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Geneviève ALMOUZNI
Researcher identifiers
- genevieve-almouzni
- IdRef : 033442088
- 0000-0001-5570-0723
Name: Geneviève Almouzni
Date of birth: August 9, 1960
Nationality: French
Married, one Child: Emmanuel (Dec 5,1990)
**Director of Research CNRS**
**Honorary Director RC Institut Curie**
**Group leader** **Chromatin Dynamics team**, UMR3664, Institut Curie, Paris, France
ORCID: 0000-0001-5570-0723
**Education/Institution & location**
**Field of study**
CNRS- IPGR (Giovanni Domenico Cassini Class)
Management qualification
Habilitation for Direction of Research (HDR)
Chromatin Biology
University Paris VI, France
Ecole Normale Supérieure - University Paris VI & Institut Pasteur, France
Microbiology – Virology
Ecole Normale Supérieure Fontenay aux Roses & University Paris VI, France
Agregation & B.S.
Biochemistry & Nutrition
Current & Previous Positions
2015 – now **Director of Research (DRCE) CNRS & honorary Director, Research Center** at Institut Curie
1994 – now **Group leader of the Chromatin Dynamics team**, UMR3664, Institut Curie, Paris, France
2013 – 2018 **Director of the Research Center** at Institut Curie, Paris, France
2009 – 2013 **Deputy Director for the Research Center- Educational Programme** at Institut Curie
2000 – 2015 **Director of the Nuclear Dynamics Dept (UMR3664)** **(DR1** CNRS)
1999 – 2000 Director of the Genotoxicology and Modulation of the Gene Expression Dept (UMR218)
1994 – 1998 **CNRS ATIPE/ Junior team, Chromatin Dynamics**, UMR 144, I. Curie, Paris, France (CR1 CNRS)
1991 – 1993 **Postdoctoral Associate**: EMBO & Fogarty, National Institute of Health, USA
1989 – 1993 **CNRS Research Scientist (CR2)**, Institut J. Monod, Paris, France
1988 – 1989 **Post-doctoral Fellow**: short term EMBO, National Institute of Health, USA
1985 – 1988 **PhD thesis**, Institut J. Monod, Paris, France
**Major scientific responsabilities & Grants (latest)**
2018 – now **Co-Chair of the European initiative LifeTime,** with Prof. N. Rajewski (MDC, Berlin, Germany) https://lifetime-fetflagship.eu/
2018 – 2020 **Chair of EU-LIFE**, alliance of 13 European Institutes : http://eu-life.eu/
2016 – 2021 **Leader of the ERC Advanced Grant-** ChromADICT
2018 – 2022 **Partner of MSCA – ITN 2018:** ChromDesign: Chromatin architecture and Design
2017 – 2021 **Partner of MSCA – ITN** **2017:** EpiSystem
2013 – 2018 **Director of the Research Center** at the Institut Curie, Paris, France
2012 – 2019 **Coordinator** **of the LABEX** (Laboratory of Excellence): **DEEP** Development, Epigenesis, Epigenetics & life-time Potential with Prof. E. Heard (I. Curie): http://www.labex-deep.fr/
2020 – 2025 **Coordinator** **of the LABEX DEEP** (renewed) with Dr. P. Leopold
2010 – 2016 **Coordinator of the European Network of Excellence** EpiGeneSys
2000 – 2015 **Director of the Nuclear Dynamics Dept**, UMR3664, Institut Curie, Paris, France
Since 1994 **Team Leader, Chromatin Dynamics,** Institut Curie, Paris, France
**Distinctions & Awards**
2019 – 2023 Member of the ERC Council
2017 Trophy XXI for Diversity 2017, Officer of the Merit Order
2016 Special Star of Europe Award 2016 for the European Network EpiGeneSys
2015 European Academy of Cancer Sciences – Fellow
2014 Grand prix de Fondation de la Recherche Médicale (FRM), France
2013 FEBS/EMBO Women in Science Award
2013 Fellow of American Ass. for the Advancement of Science, of French Academy of Sciences
2011 Grand Prix Louis D. Institut de France, Knight of the Legion of Honors
2007 Member of Academia Europaea, Knight of the Merit Order
2006 Grand Prix Cino et Simone del Duca Fondation by the Institut de France
2003 Prize from La Ligue contre le Cancer, France
2000 EMBO Member, CNRS Silver Medal, Paris, France
**Education and mentoring Activities**
2009 – 2013: **Deputy Director - Educational Program**, Research Center at I. Curie
Since 2004: **Regular involvement in international** **courses (Master and PhD levels)** in France and Europe.
Since 1996: **PhD & HDR committees**: over 70 in France, UK, Switzerland, etc.
**Mentoring Graduate students and Post-doctoral fellows,** alumni now independent group leaders with academic positions in universities (including ERC awardees), industries & patent law firms.
**Promoting career of Junior PI:** support and mentoring via the LabEx DEEP and the EpiGeneSys network.
**Promoting women in sciences**, through mentees and the LIBRA initiative as chair of EU Life and conferences
**Engagement for scientific integrity**, workshops at the Institut Curie and development of a dedicated course.
**Science Dissemination & Policy**
· **Organisation of international conferences**: including EMBO Conference, Keystone Symp, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Symposium, …
· **Invited speaker** to conferences and symposiums including as keynote speaker (>350).
· **Science policy contribution** through EU Life and LifeTime for example: white papers
· **Science for citizens:** interviews on the media, with Labex DEEP initiatives and with LifeTime actions.
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Avis du Comité Évaluation et science ouverte (CoÉSO) de l'Académie des sciences sur le score SIGAPSAcadémie des sciences (France). 2023