Reports, 2024, 14 (1), pp.16576. ⟨10.1038/s41598-024-66934-w⟩
Journal articles hal-04803712v1

Inter-laboratory reproduction and sensitivity study of a finite element model to quantify human femur failure load: case of metastases

Marc Gardegaront , Amelie Sas , Denis Brizard , Aurélie Levillain , François Bermond
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials, 2024, 158, pp.106676. ⟨10.1016/j.jmbbm.2024.106676⟩
Journal articles hal-04664790v1
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A credible homogenized finite element model to predict radius fracture in the case of a forward fall

Martin Revel , Marc Gardegaront , François Bermond , David Mitton , Hélène Follet
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials, 2022, 131, 43p. ⟨10.1016/j.jmbbm.2022.105206⟩
Journal articles hal-03652290v1
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Mechanical properties of breast, kidney, and thyroid tumours measured by AFM: relationship with tissue structure

Aurélie Levillain , Cyrille Confavreux , Myriam Decaussin-Petrucci , Emeline Durieux , Philippe Paparel
Materialia, 2022, 25, pp.101555. ⟨10.1016/j.mtla.2022.101555⟩
Journal articles hal-03765624v1
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Influence of Loading Conditions in Finite Element Analysis Assessed by HR-pQCT on Ex Vivo Fracture Prediction

Martin Revel , François Bermond , Francois Duboeuf , David Mitton , Hélène Follet
BONE, 2022, 154, 29p. ⟨10.1016/j.bone.2021.116206⟩
Journal articles hal-03353915v3

Dual-energy CT hybridation and kernel processing effects on the estimation of bone mineral mass and density: a calcination study on ex vivo human femur

Philippe Paul Wagner , Jean-Paul Roux , Quentin Chuzel , Pawel Szulc , François Bermond
Osteoporosis International, 2022, 33, pp.909-920. ⟨10.1007/s00198-021-06210-z⟩
Journal articles hal-03463649v1
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Variabilities in µQCT-based FEA of a tumoral bone mice model

Marc Gardegaront , Valentin Allard , Cyrille Confavreux , François Bermond , David Mitton
Journal of Biomechanics, 2021, 118, pp.110265. ⟨10.1016/j.jbiomech.2021.110265⟩
Journal articles hal-03127591v1
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In vivo assessment of elasticity of child rib cortical bone using quantitative computed tomography

Yumin Zhu , François Bermond , Jacqueline Payen de La Garanderie , Jean-Baptiste Pialat , Baptiste Sandoz
Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, 2017, 2017, ⟨10.1155/2017/2471368⟩
Journal articles hal-01560096v1

Protection des personnes en situation de handicap dans les transports routiers en cas de choc - Application aux usagers de fauteuil roulant

François Bermond
Le Journal de l'Orthopédie, 2014, 15 (54), pp. 2469-2470
Journal articles hal-01311090v1

Mechanical behaviour of the in vivo paediatric and adult trunk during respiratory physiotherapy

Yumin Zhu , Karine Bruyere-Garnier , David Mitton , Emmanuel Vajda , François Bermond
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 2014, 228 (1), pp. 27-36. ⟨10.1177/0954411913512282⟩
Journal articles hal-01431751v1

In vivo analysis of thoracic mechanical response variability under belt loading: Specific behavior and relationship to age, gender and BMI

David Poulard , François Bermond , Karine Bruyere-Garnier
Stapp Car Crash Journal, 2013, 57, pp. 59-87
Journal articles hal-00938308v1
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In-vivo analysis of thoracic mechanical response under belt loading: the role of Body Mass Index in thorax stiffness

David Poulard , François Bermond , Sabine Compigne , Karine Bruyere-Garnier
Journal of Biomechanics, 2013, 46 (5), pp. 883-889. ⟨10.1016/j.jbiomech.2012.12.021⟩
Journal articles hal-00919874v1

The mechanics of the in vivo infant and toddler trunk during respiratory physiotherapy

Baptiste Sandoz , E Vajda , François Alonzo , Karine Bruyere-Garnier , François Bermond
Clinical Biomechanics, 2011, 26 (6), pp. 535-542. ⟨10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2011.02.005⟩
Journal articles hal-00989777v1

Floor anchorage load and safety space for adult wheelchair users during a crash

François Bermond , X Attali , Claude Dolivet
Innovation and Research in BioMedical engineering, 2010, 31, pp. 289-298. ⟨10.1016/j.irbm.2010.10.003⟩
Journal articles hal-00978763v1

Editorial, Recherche Transports Sécurité, n 90

François Bermond
RTS. Recherche, transports, sécurité, 2006, 90, pp.III
Journal articles hal-03498769v1

Evaluation of the performance of the thor-alpha dummy

B van Don , M van Ratingen , François Bermond , Catherine Masson , Philippe Vezin
Stapp Car Crash Journal, 2003, 47 (03S-26), pp. 525-550. ⟨10.4271/2003-22-0023⟩
Journal articles hal-02090288v1

Comparison of Hybrid III, THOR-alpha and PMHS response in frontal sled tests

Philippe Vezin , Karine Bruyere-Garnier , François Bermond , Jean-Pierre Verriest
Stapp Car Crash Journal, 2002, 46, pp. 1-26. ⟨10.4271/2002-22-0001⟩
Journal articles hal-01412190v1
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Human Maxilla Bone Response to 30° oriented Impacts and Comparison with Frontal Bone Impacts

Karine Bruyere-Garnier , François Bermond , Robert Bouquet , Yves Caire , Michelle Ramet
Annual proceedings Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, 2000, 44, pp. 219-234
Journal articles hal-02093198v1

Conférence IRCOBI 1992 09-11 septembre 1992, journées d'études, Recherche Transports Sécurité, n 36

François Bermond
RTS. Recherche, transports, sécurité, 1992, 36, pp.73
Journal articles hal-03498824v1

A finite element model of the EUROSID dummy

Jurgen Ruckert , Paul Marcault , David Lasry , Eberhard Haug , Dominique Cesari
Stapp Car Crash Journal, 1992, SAE Technical Paper Series, 36, pp 255-261. ⟨10.4271/922528⟩
Journal articles hal-02093216v1

Comparison of Two Models to Predict Vertebral Failure Loads on the Same Experimental Dataset

Valentin Allard , Cécile Heidsieck , François Bermond , Cyrille Confavreux , Christophe Travert
Skalli, W., Laporte, S., Benoit, A. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering II (CMBBE 2023), 39, pp.319-329, 2024, Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-55315-8_35⟩
Book sections hal-04560721v1

Chapitre 4, Normes automobiles et équipements de sécurité

François Bermond
Sécurité routière mieux protéger les enfants., 2005
Book sections hal-03464360v1

Keeping Children Safe in Traffic : Chapter 4, Vehicle standards and safety equipment

François Bermond
Keeping Children Safe in Traffic : Chapter 4, Vehicle standards and safety equipment, Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Economiques - OCDE, pp. 79-108, 2004
Book sections hal-01355509v1
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Microarchitectural caracterisation of trabecular bone in metastatic patients using micro-computed tomography

Etienne Massardier , Jules Guinard , Jean-Paul Roux , Frédéric Rongieras , François Bermond
29th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Jun 2024, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-04630198v1
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In vivo comparison of two finite element models predictive of the fracture of metastasized femur

Marc Gardegaront , Audrey Auvinet , Aurélie Levillain , François Bermond , Cyrille B. Confavreux
29th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Jun 2024, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-04630154v1
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Influence of specific metastasis mechanical properties on the predicted failure load of metastasised femur

Aurélie Levillain , Audrey Auvinet , Marc Gardegaront , Cyrille B. Confavreux , Jean-Baptiste Pialat
29th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Jun 2024, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-04630186v1
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Adjusting Drone Surrogate properties for PMHS testing: experimental response and numerical model

Clément Pozzi , Matthieu Ragonet , François Bermond , Fabien Coussa , Philippe Beillas
2024 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings - International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, Sep 2024, Stockholm, Sweden
Conference papers hal-04700030v1

Estimation du risque de fracture d'os métastatiques : reproductibilité inter-laboratoires

David Mitton , Marc Gardegaront , Aurélie Levillain , François Bermond , Jean-Baptiste Pialat
Fédération MOSaR, Oct 2024, Porquerolles, France
Conference papers hal-04753023v1

Comparison of two models to predict vertebral failure loads on the same experimental dataset

Valentin Allard , Cécile Heidsieck , François Bermond , Cyrille Confavreux , Christophe Travert
CMBBE 2023, 18th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, May 2023, Paris, France. 1p
Conference papers hal-04095040v1

Drone collision with a human being: towards a methodology for the severity assessment

Fabien Coussa , David Delsart , Valentin Priasso , A Perroche , Gérald Portemont
ASIDIC - Aerospace Structural Impact Dynamics International Conference, Jun 2023, Wichita, United States. 29p
Conference papers hal-04138727v1

Modèle de prédiction de la force à rupture du fémur métastatique : caractérisation des propriétés mécaniques de tumeurs

Aurélie Levillain , Cyrille Confavreux , Myriam Decaussin-Petrucci , Emeline Durieux , Philippe Paparel
Forum CLARA, Apr 2023, Lyon, France. 1p
Conference papers hal-04087610v1
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Intra-operator comparison of two models to predict vertebral failure on the same experimental dataset

Valentin Allard , Cécile Heidsieck , Cyrille Confavreux , François Bermond , Christophe Travert
28th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Jul 2023, Maastricht, Netherlands. 1p
Conference papers hal-04184931v1

Pressure-based abdominal injury prediction for the THOR-50M

Philippe Beillas , François Bermond , Philippe Petit , Xavier Trosseille , Sabine Compigne
27th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Apr 2023, Yokohama, Japan. 31p
Conference papers hal-04087231v1
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Development of a surrogate model to represent drones in head impacts

Clément Pozzi , François Bermond , Matthieu Ragonet , Fabien Coussa , Philippe Beillas
48e Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique, Oct 2023, Grenoble (France), France. pp.S315-S317
Conference papers hal-04290124v1
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Deep learning for bone segmentation: towards automating failure load simulations

Emile Saillard , Marc Gardegaront , François Bermond , David Mitton , Jean-Baptiste Pialat
48e Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique, Oct 2023, Grenoble, France. pp.S27-S29
Conference papers hal-04288748v1
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Intra and inter operator variability in a finite element model of vertebra for failure load prediction

Aurelie Levillain , Valentin Allard , Emma Chevalier , Cyrille Confavreux , Jean-Paul Roux
28th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Jul 2023, Maastricht, France. 1p
Conference papers hal-04178008v1

Influence of metastatic lesions on two models assessing vertebral failure

Valentin Allard , Cyrille Confavreux , François Bermond , Marc A Stadelmann , Ron N Alkalay
28th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB 2023), Jul 2023, Maastricht, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-04176774v1
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A protocol for the local mechanical characterisation of metastatic bone

Aurelie Levillain , Cyrille Confavreux , François Bermond , David Mitton , Hélène Follet
28th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Jul 2023, Maastricht, France. 1p
Conference papers hal-04178032v1
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Dimension measurements from pictures of tensile test samples: guidelines to improve reproducibility

Yoann Lafon , François Bermond , Fanette Chassagne , Baptiste Pierrat , Karine Bruyere-Garnier
28th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Jul 2023, Maastricht, Netherlands. 1p
Conference papers hal-04177349v1
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Reproducibility of a finite element model of the human femur in torsional load

Marc Gardegaront , Joshua Johnson , Audrey Auvinet , François Bermond , Cyrille B. Confavreux
48e Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique, Oct 2023, Grenoble (France), France. pp.S86-S88
Conference papers hal-04289749v1

Failure load prediction of metastatic femur: numerical modeling and mechanical characterization

Aurélie Levillain , Océane Hovasse , Marc Gardegaront , Cyrille B Confavreux , François Bermond
BONITOS, BONe InTerdisciplinary sympOSium, Jun 2023, Lyon, France. 1p
Conference papers hal-04120333v1
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Viscoelastic properties of tumour tissue: relation with structure and composition

Aurelie Levillain , Cyrille Confavreux , Myriam Decaussin , Emeline Durieux , P Paparel
27th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB 2022), European Society of Biomechanics, Jun 2022, Porto, Portugal. 1p
Conference papers hal-03739748v1

Evaluation des propriétés mécaniques visco-élastiques des tumeurs solides

Aurélie Levillain , Cyrille Confavreux , Myriam Decaussin-Petrucci , Emeline Durieux , Philippe Paparel
35e congrès français de rhumatologie, Dec 2022, Paris, France. ⟨10.1016/j.rhum.2022.10.188⟩
Conference papers hal-03932485v1
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Replicability of a finite element model to quantify human femur failure load

Marc Gardegaront , Amelie Sas , François Bermond , Cyrille Confavreux , Jean-Baptiste Pialat
27th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Jun 2022, Porto, Portugal. 1p
Conference papers hal-03739888v1

Modèles biomécaniques pour estimer la résistance d'os métastatiques : quelle est leur fiabilité ?

David Mitton , Valentin Allard , Marc Gardegaront , Aurelie Levillain , François Bermond
Journées Recherche en Imagerie et Technologie pour la Santé, May 2022, Brest, France. 2p
Conference papers hal-03690955v1

Prédiction de la résistance à la rupture par simulation numérique de vertèbres avec métastases osseuses

Valentin Allard , Jean-Paul Roux , Cyrille Confavreux , François Bermond , David Mitton
JFBTM 2022, 22emes Journées Françaises de Biologie des Tissus Minéralisés, Apr 2022, La Baule Escoublac, France. 1p
Conference papers hal-03657418v1

Failure load prediction on vertebrae using numerical simulation

Valentin Allard , Jean-Paul Roux , Cyrille Confavreux , François Bermond , David Mitton
JFBTM 2022, 22emes Journées Françaises de Biologie des Tissus Minéralisés, Apr 2022, La Baule Escoublac, France. 1p
Conference papers hal-03656430v1
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Fracture sensitivity of a human head model in surrogate drone impacts

Clément Pozzi , Bastien Paccard , François Bermond , Philippe Beillas
IRCOBI 2022 conference, International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury, Sep 2022, Porto, Portugal. 2p
Conference papers hal-03788831v1

Prédiction du risque lésionnel lors d'impacts avec les drones

Clément Pozzi , Philippe Beillas , François Bermond
Séminaire doctorants, Oct 2022, Bron, France. 15p
Conference papers hal-03828162v1

Evaluation ex-vivo du risque de fracture sur fémur métastatique

Marc Gardegaront , François Bermond , Cyril Confavreux , Jean-Baptiste Pialat , Hélène Follet
3ème Forum en Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes des labEx en Santé, Nov 2022, Lyon, France. 1p
Conference papers hal-03894752v1

Comparison of two finite element analyses to assess metastatic vertebral failure load

Valentin Allard , Cyrille Confavreux , François Bermond , Marc A Stadelmann , Ron N Alkalay
QMSKI 2022, 23rd International Workshop on Quantitative Musculoskeletal Imaging, Jun 2022, Noordwijk, Netherlands. 1p
Conference papers hal-03709664v1

La reproductibilité inter-laboratoires de simulation numérique pour prédire la résistance d'os métastatique

David Mitton , Valentin Allard , Marc Gardegaront , Aurelie Levillain , François Bermond
Journée reproductibilité, Labex Primes, Dec 2022, Villeurbanne, France. 3p
Conference papers hal-03926367v1

Mechanical properties and structure of tumour microenvironment in breast, kidney, and thyroid cancer

Aurélie Levillain , Cyrille Confavreux , Myriam Decaussin-Petrucci , Emeline Durieux , Philippe Paparel
5th International Cancer Symposium, Nov 2022, Lyon, France. 1p
Conference papers hal-03844795v1

Evaluation ex-vivo du risque de fracture sur fémur métastatique

Marc Gardegaront , François Bermond , Cyrille Confavreux , Jean-Baptiste Pialat , Hélène Follet
3ème journée partenariat - Laboratoire d'Excellence PRIMES, Jun 2022, Jonage, France. 1p
Conference papers hal-03737829v1

Bone, cancer, and metastasis: what does the personalized numerical model bring?

Hélène Follet , Wyssem Lokbani , Valentin Allard , Cyrille Confavreux , François Bermond
BONITOS, BONe InTerdisciplinary sympOSium, May 2022, New-York, United States. 37p
Conference papers hal-03692091v1
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Ex vivo experiments on vertebral segments with simulated lytic metastases

Guillaume Pleta , Valentine Delbruel , Alexis Morgado , Cyrille Confavreux , Cédric Barrey
46ème Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique, Oct 2021, SAINT ETIENNE, France. pp S312-S313
Conference papers hal-03478792v1

Evaluation in vivo du risque de fracture de fémurs métastatiques

Marc Gardegaront , David Mitton , Hélène Follet , Jean-Baptiste Pialat , François Bermond
Séminaire doctorants, Oct 2021, BRON, France. 33p
Conference papers hal-03435997v1
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Effect of density to mechanical properties relationships on simulated vertebral failure load

Valentin Allard , Jean-Paul Roux , Cyrille Confavreux , François Bermond , David Mitton
46ème Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique, Oct 2021, Saint Etienne, France. pp S308-S309
Conference papers hal-03479707v1

Failure load prediction of metastatic femur mechanical characterization and finite element modelling

Aurélie Levillain , Marc Gardegaront , Cb Confavreux , François Bermond , David Mitton
BONITOS, BONe InTerdisciplinary sympOSium, Sep 2021, Villeurbanne, France. 19p
Conference papers hal-03359311v1
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Inter-operator variability of a finite element model of femurs with and without simulated metastatic defects

Aurélie Levillain , Marc Gardegaront , Said Ali Agha , François Bermond , David Mitton
ESB2021, 26th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Jul 2021, Milan, Italy. 1p
Conference papers hal-03282325v1

Ground Impact Study: Experimental analysis of the severity of a sUAS impact with a human being

Fabien Coussa , Julien Berthe , Philippe Beillas , François Bermond
Amuse UX Conference, Mar 2021, Budapest, Hungary. 32p
Conference papers hal-03182057v1
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Comparison of single vertebra models including endplates for failure load estimation

Valentin Allard , Jean-Paul Roux , Cyrille Confavreux , François Bermond , David Mitton
ESB2021, 26th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Jul 2021, Milan, Italy. 1p
Conference papers hal-03280788v1

UNet based automatic femur segmentation with few annotated data for bone fracture prediction: from pre-processing to segmentation assessments

Emile Saillard , Cyrille Confavreux , Marc Gardegaront , David Jicquel , Stéphane Cadot
Medical Image Analysis and Artificial Intelligence, 2nd Sino French Workshop, Oct 2021, Online, France. 2p
Conference papers hal-03406187v1

Experiment on ex-vivo vertebrae for numeric model evaluation: bone metastasis cases

Helene Follet , Wyssem Lokbani , Valentin Allard , Cyrille Confavreux , François Bermond
BONITOS, BONe InTerdisciplinary sympOSium, Sep 2021, Villeurbanne, France
Conference papers hal-03421067v1

Failure load prediction of metastatic vertebrae using numerical simulation

Valentin Allard , Cyrille Confavreux , François Bermond , David Mitton , Hélène Follet
Séminaire doctorants, Oct 2020, Bron, France. 27p
Conference papers hal-03439224v1

Radius fracture risk prediction using numerical simulation including realistic boundary conditions

Martin Revel , François Bermond , David Mitton , Hélène Follet
Modelathon 2020, Jan 2020, Sheffield, France. 9 p
Conference papers hal-02476057v2
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Ex vivo experiments on femurs to assess metastatic bone strength

Louis Riglet , Cyrille Confavreux , Phillipe Chaudier , Jean-Baptiste Pialat , François Bermond
45e Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique, Oct 2020, Metz, France. pp S260-S261, ⟨10.1080/10255842.2020.1815312⟩
Conference papers hal-03006919v1

Failure load prediction of metastatic vertebrae using numerical simulation. Modelathon 2020

Valentin Allard , Cyrille Confraveux , François Bermond , David Mitton , Hélène Follet
Modelathon 2020, Jan 2020, Sheffield, United Kingdom. 6 p
Conference papers hal-02475770v2
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Specimen-specific finite element prediction of surface strain at the distal radius in a fall configuration

Martin Revel , François Bermond , David Mitton , Hélène Follet
45e Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique, Oct 2020, Metz, France. pp S257-S259, ⟨10.1080/10255842.2020.1815311⟩
Conference papers hal-03003916v2

Specimen-specific finite element prediction of surface strain at the distal radius in a fall configuration

Martin Revel , François Bermond , David Mitton , Hélène Follet
Visite HCERES, Feb 2020, Bron, France
Conference papers hal-02509208v1
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Drone impact on human beings : Experimental investigation with sUAS

Julien Berthe , Fabien Coussa , Philippe Beillas , François Bermond
Conference ASIDIC - Aerospace Structural Impact Dynamics International, Jun 2019, MADRID, Spain. 45 p
Conference papers hal-02344606v2

Numerical Simulation of Metastatic Bone Strength

Hélène Follet , Marc Gardegaront , Stéphane Nicolle , Jean-Baptiste Pialat , Philippe Chaudier
3ème Journée Scientifique MSDAVENIR, Nov 2019, PARIS, France
Conference papers hal-02383848v1

Evaluation of a Finite Element Model to Predict Radius Bone Strain in a Fall Configuration

Martin Revel , François Bermond , David Mitton , Hélène Follet
44è congrès de la Société de Biomécanique, Oct 2019, POITIERS, France. pp.S202-S204, ⟨10.1080/10255842.2020.1714992⟩
Conference papers hal-02441203v1

High Resolution pQCT micro-architectural parameters to predict bone failure in the case of a forward fall

Martin Revel , Francois Duboeuf , François Bermond , Jean-Paul Roux , David Mitton
ASBMR 2018 Annual Meeting, Sep 2018, MONTREAL, Canada. p. 209
Conference papers hal-01877373v3

High resolution pQCT micro architectureal parameters to predict bone failure in the case of forward fall

Martin Revel , Francois Duboeuf , François Bermond , Jean-Paul Roux , David Mitton
ASBMR, Sep 2018, Montreal, Canada. pp.S1-S464, ⟨10.1002/jbmr.3621⟩
Conference papers hal-02352410v1

Mechanical strength prediction of tumoral bones using numerical simulation

Benjamin Delpuech , Stéphane Nicolle , Jean-François Palierne , Lamia Bouazza , Jean-Baptiste Pialat
Séminaire du Groupement de Recherche (GDR) CNRS MECABIO, Nov 2018, Montpellier, France. 29 p
Conference papers hal-01974130v1
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High Resolution pQCT micro-architectural parameters to predict bone failure in the case of a forward fall

Martin Revel , Francois Duboeuf , François Bermond , Jean-Paul Roux , David Mitton
8th World Congress of Biomechanics, Jul 2018, DUBLIN, France. 2 p
Conference papers hal-01868522v1

Prédiction du risque de fracture par simulation numérique intégrant des conditions de chargement réalistes

Martin Revel , Hélène Follet , David Mitton , François Bermond
Séminaire doctorants, Sep 2018, Bron, France. 16p
Conference papers hal-03432171v1

Propagation d'incertitudes pour l'estimation des propriétés élastiques de l'os cortical de l'enfant à partir de mesures de densité

François Bermond , Denis Brizard
Réunion équipe biomécanique – LBMC, Feb 2017, Bron, France
Conference papers hal-03609357v1

Véhicule Autonome

François Bermond
Réunion équipe biomécanique – LBMC, Nov 2016, Bron, France
Conference papers hal-03609385v1
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Thor dummy prototype abdomen finite element model development

Romain Desbats , Marco Ammam , Sabine Compigne , François Bermond , Philippe Vezin
22th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB 2016), Jul 2016, LYON, France. 1 p
Conference papers hal-01356405v1

Une introduction au projet Abisup

Philippe Beillas , François Bermond
Réunion équipe biomécanique – LBMC, Mar 2016, Bron, France
Conference papers hal-03609399v1

Costal cartilage elasticity can be estimated non-destructively using speed of sound

Marie Quesnot , Ali Zorgani , François Bermond , Stefan Catheline , David Mitton
40ème congrés de la société de biomécanique, Oct 2015, PARIS, France. 3 p
Conference papers hal-01310283v1

Mouvements thoraco-abdominaux et capacités respiratoires

Karine Bruyère-Garnier , François Bermond
Séminaire scientifique LBMC, Apr 2015, Bron, France
Conference papers hal-03434814v1

Proposal for a modified THOR lower abdomen including abdominal twin pressure sensors

Sabine Compigne , Mitsutoshi Masuda , Gaetan Hanen , Philippe Vezin , François Bermond
ESV2015 - 24th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Jun 2015, Gothenburg, France. 15 p
Conference papers hal-01310549v1

Expérimentations in vivo pour l'analyse biomécanique de situations d'urgence

Karine Bruyere , Philippe Beillas , Thomas Robert , François Bermond , Anurag Soni
CFMT, Journée scientifique du Collège Français de Médecine du Trafic, Mar 2015, Paris, France. 1 p
Conference papers hal-01316737v1

Automatisation de véhicules et situation d'urgence : études expérimentales des effets sur les occupants

Thomas Robert , Karine Bruyere , François Bermond , Xuguang Wang , Philippe Beillas
Les Innovatives, Voiture du futur, CNRS - Ifsttar, Mar 2015, PARIS, France. 1 p
Conference papers hal-01320345v1
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Lumped element model of THORNT and PMHS abdomen under seatbelt and impactor loading

Romain Desbats , François Bermond , Sabine Compigne , Stéphane Nicolle , Philippe Vezin
IRCOBI 2015 - International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury, Sep 2015, LYON, France. 21 p
Conference papers hal-01232507v1

In vivo assessment of the mechanical properties of the child cortical bone using quantitative computed tomography

Yumin Zhu , François Bermond , Jacqueline Payen de La Garanderie , Jean-Baptiste Pialat , Baptiste Sandoz
7th World Congress of Biomechanics, Jul 2014, Boston, United States. 2 p
Conference papers hal-01315849v1

Human abdomen behaviour and injury mechanisms during a crash

Romain Desbats , Philippe Vezin , François Bermond , Sabine Compigne
Séminaire doctorants - Ifsttar, Sep 2014, Bron, France. 43 p
Conference papers hal-01357486v1

Comportement du thorax in vivo

François Bermond , François Alonzo , Karine Bruyère-Garnier , David Mitton
Séminaire scientifique LBMC, Jul 2014, Bron, France
Conference papers hal-03434878v1

Caractérisation in vivo des propriétés mécaniques des côtes de l'enfant, à partir de tomodensitométrie

François Bermond , Yumin Zhu , Jacqueline Payen de La Garanderie , Jean-Baptiste Pialat , Baptiste Sandoz
Séminaire du Groupe de Recherche en Biomécanique des Chocs (GRBC), Nov 2014, PARIS, France. 20 p
Conference papers hal-01323984v1

In vivo characterization of the child rib mechanical properties using quantitative computed tomography

David Mitton , Yumin Zhu , Jacqueline Payen de La Garanderie , Jean-Baptiste Pialat , Baptiste Sandoz
12th International symposium Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Oct 2014, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 1 p
Conference papers hal-01311042v1

In vivo assessment of the mechanical properties of the child cortical bone using quantitative computed tomography

Yumin Zhu , François Bermond , J. Payen de La Garanderie , J-B Pialat , Baptiste Sandoz
7th World Congress of Biomechanics, Jul 2014, Boston, United States
Conference papers hal-01064310v1

In vivo analysis of thoracic mechanical response variability under belt loading: Specific behavior and relationship to age, gender and BMI

David Poulard , François Bermond , Karine Bruyere-Garnier
Stapp Car Crash Conférence, Nov 2013, ORLANDO, United States. 29 p
Conference papers hal-01309423v1
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Variability of Child Rib Bone Hounsfield Units using in vivo Computed Tomography

Baptiste Sandoz , Zaki Sidelkeir , Alina Badina , François Bermond , David Mitton
International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, Sep 2013, Sweden. pp.270-279
Conference papers hal-01065589v1

Relationship between human rib mechanical properties and cortical bone density measured by high-resolution quantitative computed tomography

Yumin Zhu , Yuan Fang , François Bermond , Karine Bruyere-Garnier , Rafaa Ellouz
38e Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique, Sep 2013, Marseille, France. pp. 191-192
Conference papers hal-01315919v1

A pressure-based abdominal insert for THOR-NT

Gaetan Hanen , Philippe Vezin , François Bermond , Mitsutoshi Masuda , Sabine Compigne
JSAE Annual Congress Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, May 2012, Yokohama, Japan. 4 p
Conference papers hal-01316475v1

Comparison between the mechanics of the in vivo child and adult trunk during chest physiotherapy

Yumin Zhu , Karine Bruyere-Garnier , David Mitton , François Bermond
Integrated Safety Network, ISN Workshop on Biomechanical experiments with human subjects, Sep 2012, DUBLIN, France. 1 p
Conference papers hal-01320336v1

Geometrical personalization of human FE model using palpable markers on volunteers

David Poulard , François Bermond , Raphaël Dumas , Karine Bruyere , Sabine Compigne
37e Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique, Oct 2012, Toulouse, France. pp. 298-300
Conference papers hal-01315901v1

Dynamic Response of THOR-NT Thorax and Abdomen

Mitsutoshi Masuda , Sabine Compigne , Gaetan Hanen , François Bermond
Society of Automotive Engineers, Jan 2012, Washington D.C., United States
Conference papers hal-03088005v1

Protection des personnes en situation de handicap dans les transports routiers en cas de choc

François Bermond
ISPO France, 25e congrès de l'International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics, Oct 2012, Lyon, France. 6 p
Conference papers hal-01316680v1

Modélisation numérique et validation d'un abdomen prototype de mannequin de choc frontal

Christopher Kartout , François Bermond
Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Sep 2011, PARIS, France. 1 p
Conference papers hal-01321195v1

Retenue des utilisateurs de fauteuils roulants dans les transports routiers en cas de choc

François Bermond , Claude Dolivet
ARFEHGA - 6e journée de l'Association pour la Recherche et la Formation des Ergothérapeutes de l'Hôpital de Garches, Jan 2011, GARCHES, France. pp. 45-50
Conference papers hal-01321041v1

Thorax vulnerability of elderly car users – elderly 2009-2012

François Bermond , Karine Bruyère-Garnier , David Poulard , Baraton Georges , Emmanuel Vajda
Séminaire du groupe d’échanges et de recherches Ifsttar (Geri) Situation de handicap, Sep 2011, Bron, France
Conference papers hal-03435042v1

Contribution to the improvement of crash test dummies in order to decrease abdominal injuries in road accidents

Gaetan Hanen , François Bermond , Sabine Compigne , Mitsutoshi Masuda
22nd International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles ESV Conférence, Jun 2011, WASHINGTON, United States. 13p
Conference papers hal-02303533v1

In vivo test protocol for analysis of thorax response under belt loading

David Poulard , Karine Bruyere , Sabine Compigne , François Bermond
IRCOBI 2011 - International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury, Sep 2011, KRAKOW, Poland. pp. 232-235
Conference papers hal-01321028v1

In vivo test protocol for analysis of thorax response under belt loading

David Poulard , Karine Bruyere-Garnier , Sabine Compigne , François Bermond
2011 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Injury, Sep 2011, KRAKOW, Poland. 1 p
Conference papers hal-01324027v1

Mesure in vivo des volumes respiratoires au cours d’un chargement dynamique frontal du thorax pour la validation d’un modèle en éléments finis avancé

Birien Mélanie , Karine Bruyère-Garnier , François Bermond , Michel Behr
Séminaire du Groupe de Recherche en Biomécanique des Chocs (GRBC), Oct 2011, Bron, France
Conference papers hal-03434976v1

Sécurité de la retenue en cas de choc des utilisateurs de fauteuil roulants dans les transports routiers

François Bermond , Claude Dolivet
Séminaire PREDIT du Groupe Opérationnel 3, Mobilités dans les régions urbaines, Jan 2010, PARIS, France. 16 p
Conference papers hal-01327041v1

Subject-specific finite element model of child's thorax: construction and first validation

Vit Novacek , Baptiste Sandoz , David Mitton , Karine Bruyere , François Bermond
17th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Jul 2010, EDIMBOURG, France. 1 p
Conference papers hal-01323091v1

Sécurité de la retenue en cas de choc des utilisateurs de fauteuil roulants dans les transports routiers

François Bermond , Claude Dolivet
Conférence au salon Autonomic, Jun 2010, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-03198281v1
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Les traumatismes du segment lombo pelvi femoral et leurs conséquences dans l'accidentologie routière

François Bermond , Karine Bruyere-Garnier , David Mitton
AHREK 10e journée nationale de rééducation d'Hauteville : le complexe lombo - pelvi - femoral et rééducation, Apr 2009, HAUTEVILLE-LOMPNES, France. pp. 1-5
Conference papers hal-02461270v1

Study of thoracic compliance in children on different ventilatory programs using digital video cameras : Preliminary results

André Stagnara , Déborah Poirot , François Alonzo , Karine Bruyere , François Bermond
12th International Conference on Home Mechanical Ventilation, Mar 2009, BARCELONE, Spain. 3 p
Conference papers hal-01328180v1

Mechanical Properties assessment of child trunk

Baptiste Sandoz , Emmanuel Vajda , François Alonzo , Karine Bruyère-Garnier , François Bermond
Réunion équipe biomécanique – LBMC, Sep 2009, Bron, France
Conference papers hal-03615300v1
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Etude de la compliance thoracique des enfants sous différents programmes ventilatoires, résultats préliminaires

François Bermond , Karine Bruyere-Garnier , François Alonzo , André Stagnara , Déborah Poirot
34e Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique, Aug 2009, TOULON, France. 1 p
Conference papers hal-01738729v1

Mechanical properties assessment of child trunk

Baptiste Sandoz , Emmanuel Vajda , François Alonzo , Karine Bruyere , François Bermond
22nd Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Jul 2009, CAPE TOWN, South Africa. 1 p
Conference papers hal-01469153v1

Preliminary results of the thoracic and abdominal compliance in children on different ventilatory programs

François Bermond , Karine Bruyere-Garnier , François Alonzo , André Stagnara , Déborah Poirot
34e Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique, Aug 2009, TOULON, France. pp. 39-40, ⟨10.1080/10255840903065167⟩
Conference papers hal-01738739v1

Sécurité de la retenue des utilisateurs de fauteuils roulants dans les transports routiers

Claude Dolivet , François Bermond
Séminaire PREDIT du Groupe Opérationnel 2, Accessibilité, Nov 2009, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-03187509v1

Safety review of wheelchair users in road passenger vehicles

François Bermond , Claude Dolivet , Karine Bruyere-Garnier , Philippe Vezin
33e Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique, Sep 2008, COMPIEGNE, France
Conference papers hal-01347867v1

Contribution à la Modélisation Géométrique et Mécanique du Tronc de l'Enfant

Baptiste Sandoz , David Mitton , Thierry Serre , Sébastien Laporte , François Bermond
Séminaire du Groupement De Recherche (GDR) 2610 Biomécanique des chocs, Dec 2008, Bron, France
Conference papers hal-03435079v1
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Les traumatismes du rachis cervical et leurs conséquences dans l'accidentologie routière

François Bermond , Karine Bruyere-Garnier , Philippe Vezin
9ème Journée Nationale de Réeducation, Apr 2008, HAUTEVILLE-LOMPNES, France. pp. 20-35
Conference papers hal-02461282v1

Contribution à la modélisation géométrique et mécanique du tronc de l'enfant

Baptiste Sandoz , David Mitton , Thierry Serre , François Bermond , Sébastien Laporte
Journée de Rencontre des doctorants 2e année du réseau ParisTech, Jun 2008, PARIS, France. 1 p
Conference papers hal-01350055v1

Quantification de la compliance thoracique chez le nourrisson : étude préliminaire

Anaïs Mallein , Bernard Cossalter , François Bermond
12ème journée de recherche en kinésithérapie, May 2007, ECHIROLLES, France. 21p
Conference papers hal-02461407v1

Contribution à la Modélisation Géométrique et Mécanique du Tronc de l'Enfant

Baptiste Sandoz , David Mitton , Thierry Serre , Sébastien Laporte , François Bermond
Journée d'animation scientifique, Nov 2007, Bron, France
Conference papers hal-03615711v1
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Worldsid Small Female Side Dummy Specifications and Prototype Evaluation

Bernard Been , Riske Meijer , François Bermond , Klaus Bortenschlager , David Hynd
20th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Jul 2007, LYON, France
Conference papers hal-02447235v1

Modélisation Géométrique et Mécanique du Tronc de l'Enfant

Baptiste Sandoz , David Mitton , Thierry Serre , François Bermond , Sébastien Laporte
Séminaire du Groupement De Recherche (GDR) 2610 Biomécanique des chocs, Dec 2007, Bron, France
Conference papers hal-03435114v1

WorldSID Small Female Side Impact Dummy Pelvis Guided Mass Impactor tests

François Bermond , Yves Caire , Philippe Vezin , Jean-Pierre Verriest
32ième congrès de la Société de Biomécanique, Aug 2007, LYON, France. pp. 75-76, ⟨10.1080/10255840701478489⟩
Conference papers hal-02102621v1

Modélisation du tronc de l’enfant

François Bermond , Anaïs Mallein
Soirée Thématique, Association Hautevilloise pour la recherche et l’Étude en Kinésithérapie (AHREK), Oct 2007, Hauteville Lompnes, France
Conference papers hal-03436033v1

Worldsid 5th Female Dummy, Overview of Prototype testing - APROSYS WP 5.2

Bernard Been , François Bermond , Klaus Bortenschlager , Richard Damm , Gustavo Ferichola
32nd WorldSID Task Group, May 2007, Southfield, Michigan, United States
Conference papers hal-03087972v1

Development of the Small Female WorldSID

Bernard Been , Zhenwen Wang , Andy Barnes , Michiel van Ratingen , François Bermond
6th Advanced Passive Safety Network Conference, May 2006, Vienna, Austria
Conference papers hal-03087985v1
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Enhanced method and tools for child thoracic and abdominal compliance assessment by clinical treatments observation

François Bermond , Jacques Bergeau , François Alonzo , Clément Goubel , Karine Bruyere-Garnier
The 5th World Congress of Biomechanics, Jul 2006, MUNICH, Germany. pp.S155, ⟨10.1016/S0021-9290(06)83528-1⟩
Conference papers hal-02103865v1
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Compliance thoracique et abdominale de l'enfant par observation de traitements physiothérapiques

François Bermond , Jacques Bergeau , François Alonzo , Karine Bruyere-Garnier , Patrick Joffrin
Colloque Sécurité dans le transport, LAMEFIP ENSAM CER, Oct 2006, BORDEAUX, France. 18 p
Conference papers hal-02465240v1

Child abdominal injuries in car restraint systems - An intra-abdominal pressure sensor for the Q-dummy family and proposed viscous injury criterion based on detailed accident analysis and their reconstructions

François Alonzo , François Bermond , Philippe Beillas
The 5th World Congress of Biomechanics, Jul 2006, MUNICH, Germany. p. S159, ⟨10.1016/S0021-9290(06)83545-1⟩
Conference papers hal-02108340v1

APROSYS WorldSID 5th percentile female dummy prototype Pelvis Linear Impactor Guided Tests

François Bermond , Yves Caire
Séminaire scientifique LBMC, Apr 2006, Bron, France
Conference papers hal-03436150v1

Challenges in the development of a regulatory test procedure for neck protection in rear-end impacts, status of the EEVC WG20 and WG12 joint activity

David Hynd , Michiel van Ratingen , François Bermond
19th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Jun 2005, Washington D.C., United States
Conference papers hal-03088033v1

Assessing new child dummies and criteria for assessment of child occupant

Kate de Jager , Michiel van Ratingen , Philippe Lesire , Hervé Guillemot , Claus Pastor
19th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Jun 2005, Washington D.C., United States
Conference papers hal-03088036v1
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Post mortem human subject and dummy response in frontal deceleration

François Bermond , Philippe Vezin , Karine Bruyere-Garnier , Jean-Pierre Verriest
28ème congrès de la société de biomécanique, Sep 2003, POITIERS, France. 1 p, ⟨10.1076/apab.⟩
Conference papers hal-02110799v1
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Biofidelity impact response requirements for an advanced mid-sized male crash test dummy

B van Don , M van Ratingen , François Bermond , Catherine Masson , Philippe Vezin
18th ESV - International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, May 2003, NAGOYA, Japan. 15p
Conference papers hal-01738589v1

Improved frontal impact protection through a world frontal impact dummy

Michiel van Ratingen , Kees Waagmeester , Bernard Been , David Hynd , Dimitrios Kallieris
4th Advanced Passive Safety Network Annual Conference, Nov 2003, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-03088042v1
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Human response to a frontal sled deceleration

Philippe Vezin , Karine Bruyere-Garnier , François Bermond
IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, Sep 2002, MUNICH, Germany. pp. 323-337
Conference papers hal-02114241v1

Assessment of chest injury risk for children in car accidents

François Alonzo , François Bermond , Sabine Compigne , Jean-Pierre Verriest , Xavier Troseille
XXVII ème congrès de la société de biomécanique, Sep 2002, VALENCIENNES, France. 1p
Conference papers hal-02114518v1
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Human face response to 30° degree oriented impacts

Karine Bruyere , François Bermond , Robert Bouquet , Yves Caire , Michelle Ramet
FERSI conference, Forum of European Road Safety Research Institute, Sep 2001, COPENHAGUE, France. pp. 149-155
Conference papers hal-02447652v1
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Human body tests for the validation of a car occupant mathematical model

François Bermond , Philippe Vezin , Michelle Ramet , Robert Bouquet , Yves Caire
26e Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique, Sep 2001, MARSEILLE, France. p 45
Conference papers hal-02121446v1

Development and evaluation of the ES-2 side impact dummy

Michiel van Ratingen , Jac Wismans , Enrico Becchio , François Bermond , Tjark Kreuzinger
ESV 2001 - 17th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Jun 2001, AMSTERDAM, France. 10 p
Conference papers hal-01412740v1
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Comparison of head and thorax cadaver and hybrid III responses to a frontal sled deceleration for the validation of a car occupant mathematical model

Philippe Vezin , Karine Bruyere , François Bermond
17th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV), Jun 2001, AMSTERDAM, France. 10 p
Conference papers hal-02447564v1

Human response to a frontal sled deceleration test for the validation of a car occupant model

François Bermond , Philippe Vezin , Michelle Ramet , Robert Bouquet , Yves Caire
IRCOBI 2000, International Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, Sep 2000, MONTPELLIER, France. 1 p
Conference papers hal-01355728v1

Resistance versus angular movement law of the glenohumeral joint

Arnaud Malak , Michel Fayet , Lionel Maiffredy , François Bermond , Robert Bouquet
XXV Congres de la société de biomécanique; XI Congress of the canadian society for biomechanics, Sep 2000, MONTREAL, Canada. p72
Conference papers hal-02129206v1

Global stop behaviour of the shoulder complex

Arnaud Malak , Michel Fayet , Lionel Maiffredy , François Bermond , Michelle Ramet
24ème Congrès de la Société de biomécanique, Sep 1999, BEAUNE, France. p. 34
Conference papers hal-02155393v1

Human face response at an angle to the fore-aft vertical plane impact

François Bermond , Dimitrios Kallieris , Rainer Mattern , Michelle Ramet , Robert Bouquet
IRCOBI conference, Sep 1999, STIGES, Spain. 12 p
Conference papers hal-02155450v1

Car occupant pelvis injuries: an experimental approach to human tolerance: abstracts

Robert Bouquet , François Bermond , Michelle Ramet , Yves Caire , Youcef Talantikite
3rd European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, Sep 1999, LYON, France. pp. 27-28
Conference papers hal-02448222v1

Relative contribution of the thoracic components to the global behavior of the thorax - experimental methodology

Martine Eckert , Michel Fayet , Laurence Cheze , Jean-Pierre Verriest , Pierre Lapelerie
24th Congress of the Society of Biomechanics, Sep 1999, BEAUNE, Switzerland. p. 82
Conference papers hal-02154955v1

Pelvis human response to lateral impact

Robert Bouquet , Michelle Ramet , François Bermond , Yves Caire , Youcef Talantikite
16th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, May 1998, WINDSOR, Canada. pp. 1665-1686
Conference papers hal-01425271v1
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Modélisation mathématique du mannequin de choc latéral utilisé pour la réglementation en sécurité routière

François Bermond , Robert Bouquet , Michelle Ramet , Yves Caire
HARBOURUIC, Numérisation 3D - Human modeling, May 1998, PARIS, France. 11 p
Conference papers hal-02461590v1

Etude du comportement du bassin soumis à un chocs latéral

Robert Bouquet , Michelle Ramet , François Bermond , Eric Voiglio , Youcef Talantikite
XXIIIeme congrès de la société de biomécanique, Sep 1998, VILLEURBANNE, France. p 104
Conference papers hal-02166800v1

Shearing and bending human knee joint tests in quasi-static lateral load

Michelle Ramet , Robert Bouquet , François Bermond , Yves Caire , Mounir Bouallegue
IRCOBI conference on the biomechanics of impact, Sep 1995, BRUNNEN, Switzerland. pp. 93-105
Conference papers hal-02264188v1

Modélisation mathématique de la jambe d'un piéton lors de chocs avec l'avant d'une voiture

François Bermond , Robert Bouquet , Yves Caire , Michelle Ramet , Olivier Maistre
20e Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique, Sep 1995, LAUSANNE, Suisse. p. C128
Conference papers hal-02263939v1
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Comparaison de la réponse de la face humaine et de celle du mannequin lors d'impacts

François Bermond , Michelle Ramet , Robert Bouquet , Yves Caire , Mounir Bouallegue
36èmes assises nationales de médecine du trafic, Oct 1995, NIMES, France. 14 p
Conference papers hal-02461572v1
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A finite element model of the pedestrian leg in lateral impact

François Bermond , Michelle Ramet , Robert Bouquet , Dominique Cesari
ESV 1994, 14th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, May 1994, MUNICH, Germany. pp. 199-209
Conference papers hal-02453253v1
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The effect of airbag inflation on the cinematic and the lesions of motorcyclist;Influence du gonflement d'un air bag sur la cinématique

Michelle Ramet , Robert Bouquet , Mounir Bouallegue , François Bermond
14th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, May 1994, MUNICH, Germany. pp. 1241-1246
Conference papers hal-02450957v1
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Virtual predictive testing of biomechanical effects of impacts on the human leg

Dominique Cesari , François Bermond , Robert Bouquet , Michelle Ramet
PAM'94 Fourth international conference on virtual predictive testingof industrial prototypes, Oct 1994, PARIS, France. 10 p
Conference papers hal-02452839v1
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Thoracic and pelvis human response to impact

Robert Bouquet , Michelle Ramet , François Bermond , Dominique Cesari
14th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, May 1994, MUNICH, Germany. pp. 100-109
Conference papers hal-02452773v1
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Méthodes d'évaluation de la protection des jambes de piétons lors de chocs avec l'avant d'une voiture

François Bermond , Robert Bouquet , Yves Caire , Michelle Ramet
35èmes Assises nationales de médecine du trafic ; 3e entretiens de la prévention routière, Oct 1994, PARIS, France. pp. 21-30
Conference papers hal-02461553v1
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Comparison of human facial tolerance and mechanical models

Michelle Ramet , Robert Bouquet , Mouloud Haddak , François Bermond , Dominique Ham
14th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, May 1994, MUNICH, Germany. pp. 128-135
Conference papers hal-02451044v1
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Advances in finite element modelling of the EUROSID-1 dummy

Jürgen Ruckert , Paul Marcault , Jutta Schlosser , David Lasry ,