Researcher identifiers
- IdRef : 06946779X
**Professor IMT Mines Alès**
**Mechanics and Civil Engineering Laboratory (LMGC)**
**research group: Sustainability of eco materials and structures (DMS)**
**LMGC, IMT Mines Ales, Univ. Montpellier, CNRS**
**6 avenue de Clavières - 30319 Alès Cedex - France**
**Email : - Téléphone : +33 (0)4 66 78 53 12**
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Recycling of construction site sludge (Bentonitic) and concrete slurry in cementitious matrix10th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorization, Aug 2024, Sendai, Japan
Conference papers
Combining XRD and nanoindentation to characterize mechanical properties evolution of flax cell walls during controlled heat treatmentNanobrücken 2024: Nanomechanical Testing Conference, Mar 2024, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Fly ash as engineering filler in flame retardant systems for biopolyestersFRPM 23 - 19th European meeting on Fire Retardant Polymeric Materials, Jun 2023, Zurich, Switzerland
Conference papers
In-Situ Monitoring Of The Ultrastructure And Mechanical Properties Of Flax Cell Walls During Controlled Heat TreatmentEPNOE 2023 - 8th EPNOE International Polysaccharides Conference, Sep 2023, Graz, Austria
Conference papers
Tracking the changes into mechanical properties and ultrastructure of flax cell walls during a dynamic heating treatmentICNF 2023 - 6th International Conference on Natural Fibers, Jun 2023, Funchal (Madeira Island), Portugal
Conference papers
Use of fly ash as synergistic and reactive component of flame retardant systems for thermoplastics17th edition of Fire Resistance in Plastics, Nov 2022, Cologne, Germany
Conference papers
Effect of a Lignosulfonate Plasticizer on the Hydration of a Belite-Ye'elimite-Ferrite Cement PasteICCM 2021 - 11th ACI/RILEM International Conference on Cementitious Materials and Alternative Binders for Sustainable Concrete, Jun 2021, En ligne, Canada
Conference papers
Study of Slag Blended Cement and the Influence of TriethanolamineICCM 2021 - 11th ACI/RILEM International Conference on Cementitious Materials and Alternative Binders for Sustainable Concrete, Jun 2021, En ligne, Canada
Conference papers
Low CO2 cements: Calcium Sulfo AluminatesMixBuild 2020, XXII International Construction Forum "Cement. Concrete. Dry Mixtures", Nov 2020, Moscow, Russia
Conference papers
Characterisation of Perovskites in a Calcium Sulfo Aluminate CementICAM 2019: 14th International Congress for Applied Mineralogy, Sep 2019, Belgorod, Russia. pp.339-343, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-22974-0_82⟩
Conference papers
Study of the influence of triethanolamine on fly ash blended cementICCC 2019 - 15th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, Sep 2019, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers
Investigation of the hydration process of a wollastonite-based brushite cementICCC 2019 - 15th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, Sep 2019, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers
Evidences for progressive autochthonous bauxite cover dismantling and trapping in a karst during mid-Cretaceous. Example of in the Villeveyrac basin (Southern France)EGU General Assembly 2019, Apr 2019, Vienne, Austria. pp.EGU2019-15864
Conference papers
The Influence of Metakaolin on Limestone Reactivity in Cementitious Materials1st International Conference on Calcined Clays for Sustainable Concrete, Jun 2015, Zurich, Switzerland. pp.11-19, ⟨10.1007/978-94-017-9939-3_2⟩
Conference papers
Microstructure of recycled concreteConcrete Recycling : Research and Practice, CRC Press, 145-160 (Chap. 9), 2019, 9781351052825. ⟨10.1201/9781351052825-14⟩
Book sections
Écoconception d’ouvrages maritimes en Corse dans la baie d’AjaccioInteraction des ouvrages avec leur environnement. Le milieu maritime, p. 69-82, 2018, 978-2-35671-510-4
Book sections
Microstructure du béton recycléLe béton recyclé, Ifsttar, pp.193-210, 2018, 978-2-85782-747-4
Book sections
Ecoconception d'ouvrages maritimes en Corse dans la baie d'AjaccioSouche Jean-Claude; Salgues Marie; Pioch Sylvain; Ienny Patrick; Le Saout Gwenn. Interaction des ouvrages avec leur environnement : le milieu maritime, Presses des Mines, pp.69-82, 2018
Book sections
Effets de substrats en béton sur la colonisation marine en environnement méditerranéenSouche Jean-Claude; Salgues Marie; Pioch Sylvain; Ienny Patrick; Le Saout Gwenn. Interaction des ouvrages avec leur environnement : le milieu maritime, Presses des Mines, pp.159-170, 2018
Book sections
Effets de substrats en béton sur la colonisation marine en environnement méditerranéenInteraction des ouvrages avec leur environnement. Le milieu maritime, p. 159-170, 2018, 978-2-35671-510-4
Book sections
Caractérisation multispectroscopique de l'ordre à moyenne distance dans des verres de phosphatesMatériaux. Université d'Orléans, 2001. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩
Contribution à la caractérisation des matériaux cimentaires et au suivi de l'hydratationMatériaux. Université de Montpellier, 2015
Accreditation to supervise research