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Frederique Seyler

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Deputy director Department DISCO “Internal and surface dynamics of the Continents” of IRD (Institute of Research for Development) Director of the Research Unit 228 ESPACE-DEV ESPACE-DEV is a multidisciplinary research unit. It develops researches on the spatial dynamics that characterize eco-socio-systems, using knowledge-based and/or numerical models integrating remote sensing data.
Directrice adjointe du département DISCO "Dynamiques Internes et de surface des COntinents de l'IRD (Institut de Recherches pour le Développement" Directrice de l'UMR 228 ESPACE-DEV "Espace pour le Développement" L'UMR Espace-Dev est une unité de recherches multi-disciplinaire. L'UMR développe des recherches sur les dynamiques spatiales qui caractérisent les socio-ecosystèmes, en utilisant des modèles symboliques ou numériques pour intégrer des données multi-sources, en particulier des données d'observation spatiale de la terre.


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Automatic Detection of Inland Water Bodies along Altimetry Tracks for Estimating Surface Water Storage Variations in the Congo Basin

Frédéric Frappart , Pierre Zeiger , Julie Betbeder , Valéry Gond , Régis Bellot
Remote Sensing, 2021, 13 (19), pp.3804. ⟨10.3390/rs13193804⟩
Journal articles hal-03352440v1
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Hydro-climatology study of the Ogooué River basin using hydrological modeling and satellite altimetry

Sakaros Bogning , Frédéric Frappart , Adrien Paris , Fabien Blarel , Fernando Niño
Advances in Space Research, 2021, 68, pp.672-690. ⟨10.1016/j.asr.2020.03.045⟩
Journal articles insu-03665314v1
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Altimetry for the future: Building on 25 years of progress

Saleh Abdalla , Abdolnabi Abdeh Kolahchi , Michaël Ablain , Susheel Adusumilli , Suchandra Aich Bhowmick
Advances in Space Research, 2021, 68 (2), pp.319-363. ⟨10.1016/j.asr.2021.01.022⟩
Journal articles insu-03215002v1

Monitoring vegetation change in Tozeur oases in Southern Tunisia by using trend analysis of MODIS NDVI time series (2000-2016)

Cherine Ben Khalfallah , Eric Delaître , Dalel Ouerchefani , Laurent Demagistri , Fadila Darragi
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 2021, 47 (4), pp.535-553. ⟨10.1080/07038992.2021.1922881⟩
Journal articles hal-04458423v1
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Flooding Dynamics Within an Amazonian Floodplain: Water Circulation Patterns and Inundation Duration

Sébastien Pinel , Marie-Paule Bonnet , Joecila S. da Silva , Tania Sampaio , Jeremie Garnier
Water Resources Research, 2020, 56 (1), ⟨10.1029/2019WR026081⟩
Journal articles hal-02514924v1
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Evaluation of 23 gridded precipitation datasets across West Africa

Frédéric Satgé , Dimitri Defrance , Benjamin Sultan , Marie-Paule Bonnet , F. Seyler
Journal of Hydrology, 2020, 581, ⟨10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.124412⟩
Journal articles hal-02626156v2
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Correcting the effect of sampling bias in species distribution modeling – A new method in the case of a low number of presence data

Yi Moua , Emmanuel Roux , F. Seyler , Sebastien Briolant
Ecological Informatics, 2020, 57, pp.101086. ⟨10.1016/j.ecoinf.2020.101086⟩
Journal articles hal-02550890v1
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The spatio-temporal variability of groundwater storage in the Amazon River Basin

Frédéric Frappart , F. Papa , A. Güntner , J. Tomasella , J. Pfeffer
Advances in Water Resources, 2019, 124, pp.41-52. ⟨10.1016/j.advwatres.2018.12.005⟩
Journal articles hal-02136041v1
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Satellite-based estimates of surface water dynamics in the Congo River Basin

Melanie Becker , F. Papa , Frédéric Frappart , D. Alsdorf , S. Calmant
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2018, 66, pp.196 - 209. ⟨10.1016/j.jag.2017.11.015⟩
Journal articles hal-01671764v1

Monitoring vegetation dynamics in southern Tunisia using SPOT-5 (Take5) data: a case study of the Tozeur oases

Cherine Ben Khalfallah , Eric Delaître , Dalel Ouerchefani , Laurent Demagistri , Faiza Khebour Allouche
Journal of applied remote sensing, 2018, 12 (04), pp.1. ⟨10.1117/1.jrs.12.046002⟩
Journal articles hal-02136056v1
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Monitoring Water Levels and Discharges Using Radar Altimetry in an Ungauged River Basin: The Case of the Ogooué

Sakaros Bogning , Frédéric Frappart , Fabien Blarel , Fernando Nino , Gil Mahe
Remote Sensing, 2018, 10 (3), pp.350. ⟨10.3390/rs10020350⟩
Journal articles hal-01903847v1
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Wetlands and Malaria in the Amazon: Guidelines for the Use of Synthetic Aperture Radar Remote-Sensing

Thibault Catry , Zhichao Li , Emmanuel Roux , Vincent Herbreteau , Helen Gurgel
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2018, 15 (3), ⟨10.3390/ijerph15030468⟩
Journal articles hal-01827332v1

Mapping soil organic carbon on a national scale: Towards an improved and updated map of Madagascar

Nandrianina Ramifehiarivo , Michel Brossard , Clovis Grinand , Andry Andriamananjara , Tantely Razafimbelo
Geoderma Régional, 2017, 9, pp.29-38. ⟨10.1016/j.geodrs.2016.12.002⟩
Journal articles hal-02136151v1
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A Quantile Mapping Bias Correction Method Based on Hydroclimatic Classification of the Guiana Shield

Justine Ringard , F. Seyler , Laurent Linguet
Sensors, 2017, 17 (6), pp.1413. ⟨10.3390/s17061413⟩
Journal articles hal-01590720v1
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Role of Climate Variability and Human Activity on Poopó Lake Droughts between 1990 and 2015 Assessed Using Remote Sensing Data

Frédéric Satgé , Raúl Espinoza , Ramiro Zolá , Henrique Roig , Franck Timouk
Remote Sensing, 2017, 9 (3), pp.218. ⟨10.3390/rs9030218⟩
Journal articles hal-02136127v1

Absolute and relative height-pixel accuracy of SRTM-GL1 over the South American Andean Plateau

Frédéric Satgé , Matheus Denezine , Ramiro Pillco , Franck Timouk , Sébastien Pinel
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2016, 121, pp.157-166. ⟨10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2016.09.003⟩
Journal articles hal-02136661v1

Typologies and Spatialization of Agricultural Production Systems in Rondônia, Brazil: Linking Land Use, Socioeconomics and Territorial Configuration

Cláudio Almeida , Moisés Mourão , Nadine Dessay , Anne-Elisabeth Lacques , Antônio Monteiro
Land Economics, 2016, 5 (2), ⟨10.3390/land5020018⟩
Journal articles ird-01630573v1
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Distribution of the Habitat Suitability of the Main Malaria Vector in French Guiana Using Maximum Entropy Modeling

Yi Moua , Emmanuel Roux , Romain Girod , Isabelle Dusfour , Benoit de Thoisy
Journal of Medical Entomology, 2016, ⟨10.1093/jme/tjw199⟩
Journal articles hal-01425541v1
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Comparisons of observed and modeled elastic responses to hydrological loading in the Amazon basin

D. Moreira , S. Calmant , Félix Perosanz , L. Xavier , O. C. Rotunno Filho
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016, 43 (18), pp.9604 - 9610. ⟨10.1002/2016GL070265⟩
Journal articles hal-01671052v1
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Mapping a Knowledge-Based Malaria Hazard Index Related to Landscape Using Remote Sensing: Application to the Cross-Border Area between French Guiana and Brazil

Zhichao Li , Emmanuel Roux , Nadine Dessay , Romain Girod , Aurelia Stefani
Remote Sensing, 2016, 8 (4), ⟨10.3390/rs8040319⟩
Journal articles hal-01355255v1
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Stage-discharge rating curves based on satellite altimetry and modeled discharge in the Amazon basin

Adrien Paris , Rodrigo Dias de Paiva , Joecila Santos da Silva , Daniel Medeiros Moreira , Stéphane Calmant
Water Resources Research, 2016, 52 (5), pp.3787-3814. ⟨10.1002/2014WR016618⟩
Journal articles hal-02136144v1
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Correction of Interferometric and Vegetation Biases in the SRTMGL1 Spaceborne DEM with Hydrological Conditioning towards Improved Hydrodynamics Modeling in the Amazon Basin

Sébastien Pinel , Marie-Paule Bonnet , Joecila Santos da Silva , Daniel Moreira , Stéphane Calmant
Remote Sensing, 2015, 7 (12), pp.16108-16130. ⟨10.3390/rs71215822⟩
Journal articles hal-02136672v1

Optimizing the Heliosat-II method for surface solar irradiation estimation with GOES images

Albarelo Tommy , Isabelle Marie-Joseph , Antoine Primerose , F. Seyler , Lucien Wald
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 2015, 41, pp.86-100. ⟨10.1080/07038992.2015.1040876⟩
Journal articles hal-01178255v1
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Temporal and Spatial Assessment of Four Satellite Rainfall Estimates over French Guiana and North Brazil

Justine Ringard , Melanie Becker , F. Seyler , Laurent Linguet
Remote Sensing, 2015, Satellite Climate Data Records and Applications, 7 (12), pp.16441-16459. ⟨10.3390/rs71215831⟩
Journal articles meteo-01304579v1
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Surface Freshwater Storage Variations in the Orinoco Floodplains Using Multi-Satellite Observations

Frédéric Frappart , Fabrice Papa , Yoann Malbéteau , Juan León , Guillaume Ramillien
Remote Sensing, 2015, 7 (1), pp.89-110. ⟨10.3390/rs70100089⟩
Journal articles hal-02136674v1
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Water Level Fluctuations in the Congo Basin Derived from ENVISAT Satellite Altimetry

Melanie Becker , Joecila da Silva , Stéphane Calmant , Vivien Robinet , Laurent Linguet
Remote Sensing, 2014, 6 (10), pp.9340-9358. ⟨10.3390/rs6109340⟩
Journal articles hal-02136683v1
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Low- water maps of the groundwater table in the central Amazon by satellite altimetry

J. Pfeffer , F. Seyler , Marie-Paule Bonnet , S. Calmant , Frédéric Frappart
Geophysical Research Letters, 2014, 41 (6), pp.1981-1987. ⟨10.1002/2013gl059134⟩
Journal articles hal-01016593v1

Radar Altimetry Aids Managing Gauge Networks

J. S. da Silva , S. Calmant , F. Seyler , D. M. Moreira , D. Oliveira
Water Resources Management, 2014, 28 (3), pp.587-603. ⟨10.1007/s11269-013-0484-z⟩
Journal articles hal-00990990v1

Formalizing spatiotemporal knowledge in remote sensing applications to improve image interpretation

Christelle Pierkot , Samuel Andrés , Jean-François Faure , F. Seyler
Journal of Spatial Information Science, 2013, 7, ⟨10.5311/JOSIS.2013.7.142⟩
Journal articles hal-02136679v1

From TOPEX/Poseidon to Jason-2/OSTM in the Amazon basin

F. Seyler , S. Calmant , J. S. da Silva , D. M. Moreira , Florian Mercier
Advances in Space Research, 2013, 51 (8), pp.1542-1550. ⟨10.1016/j.asr.2012.11.002⟩
Journal articles hal-00991322v1

Detection of Envisat RA2/ICE-1 retracked radar altimetry bias over the Amazon basin rivers using GPS

S. Calmant , J. S. da Silva , D. M. Moreira , F. Seyler , C. K. Shum
Advances in Space Research, 2013, 51 (8), pp.1551-1564. ⟨10.1016/j.asr.2012.07.033⟩
Journal articles hal-00990946v1
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Surface freshwater storage and dynamics in the Amazon basin during the 2005 exceptional drought

Frédéric Frappart , Fabrice Papa , Joecila Santos da Silva , Guillaume Ramillien , Catherine Prigent
Environmental Research Letters, 2012, 7 (4), pp.044010. ⟨10.1088/1748-9326/7/4/044010⟩
Journal articles hal-00779275v1

Water level dynamics of Amazon wetlands at the watershed scale by satellite altimetry

J. S. da Silva , F. Seyler , S. Calmant , O. C. Rotunno , Emmanuel Roux
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2012, 33 (11), pp.3323-3353. ⟨10.1080/01431161.2010.531914⟩
Journal articles hal-00990992v1

Calibraçao e validaçao de modelo hidrologico com observaçoes in situ alimetria e gravimetria espaciais

A.C.V. Getirana , O.C. Rotunno Filho , W.J. Mansur , Marie-Paule Bonnet , F. Seyler
Revista Brasileira de Recursos Hidricos, 2011, 16 (1), pp.29-45
Journal articles hal-01370626v1

Estimación de curvas de gasto en estaciones virtuales Envisat sobre el cauce principal del río Orinoco

Juan León , F. Seyler , Astrid Puerta
Ingenieria e Investigacion, 2011, 31 (3), pp.91--99
Journal articles hal-01239648v1
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Satellite-based estimates of groundwater storage variations in large drainage basins with extensive floodplains

Frédéric Frappart , Fabrice Papa , Andreas Güntner , Werth Susanna , Joecila Santos da Silva
Remote Sensing of Environment, 2011, 115 (6), pp.1588-1594. ⟨10.1016/j.rse.2011.02.003⟩
Journal articles hal-00582647v1

Producing time series of river water height by means of satellite radar altimetry-a comparative study

Emmanuel Roux , J. S. da Silva , A. C. V. Getirana , Marie-Paule Bonnet , S. Calmant
Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2010, 55 (1), pp.104-120. ⟨10.1080/02626660903529023⟩
Journal articles hal-00991320v1

Water levels in the Amazon basin derived from the ERS 2 and ENVISAT radar altimetry missions

J. S. da Silva , S. Calmant , F. Seyler , O. C. Rotunno , G. Cochonneau
Remote Sensing of Environment, 2010, 114 (10), pp.2160-2181. ⟨10.1016/j.rse.2010.04.020⟩
Journal articles hal-00990991v1

Application of retracked satellite altimetry for inland hydrologic studies

M. M. Zhang , H. Lee , C. K. Shum , D. Alsdorf , F. Schwartz
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2010, 31 (14), pp.3913-3929. ⟨10.1080/01431161.2010.483495⟩
Journal articles hal-00991354v1

Inundation Risk in Large Tropical Basins and Potential Survey from Radar Altimetry: Example in the Amazon Basin

F. Seyler , S. Calmant , J. da Silva , N. Filizola , G. Cochonneau
Marine Geodesy, 2009, 32 (3), pp.303-319. ⟨10.1080/01490410903094809⟩
Journal articles hal-00991321v1

Branco River Stage Gradient Determination and Amazon Hydrologic Studies Using GPS Water Level Measurements

K. C. Cheng , S. Calmant , C. Y. Kuo , H. Z. Tseng , C. K. Shum
Marine Geodesy, 2009, 32 (3), pp.267-283. ⟨10.1080/01490410903094460⟩
Journal articles hal-00990964v1

Floodplain hydrology in an Amazon floodplain lake (Lago Grande de Curuaí)

Marie-Paule Bonnet , G. Barroux , J.M. Martinez , F. Seyler , P. Moreira-Turcq
Journal of Hydrology, 2008, 349 (1-2), pp.18-30. ⟨10.1016/j.jhydrol.2007.10.055⟩
Journal articles hal-02590429v1

Daily water stage estimated from satellite altimetric data for large river basin monitoring

Emmanuel Roux , M. Cauhopé , Marie-Paule Bonnet , S. Calmant , Philippe Vauchel
Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2008, 53 (1), pp.81-99
Journal articles hal-00325755v1
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Interannual variations of river water storage from a multisatellite approach: a case study for the Rio Negro River basin

Frédéric Frappart , Fabrice Papa , James S. Famiglietti , Catherine Prigent , William B. Rossow
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2008, 113, pp.D21104. ⟨10.1029/2007JD009438⟩
Journal articles hal-00428891v1
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Floodplain hydrology in an Amazon floodplain lake (Lago Grande de Curuai)

Marie-Paule Bonnet , Gwénaël Barroux , Jean-Michel Martinez , F. Seyler , Patricia Moreira Turcq
Journal of Hydrology, 2008, 349 (1-2), pp.18-30. ⟨10.1016/j.jhydrol.2007.10.055⟩
Journal articles ird-00270979v1

Monitoring Continental Surface Waters by Satellite Altimetry

S. Calmant , F. Seyler , J. F. Cretaux
Surveys in Geophysics, 2008, 29 (4-5), pp.247-269
Journal articles hal-00409131v1

Amazon River discharge estimated from TOPEX/Poseidon altimetry

E. A. Zakharova , A. V. Kouraev , A. Cazenave , F. Seyler
Comptes Rendus Géoscience, 2006, 338 (3), pp.188-196
Journal articles hal-00402154v1

Continental surface waters from satellite altimetry

S. Calmant , F. Seyler
Comptes Rendus Géoscience, 2006, 338, pp.1113-1122. ⟨10.1016/j.crte.2006.05.012⟩
Journal articles hal-00280288v1
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Preliminary results of ENVISAT RA-2-derived water levels validation over the Amazon basin

Frédéric Frappart , Stéphane Calmant , Mathilde Cauhopé , F. Seyler , Anny Cazenave
Remote Sensing of Environment, 2006, 100 (2), pp.252-264. ⟨10.1016/j.rse.2005.10.027⟩
Journal articles hal-00280286v1
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Hydrological parameter estimation for ungauged basin based on satellite altimeter data and discharge modeling : a simulation for the Caqueta River (Amazonian Basin, Colombia)

J. G. Leon , F. Seyler , S. Calmant , Marie-Paule Bonnet , M. Cauhopé
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 2006, 3 (5), pp.3023-3059
Journal articles hal-00330792v1
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Rating curves and estimation of average water depth at the upper Negro River based on satellite altimeter data and modeled discharges

Juan Gabriel Leon , Stéphane Calmant , F. Seyler , Marie-Paule Bonnet , Mathilde Cauhopé
Journal of Hydrology, 2006, 328 (3-4), pp.481-496. ⟨10.1016/J.JHYDROL.2005.12.006⟩
Journal articles hal-00323534v1

Modelling transfer of elements from the continent to the ocean at the large watershed scale in a tropical environment

C. Roelandt , Y. Godderis , Marie-Paule Bonnet , F. Seyler
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2006, 70, pp.537. ⟨10.1016/J.GCA.2006.06.990⟩
Journal articles hal-00318810v1

Interopérabilité entre composants dirigée par les modèles.

Philippe Aniorte , F. Seyler
Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série ISI : Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, 2005, pp.;
Journal articles hal-00399351v1
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Floodplain water storage in the Negro River basin estimated from microwave remote sensing of inundation area and water levels

Frédéric Frappart , F. Seyler , Jean-Michel Martinez , Juan Gabriel Leon , A. Cazenave
Remote Sensing of Environment, 2005, 99 (4), pp.387-399. ⟨10.1016/j.rse.2005.08.016⟩
Journal articles ird-00385169v1

Wetland classification using L-band SAR images and satellite altimetry: the example of the Congo « Cuvette Centrale »

Frédéric Frappart , Julie Betbeder Betbeder , R. Bellot , Nicolas Baghdadi , S. Gourlet Fleury
ESA Living Planet Symposium, May 2019, Milan, Italy. pp.1
Conference papers hal-02609375v1

Global Surface Water Product Reliability for Amazon Floodplain Hydrology

Thibault Catry , Auréa Pottier , Marie-Paule Bonnet , Laurent Durieux , F. Seyler
ESA Living Planet Symposium, May 2019, Milan (Italie), Italy
Conference papers hal-04399025v1

Understanding of the Hydrological Variability in the Congo Basin and its Cuvette Centrale Gained by the Large Variety of Remote Sensors

Stephane Calmant , Melanie Becker , Fabrice Papa , Doug Alsdorf , Adrien Paris
AGU Chapman Conference, Sep 2018, Washington, United States
Conference papers hal-02544730v1
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Mapping soil typologies using geomorphologic features extracted from dem and SAR data: A environmental factor affecting malaria transmission in the Amazon

Zhichao Li , Thibault Catry , Nadine Dessay , Emmanuel Roux , F. Seyler
IGARSS 2016 - 2016 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Jul 2016, Beijing, China. ⟨10.1109/IGARSS.2016.7729812⟩
Conference papers hal-01829736v1
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Zhichao Li , Thibault Catry , Nadine Dessay , Emmanuel Roux , Etienne Mahé
IGARSS 2016 - 2016 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Jul 2016, Beijing, China. ⟨10.1109/IGARSS.2016.7729653⟩
Conference papers hal-01829725v1

Mudanças Climáticas e Qualidade Ambiental: o Papel do Sensoriamento Remoto

Laurent Durieux , Vincent Dubreuil , F. Seyler , Hugh Eva
XIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, Apr 2009, Natal, Brazil
Conference papers halshs-00382532v1
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Monitoring water level in large trans-boundary ungauged basins with altimetry : the example of ENVISAT over the Amazon basin

F. Seyler , Stéphane Calmant , J. da Silva , N. Filizola , Emmanuel Roux
Asia Pacific Remote Sensing Conference, Nov 2008, Nouméa, France. ⟨10.1117/12.813258⟩
Conference papers hal-01370629v1
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3D Selection of ENVISAT Data for Improved Water Stage Times Series on the Rio Negro and Adjacent Wetlands (Amazon Basin)

Joecila Santos da Silva , Emmanuel Roux , Otto Corrêa Rotunno Filho , Marie-Paule Bonnet , F. Seyler
Second Space for Hydrology Workshop: "Surface Water Storage and Runoff: Modeling, In-Situ data and Remote Sensing", ESA, Nov 2007, Genève, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-01372814v1

Un processus d'intégration par métamodélisation appliqué à la coopération de composants distribués et de services web.

F. Seyler , Philippe Aniorte
In Congrès INFORSID, Workshop OCM-SI, May 2005, Grenoble, France. pp.;
Conference papers hal-00408665v1

Mathematical approach to coviability: concept, modelling and control

A. El Jai , Samira El Yacoubi , M. C. El Jai , V. Douzal , M. Mangeas
Coviability of social and ecological systems: reconnecting mankind to the biosphere in an era of global change. Vol. 1: The foundations of a new paradigm, Springer, pp.79-103, 2019, 978-3-319-78496-0. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-78497-7_4⟩
Book sections hal-02608417v1

Coviability of social and ecological systems: general introduction

Olivier Barrière , C. Prost , V. Ravena Cañete , V. Douzal , Mireille Fargette
Coviability of social and ecological systems: reconnecting mankind to the biosphere in an era of global change. Vol. 1: The foundations of a new paradigm, Springer, pp.22, 2019, 978-3-319-78496-0
Book sections hal-02608420v1

Introductory chapter: an interweaving to be formalized, the biosphere faced with the relationship between the human and the non-human

Olivier Barrière , C. Prost , V. Ravena Cañete , V. Douzal , Mireille Fargette
Coviability of social and ecological systems: reconnecting mankind to the biosphere in an era of global change. Vol. 1: The foundations of a new paradigm, Springer, pp.1-38, 2019, 978-3-319-78496-0. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-78497-7_1⟩
Book sections hal-02608416v1

Coviability as a scientific paradigm for an ecological transition, from an overview to a definition

Olivier Barrière , Thérèse Libourel Rouge , Maud Loireau , V. Ravena Cañete , C. Prost
Coviability of social and ecological systems: reconnecting mankind to the biosphere in an era of global change. Vol. 1: The foundations of a new paradigm, Springer, pp.693-728, 2019, 978-3-319-78496-0. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-78497-7_27⟩
Book sections hal-02608415v1

End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture : SDG 2

Ludovic Mollier , F. Seyler , Jean-Luc Chotte , C. Ringler
Stevance A.S. (coord.). A guide to SDG interactions : from science to implementation [SDG : Sustainable Development Goals], ICSU, pp.31-80, 2017
Book sections hal-02142676v1

Des ODD interconnectés : l'ODD 2 et l'exemple de l'agriculture comme levier de l'Agenda 2030

P. Caron , Jean-Luc Chotte , Ludovic Mollier , F. Seyler
Caron P. (ed.),; Châtaigner Jean-Marc (ed.). Un défi pour la planète : les Objectifs de développement durable en débat., IRD ; Quae,, pp.387-396., 2017, 978-2-7099-2412-2
Book sections hal-02142614v1

Forêts tropicales et grands fleuves : des milieux sous influence

Philippe Léna , Pierre Couteron , Jean Loup Guyot , F. Seyler
Magali Reinert; S. Janicot; Catherine Aubertin; Martial Bernoux; E. Dounias; J.-F.- Guégan; Thierry Lebel; Hubert Mazurek; Benjamin Sultan. Changement climatique : quels défis pour le Sud ?, IRD Editions, 2015, 978-2-7099-2168-8
Book sections hal-03145747v1

New perspectives in monitoring water resources in large tropical transboundary basins based on remote sensing and radar altimetry.

F. Seyler , S. Calmant , S. Silva J. , G. Leon J. , Frédéric Frappart
Blöschl, G. Van de Giesen, N. Muralidharan, D. Ren, L. Seyler, F. Sharma, U. Vrba, J. Improving Integrated Surface and Groundwater Resources Management in a Vulnerable and Changing Word, IAHS Publication, pp. 282-288, 2009, 978-1-907161-01-8
Book sections hal-01016500v1