Seasonal organization of tintinnid community by temperature preference and LOD size-class in a subtropical brackish embayment
Jingyuan Li
Ping Du
Haibo Li
Yuan Zhao
Ming Mao
Journal articles
Fine-scale phytoplankton community transitions in the oligotrophic ocean: A Mediterranean Sea case study
Laurina Oms
Monique Messié
Jean-Christophe Poggiale
Gérald Grégori
Andrea Doglioli
Journal articles
Temporal changes in zooplankton indicators highlight a bottom-up process in the Bay of Marseille (NW
Théo Garcia
Daniela Banaru
Loïc Guilloux
Véronique Cornet
Gérald Gregori
Journal articles
Organization of planktonic Tintinnina assemblages in the Atlantic Ocean
Haibo Li
Glen Tarran
Giorgio Dall’olmo
Andrew Rees
Michel Denis
Journal articles
Phytoplankton reaction to an intense storm in the north-western Mediterranean Sea
S. Barrillon
Robin Fuchs
Anne Petrenko
Caroline Comby
Anthony Bosse
Journal articles
Data quality control considerations in multivariate environmental monitoring: experience of the French coastal network SOMLIT
Elsa Breton
Nicolas Savoye
Peggy Rimmelin-Maury
Benoit Sautour
Eric Goberville
Journal articles
The contrasted phytoplankton dynamics across a frontal system in the southwestern Mediterranean Sea
Roxane Tzortzis
Andrea M. Doglioli
Monique Messié
S. Barrillon
Anne Petrenko
Journal articles
Trajectories of nutrients concentrations and ratios in the French coastal ecosystems: 20 years of changes in relation with large-scale and local drivers
Arnaud Lheureux
Valérie David
Yolanda del Amo
Dominique Soudant
Isabelle Auby
Journal articles
Enhanced resolution of marine viruses with violet side scatter
Yuan Zhao
Yanchu Zhao
Shan Zheng
Li Zhao
Wuchang Zhang
Journal articles
Measuring vertical velocities with ADCPs in low-energy ocean
Caroline Comby
Stéphanie Barrillon
Jean-Luc Fuda
Andrea M. Doglioli
Roxane Tzortzis
Journal articles
Pulsed export of carbon in the north-western Mediterranean Sea
Michel Denis
Dominique Lefevre
Melilotus Thyssen
Ian Jenkinson
Gérald Grégori
Journal articles
Automatic recognition of flow cytometric phytoplankton functional groups using convolutional neural networks
Robin Fuchs
Melilotus Thyssen
Véronique Creach
Mathilde Dugenne
Lloyd Izard
Journal articles
Recommendations for Plankton Measurements on OceanSITES Moorings With Relevance to Other Observing Sites
Emmanuel Boss
Anya Waite
Johannes Karstensen
Tom Trull
Frank Muller-Karger
Journal articles
Impact of moderately energetic fine-scale dynamics on the phytoplankton community structure in the western Mediterranean Sea
Roxane Tzortzis
Andrea M. Doglioli
Stéphanie Barrillon
Anne Petrenko
Francesco d'Ovidio
Journal articles
Planktonic ciliate trait structure variation over Yap, Mariana, and Caroline seamounts in the tropical western Pacific Ocean
Chaofeng Wang
Haibo Li
Yi Dong
Li Zhao
Gérald Grégori
Journal articles
Surface ocean microbiota determine cloud precursors
Karine Sellegri
Alessia Nicosia
Evelyn Freney
Julia Uitz
Melilotus Thyssen
Journal articles
Mediterranean nascent sea spray organic aerosol and relationships with seawater biogeochemistry
Evelyn Freney
Karine Sellegri
Alessia Nicosia
Jonathan Trueblood
Matteo Rinaldi
Journal articles
On the benefits of using cell quotas in addition to intracellular elemental ratios in flexible-stoichiometry Plankton functional type models. Application to the Mediterranean Sea
Melika Baklouti
Rémi Pagès
Elena Alekseenko
Arnaud Guyennon
Gérald Grégori
Journal articles
Summertime Tintinnid Community in the Surface Waters Across the North Pacific Transition Zone
Haibo Li
Jun Xuan
Chaofeng Wang
Zhaohui Chen
Gérald Grégori
Journal articles
Difference of planktonic ciliate communities of the tropical West Pacific, the Bering Sea and the Arctic Ocean
Chaofeng Wang
Haibo Li
Zhiqiang Xu
Shan Zheng
Qiang Hao
Journal articles
Virioplankton distribution in the tropical western Pacific Ocean in the vicinity of a seamount
Yanchu Zhao
Yuan Zhao
Shan Zheng
Li Zhao
Xuegang Li
Journal articles
Grazing by microzooplankton and copepods on the microbial food web in spring in the southern Yellow Sea, China
Yuan Zhao
Yi Dong
Haibo Li
Shiquan Lin
Lingfeng Huang
Journal articles
PROTEVS-MED field experiments: very high resolution hydrographic surveys in the Western Mediterranean Sea
Pierre Garreau
Franck Dumas
Stéphanie Louazel
Stéphanie Corréard
Solenn Fercocq
Journal articles
Frontiers in Fine-Scale in situ Studies: Opportunities During the SWOT Fast Sampling Phase
Francesco d'Ovidio
Ananda Pascual
Jinbo Wang
Andrea M. Doglioli
Zhao Jing
Journal articles
Vertical motions and their effects on a biogeochemical tracer in a cyclonic structure finely observed in the Ligurian Sea
Louise Rousselet
A. M. Doglioli
Alain de Verneil
Alice Pietri
Alice Della Penna
Journal articles
Diversity and distribution of tintinnid ciliates along salinity gradient in the Pearl River Estuary in southern China
Haibo Li
Chaofeng Wang
Chen Liang
Yuan Zhao
Wuchang Zhang
Journal articles
Impact of sterilization methods on dissolved trace metals concentrations in complex natural samples: optimization of UV irradiation
Sandrine Chifflet
Marianne Quemeneur
Aude Barani
Bernard Angeletti
Morgane Didry
Journal articles
Coupling physics and biogeochemistry thanks to high-resolution observations of the phytoplankton community structure in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea
Pierre Marrec
Gérald Grégori
Andrea M. Doglioli
Mathilde Dugenne
Alice Della Penna
Journal articles
Resolution of Viable and Membrane-Compromised Free Bacteria in Aquatic Environments by Flow Cytometry
Gérald Grégori
Michel Denis
Sergio Sgorbati
Sandra Citterio
Journal articles
Combining laser diffraction, flow cytometry and optical microscopy to characterize a nanophytoplankton bloom in the Northwestern Mediterranean
R. Leroux
Gérald Grégori
F Carlotti
Karine Leblanc
Melilotus Thyssen
Journal articles
Planktonic ciliates in different water masses in open waters near Prydz Bay (East Antarctica) during austral summer, with an emphasis on tintinnid assemblages
Chen Liang
Haibo Li
Yi Dong
Yuan Zhao
Zhencheng Tao
Journal articles
Nanoplanktonic diatoms are globally overlooked but play a role in spring blooms and carbon export
Karine Leblanc
Bernard Queguiner
Frederic Diaz
Veronique Cornet
Mónica Michel-Rodriguez
Journal articles
"Pico- and nanophytoplankton dynamics in two coupled but contrasting coastal bays in the NW Mediterranean Sea (France)"
Floriane Delpy
Bruno Serranito
Jean-Louis Jamet
Gérald Grégori
Christophe Le Poupon
Journal articles
Exploring the microbiome of the “star” freshwater diatom Asterionella formosa in a laboratory context
Kojadinovic-Sirinelli Mila
Villain Adrien
Puppo Carine
Fon Sing Sophie
Prioretti Laura
Journal articles
Beyond Chlorophyll Fluorescence: The Time is Right to Expand Biological Measurements in Ocean Observing Programs
Emmanuel Boss
Anya Waite
Frank Muller-Karger
Hidekatsu Yamazaki
Rik Wanninkhof
Journal articles
Evolution of the scattering properties of phytoplankton cells from flow cytometry measurements
William Moutier
Lucile Duforêt-Gaurier
Melilotus Thyssen
Hubert Loisel
Xavier Meriaux
Journal articles
The inhibition of TOR in the model diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum promotes a get-fat growth regime
Laura Prioretti
Luisana Avilan
Fredéric Carrière
Marie-Helene Montane
Ben Field
Journal articles
Complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the freshwater diatom Asterionella formosa
Adrien Villain
Mila Kojadinovic
Carine Puppo
Laura Prioretti
Pierre Hubert
Journal articles
Cryptic oxygen cycling in anoxic marine zones.
Emilio Garcia-Robledo
Cory C Padilla
Montserrat Aldunate
Frank J Stewart
Osvaldo Ulloa
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2017, 114 (31), pp.8319-8324. ⟨10.1073/pnas.1619844114⟩
Journal articles
A study of microphytoplankton and cyanobacteria consortia in four oligotrophic regimes in the western part of the North Pacific subtropical gyre and in the warm pool
Mathias Girault
Gérald Grégori
Aude Barani
Hisayuki Arakawa
Journal articles
Diazotroph derived nitrogen supports diatom growth in the South West Pacific: A quantitative study using nanoSIMS
Sophie Bonnet
Hugo Berthelot
Kendra Turk-Kubo
Veronique Cornet
Sarah Fawcett
Journal articles
Heterotrophic prokaryote distribution along a 2300 km transect in the North Pacific subtropical gyre during a strong La Nina conditions: relationship between distribution and hydrological conditions
M. Girault
H. Arakawa
Aude Barani
H. J. Ceccaldi
F. Hashihama
Journal articles
An annual survey of bacterial production, respiration and ectoenzyme activity in coastal NW Mediterranean waters: temperature and resource controls
B. Céa
Dominique Lefèvre
L. Chirurgien
Patrick Raimbault
N. Garcia
Journal articles
Phage-Based Fluorescent Biosensor Prototypes to Specifically Detect Enteric Bacteria Such as E. coli and Salmonella enterica Typhimurium
Manon Vinay
Nathalie Franche
Gérald Grégori
Jean-Raphaël Fantino
Flavie Pouillot
Journal articles
Onset of the spring bloom in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea: influence of environmental pulse events on the in situ hourly-scale dynamics of the phytoplankton community structure
Melilotus Thyssen
Gérald Grégori
Jean-Michel Grisoni
Maria-Luiza Pedrotti
Laure Mousseau
Journal articles
Consequence of a sudden wind event on the dynamics of a coastal phytoplankton community: an insight into specific population growth rates using a single cell high frequency approach
Mathilde Dugenne
Melilotus Thyssen
David Nerini
Claude Manté
Jean-Christophe Poggiale
Journal articles
Antifouling Coatings Influence both Abundance and Community Structure of Colonizing Biofilms: a Case Study in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea
Mercedes Camps
Aude Barani
Gérald Grégori
Agnes Bouchez
Brigitte Le Berre
Journal articles
Seasonal variation of stable isotope ratios of size-fractionated zooplankton in the Bay of Marseille (NW Mediterranean Sea)
Daniela Bănaru
Francois Carlotti
Aude Barani
Gérald Grégori
Nada Neffati
Journal articles
Distribution of ultraphytoplankton in the western part of the North Pacific subtropical gyre during a strong La Nina condition: relationship with the hydrological conditions
M. Girault
H. Arakawa
Aude Barani
H. J. Ceccaldi
F. Hashihama
Journal articles
Impact of contaminated-sediment resuspension on phytoplankton in the Biguglia lagoon (Corsica, Mediterranean Sea)
Céline Lafabrie
M. Garrido
Christophe Leboulanger
Philippe Cecchi
Gérald Grégori
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2013, 130, pp.70-80
Journal articles
Generalized unmixing model for multispectral flow cytometry utilizing nonsquare compensation matrices
David Novo
Gérald Grégori
Bartek Rajwa
Journal articles
Hyperspectral cytometry at the single-cell level using a 32-channel photodetector.
Gérald Grégori
Valery Patsekin
Bartek Rajwa
James Jones
Kathy Ragheb
Cytometry. Part A : the journal of the International Society for Analytical Cytology, 2012, 81 (1), pp.35-44. ⟨10.1002/cyto.a.21120⟩
Journal articles
Possible bloom of free trichomes in the Bay of Marseille, NW Mediterranean Sea: an anomaly evidenced by flow cytometry
Li Zhao
Michel Denis
Aude Barani
Beatriz Beker
Claude Manté
Journal articles
Possible bloom of free trichomes in the Bay of Marseille, NW Mediterranean Sea: an anomaly evidenced by flow cytometry
Li Zhao
Michel Denis
Aude Barani
Beatriz Beker
Claude Manté
Journal of Plankton Research, 2012, 34 (8), pp.711-718
Journal articles
Functional Analysis and Classification of Phytoplankton Based on data from an Automated Flow Cytometer
Anthony Malkassian
David Nerini
M. A. van Dijk
Melilotus Thyssen
Claude Manté
Journal articles
Characterization of heterotrophic prokaryote subgroups in the Sfax coastal solar salterns by combining flow cytometry cell sorting and phylogenetic analysis
Hana Trigui
Salma Masmoudi
Céline Brochier-Armanet
Aude Barani
Gérald Grégori
Journal articles
Erratum: Optimizing the setup of a flow cytometric cell sorter for efficient quantitative sorting of long filaments.
M. A. van Dijk
Gérald Grégori
Hans L. Hoogveld
Machteld Rijkeboer
Michel Denis
Journal articles
In situ investigation of Spongia officinalis (Demospongiae) particle feeding: Coupling flow cytometry and stable isotope analysis
N. E. Topcu
T. Perez
G. Gregori
Mireille L. Harmelin-Vivien
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 2010, 389 (1-2), pp.61-69
Journal articles
Increased bacterial growth efficiency with environmental variability: results from DOC degradation by bacteria in pure culture experiments
Marie Eichinger
Richard Sempere
Gérald Grégori
Bruno Charrìère
Jean-Christophe Poggiale
Journal articles
In situ investigation of Spongia officinalis (Demospongiae) particle feeding : coupling flow cytometry and stable isotope analysis
Nur Eda Tpoçu
T. Pérez
Gérald Grégori
Mireille Harmelin-Vivien
Journal articles
Increased bacterial growth efficiency with environmental variability : results from DOC degradation by bacteria in pure culture experiments
Marie Eichinger
Richard Sempere
Gérald Grégori
Bruno Charrìère
Jean-Christophe Poggiale
Biogeosciences Discussions, 2010, 7, pp.787-822
Journal articles
Optimizing the Setup of a Flow Cytometric Cell Sorter for Efficient Quantitative Sorting of Long Filamentous Cyanobacteria
M. A. van Dijk
Gérald Grégori
Hans L. Hoogveld
Machteld Rijkeboer
Michel Denis
Journal articles
Consumption and release of dissolved organic carbon by marine bacteria in a pulsed-substrate environment : from experiments to modelling
Marie Eichinger
Sebastian, A.L.M. Kooijman
Richard Sempere
Dominique Lefèvre
Gérald Grégori
Journal articles
The emergence of automated high-frequency flow cytometry: revealing temporal and spatial phytoplankton variability
Melilotus Thyssen
Glen A. Tarran
Mikhail V. Zubkov
Ross J. Holland
Gérald Grégori
Journal articles
Microenvironment-controlled encapsulation (MiCE) process: Effects of PLGA concentration, flow rate, and collection method on microcapsule size and morphology
Connie Snider
Sang-Youp Lee
Yoon Yeo
Gérald Grégori
J. Paul Robinson
Journal articles
Hepatitis B virus X protein increases the Cdt 1 to to geminin ratio inducing DNA re-replication and polyploidy
Lova Rakotomalala
Leo Studach
Wen-Horng Wang
Gérald Grégori
Ronald L Hullinger
Journal articles
Detection of Extracellular Phosphatase Activity at the Single-Cell Level by Enzyme-Labeled Fluorescence and Flow Cytometry : the Importance of Time Kinetics in ELFA Labeling
Solange Duhamel
Gérald Grégori
France van Wambeke
Jiri Nedoma
Journal articles
A method for analysing phosphatase activity in aquatic bacteria at the single cell level using flow cytometry
Solange Duhamel
Gérald Grégori
France van Wambeke
Romain Mauriac
Jiri Nedoma
Journal articles
The emergence of automated high-frequency flow cytometry: revealing temporal and spatial phytoplankton variability
Melilotus Thyssen
G. Tarran
M. Zubkov
R. Holland
G. Gregori
Journal articles
Integrating Cytomics and Proteomics
Tytus Bernas
Gérald Grégori
Eli K. Asem
J. Paul Robinson
Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, 2006, 5.1, pp.2-13
Journal articles
Dyed microspheres for quantification of UV dose distributions: Photochemical reactor characterization by Lagrangian actinometry
Ernest R. Blatchley
Chengyue Shen
Zorana Naunovic
Lian-Shin Lin
Dennis A. Lyn
Journal articles
Pressure effects on surface Mediterranean prokaryotes and biogenic silica dissolution during a diatom sinking experiment
Christian Tamburini
J. Garcin
G. Gregori
Karine Leblanc
P. Rimmelin
Journal articles
Measurement and analysis of angle-resolved scatter from small particles in a cylindrical microchannel
Murugesan Venkatapathi
Gérald Grégori
Kathy Ragheb
J. Paul Robinson
E. Dan Hirleman
Applied optics, 2006, 45, pp.10
Journal articles
Multispectral cytometry of single bio-particules using a 32-channel detector
J. Paul Robinson
Bartek Rajwa
Gérald Grégori
James Jones
Valery Patsekin
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 2005, 5692, pp.359-365
Journal articles
Stochastic activation of the response regulator PhoB by noncognate histidine kinases
Lu Zhou
Gérald Grégori
Jennifer Masella Blackman
J. Paul Robinson
Barry L. Wanner
Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics, 2005, xx, pp.1-13
Journal articles
AOTF-based system for image cytometry
Bartek Rajwa
Wamiq Ahmed
Murugesan Venkatapathi
Gérald Grégori
Feng Jin
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 2005, 5694, pp.16-23
Journal articles
Sustained activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase and c-Jun N-terminal kinase pathways by hepatitis B virus X protein mediates apoptosis via induction of Fas/FasL and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor 1/TNF-alpha expression.
Wen-Horng Wang
Gérald Grégori
Ronald L Hullinger
Ourania M Andrisani
Journal articles
Differential oxidative damage and expression of stress defence regulons in culturable and non-culturable Escherichia coli cells
Benoit Desnues
Caroline Cuny
Gérald Grégori
Sam Dukan
Hugo Aguilaniu
Journal articles
Nanoflagellate predation on auto- and heterotrophic picoplankton in the oligotrophic Mediterranean Sea
Urania Christaki
A Giannakourou
France van Wambeke
Gérald Grégori
Journal articles
Phytoplankton group dynamics in the Bay of Marseilles during a 2-year survey based on analytical flow cytometry
Gérald Grégori
A Colosimo
Michel Denis
Journal articles
Resolution of viable and membrane-compromised bacteria in freshwater and marine waters based on analytical flow cytometry and nucleic acid double staining.
Gérald Grégori
S. Citterio
A. Ghiani
M. Labra
S. Sgorbati
Journal articles