Frédéric Mallet
Full Professor
Université Côte d'Azur
Current affiliations
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Researcher identifiers
- ResearcherId : H-3942-2011
- IdRef : 060764325
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Spatio-Temporal Framework for Verifying Safety Rules in Autonomous VehiclesMODELS 2024 - 27th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, Sep 2024, Linz, Austria. ⟨10.1145/3652620.3687813⟩
Conference papers
Real-Time CCSL: Application to the Mechanical Lung VentilatorABZ 2024 – 10th International Conference on Rigorous State Based Methods, Jun 2024, Bergamo, Italy. pp.289-306, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-63790-2_24⟩
Conference papers
Safety analysis of inconsistencies using a formal verification tool for DSMLDSC 2022 Europe VR - 21th Driving Simulation & Virtual reality Conference Europe, Sep 2022, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers
Adaptation of an auto-generated code using a model-based approach to verify functional safety in real scenariosERTS 2022 - Embedded Real Time Systems, Jun 2022, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Enumeration and Deduction Driven Co-Synthesis of CCSL Specifications Using Reinforcement LearningRTSS 2021 - IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, Dec 2021, Dortmund / Virtual, Germany. pp.227-239, ⟨10.1109/RTSS52674.2021.00030⟩
Conference papers
EPSAAV: An Extensible Platform for Safety Analysis of Autonomous VehiclesMEDI 2021 - 10th International Conference on Model and Data Engineering, Jun 2021, Tallinn, Estonia. ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-87657-9_8⟩
Conference papers
Modeling and Verifying Uncertainty-Aware Timing Behaviors using Parametric Logical Time ConstraintDATE 2020 - Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference, Mar 2020, Grenoble, France
Conference papers
Formally Verifying Sequence Diagrams for Safety Critical SystemsTASE 2020 - 14th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering, Dec 2020, Hangzhou, China. pp.217-224, ⟨10.1109/TASE49443.2020.00037⟩
Conference papers
A Language-based Multi-view Approach for Combining Functional and Security ModelsAPSEC 2019 - Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, Dec 2019, Putrajaya, Malaysia
Conference papers
Meta-models Combination for Reusing Verification TechniquesMODELSWARD 2019 - 7th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development, Feb 2019, Prague, Czech Republic. pp.39-50, ⟨10.5220/0007261000390050⟩
Conference papers
Sample-Guided Automated Synthesis for CCSL SpecificationsDAC 2019 - 56th Annual Design Automation Conference 2019, Jun 2019, Las Vegas, United States. pp.1-6, ⟨10.1145/3316781.3317904⟩
Conference papers
A Logical Approach for the Schedulability Analysis of CCSLTASE 2019 - 13th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering, Jul 2019, Guilin, China. pp.25-32, ⟨10.1109/TASE.2019.00-23⟩
Conference papers
SMT-Based Bounded Schedulability Analysis of the Clock Constraint Specification LanguageFASE 2019 - Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, Apr 2019, Prague, Czech Republic. pp.61-78, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-16722-6_4⟩
Conference papers
xSHS: An Executable Domain-Specific Modeling Language for Modeling Stochastic and Hybrid Behaviors of Cyber-Physical SystemsAPSEC 2018 - 25th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, Dec 2018, Nara, Japan
Conference papers
Time in SCChartsForum on specification & Design Languages, Sep 2018, Munich, Germany. pp.5-16, ⟨10.1109/FDL.2018.8524111⟩
Conference papers
Embedding CCSL into Dynamic Logic: A Logical Approach for the Verification of CCSL SpecificationsICFEM / FTSCS 2018, Nov 2018, Gold Coast, Australia
Conference papers
Model-Based Systems Engineering for Cyber-Physical Systems: a (possible) roadmap for MARTE3rd International workshop on TIming Performance engineering for Safety critical systems CONFESTA/TIPS, Sep 2018, Beijing, China
Conference papers
From Logical Time Scheduling to Real-Time Scheduling39th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, Dec 2018, Nashville, United States
Conference papers
Explicit Control of Dataflow Graphs with MARTE/CCSLMODELSWARD 2017 - 5th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development, MODELSWARD 2017, Feb 2017, Porto, Portugal. pp.542-549, ⟨10.5220/0006269505420549⟩
Conference papers
Multi-View Design for Cyber-Physical SystemsPhD Symposium at 13th International Conference on ICT in Education, Research, and Industrial Applications, May 2017, Kiev, Ukraine. pp.22-28
Conference papers
MARTE/pCCSL: Modeling and Refining Stochastic Behaviors of CPSs with Probabilistic Logical ClocksFACS 2016 - The 13th International Conference on Formal Aspects of Component Software, Oct 2016, Besançon, France
Conference papers
Flexible Runtime Verification Based On Logical Clock ConstraintsFDL 2016 - Forum on specification & Design Languages, ECSI, Sep 2016, Bremen, Germany
Conference papers
Natural Interpretation of UML/MARTE Diagrams for System Requirements Specification2016 11th IEEE Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES), May 2016, Krakow, Poland. pp.193-198, ⟨10.1109/SIES.2016.7509429⟩
Conference papers
An SMT-Based Approach to the Formal Analysis of MARTE/CCSLFormal Methods and Software Engineering, Nov 2016, Tokyo, Japan. pp.433-449, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-47846-3_27⟩
Conference papers
An Executable Semantics of Clock Constraint Specification Language and its ApplicationsFormal Techniques for Safety-Critical Systems, Nov 2015, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. pp.37-51, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-29510-7_2⟩
Conference papers
A Behavioral Coordination Operator Language (BCOoL)International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS), Sep 2015, Ottawa, Canada. pp.462
Conference papers
Modeling SystemVerilog Assertions using SysML and CCSLElectronic System Level Synthesis Conference, Jun 2015, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers
A Model-Driven Based Environment for Automatic Model CoordinationModels 2015 demo and posters, Oct 2015, Ottawa, Canada
Conference papers
Execution of Heterogeneous Models for Thermal Analysis with a Multi-view ApproachFDL 2014 : Forum on specification and Design Languages, Oct 2014, Munich, Germany
Conference papers
Framework for Heterogeneous Modeling and CompositionConférence en IngénieriE du Logiciel, Jun 2014, Paris, France. pp.81
Conference papers
Timed Automata Semantics of Spatio-Temporal Consistency Language STeCInternational Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering, Sep 2014, Changsa, China. pp.201-208, ⟨10.1109/TASE.2014.10⟩
Conference papers
Co-Algebraic Semantic Model for the Clock Constraint Specification LanguageFormal Techniques for Safety-Critical Systems - ICFEM/FTSCS 2014, Nov 2014, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Conference papers
Tool Support for the Analysis of TADL2 Timing Constraints using TimeSquareICECCS'2013 - 18th International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, Jul 2013, Singapore, Singapore
Conference papers
Analysis Support for TADL2 Timing Constraints on EAST-ADL ModelsECSA 2013 - 7th European Conference on Software Architecture, Jul 2013, Montpellier, France. pp.89-105, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-39031-9_8⟩
Conference papers
Schedulability analysis with CCSL specificationsAPSEC 2013 - 20th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, Dec 2013, Bangkok, Thailand. pp.414-421, ⟨10.1109/APSEC.2013.62⟩
Conference papers
Boundness Issues in CCSL SpecificationsICFEM 2013 - 15th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods, Oct 2013, Queenstown, New Zealand. pp.20-35, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-41202-8_3⟩
Conference papers
Safe CCSL Specifications and Marked GraphsMEMOCODE - 11th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for Codesign, Oct 2013, Portland, United States. pp.157-166
Conference papers
Power consumption analysis using multi-view modelingPATMOS - 23th International Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation, Sep 2013, Karlsruhe, Germany. pp.235-238, ⟨10.1109/PATMOS.2013.6662180⟩
Conference papers
Lazy Parallel Synchronous Composition of In finite Transition SystemsInternational Conference on ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications, Jun 2013, Kherson, Ukraine. pp.130-145
Conference papers
Verifying MARTE/CCSL Mode Behaviors Using UPPAALSEFM 2013 - 11th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, Sep 2013, Madrid, Spain. pp.1-15, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-40561-7_1⟩
Conference papers
Reifying Concurrency for Executable MetamodelingSLE - 6th International Conference on Software Language Engineering, Oct 2013, Indianapolis, IN, United States. pp.365-384, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-02654-1_20⟩
Conference papers
Formal Specification of Hybrid MARTE StatechartsSixth International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering, Jul 2012, Beijing, China. ⟨10.1109/TASE.2012.26⟩
Conference papers
Automatic Generation of Observers from MARTE/CCSLRSP 2012 - International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping, Oct 2012, Tampere, Finland. ⟨10.1109/RSP.2012.6380695⟩
Conference papers
Multi-View Power Modeling based on UML, MARTE and SysMLSEAA - 38th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, Sep 2012, Cesme, Turkey. pp.17-20, ⟨10.1109/SEAA.2012.66⟩
Conference papers
TimeSquare: Treat your Models with Logical TimeTOOLS - 50th International Conference on Objects, Models, Components, Patterns - 2012, Czech Technical University in Prague, in co-operation with ETH Zurich, May 2012, Prague, Czech Republic. pp.34-41, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-30561-0_4⟩
Conference papers
Modeling Timing Requirements in Problem Frames Using CCSLAPSEC 2011 - 18th Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference, Dec 2011, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam. pp.381-388, ⟨10.1109/APSEC.2011.30⟩
Conference papers
A Model-Based Approach for Reconciliation of Polychronous Execution TracesSEAA 2011 - 37th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, Aug 2011, Oulu, Finland
Conference papers
Logical time and temporal logics: comparing UML MARTE/CCSL and PSL18th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME'11), Sep 2011, Lubeck, Germany
Conference papers
Combining SystemC, IP-XACT and UML/MARTE in model-based SoC designWorkshop on Model Based Engineering for Embedded Systems Design (M-BED 2011), Mar 2011, Grenoble, France
Conference papers
Logical time @ work: the RT-Simex projectSophia Antipolis Formal Approach, Apr 2011, Sophia, France
Conference papers
Verification of MARTE/CCSL Time Requirements in Promela/SPINIEEE ICECCS 2011 - 16th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, Apr 2011, Las Vegas, United States. ⟨10.1109/ICECCS.2011.14⟩
Conference papers
Semantic Multi-View model for Low-PowerJournées nationales IDM, CAL, et du GDR GPL, Jun 2011, Lille, France. pp.19
Conference papers
Logical time at work: capturing data dependencies and platform constraintsForum for Design Languages (FDL), Electronic Chips & Systems design Initiative (ECSI), Sep 2010, Southampton, United Kingdom. pp.240-246
Conference papers
VHDL Observers for Clock Constraint CheckingSymposium on Industrial Embedded Systems, Jul 2010, trento, Italy. ⟨10.1109/SIES.2010.5551372⟩
Conference papers
RT-simex: retro-analysis of execution tracesSIGSOFT FSE, Nov 2010, Santa Fe, United States. pp.377-378, ⟨10.1145/1882291.1882357⟩
Conference papers
Polychronous Analysis of Timing Constraints in UML MARTEIEEE International Workshop on Model-Based Engineering for Real-Time Embedded Systems Design, May 2010, Parador of Carmona, Spain. 7 p
Conference papers
Executing AADL models with UML/MarteInt. Conf. Engineering of Complex Computer Systems - ICECCS'09, Jun 2009, Potsdam, Germany. pp. 371-376, ⟨10.1109/ICECCS.2009.10⟩
Conference papers
Specification and Verification of Time Requirements with CCSL and EsterelLanguages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems, Jun 2009, Dublin, Ireland. pp.167-176, ⟨10.1145/1543136.1542475⟩
Conference papers
An Automated Process for Implementing Multilevel Domain ModelsSoftware Language Engineering, Oct 2009, Denver, Colorado, United States. pp.314-333, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-12107-4_22⟩
Conference papers
On the semantics of UML/Marte Clock ConstraintsInt. Symp. on Object/component/service-oriented Real-time distributed Computing (ISORC'09), Mar 2009, Tokyo, Japan. pp.301-312, ⟨10.1109/ISORC.2009.27⟩
Conference papers
Marte CCSL to execute East-ADL Timing RequirementsInt. Symp. on Object/component/service-oriented Real-time distributed Computing (ISORC'09), Mar 2009, Tokyo, Japan. pp.249-253, ⟨10.1109/ISORC.2009.18⟩
Conference papers
MARTE: A Profile for RT/E Systems Modeling, Analysis (and Simulation?)First International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques for Communications, Networks and Systems SIMUTools'08, ICST, Mar 2008, Marseille, France. pp.1-8
Conference papers
Dealing with AADL end-to-end Flow Latency with UML Marte.ICECCS - UML&AADL, Apr 2008, Belfast, Ireland. pp.228-233, ⟨10.1109/ICECCS.2008.14⟩
Conference papers
Event-based vs. Time-Triggered Communications with UML MarteForum on specification, verification & Design Languages (FDL'08), ECSI, Sep 2008, Stuttgart, Germany. pp.154-159, ⟨10.1109/FDL.2008.4641438⟩
Conference papers
Multiform Time in UML for Real-time Embedded ApplicationsIEEE Int. Conf. on Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA), Aug 2007, Daegu, South Korea. pp.232-237, ⟨10.1109/RTCSA.2007.51⟩
Conference papers
Time Modeling in MARTEECSI Forum on specification & Design Languages (FDL), ECSI, Sep 2007, Barcelona, Spain. pp.268-273
Conference papers
Modeling of Immediate vs. Delayed Data Communications: from AADL to UML MARTEECSI Forum on specification & Design Languages (FDL), ECSI, Sep 2007, Barcelona, Spain. pp.249-254
Conference papers
Modeling Time(s)ACM/IEEE Int. Conf. on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS/UML), Oct 2007, Nashville, TN, United States. pp. 559-573, ⟨10.1007/978-3-540-75209-7_38⟩
Conference papers
A multiform time approach to real-time system modeling: Application to an automotive systemIEEE Int. Symp. on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES), Jul 2007, Lisbon, Portugal. pp.234-241, ⟨10.1109/SIES.2007.4297340⟩
Conference papers
From UML to Petri Nets for non functional Property VerificationIEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems, 2006. IES '06., Oct 2006, Sophia antipolis, France. ⟨10.1109/IES.2006.357475⟩
Conference papers
MARTE: a new OMG profile RFP for the Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time Embedded SystemsDAC 2005 Workshop - UML for SoC Design, Jun 2005, Anaheim California, United States
Conference papers
Concurrent control system: from Grafcet to VHDLEuromicro 2000, Sep 2000, Maastricht, Netherlands. pp.230-234, ⟨10.1109/eurmic.2000.874637⟩
Conference papers
PhD Symposium at 13th International Conference on ICT in Education, Research, and Industrial ApplicationsBooks hal-01669920v1 |
Eleventh International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software EngineeringIEEE, 2017, 978-1-5386-1924-7
Logical Time @ Work for the Modeling and Analysis of Embedded SystemsLAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, pp.124, 2011, 978-3-8433-9388-1
A Model-Based Combination Language for Scheduling VerificationModel-Driven Engineering and Software Development, Springer International Publishing, 2020
Book sections
Time in SCChartsLanguage, Design Methods, and Tools for Electronic System Design, Springer, pp.1-25, 2019, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-31585-6_1⟩
Book sections
MARTE for CPS and CPSoS: Present and Future, Methodology and ToolsJean-Pierre Talpin. Cyber-Physical System Design from an Architecture Analysis Viewpoint, Springer, pp.81-108, 2017, 978-981-10-4435-9. ⟨10.1007/978-981-10-4436-6_4⟩
Book sections
Co-Algebraic Semantic Model for the Clock Constraint Specification LanguageCommunications in Computer and Information Science, 476, Springer, pp.174-188, 2015, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-17581-2_12⟩
Book sections
MARTE/CCSL for Modeling Cyber-Physical SystemsFormal Modeling and Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, pp.26-49, 2015, 978-3-658-09993-0. ⟨10.1007/978-3-658-09994-7_2⟩
Book sections
Fostering Analysis from Industrial Embedded Systems ModelingAlessandra Bagnato; Leandro Soares Indrusiak; Imran Rafiq Quadri; Matteo Rossi. Handbook of Research on Embedded Systems Design, IGI Global, pp.283--300, 2014, 9781466661943. ⟨10.4018/978-1-4666-6194-3.ch011⟩
Book sections
UML MARTE Time Model and Its Clock Constraint Specification LanguageAlessandra Bagnato; Leandro Soares Indrusiak; Imran Rafiq Quadri; Matteo Rossi. Embedded Systems Design, IGI Global, 2014, Handbook of Research on, 9781466661943. ⟨10.4018/978-1-4666-6194-3.ch002⟩
Book sections
Improving the Efficiency of Synchronized Product with Infinite Transition SystemsErmolayev, Vadim and Mayr, Heinrich C. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 412, Springer, pp.287-307, 2013, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 978-3-319-03997-8. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-03998-5_15⟩
Book sections
Two Semantic Models for Clock Relations in the Clock Constraint Specification LanguageErmolayev, Vadim and Mayr, Heinrich C. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 412, Springer, pp.190-209, 2013, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 978-3-319-03997-8. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-03998-5_10⟩
Book sections
Logical Time @ Work: Capturing Data Dependencies and Platform ConstraintsKaźmierski, Tom J. J. and Morawiec, Adam. System Specification and Design Languages, 106, Springer New York, pp.223--238, 2012, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 978-1-4614-1426-1. ⟨10.1007/978-1-4614-1427-8_14⟩
Book sections
The Time Model of Logical Clocks available in the OMG MARTE profileSandeep K. Shukla and Jean-Pierre Talpin. Synthesis of Embedded Software: Frameworks and Methodologies for Correctness by Construction, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010, pp.28, 2010, 978-1-4419-6399-4
Book sections
MARTE vs. AADL for Discrete-Event and Discrete-Time DomainsMartin Radetzki. Languages for Embedded Systems and their Applications, 36, Springer, pp.27-41, 2009, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 978-1-4020-9713-3. ⟨10.1007/978-1-4020-9714-0_2⟩
Book sections
Modeling AADL data-communications with UML MARTEEugenio villar. Embedded Systems Specification and Design Languages, 10, Springer, pp.150-170, 2008, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 978-1-4020-8296-2. ⟨10.1007/978-1-4020-8297-9_11⟩
Book sections
TimeSquareFrance, Patent n° : IDDN.FR.001.430002.000.S.A.2012.000.10600. 2012
Logical Time in Model-Driven EngineeringEmbedded Systems. Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 2010
Accreditation to supervise research
Temps Logique pour l'ingénierie dirigée par le modèlesModeling and Simulation. Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 2010
Accreditation to supervise research
Actes des 22ème Journées des approches formelles dans l’assistance au développement de logiciels,AFADL'23pp.60, 2023, Journées AFADL
IT&I-2021 : Information Technology and Implementation 2021IT&I-2021 - International Scientific Conference “Information Technology and Implementation, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, CEUR-3132, 2022