Hélène Guetat-Bernard
Researcher identifiers
- helene-guetat-bernard
- 32
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Cultiver la nature. Agroécologie et mobilisations écoféministes au BrésilDominer la nature, naturaliser les dominations. Quelle est la nature de la nature ?, org. Panthéon-Sorbonne, LaMOP - SIRICE; Justine Audebrand; Hugo Vidon; Jonas Matheron, Nov 2021, Aubervilliers, France
Conference papers
Caring through cooking the (wild edible) green vegetables (keerai) : valuation of the women’s knowledge for a sustainable diet (the case of tamil food culture of Pondicherry, India), Discussion at the roundtable on "The most urgent of revolutions: the food issue as decolonization”The Twelfth International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 12), International Convention of Asian Scholars (ICAS) in Leiden ; Kyoto Seika University (SEIKA), Aug 2021, Kyoto, Japan
Conference papers
Imaginer des évènements, fabriquer des modalités d’échanges, inventer des rapports aux connaissances pour penser et accompagner les transactions ville-campagne. Exemple de la plate-forme de réflexions et d’actions du « système alimentaire local de Pondichéry, IndeColloque International Transitions 2021 : Les transitions écologiques en transactions et actions, Session (S1-2) : les transactions ville-campagne, intervention, Jun 2021, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
An intersectionality and pedogogical approaches of a socio-environmental tragedy and injustice: the “death of the rivers” in South Indian Deccan context, Discussion at the round table on "Pedagogies of IntersectionalityThe Twelfth International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 12), International Convention of Asian Scholars (ICAS) in Leiden ; Kyoto Seika University (SEIKA), Aug 2021, Kyoto, Japan
Conference papers
Feminization of Indian Agriculture: main issues of a contrasted contextPaper presented at the seminar on Feminization of Agriculture: overview, issues, general perspectives, Purpan, University of Toulouse, Mar 2019, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
The death of the rivers in South Indian Deccan: care lacking and ecosystem destructionWorkshop organized by GIS Asie on : “Economic Growth and its Discontents: Social and Environmental Resilience, up to When? Analysing the Main Factors and Triggers for Social Resilience”, International symposium ICAS 11, University of Leiden, Netherlands, 15 – 19 July 2019, Jul 2019, Leiden, Netherlands
Conference papers
Understanding the water issue according to stakeholders, in particular womenAdaptation of agricultural systems to climate change: scientific approaches for decision making at local scale, Adaptation of agricultural systems to climate change: scientific approaches for decision making at local scale, organized by IRD in the framework of the UNCCD COP14 Desertification, New Delhi, 7th September 2019, Sep 2019, New Delhi, India
Conference papers
Groundwater depletion and environmental injustice: a French approach of care lacking through a gender analysisInternational symposium Environmental Justice 2019: Transformative Connections (EJ 2019),, Jul 2019, Norwich, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Think about the complexity of desertification: a gendered political approach of hegemonic dominationWorkshop on "Gender issues in Drylands. Women as important actors in restoring ecosystems” organized by IRD in the framework of the UNCCD COP14 Desertification, New Delhi, 6th September 2019, Sep 2019, New Delhi, India
Conference papers
From agroeology to feminist political ecology: analysis of ecofeminism and environmental care approaches (Introductive conference. Presidency of the scientific council)Coloquio Internacional Feminismo e Agroecologia, Trabalho, Cuidados e Bens Comuns, CIFA III, Recife, PE – Brasil, April 08-11 2019, Apr 2019, Recife, Brazil
Conference papers
Conservation of diversity of plants and family food with a gender lens. Approach on peasant millet system in Senegal. [DIVA project]Paper presented at the Conference-Workshop "Republic of Plants," organised by Moving Crops Collective, Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM), Society for the History of Technology (SHOT), Max Planck, Institute for the History of Science in Berlin, Dec 2019, Chennai, India
Conference papers
Culture du café et transformations des rapports de genre en pays bamiléké du CamerounColloque international "Du grain à moudre, Genre, développement rural et alimentation" IHEID, Genève, organisation par le 'pôle genre", publication dans les colloques de l'IHEID, 2011, Genève, Suisse
Conference papers
Le lieu, figure ambiguë d'un rapport de domination territorialisé et les discours sur la durabilité. (Axe III, Symposium 11)Independencias - Dependencias - Interdependencias, VI Congreso CEISAL 2010, Jun 2010, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Valuing the roles of women in food security through a gender lens: a cross-cutting analysis in Senegal and NicaraguaAlban Thomas; Arlène Alpha; Aleksandra Barczak; Nadine Zakhia-Rozis. Sustainable food systems for food security. Need for combination of local and global approaches, Edition Quae, pp.85-97, 2022, 9782759235759
Book sections
Millets and kīrai: Two food categories emblematic of the ability and knowledge of Tamil women to ensure a healthy and sustainable dietKathleen Kevany; Paolo Prosperi. Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Diets, Routledge, pp.595-606, 2022, 9781032004860
Book sections
Géohistoire du genre et du développement rural en Afrique. L’exemple emblématique des régions de l’ouest et du sud du CamerounCharmain Levy; Andrea Martinez. Genre, féminismes et développement : une trilogie en construction, Presses de université d’Ottawa, pp.347-364, 2019, 9782760328259
Book sections
IntroductionGuétat-Bernard Hélène. Féminin-masculin: Genre et agricultures familiales, Éd. Quae, pp.79-85, 2014, ⟨10.3917/quae.guet.2014.01.0079⟩
Book sections
Inégalités de genre et gestion sociale des ressources, introduction partie 1H. Guetat-Bernard. Féminin-Masculin, genre et agricultures familiales, Quae, 2014, Collection Nature et Société
Book sections
O "bom" casamento em áreas de fronteira, ou a difícil autonomização das "tarefas" femininas em área de fronteiraDelma PESSANHA NEVES; Leonilde SERVOLO MEDEIROS. Mulheres camponesas: trabalho produtivo e engajamentos políticos, Editora Alternativa, pp.107-128, 2013, 978-85-63749-08-9
Book sections
Initiatives féminines en agriculture et dynamiques des territoiresG. Ferreol. Femmes et agricultures, EME Editions, pp.143-155, 2011, Collection Proximités Sociologie
Book sections
Introduction / Conclusion (Migrants des Suds)Migrants des Suds / sous la direction de Virginie Baby-Collin, Geneviève Cortes, Laurent Faret, Hélène Guetat-Bernard, IRD; PULM (Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée), pp.15-26, 2009
Book sections
Transferts migratoires, trajectoires de mobilité et développementVirginie Baby-Collin; Geneviève Cortes; Laurent Faret; Hélène Guetat-Bernard. Migrants des Suds, IRD; Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée, pp.237-260, 2009
Book sections
ConclusionGuénola Capron; Geneviève Cortès; Hélène Guétat. Liens et lieux de la mobilité : ces autres territoires, Belin, pp.311-316, 2005
Book sections
IntroductionGuénola Capron; Geneviève Cortès; Hélène Guétat. Liens et lieux de la mobilité : ces autres territoires, Belin, pp.9-23, 2005
Book sections
Guia metodológico - Projeto GENgiBRe2022
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
Expanding and intensifying rice production consequences on agrobiodiversity management and diet quality. A situated transdisciplinary gendered analysis in Senegal Middle Valley River2020
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
Les choix d’orientation dans l’enseignement agricole technique : entre émancipation et assignation de genre. Note de synthèseÉcole nationale supérieure de formation de l'enseignement agricole (ENSFEA); Ministère de l'agriculture et de l'alimentation. 2023, 17 p
Les choix d’orientation dans l’enseignement agricole technique : entre émancipation et assignation de genre. Rapport de rechercheÉcole Nationale Supérieure de Formation de l'Enseignement Agricole de Toulouse-Auzeville (ENSFEA); Ministère de l'Agriculture et de l'Alimentation. 2023, 217 p
Les Systèmes Familiaux Multi-localisés: un modèle d'analyse original des ruralités aux Suds[Rapport de recherche] CIRAD. 2014, 13 p