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Hadi Quesneville
Hadi Quesneville
Deputy director - Directorate for Open Science
Chief Data Officer
Current affiliations
Researcher identifiers
- Google Scholar : https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=EsjVRUYAAAAJ&hl=en
- IdRef : 137542860
Thèse en génétique des populations et bioinformatique. Post-doc en génétique épidémiologique. Travail dans le domaine de la génomique depuis plus de 20 ans, développant des méthodes et des outils informatiques pour annoter et explorer les génomes à travers l’intégration et l’analyse des données “omics”.
Développe des e-infrastructures faisant évoluer leur organisation pour suivre les évolutions scientifiques et technologiques de la biologie. Initiateur et ancien pilote de la WheatIS, un système d’information pour la génétique et la génomique du blé, construit sous l’égide de la wheat initiative, une initiative internationale pour coodonner la recherche sur le blé, et ancien coordinateur d’un nœud plante de l’Institut Français de Bioinformatique, nœud français de l’infrastructure bioinformatique européenne Elixir.
Aujourd'hui, chargé de mission auprès de la Direction Générale Déléguée à la Science et l’Innovation d’INRAE pour la gouvernance des données, des algorithmes, des codes et de l'IA en tant qu’Administrateur des données scientifique d’INRAE (Chief Data Officer). Directeur adjoint en charge du numérique scientifique à la direction pour la science ouverte.
PhD in population genetics and bioinformatics. Post-doc in epidemiological genetics. Has been working in the field of genomics for over 20 years, developing methods and computer tools for annotating and exploring genomes through the integration and analysis of ‘omics’ data.
Develops e-infrastructures, adapting their organisation to keep pace with scientific and technological developments in biology. Initiator and past pilot of WheatIS, an information system for wheat genetics and genomics, built under the aegis of the wheat initiative, an international initiative to coordinate wheat research, and past coordinator of a plant node of the Institut Français de Bioinformatique, the French node of the Elixir European bioinformatics infrastructure.
Today, responsible for the governance of data, algorithms, codes and AI as INRAE's Chief Data Officer, reporting to INRAE's Directorate General for Science and Innovation. Deputy Director in charge of Digital Science at the Directorate for Open Science.
Research domains
gestion de données
gouvernance des données
bio informatique
systèmes d'information
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The Brachypodium distachyon Pangenome Highlights Transposable Element Dynamics in the SpeciesInternational Plant & Animal Genome (PAG 32), Jan 2025, San Diego (California), United States
Conference papers
The Brachypodium distachyon pangenome highlights Transposable Element dynamics in the speciesJournées "BioinfOmics" sur la pangénomique, BioinfOmics, Dec 2024, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
A Benchmark for Transposable Element annotation toolsTEhub Workshop / International Congress on Transposable Elements, Apr 2024, Saint-Malo, France
Conference papers
Evolutionary Dynamics of Transposable Elements in Brachypodium distachyon Based on a Pangenomic ApproachInternational Plant & Animal Genome (PAG 31), Jan 2024, San Diego, United States
Conference papers
Characterization of Transposable Elements in Pangenomes24th National Congress on Transposable Elements 2023 (CNET 2023), French research community working on transposable elements (CNET), Jul 2023, Perpignan, France
Conference papers
REPET novelties : a versatile and modular packageCNET 2023 : 24th National Congress on Transposable Elements 2023, French research community working on transposable elements (CNET), Jul 2023, Perpignan, France
Conference papers
How to use REPET for de novo TE annotation11th RepeatExplorer Workshop on the Application of Next Generation Sequencing to Repetitive DNA Analysis, Laboratory of Molecular Cytogenetics of the Biology Centre CAS, May 2023, České Budějovice, Czech Republic
Conference papers
Characterization of Transposable Elements in PangenomesJournées du PEPI IBIS 2023, PEPI Ingénierie Bio Informatique et Statistique pour les données haut-débit (IBIS), Sep 2023, Paris, France
Conference papers
Characterization of Transposable Elements in Pangenomes23rd National Congress on Transposable Elements (CNET 2022), French research community working on transposable elements (CNET), Jul 2022, Gif-Sur-Yvette, France
Conference papers
Transposable elements, from their annotation to their integration into knowledge graphsJournée thématique - Annotation, Intelligence Artificielle et Text-mining, PEPI IBIS, Nov 2022, Jouy-en-Josas, France
Conference papers
Characterization of Transposable Elements in PangenomesGDR CNRS 3546 Mobil-ET Annual Meeting, Mobil-ET GDR CNRS 3546, Dec 2022, Paris, France
Conference papers
REPET evolutions: faster and easier23rd National Congress on Transposable Elements (CNET 2022), French research community working on transposable elements (CNET), Jul 2022, Gif-Sur-Yvette, France
Conference papers
Principles of data governance for research organizations -INRAE's approachData for policy 2020, Sep 2020, Virtuel, France. ⟨10.5281/zenodo.3964002⟩
Conference papers
Traces of past transposable element presence in Brassicaceae genome dark matterMobile DNA - FASEB Scientific Research Conference, Jun 2019, Palm Spring, United States
Conference papers
URGI PlatformJournées PEPI IBIS, Jun 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers
Traces of past transposable element presence in Brassicaceae genome dark matterALPHY 2019: Bioinformatics and Evolutionary Genomics, Feb 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers
Developing infrastructures for FAIR data in plant biologyGatersleben Research Conference - Applied Bioinformatics for crops (GRC2019), IPK, Mar 2019, Gatersleben, Germany
Conference papers
Traces of past transposable element presence in Brassicaceae genome dark matterCongrès National des Éléments Transposables (CNET 2019), Jul 2019, Lyon, France
Conference papers
An integrated information system dedicated to oak genomics and geneticsPAG XXVI Plant and Animal Genome Conference, Jan 2018, San Diego, United States. pp.27 slides
Conference papers
An E-infrastructure model for the plant research communitiesPAG XXVI Plant and Animal Genome Conference, Jan 2018, San Diego, United States
Conference papers
The IWGSC Data repository and wheat data resources hosted at URGI: Overview and perspectivesPAG XXVI - Plant and Animal Genome Conference, Jan 2018, San Diego, United States. pp.32 slides
Conference papers
Developing grapevine FAIR DataPAG Conference 2018, Jan 2018, San Diego, United States
Conference papers
Improving the « FAIRness » of Inra’s data for plant biology and breedingPAG XXVI - Plant and Animal Genome Conference, Jan 2018, San Diego, United States. pp.14 slides
Conference papers
BreedWheat GWAS data in GnpIS information systemEucarpia Cereal Section - Breeding cereals for sustainable agriculture, Mar 2018, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Conference papers
Apprendre à lire aux ordinateurs pour améliorer le bléJNSO - Journées Nationales de la Science Ouverte, Dec 2018, Paris, France
Conference papers
Gestion des données de séquençage (GnpIS)Colloque FRB: Séminaire de restitution de l’étude sur l’utilisation des données de séquençage de ressources génétiques pour l’agriculture et l’alimentation., Oct 2018, Paris, France
Conference papers
De novo annotation of transposable elements: tackling the fat genome issuePAG XXV - Plant and Animal Genome Conference, Jan 2017, San Diego, United States
Conference papers
De novo annotation of transposable elements: tackling the fat genome issuePAG XXV - Plant and Animal Genome Conference, Jan 2017, San Diego, United States
Conference papers
Transposable element annotation in complexe genomes.BiLille: Journée annotation des génomes, Mar 2017, Lille, France
Conference papers
WheatIS: a genetics and genomics information system for the wheat research communityPAG XXV - Plant and Animal Genome Conference, Jan 2017, San Diego, United States
Conference papers
The IWGSC Reference genome browser, data mining and beyondPAG XXV - Plant and Animal Genome Conference, Jan 2017, San Diego, United States
Conference papers
WheatIS: a genetics and genomics information system for the wheat research communityBioinformatics to advance wheat breeding, Nov 2017, Bologne, Italy
Conference papers
Plant Cyber-infrastructures: wheatIS & French elixir nodeBIOTALENT, May 2017, Poznan, Poland
Conference papers
« Big data » & pédictions dans les génomesTable ronde « Big data » IHEST, May 2017, Paris, France
Conference papers
Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable data linked to genetic resources for plant biology and breeding at INRA4. International Symposium on Genomics of Plant Genetic Resources, Sep 2017, Giessen, Germany. pp.17 slides
Conference papers
WheatIS: a genetics and genomics nformation system for the wheat research communityRDA: Interest Group Agriculture Data, Apr 2017, Barcelone, Spain
Conference papers
Forest tree GnpIS: an information system dedicated to forest tree genetics, genomics and phenomicsIUFRO Genomics and Forest Tree Genetics, May 2016, Arcachon, France
Conference papers
IWGSC Sequence Repository: Moving towards tools to facilitate data integration for the reference sequence of wheatPAG XXIV - Plant and Animal Genome Conference, Jan 2016, San Diego, United States
Conference papers
Oak genome sequencing and evolutionGenomics and Forest Tree Genetics Conference, Institut National de Recherche Agronomique (INRA). UMR Biodiversité, Gènes et Communautés (1202)., May 2016, Arcachon, France. 134 p
Conference papers
Sequencing and Analysis of Wheat Chromosome 1BPlant and Animal Genome XXIV Conference; IWGSC Standards and Protocoles Workshop, Jan 2016, San Diego, CA, United States
Conference papers
Annotation of the oak genome sequence and associated bioinformatic resourcesIUFRO Genomics and Forest Tree Genetics, Institut National de Recherche Agronomique (INRA). UMR Biodiversité, Gènes et Communautés (1202)., May 2016, Arcachon, France. 134 p
Conference papers
Exposing French agronomic resources as Linked Open DataIN-OLIVE, Jun 2016, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Contribution to a European roadmap for data standardisation in Plant Science at URGI-INRAPlant Biology Europe EPSO / FESBP 2016 Congress, Jun 2016, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers
Exposing French agronomic resources as Linked Open DataSWAT4LS: Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Life Sciences, Dec 2015, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Evolution and impact of transposable elements in Brassicaceae speciesPlant Genome Evolution 2015, Elsevier. USA., Sep 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers
De novo annotation with REPET and P-clouds : beyond default parametersAnalysis and Annotation of DNA Repeats and Dark Matter in Eukaryotic Genomes - Studium conferences, Université François Rabelais (Tours). FRA., Jul 2015, Tours, France
Conference papers
Towards efficient data integration and knowledge management in the Agronomic domainAPIA: Applications Pratiques de l'Intelligence Artificielle, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA). FRA., Jul 2015, Rennes, France. pp.117-124
Conference papers
Developing methods and tools to annotate and explore genomes through "omics" data analysis and integrationVIB Meetings, Flanders Institute for Biotechnology (VIB). BEL., Jun 2015, Gand, Belgium
Conference papers
IWGSC sequence repository : how to facilitate pseudomolecule assembly?PAG XXIII - Plant and Animal Genome Conference, Jan 2015, San Diego, United States
Conference papers
Phenotypic Data Exchange and Processing Using ISA-Tab Standard: transPLANT Project Use Case with GnpIS.Ephesis and Bii23. Plant and Animal Genome (PAG), Jan 2015, San Diego, United States
Conference papers
Grape@GnpIS: Overview of the GnpIS grape genomics and genetics integrative resource23. Plant and Animal Genome (PAG XXIII), Jan 2015, San Diego, Californie, United States. pp.24 slides
Conference papers
Assembling a pseudomolecule for a wheat chromosome: the 3B experience |