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Guy Cathébras

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Breaking the speed-power-accuracy trade-off in current mirror with non-linear CCII feedback

Mohan Julien , Serge Bernard , Fabien Soulier , Vincent Kerzérho , Guy Cathébras
Microelectronics Journal, 2019, 83, pp.77-85. ⟨10.1016/j.mejo.2018.11.016⟩
Journal articles lirmm-01954318v1

A phantom axon setup for validating models of action potential recordings

Olivier Rossel , Fabien Soulier , Serge Bernard , David Guiraud , Guy Cathébras
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 2016, 10 (4), pp.671-678. ⟨10.1007/s11517-016-1463-3⟩
Journal articles lirmm-01347422v1

Amplificateur faible-bruit dédié à l'enregistrement d'ENG à partir d'une électrode cuff hexagonale

Lionel Gouyet , Guy Cathébras , Serge Bernard , Fabien Soulier , David Guiraud
La Revue de l'électricité et de l'électronique, 2009, 06-07 2009, pp.N/A
Journal articles lirmm-00406532v1

Thermal Simulation and Experimental Results of a Micromachined Thermal Inclinometer

Johann Courteaud , P. Combette , Nicolas Crespy , Guy Cathébras , Alain Giani
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical , 2008, 141 (2), pp.307-313. ⟨10.1016/j.sna.2007.09.008⟩
Journal articles lirmm-00265702v1

A New Method for Implementing Moment Functions in a CMOS Retina

Olivier Aubreton , Lew Fock Chong Lew Yan Voon , Bernard Lamalle , Guy Cathébras
Machine Vision and Applications, 2006, 16 (6), pp.384-392. ⟨10.1007/s00138-005-0010-2⟩
Journal articles lirmm-00108538v1

CMOS Image Sensor for Spatiotemporal Image Acquisition

Benaïssa Bellach , Guy Cathébras , Lew Fock Chong Lew Yan Voon , Olivier Aubreton , Bernard Lamalle
Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2006, 15 (2), 020502 (3 p.). ⟨10.1117/1.2191767⟩
Journal articles lirmm-00108715v1

Using Dithering for Implementing Geometric Moment Function Estimation in a Correlation Retina

Olivier Aubreton , Lew Fock Chong Lew Yan Voon , Bernard Lamalle , Guy Cathébras
Optics and Spectroscopy, 2006, 101 (1), pp.3-10. ⟨10.1134/S0030400X06070022⟩
Journal articles lirmm-00108687v1
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Masquer l'Objet pour Mieux le Reconnaître

L.F.C. Lew Yan Voon , Olivier Aubreton , Benaïssa Bellach , Bernard Lamalle , Patrick Gorria
uB Sciences, 2005, 1, pp.70-77
Journal articles lirmm-00105366v1

Retina for Pattern Matching in Standard O.6um CMOS Technology

Olivier Aubreton , Benaïssa Bellach , L.F.C. Lew Yan Voon , Bernard Lamalle , Patrick Gorria
Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2004, 13 (3), pp.559-569. ⟨10.1117/1.1762886⟩
Journal articles lirmm-00108571v1

100-x100- Pixel CMOS Retina for Real-Time Binary Pattern Matching

Lew Voon , Guy Cathébras , Bernard Lamalle , Patrick Gorria , Olivier Aubreton
Optical Engineering, 2002, 41 (5), pp.924-925. ⟨10.1117/1.1468229⟩
Journal articles lirmm-00268660v1

A Performance Driven Layout Synthesis Approach for Digital CMOS Cell Implementation

Michel Robert , Guy Cathébras , Nadine Azemard , Denis Deschacht , Daniel Auvergne
Integration, the VLSI Journal, 1993
Journal articles lirmm-00239254v1

Evaluation Dynamique et Optimisation des Structures CMOS et VLSI

Daniel Auvergne , Nadine Azemard , Guy Cathébras , Denis Deschacht , Michel Robert
Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série TSI : Technique et Science Informatiques, 1989, 8 (6), pp.593-607
Journal articles lirmm-00239199v1
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Multi-Micro-Sensor Platform for Monitoring Toxic Algal Blooms and Pollution in Coastal Marine Waters: Transducer Integration in Micro-Technology

Pierre Groc , Guy Cathébras , Vincent Kerzérho , Adrian Laborde , Fabien Soulier
Eurosensors XXXV, Sep 2023, Lecce, Italy. pp.94, ⟨10.3390/proceedings2024097094⟩
Conference papers lirmm-04612308v1
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Improvement of Active-Input Current Mirrors Using Adaptive Biasing Technique

Mohan Julien , Serge Bernard , Fabien Soulier , Vincent Kerzérho , Guy Cathébras
DCIS 2018 - 33rd Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, Nov 2018, Lyon, France. ⟨10.1109/DCIS.2018.8681474⟩
Conference papers lirmm-02287704v1

Formal analysis of high-performance stabilized active-input current mirror

Mohan Julien , Serge Bernard , Fabien Soulier , Vincent Kerzérho , Guy Cathébras
ISCAS: International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, May 2017, Baltimore, MD, United States. ⟨10.1109/ISCAS.2017.8051012⟩
Conference papers lirmm-01710205v1

Formal analysis of bandwidth enhancement for high-performance active-input current mirror

Mohan Julien , Serge Bernard , Fabien Soulier , Vincent Kerzérho , Guy Cathébras
DTIS: Design and Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era, Apr 2017, Palma de Mallorca, Spain. ⟨10.1109/DTIS.2017.7930162⟩
Conference papers lirmm-01710201v1
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Exploring the limit of ENG spatio-temporal filtering for velocity-selectivity

Mariam Abdallah , Olivier Rossel , Serge Bernard , Fabien Soulier , Guy Cathébras
NER: Neural Engineering, Apr 2015, Montpellier, France. pp.585-588, ⟨10.1109/NER.2015.7146690⟩
Conference papers lirmm-01168118v1
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In-silico Phantom Axon: Emulation of an Action Potential Propagating Along Artificial Nerve Fiber

Olivier Rossel , Fabien Soulier , Serge Bernard , David Guiraud , Guy Cathébras
ISVLSI: International Symposium on Very Large Scale Integration, Jul 2015, Montpellier, France. pp.228-230, ⟨10.1109/ISVLSI.2015.123⟩
Conference papers lirmm-01237977v1

Advanced Active Implantable Medical Devices: How to get the best trade off between research needs and clinical usability?

David Guiraud , Guy Cathébras , David Andreu
NEWCAS: NEW Circuits And Systems, Jun 2015, Grenoble, France
Conference papers lirmm-01161904v1

Simplified review of DCDC switching noise and spectrum contents

Adnan Fares , Sami Ajram , Guy Cathébras
PRIME: Ph.D. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics, Jun 2014, Grenoble, France. ⟨10.1109/PRIME.2014.6872677⟩
Conference papers lirmm-01246095v1
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Low-noise and Low-power Front-end for True-tripolar ENG Amplifier

Mariam Abdallah , Fabien Soulier , Serge Bernard , Lionel Gouyet , Guy Cathébras
IFESS: International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society, Jun 2013, San Sebastian, Spain. pp.217-219
Conference papers lirmm-00839180v1

A new shared-input amplifier architecture with enhanced noise-power efficiency for parallel biosignal recordings

Jonathan Coulombe , Olivier Rossel , Serge Bernard , Fabien Soulier , Guy Cathébras
ISCAS 2012 - International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, May 2012, Seoul, South Korea. pp.846-849, ⟨10.1109/ISCAS.2012.6272173⟩
Conference papers lirmm-00732253v1

Advances in Implanted Functional Electrical Stimulation

Fabien Soulier , Serge Bernard , Guy Cathébras , David Guiraud
DTIS: Design and Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era, Apr 2011, Athens, Greece. pp.1-6, ⟨10.1109/DTIS.2011.5941417⟩
Conference papers lirmm-00607832v1

Fascicle-Selective Multi-Contact Cuff Electrode

Olivier Rossel , Fabien Soulier , Jonathan Coulombe , Serge Bernard , Guy Cathébras
EMBC: Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, Aug 2011, Boston, United States. pp.2989-2992, ⟨10.1109/IEMBS.2011.6090820⟩
Conference papers lirmm-00623119v1

Sensitivity of a Frequency-Selective Electrode Based on Spatial Spectral Properties of the Extracellular AP of Myelinated Nerve Fibers

Olivier Rossel , Fabien Soulier , Serge Bernard , Guy Cathébras
EMBC: Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, Aug 2011, Boston, United States. pp.5843-5846, ⟨10.1109/IEMBS.2011.6091445⟩
Conference papers lirmm-00623127v1

Dependability: A Challenge for Electrical Medical Implant

Fanny Le Floch , Guy Cathébras , Serge Bernard , Fabien Soulier
32nd Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference, Aug 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina. pp.4
Conference papers lirmm-00506114v1

Design of Nerve Signal Biosensor

Fabien Soulier , Olivier Rossel , Serge Bernard , Guy Cathébras , David Guiraud
NEWCAS-TAISA'09: North-East Workshop on Circuits and Systems, Traitement Analogique de l'Information, du Signal et ses Applications, Jun 2009, Toulouse, France. pp.400-403
Conference papers lirmm-00413452v1

Dependability for Implanted Medical Devices

Fanny Le Floch , Serge Bernard , Fabien Soulier , Guy Cathébras
DECIDE'08: Second International Workshop on Dependable Circuit Design, Mexico, Mexico. pp.N/A
Conference papers lirmm-00370666v1
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An optimized layout for multipolar neural recording electrode

Fabien Soulier , Olivier Rossel , Serge Bernard , Guy Cathébras , David Guiraud
IFESS: International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society, Sep 2009, Seoul, South Korea. pp.39-41
Conference papers lirmm-00413474v1
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New Dependability Approach for Implanted Medical Devices

Fabien Soulier , Fanny Le Floch , Serge Bernard , Guy Cathébras
International Conference on Microelectronics, Dec 2009, Marrakech, Morocco
Conference papers hal-00413484v1
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Sûreté de fonctionnement pour les implants médicaux

Fanny Le Floch , Serge Bernard , Fabien Soulier , Guy Cathébras
GDR SOC/SIP, Jun 2009, Orsay, France
Conference papers hal-00413476v1
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Low-Noise Averaging Amplifier Dedicated to ENG Recording with Hexagonal Cuff Electrode

Lionel Gouyet , Guy Cathébras , Serge Bernard , Fabien Soulier , David Guiraud
NEWCAS-TAISA 2008 - 2008 Joint 6th International IEEE Northeast Workshop on Circuits and Systems and TAISA Conference, Jun 2008, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. pp.161-164, ⟨10.1109/NEWCAS.2008.4606346⟩
Conference papers lirmm-00336369v1

A Neural Stimulator Output Stage for Dodecapolar Electrodes

Fabien Soulier , Jean-Baptiste Lerat , Lionel Gouyet , Serge Bernard , Guy Cathébras
ISVLSI'08: IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, Apr 2008, Montpellier, France. pp.487-490, ⟨10.1109/ISVLSI.2008.84⟩
Conference papers lirmm-00279905v1

CMOS Image Sensor for the Analysis of Fast-Moving Luminous Objects

Benaïssa Bellach , Bernard Lamalle , L.F.C. Lew Yan Voon , Guy Cathébras
International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics, Beaune (France), 7/pp. 71-76
Conference papers lirmm-00269717v1
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Considerations on Improving the Design of Cuff Electrode for ENG Recording - Geometrical Approach, Dedicated IC, Sensitivity and Noise Rejection

Fabien Soulier , Lionel Gouyet , Guy Cathébras , Serge Bernard , David Guiraud
BIODEVICES: Biomedical Electronics and Devices, Jan 2008, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. pp.180-185
Conference papers lirmm-00334769v1

Stream Manager, Easy CAD Tools Switching in Academic Context

Jean-Marc J.-M. Galliere , Guy Cathébras
IEEE Conference on Microelectronic Systems Education, Jun 2007, San Diego, USA, pp.2
Conference papers lirmm-00370396v1

Stream Manager, Easy CAD Tools Switching in Academic Context

Jean-Marc J.-M. Galliere , Guy Cathébras
MSE: Microelectronic Systems Education, Jun 2007, San Diego, United States. ⟨10.1109/MSE.2007.77⟩
Conference papers hal-01709640v1

Design of a Low Jitter Multi-Phase Realigned PLL in Submicronic CMOS Technology

Régis Roubadia , Sami Ajram , Guy Cathébras
ISCAS'07: IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, May 2007, New Orleans, LA, USA, pp.2490-2493, ⟨10.1109/ISCAS.2007.378744⟩
Conference papers lirmm-00265700v1

A Cuff Electrode Dedicated to ENG Recording with Multipolar Configuration for Both Efficient Sensitivity and High Rejection of EMG Parasitic Signals

Lionel Gouyet , Guy Cathébras , Serge Bernard , David Guiraud , Yves Bertrand
9th Vienna International Workshop on Functional Electrical Stimulation, Oct 2007, Krems, Austria, pp.78-81
Conference papers lirmm-00176528v1
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A New Configuration of Multipolar Cuff Electrode and Dedicated IC for Afferent Signal Recording

Serge Bernard , Yves Bertrand , Guy Cathébras , Lionel Gouyet , David Guiraud
3rd International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, Hawai, United States. pp.578-581
Conference papers lirmm-00195236v1
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Low-Noise ASIC and New Layout of Multipolar Electrode for Both High ENG Selectivity and Parasitic Signal Rejection

Serge Bernard , Lionel Gouyet , Guy Cathébras , Fabien Soulier , David Guiraud
ICECS'07: International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Dec 2007, Marrakech, Morocco, Morocco. pp.A4L-A
Conference papers lirmm-00195231v1
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Supply Voltage Glitches Effects on CMOS Circuits

Anissa Djellid-Ouar , Guy Cathébras , Frédéric Bancel
DTIS'06: Design and Test of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Technology, Sep 2006, Tunis (Tunisia), pp.257-261
Conference papers lirmm-00093365v1

Interpretation of ENG signal for FES closed-loop control

Milan Djilas , Christine Azevedo Coste , Kenichi Yoshida , Guy Cathébras
IFESS: International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society, Sep 2006, Sendai, Japan
Conference papers lirmm-00128011v1

Hardware Computation of Moment Functions in a Silicon Retina Using Binary Patterns

Olivier Aubreton , Lew Fock Chong Lew Yan Voon , Bernard Lamalle , Guy Cathébras
ICIP 2006 - IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Oct 2006, Atlanta, Georgia, United States. pp.3293-3296
Conference papers lirmm-00109049v1

Stream Manager: Une Assistance à la Gestion des Projets Microélectroniques

Guy Cathébras , Jean-Marc J.-M. Galliere
CNFM'06 : 9èmes Journées Pédagogiques, Nov 2006, Saint-Malo (France), pp.5-8
Conference papers lirmm-00117324v1

Stream Manager, an Answer to Academic Project Policy

Jean-Marc J.-M. Galliere , Guy Cathébras
AQTR: Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, May 2006, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. ⟨10.1109/AQTR.2006.254614⟩
Conference papers hal-01709644v1

Supply voltage glitches effects on CMOS circuits

Guy Cathébras , Anissa Djellid-Ouar , Frédéric Bancel
IEEE International Mixed Signal Testing Workshop, Jun 2006, Edinburgh, pp.187-190
Conference papers lirmm-00109069v1
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Modélisation des effets de perturbation de la tension d'alimentation sur les circuits CMOS

Anissa Djellid-Ouar , Guy Cathébras , Frédéric Bancel
JNRDM'06 : Journées Nationales du Réseau Doctoral en Microélectronique, May 2006, Rennes, France. pp.82-84
Conference papers lirmm-00109103v1

Estimation du Mouvement Global par Mesures Locales Périphériques

Fabrice Gensolen , Guy Cathébras , Lionel Martin , Michel Robert
READ: Rétines Electroniques / Asic-FPGA et DSP pour la Vision et le Traitement d'Images en Temps Réel, Jun 2005, Institut National des Télécommunications, Ivry, France. pp.77-82
Conference papers lirmm-00106520v1
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Electrical Performances of a New Multipolar Micro-Stimulator

Jean-Denis Techer , Guy Cathébras , Yves Bertrand , David Guiraud , Serge Bernard
IFESS: International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society, Jul 2005, Montréal, Canada. pp.232-234
Conference papers lirmm-00106475v1
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An Integrated Image Motion Sensor for Micro Camera Module

Fabrice Gensolen , Guy Cathébras , Lionel Martin , Michel Robert
VLSI-SoC: Very Large Scale Integration - System-on-Chip, Oct 2005, Perth, Australia. pp.333-338
Conference papers lirmm-00106497v1

Focal Plane Integration of Image Texture Coding for Pixel Correspondence

Fabrice Gensolen , Guy Cathébras , Lionel Martin , Michel Robert
PRIME: PhD Research in Microelectronics and Electronics, Jul 2005, Lausanne, Switzerland. pp.327-330
Conference papers lirmm-00106065v1

Pixel Level Silicon Integration of Motion Estimation

Fabrice Gensolen , Guy Cathébras , Lionel Martin , Michel Robert
DDECS: Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems, Apr 2005, Sopron, Hungary. pp.93-98
Conference papers lirmm-00105989v1
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An Image Sensor with Global Motion Estimation for Micro Camera Module

Fabrice Gensolen , Guy Cathébras , Lionel Martin , Michel Robert
ACIVS: Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, Sep 2005, Anvers, Belgium. pp.713-721
Conference papers lirmm-00106498v1

A CMOS Retina for Zernike Moments Estimation

Olivier Aubreton , L.F.C. Lew Yan Voon , Bernard Lamalle , Guy Cathébras , Frederic Moniot
Electronic Imaging, Jan 2005, San Jose, CA, United States. pp.119-128, ⟨10.1117/12.586817⟩
Conference papers lirmm-00106435v1

Masques Binaires pour Reconnaissance de Forme

Olivier Aubreton , Guy Cathébras , Bernard Lamalle , L.F.C. Lew Yan Voon , C. Lemaitre
READ'05: Rétines ElectroniquesAsic-FPGA et DSP pour la Vision et le Traitement d'Images en Temps Réel, Jun 2005, Institut National des Télécommunications, Evry, France. pp.67-72
Conference papers lirmm-00106521v1

Simulation du Bruit de Phase de la PLL basée sur un Modèle Petit-Signal

Régis Roubadia , Sami Ajram , Guy Cathébras
JNRDM 2005 - 8e Journées Nationales du Réseau Doctoral de Microélectronique, May 2005, Paris, France. pp.140-142
Conference papers lirmm-00106538v1
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Current Mask Generation: an Analog Circuit to Thwart DPA Attacks

Daniel Mesquita , Jean-Denis Techer , Lionel Torres , Michel Robert , Guy Cathébras
VLSI-SoC 2005 - 13th International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration of System on Chip, Oct 2005, Perth, Australia. pp.317-330, ⟨10.1007/978-0-387-73661-7_20⟩
Conference papers lirmm-00102782v1

Capteur Numérique d'Images Dédié à la Mesure de Vitesse de Phénomènes Lumineux

Benaïssa Bellach , L.F.C. Lew Yan Voon , Bernard Lamalle , Guy Cathébras
READ'05: Rétines ElectroniquesAsic-FPGA et DSP pour la Vision et le Traitement d'Images en Temps Réel, Jun 2005, Institut National des Télécommunications, Evry, pp.99-105
Conference papers lirmm-00106540v1
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New Implantable Stimulator for the FES of Paralyzed Muscles

Jean-Denis Techer , Serge Bernard , Yves Bertrand , Guy Cathébras , David Guiraud
ESSCIRC: European Solid-State Circuits Conference, Sep 2004, Leuven, Belgium. pp.455-458, ⟨10.1109/ESSCIR.2004.1356716⟩
Conference papers lirmm-00108820v1
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Estimation du Mouvement Global en Vue de son Intégration sur Silicium

Fabrice Gensolen , Guy Cathébras , Lionel Martin
JNRDM: Journées Nationales du Réseau Doctoral de Microélectronique, 2004, Marseille, France
Conference papers lirmm-00108646v1

Conception et Modélisation de Briques Elémentaires CMOS

Guy Cathébras , S. Dussausay , Michel Robert , Philippe Maurine
CNFM'04 : 8ème Journées Pédagogiques du Comité National de Formation en Microélectronique, 2004, Saint-Malo, France. pp.35-37
Conference papers lirmm-00108672v1
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An Implantable Asic for Neural Stimulation

Jean-Denis Techer , Serge Bernard , Yves Bertrand , Guy Cathébras , David Guiraud
Biomedical Circuits and Systems, Dec 2004, Singapore, pp.S1.7.INV-5-8
Conference papers lirmm-00108827v1

Introduction aux Outils CADENCE

Laurent Latorre , Guy Cathébras , Lionel Torres
CNFM'04 : 8ème Journées Pédagogiques du Comité National de Formation en Microélectronique, 2004, Saint-Malo, pp.9-15
Conference papers lirmm-00108670v1
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A Block Matching Approach for Movement Estimation in a CMOS Retina: Principle and Results

David Navarro , Guy Cathébras , Fabrice Gensolen
ESSCIRC 2003 - European Solid-State Circuits Conference, Sep 2003, Estoril, Portugal. pp.615-618, ⟨10.1109/ESSCIRC.2003.1257210⟩
Conference papers lirmm-00269711v1
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CMOS Image Sensor Dedicated to Speed Determination of Fast Moving Luminous Objects

Benaïssa Bellach , Bernard Lamalle , Lee F.C. Lew Yan Voon , Guy Cathébras
Imaging: Sensors and Camera Systems for SciencesIndustrial & Digital Photography A, Jan 2003, Santa Clara, CA, United States. pp.10-18, ⟨10.1117/12.476787⟩
Conference papers lirmm-00269718v1

A Correlation Retina in Standard 0.6um : Application in Positioning System

Olivier Aubreton , Lew F.C. Lew Yan Voon , Bernard Lamalle , Guy Cathébras , Patrick Gorria
QCAV: Quality Control by Artificial Vision, May 2003, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, United States. pp.112-119, ⟨10.1117/12.514948⟩
Conference papers lirmm-00269701v1

A CMOS Image Sensor Design for Speed Determination of Fast Moving Luminous Objects

Guy Cathébras , Benaïssa Bellach , Bernard Lamalle , Lew F.C. Lew Yan Voon
QCAV: Quality Control by Artificial Vision, May 2003, Gatlinburg, Tennesse, United States. pp.120-128
Conference papers lirmm-00269716v1
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Calcul Instantané d'une Transformée Spatiale d'Image pour l'Estimation du Mouvement par Recherche de Blocs de Pixels

Guy Cathébras , David Navarro
JFAAA 2003 - Journées Francophones sur l'Adéquation Algorithme Architecture, 2003, Monastir, Tunisie
Conference papers lirmm-00269476v1
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Calcul de l'Estimation du Mouvement Intégré dans un Capteur d'Images CMOS

David Navarro , Guy Cathébras
JNRDM 2003 - 6e Journées Nationales du Réseau Doctoral de Microélectronique, 2003, Toulouse, France. pp.489-491
Conference papers lirmm-00191960v1

High Voltage Circuit Design for Medical Application

Jean-Denis Techer , Guy Cathébras , Serge Bernard , David Guiraud , Yves Bertrand
SETS: South European Test Seminar, Feb 2003, Pitztal, Austria
Conference papers lirmm-00269713v1

On the Use of CMOS 0n-Chip Mechanical Devices for Spectral Analysis

Laurent Latorre , Vincent Beroulle , Yves Bertrand , Guy Cathébras , Pascal Nouet
EUROSENSORS, Sep 2002, Prague, Czech Republic. pp.191-192
Conference papers lirmm-00268509v1

Intégration de la Transformée de Census dans un Circuit de Vision CMOS

David Navarro , Guy Cathébras , Gaston Cambon
JNRDM 2002 - 5e Journées Nationales du Réseau Doctoral de Microélectronique, Apr 2002, Paris, France
Conference papers lirmm-00269362v1

Traitement d'Images : La Solution Rétines CMOS

Olivier Aubreton , Benaïssa Bellach , Bernard Lamalle , Guy Cathébras , Patrick Gorria
CNRIUT 2002 - Colloque National sur les Recherches en I.U.T., 2002, Le Creusot, France. pp.71-76
Conference papers lirmm-00268659v1
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Rétine vidéo rapide réalisée en technologie CMOS

Benaïssa Bellach , Olivier Aubreton , Bernard Lamalle , Lfc. Lew Yan Voon , Guy Cathébras
JNRDM 2002 - 5ièmes Journées Nationales du Réseau Doctoral de Microélectronique, Apr 2002, Paris, France
Conference papers lirmm-00269430v1

Une Nouvelle Opération au CNFM : Le Programme SoC (Système sur Puce)

Lionel Torres , Pascal Lepinay , Michel Robert , Guy Cathébras
CNFM 2002 - 7es Journées Pédagogiques du Comité National de Formation en Microélectronique, Nov 2002, St Malo, France. pp.67-70
Conference papers lirmm-00269345v1

On the Implementation of Census Transform in a CMOS Vision Chip

David Navarro , Guy Cathébras , Gaston Cambon
DDECS 2002 - 5th IEEE International Workshop on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems, Apr 2002, Brno, Czech Republic. pp.300-303
Conference papers lirmm-00268521v1

Régine d'Acquisition du Flot Optique : Intégration de la Transormée de Census

David Navarro , Guy Cathébras , Gaston Cambon
Colloque du GDR CAO de Circuits et Systèmes Intégrés, May 2002, Paris, France. pp.93-96
Conference papers lirmm-00269330v1
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A Continuous Time Pattern Recognition Retina

Guy Cathébras , David Navarro , Olivier Aubreton , Benaïssa Bellach , Patrick Gorria
ESSCIRC 2002 - 28th European Solid-State Circuits Conference, Sep 2002, Firenze, Italy. pp.719-722
Conference papers lirmm-00268494v1
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A Correlation Retina for Real-Time Pattern Recognition

Bernard Lamalle , Guy Cathébras , L.F.C. Lew Yan Voon , Patrick Gorria , Benaïssa Bellach
ETFA: Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Oct 2001, Antibes-Juan les Pins, France. pp.367-372, ⟨10.1109/ETFA.2001.997708⟩
Conference papers lirmm-02306537v1
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Evaluation of VLSI Layout Implementation for Efficiency

Michel Robert , Joel Trauchessec , Guy Cathébras , Vincent Bonzom , Nadine Azemard
EURO-ASIC 1991 - European Conference on Design Automation with European Event in ASIC Design, May 1991, Paris, France. pp.362-365, ⟨10.1109/EUASIC.1991.212836⟩
Conference papers lirmm-00239384v1

Global Strategy to Guaranty Dependability of Electrical Medical Implanted Devices

Fanny Le Floch , Serge Bernard , Guilherme Bontorin , Fabien Soulier , Guy Cathébras
NER: Neural Engineering, Apr 2011, Cancun, Mexico. 5th IEEE EMBS International Conference on Neural Engineering, pp.515-518, 2011, ⟨10.1109/NER.2011.5910599⟩
Conference poster lirmm-00654942v1
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New Electrode Layout for Internal Selectivity of Nerves

Olivier Rossel , Fabien Soulier , Serge Bernard , Guy Cathébras
EMBC: Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, Sep 2009, Minneapolis, MN, United States. , 31th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp.3798-3801, 2009, ⟨10.1109/IEMBS.2009.5334437⟩
Conference poster lirmm-00413454v1

Chapter 7: Synchronous multichannel stimulator with embedded safety procedure to perform 12-poles TIME3H 3D stimulation

David Andreu , Paweł Maciejasz , Robin Passama , Guy Cathébras , Guillaume Souquet
Direct Nerve Stimulation for Induction os Sensation and Treatment of Phantom Limb Pain, 2019
Book sections lirmm-02430785v1
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Multipolar Electrode and Preamplifier Design for ENG-Signal Acquisition

Fabien Soulier , Lionel Gouyet , Guy Cathébras , Serge Bernard , David Guiraud
Ana Fred; Joaquim Filipe; Hugo Gamboa. Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, 25, Springer, pp.148-159, 2008, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 978-3-540-92218-6. ⟨10.1007/978-3-540-92219-3_11⟩
Book sections lirmm-00345755v1

Current Mask Generation: An Analog Circuit to Thwart DPA Attacks

Daniel Mesquita , Jean-Denis Techer , Lionel Torres , Michel Robert , Guy Cathébras
VLSI-SoC: From Systems to Silicon, Springer, pp.317-330, 2007, 978-0-387-73660-0
Book sections lirmm-00203662v1

Low Power and Low Jitter Wideband Clock Synthesizers in CMOS ASICs

Régis Roubadia , Sami Ajram , Guy Cathébras
Nadine Azémard, Philippe Maurine, Johan Vounckx. Integrated Circuit and System Design. Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation, 4148/2006, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp.458-467, 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 978-3-540-39094-7. ⟨10.1007/11847083_44⟩
Book sections lirmm-00109058v1
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Integration of Robustness in the Design of a Cell

Jean-Max Dutertre , Fernand-Michel Roche , Guy Cathébras
SOC Design Methodologies, 90, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.229-239, 2002, IFIP — The International Federation for Information Processin, 978-1-4757-6530-4. ⟨10.1007/978-0-387-35597-9_20⟩
Book sections lirmm-00268502v1