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Gregory van Der Heijden

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  • IdHAL gregory-van-der-heijden
  • ORCID 0000-0002-6122-4863
  • Google Scholar :
  • IdRef : 180000993


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Advances in assessing Ca, K, and Mn translocation in oak tree stems (Quercus spp.)

Caroline Christina Jaozandry , Jean-Michel Leban , Arnaud Legout , Gregory van der Heijden , Philippe Santenoise
Heliyon, 2024, 10 (13), pp.e32627. ⟨10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e32627⟩
Journal articles hal-04676044v1

Douglas-fir plantations impact stream and groundwater chemistry in western Europe: Insights from three case studies in France and Luxembourg

Alexia Paul , Christophe Hissler , Alessandro Florio , Serge Didier , Benoit Pollier
Environmental Pollution, 2023, 336 (122477), ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2023.122477⟩
Journal articles hal-04195465v1

Nitrogen-bedrock interactions regulate multi-element nutrient limitation and sustainability in forests

Kaveh Siah , Steven Perakis , Julie Pett-Ridge , Gregory van der Heijden
Biogeochemistry, 2023, 164 (2), pp. 389-413. ⟨10.1007/s10533-023-01039-6⟩
Journal articles hal-04195353v1
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Removing Harvest Residues from Hardwood Stands Affects Tree Growth, Wood Density and Stem Wood Nutrient Concentration in European Beech (Fagus Sylvatica) and Oak (Quercus spp.)

Sanjoy Roy , Jean-Michel Leban , Bernd Zeller , Gregory van Der Heijden , Arnaud Reichard
Forest Ecosystems, 2022, 9, pp.100014. ⟨10.21203/⟩
Journal articles hal-03329745v1
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Soil chemical fertility change over four decades in the Morvan Mountains and influence of tree species (Burgundy, France)

Margaux Clesse , Arnaud Legout , Jacques Ranger , Bernd Zeller , Gregory van Der Heijden
Forest Ecosystems, 2022, 9, pp. 100043. ⟨10.1016/j.fecs.2022.100043⟩
Journal articles hal-03672092v1
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Mg isotope composition in beech forest ecosystems and variations induced by liming: insights from four experimental sites in Northern France

Mélanie Court , Gregory van Der Heijden , Pascale Louvat , Emile Bolou-Bi , Guillaume Caro
Biogeochemistry, 2021, 153 (2), pp.115-134. ⟨10.1007/s10533-021-00766-y⟩
Journal articles hal-03197670v1

Conventional analysis methods underestimate the plant-available pools of calcium, magnesium and potassium in forest soils

Jérémie Bel , Arnaud Legout , Laurent Saint‐andré , Steven Hall , Stefan Löfgren
Scientific Reports, 2021, 11 (1), ⟨10.1038/s41598-020-72741-w⟩
Journal articles hal-03197678v1

Chemical fertility of forest ecosystems. Part 2: Towards redefining the concept by untangling the role of the different components of biogeochemical cycling

Arnaud Legout , Karna Hansson , Gregory van Der Heijden , Jean-Paul Laclau , Louis Mareschal
Forest Ecology and Management, 2020, 461, pp.117844. ⟨10.1016/j.foreco.2019.117844⟩
Journal articles hal-02534149v1

Chemical fertility of forest ecosystems. Part 1: Common soil chemical analyses were poor predictors of stand productivity across a wide range of acidic forest soils

Karna Hansson , Jean-Paul Laclau , Laurent Saint-André , Louis Mareschal , Gregory van Der Heijden
Forest Ecology and Management, 2020, 461, pp.117843. ⟨10.1016/j.foreco.2019.117843⟩
Journal articles hal-02534129v1

S-ABA-induced changes in root to shoot partitioning of root-applied 44Ca in apple (Malus domestica Borkh.)

Lee Kalcsits , Gregory van Der Heijden , Sumyya Waliullah , Luca Giordani
Trees - Structure and Function, 2019, 33 (2), pp.433-442. ⟨10.1007/s00468-018-1789-6⟩
Journal articles hal-02624923v1

Quantifying the uncertainty in modeled water drainage and nutrient leaching fluxes in forest ecosystems

Gregory van Der Heijden , Armand Hinz , Serge Didier , Claude Nys , Etienne Dambrine
Ecosystems, 2019, 22 (3), pp.677-698. ⟨10.1007/s10021-018-0295-4⟩
Journal articles hal-02623463v1

Base cations in the soil bank: non-exchangeable pools may sustain centuries of net loss to forestry and leaching

Nicholas Rosenstock , Johan Stendahl , Gregory van Der Heijden , Lars Lundin , Eric Mcgivney
Soil, 2019, 5 (2), pp.351-366. ⟨10.5194/soil-5-351-2019⟩
Journal articles hal-03179922v1
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Soil aggregation may be a relevant indicator of nutrient cation availability

Léa Bedel , Arnaud Legout , Anne Poszwa , Gregory van Der Heijden , Mélanie Court
Annals of Forest Science, 2018, 75 (4), pp.103. ⟨10.1007/s13595-018-0782-y⟩
Journal articles hal-02076174v1

Long-term effects of forest liming on mineral soil, organic layer and foliage chemistry: Insights from multiple beech experimental sites in Northern France

Mélanie Court , Gregory van Der Heijden , Serge Didier , Claude Nys , Claudine Richter
Forest Ecology and Management, 2018, 409, pp.872-889. ⟨10.1016/j.foreco.2017.12.007⟩
Journal articles hal-02625637v1

Measuring Plant-Available Mg, Ca, and K Pools in the Soil—An Isotopic Dilution Assay

Gregory van Der Heijden , Jérémie Bel , Carol-Ann Craig , Andrew J. Midwood , Louis Mareschal
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2018, 2 (4), pp.292-313. ⟨10.1021/acsearthspacechem.7b00150⟩
Journal articles hal-02622351v1

Filling the gap in Ca input-output budgets in base-poor forest ecosystems: The contribution of non-crystalline phases evidenced by stable isotopic dilution

Gregory van Der Heijden , Arnaud Legout , Louis Mareschal , Jacques Ranger , Etienne E. Dambrine
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2017, 209, pp.135-148. ⟨10.1016/j.gca.2017.04.018⟩
Journal articles hal-01572615v1

Calcium Absorption during Fruit Development in 'Honeycrisp' Apple Measured Using Ca-44 as a Stable Isotope Tracer

Lee Kalcsits , Gregory van Der Heijden , Michelle Reid , Katie Mullin
HortScience, 2017, 52 (12), pp.1804-1809. ⟨10.21273/HORTSCI12408-17⟩
Journal articles hal-01865603v1

Local soil type variability controls the water budget and stand productivity in a beech forest

Gil Kirchen , Christophe Calvaruso , André Granier , Paul-Olivier Redon , Gregory van Der Heijden
Forest Ecology and Management, 2017, 390, pp.89-103. ⟨10.1016/j.foreco.2016.12.024⟩
Journal articles hal-01548678v1

NutsFor a process-oriented model to simulate nutrient and isotope tracer cycling in forest ecosystems

Gregory van Der Heijden , S. Belyazid , Etienne E. Dambrine , Jacques Ranger , Arnaud Legout
Environmental Modelling and Software, 2017, 95, pp.365-380. ⟨10.1016/j.envsoft.2017.06.003⟩
Journal articles hal-01581637v1

Storm disturbances in a Swedish forest — A case study comparing monitoring and modelling

Lin Yu , Salim Belyazid , Cecilia Akselsson , Gregory van Der Heijden , Giuliana Zanchi
Ecological Modelling, 2016, 320, pp.102-113. ⟨10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2015.09.025⟩
Journal articles hal-02632128v1

Tree species effects on solution chemistry and major element fluxes: A case study in the Morvan (Breuil, France)

Arnaud A. Legout , Gregory van Der Heijden , Jérôme Jaffrain , Jean-Pierre Boudot , Jacques J. Ranger
Forest Ecology and Management, 2016, 378, pp.244-258. ⟨10.1016/j.foreco.2016.07.003⟩
Journal articles hal-02637069v1

Unexpected calcium sources in deep soil layers in low-fertility forest soils identified by strontium isotopes (Lorraine plateau, eastern France)

Lea Bedel , Anne Poszwa , Gregory van Der Heijden , Arnaud A. Legout , Luc Aquilina
Geoderma, 2016, 264 (part A), pp.103-116. ⟨10.1016/j.geoderma.2015.09.020⟩
Journal articles insu-01220878v1

Mg and Ca uptake by roots in relation to depth and allocation to aboveground tissues: results from an isotopic labeling study in a beech forest on base-poor soil

Gregory van Der Heijden , Etienne Dambrine , Benoit Pollier , Bernhard Zeller , Jacques J. Ranger
Biogeochemistry, 2015, 122 (2-3), pp.375 - 393. ⟨10.1007/s10533-014-0047-2⟩
Journal articles hal-02634261v1
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Chemical fertility of forest soils: basic concepts

Arnaud Legout , Karna Hansson , Gregory van Der Heijden , Jean-Paul Laclau , Laurent Augusto
Revue forestière française, 2015, SP, pp.Fr.], ISSN 0035. ⟨10.4267/2042/56262⟩
Journal articles hal-03197772v1

Les avancées de la recherche dans le domaine de la modélisation des interactions sol-arbre

Laurent Saint-André , Julien Sainte-Marie , Sophie Leguédois , Bruno Ferry , Francois Lafolie
Revue forestière française, 2014, 66 (4), pp.479-490. ⟨10.4267/2042/56561⟩
Journal articles hal-01225257v1
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Compensation des exportations minérales et remédiations aux dégradations des sols. Compte rendu de l’atelier 3

Arnaud Legout , Claudine Richter , Noémie Pousse , Gregory van Der Heijden , Jean-Louis Morel
Revue forestière française, 2014, 66 (4), pp.547-557. ⟨10.4267/2042/56567⟩
Journal articles hal-01594291v1
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La gestion de la fertilité des sols forestiers est-elle à un tournant ? Une conclusion transitoire

Gregory van Der Heijden , Ludovic Henneron , Erwin Dreyer
Revue forestière française, 2014, 66 (4), pp.641-644. ⟨10.4267/2042/56583⟩
Journal articles hal-01601504v1

Is the management of forest soil fertility at a turning point? A brief conclusion

Gregory van Der Heijden , Ludovic Henneron , Erwin Dreyer
Revue forestière française, 2014, 66, pp.193-196
Journal articles hal-01601496v1

Fertilité chimique des sols forestiers : concepts de base

Arnaud Legout , Karna Hansson , Gregory van Der Heijden , Jean-Paul Laclau , Laurent Augusto
Revue forestière française, 2014, 66 (4), pp.413-424. ⟨10.4267/2042/56556⟩
Journal articles hal-01594244v1

The dynamics of calcium and magnesium inputs by throughfall in a forest ecosystem on base poor soil are very slow and conservative: evidence from an isotopic tracing experiment (Mg-26 and Ca-44)

Gregory van Der Heijden , Arnaud A. Legout , Benoit Pollier , Jacques J. Ranger , Etienne Dambrine
Biogeochemistry, 2014, 118 (1-3), pp.413-442. ⟨10.1007/s10533-013-9941-2⟩
Journal articles hal-02635936v1

Assessing Mg and Ca depletion from broadleaf forest soils and potential causes - A case study in the Morvan Mountains

Gregory van Der Heijden , Arnaud A. Legout , Benoit Pollier , Louis Mareschal , Marie-Pierre M.-P. Turpault
Forest Ecology and Management, 2013, 293, pp.65 - 78. ⟨10.1016/j.foreco.2012.12.045⟩
Journal articles hal-02652503v1

Mg and Ca root uptake and vertical transfer in soils assessed by an in situ ecosystem-scale multi-isotopic (Mg-26 & Ca-44) tracing experiment in a beech stand (Breuil-Chenue, France)

Gregory van Der Heijden , Arnaud A. Legout , Andrew J. Midwood , Carol-Ann Craig , Benoit Pollier
Plant and Soil, 2013, 369 (1-2), pp.33 - 45. ⟨10.1007/s11104-012-1542-7⟩
Journal articles hal-02648796v1

Tracing and modeling preferential flow in a forest soil - Potential impact on nutrient leaching

Gregory van Der Heijden , Arnaud Legout , Benoit Pollier , Claude Brechet , Jacques Ranger
Geoderma, 2013, 195, pp.12 - 22. ⟨10.1016/j.geoderma.2012.11.004⟩
Journal articles hal-01268178v1

Long-term sustainability of forest ecosystems on sandstone in the Vosges Mountains (France) facing atmospheric deposition and silvicultural change

Gregory van Der Heijden , Arnaud A. Legout , Manuel Nicolas , Erwin Ulrich , Dale W. Johnson
Forest Ecology and Management, 2011, 261 (3), pp.730-740. ⟨10.1016/j.foreco.2010.12.003⟩
Journal articles hal-02643720v1
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Sols - Impacts de la gestion sur la fertilité et le carbone des sols forestiers

Laurent Saint‐andré , Laurent Augusto , David L. Achat , Delphine Derrien , Lauric Cecillon
Webinaire INRAE, projet Tamobiom (ADEME), Groupement des Coopératives Forestières (GCF), Jan 2023, Paris (online), France
Conference papers hal-04642914v1

Nitrogen - bedrock interactions regulate nutrient limitation and sustainable forest growth

Steven Perakis , Kaveh Siah , Julie Pett-Ridge , Gregory van Der Heijden
2023 North American Forest Soils Conference, Jul 2023, Eugene (Oregon), United States
Conference papers hal-04195750v1

Interactions between nitrogen enrichment, weathering of rock-derived nutrients, and logging: consequences for nutrient limitation and sustainability in forests

Julie Pett-Ridge , Steven Perakis , Kaveh Siah , Gregory van Der Heijden
Goldschmidt 2023, Jul 2023, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-04195757v1

A multi-isotopic (44Ca and 26Mg) tracing experiment in a 35-year-old European beech forest to better understand the biogeochemical cycling of Mg and Ca in the plant-soil system

Gregory van Der Heijden , Jacques Ranger , Étienne Dambrine , Arnaud Legout
Seminar tracing nutrients in plant systems, Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Chile, Jul 2022, Santiago de chili, Chile
Conference papers hal-04195774v1

Forest Ecosystem Fertility in a changing world: Novel concepts, tools and approaches to understand the role of the biogeochemical cycles in tree nutrition

Gregory van Der Heijden , Karna Hansson , Jérémie Bel , Jean-Paul Laclau , Laurent Augusto
Eurosoil 2021, Aug 2022, Geneva, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-04195784v1

Dispositif expérimental de Cirey pour le suivi de l’érosion sous couvert forestier

Arnaud Legout , Simon Noury , Frédéric Darboux , Gregory van Der Heijden , Serge Didier
Journées Scientifiques de la Zone Atelier Moselle, 2022, Gérardmer, France
Conference papers hal-04222918v1
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Tree species drive soil fertility change during the 43 years after plantation - A dual approach (soil sampling and input-output mass balance) study of the Breuil-Chenue common garden experiment (Burgundy, France)

Margaux Clesse , Arnaud Legout , Jacques Ranger , Gregory van Der Heijden , Bernhard Zeller
Biogeomon 2022 10th International symposium on Ecosystem Behavior, Jun 2022, Tartu, Estonia
Conference papers hal-04195660v1

Biogeochemical Cycling in Conifer Forests of the Pacific Northwest, USA: Long-term Interactions of Soil Nitrogen, Mineralogy, and Logging Disturbance

Kaveh Siah , Steven Perakis , Julie Pett-Ridge , Gregory van Der Heijden , Douglas A. Maguire
AGU Fall Meeting 2021, Dec 2021, New Orleans (LA), United States
Conference papers hal-04195766v1

Quantifying plant-available pools of Ca, Mg and K in forest soils by stable isotopic dilution

Jérémie Bel , Arnaud Legout , Jean-Paul Laclau , Stefan Löfgren , Steven Hall
Goldschmidt 2019, Aug 2019, Barcelone (Espagne), Spain
Conference papers hal-04195669v1

Quantification of the sources of calcium magnesium and potassium in forest soils and their plant-availability by a multi-isotopic tracing and dilution approach

Jérémie Bel , Arnaud Legout , Laurent Saint‐andré , Gregory van Der Heijden
Functional Ecology Conference 2018, Dec 2018, Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-04195792v1

Quantifying the uncertainty in modeled water drainage and nutrient leaching fluxes in forest ecosystems

Gregory van Der Heijden , Armand Hinz , Claude Nys , Étienne Dambrine , Arnaud Legout
Funbctional Ecology Conference 2018, Dec 2018, Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-04195794v1

Non-crystalline phases are sources of Mg, Ca and K in the soil and actively contribute to geochemical equilibrium processes Evidence from a stable isotopic dilution assay

Gregory van Der Heijden , Arnaud Legout , Louis Mareschal , Jacques Ranger , Étienne Dambrine
Biogeomon 2017 9th International symposium on Ecosystem Behavior, Aug 2017, Litomyšl, Czech Republic
Conference papers hal-04195802v1

Tracing the fate of Mg and Ca originating from liming in Beech forest ecosystems of Northern France over 40 years : ecosystem nutrient budgets and 26Mg/24Mg and 87Sr/86Sr natural isotope ratio variations

Mélanie Court , Gregory van Der Heijden , Pascale Louvat , Bolou Emile Bolou Bi , Claude Nys
Goldschmidt 2017, Aug 2017, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-04197798v1

Tracing and modelling water fluxes in forest soils - 3 approaches

Gregory van Der Heijden , Arnaud Legout
Chloride Biogeochemistry in Forest Ecosystems, 2016, Sigtuna, Sweden
Conference papers hal-02793292v1
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Sustainability issues related to forest soils

Gregory van Der Heijden , Arnaud A. Legout , Karna Hansson , Jean-Paul Laclau , Laurent Augusto
Sustainable Intensification of Planted Forests: How far can we go?, Jun 2016, Biarritz, France. pp.33 slides
Conference papers hal-02793815v1

Traçage du cycle du calcium et du magnésium dans un écosystème forestier par ICP-MS

Gregory van Der Heijden , Benoit Pollier , Arnaud A. Legout
Isotrace 2015, Sep 2015, Aix en provence, France
Conference papers hal-02799914v1

Traçage du cycle du calcium et du magnésium dans un écosystème forestier par ICP-MS

Gregory van Der Heijden , Etienne Dambrine , Arnaud A. Legout
Réunion de travail à l'université de Strasbourg, Université de Strasbourg (Unistra). FRA., Jan 2015, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers hal-02800108v1

Apport du multi-traçage isotopique (26Mg, 44Ca et 2H) à la connaissance des flux d'éléments minéraux dans les écosystèmes forestiers

Gregory van Der Heijden , Etienne Dambrine , Arnaud A. Legout
Séminaire Eco&Sol "Isotopie des nutriments", Jan 2015, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-02793461v1

Dynamics of calcium and magnesium in forest ecosystems assessed by a multi-isotopic tracing experiment

Gregory van Der Heijden , Jacques J. Ranger , Etienne Dambrine , Arnaud A. Legout
ACID RAIN 2015, Oct 2015, Rochester, United States
Conference papers hal-02738608v1

Utilisation des isotopes stables pour étudier les cycles biogéochimiques du magnésium et du calcium dans les sols et les écosystèmes forestiers

Gregory van Der Heijden , Arnaud A. Legout
Après-midi scientifique de l'AFES, Dec 2015, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02792142v1

Les approches isotopiques pour étudier les processus de transferts de nutriments dans les agroécosystèmes : potentiel et limites

Gregory van Der Heijden
Séminaire Eco&Sol "Isotopie des nutriments", Jan 2015, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-02792920v1

Dynamics of calcium and magnesium in forest ecosystems assessed by a multi-isotopic (26Mg, 44Ca and 2H) tracing experiment

Gregory van Der Heijden , Jacques J. Ranger , Benoit Pollier , Etienne Dambrine , Arnaud A. Legout
Réunion avec Chris Holmden, University of Saskatchewan, University of Saskatchewan. CAN., Oct 2015, Saskatoon, Canada
Conference papers hal-02791998v1

Reactive transport of stable isotope tracers (26Mg and 44Ca) in a forest soil profile

Gregory van Der Heijden , Arnaud A. Legout , Jacques J. Ranger , Andrew J. Midwood , Etienne Dambrine
QWARTS annual meeting, 2014, Lund, Sweden
Conference papers hal-02798053v1

A multi-isotopic (26Mg, 44Ca and 2H) tracing experiment to better understand nutrient cycling in forest ecosystems

Gregory van Der Heijden , Etienne Dambrine , Arnaud A. Legout
SLU-QWARTZ seminar, May 2014, Uppsala, Sweden
Conference papers hal-02792653v1

A multidisciplinary approach to design a new generation of growth and yield models

Laurent Saint-André , Gregory van Der Heijden , Arnaud Legout , Delphine Derrien , Matthieu Barrandon
1. réunion du Conseil Scientifique du Labex Arbre, Dec 2014, Champenoux, France. pp.14 slides
Conference papers hal-01269105v1
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Redéfinition du concept de fertilité minérale des écosystèmes forestiers

Karna Hansson , Arnaud A. Legout , Gregory van Der Heijden , Jacques J. Ranger
12. Journées d'Etude des Sols (JES), Jun 2014, Le Bourget du Lac, France. 350 p
Conference papers hal-02739409v1

Reactive transport of stable isotope tracers (26Mg and 44Ca) in a Forest soil profile – role of the soil organic matter in the biogeochemical cycles of magnesium and calcium

Gregory van Der Heijden , Arnaud A. Legout , Jacques J. Ranger , Etienne Dambrine
Applied isotope Geochemistry, Sep 2013, Budapest, Hungary
Conference papers hal-02745353v1

Fertilité des sols : concept de base

Arnaud A. Legout , Karna Hansson , Jean-Paul Laclau , Gregory van Der Heijden , Laurent Augusto
Ateliers Regefor 2013 "La gestion de la fertilité des sols est-elle à un tournant ?", Jun 2013, Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-02807401v1

An in situ ecosystem-scale multi-isotopic (+Mg, 44Ca, 15N and 2H) tracing experiment

Gregory van Der Heijden , Arnaud A. Legout , Benoit Pollier , Bernhard Zeller , Jacques J. Ranger
7th International Symposium on Ecosystem Behavior: Biogeomon 2012, Jul 2012, Northport, Maine, United States
Conference papers hal-02745166v1

An in situ multi-isotopic [26Mg, 44Ca , 15N & 2H] tracing experiment to study nutrient fluxes in forest ecosystems

Gregory van Der Heijden , Arnaud A. Legout , A. Midwood , C-A. Craig , Benoit Pollier
Colloque ED RP2E, Jan 2012, Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-02805460v1

Tracing the fate of Mg and Ca originating from liming in Beech forest ecosystems of Northern France over 40 years: ecosystem nutrient budgets and 26Mg/24Mg and 87Sr/86Sr natural isotope ratio variations

Mélanie Court , Gregory van Der Heijden , Pascale Louvat , Emile Bolou Bi , Claude Nys
Goldschmidt 2017, Aug 2017, Paris, France. , 2017
Conference poster hal-01607868v1
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NUTSFOR a process oriented numerical model to simulate biogeochemical cycling and tree nutrition in forest ecosystems – Model development and testing using data from a multi-isotopic (26Mg 44Ca) tracing experiment

Gregory van Der Heijden , Arnaud A. Legout , Etienne Dambrine , Salim Belyazid
Acid Rain 2015, Oct 2015, Rochester, United States. 2015
Conference poster hal-02740774v1

La fertilité des sols : concept de base

Arnaud Legout , Karna Hansson , Jean-Paul Laclau , Gregory van Der Heijden , Laurent Augusto
4. Atelier REGEFOR : La gestion de la fertilité des sols forestiers est-elle à un tournant ?, Jun 2013, Champenoux, France. , 2013, Quatrième atelier REGEFOR : La gestion de la fertilité des sols forestiers est-elle à un tournant ?
Conference poster hal-01601692v1
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Les avancées de la recherche dans le domaine de la modélisation des interactions sol-plante en forêt

Laurent Saint-André , Julien Sainte-Marie , Sophie Leguédois , Bruno Ferry , Francois Lafolie
4. Atelier REGEFOR. La gestion de la fertilité des sols forestiers est-elle à un tournant ?, Jun 2013, Champenoux, France. , 2013, Quatrième atelier REGEFOR : La gestion de la fertilité des sols forestiers est-elle à un tournant ?
Conference poster hal-01000924v1

An in situ ecosystem-scale multi-isotopic (26Mg, 44Ca, 15N and 2H) tracing experiment to study nutrient fluxes in forest ecosystems

Gregory van Der Heijden , Arnaud A. Legout , Andrew J. Midwood , Carol-Ann Craig , Benoit Pollier
4. International Congress Eurosoil 2012 - Soil Science for the Benefit of Mankind and Environment, Jul 2012, Bari, Italy. 2012
Conference poster hal-02748138v1

Long-term sustainability of forest soil fertility assessed by nutrient input-output budgets and a modeling approach

Gregory van Der Heijden , Arnaud A. Legout , Manuel Nicolas , Erwin Ulrich , Dale W. Johnson
4. International Congress Eurosoil 2012 - Soil Science for the Benefit of Mankind and Environment, Jul 2012, Bari, Italy. 2012
Conference poster hal-02745716v1