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Hengameh Pirhosseinloo

Researcher identifiers
  • IdHAL hengameh-pirhosseinloo-amini
  • IdRef : 253134145


**Docteure en architecture** de l'université Grenoble Alpes (soutenance le 20 décembre 2019) **Master 2 en informatique**, parcours Compétences Complémentaires en Informatique (CCI, 2022) **Architecte DPLG** ENSA Paris-La Villette (mai 2007) Thématique de recherche : Ambiances sonores et habitat collectif l’expertise sensible et l’expertise habitante au service de la conception architecturale, traitement numérique des données architecturales, intelligence artificielle pour l'architecture Mots-clefs : Ambiance sonore, habitat collective, Construire avec le son et le temps, Son comme matériel de construction, expertise sensible, expertise habitante
Architect in France, Master of sociology and language in Iran Research them : Soundscapes and collective housing sensitive and resident expertises in the service of architectural conception Keywords : Soundscape, collective housing, Construct with sound and time, Sound as a construction material, sensitive expertise, Resident expertise


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Inhabiting the facade : conquering a sensory layer

Hengameh Pirhosseinloo-Amini
4th International Congress on Ambiances, Alloaesthesia: Senses, Inventions, Worlds, Réseau International Ambiances, Dec 2020, e-conference, France
Conference papers hal-03383966v1
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Esquis'Sons ! Sketching soundscapes by using parametric tools: application to the design of balconies, loggias, terraces and corridors of building facades

Nicolas Rémy , Théo Marchal , Grégoire Chelkoff , Hengameh Pirhosseinloo-Amini , Jean-Luc Bardyn
Euronoise 2018, May 2018, HERSONISSOS, CRETE, Greece.
Conference papers halshs-01807918v1
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Towards a typology of listening situations: The balcony as a sonic interface in evolution

Hengameh Pirhosseinloo-Amini , Noha Gamal Said
International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment (SDBE 2017), Sustainable Development of the Built Environment, Dec 2017, Londres, United Kingdom. pp.305-317
Conference papers hal-02044924v1
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Esquis’Sons ! Outils d’aide à la conception d’environnements sonores durables

Nicolas Rémy , Grégoire Chelkoff , Théo Marchal , Jean-Luc Bardyn , Noha Gamal Said
Ambiances, tomorrow. Proceedings of 3rd International Congress on Ambiances. Septembre 2016, Volos, Greece, Sep 2016, Volos, Grèce. p. 529 - 534
Conference papers hal-01404371v1
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Esquis'sons ! Sound Sketch : A Parametric Tool to Design Sustainable Soundscapes

Théo Marchal , Nicolas Rémy , Grégoire Chelkoff , Jean-Luc Bardyn , Noha Gamal Said
Complexity & Simplicity - 34th eCAADe Conference, University of Oulu, Aug 2016, Oulu, Finland. pp. 275-284
Conference papers hal-01361440v1
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Esquis’sons ! Outils d’aide à la conception d’environnements sonores durables

Nicolas Rémy , Hengameh Pirhosseinloo-Amini , Jean-Luc Bardyn , Grégoire Chelkoff , Noha Gamal Said
[Rapport de recherche] 88, Cresson; ADEME, Direction Villes et territoires durables; ENSAG. 2016, 1 vol. [106 p. + 78 fiches non numérotées]
Reports hal-01274959v1