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Guillaume Saint Pierre

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Previously involved in EU projects : EuroFOT, ecoDriver, U Drive, C-The-Difference, Fot Net Data. PI & co-PI of several national research projects. Guillaume Saint Pierre, born in 1975, holds a PhD in applied mathematics of the Toulouse III University, and holds an accreditation to supervise research (HDR) since 2017. He is currently working at the "Intelligent Transport Systems" research team of Cerema ( since 2017, being previously a research scientist at Ifsttar research institute ( His work interests are in understanding driver behaviour with the help of statistical analysis, road risk study, and fuel consumption analysis related to the driver usage of assistance systems.


3D Object Detection for Self-Driving Cars Using Video and LiDAR: An Ablation Study

Pascal Housam Salmane , Josué Manuel Rivera Velázquez , Louahdi Khoudour , Nguyen Anh Minh Mai , Pierre Duthon
Sensors, 2023, 23 (6), pp.3223. ⟨10.3390/s23063223⟩
Journal articles hal-04047579v1
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Analysis of Thermal Imaging Performance under Extreme Foggy Conditions: Applications to Autonomous Driving

Josué Manuel Rivera Velázquez , Louahdi Khoudour , Guillaume Saint Pierre , Pierre Duthon , Sébastien Liandrat
Journal of Imaging, 2022, 8 (11), pp.306. ⟨10.3390/jimaging8110306⟩
Journal articles hal-03976615v1
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Traffic signal detection from in-vehicle GPS speed profiles using functional data analysis and machine learning

Yann Méneroux , Arnaud Le Guilcher , Guillaume Saint Pierre , Mohammad Ghasemi Hamed , Sébastien Mustière
International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, 2020, 10, pp.101-119. ⟨10.1007/s41060-019-00197-x⟩
Journal articles hal-02332081v1

Evaluating individual risk proneness with vehicle dynamics and self-report data × toward the efficient detection of At-risk drivers

Blazej Palat , Guillaume Saint Pierre , Patricia Delhomme
Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2019, 1 (123), pp.140-149. ⟨10.1016/j.aap.2018.11.016⟩
Journal articles hal-02088556v1

Floating car data: observer les véhicules pour améliorer la sécurité routière

Guillaume Saint Pierre , Eric Violette , Annie Bracquemond
Revue Générale des Routes et de l'Aménagement, 2019
Journal articles hal-02194571v1

Experimental testing and simulations of speed variations impact on fuel consumption of conventional gasoline passenger cars

Camilla Freitas Salgueiredo , Olivier Orfila , Guillaume Saint Pierre , Philippe Doublet , Sébastien Glaser
Transportation Research : Part D, Transport and Environment, 2017, 57, pp.336-349. ⟨10.1016/j.trd.2017.09.029⟩
Journal articles hal-01671388v1

Fast Computing and Approximate Fuel Consumption Modeling for Internal Combustion Engine Passenger Cars

Olivier Orfila , Camila Freitas Salgueiredo , Guillaume Saint Pierre , Haihao Sun , Ye Li
Transportation research part D: Transport and Environment, 2017, 50, pp.14-25. ⟨10.1016/j.trd.2016.10.016⟩
Journal articles hal-02191725v1

An android based ecodriving assistance system to improve safety and efficiency of internal combustion engine passenger cars

Olivier Orfila , Guillaume Saint Pierre , Mickaël Messias
Transportation research. Part C, Emerging technologies, 2015, 58, pp. 772-782. ⟨10.1016/j.trc.2015.04.026⟩
Journal articles hal-01471738v1

Map-Matching Algorithm for Large Databases

Sébastien Romon , Xavier Bressaud , Sylvain Lassarre , Guillaume Saint-Pierre , Louahdi Khoudour
Navigation, 2015, 68 (5), pp.971-988. ⟨10.1017/S0373463315000156⟩
Journal articles hal-02191724v1

Loudness Effect on Pairwise Comparisons and Sorting

Patrick Susini , Olivier Houix , Guillaume Saint Pierre
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2015, 138 (3), pp.1918-1918. ⟨10.1121/1.4934034⟩
Journal articles hal-02191727v1

The Effect of Loudness on the Perceptual Representation of Sounds With Similar Timbre

Patrick Susini , Olivier Houix , Guillaume Saint Pierre
Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 2015, 101 (6), pp.1174-1184. ⟨10.3813/AAA.918910⟩
Journal articles hal-01255411v1
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Numerosity Heuristic in Route Choice Based on the Presence of Traffic Lights

Blazej Palat , Patricia Delhomme , Guillaume Saint Pierre
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 2014, 22, pp 104-112. ⟨10.1016/j.trf.2013.11.004⟩
Journal articles hal-00921298v1

Influence of front light configuration on the visual conspicuity of motorcycles

Maria Pinto , Viola Cavallo , Guillaume Saint Pierre
Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2014, 62, pp 230-237. ⟨10.1016/j.aap.2013.09.026⟩
Journal articles hal-01058294v1
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Evaluation of ecodriving performances and teaching method: comparing training and simple advice

Cindie Andrieu , Guillaume Saint Pierre
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 2014, 14 (3), pp.201-213
Journal articles hal-01573389v1

Temporal loudness weights for sounds with increasing and decreasing intensity profiles

Emmanuel Ponsot , Patrick Susini , Guillaume Saint Pierre , Sabine Meunier
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2013, 134 (4), pp.EL321-6. ⟨10.1121/1.4819184⟩
Journal articles hal-00946815v1
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Test séquentiel tronqué : niveau de confiance après acceptation

Ludovic d'Estampes , Bernard Garel , Guillaume Saint Pierre
Revue de Statistique Appliquée, 2003, LI (3), pp.75-92
Journal articles hal-01330096v1

Test séquentiel: niveau de confiance après acceptation

Ludovic d'Estampes , Bernard Garel , Guillaume Saint Pierre
Revue de Statistique Appliquée, 2003, pp.75-92
Journal articles hal-02194004v1
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Generic ontology and framework for critical scenario description and generation. Applied to evaluation and validation of Automated Vehicle

Maria Ruchiga , Rémi Sainct , Guillaume Saint Pierre , Dominique Gruyer
26th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems ITSC 2023, IEEE, Sep 2023, Bilbao, Spain
Conference papers hal-04430186v1

A New Methodology for Analysing Interactions between an Autonomous Vehicle and other Users

Josué Manuel Rivera Velázquez , Pascal Houssam Salmane , Guillaume Saint-Pierre , Louahdi Khoudour , Olivier Huynh
2023 IEEE 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Systems (ICPRS), Jul 2023, Guayaquil, France. pp.1-6, ⟨10.1109/ICPRS58416.2023.10179070⟩
Conference papers hal-04430056v1

Utilisation de l'intelligence artificielle (IA) pour la détection d'objets 3D dans l'environnement de véhicules autonomes.

Pascal Salmane , Louahdi Khoudour , Guillaume Saint Pierre , Josué Manuel Rivera Velázquez , Jean-paul Garrigos
JM RST 2023 : Journées Mobilités du Réseau Scientifique et Technique, Cerema, Jul 2023, Metz (France), France
Conference papers hal-04564571v1

Explaining Senior Drivers' Road near Misses Using Both Self-Reported and Automatic Collected Data

Blazej Palat , Patricia Delhomme , Guillaume Saint Pierre
9th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2018), July 21-25, 2018, Orlando, Florida, USA, Jul 2018, Orlando, United States
Conference papers hal-02193743v1

Detection and Localization of Traffic Signals with Gps Floating Car Data and Random Forest

Yann Méneroux , Hiroshi Kanasugi , Guillaume Saint Pierre , Arnaud Le Guilcher , Sébastien Mustière
10th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2018), August 28-31, 2018, Melbourne, Australia, Aug 2018, Melbourne, Australia. pp.11:1--11:15, ⟨10.4230/lipics.giscience.2018.11⟩
Conference papers hal-02193753v1

Evaluating Individual Risk Proneness with Self-Reported and Vehicle-Dynamics Data

Patricia Delhomme , Blazej Palat , Guillaume Saint Pierre
29th International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP 2018), June 26-30, 2018, Montréal, Québec, Canada, Jun 2018, Montréal, Canada
Conference papers hal-02193744v1

Crossing the Street in Dyads: Social Influence on Pedestrian Behaviour in an Immersive Virtual Environment

N.-T. Dang , Viola Cavallo , J. Thomson , A. Gorrini , A. Piwowarczyk
Road Safety and Simulation International conference (RSS2017), October 17-19, 2017, The Hague, The Netherlands, Oct 2017, The Hague, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-02193746v1

Positional Accuracy Control in Dense Urban Environment with Low-Cost Receiver and Multi-Constellation GNSS

Yann Méneroux , Manandhar Dinesh , Ranjit Saurav , Guillaume Saint Pierre , R Shibasaki
9th Multi-GNSS Asia (MGA) Conference, October 9-11, 2017, Jakarta, Indonesia, Oct 2017, Jakarta, Indonesia
Conference papers hal-02193751v1

Using Surrogate Road Network for Map-Matching: A Sensitivity Analysis of Positional Accuracy

Y. Méneroux , A. Le Guilcher , Olivier Orfila , B. Lusetti , Guillaume Saint Pierre
International Conference on GeoComputation (GeoComputation2017), September 4-7, 2017, Leeds, UK, Sep 2017, Leeds, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-02193747v1

Designing an Interface to Support Eco-Driving by the Combination of Ecological Interface Design with UserCentred Design

Toffetti Antonella , Oliver Carsten , Rino Brouwer , Pablo Mejuto , Samantha Jamson
Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Europe, September 28-30, 2017, Rome, Italy, Sep 2017, Rome, Italy
Conference papers hal-02193749v1

La mobilité numérique au service de la sécurité routière

Guillaume Saint Pierre
26ème entretiens Jacques Cartier \guillemotleft Facteurs humains, technologies embarquées et numériques : Quel rôle pour les politiques de sécurité routière, November 22-23, 2016, Lyon, France, Nov 2016, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-02194677v1

La mobilité numérique au service de la sécurité routière

Guillaume Saint Pierre , Vincent Ledoux , Thierry Serre , Eric Violette
Evaluation des politiques de sécurité routière : nouvelles technologies, enjeux économiques et communication - ORSI EPSR, Nov 2016, Paris, France. 22p
Conference papers hal-01458099v1

Quantifying Ecodriving Performances: Efficient Feedback for Efficient Driving

Guillaume Saint Pierre
Workshop "Human factors of green driving", TRB 94th Annual Meeting, January 11, 2015, Washington, USA, Jan 2015, Washington, United States
Conference papers hal-02194676v1

How to Predict Real Road State from Vehicle Embedded Camera?

N. Gimonet , A. Cord , Guillaume Saint Pierre
2015~IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium~(IV), June~28 - July 01, 2015, Seoul, Korea, Jun 2015, Seoul, South Korea. ⟨10.1109/IVS.2015.7225749⟩
Conference papers hal-02193740v1

Loudness effect on pairwise comparisons and sorting

Patrick Susini , Olivier Houix , Guillaume Saint Pierre
the 170th ASA meeting, Nov 2015, Jacksonville, United States
Conference papers hal-01255894v1

Data-mining for driver behavior analysis

Michel Lutz , Laurette Guyonvarch , Guillaume Saint Pierre , Anne Guillaume
European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics (ENBIS), Sep 2015, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers hal-02093443v1

Overview of strategies for reducing co2 emissions during the use phase of passenger cars

Camila Freitas Salgeiredo , Olivier Orfila , Guillaume Saint Pierre , Alex Coiret , Pierre-Olivier Vandanjon
Transport Research Arena 2014 proceedings, 2014, Paris, France. pp.1-10
Conference papers hal-02987426v1

From FOT to NDS Recent Developments in UDRIVE The First Large-Scale European Naturalistic Driving Study

Guillaume Saint Pierre
4th International Symposium on Naturalistic Driving Research, August 25-28, 2014, Blacksburg, USA, Aug 2014, Blacksburg, United States
Conference papers hal-02194674v1
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Impact evaluation of speed regulation systems using naturalistic driving data: The EuroFOT example

Guillaume Saint Pierre , Hélène Tattegrain , Clément Val
TRA 2014 - Transport Research Arena : 5th Conference: Transport Solutions from Research to Deployment, Apr 2014, Paris, France. 10 p
Conference papers hal-01292844v2

Development of an Ecodriving Assistance Application for Nomadic Devices Performing Real-time and Post-trip Coaching for Road Vehicles

Olivier Orfila , Guillaume Saint Pierre , Mickaël Messias , Judicaël Abecassis , Pablo Mejuto
TRA2014 - Transport Research Arena, Apr 2014, France. 10 p
Conference papers hal-01056321v1

Big data, sécurité routière, et assurances

Guillaume Saint Pierre
Table ronde de l'Institut des actuaires "données internes, données externes", October 15, 2014, Paris, France, Oct 2014, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02194675v1
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Overview of Solutions for Reducing CO2 Emissions during the Use Phase of Passenger Cars

Camila Freitas Salgueiredo , Olivier Orfila , Guillaume Saint Pierre , Alex Coiret , P.O. Vandanjon
TRA2014 Transport Research Arena 2014 : Transport Solutions: from Research to Deployment - Innovate Mobility, Mobilise Innovation !, Apr 2014, Paris La Défense, France. pp.1-10
Conference papers hal-02193741v1

Estimation of Space-Speed Profiles : A Functional Approach Using Smoothing Splines

Cindie Andrieu , Guillaume Saint Pierre , Xavier Bressaud
2013 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), June 23-26, 2013, Gold Coast, Australia, Jun 2013, Gold Coast, Australia. ⟨10.1109/IVS.2013.6629594⟩
Conference papers hal-02193742v1

Statistique et sécurité routière : L'observation de la conduite en situation naturelle

Guillaume Saint Pierre , Cindie Andrieu
45ème journées de Statistique, Mai 27-31, 2013, Toulouse, France, May 2013, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-02194670v1

Statistical Modeling of Safety Events in Naturalistic Driving Data: An Application to Speed Regulation Systems

Guillaume Saint Pierre
5th International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology, August 29-31, 2012, Groningen, The Netherlands, Aug 2012, Groningen, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-02194671v1

Design and Development of Mobile Service for Ecodriving

Guillaume Saint Pierre
DECOMOBIL : Workshop "Nomadic transport services for multimodal mobility", November 15, 2012, Lyon, France, Nov 2012, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-02194673v1

ADAS Impact Assessment

Guillaume Saint Pierre
FOT-Net International Workshop: round table on Impact Assessment and Scaling up, October 21, 2012, Vienna, Austria, Oct 2012, Vienna, Austria
Conference papers hal-02194672v1

A computational model for car drivers situation awareness simulation: Cosmodrive

T Bellet , Jean-Charles Bornard , P Mayenobe , Guillaume Saint Pierre
DHM 2011 First International Symposium on Digital Human Modeling, Jun 2011, France. 8p
Conference papers hal-00908678v1

Safety analysis method for assessing the impacts of advanced driver assistance systems within the european large scale field test Eurofot

M Benmimoum , F Faber , Ml Aust , Guillaume Saint Pierre , A Zlocki
8th European Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services, Jun 2011, France. 15p
Conference papers hal-00904358v1

Research issues in Eco-driving

A Rakotonirainy , N Haworth , Guillaume Saint Pierre , Patricia Delhomme
22nd International Technical Conference on the Enhaced Safety of Vehicles, Jun 2011, France. 7p
Conference papers hal-00880521v1

Caractérisation de l'éco-conduite et construction d'un indicateur dynamique pour véhicules thermiques

Guillaume Saint Pierre , Cindie Andrieu
PRAC 2010 : Prévention des Risques et Aides à la Conduite, May 2010, France. 10p
Conference papers hal-00560568v1

A fast monte carlo algorythm for collision probability estimation

Dominique Gruyer , Guillaume Saint Pierre , Alain Lambert
IEEE International conference on control automation robotic and vision, Dec 2008, France. 7p
Conference papers hal-00850806v1

Added risk by rainy weather on the roads of Normandie-Centre region in France : Some elements for the French IRCAD-SARI traffic monitoring and information system for drivers and operators

Maurice Aron , Ruth Bergel Hayat , Guillaume Saint Pierre , Eric Violette
11th World Conference on Transportation Research WCTR, Jun 2007, France. 21p
Conference papers hal-00371870v1

Rain reconstruction from various weather- related data sets using logistic regression : Methodology and applications

Guillaume Saint Pierre , Maurice Aron , Ruth Bergel , Eric Violette
TRB 2007 Annual meeting, Jan 2007, France. 15p
Conference papers hal-00364344v1
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Systèmes embarqués de régulation de la vitesse.

Guillaume Saint Pierre , Helene Tattegrain , Lara Désiré
LA VITESSE : ENJEUX CONTEMPORAINS ET POLITIQUES PUBLIQUES, Editions Harmattan, 2023, 978-2-336-40401-1
Book sections hal-04430282v1

La mobilité numérique au service de la sécurité routière

Guillaume Saint Pierre , Vincent Ledoux , Thierry Serre , Eric Violette
Blanchard, Gilles and Carnis, Laurent. Évaluation des politiques de sécurité routières. Nouvelles technologies, enjeux économiques et communication, L'Harmattan, 2017
Book sections hal-02194861v1

The impact of subjective factors on driver vigilance: a driving simulator study. In: Driver behaviour and training, volume 3, chapitre 29

Jérémy Vrignon , Andry Rakotonirainy , Dominique Gruyer , Guillaume Saint Pierre
The impact of subjective factors on driver vigilance: a driving simulator study. In: Driver behaviour and training, volume 3, chapitre 29, ASHGATE, pp. 367-377, 2008
Book sections hal-00921228v1
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RESULTAT R5.3-6. Rapport d’étude T5.3

Louahdi Khoudour , Pascal Housam Salmane , Josué Manuel Rivera Velázquez , Jean-paul Garrigos , Guillaume Saint Pierre
Cerema - Centre d'Etudes et d'Expertise sur les Risques, l'Environnement, la Mobilité et l'Aménagement. 2023
Reports hal-04438931v1
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MODALES D6.4: Impact assessment report

Guillaume Saint Pierre , Pascal Housam Salmane , Lucas Rivoirard , Guillaume Costeseque , Jean-paul Garrigos
Cerema - Centre d'Etudes et d'Expertise sur les Risques, l'Environnement, la Mobilité et l'Aménagement. 2023
Reports hal-04430232v1
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Évaluation des effets des politiques de mobilité et de sécurité routière sur l'accidentalité routière des villes-centres en milieu urbain. Livrable 2 du projet PUSER (Politiques Urbaines de Sécurité Routière)

Catherine Fourrel , Laurent Carnis , Vincent Ledoux , Florian Vanco , Benoit Hiron
Cerema - Centre d'Etudes et d'Expertise sur les Risques, l'Environnement, la Mobilité et l'Aménagement. 2021
Reports hal-04431054v1
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MODALES D5.2: Functional specifications

Ramiro Camino , Sébastien Faye , Neamah Hasan , Guillaume Saint Pierre , Jean-paul Garrigos
Cerema - Centre d'Etudes et d'Expertise sur les Risques, l'Environnement, la Mobilité et l'Aménagement. 2020
Reports hal-04430996v1
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Study of the ILS certification process. Confidence limits and probabilities.

Véronique Font , Bernard Garel , Ludovic d'Estampes , Guillaume Saint Pierre
[Technical Report] IXI. 2002
Reports hal-01332300v1
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Rapport d’expertise de la procédure de qualification des équipements ILS. Limites et Probabilités de confiance.

Véronique Font , Bernard Garel , Ludovic d'Estampes , Guillaume Saint Pierre
[Rapport Technique] IXI/AED/01/P015, IXI. 2002
Reports hal-01331340v1
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Rapport concernant la possibilité d’utiliser le MTBO théorique dans la procédure de qualification des équipements ILS

Véronique Font , Bernard Garel , Ludovic d'Estampes , Guillaume Saint Pierre
[Rapport Technique] IXI/SDO/00/P093/N1, IXI. 2001
Reports hal-01330115v1
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Évaluation de l’impact des systèmes de transports intelligents

Guillaume Saint Pierre
Statistiques [math.ST]. Université d'Evry-Val-d'Essonne, 2017
Habilitation à diriger des recherches tel-01670569v1