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Hervé Laurent

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**Formation :** 2011 HDR - Université Bretagne-Sud "Modélisation de la mise en forme des tôles métalliques et du comportement des matériaux polymères" 1996 Doctorat en Mécanique - Université du Maine "Étude en grandes transformations d’une nouvelle famille d’éléments finis coque triangulaire à trois degrés de liberté par nœud. Application à la simulation numérique de l’emboutissage." 1992 Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies en Mécanique - Université du Maine **Activités professionnelles :** Depuis Sept. 2020 Professeur des Universités - IRDL - Responsable Parcours Mécatronique Mécatronique à l’ENSIBS Juil. 2008-Juil. 2009 Bourse Marie-Curie Intra-European Fellowships (IEF) effectuée au CEMUC à l’Université de Coimbra (Portugal) Janv. 2008-Juil. 2008 Congés pour Recherche et Conversion Thématique au CEMUC Sept 1997-Sept 2020 Maitre de Conférences à l’UFR SSI (Filière Génie Mécanique et Matériaux) UBS Sept 1996-Sept 1997 ATER à l’Institut Universitaire Professionnalisé à l’UBS Sept 1993-Sept. 1996 Ingénieur au Centre de Génie Industriel (Lorient) sous contrat avec Renault (thèse de doctorat) Sept 1992-Sept. 1993 Scientifique du Contingent au Centre d’Etudes de Gramat (Lot), Service Souffle et Thermique **Compétences en recherche** Caractérisation et modélisation du comportement des matériaux métalliques et polymères. Applications à la mise en forme des matériaux métallique en température et à la simulation en service des matériaux polymères

Research domains

Mechanics of materials [physics.class-ph]


Mécanique des Matériaux Métalliques et Polymères sous conditions sévères


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Mechanical characterization of PHA reinforced with Alfa fibers: influence of fiber content and strain rate

Ismahen Zaafouri , Hervé É Laurent , Montassar Zrida , Ahmed Hichem Hamzaoui
Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2024, ⟨10.1177/07316844241229519⟩
Journal articles hal-04811018v1
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Optimum heating time for warm forming of AA7075 aluminum alloy in T6 condition

Sylvain Royne , Hervé Laurent , André Maillard
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2024, 133, pp.6005-6021. ⟨10.1007/s00170-024-14084-8⟩
Journal articles hal-04649874v1
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A novel hydraulic bulge test in hot forming conditions

A. Boyer , N. Demazel , J. Coër , Muriel Carin , H. Laurent
Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2023, 316, pp.117917. ⟨10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2023.117917⟩
Journal articles hal-04649909v1

A novel hydraulic bulge test in hot forming conditions

A. Boyer , N. Demazel , J. Coer , M. Carin , H. Laurent
Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2023, 316, ⟨10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2023.117917⟩
Journal articles hal-04420535v1
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Experimental and numerical investigation of ductile fracture for AA6061-T6 sheets at room and elevated temperatures

Ahmed Kacem , Hervé Laurent , Sandrine Thuillier
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2022, 222, pp.107201. ⟨10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2022.107201⟩
Journal articles hal-04649904v1
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A direct resistance heating method for shaped blank

N. Demazel , H. Laurent , P. Le Masson , H. Salmon-Legagneur , M. Carin
Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2021, 62, pp.772-783. ⟨10.1016/j.jmapro.2020.12.056⟩
Journal articles hal-04007119v1
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Influence of experimental boundary conditions on the calibration of a ductile fracture criterion

Ahmed Kacem , Hervé Laurent , Sandrine Thuillier
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2021, 248, pp.107686. ⟨10.1016/j.engfracmech.2021.107686⟩
Journal articles hal-04649896v1

Investigation of Portevin-Le Châtelier effect during Erichsen test

L. Mansouri , J. Coër , S. Thuillier , H. Laurent , P. Manach
International Journal of Material Forming, 2019, 13 (5), pp.687-697. ⟨10.1007/s12289-019-01511-5⟩
Journal articles hal-04693552v1
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Temperature-dependent modelling of a HNBR O-ring seal above and below the glass transition temperature

Julien Troufflard , Hervé Laurent , Gérard Rio , Benoît Omnes , Solène Javanaud
Materials & Design, 2018, 156, pp.1-15. ⟨10.1016/j.matdes.2018.06.016⟩
Journal articles hal-02069332v1

Investigation of the progressive hot die stamping of a complex boron steel part using numerical simulations and Gleeble tests

N. Demazel , H. Laurent , J. Coer , M. Carin , P. Le Masson
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 99 (1-4), pp.803-817. ⟨10.1007/s00170-018-2532-6⟩
Journal articles hal-02069326v1
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Detailed experimental and numerical analysis of a cylindrical cup deep drawing Pros and cons of using solid-shell elements

J. Coer , H. Laurent , M. C. Oliveira , P. Y. Manach , L. F. Menezes
International Journal of Material Forming, 2018, 11 (3), pp.357-373. ⟨10.1007/s12289-017-1357-4⟩
Journal articles hal-02069304v1
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Numerical study of springback using the split-ring test influence of the clearance between the die and the punch

V. M. Simoes , M. C. Oliveira , D. M. Neto , P. M. Cunha , H. Laurent
International Journal of Material Forming, 2017, 11 (2), pp.325-337. ⟨10.1007/s12289-017-1351-x⟩
Journal articles hal-02069283v1

A new staggered algorithm for thermomechanical coupled problems

J. M. P. Martins , D. M. Neto , J. L. Alves , M. C. Oliveira , H. Laurent
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2017, 122, pp.42-58. ⟨10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2017.06.002⟩
Journal articles hal-01697274v1
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Experimental and numerical studies on the warm deep drawing of an Al–Mg alloy

H. Laurent , J. Coër , P.Y. Manach , M.C. Oliveira , L.F. Menezes
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2015, 93, pp.59-72. ⟨10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2015.01.009⟩
Journal articles hal-04787822v1

Kinematics of Portevin–Le Chatelier bands in simple shear

P.Y. Manach , Sandrine Thuillier , J.W. Yoon , J. Coër , H. Laurent
International Journal of Plasticity, 2014, 58, pp.66-83. ⟨10.1016/j.ijplas.2014.02.005⟩
Journal articles hal-01099846v1

Piobert-Lüders plateau and Portevin-Le Chatelier effect in an Al-Mg alloy in simple shear

J. Coër , P.Y. Manach , H. Laurent , M.C. Oliveira , L. F. Menezes
Mechanics Research Communications, 2013, 48, pp.1-7. ⟨10.1016/j.mechrescom.2012.11.008⟩
Journal articles hal-00759495v1

Relationship between Local Strain Jumps and Temperature Bursts Due to the Portevin-Le Chatelier Effect in an Al-Mg Alloy

C. Bernard , J. Coer , H. Laurent , P. Chauvelon , P.Y. Manach
Experimental Mechanics, 2013, 53 (6), pp.1025-1032. ⟨10.1007/s11340-012-9711-4⟩
Journal articles hal-00985256v1

Sensitivity analysis of process parameters in the drawing and ironing processes

V.M. Simoes , J. Coër , H. Laurent , M.C. Oliveira , J. L. Alves
Key Engineering Materials, 2013, 554-557, pp.2256-2265. ⟨10.4028/⟩
Journal articles hal-00912688v1

The Effect of Temperature on Anisotropy Properties of an Aluminium Alloy

J. Coër , Cédric Bernard , Hervé Laurent , A. Andrade-Campos , Sandrine Thuillier
Experimental Mechanics, 2011, Volume 51 (Number 7), pp.1185-1195. ⟨10.1007/s11340-010-9415-6⟩
Journal articles hal-00715790v1
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A simplified methodology to identify material parameters of a hyperelasto-visco-hysteresis model: application to a fluoro-elastomer

Hervé Laurent , Aude Vandenbroucke , Gérard Rio , Nourredine Aït Hocine
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2011, 19 (8), pp.085004. ⟨10.1088/0965-0393/19/8/085004⟩
Journal articles hal-00715985v1

Mechanical behaviour and springback study of an aluminium alloy in warm forming conditions

Hervé Laurent , J. Coër , Renaud Grèze , Pierre-Yves Manach , A. Andrade-Campos
ISRN Mechanical Engineering, 2011, pp.381615
Journal articles hal-00716003v1

Numerical study of springback using the split-ring test for an aa5754 aluminum alloy

Hervé Laurent , Renaud Grèze , Luís Filipe Menezes , Marta Oliveira , Pierre-Yves Manach
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 2010, 46 (9), pp.751-759. ⟨10.1016/j.finel.2010.04.004⟩
Journal articles hal-00494094v1
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Influence of constitutive model in springback prediction using the split-ring test

Hervé Laurent , Renaud Grèze , Pierre-Yves Manach , Sandrine Thuillier
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2009, 51 (3), pp 233-245. ⟨10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2008.12.010⟩
Journal articles hal-00400919v1

Experimental and numerical study of polypropylene behavior using an hyper-visco-hysteresis constitutive law

M. Zrida , Hervé Laurent , Gérard Rio , Sylvie Pimbert , Vincent Grolleau
Computational Materials Science, 2009, 45 (2), pp 516-527
Journal articles hal-00400913v1

Asynchronous interface between a finite element commercial software Abaqus and an academic research code Herezh++

Gérard Rio , Hervé Laurent , G. Bles
Advances in Engineering Software, 2008, 39 (12), pp 1010-1022
Journal articles hal-00399247v1

Cumulated tensorial strain measure in the logaritmic rotating frame

V. Mora , H. Laurent , G. Rio
Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 2004, 332 (11), pp.921-926. ⟨10.1016/j.crme.2004.07.005⟩
Journal articles hal-00759695v1

Formulation of a thin shell finite element with continuity C0 and convected material frame notion

H. Laurent , G. Rio
Computational Mechanics, 2001, 27 (3), pp.218-232. ⟨10.1007/s004660100243⟩
Journal articles hal-00759691v1
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Warm forming of AA7075-T6: optimizing the heating time to maintain T6 condition

Hervé H Laurent , Sylvain Royne , André Maillard
The 27th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, ESAFORM2024, Apr 2024, Toulouse, France. pp.1159-1165, ⟨10.21741/9781644903131-128⟩
Conference papers hal-04864564v1
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Numerical and Experimental Forming of a Cylindrical Cup in 7075-T6 Under Warm Temperature Conditions

S. Royne , H. Laurent , A. Maillard
ICTP 2023, Sep 2023, Mandelieu-La Napoule, France. pp.244-251, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-40920-2_26⟩
Conference papers hal-04650017v1
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Forming of a cylindrical cup in 7075-T6 under warm temperature conditions

Sylvain Royne , Hervé Laurent , André Maillard
42nd Conference of the International Deep Drawing Research Group, IDDRG, Jun 2023, Luleå, Sweden. pp.012026, ⟨10.1088/1757-899x/1284/1/012026⟩
Conference papers hal-04794547v1

Hot tensile and expansion tests of Ductibor®1000 steel

N Demazel , A Boyer , H Laurent , M Oliveira
IDDRG2022, Jun 2022, Lorient (56100), France. pp.012054, ⟨10.1088/1757-899X/1238/1/012054⟩
Conference papers hal-04649991v1
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Characterization of polypropylene PPC7712 using the Bulging Test

Ismahen Zaafouri , Montassar Zrida , Hervé Laurent , Ahmed Hichem Hamzaoui
Third International Conference on Advanced Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing (A3M’2021), Mar 2021, Tunis, Tunisia
Conference papers hal-04810858v1
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Simulation du gonflement des ballons stratosphériques

Hugo Le Meitour , Gérard Rio , Hervé Laurent , Anne-Sophie Lectez , Pascale Guigue
14ème Colloque National en Calcul de Structures (CSMA 2019), CSMA, LEM3, MSME, Université de Lorraine, Arts et Métiers, CNRS, May 2019, Hyères, France
Conference papers hal-04824642v1
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Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Exfoliated Graphite Seals

Emilie Viéville , Hervé Laurent , Gérard Rio , Benoît Omnes , Hubert Lejeune
ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Jul 2017, Waikoloa, HI, United States. ⟨10.1115/PVP2017-65390⟩
Conference papers hal-02008172v1

Influence of prestrain on the occurrence of PLC effect in an Al-Mg alloy

P. Manach , J. Coër , H. Laurent , C. Bernard , S. Thuillier
NUMISHEET 2014: The 9th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes: Part A Benchmark Problems and Results and Part B General Papers, Jan 2014, Melbourne, France. pp.428-432, ⟨10.1063/1.4850006⟩
Conference papers hal-04698681v1

Elaboration and mechanical characterization of a polymer filled with Alfa fibers

Z. Toujeni , M. Zrida , H. Laurent , G. Rio
Fifth International Congress Design and Modelling of Mechanical Systems (CMSM2013), Mar 2013, Djerba, Tunisia
Conference papers hal-00800327v1

Manifestation de l'effet Portevin-Le Chatelier en cisaillement simple

J. Coër , P.Y. Manach , H. Laurent , Sandrine Thuillier
21ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2013, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers hal-00912718v1

A mechanical analysis of a polypropylene copolymer reinforced by alfa fibers

H. Laurent , Z. Toujeni , M. Zrida , G. Rio
Conference papers hal-00912700v1

Influence of the yield criteria in the numerical simulation of an AA5745-O cylindrical cup

V.M. Simoes , J. Coër , Hervé Laurent , M.C. Oliveira , J. L. Alves
Congreso de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería, Jun 2013, Bilbao, Spain
Conference papers hal-00912731v1
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Erwan Guitton , H Laurent , G Rio , Y-M Corre , S Bruzaud
Polymer Processing Society 28th, Polymer Processing Society, Dec 2012, Pattaya, Thailand
Conference papers hal-01229416v1

Study on springback in deep drawn tailor welded blanks

R. Padmanabhan , M.C. Oliveira , Hervé Laurent , J.L. Alves , L.F. Menezes
The 12th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, 2009, Netherlands. pp.59
Conference papers hal-00404348v1

Experimental and numerical study of springback in aluminum alloys based on a split-ring test

Renaud Grèze , Hervé Laurent , Pierre-Yves Manach
Numisheet 2008, 2008, Interlaken, Switzerland. pp 491-496
Conference papers hal-00401204v1

Influence of the temperature on residual stresses and springback effect in an aluminium alloy

Pierre-Yves Manach , Renaud Grèze , Hervé Laurent , Sandrine Thuillier , L.F. Menezes
Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT2008), Nov 2008, Manama, Bahrain. ⟨10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2010.04.008⟩
Conference papers hal-00404052v1

High speed tensile test on the propylene

M. Zrida , Hervé Laurent , Vincent Grolleau , Gérard Rio , N. Masmoudi
4th International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, 2008, Tunisia. pp.71
Conference papers hal-00404345v1

An hyper-visco-hysteretic model for elastomeric behaviour under low and high temperature: experimental and numerical investigations

Hervé Laurent , Aude Vandenbroucke , Sylvain Couedo , Gérard Rio , Nourredine Aït Hocine
Constitutive Models for Rubber V, 2007, Paris, France. pp 47-52
Conference papers hal-00401197v1

Springback study in aluminum alloys based on the Demeri benchmark test : influence of material model

Renaud Grèze , Hervé Laurent , Pierre-Yves Manach
10th ESAFORM conference on material forming, Apr 2007, Saragosse, Spain. pp.CD rom
Conference papers hal-00404276v1
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Une interface entre un code de calcul de laboratoire Herezh++ et le logiciel Abaqus

Hervé Laurent , Gérard Rio , Guilhem Bles
8e Colloque national en calcul des structures, CSMA, May 2007, Giens, France
Conference papers hal-01488888v1

Study of polypropylene structures behavior by elasto-visco-hysteresis models

M. Zrida , Nader Masmoudi , Hervé Laurent , Gérard Rio , Sylvie Pimbert
Third International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (ICAMEM 2006), 2006, Hammamet, Tunisia
Conference papers hal-00400938v1

identification of a behavior model of elastohysteresis for a polypropylène

M. Zrida , H. Laurent , N. Masmoudi , C. Bradai , G. Rio
In international conference residual fatigue life and life extension of in-service structures (JIP 2006), 2006, Paris, France. pp.339-346
Conference papers hal-00601019v1
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Liens en grandes transformations entre le taux de déformation, les mesures de déformation eulériennes et les référentiels locaux objectifs pour les lois de comportement élastoplastiques

Vincent Mora , Gérard Rio , Hervé Laurent
17e Congrès Français de Mécanique, 2005, Troyes, France
Conference papers hal-04225418v1

Un modèle de comportement élastoplastique en grandes transformations en coordonnées matérielles entraînées. Etude pour un élément de coque mince

Hervé Laurent , V. Mora , Gérard Rio
Materiaux 2002, Oct 2002, Tours, France
Conference papers hal-00400931v1

A new efficient finite element model of shell with only three degrees of freedom per node. Application to industrial deep drawing test

Gérard Rio , B. Tathi , Hervé Laurent
18ème International Biennial Congress 1994 - Recent Developments in Sheet Metal Forming, 1994, Lisbonne, Portugal. pp. 461-472
Conference papers hal-00400926v1
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Modélisation de la mise en forme des tôles métalliques et du comportement des matériaux polymères.

Hervé Laurent
Mécanique des matériaux [physics.class-ph]. Université de Bretagne Sud, 2011
Accreditation to supervise research tel-00760070v1