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Françoise Gouzi

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I'm actually working as Open Science Officer at [DARIAH-EU]( since September 2023, “détachée” from the French Ministry of Research. I'm responsible for fostering and implementing Open Science practices across the DARIAH network. I contribute to the design and implementation of open science policy statements, guidelines and services related to the open dissemination of research results in the humanities. I'm involved in several European projects dealing with Open Access for Books, Data Management or Research Assessment (PALOMERA, CLS Infra, ATRIUM, OPERAS Plus). I have a background in information sciences, and hold a Master in contemporary history and political sciences. For more than 10 years, I have been working as Open Science Manager in Toulouse University ([]( : advocacing Open Access and designing/providing training for researchers. I have developped a specific expertise on Diamond Publishing model thanks to an active participation to national and international networks on Open Access and Publishing ([Latindex](, UNAM; [Médici]( network;[ Mir@bel]( network; [Open Edition](; ...).


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Visibilité et évaluation des revues scientifiques

Françoise Catherine Gouzi
Etats généraux de l'édition en sciences humaines et sociales, EHESS, Jun 2019, Paris, France. pp.167-176
Conference papers hal-03007946v1
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Interfas, une plateforme de revues scientifiques en accès ouvert

Marion Paulhac , Françoise Catherine Gouzi
10es journées Médici : Réception et usages de la production scientifique, Sep 2022, Toulouse, France. , 2022
Conference poster hal-03824929v1
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Poster du portail d'archives ouvertes HAL-UT2 (Université Toulouse 2 - Jean Jaurès)

Françoise Catherine Gouzi
Open access et évaluation de la recherche : vers un nouvel écosystème ?, Oct 2016, Toulouse, France. ,, 2016
Conference poster hal-01428917v1